MCBW :: Volume #15

#1454: When you travel

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1454 1454 The black taro beckons with the hand fiercely, complexion cloudy said: „ Does not need! This corpse, is not the wild animal injures obviously! 黑蕖猛地一摆手,脸色阴沉地道:“不必了!这尸体,显然不是什么野兽所伤! Has what evil person, after killing my cold fog ice toad, also took its body value! 是有什么恶徒,杀死我的寒雾冰蟾后,将其身上的可贵之处取走了! My black somebody must find that person, can feel at ease, otherwise how can there be does the face return to school? It is not able to explain to the teacher! ” 我黑某人必须将那人找出来,才能心安,不然岂有脸面回门派?也无法向师尊交待!” A Ye Fan face is depressed, „? Don't you go back?” 叶帆一脸郁闷,“啊?你不回去?” The black taro nods, temporarily does not go back, must look to look, really could not find, was him to say again in addition. 黑蕖点头,“暂时不回去,必须找上一找,实在找不到,再另作他说”。 Ye Fan knits the brows, „that if could not find, you later can also come our immortal spirit world?” 叶帆皱眉,“那若是找不到,你以后还会过来我们大仙灵界吗?” The black taro mood is very bad, this time complexion also with acted like a different person a moment ago, turns around very callous ground submergence sound to ask back: What's wrong, can't come?” 黑蕖心情很差,这时的脸色也跟刚才判若两人,转身很是冷酷地沉声反问道:“怎么,不能来吗?” Uh...... our immortal spirit world, with Ancient Immortal Spirit World, since always has no happening together, if suddenly has the communication, perhaps will give birth to the calamity, or after the black taro mister goes back, here matter, Ye Fan tries the suggestion to say not to mention. ……我们大仙灵界,与古仙灵界,既然一直以来都没什么交集,若突然有来往,恐怕会生出乱子,要不黑蕖先生回去以后,就别提这边的事吧”,叶帆试着建议道。 „ An underground also so big place, we naturally must come to have a look! this time I lost the cold fog ice toad, may discover this immortal spirit world, calculates to make up for one's faults by good deeds. “地下还有这么大一片地方,我们自然要过来看看!这一次我失去了寒雾冰蟾,可发现这大仙灵界,也算将功补过。 Happen to can lead the master sect person, comes together! ” The black taro thought at this time, oneself discovered that this side heaven and earth, seems like a more useful matter. 正好可以带着师门的人,一起过来!”黑蕖这时想到了,自己发现这方天地,似乎是更有用的事。 Ye Fan one hear, is the heart sinks, this fellow must come unexpectedly dutifully!? When you do travel?! 叶帆一听,则是心头一沉,这家伙竟然还要拖家带口地过来!?你当旅游呢?! Black taro mister, this is not quite good......” Ye Fan to feel, oneself seemed to have no way to put him to walk. “黑蕖先生,这不太好吧……”叶帆感觉,自己似乎没法放他走了。 The black taro selects the eyebrow, disdains saying: „ The Ye Fan little friend, you should not feel, depending on your Foundation Establishment cultivation base, can stop in the choice of below member pill? 黑蕖挑眉,不屑道:“叶帆小友,你该不会觉得,凭你这筑基修为,就能阻拦在下地丹修士的抉择吧? Your such strength, black somebody, if is not magnanimous, will not speak the so many words with you! 这样的实力,黑某人若非大度,根本就不会与你说这么多话! If how you dare to teach me to do again like this unrealistically, believes that I only need to lift the hand, can write off you!? ” 你若是再敢这样不自量力地教我怎么做,信不信,我只需要一抬手,就能把你抹杀!?” Ye Fan curls the lip, feedback: You, actually do not go bad, but...... I cannot put you to go back today, you stay behind forever. 叶帆撇了撇嘴,回传一句:“你这个人,其实也不坏,但是……今天我是不能放你回去了,你就永远留下吧”。 The black taro gawked, immediately has transferred the taste, haha scoffs to say with a smile: „Is the Ye Fan little friend, you teasing me? Depending on you, is it possible that also wants to stop my black somebody!?” 黑蕖愣了下,随即转过味儿来,不禁哈哈嗤笑道:“叶帆小友,你这是在逗我吗?就凭你,莫非还想阻拦我黑某人!?” Ye Fan is smiling slightly, this time has not said anything again. 叶帆微微笑着,这次没再多说什么。 