MCBW :: Volume #15

#1455: Should not

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1455 1455 The Ye Fan itself thinks that this move has been able to kill the black taro second, but has not expected, the sword has delimited feeling, having one is not right, as if does not have hitting the mark entity. 叶帆本以为这一招已经可以把黑蕖秒杀,但没料到,剑划过的感觉,有一丝不对劲,仿佛没有切中实体。 Although True Yuan of black taro protected the shield to be cut to break to pieces, movement that but his body, in a moment ago that flash, mysterious and is unable to describe! 虽然黑蕖的真元护盾被斩碎了,但他的身体,在刚才那一刹那,有一个玄妙而无法描述的移动! Ye Fan has not seen clearly, the discovery, the black taro has avoided the side about 78 meters!? 叶帆也没怎么看清楚,就发现,黑蕖已经躲避到了侧面七八米开外了!? Sees only black taro single knee on the ground, a hand is covering the chest, is pale, clenches jaws, looks at Ye Fan everywhere alarmed and afraid. 只见黑蕖单膝跪在地上,一只手捂着胸口,脸色苍白,咬牙切齿,满目惊惧地看着叶帆 ? How did the mortal body evade this sword...... you to achieve unexpectedly?” ?竟然肉身躲过了这一剑……你怎么做到的?” This looks like in Ye Fan, is almost impossible...... because of his speed and explosive force, not these member can compare, let alone he is the single layer disintegration condition, put forth daybreak sword intent. 这在叶帆看来,几乎是不可能的……因为他的速度和爆发力,远非这些修士可以比拟,何况他还是一重解体状态,使出了“破晓”剑意 This black taro, just with any strange magic arts, made an adjustment his nearby time path probably...... 这个黑蕖,刚刚好像是用了什么诡异的法术,将他身边的时间轨迹做了一个调整…… On being just like, should sword cut the time of his throat, will be delayed such zero point several seconds in the future, then, while this time, the black taro dodged! 就好比,原本应该一剑划破他喉咙的时间,被往后拖延了这么零点几秒,然后,趁着这点时间,黑蕖闪躲了开去! This does not depend on the black taro true temporary response, but is he feels the danger the time, ahead of time! 这不是靠着黑蕖真正的临时反应,而是他感觉生命危险的时候,提前施法了! But, can let the daybreak sword intent mistake of Ye Fan, this already very strange. 可是,能让叶帆的破晓剑意失误,这就已经非常邪乎了。 !......” A black taro blood spat, is shivering the say/way: Never sees so terrifying sword intent below...... obviously is also the might of pill boundary, is so exquisite, being hard to resist...... this could it be is legendary emperor level sword intent?!” “噗!……”黑蕖一口血吐了出来,颤抖着道:“在下从未见过如此恐怖的剑意……明明也是地丹境的威力,却如此精妙,难以抵挡……这难道传说中的帝王级剑意?!” Ye Fan narrowed the eye, also not anxious killed people, said: „ Right, I comprehended emperor level sword intent. 叶帆眯了眯眼,也不急着杀人了,道:“没错,我是领悟了帝王级剑意 You did also by what, avoid my sword a moment ago? Looked that your appearance...... did put forth a moment ago that move probably, the wound to you yourself? ” 你刚才是靠什么,躲开了我这一剑?看你的样子……好像使出刚才那一招,伤到你自己了?” I said...... Excellency will let off me?” The black taro asked. “我说了……阁下会放过我吗?”黑蕖问道。 Do not bargain back and forth with me, your does not say, I kill you now immediately, Ye Fan said. “别跟我讨价还价,你不说,我就现在立刻杀你”,叶帆道。 The black taro has no alternative, has saying: „ This is my north Xuan-school the technique of art of making oneself invisible, named ‚a time, in the startled gate according to eight and dead gate with living the gate art of making oneself invisible position is the foundation, may the life and death frontline, delay in the future. 黑蕖无可奈何,只好道:“此乃我北玄派的奇门之术,名为‘一寸阴’,按八门中惊门、死门与生门的奇门方位为基础,可将生死一线,往后拖延。 Avoids the more becomes formidable ill omen, southwest the dead gate the Kūn palace more was flushed, then can injure and uses/gives technique...... ” 只是,避开越是强大的凶兆,死门西南宫越是受冲,便会伤及施术者自身……” Ye Fan also hears a general idea, but basically was understands. 叶帆也是听得个大概,但基本算是明白了。 Although this technique law can become to avoid disaster, does not want to use to use, the attack that avoids is stronger, injures to uses/gives technique it is bigger. 这门术法虽然可以趋吉避凶,可不是想用就用的,躲开的攻击越强,对施术者本身伤害越大。 