MCBW :: Volume #14

#1335: New hatreds on top of old

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1335 1335 Sally naturally cannot resign oneself to extinction, her six wing traveling speed by no means are inferior, because of being half beat behind, must avoid completely already without enough time. 莎莉叶自然不会束手待毙,她的六翼移动速度并不逊色,但因为慢了半拍,要全部躲开已经来不及。 She displays Blood Art instantaneously, a red black rectangle protects the shield, wraps in which her. 她瞬间施展血术,一道红黑色的矩形护盾,将她包裹其中。 When the golden light touches instantly, protects the shield actually unable to insist for one second, loudly disruption! 当金光碰触的刹那,护盾却是没能坚持一秒,轰然碎裂! The Sally six wings hurry to protect body, but was rubbed by this golden True Yuan mighty current, an arm flutters to wipe the blood immediately! 莎莉叶六翼赶紧护住身体,但还是被这股金色真元洪流蹭到了,一条手臂顿时飘出一抹鲜血! Sally!” 莎莉叶!” The people in ground shouted, burning with impatience, only hates to have no way to help. 地面上的众人大喊,心急如焚,只恨没法帮忙。 Sally is nipping the silver tooth, surges of body in the midair, after has put together the arc track flexibly, flies higher in the air, releases a lot of blood-color light beams toward Ji Pengchun again! 莎莉叶咬着银牙,身体在半空中一个翻腾,灵活地划过一道圆弧轨迹后,飞上更高的空中,朝着姬蓬春再度释放出大量的血色光束! Ji Pengchun does not spare a glance, the big hand wields, massive golden True Yuan just like the turbulent high sea, all keep off these light beams! 姬蓬春不屑一顾,大手一挥,大量的金色真元宛如汹涌怒涛,将这些光束全都挡掉! Reckless little girl, makes you evade one move by luck, but also really thinks that this Old Ancestor doesn't dare to kill you?!” “不知死活的小丫头,侥幸让你躲过一招,还真以为本老祖不敢杀你?!” His this time direct visual, said: Your these little fellows, fast go to call that Ye Fan boy! Otherwise, waits to gather up dead bodies to this smelly girl!” 这次直接目视着下方,道:“你们这些小家伙,速速去把那叶帆小子叫过来!不然,就等着给这臭丫头收尸!” Azazel and the others the complexion is complex, Xie Linyuan feels such to get down, Sally inevitable severe wound, therefore said: Good, you call a halt, we inform Boss!” 阿撒兹勒等人面色复杂,谢临渊则是觉得这么下去,莎莉叶必然重伤,于是道:“好,那你就此停手,我们去通知老大!” „It is not good!” Sally is actually falls, drinks to stop decisively: I have not lost!” “不行!”莎莉叶却是落下来,断然喝止:“我还没输!” Ye Chunhua sighed at this time: This Blood Clan miss, why are you? We want to look for Ye Fan, discussed something, did you make us see him at the same time why not?” 叶春华这时叹道:“这位血族的姑娘,你这是何必?我们只是想来找叶帆,谈一些事,你就让我们见他一面何妨?” indeed, Sally, I am the Ye Fan biological uncle, I guaranteed we will not injure Ye Fan, Ye Longteng strikes one's chest to say. 是啊,莎莉叶,我是叶帆亲叔叔,我保证我们不会伤害叶帆的”,叶龙腾拍胸脯道。 Depending on you? Naturally cannot injure my King! But do not think that I do not know, your despicable and shameless people, want to use the bloodlines, the family, comes to haul in a beyond redemption abyss my King! “凭你们?当然伤不到吾王!但别以为我不知道,你们这些卑鄙无耻之徒,想用血脉,家族,来把吾王拉进一个万劫不复的深渊! You do not match to see him! Also does not match with him talks! In the past abandoned his clansman, all should under hell!! ” Sally angry say/way. 你们根本不配见他!也不配跟他谈话!当年抛弃他的族人,全都应该下地狱!!”莎莉叶愤然道。 Following Ye, the complexion is awkward. 下面的叶氏两人,面色尴尬。 But Inferno people , the complexion is complex, they actually also worried, Ye Fan for the bloodlines kinship, returns to the Divine Dragon clan, thus withstands the too many risk and injury. INFERNO众人,也都面色复杂,他们其实也担心,叶帆为了血脉亲情,回到神龙氏族,从而承受太多风险和伤害。 After all, Ye Fan agreed on the person of Divine Dragon the islands, had indicated that this has the situation of probability. 毕竟,叶帆同意了神龙氏的人上岛屿,就已经表明,这是有概率发生的情况。 Everyone does not certainly want to notice that matter happens, but, also cannot look at present helplessly Sally was killed. 大家当然不想看到那种事发生,可是,眼下不能眼睁睁看着莎莉叶被杀死。 While at this time, a chilly voice of woman, spread to the people ear...... 正当这时,一个女人的清洌声音,传入众人耳朵里…… Said...... the person of Divine Dragon clan well, is not the good thing!” “说得好……神龙氏族的人,都不是好东西!” Ye Family and Ji Family several people, eyes reveal is disgruntled and angry look looked. 叶家姬家的几人,都目露不悦和怒色地望了过去。 any person!?” 什么人!?” Inferno people , the surprise looks to the stair of not far away, two women who walk. INFERNO的众人,也都诧异地看向不远处的台阶上,走上来的两个女人。 Kuroki?” Shi Lanyu sees that black windproof coat, the smoking makeup, having hair dishevelled girl, recognized immediately. 黑姬?”时蓝雨见到那黑色风衣,烟熏妆,披头散发的女郎,立马认了出来。 However just spoke, actually before is the Kuroki body, is walking a gray beam long skirt, makings solemn elegant black hair female. 不过刚刚说话的,却是黑姬身前走着的一个灰色束腰长裙,气质端庄典雅的黑发女子。 such walks slowly, one type could not say the moving graceful bearing and aura, this was the years and experience, can let the charm that a female had. 只是这么慢慢走来,就有一种说不出动人风韵和气场,这是岁月和历练,才能让一个女子拥有的魅力。 When Ye Longteng, Ji Kangnian and Ji Yutang, see the instance of this woman, revealed the astonished color! 叶龙腾姬康年姬玉堂,看见这个女人的瞬间,都露出了惊愕之色! