MCBW :: Volume #14

#1337: Hate

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1337 1337 Pengchun Old Ancestor! You are all right!?” Ji Kangnian calls out in alarm in behind. 蓬春老祖!您没事吧!?”姬康年在后面惊呼。 Shut up! This Old Ancestor is only general idea/careless that's all!!” Ji Pengchun great anger said excitedly. “闭嘴!本老祖只是大意而已!!”姬蓬春勃然大怒道。 Ye Chunhua sighed painstakingly, turned head said: Pengchun, I looked......, or we walk! Waits, if Ye Fan comes...... is not good to explain.” 叶春华苦叹,回头道:“蓬春,我看……要不我们走吧!等下若叶帆过来……不好解释啊。” He has detected, departure of Chu Yunyao, was informed Ye Fan a moment ago mostly. 他已经察觉到,刚才楚云瑶的离开,多半是去通知叶帆 How long although not clear Ye Fan wants to come back, but sometime, has guaranteed after all does not permit to rush suddenly. 虽然不清楚叶帆要多久能回来,可毕竟已经有一段时间了,保不准突然就赶到。 When the time comes if Ye Fan comes back from the cultivation place, discovered that this situation, their Ye Family is unable to talk well. 到时候叶帆如果从修炼的地方回来,发现这一情形,那他们叶家就无法好好谈话了。 Ye Chunhua heart regretted, the one had only known, might as well comes covertly with Ye Longteng, does not come with Ji Family together, instead is possibly relaxed. 叶春华心里懊悔,早知如此,还不如偷偷摸摸跟叶龙腾来一趟,不跟姬家一起来,反而可能还轻松一点。 Even if Ji Family is afterward discontented, feels better now this, but also without discussed with Ye Fan, had broken off conversation! 事后哪怕姬家不满,也好过现在这样,还没跟叶帆谈,就已经“谈崩了”! Explanation!? Why must to explain!? could it be this Old Ancestor also needs to a later generation explanation of clan!? This Doomsday Kingship seductress, naturally must put to death!” “解释!?何须解释!?难道老祖还需要向一个氏族的后辈解释!?这末日王权的妖女,自然要诛杀!” In the eye of Ji Pengchun, Divine Dragon is higher than all in the world, that he is educated since childhood is so, to these things of outside world, he is not careful. 姬蓬春的眼里,神龙氏高于世上的一切,他从小接受的教育就是如此,对外面世界的这些事物,他也不怎么上心。 In fact, the clan inherent superiority feeling , will let these Old Ancestor level characters naturally, is proud. 事实上,氏族与生俱来的优越感,自然而然的,会让这些老祖级别的人物,非常骄傲。 Moreover, under the traditional ideological mode, they do not believe, the Ye Fan such later generation, meets really to ignore the ancestor etiquette, the treason and heresy. 而且,传统的思维模式下,他们也不认为,叶帆这样的后辈,会真的不顾祖宗礼法,大逆不道。 It looks like in Ji Pengchun, the own actions, take the larger situation into account, for clan dignity, no issue! 姬蓬春看来,自己的所作所为,都是以大局为重,为了氏族尊严,根本没什么问题! Ye Fan this junior, the strength is very even strong, where can do right with the ancestor level character? That basic unreasonable! 叶帆这种小辈,就算实力很强,哪能跟祖宗级别的人物做对?那根本不像话 Even if Ye Fan can attack brutally with the person of Zhou directly, can't begin to Old Ancestor of oneself clan?! 叶帆就算跟周氏的人可以直接大打出手,总不能对自己氏族的老祖动手吧?! Therefore, from the beginning, Ji Pengchun did not fear how Ye Fan really to them, instead hugs must teach well one mentality of this later generation comes. 所以,从一开始,姬蓬春就不怕叶帆真对他们如何,反而是抱着要好好教导一番这个后辈的心态来的。 This is several hundred years of thought formats, how to listen to others to persuade again, is very difficult to change. 这是几百年的思维定式,再怎么听别人劝说,也很难改。 Naturally, there is to look like Ye Chunhua such Old Ancestor, the character is relatively temperate, changes to the human affairs, many can accept. 当然,也有像叶春华这样的老祖,性格相对温和,对一些世事变化,多少能接受。 Although they not so far as depart from the classics and betray principle, does not have the bottom line to compromise for the general interest, but like Ji Pengchun, will not be stubborn and strong, anything must follow a prescribed pattern, is fastidious about the old and young high and low. 他们虽然不至于离经叛道,毫无底线地委曲求全,可也不会像姬蓬春这样,过于顽固和强硬,什么都要一板一眼,讲究个长幼尊卑。 Nie Wuyue hears Ji Pengchun speech, couldn't bear laughs: „ really this disgusting deed, impenetrably thickheaded! 