MCBW :: Volume #15

#1458: Dies pities insufficient

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1458 1458 Ye Fan expression solidified, sees immediately, on the face of Xu Lingshan, look is complex. 叶帆登时表情凝固了一下,同时也看到,徐玲珊的脸上,神色复杂。 Silent a small little while, Ye Fan sincere said: Walks, I go a Capital City with you immediately, how looks at your Papa what kind of. 沉默了一小会儿,叶帆正色道:“走,我立刻跟你去一趟京城,看一看你爸爸怎么怎么样了”。 Xu Lingshan listened, somewhat hesitates said: But you with the phoenix clan, relational uncommon, does not say Yun'er, even Xiao Xin'er, still the relations are great......” 徐玲珊听了,有些迟疑地道:“可是你跟凤凰氏族,关系毕竟不一般吧,不说允儿,就算萧馨儿,也关系不浅啊……” That also how, even that is the Yun'er family member, but they injured your father, I same must want a justice! “那怎样,就算那是允儿的家人,可他们伤到了你的父亲,我一样要讨个公道! Yun'er is very important to me right, but in my heart, your Xu Lingshan is also very important to me, could it be you felt, I will make you swallow an insult? ” Ye Fan disgruntled say/way. 允儿对我很重要没错,但在我心里,你徐玲珊对我也很重要,难道你觉得,我会让你忍气吞声么?”叶帆不悦道。 Xu Lingshan hears the heart one warmly, actually the man can such say, she is very satisfied, must for this matter, really raise a disturbance with the phoenix clan, her in Xinnan secure. 徐玲珊听得心头一暖,其实男人能这么说,她就已经很满足了,要为了这件事,真跟凤凰氏族大闹一场,她都于心难安。 Ye Fan...... I actually want to look for you, accompanies Damn to have a look at my Papa, so as to avoid has the such matter again. 叶帆……我其实就想找你,陪我去看看我爸爸,免得再出这样的事情。 My by no means wants to phoenix clan what kind of, I know the present situation, if makes to conflict with the phoenix clan greatly, does not have advantage to us ”, Xu Lingshan heartfelt said. 并不是想要对凤凰氏族怎么样,我知道现在的处境,要是跟凤凰氏族闹起大冲突,对我们并没好处”,徐玲珊由衷地道 In woman opinion, if can make Ye Fan appear, visits Xu Mingyu, like this everyone knows, Xu Mingyu is not good to bully. 在女人看来,如果能让叶帆出现一下,探望徐明宇,这样大家就会知道,徐明宇不是好欺负的。 Ye Fan comes up to pull woman hand, said: Matter my own discretion, you follow I to be good obediently. 叶帆上去一把牵过女人的手,道:“事情我自有分寸,你乖乖跟着我就好”。 Also not many idle talk, Ye Fan brings Xu Lingshan to arrive at the airport directly, after riding the airplane, directly soars Capital City. 也不多废话,叶帆直接带着徐玲珊到机场,坐上飞机后,直奔京城。 That side Wang Zihan obtains the news ahead of time, is waiting for two people at the airport. 那边的王子涵提前得到消息,早早在机场等着两人。 After boarding, the group directly soar the hospital that the Xu Mingyu treatment heals from a wound. 上车以后,一行人直奔徐明宇治疗养伤的医院。 Brother Fan, I know that you will come, ahead of time is preparing, yesterday too hot was really big, I almost want to fight them! 帆哥,我就知道你会来,提前准备着了,昨天实在太火大了,我都差点想跟他们动手了! The people of these two phoenix clans, are not the good stubble, depends the own background, abused power in the army of Capital City is very long! ” Wang Zihan said. 这俩凤凰氏族的人,都不是什么善茬,仗着自己的背景,在京城的军队里作威作福很久了!”王子涵道。 Ye Fan did not have entire to understand that the long and short of the story, asked: How this does actually happen?” 叶帆一直都没整明白事情的来龙去脉,问道:“这到底是怎么发生的?” Wang Zihan as if one wants air/Qi, sighed: „ The previous time has not raised with you, Dragon Soul and our hidden dragon, because two General Ye were dismissed goes home, has survived in name only? 王子涵似乎一想就来气,叹道:“上次不是跟你提过,龙魂和我们隐龙,因为两个叶将军被辞退回家,已经名存实亡吗? Therefore these days, the two core members of phoenix clan, named desolate Fèng, named yellow autumn wind, they promoted senior colonel suddenly, then here came to conform with the person of Dragon Soul and hidden dragon. 所以这段时间,凤凰氏族的两名核心成员,一个叫萧擎,一个叫黄秋风,他们突然就提拔到了大校,然后来这边整合龙魂与隐龙的人。 Now the two sides personnel put in order one, formed named ‚a Fèng feather new army. 现在两边的人员被整到了一起,组建了一个叫‘羽’的新部队。 Although we heart is uncomfortable, but since joined the army initially, that leads in any case no matter, so long as can protect our homes and defend our country, is naturally good. 