The black taro felt that oneself ran into a fool simply, moreover is the idiot of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, brings about own destruction! 黑蕖感到自己简直遇到了个傻子,而且是不知天高地厚的蠢货,自寻死路! Since you so offend in me, that is buried in my ice toad nearby, happen to releases some fire qi(anger)!” “既然你如此冒犯于我,那就葬身在我的冰蟾身边吧,正好泄掉一些火气!” Finishes speaking, True Yuan of black taro body place pill boundary leaps suddenly, he lifts the hand, sees only the True Yuan strength to change to thunder light who the electrical fire flashed unexpectedly rapidly, the electricity snake on his arm jumps! 话音刚落,黑蕖身上一股地丹境的真元陡然腾起,他一抬手,只见真元力竟然迅速化作了电火闪动的雷光,电蛇在他手臂上跳跃! Northern profound, thunders!” “北玄雷法,轰鸣!” Flashes before together the golden thunderclap baseless suddenly, chops directly toward the Ye Fan top of the head! 凭空中突然闪现一道金色霹雳,就朝着叶帆头顶直接劈来! The black taro puts this thunder, the plan turns around not to look, because of pill realm, how possibly is a Foundation Establishment period member can resist together? 黑蕖放完这道雷,就打算转身不看了,因为地丹境界一道雷法,怎么可能是一个筑基期修士能抗住的? But, he just about to turns around, actually feeling at present a flower! 可是,他刚要转身,却感觉眼前一花! Ye Fan suddenly appears in his front, a fist thump to his abdomen! 叶帆突然出现在他的面前,一拳头捶向他的腹部! How can!?......” “怎么会!?……” The black taro has not dodged with enough time, his radically hadn't thought, the response and speed so quick of Ye Fan, can avoid thunder drop the unexpectedly! 黑蕖没来得及闪避,他根本没想到,叶帆的反应和速度这么快,竟然能躲开雷落的这一下! A Ye Fan fist hits, thinks that can end the fight, but he also took a rash step...... 叶帆一拳头打过去,以为能结束战斗,可他也失策了…… When a fist hit abdomen, only feels a rushing True Yuan strength, instead shook! 当一拳命中腹部,只感到一股澎湃的真元力,反震了出来! Ye Fan a surges, will download this share dividend in the future, accidental knit the brows to look at the past. 叶帆往后一个翻腾,卸掉了这股力,意外地皱眉望过去。 My goodness...... this Ancient Immortal Spirit World member, does body actually have the defensive True Yuan strength momentarily? 好家伙……这古仙灵界的修士,身上竟然随时都带着防御性的真元力? Although the black taro had not been punctured by a fist, but was also hit hard, staggered was retroceding several steps, looked fierce, eyes reveal shocked said: What monster you actually is!? How to have the so big strength!?” 黑蕖虽然没被一拳头打穿,但也遭到重击,踉跄着后退了好几步,龇牙咧嘴,目露震撼地道:“你到底是什么怪物!?怎会有如此大力气!?” He is first time sees, has the Foundation Establishment period member, does not use True Yuan, unexpectedly with fighting hand-to-hand!? 他还是头一回见到,有个筑基期修士,不用真元,竟然用肉搏的!? Ye Fan is heart whispers, this perhaps is because, the opposite party cultivates the ancient martial practitioner in way and ground is different...... place pill of his within the body, is transporting the True Yuan strength toward the whole body continuously, therefore plays the defense effect. 叶帆则是心里嘀咕,这或许是因为,对方修炼方式和地面上的古武者不同吧……他体内的地丹,源源不断地往全身输送着真元力,所以起到了防御效果。 It seems like that the Ancient Immortal Spirit World member, body is more powerful than ancient martial practitioner, is more formidabe. 看来,古仙灵界的修士,身体是比古武者强大,更难对付。 The black taro saw Ye Fan does not speak earnestly, this time, both hands fast knot seal, body all around proliferated crowded. 黑蕖见叶帆不说话,这一次认真了起来,双手快速结印,身体四周遍布了密集的雷法。 Northern profound, imaginary minefield pattern!” “北玄雷法,幻雷阵!” The black taro both arms inspire, several hundred draws, all flash before the intermittent thunder clouds in all directions, unceasingly thunder! 黑蕖双臂一振,四面八方数百平,全都闪现出阵阵雷云,不断地电闪雷鸣! As the matter stands, limits Ye Fan positioning at the same time, black taro also condenses air/Qi of one group of sharp incomparable age gold/metal in the hand! 