MCBW :: Volume #14

#1340: Asked your matter

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1340 1340 Ji Pengchun hesitant, without runs away, if he does not dare to meet sword, he thought that did not have the face to return to the clan. 姬蓬春犹豫了下,并没有逃走,他若是连一剑都不敢接,他觉得也没脸回氏族了。 Divine Dragon Golden Ray Burst!” 神龙金光决!” Ji Pengchun hurries to protect the body full power, the whole body golden light sparkle, the front also condenses several True Yuan to protect the shield! 姬蓬春赶紧全力护体,浑身金光闪耀,面前还凝聚出数道真元护盾! Meanwhile, his step is also very tasteful, can dodge from each angle momentarily. 同时,他的步法也很讲究,随时可以从每个角度闪躲。 At this time, Ye Fan has left Ji Pengchun only to have more than ten meters, the sword on his hand, has had pale golden sword intent to condense, but did not seem to actually condensed many, the ray was not sparking. 这时,叶帆已经离姬蓬春只剩下十几米,他手上的剑,一直有淡金色的剑意在凝聚,但却仿佛一直没凝聚出多少,光芒也不闪亮。 The people feel the doubts, is it possible that Ye Fan plans to be close again unceasingly, in extremely short distance sword? 众人不禁都感到疑惑,莫非叶帆打算再不断地接近,在极短的距离出剑? But, Ji Pengchun was not inevitably silly, waits for the Ye Fan distance the certain extent, he will also move the position. 可是,姬蓬春必然也不傻,等叶帆的距离到了一定程度,他也会移动方位。 This is sword intent that I just comprehended recently, happen to...... tries with you......” “这是我最近刚领悟的剑意,正好……拿你试一试……” Ye Fan finishes barely the words, the sword on hand, erupts to puncture the goal golden light suddenly together!! 叶帆话音未落,手上的剑,陡然爆发出一道刺目的金光!! Meanwhile, Ye Fan both feet catches up suddenly, the rhythmic variation held a Ji Pengchun motion neutral gear exactly! 与此同时,叶帆的双足猝然发力,节奏变化恰好抓住了姬蓬春的一个移动空档! The Ye Fan form, delimits together the sharp straight line, the directly shoots to Ji Pengchun! 叶帆的身影,划出一道犀利的笔直线条,直射向姬蓬春 Golden sword light just like the round of tomorrow of a sea level reappearing, blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, also such as the golden flame burns the horizon! 金色剑光宛如从一海平面上浮现的一轮明日,绽放出万丈光芒,如金色火焰燃遍天际! Unparalleled Sword Intent...... daybreak!!” 无双剑意……破晓!!” Ye Fan in several months of cultivation, soars from the deep sea one time, saw exactly, the morning sunlight also appears from the sea level! 叶帆在修炼的几个月里,有一次从深海里飞腾而出,恰好看到,朝晖从海平面上同时浮现! Ye Fan has watched many sunrises, but the deep sea cultivated many days later, suddenly from the darkness returns to the bright world, also to see the sunrise morning sunlight red victory fire exactly! 叶帆看过很多日出,但在深海修炼了好多天后,突然从黑暗中回到光明的世界,恰好看到日出朝晖红胜火! His eye short stabbing pain at the same time, also to this grand scene, feels choked up with emotions! 他眼睛一阵短暂刺痛的同时,对这一壮丽景象,感到心潮澎湃! Thereupon, Ye Fan saw the light suddenly this move of daybreak sword intent, after he used the body cultivation, quicker traveling speed, coordinated sunrise general dazzling sword light again, passed through a distance instantaneously, made unexpected sword intent! 于是乎,叶帆顿悟出了这一招破晓剑意,他利用身体修炼后更快的移动速度,再配合日出般的刺目剑光,瞬间穿越一段距离,打出一记出其不意的剑意 This move of sword intent, is seemingly simple, in reality actually to the body quality and detail assurance, the request is extremely high. 这招剑意,看似简单,实则却对身体素质和细节把握,要求极高。 Needs to condense sword intent in the sword blade, in a short time suddenly release, but also wants the perfect coordination of body, the middle time difference cannot have the least bit accident. 需要凝聚剑意于剑身,在短时间内骤然释放,还要身体的完美配合,中间的时间差不能有半点闪失。 