MCBW :: Volume #14

#1336: Domineering Mother-in-law

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1336 1336 Suddenly, in the islands seems shrieks and howls wildly, the cold wind is intermittent, the present all fell into the death and despair! 一时间,岛屿上好似鬼哭狼嚎,阴风阵阵,眼前的一切都陷入了死亡和绝望! The people feel Nie Wuyue magic energy pressure, incomparably shocks. 众人感受到聂无月魔法能量威压,不禁都无比震惊。 This...... is this Ye Fan mother?” The Ning Zimo pretty face blanch, muttered. “这……这是叶帆的母亲?”宁紫陌俏脸发白,喃喃道。 nearby Feng Yueying pulls with Ning Zimo subconsciously in the same place, to them, this Mother-in-law was too domineering, in the eye revealed the color of fear. 一旁的冯月盈下意识地跟宁紫陌手挽在一起,对她们而言,这个“婆婆”实在太强势了,眼中都露出了畏惧之色。 However also has did not fear that Shi Lanyu and Sally, appreciate very much, thought that then the resembles can give birth to the Ye Fan woman. 不过也有不怕的,时蓝雨莎莉叶,就很是欣赏,觉得这才像能够生出叶帆的女人。 Wuye Ling stands in Honored Master nearby, exclaims: Very powerful charm, did the such charm...... also only rank sixth at Doomsday Kingship?” 雾夜蕶站在恩师身边,惊叹道:“好强的魔力,这样的魔力……在末日王权也只排第六?” Asmodeus is frowning saying: Heard that Doomsday Kingship first eight, the strength has the qualitative change span, no wonder antiquity Nicholas only arranged eighth......” 阿斯蒙蒂斯皱着眉头道:“听说末日王权前八,实力是有质变跨度的,难怪上古者尼古拉斯只排了第八……” Initially several people had also seen Nicholas and Lovren on the island, can therefore feel, Nie Wuyue truly compared with antiquity a big truncation! 当初几人也在岛上见过尼古拉斯洛夫伦,所以能感觉出来,聂无月确实比上古者强了一大截! Naturally, this was also imprisoned with Nie Wuyue these months, concentrates on the cultivation, making the charm promotion related. 当然,这也跟聂无月这几个月来遭到囚禁,专注修炼,使得魔力提升有关。 Kuroki shot a look at their one eyes lightly, said: You also rather too underestimated Doomsday Kingship, by the population, Doomsday Kingship did not beat the clan, but the clan cannot remove this old opponent, what hasn't could it be been able to explain?” 黑姬淡淡瞥了他们一眼,道:“你们也未免太低估末日王权了,论人数,末日王权一直都不敌氏族,但氏族一直不能除掉这个老对手,难道还不能说明什么吗?” The people are silent, can hear, the meaning of Kuroki is, arranged at dying front that several, but also was much more terrorist! 众人沉默,听得出来,黑姬的意思是,排在死亡前面的那几位,还要恐怖得多! Everyone this little while can understand why Ye Fan such strongly requested them to try hard to cultivate, because only, the potential enemy was too powerful! 大家这会儿越发能理解,为什么叶帆这么强烈要求他们努力修炼了,只因,潜在敌人太强大了! But at this time, several people of Divine Dragon, already look alert. 而此时,神龙氏的几人,也都已经神色戒备。 „Not good...... this woman unexpectedly as strong as this grade of situation, the Ye Longteng whole face worried color, their strengths, this little while come up to bring death. “不好……这女人竟然已经强到这等地步”,叶龙腾满脸苦恼之色,他们的实力,这会儿上去是送死。 Ji Yutang turned head said to Ye Chunhua: Chunhua Old Ancestor! You help Pengchun Old Ancestor quickly! This female does not eliminate, we must die! Ye Fan will also be misled by her!!” 姬玉堂回头叶春华道:“春华老祖!你快去助蓬春老祖啊!此女不除,我们都得死!叶帆也会被她蛊惑!!” Ye Chunhua Divine Revelation great completion cultivation base, this little while is to actually feel the strength falls short, may think at this time is the life and death battlefield, he also has to brace oneself, the whole body aroused protected the body golden light, took a step to face forward to walk. 叶春华神启大圆满修为,这会儿却是感觉力有不逮,可一想到此时乃生死战场,他也只好硬着头皮,浑身鼓足了护体金光,迈步朝前走去。 Snort! Ye Chunhua! Does not need you to act, a old man person can cut to kill this seductress!” Ji Pengchun saw that Ye Chunhua must make a move, stops loudly. “哼!叶春华!不需要你出手,老夫一人就能斩杀此妖女!”姬蓬春见到叶春华要出手,大声制止。 This......” Ye Chunhua somewhat stops awkwardly, he looks forward not to act, today this not for bloody battle. “这……”叶春华有些尴尬地停下,他巴不得不出手,今日来此就不是为了血战的。 Originally Ji Pengchun with Sally to war, but can also think the means circle in the past, now Nie Wuyue came, really wants to speak well is inadequate. 原本姬蓬春莎莉叶对战,还能想办法圆过去,如今聂无月来了,真是想好好说话都不成了。 Airborne Ji Pengchun is actually confident, he no longer has anything to worry at this time, starts to congeal unscrupulously the Julong breath! 空中的姬蓬春却是自信十足,他此时不再有什么顾虑,开始肆无忌惮地凝聚龙息! !-” “呼!-” Ji Pengchun holds breath, the fierce ascendant current, appears again! 姬蓬春一口倒吸,狂烈的上升气流,再度出现! Just like True Yuan of flood high sea, gathers in the Ji Pengchun chest compression, his both eyes also follow to exude the dazzling golden light. 一股宛如洪水怒涛的真元,在姬蓬春胸膛压缩汇聚,他的双目也跟着泛起刺目金光。 Feeling to be stronger than previously much dragon prestige, the people knows, this absolutely is earth-shaking dragon breath, therefore below person spreads toward four sides immediately immediately retreats. 感受到比先前要强得多的龙威,众人知道,这绝对是石破天惊的一记龙息,于是下方的人顿时立马朝四面扩散撤退。 Everyone almost can foresee, this dragon breath gets down, this piece restored the shortly after place, also must reconstruct. 大家几乎都能预见到,这一口龙息下来,这片才修复没多久的地方,要重建了。 Old ordinary man, gave up any idea of family/home that must ruin my son!” “老匹夫,休想要毁掉我儿子的家!” Nie Wuyue spiritual strength is powerful, hard resists dragon prestige least bit not empty, her cold snort/hum, the long skirt flies upwards, flies high! 聂无月精神力强大,硬抗着龙威半点不虚,她冷哼一声,长裙飞扬中,凌空而起! Sees only her both arms to stretch, listening to her mouth to read the spell, massive gloomy charms gather before her body, just like one group of giant gloomy storms! 只见她双臂舒展,听她口念魔咒,大量的灰暗魔力在她身前汇聚,宛如一团巨大的灰暗风暴! Like Nie Wuyue this level magician, most magic are the instantaneous releases, only some powerful magic arts, but also needs to chant incantations to control the spiritual strength stabilized frequency. 聂无月这种级别的魔法师,大部分魔法已经是瞬间释放,唯有一些强大的法术,还需要念咒来控制精神力的稳定频率。 All these on more than ten seconds of skill, Ji Pengchun have actually also unified dragon breath, roared! 这一切其实也就十几秒的功夫,姬蓬春已经凝聚完了龙息,咆哮而出! Roar!!” “吼!!” Compared with the even more tyrannical dragon breath, released just like the golden light a moment ago, flies down straight 3000 chi (0.33 m)! 一口比刚才更加暴虐的龙息,宛如金光泄地,飞流直下三千尺! Nie Wuyue also almost prepares to end the magic arts simultaneously, eyes reveal cold glow, the double palm pushes! 聂无月也几乎同时准备完法术,目露寒芒,双掌一推! Undead Bone Dragon!!” 亡灵骨龙!!” Front death storm energy group, changed to fierce skeleton Flying Dragon unexpectedly, brings the fierce sound air-splitting, hits with that dragon breath together! 面前的死亡风暴能量团,竟然化作了一条狰狞的骸骨飞龙,带着剧烈的破空声,与那龙息撞击在一起! The gloomy energy and golden energy refused to compromise for enough about five seconds in the midair, the electrical fire happened simultaneously, had the explosion! 灰暗的能量和金色的能量在半空僵持了足足五秒左右,电火交加中,产生了爆炸! Bang!!-” “轰!!-” Flying sand and rocks, gloomy! 飞沙走石,天昏地暗! The shock-wave chord wave stimulated everyone's nerve and eardrum, the air current of wreaking havoc is making in the island as if blow typhoon! 冲击波和音浪刺激着所有人的神经、耳膜,肆虐的气流让岛上仿佛刮了一阵台风! Does not wait for the sand dust to diverge, the people raise the head, discovery in the air two people, have actually battled again! 不等沙尘散去,众人一抬头,却发现空中的两人,早就再度交战! The Ji Pengchun dragon breath was blocked, he is very annoyed, after receiving / and transporting Divine Dragon Golden Ray Burst protects the body, toward Nie Wuyue starts to be crazily fierce the fist to applaud! 姬蓬春的龙息被挡住,他很是恼火,直接运起神龙金光决护体后,朝着聂无月开始狂猛出拳击掌! Golden True Yuan, hit easily accomplished toward Nie Wuyue that seemingly slender and delicate body! 