MCBW :: Volume #14

#1339: Misunderstanding

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1339 1339 Ye...... Ye Fan?” 叶……叶帆?” Nie Wuyue saw startled when the own son actually does not know from, stood there!? 聂无月愕然看到,自己的儿子竟然不知道从何时起,就站在了那儿!? After several months saw again, Nie Wuyue look is complex, joyful, disturbed, guilty...... makes her body tremble slightly, forgot the fight instantaneously. 时隔数个月后再度见到,聂无月神色复杂无比,欣喜,忐忑,愧疚……使得她身体都在微微发抖,瞬间也忘记了战斗。 Ye Longteng and Ji Yutang and the others, then the complexion is intense, how will start to worry about Ye Fan to them. 叶龙腾姬玉堂等人,则都面色紧张不安,开始担忧叶帆会如何对他们。 Oh? Originally is that boy, Ye Fan? Snort, young will put on airs, saw that our two big Old Ancestor come, hasn't come the regards?!” Ji Pengchun said proudly. ?原来那个小子,就是叶帆?哼,年纪轻轻倒会摆架子,见到我们两大老祖过来,还不过来问候?!”姬蓬春傲然道。 Ye Fan keeps silent, from the distant place high ground, a relaxed jump, passed over gently and swiftly more than hundred meters, falls in the battlefields lifted. 叶帆默不作声,从远处高地上,一个轻松的跳跃,就掠过百多米,身轻如燕地落在战场中间。 He pulls out a grain of maintaining mental tranquility iris ingredient from the pocket the compounded drug, lost to Ji Pengchun. 他从口袋里掏出一粒养神芝成分的丹药,丢向了姬蓬春 Ji Pengchun received, the surprise looked at this compounded drug, what is this? Has spiritual qi unexpectedly?” 姬蓬春一把接过,诧异地看了一眼这丹药,“这是何物?竟有灵气?” Ye Fan unemotional said: Ate it, transports/fortunes the merit, your body will accelerate to restore. 叶帆面无表情地道:“吃了它,运功,你的身体会加速恢复”。 The person who all around encircles as soon as listens, is quite surprised. 四周围的人一听,都颇为惊讶。 Several people of Divine Dragon are quite happy, because Ye Fan has not as if been angry to them, but also restoring the body miracle cure gave Ji Pengchun. 神龙氏的几人颇为欢喜,因为叶帆似乎对他们并没生气,还把恢复身体的灵丹给了姬蓬春 Inferno people and several women, then has doubts very much, why is puzzled Ye Fan to the person who Ji Pengchun such stirs up trouble, but must deliver the medicine. INFERNO的人和几个女人,则都很疑惑,不解为何叶帆姬蓬春这么挑事的人,还要送药。 Nie Wuyue is looks a sadness, look is low-spirited, complexion blanch...... 聂无月则是面露一丝哀伤,眼神黯然,面色发白…… haha!” Ji Pengchun laughed several, quite commended said: „ Your this boy, but also calculates to have the cardinal principles in mind, knows the old and young high and low, the ancestor etiquette. 哈哈!”姬蓬春大笑了几声,颇为赞许地道:“你这个小子,还算识大体,知道长幼尊卑,祖宗礼法。 Other not like here people, a custom do not understand, dares to disrespect to our Divine Dragon unexpectedly, is really unappreciative...... ” 不像这里的其他人,一点规矩都不懂,竟然敢对我们神龙氏不敬,真是不识抬举……” Ye Longteng also echoes to say busily with a smile: After all we are the whole family, the blood is thicker than water...... I know, Ye Fan your heart, understands the own status......” 叶龙腾也忙笑着附和道:“毕竟我们是一家人,血浓于水……我就知道,叶帆你的心里,还是明白自己的身份的……” hehe, after all is the successors of Ye, if just came back earlier, did not have the so many matter, Ye Chunhua also relaxes to say with a smile. 呵呵,毕竟是我们叶氏的继承人,刚刚要是早点回来,就没这么多事了”,叶春华也松了口气笑道。 Ji Yutang also puts out the fan, said with a smile: If not for the whole family, how will kindly treat my adopted daughter Wanqing......” 姬玉堂也拿出扇子,笑吟吟道:“若不是一家人,怎么会那么善待我的义女晚晴呢……” Looks at several people of self-satisfaction of Divine Dragon, the appearance of being very happy, the Inferno people silent, complexion quite helpless. 看着神龙氏的几人志得意满,喜上眉梢的样子,INFERNO的众人不禁都沉默,脸色颇为无奈 No matter Ye Fan makes anything to decide, they will obey unconditionally, if Ye Fan really must go to Divine Dragon to find roots, they must accept. 叶帆不管做什么决定,他们都会无条件服从,叶帆若真要去神龙氏认祖归宗,他们也得接受。 