goal, for in the most accurate time, release strongest explosive sword intent! 目的,就是为了在最准确的时间,释放出一股最强的爆发性剑意 But sunrise general dazzling golden light, can give away the sword time, disturbs the field of vision of opposite party, enabling the opponent to have the short thought stop. 而日出般的刺目金光,也可以让出剑的时候,干扰对方的视野,使对手有短暂的思维停顿。 If copes with the level opponent, Ye Fan thought that this move not necessarily easy-to-use, after all must prepare quite many, may cope weakly in the own opponent, this move is extremely fatal! 若是对付同级别的对手,叶帆觉得这招未必好使,毕竟要准备得比较多,可对付弱于自己的对手,这招是极为致命的! When Ye Fan has the move instantly, observing who all around encircles, the eye narrowed the eyes subconsciously or shut. 叶帆出招的刹那,四周围的观战者,都下意识地眼睛眯了或闭了一下。 They only noticed that the straight golden light passed through the Ji Pengchun form together, Ye Fan from Ji Pengchun front, arrived at his behind! 他们只看到一道笔直的金光穿过了姬蓬春的身影,叶帆就从姬蓬春的前面,来到了他的身后 After temporary one second of stagnation, the Ji Pengchun body protecting body golden light, diverges suddenly! 短暂的一秒停滞后,姬蓬春身上的护体金光,陡然散去! His eye opens the eyes in a big way, full is the unbelievable and unwilling painful color, is opening mouth, shivering, is hard to breathe covers the own neck! 他眼睛睁得大大的,满是难以置信和不甘的痛苦之色,张着嘴,颤抖着,难以呼吸地捂住自己的脖子! The blood, flies to shoot from the Ji Pengchun throat place! 鲜血,从姬蓬春的喉咙处飞射出来! sword, to seal/confer throat! 一剑,封喉! Pengchun Old Ancestor!!” Ji Kangnian and Ji Yutang shouted panic-stricken, they threw, looks at Ji Pengchun to fall down unbelievable! 蓬春老祖!!”姬康年姬玉堂惊恐大喊,他们扑了过去,难以置信地看着姬蓬春倒在了地上! The following people see this, felt that the soul trembled! 后面的众人看到这一幕,都感觉灵魂都为之颤栗了一下! They have not seen clearly from the start, how Ye Fan is a sword! 他们压根没看清,叶帆是怎么出剑的! Ye Chunhua and Ye Longteng are swallowing the throat, the complexion is pale. 叶春华叶龙腾都咽着喉咙,面色铁青。 They heard Ye Fan at the heavenshaking war of profound deep, but really sees the Ye Fan terrifying strength, they feel dreamlike...... 他们都听说了叶帆在玄冥氏的一番惊天大战,可真的见到叶帆的恐怖实力,他们都觉得如梦如幻…… This...... is really only 20-year-old youngster?! 这……真的只是一个20多岁的年轻人么?! Several women are feel, Ye Fan compared with, when profound deep, was obviously stronger, they can think, Ye Fan recently had cultivates assiduously. 几个女人则是感觉到,叶帆比起在玄冥氏的时候,明显更强了,她们能想到,叶帆最近是有多刻苦地修炼。 The Inferno numerous devils are familiar with the such scene actually very much, they know that the Ye Fan characteristics, have the talent also on that's all, the key to enhance strength, but also compared with anybody diligently. INFERNO的众恶魔倒是都很习惯这样的场面,他们知道叶帆的特点,有天赋也就罢了,关键为了提升实力,还比任何人都努力。 Therefore Ye Fan can live, has today the achievement, is by no means coincidental. 所以叶帆能活下来,有今日成就,绝非偶然。 Nie Wuyue sees the own son, in the eye full is the proud and exciting color, looks at the ground pain Ji Pengchun, is dispels anger incomparably. 聂无月看着自己的儿子,眼里满是骄傲和激动之色,看着地上痛苦的姬蓬春,更是解恨无比。 The Ye Fan many exciting color, homicide Ji Pengchun, with not cutting the melon cuts the vegetable/dish to be the same, is not worth proudly. 叶帆并没多少兴奋之色,他杀个姬蓬春,就跟砍瓜切菜一样,没什么值得骄傲的。 He receives the sword, the turning around scope toward Ji Yutang and the others, sees them still to defend the Ji Pengchun corpse, said: Do not look, died. 他把剑一收,转身面朝姬玉堂等人,见他们还在守着姬蓬春的尸体,道:“别看了,死了”。 Ji Yutang whole body quivering, he stands up to say pale: Ye...... Ye Fan...... our does not have hostility, we cannot calm down really Old Ancestor......” 