MCBW :: Volume #14

#1338: Roaring

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1338 1338 In in the air huge Skeleton method, then just like sun-blocking dense Skeleton, crashes loudly! 空中的巨大骷髅法阵中,那宛如遮天蔽日的森然骷髅,轰然坠落! Suddenly, the dense and numerous innumerable silver-gray death charm, changed to the close sharp acupuncture laser, swallowed to go toward below that two groups of golden color rays! 一时间,密密麻麻数不清的银灰色死亡魔力,化作细密锋锐的光针,朝着下面那两团金色光芒吞噬而去! lets one felt what is inconceivable, the ground actually also appeared law, innumerable death energy, from bottom to top, puncture! 更为令人感到不可思议的是,地面竟然也同时浮现了法阵,数不清的死亡能量,由下而上,穿刺而出! As if the sky and land, simultaneously ten thousand arrows fire! 仿佛是天空和大地,同时万箭齐发! This is the deathtrap in deathtrap, the hopeless situation in hopeless situation! 这是死地中的死地,绝境中的绝境! Rumbling!-” “轰轰轰!-” The stormy explosive sound, continuously is stimulating everyone's eardrum, the scene in that law surrounding, could not have seen clearly completely! 密集的爆炸声,不断地刺激着所有人的耳膜,那法阵包围中的景象,已经完全看不清! Only sees two groups of golden rays, divulges once for a while luminously in, but more comes is weaker...... 只看到两团金色的光芒,在里面时不时地泄漏出一点光亮,但是却越来越微弱…… Ji Kangnian and Ye Longteng three people are to only cope with that several bloodstone puppets, already somewhat badly battered, this little while saw that two Old Ancestor fell into so powerful death magic arts, reveals the panic-stricken color. 姬康年叶龙腾三人光是对付完那几个血石傀儡,就已经有些焦头烂额,这会儿见到两位老祖陷入如此强大的死亡法术之中,都是露出惊恐之色。 magic always has the advantage of wide scope attack, if this move uses, when with clan war, does not know that must die many people! 魔法历来都有着大范围进攻的优势,这招若是用在跟氏族大战的时候,不知道要死掉多少人! However Ji Pengchun and Ye Chunhua taking advantage of Divine Dragon bloodlines the advantage of attribute restraint, have been maintaining the smallest defensive region forcefully. 不过姬蓬春叶春华借着神龙血脉的属性克制之优势,硬生生地一直保持着最小的防守区域。 They in a small place, protect the body with Divine Dragon Golden Ray Burst diligently, is resisting the death magic impact continuously! 他们在一片小小的地方,努力地用神龙金光决护体,抵挡着连续不断的死亡魔法冲击! The Nie Wuyue this move of magic fierce place, is not the pure range is broad, has the effect that the faint trace infiltrates, one shock and awe in also mind! 聂无月这招魔法的厉害之处,并非单纯的范围广阔,更有着丝丝渗透的效果,还有心灵上的一种震慑! Looks, as if the world has fallen into the boundary of death, regarding two Old Ancestor morale, is the enormous attack. 一眼望出去,仿佛世界都已经陷入死亡之境,对于两名老祖的士气,都是极大的打击。 Nie Wuyue death charm irrigation, her powerful spiritual strength, supported her to maintain this magic very long time unceasingly, corroded two Old Ancestor sufficiently completely! 聂无月不断地将死亡魔力灌注其中,她强大的精神力,支撑她可以维持这个魔法很长的时间,足以把两个老祖完全腐蚀! „It is not good!” Ye Chunhua cultivation base is somewhat low, at this time discovered that the oneself under foot could not have defended, death qi starts to drill into his sole! “不好!”叶春华修为偏低,这时发现自己脚下已经防御不住,一股死气开始钻入他的脚底! In a twinkling, a foot of Ye Chunhua passed out, and this death qi must drill unceasingly upward! 霎时间,叶春华的一只脚就失去了知觉,并且这死气还不断地要往上钻! He clenches jaws, must transport/fortune the merit to resist death qi, True Yuan that also releases also with it weakening. 他咬牙切齿,要运功来抵挡死气,随之释放出的真元也跟之减弱。 such all of a sudden, the Ji Pengchun pressure increases suddenly, he scolded sentence useless annoyingly in a low voice, simultaneously in the eye flashes through color of the resolution! 