Several woman many are somewhat puzzled, thought that present Ye Fan, as if with Ye Fan that they know, by no means same...... 只是,几个女人多少有些不解,觉得眼前的叶帆,似乎跟她们认识的叶帆,并不一样…… At this moment, Ye Fan arrives at the position that the sword dropped a moment ago slowly, pulled out from the place the sword. 就在这时,叶帆慢悠悠走到刚才剑落下的位置,将剑从地里拔了起来。 He raised the head, eyes reveal several points of cold intent said: You misunderstood probably......” 他抬头,目露几分冷意地道:“你们好像误会了……” The cold and gloomy sound comes out, immediately made those present also be shocked. 森冷的声音一出来,顿时让在场的人都愣住了。 Ye Fan said lightly: I give him the compounded drug, making him recover the energy...... to let him a bit faster, dies is sincerely convinced, so as to avoid said that I depend others help, can kill him......” 叶帆淡淡道:“我给他丹药,让他快点恢复体力……只是想让他,死得心服口服,免得说我靠别人帮忙,才能杀他……” „......” “……” In a twinkling, several people of complexion coagulations of Divine Dragon. 霎时间,神龙氏的几人都面色凝固了。 The flash falls from the heaven to the feeling of hell, indeed so! 一瞬间从天堂落到地狱的感觉,正是如此! But the Inferno people and several women, enlightened comes, knows that misunderstood the meaning of Ye Fan. INFERNO众人和几个女人,都恍然过来,才知道是误会叶帆的意思了。 Nie Wuyue is looks pleasantly surprised, in the eye also revealed the color of hope. 聂无月则是面露惊喜,眼里露出了希望之色。 Brat!! You dare to despise this Old Ancestor!?” Ji Pengchun throws the ground the compounded drug angrily, points at Ye Fan to curse saying: „ Do not think that killed Zhou Tengyun they, on really unmatched in the world! “臭小子!!你敢蔑视本老祖!?”姬蓬春愤然把丹药丢到地上,指着叶帆大骂道:“别以为杀了周腾云他们,就真的天下无敌! This Old Ancestor represents Divine Dragon today, you dare to kill me, can try greatly! This Old Ancestor does not believe that if I want to walk, you also can my what!? ” 老祖今日来是代表了神龙氏,你敢杀我,大可以试试!本老祖就不信,我若想走,你又能奈我何!?” Ye Longteng also looks deathly pale, urges: Ye Fan! Our this time comes, really wants to chat with you, does not have offends anybody's meaning! You listened to the uncle to say......” 叶龙腾也脸色惨白,劝道:“叶帆!我们这次过来,真的只是想跟你聊聊,没有冒犯任何人的意思啊!你听叔叔说……” Shut up!” The Ye Fan sinking sound broke his words, Sally of hand finger/refers of not far away, said: „ Injured my family member, but also disturbs in my family, breaks the Purgatory Island rule...... “闭嘴!”叶帆沉声打断了他的话,手一指不远处的莎莉叶,道:“伤了我的亲人,还在我的家中捣乱,破坏炼狱岛的规矩…… If not for looked, in Martial God has helped in my twice share, I have all butchered you!! ” 若不是看在武神帮过我两次的份上,我早就把你们全宰了!!” What!?” Ye Longteng and the others were stunned, „have I...... my father he...... helped you? Twice?” “什么!?”叶龙腾等人愕然,“我……我父亲他……帮过你?两次?” They do not know, Ye Wuya has seen Ye Fan unexpectedly in private, also not simple happening together. 他们都根本不知道,叶无涯竟然私下去见过叶帆,还有过不简单的交集。 Ye Chunhua looks the happy expression, this...... this indeed explained, Martial God you regards as the successor Ye Fan! You are our Ye Family new Patriarch!” 叶春华面露喜色,“这……这正是说明,武神叶帆你视作接班人啊!你是我们叶家的新家主啊!” Ji Pengchun, Ji Kangnian and the others complexion cloudy clear uncertain, heart beat a drum secretly, really...... Ye Wuya is training Ye Fan in secret! 姬蓬春姬康年等人则都面色阴晴不定,心里暗暗打鼓,果然……叶无涯暗中是在培养叶帆啊! However, their also is very puzzled, since Ye Wuya such regards as important Ye Fan, why also hasn't brought back to the clan Ye Fan? 不过,他们很困惑,既然叶无涯这么看重叶帆,为何没把叶帆带回氏族? In fact, their by no means understood, even if Martial God really requested Ye Fan to return to the clan initially, Ye Fan will not easily comply. 事实上,他们并不了解,就算当初武神真要求叶帆回氏族,叶帆也不会轻易答应。 Helps him helps him, but Ye Fan has not voluntarily requested, no matter comprehends Imperial Sword Art, is from eight epic subordinate life-savings, is the Ye Wuya own wish. 帮他是帮他,可叶帆也没主动要求,不管是领悟御剑术,还是从八个史诗手下救人,都是叶无涯自己的意愿。 Let alone, Ye Fan also gave Divine Dragon many faces, initially let off Ye Feng, Ji Yutang and the others, has left a loophole. 何况,叶帆也给了神龙氏不少面子,当初放过叶锋姬玉堂等人,都已经是网开一面了。 Ye Fan said indifferently: I let on you island, but looked that...... as far as in the Wanqing that girl share sees you, chatted other, I had no interest.” 叶帆冷漠道:“我让你们上岛,只是看在晚晴丫头的份上……至于见你们,聊别的,我没兴趣。” You...... your could it be can really not attend to our Ye abandoning?!” A Ye Longteng face is sorrowful. “你……你难道真的要对我们叶氏弃之不顾吗?!”叶龙腾一脸悲痛。 The Ye Fan satire smiles, anyone who actually is who abandoned initially, you did not feel, the such words are very laughable?” 叶帆讽刺一笑,“到底是谁当初抛弃的谁,你不觉得,这样的话很可笑么?” Ji Pengchun this little while big hand wields, said: Does not need to talk too much with him! This boy is haughty, has no regard for elders and superiors, such being the case, does not need to discuss again, we walk!” 姬蓬春这会儿大手一挥,道:“不用跟他多嘴!这小子狂傲自大,目无尊长,既然如此,也不用再谈,我们走!” The Ji Family three people, heart actually has the consensus, Martial God, since such thinks highly of Ye Fan, even more cannot make Ye Fan return to the clan. 姬家三人,心里其实都已经有了共识,武神既然这么器重叶帆,就越发不能让叶帆回氏族了。 The person who otherwise lets Divine Dragon knows, Martial God once had happening together with Ye Fan in private alone, then with the Martial God prestige, the Ye Fan strength, everyone must present Ye Fan for new Clan Head in addition mostly. 不然让神龙氏的人知道,武神曾经私下单独跟叶帆有交集,那以武神的威望,加上叶帆的实力,多半大家都要把叶帆奉为新的族长 This absolutely is not the result that Ji Family wants to see, therefore, might as well has not happened together with Ye Fan simply, leaves directly! 这绝对不是姬家想看到的结果,所以,还不如索性跟叶帆没交集,直接走人! But, where Ye Fan will release people to leave, he wields the dust on sword, said: If you do not take the compounded drug, I used the sword...... I to give you opportunity to recover the energy, this was you yourself elects. 可是,叶帆哪会放人离开,他挥掉剑上的尘土,道:“如果你不吃丹药,那我就出剑了……我给了你机会恢复体力,这是你自己选的”。 Ji Pengchun one hear, narrowed the eye, sneers saying: Brat, you rather too overestimated oneself, even if you had emperor level sword intent, must kill this Old Ancestor, was not that easy. 姬蓬春一听,眯了眯眼,冷笑道:“臭小子,你未免太高估自己了,就算你有帝王级剑意,要杀本老祖,也不是那么容易的”。 Yes...... that I only have sword, if you keep off, I put you to walk......” the Ye Fan light say/way. “是么……那我就只出一剑,若你挡下,我放你走……”叶帆淡淡道。 Snort, you are chatting, sword?” Ji Pengchun heart some are faintly anxious, but also thought that impossible oneself unable to block sword. “哼,你在说笑吗,一剑?”姬蓬春心里有些隐隐不安,但觉得不可能自己一剑都挡不住。 Following Nie Wuyue also knits the brows, her actually not feared that Ye Fan could not win, but if sword words, the failure were likely, without the success, could it be really can bleed off Ji Pengchun? 后面的聂无月也皱眉,她倒不叶帆赢不了,但若是一剑的话,失败可能性很大,若没成功,难道真要放走姬蓬春 However the Inferno people and women, believe in firmly to Ye Fan words actually, by no means was worried. 不过INFERNO的众人和女人们,倒是对叶帆的话深信不疑,并不担心。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth flutter, the long sword on his hand, starts to condense the pale golden sword intent radiance...... 叶帆嘴角轻扬,他手上的长剑,开始凝聚出淡金色的剑意光华…… Afterward, Ye Fan slows pace, approaches toward Ji Pengchun. 随后,叶帆慢步,朝着姬蓬春走近。 Each step, as if strikes is presenting everyone's heart, just like drumbeats, bang bang and bang bang! 每一步,都仿佛敲打着在场所有人的心脏,宛如鼓点,“砰砰”、“砰砰”! Everyone holds the breath Congealing Divinity, wants to know, Ye Fan how sword...... 大家屏息凝神,都想知道,叶帆会怎样出剑……
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