聂无月听到姬蓬春的话语,不由嗤笑:“果然还是这副臭德行,冥顽不灵! The group of old things of your Divine Dragon clan, gave others a bad time I and my son so many year, today do not want to walk! 你们神龙氏族的这帮老东西,害苦了我和我儿子这么多年,今日一个都别想走! Come, you all come to suffer to death together, pour avoid also my one by one kills! ” 来吧,你们全都一起过来受死,倒也省得我一个个杀!” Nie Wuyue! You left go too far!” Ye Longteng went forward to say at this time indignantly: „ Past years was you sneaks our China, submerged Dragon Soul, deceived my big brother, harmed him since then to be unable to recover! 聂无月!你别太过分了!”叶龙腾这时义愤填膺地上前道:“当年是你潜入我们夏国,潜入龙魂,骗了我大哥,害得他自那以后一蹶不振! If your Doomsday Kingship not so attentive dangerous, if you are not the undercover, how to end up is out like that!? You are very harmful!! ” 要是你们末日王权不这般用心险恶,要是你不当卧底,怎会落得那般下场!?你才是害人不浅!!” Nie Wuyue visits him coldly severely, „ stops talking!! Your also face said that I harmed Ye Longyuan!? I to guarantee child, to preserve him, I have discarded cultivation base, is willing knowing all said! 聂无月冷厉地看着他,“住口!!你还有脸说我害了叶龙渊!?我为了保下孩子,为了保住他,我已经废掉修为,甘愿把知道的一切都说出来了! When I kneel in your Ye entrances, in belly with the child, by the wind and rain, just like a stray cur, cries to ask your times, Ye Longyuan is at where!? Where your group of affectedly virtuous fellows are at!? 当我跪在你们叶氏门口,肚子里怀着孩子,被风吹雨淋,跟一条丧家之犬一样,哭着求你们的时候,叶龙渊在哪!?你们这群道貌岸然的家伙在哪!? I only want to see my child to grow up, is only safe, what status, the position, all does not want! But you do not let off us...... are you compel the dead end me!! ” 我只想看着我的孩子长大,只想平平安安,什么名分,地位,全都不要!可你们还是不放过我们母子……是你们把我逼到绝路的!!” Nie Wuyue shouts hysteric, the eye socket blushes, the tears almost flow copiously. 聂无月歇斯底里地喊道,眼眶发红,泪水差点夺眶而出。 This conceals in the hatred of heart, this type as sad as pinnacle pain, she suffering is too long. 这种藏在内心深处的恨意,这种悲伤到极致的痛苦,她已经煎熬了太久。 The females on the scene hear these words, one by one feel the heart to turn sour, in the eye appears mist...... 在场的众女听到这番话,一个个都感觉心头发酸,眼里浮现一层薄雾…… With is a woman, they can understand at this time, Nie Wuyue in the past how pitiful no use, sees things in others'shoes, any woman will feel desperate...... 同为女人,她们此时更能明白,聂无月当年是多么的凄惨无助,换位思考,任何一个女人都会感到绝望…… The does not have person detected what is, at this time situated in battlefield distant place, on a covert steep slope, a man who is red the upper body, look complex is waiting and seeing this silently...... 没有人察觉到的是,此时位于战场远处,一处隐蔽的高坡上,一个赤着上身的男子,正目光复杂地默默观望着这一幕…… In the air, as if filled one intermittently sad...... to fall into shortly peacefully. 空气中,仿佛弥漫着一阵阵哀伤……短暂地陷入了安静。 „The person of feeling sorry, must have the hateful place, you yourself does not think the own actions, all blames others, this is the fallacies and absurdities!” Ye Longteng broke silent, sincere said. “可怜之人,必有可恨之处,你自己不想想自己的所作所为,全怪他人,这就是歪理邪说!”叶龙腾打破了沉默,正色道 Nie Wuyue sneers, how is casual you to say...... in any case, your one do not want to run today!” 聂无月冷笑,“随便你们怎么说……反正,今天你们一个都别想跑!” On Ji Pengchun face injury also not quite entire, but is not affected much, he goes forward with stride, with Ye Chunhua stands, said: Seductress, a moment ago was the Old Ancestor general idea/careless, will not give you opportunity......” 姬蓬春脸上伤势还未好全,但也无大碍,他大步上前,与叶春华站在一起,道:“妖女,刚才是本老祖大意,再也不会给你机会了……” Nie Wuyue belittles however said: Your no matter what do not give my opportunity, quite makes me suffer your a while much......” 聂无月蔑然道:“你千万别给我机会,好让我多折磨你们一会儿……” finished speaking, she condenses the death charm that rushes again, toward a ground racket, the gloomy charm irrigation after the ground, huge magic spreads single-handed together instantaneously! 言罢,她再度凝聚出澎湃的死亡魔力,单手往地面一拍,一道灰暗魔力灌注于地面后,一个巨大的魔法阵瞬间扩散开来! Suddenly, several coronas glitter to revolve unceasingly, in the air starts to fill even more strong death qi! 