这么一下子,姬蓬春的压力陡增,他懊恼地低声骂了句“没用”,同时眼中闪过一丝决断之色! such consumes, we are unable to break this sorcery, must the main body pose the threat to be good to her!” Ji Pengchun said. 这么耗下去,我们无法破此妖法,必须给她本体造成威胁才行!”姬蓬春道。 Ye Chunhua is startled, could it be you wanted...... is too risky!” 叶春华一怔,“难道你要……太冒险了!” He thinks the plan of Ji Pengchun, may think extremely has the risk. 他想到了姬蓬春的打算,可觉得太过有风险。 That also ratio waits for death!” Ji Pengchun cold -ly snorted and said: How this Old Ancestor can be resigned, loses to such a Western demon seductress on such!” “那也比等死好!”姬蓬春冷哼道:“本老祖怎能甘心,就这么输给这样一个西方邪魔妖女!” Finishes barely the words, Ji Pengchun gave up defending directly! 话音未落,姬蓬春直接放弃了强守! Divine Dragon Golden Ray Burst diverges, his whole body is only left over protects body True Yuan, as if will be swallowed by the death charm momentarily! 神龙金光决散去,他浑身只剩下一些护体真元,仿佛随时都会被死亡魔力吞噬! But his look renounces, the both arms launch, the golden True Yuan manic anger of body wells up! 可他目光决绝,双臂展开,身上的金色真元狂躁怒涌而出! In the brilliant brilliance, this rushing True Yuan will as if have the radical explosion momentarily, is unstable. 灼灼的光辉中,这股澎湃的真元就仿佛随时会产生剧烈爆炸,非常之不稳定。 Even if separated more than hundred meters, the people on island can feel the powerful energy in that containing. 哪怕隔了百多米,岛上的众人都能觉得那之中蕴含的强大能量。 This Ji Pengchun manner not, very has the courage actually, at this time planned that attacks daringly!?” Azazel knits the brows to say. “这个姬蓬春为人不怎样,倒是挺有胆子,这种时候打算孤注一掷地进攻!?”阿撒兹勒皱眉道。 So-called, ancient clan proud......, but, a difference, for stratagem, Asmodeus does not narrow the eye to say. “所谓的,古老氏族的骄傲吧……不过,道不同,不相为谋”,阿斯蒙蒂斯眯眼道。 After Ji Pengchun went through a dangerous period, all around encircles True Yuan already very thick, is does not have is beaten in that vacuum period finally. 姬蓬春度过了一个危险期后,四周围真元已经非常之浓厚,总算是没有在那真空期被击垮。 Naturally, is because Ye Chunhua was at cost of the life to help him resist a while in side. 当然,也是由于叶春华旁边拼老命帮他抵挡了一会儿。 Ji Pengchun completed to transport the merit at this time, both arms broadminded toward closing up! 姬蓬春这时完成运功,双臂豁然往合拢! Golden True Yuan that this rushes, contains his Responsive Dragon realm the strength of bloodlines, just like the opening the sluice gates flood discharge, swamped into between his two amazingly quick, gathered a golden light ball. 这澎湃的金色真元,蕴含着他应龙境界的血脉之力,宛如开闸泄洪,神速地涌入到了他的两手之间,汇聚成一枚金色的光球。 Seductress suffers to death!! Roaring of dragon!!” “妖女受死!!龙之咆哮!!” Whooshing of Ji Pengchun, penetrated law, the voice drops at the same time, the golden sphere that condensed terrifying True Yuan, exploded suddenly projected light beam! 姬蓬春的嘶吼,穿透了法阵,话音落下的同时,那枚凝聚了恐怖真元的金色圆球,陡然爆射出了一道光束! This light beam by the small expansion, blink of an eye, penetrated hundred meters law unexpectedly forcefully, just like giant shock-wave, annexes and destroys all! 这道光束由小扩大,眨眼功夫,竟是硬生生穿透了百米的法阵,宛如一道巨大的冲击波,吞灭一切! Looks from afar, looks like the gloomy world, cut in half by the golden light together! 远远看去,就像是灰暗的世界,被一道金光切成了两半! Roaring of dragon, after is the Divine Dragon bloodlines awaken, a move that can use, records killing on Divine Dragon Nine Transformations to incur. 龙之咆哮,是神龙血脉觉醒后,才能使用的一招,记载于神龙九变上的杀招。 The Divine Dragon clan person of almost every awakening bloodlines, will study this move, after all is not complex. 几乎每一个觉醒血脉的神龙氏族人,都会学习这招,毕竟不复杂。 Initially Ye Feng and Ji Hantian, has put forth to Ye Fan. 