我们虽然心里不舒服,但既然当初加入了军队,那反正不管谁领导,只要能保家卫国,自然就是好的。 Finally these two, do not understand the military management, does not defer to the military discipline, they do not go to think a series of plans of formulation border defense, are always thinking asked us to exercise martial arts, the martial arts contest, competed! 结果这两人,根本不懂军队管理,也不按照军规来,他们不去想着制定边境防卫的一系列计划,就老想着叫我们练功,比武,打擂台! So long as whose arena won many, can not need to do in Fèng Hasato anything, the interior wins a promotion, is bossy to the own ally and colleague. 只要谁擂台胜了多,就可以在羽里什么都不用干,内部升官,对自己的战友和同事颐指气使。 Probably became what greenwood knockoff, fighting fiercely is the only standard, no tactical thought that no discipline rules and regulations! Objective that as far as protects our homes and defends our country, was thrown various behind the head! ” 就好像成了什么绿林山寨,打架厉害是唯一的标准,毫无战术思想,毫无纪律规章可言!至于保家卫国的宗旨,也都被抛诸脑后了!” Xu Lingshan listened, disdains saying: Two extremely arrogant juniors of beginning a new career late in life, where has what military accomplishment and soldier sense of mission. 徐玲珊听了,不屑道:“半路出家的两个狂妄子弟,哪有什么军事素养和军人使命感”。 Wang Zihan approves the person of same belief: „ indeed! Even if beforehand Dragon Soul and hidden dragon have many again are not, but China underworld, handles very peacefully, the interior is still methodical. 王子涵赞同道:“是啊!就算以前的龙魂和隐龙有再多不是,可好歹把夏国地下世界,打理得很是太平,内部也是有条不紊。 But now, this so-called Fèng feather, radically is a joke! That other General were certainly unable to continue watching. 可现在,这个所谓的羽,根本就是一个笑话!那其他将军们当然看不下去了。 General Xu comes to Capital City, offers up one's life bravely, must renovate the special combat unit. 徐将军来京城,就是临危受命,要整治特殊作战部队的。 He went to hold up with that desolate Fèng yesterday with yellow Qiufeng said that if they, in powerhouse for venerate one set with the clan, lead troops this way carelessly, asked them to leave the army. 他昨天就去跟那萧擎和黄秋风说,如果他们再这样下去,用氏族中强者为尊的一套,胡乱带兵,就请他们离开军队。 Result that two fellows, speaking frankly General Xu are the outcastes, wants to depend the military rank to be high, teaches them, brings about own destruction...... 结果那两个家伙,直说徐将军不过是贱民,想仗着军衔高,去教训他们,是自寻死路…… They make a move directly, are being in front of many Sergeant, hit General Xu falls down, but also with the expression shame, laughed at him to overreach oneself...... ” 他们直接就出手,当着很多军士的面,就把徐将军打得倒在地上了,还用言辞羞辱,笑话他不自量力……” Hears here, Xu Lingshan the eye socket has blushed, Yingying exudes tears, my father such is how silly, beforehand said to us well......” 听到这里,徐玲珊已经眼眶发红,盈盈泛起一丝泪光,“我爸怎么这么傻,事先跟我们说一下多好……” Ye Fan heart sighed quiet, this Xu Mingyu General also wanted the self-respect, did not think the matter of army, but also relied on the junior to act. 叶帆心里则幽叹,这徐明宇将军也是要自尊,不想军队的事,还依赖小辈出面吧。 I in side almost couldn't bear, but their several was constrained by clear/pain Yuntian, General Xu also suggested that I do not act...... “我在旁边差点忍不住,但被楚云天他们几个拖住了,徐将军也暗示我别出手…… I actually cannot be victorious that two fellows, moreover I, if begins, our Wang Family estimate also involved...... ” 我其实也打不过那两个家伙,而且我要是动个手,我们王家估计也牵扯进去了……” A Wang Zihan face is depressed, the turned head forced smile said: Brother Fan, although the clan union, was disintegrated by you, but now is truly formidabe, is phoenix and White Tiger that two clans, they were suppressed by Divine Dragon were too long, suppress the too many strength not to locate to cause. 王子涵一脸沮丧,回头苦笑道:“帆哥,虽然氏族同盟,被你瓦解了,但现在真正难对付的,还是凤凰白虎那两族啊,他们被神龙氏压制了太久,憋了太多力气没处使”。 Ye Fan is silent, truly, he before because of Du Yun'er and Xiao Xin'er reason, somewhat neglected a present strongest phoenix clan. 叶帆沉默不语,确实,他之前因为杜允儿萧馨儿的原因,有些忽略了如今最强的凤凰一族。 this time, it seems like must understand well, the condition of phoenix clan. 这一次,看来要好好了解一下,凤凰氏族的状况了。 