这样一来,限制叶帆走位的同时,黑蕖凝聚出一团锐利无匹的庚金之气在手上! Age gold/metal Yinlei!” “庚金引雷!” On black taro air/Qi of one group of white golden age gold/metal, changes to close white light beams, flies to Ye Fan! 黑蕖手上一团白金色的庚金之气,化作一道道细密的白色光束,飞向叶帆 In thunder clouds that all around encircles, massive thunder and lightning were attracted, changes to sharp white gold thunder, toward Ye Fan surrounding!! 四周围的雷云中,大量的雷电被吸引过去,化作一道道锐利的白金雷,朝叶帆包围!! Ye Fan or first time run into this type of opponent, seems Eastern magic general! 叶帆还是头一回遇到这种类型的对手,就仿佛是东方的魔法一般 He does not dare to pull rank, True Yuan of this pill boundary, can penetrate his body defense, can therefore injure to him. 他不敢托大,这地丹境的真元,是可以击穿他身体防御的,所以可以伤到他。 Who avoids the so big range, is not realistic, Ye Fan can only first defend one wave! 避开这么大范围的雷法,也不现实,叶帆只能先防守一波! In a flash, Ye Fan single layer disintegration! 一瞬间,叶帆一重解体 Diffraction sword shield!!” “折光剑盾!!” Several thousand flying sword were called from Sword God ring, swiftly condenses to protect the shield, keeps off in Ye Fan body about one meter! 数千把飞剑剑神指环被唤出,迅速地凝聚成一面面护盾,挡在叶帆身体一米开外! The sword shield forms at the same time, the thunderclap streams in! 剑盾形成的同时,雷声纷至沓来! Rumbling!!-” “轰轰轰!!-” The air/Qi of age gold/metal is leading the thunder and lightning, explodes unceasingly on the sword shield, in the air is filling the smell of burn! 庚金之气引领着雷电,不断地炸在剑盾上,空气中弥漫着烧焦的气味! In a golden thunder, had looked radically not clear actually had anything. 一片金色的电闪雷鸣中,已经根本看不真切到底发生了什么。 When the electric light diverges, the black taro complexion in great surprise, „ this...... is this...... the sword?! Imperial Sword Art...... you are the sword cultivate/repair!? 当电光散去,黑蕖不禁面色大惊,“这……这是……剑?!御剑术……你是剑修!? No wonder can block my by this Foundation Establishment cultivation base, what you cultivate/repair is sword intent!? ” 难怪能以这点筑基修为挡住我的雷法,你修的是剑意!?” Ye Fan does not want to chat with him at this time, only wants to fight a battle to force a quick decision, so as to avoid causes complications. 叶帆这时根本不想跟他聊天,只想速战速决,免得节外生枝。 In his eye ignites gold/metal flame, the big hand wields, the sword shield diverges! 他眼中燃起金焰,大手一挥,剑盾散去! Unparalleled Sword Intent, Sky Collapse Sword Rain!!” 无双剑意,崩天剑雨!!” After several thousand flying sword Heaven, falls speedily, just like star falling land, carries over to seize the life light beam! 数千飞剑上天后,疾速下坠,宛如星坠大地,带出一道道夺命光束! The black taro knows that the own speed cannot avoid the so many sword, a both arms brace, opens white golden to protect the shield together, the whole person package! 黑蕖知道自己的速度躲不开这么多剑,双臂一撑,打开一道白金色的护盾,将整个人包裹在内! Ye Fan also knows, Unparalleled Sword Intent of this degree, is unable to penetrate the defense of black taro, therefore the sword rain is also fixed him on the spot! 叶帆也知道,这个程度的无双剑意,是无法击穿黑蕖的防御的,所以剑雨也只是为了把他固定在原地! A sharp incomparable receiving shadow sword grasps in the hand, the white reflection of snowy area, lets sword intent that it condenses unceasingly, seems like that also turned into the fuzzy white sparkling stone light...... 一把锋锐无匹的承影剑握在手上,雪地的白色反光,让其不断凝聚的剑意,看似也变成了模糊的白色莹光…… Unparalleled Sword Intent, daybreak!” 无双剑意,破晓!” Ye Fan body changes to a rainbow, passed over gently and swiftly seemingly straightly, in reality has the path of exquisite curve, sword light like the morning sunlight, suddenly sparkle!! 叶帆身体化作一道长虹,掠过一条看似笔直,实则带着精妙弧度的轨迹,剑光如朝晖,骤然闪耀!! Bang!!” “砰!!” A shatter deafening sound, outside black taro body True Yuan protects the shield, direct disintegration! 一声破碎震响,黑蕖身外的的真元护盾,直接崩碎!
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