姬玉堂浑身一激灵,他脸色发白地站起身道:“叶……叶帆……我们没有敌意,我们真是劝不住老祖啊……” They have thoroughly understood, Ye Fan with their disparities, is huge, the life, is their urgent matter! 他们已经彻底明白,叶帆跟他们的差距,是有多么巨大,活命,是他们当务之急! Ye Chunhua and Ye Longteng are the complexion are complex, their originally was still worried, if Ye Fan killed Ji Pengchun, whether will make Ji Family discontented, with Ye Fan for enemy. 叶春华叶龙腾则是面色复杂,他们本来还在担心,叶帆若杀了姬蓬春,是否会让姬家不满,与叶帆为敌。 Yet now, has experienced the Ye Fan overwhelming strength, they were even worried that for Ji Family...... present Ji Family, really could also block Ye Fan? 可如今,见识过叶帆的压倒性实力,他们甚至都替姬家担心起来了……如今的姬家,真的还挡得住叶帆么? Or...... in the clan, besides several antiquity god ranking top expert near the top, who can also , when Ye Fan opponent?! 或者说……氏族里,除了几位上古神裔排名靠前的顶尖高手,谁还能当叶帆的对手?! At this time, if with Ye Fan for the enemy, perhaps is the matter that any clan did not want. 这种时候,若跟叶帆为敌,恐怕是任何氏族都不愿意的事情。 But attracts Ye Fan to return to the idea of Ye with various conditions, this little while was also basically disillusioned...... 而用各种条件吸引叶帆回叶氏的想法,这会儿基本也破灭了…… Ye Fan has the capital, oneself opens a landscape, why must to consider the clan influence again? 叶帆已经有资本,自己开辟一片江山,何须再考虑氏族势力? A Ye Longteng innermost feelings feeling, since first time meets, until now short 1-2 years of skill, how will Ye Fan rise to the so astonishing altitude?! 叶龙腾内心一阵感慨,从初次见面,至今才短短才1-2的功夫,怎么叶帆会上升到如此惊人的高度?! Ye Fan...... killed Pengchun, sufficed, after all was the same clan, let off them, Ye Chunhua small sound said. 叶帆啊……杀了蓬春,够了吧,毕竟是同族的,就放过他们吧”,叶春华小声道。 He can do now, is lets Ye Family and Ji Family, can keep harmonious, if after all Ye Fan does not go back, only remained them facing Ji Family. 他如今能做的,就是让叶家姬家,能够保持和睦,毕竟叶帆若不回去,就只剩他们面对姬家了。 Ye Fan can, no matter Ji Family person, but Ye Family these people, are still trembling, when the time comes Ji Family vents in Ye Family body, but on left a big matter. 叶帆可以不管姬家的人,可叶家这些人,依旧战战兢兢,到时候姬家把气撒在叶家身上,可就出大事了 Ye Fan said lightly: I asked that your matter, you replied me truthfully, if I discovered that you lay...... the consequence, your oneself consideration. 叶帆则是淡淡道:“我问你们一件事,你们如实回答我,若是我发现你们说谎……后果,你们自己考虑”。 Ji Yutang and the others whole body quivering, are too busy the nod. 姬玉堂等人浑身一激灵,忙不迭点头。 You...... you asked, Ji Yutang said. “你……你问吧”,姬玉堂道。 Ye Fan sincere said: In the past my did the foster mother, Hu Xiaoqin...... is who kill?” 叶帆正色道:“当年我的养母,胡小琴……是谁害死的?” This issue, Divine Dragon several people of facial colors are stiff, then surface Nie Wuyue also stares, eyes reveal sad...... 此问题一出,神龙氏几人都面色僵硬,而后面的聂无月也为之一愣,目露一丝哀伤…… Actually this issue, Ye Fan has wanted to know the answer, but has the too many matter, delayed...... 其实这个问题,叶帆早就想知道答案,只是发生太多事,也就耽搁了…… Naturally, he must worry with before with the strong and weak contrast of clan, there is relations. 当然,也跟之前他要顾虑一下跟氏族的强弱对比,也有关系。 But now, Ye Fan thought that was the time checks the truth. 可是现在,叶帆觉得是时候把真相查出来了。 He also some guessed, but after all a does not have affirmative result. 他内心也有一些猜测,但毕竟没有一个肯定的结果。 Although he memory to foster mother is not many, but if does not have that ordinary female, he also exactly less than today. 虽然他对养母的记忆不多,但若没那个平凡的女子,他也活不到今天。 Therefore, Ye Fan wants to settle this past events, to console soul in heaven. 所以,叶帆想了结这一段往事,以慰在天之灵。
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