Unknowingly, three people arrived at the hospital. 不知不觉,三人到了医院。 Ye Fan and Xu Lingshan enter the Xu Mingyu hospital ward, saw that on the bed two legs had been wrapped slinging, on the face the also many extravasations men, gawked. 叶帆徐玲珊走进徐明宇的病房,看到床上两条腿已经被包裹着吊起,脸上还有多处瘀伤的男子,都是愣了一下。 This injury, looked was beaten mercilessly! Even is kneeling, lies is hit! 这伤势,一看就是被毒打了!甚至是跪着,趴着在被打! The Xu Lingshan tears flow copiously instantaneously, although she had had clashes of opinion with the family/home before, leaves home for many years, but after all the one's own father and daughter of blood is thicker than water! 徐玲珊的眼泪瞬间夺眶而出,虽然她以前跟家里闹过矛盾,离家出走多年,但毕竟血浓于水的亲生父女啊! The women run to sob grab father hand, father! How they make into this you!?” 女人跑过去哽咽地抓着父亲的手,“爸!他们怎么把你打成这样!?” Wang Zihan is uncomfortable the small sound said very much: „ That two fellows, want General Xu to kneel there, begs for mercy to them...... 王子涵很不是滋味地小声道:“那两个家伙,非要徐将军跪在那里,向他们求饶…… But General Xu would rather die than surrender, but also has scolded them...... if not for finally we lead him to come out, possibly also injures seriously compared with the present...... ” 徐将军宁死不屈,还一直骂他们……最后若不是我们带他出来,可能比现在还伤得严重……” Their could it be does not know! My father average person, casually how many cannot shoulder ancient martial practitioner to hit under!? What this has to distinguish with the murder!?” Xu Lingshan is filled with angry, cries unable to stop. “他们难道不知道!我爸一个普通人,根本扛不住古武者随便打几下吗!?这跟杀人有什么分别!?”徐玲珊满腔愤怒,哭得停不住。 In the Xu Mingyu eye full is the blood threads, do not pass, is not willing to make the daughter see this time oneself. 徐明宇眼中满是血丝,头别过去,不愿让女儿看到此时的自己 Do not cry...... you is also the soldier family background, cries anything to cry! I only hate oneself useless, does not blow that two evil people! “别哭了……你好歹也是军人出身,哭什么哭!我只恨自己没用,镇不住那两个恶徒! What a pity the officers who our China Dragon Soul and hidden dragon, so many serve the country loyally, what to do later may...... ” 可惜我们夏国龙魂和隐龙,那么多忠贞报国的将士,以后可怎么办啊……” Father! Your this! Do not hold that heart! Let Son of a bitch of this crowd of clans, oneself go to internal fight, making them die certainly considers as finished!!” Xu Lingshan clenches jaws to say. “爸!你都这样了!就别操那心了!让这群氏族的王八蛋,自己去内斗,让他们死绝了算了!!”徐玲珊咬牙切齿道。 Xu Mingyu knits the brows, shakes the head saying: „ You understand anything...... that degenerate, dies pities insufficient. So long as defense system that Dragon Soul establishes, in a day can not arrive at the restoration, our China border had the hidden danger on 1st! 徐明宇皱眉,摇头道:“你懂什么……那种败类,死不足惜。可只要龙魂所建立的防卫体系,一日内不得到恢复,我们夏国边境就一日存在隐患! Puts a C-Rank underground organization casually, the security that can hurt to large numbers of ordinary civilians which...... this can wait!? 随便放进来一支C级的地下组织,就可以伤害到大批普通平民的安全……这哪是可以等得起的!? That group of fellows, are only thinking fighting for power and profit, basic does not have has thought that sits on that seat, actually to make anything! ” 那群家伙,只想着争权夺利,根本没有想过,坐那位子上,到底是为了做什么!” Has to think, but is they looks down upon the life and death of common people radically, does not believe, since overseas these underground organizations, dare to enter China...... to found a nation after all, is Divine Dragon is dominating these, they do not have these experiences from the start...... “不是没想,而是他们根本看不起普通百姓的生死,也不认为,海外那些地下组织,敢进夏国……毕竟建国以来,都是神龙氏在把持这些,他们压根没这些经验”…… Ye Fan is saying, arrives at Xu Mingyu nearby, pulls out pill that mixed recently newly, hands over saying: „ Uncle, you took this compounded drug, should be good to be quicker. 叶帆说着,走到徐明宇身边,掏出一枚最近新调配出的药丸,递过去道:“伯父,你吃了这丹药,应该会好起来快很多。 You raise body well, the two heads of this Fèng feather, I will process...... ” 你好好养身体,这个羽的两个负责人,我会去处理……”
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