This art of making oneself invisible technique law, but also is really the mysterious thing, does not know , in this life also preserves many, in this Ancient Immortal Spirit World, as if also very many core art. 这奇门术法,还真是神奇的东西,也不知道当今世上还留存多少,这古仙灵界里,似乎还有挺多的绝学 Massacres this black taro, but also was very a pity, from his mouth, should be able to gain massive Ancient Immortal Spirit World materials. 杀掉这个黑蕖,还真挺可惜,从他口中,应该能获取大量的古仙灵界的资料。 Knows oneself and other side to be undefeated in many battles, although does not know that in the future Ancient Immortal Spirit World can clash with the surface civilization, but prevents ahead of time well always. 知己知彼百战不殆,虽然不知道未来古仙灵界会不会与地表文明发生冲突,但提前预防总是好的。 In comparison, Escape World Alliance Elder Assembly the approach, completely passive cover truth, is actually burying the time bomb. 相比之下,遁世联盟长老会的这种做法,完全被动的掩盖真相,其实是埋着定时炸弹。 After a Ye Fan consideration, puts out the stone of that pass on message, said: „ You also saw, I kill you, by no means uses energy, gives you again sword, your ‚a time, could not put forth for the second time. 叶帆一思量后,拿出那枚传讯的石头,道:“你也看到了,我杀你,并不费劲,再给你一剑,你这个‘一寸阴’,也使不出第二次了。 If you want to maintain a livelihood, I can you an opportunity......, so long as you abandoned cultivation base, turns into an ordinary mortal, I do not kill you ”. 如果你想活命,我可以给你一个机会……只要你把修为废了,变成一个普通凡人,我就不杀你”。 self-abandoned cultivation base!?” The black taro complexion sinks, said decidedly: „ Is impossible! You have the skill to kill me! If I disappear, in northern Xuan-school the person definitely will come this place to seek me! 自废修为!?”黑蕖脸色一沉,决然道:“不可能!你有本事就杀我!若我不见了,北玄派中人必然会来此地寻我! They will discover this place sooner or later, by that time, even if they do not know all of a sudden was you killed me, should still check to come to light! Do not think, really can avoid our north Xuan-school! ” 他们迟早会发现这个地方,到那时候,就算他们一下子不知道是你杀了我,也会查个水落石出!你别以为,真的能躲开我们北玄派!” Ye Fan listens to have a headache, this fellow, gives him to maintain a livelihood the opportunity not to want, but must coerce him, frightens him. 叶帆听着都头疼,这家伙,给他活命机会都不要,还非得要挟他,吓唬他。 Actually by this goods reminder, Ye Fan also thought of a point. 其实被这货一提醒,叶帆也想到了一点。 This fellow can in the frog body anything mark, guarantee does not permit he himself body also to have, if oneself keeps his life, perhaps northern Xuan-school quickly looked! 这家伙能在蛤蟆身上种个什么印记,保不准他自己身上也有,自己若留着他性命,没准北玄派很快就找来了! „Not good...... killed you, quite safe......” “不行……还是杀了你,比较保险……” Ye Fan raises the sword, rushes toward a black taro arrow step! 叶帆提剑,朝着黑蕖一个箭步冲了上去! Black taro little while also raised some strengths, stands up, suddenly pulls out three rune/symbol Lu from the storage bag, True Yuan is stimulating to movement, three rune/symbol Lu erupts two groups of blazing flames, together thunderclap thunder and lightning! 黑蕖这会儿也养了一些力气,站起身来,突然从储物袋里掏出三张符箓,真元催动着,三张符箓爆发出两团炽烈的火光,一道霹雳雷电! Comes just right! Courts death!!” “来得正好!找死!!” He received the internal injury, but stimulates to movement rune/symbol Lu, can use few True Yuan, the release the powerful magic arts! 他受了内伤,但催动符箓,可以用较少的真元,释放出强大的法术! Before was also worried that the symbol lu magic arts lacked nimble and resourceful, possibly could not project on Ye Fan, but Ye Fan oneself delivered, that was easier! 之前还担心符箓法术缺乏灵动性,可能打不到叶帆,但叶帆自己送上门,那就容易多了! But he underestimated Ye Fan skin rough flesh thick, Ye Fan evades radically does not evade, in two hands a go-getter, a moye, welcomed the True Yuan roaring flame that two groups are roasting roast, circled in flight cuts continually, divided the powder it! 可他低估了叶帆皮糙肉厚,叶帆根本避也不避,两只手上一把干将,一把莫邪,迎着那两团炙烤的真元烈焰,一个飞旋连斩,就将其劈散! Even if some flame bumped into Ye Fan, but Ye Fan not like member general, body is frail, he conducts the shoulder directly proceeds to clash. 纵然有一些火焰碰到了叶帆,可叶帆不像一般的修士,身体脆弱,他直接扛着就往前冲。 