一时间,数层光轮不断地闪烁旋转着,空气中开始弥漫出更加浓烈的死气 „The place of corrupting! Bloodstone puppet!” “腐烂之地!血石傀儡!” In a twinkling, the soil grit in ground, starts to condense 2-3 meters high fast, body seems flowing the puppet person of blood! 霎时间,地面上的泥土沙石,开始快速凝聚成一具具2-3米高,身上仿佛流淌着鲜血的傀儡人! These bloodstone puppets compared with general mud earth puppet, want the speed to be quicker, the might is stronger. 这些血石傀儡比一般的土傀儡,要速度更快,威力更强。 After presenting more than ten puppets, rapidly threw toward Ye Longteng, Ji Yutang and Ji Kangnian, brings death qi of intermittent offending somebody soul! 出现了十几个傀儡后,迅速地朝着叶龙腾姬玉堂姬康年扑了过去,带起一阵阵伤人灵魂的死气 After the bloodstone puppet attacks that three cultivation base low people, Nie Wuyue again flies high, summoned more than ten small-scale law in the sky! 用血石傀儡攻击那三个修为较低的人后,聂无月再度凌空而起,当空召唤出了十几个小型法阵! Nether devil claw!!” 幽冥鬼爪!!” Black salt perverted ghost claws, seem flash before baseless, passes through from law, toward each angle attack of Ji Pengchun and Ye Chunhua! 一道道的黑灰色鬼爪,好似凭空闪现,从法阵里贯穿而出,朝着姬蓬春叶春华的各个角度进攻! In the extremely short time, Nie Wuyue has launched the powerful attack toward five people simultaneously, this indeed magic advantage is, wide scope multi-dimensional attack! 只是极短的时间里,聂无月已经同时朝五人发起强悍进攻,这正是魔法的优势所在,大范围多元的进攻! However Ji Pengchun and Ye Chunhua this time especially is careful, knows that Nie Wuyue cannot have a low opinion of the enemy, they transport/fortune the golden light to protect the body. 不过姬蓬春叶春华这一次都格外小心,知道聂无月绝不能轻敌,他们都运起金光护体。 dragon claw!” 龙爪手!” dragon recited the fist!” “龙吟拳!” Two people display core art respectively, strikes the powder these devil claws, simultaneously fast from having these law surrounding. 两人各自施展绝学,将这些鬼爪击散,同时快速地从出这些法阵的包围。 Nie Wuyue from the beginning hopeless, this simple magic can injure to these two people, she float in the midair, in the mouth mumbled, in the air appeared together to be strange and more complex magic! 聂无月从一开始就没指望,这种简单的魔法能伤到这二人,她悬浮于半空,口中念念有词,空中浮现出一道诡异而更为复杂的魔法阵! Gathers a lot of dark clouds in all directions, a huge fierce Skeleton illusory image, appears in the sky, cold wind crazy volume! The ghosts cry to rise from all directions! 四面八方汇聚过来大量的黑云,一张巨大的狰狞骷髅幻影,在天空中出现,阴风狂卷!鬼哭四起! Two people of does not say in law surrounding, the people who even if outside observes, shocked by this powerful magic fluctuation and a terrifying weaponry! 不说在法阵包围中的两人,就算外面观战的众人,都被这强大的魔法波动和恐怖阵仗惊呆了! Ye Chunhua looks up, is shamelessly pale immediately, loudly exclaimed: Pengchun! Transports the merit to protect the body quickly together full power!!” 叶春华抬头一看,老脸顿时铁青,大吼道:“蓬春!快一起全力运功护体!!” Ji Pengchun notices in the sky that huge Skeleton, sends out to puncture goal silver-gray color radiance with Skeleton, felt that greatly is not wonderful! 姬蓬春注意到天空中那巨大骷髅,和骷髅散发出刺目的银灰色光华,也感觉大为不妙 this time, Ji Pengchun did not dare a person to be forcefully hard! 这一次,姬蓬春也不敢一个人强行硬来了! They have shunted without enough time, stakes everything on a single throw of the dice simply, the strength and True Yuan and dragon prestige total golden Divine Dragon bloodlines releases, as if stars of two flaming combustion!! 他们已经来不及躲开,索性孤注一掷,金色的神龙血脉之力与真元、龙威全数释放出来,仿佛两颗熊熊燃烧的恒星!! Two Old Ancestor the sticking together defense, all around gloomy death charm, was extinguished by the wide scope simultaneously immediately diverges! 两名老祖同时抱团防御,四周的阴森死亡魔力,顿时被大范围地消弭散去! However Nie Wuyue has killed to get angry, is to beat them forcefully thoroughly!! 不过聂无月已经杀红了眼,就是要强行把他们彻底击垮!! Abyss pandemonium, the shining of god of death! Falls!!” “深渊鬼域,死神之耀!落!!” Nie Wuyue condenses huge destructive necromancy that completes, starts outrageously!! 聂无月凝聚完成的巨大杀伤性亡灵魔法,悍然发动!!
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