当初叶锋姬寒天,也都对叶帆使出过。 Regardless other, pure theory direct lethality, this is most core art, core art of does not have any move of Divine Dragon, strong this move. 抛开别的,单纯论直接杀伤力,这是最绝学,没有任何一招神龙氏的绝学,强过这招。 With the unceasing promotion of Divine Dragon bloodlines, the promotion of cultivation base, this move of might will have the qualitative change unceasingly! 伴随着神龙血脉的不断提升,修为的提升,这招的威力也会不断有质变! But the move of such powerful, the flaw is also very obvious, first consumes in a big way, secondly attacks the way to only have the straight line, runs into the same level opponent, was avoided easily. 这么强力的招数,缺陷也很明显,一来消耗较大,二来攻击路数只有直线,遇到相同级别的对手,容易被躲避。 However, met so the hopeless situation, Ji Pengchun can ignore the issue of consumption, moreover Nie Wuyue continued, is unable to avoid, pours happen to can facilitate his locking target. 不过,遇到如此绝境,姬蓬春也顾不上消耗的问题了,而且聂无月持续施法中,无法躲避,倒正好可以方便他锁定目标。 Ji Pengchun uses the 100% skill, in started Divine Dragon Nine Transformations the most simple and crude, a lethality strongest move, had the effect finally! 姬蓬春动用十成功力,发动的神龙九变里最简单粗暴,杀伤力最强的一招,终于有了效果! The dazzling ray flashes to pass, the gloomy death charm stopped the attack, but in the ground left behind a long gully! 刺眼的光芒一闪而逝,灰暗的死亡魔力停止了进攻,而地面上留下了一道长长的沟壑! The mist and dust diverges, the people see the Nie Wuyue front, does not know when summoned two giant stone puppets, protecting shield that death charm composes, both kept off roaring of this dragon for her together. 烟尘散去,众人看到聂无月的面前,不知道何时召唤出了两尊巨大的石傀儡,以死亡魔力组成的护盾,两者共同替她挡下了这一记龙之咆哮。 However, in the next second, two stone puppets disrupts loudly, obviously came under the too strong attack. 不过,就在下一秒,两具石傀儡就轰然碎裂,显然是遭到了太强的打击。 cough......” ……” Nie Wuyue lightly coughed, the corners of the mouth seeps a blood. 聂无月轻咳了一下,嘴角沁出一丝鲜血。 Lady Death!” Kuroki shouts anxiously. 死亡大人!”黑姬紧张地呼喊。 Nie Wuyue lifts the hand, hints her to be all right. 聂无月一抬手,示意她没事。 The side Inferno people and women, one heart feel uncomfortable, although it seems like Nie Wuyue arrives at many injuries promptly, but was injured. 旁边的INFERNO众人与女人们,都一阵心头发紧,看来聂无月虽然及时抵掉很多伤害,可还是被伤到了。 Ji Pengchun this little while is also panting for breath in gulps, the lip color blanch, the eyeful capillaries said: Seductress, how? Did this finish? The also anything evil spirit evil law, can attack greatly toward old man!!” 姬蓬春这会儿也大口大口喘息着,唇色发白,满眼血丝道:“妖女,怎么了?这就结束了?还有什么妖魔邪法,大可以朝老夫攻来!!” Nie Wuyue sneers, you felt relieved that...... I will certainly make you understand, anything is lives to might as well die......” 聂无月冷笑,“你放心……我一定会让你们明白,什么是生不如死……” Saying, Nie Wuyue is condensing the death charm again, but obviously her also condition drops, before magic pressure was inferior, powerful. 说着,聂无月再度凝聚起死亡魔力,不过明显她也状态下降,魔法威压不如之前强大。 Ji Pengchun and Ye Chunhua, transported the merit at this time again, Ye Chunhua after the effort, gives to remove death qi in leg, resumed the action finally. 姬蓬春叶春华,这时也再度运功,叶春华经过努力,也把腿内的死气给排除,总算恢复了行动。 Saw that fight also must fire, a sharp sword of cold light twinkle, drops from the clouds suddenly, dug in the ground two sides steadily! 眼看着战斗要打响,一把寒光闪烁的利剑,忽然从天而降,稳稳地扎入了两边中间的地面! Everyone stares, women and Inferno people, then eyes reveal is joyful, looks is standing to the distant place steep slope man. 所有人不禁都是一愣,女人们和INFERNO众人,则都目露喜悦,望向远处高坡上站着的男子。
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