Facing that thunder, a Ye Fan moye lost, it after the midair obstructs, takes advantage of opportunity another to carry with the hand the go-getter, nimble and resourceful curve positioning, around has delimited the neck of black taro instantaneously! 面对那道雷霆,叶帆一把莫邪丢了出去,将其在半空阻截后,顺势另一只手提着干将,一个灵动的弧度走位,绕着瞬间划过黑蕖的脖子! The black taro eyeful despairs and shocking, he has never seen the fellow of such fight in Ancient Immortal Spirit World, everyone general is the long-distance range puts together the magic arts, only if there is member of Qi Condensing period, meets the close combat to fight. 黑蕖满眼的绝望和震惊,他从未在古仙灵界见过这样战斗的家伙,大家一般都是远距离拼法术,除非只有凝气期的修士,才会近战搏斗。 But Ye Fan actually uses this pulling closer distance the primitive forms of combat, becomes his magic arts is forcefully the same as the joke, rushes to him in front of irresistible force! 叶帆却用这种拉近距离的原始战斗方式,强行把他的法术变得跟玩笑一样,势如破竹地闯到他面前! The black taro exudes the pitiful yell sound without enough time, head flew to fall in the snowy area...... 黑蕖连惨叫声都来不及发出,一枚人头就飞落到了雪地上…… Ye Fan takes in Sword God ring the sword completely, shouted the tone, muttered: Why...... to give you opportunity to maintain a livelihood, you yourself did not want......” 叶帆将剑全部收进剑神指环,呼了口气,喃喃自语:“何必呢……给你机会活命了,你自己不要的……” However Ye Fan how many leisurely moods have not sighed with emotion these, he rapidly black taro body all things, peeling, after all is Ancient Immortal Spirit World too mystical, what treasure guarantees does not permit his body clothes is also? 不过叶帆没多少闲心感慨这些,他迅速地把黑蕖身上的所有东西,都给剥了下来,毕竟古仙灵界太神秘,保不准他身上的衣服也是什么宝贝呢? When attains the storage bag of black taro, on the Ye Fan face the smile is very bright. 当拿到黑蕖的储物袋时,叶帆脸上笑容很灿烂。 Because this fellow compared before that to male and female disciple, but was high-level, should have the good thing, was worth taking to study quite. 因为这个家伙比以前遇到的那对男女弟子,可要高级,应该有更多好东西,值得拿回去好生研究。 But then thinks, Ye Fan also slapped oneself in the face, Ye Fan Ye Fan, are you so unpromising? Snatches the thing of deceased person, some are such happy? Is inappropriate...... hehe...... hehe......” 可转而一想,叶帆打了自己一嘴巴,“叶帆叶帆,你怎么如此没出息?抢个死人的东西,有这么高兴么?不合适啊……嘿嘿……嘿嘿……” Ye Fan threw the corpse of black taro a section that had the snow leopard and vulture appears and disappears, covered here after all, also returned to that entrance position. 叶帆把黑蕖的尸体丢到了一片有雪豹和秃鹫出没的地段,掩盖了这里的一切后,回到了那个入口的位置。 Truly to the black taro said that here was a hidden danger, Ye Fan does not dare to go to that side Ancient Immortal Spirit World temporarily directly, covered that side opening. 确实跟黑蕖说的一样,这里是一个隐患,叶帆暂时也不敢直接去古仙灵界那边,掩盖那边的口子。 Therefore, Ye Fan must first use the snow and ice and stones, disposes this exit|to speak, covers always to compare not to cover, will not at least have here the monster that again likes the cold cold qi period of five days runs up. 所以,叶帆只得先用冰雪和石块,把这个出口填埋一下,盖住总比不盖好,至少不会再有喜欢寒冷气候的怪兽跑到这边来。 Although still thought that is very far-fetched, but Ye Fan really could not find out the other means. 虽说依然觉得很不靠谱,可叶帆也实在想不出别的办法了。 Processes all these, Ye Fan thought that was also the time returns to Flowersea, examines and studied black taro Daoist relic, then must with the women discuss that under Ancient Immortal Spirit World matter, thinks again also one Doomsday Kingship eyed covetously...... 处理完这一切,叶帆觉得也是时候回华海了,查看和研究黑蕖道人的“遗物”,然后还要跟女人们商量下古仙灵界的事,再想想还有一个末日王权虎视眈眈…… Ye Fan feels on the oneself shoulder the pressure on be really big, how unknowingly, oneself became must save hero of the world common people same...... should not! oneself does not have this idea from the start! 叶帆觉得自己肩上压力真不小,怎么不知不觉,自己成了要拯救天下苍生的英雄一样……不应该啊!自己压根没这想法啊! Is stepping on flying sword, the Ye Fan rapid flight, on the halfway, the Su Qingxue telephone hit. 踩着飞剑,叶帆一路疾飞,半路上,苏轻雪的电话打了过来。
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