一道道的金色真元,摧枯拉朽地朝着聂无月那看似纤柔的身体打去! But Nie Wuyue this level mage|master, by no means is that easy near body, even by near body, has other was still defended method early. 聂无月这种级别的法师,并不是那么容易近身的,就算被近身,也早有别的防御手段 Her body condenses a grey dark magic energy armor instantaneously, moves in the midair flexibly high-speed. 她的身上瞬间凝聚出一层灰暗色的魔法能量铠甲,灵活地在半空高速移动。 Simultaneously bone lances, death shock-wave, violent storm toward Ji Pengchun greeting in the past! 同时一道道的骨矛,死亡冲击波,狂风暴雨般地朝着姬蓬春招呼过去! Although Nie Wuyue cultivation base is higher than Ji Pengchun, but the strength of Divine Dragon truly is the difficult adversaries of all gloomy energies, causes two people fight rubber incomparably, the short time internal calamity divides the victory and defeat! 虽然聂无月修为要高于姬蓬春,但神龙之力确实是一切阴暗能量的克星,使得两人的战斗胶着无比,短时间内难分胜负! Gargoyle!!” 石像鬼!!” The instance that Nie Wuyue falls to the ground, the hand lifts, in the ground some crushed stone sand soar, condense three Bat general statue monsters! 聂无月落地的瞬间,手一抬,地面上一些碎石沙子腾空而起,凝聚出三只蝙蝠一般的石像怪兽! After adhering to stick cohere the death charm, these three Gargoyle flush away toward Ji Pengchun fast! 附着了死亡魔力后,这三只石像鬼朝着姬蓬春快速冲去! dragon recited the fist!” “龙吟拳!” Ji Pengchun does not spare a glance, the punch palm, surges together the circular golden color wave! 姬蓬春不屑一顾,一拳击掌,激荡开一道圆形金色波浪! A dragon recited the general voice, brings golden True Yuan that is shaking, crushed two Gargoyle directly! 一阵龙吟般的声浪,带着震荡开的金色真元,直接粉碎了两只石像鬼 However remaining successfully avoided this together wave, one grasps the buckle from the rear area to the neck of Ji Pengchun! 不过剩下的一只成功躲开了这一道波浪,从后方一抓扣向姬蓬春的脖子! Ji Pengchun is prepared early, a backhand heavy hammer! 姬蓬春却是早有准备,一记反手重锤! Carves insect small technique!” “雕虫小技尔!” When Ji Pengchun soon destroys that only Gargoyle, the corners of the mouth of Nie Wuyue exude one to sneer...... 姬蓬春快要打碎那只石像鬼时,聂无月的嘴角泛起一丝冷笑…… Bang!!” “轰隆!!” The Gargoyle direct explosion, the crushed stone and death energy short eruption, the might won! 石像鬼直接爆炸,碎石和死亡能量短促的爆发,威力更胜! No!-” When Ji Pengchun realizes the issue, already without enough time! “不!-”姬蓬春意识到问题时,已经来不及! So the short distance, causing Ji Pengchun is unable to move aside, he half face covered with blood, hurts from in the air to crash immediately! 如此近距离,使得姬蓬春无法躲闪,他顿时半张脸都血肉模糊,疼得从空中坠落下来! Where Nie Wuyue to him the time to regroup, in the direction that Ji Pengchun falls, her hand condenses the flowers that magic composes, blows gently...... 聂无月哪会给他喘息机会,朝着姬蓬春掉落的方向,她一手凝聚出一朵魔法组成的花朵,轻轻一吹…… Flower petal faded and fallen at the same time, transforms in the midair unceasingly increases, one second, all turned into the sharp sharp death cutting edge unexpectedly! 花瓣飘零的同时,在半空中不断地幻化变大,竟然一秒时间,全都变成了犀利锋锐的死亡锋刃! Sees Ji Pengchun to want the move, side Ye Chunhua to leave suddenly, the body golden light explodes flashes, turns over/stands up a whip leg, kicks golden True Yuan strong gale! 眼看着姬蓬春要中招,旁边的叶春华突然动身,身上金光爆闪,翻身一记鞭腿,踢出一股金色真元烈风! Divine Dragon Tail Swipe!” 神龙摆尾!” Although this True Yuan cannot all rout these death energy flying edges, but actually scattered the attack forcefully, cannot kill Ji Pengchun that drops! 这股真元虽然没能把这些死亡能量飞刃全都击溃,但却强行打散了进攻,没能杀伤到落下的姬蓬春 After Ji Pengchun falls to the ground, is some fright is uncertain, in the head the move, truly all of a sudden was a moment ago ignorant. 姬蓬春落地后,也是有些惊魂不定,刚才头部中招,确实一下子懵了。 His hand is covering the bloody face, clenches jaws, the complexion looks at Nie Wuyue with raw hate, in the eye killing intent has soon been overflowing...... 一手捂着血淋淋的脸,咬牙切齿,面色凶狠地望着聂无月,眼里杀意已经快要溢出来……
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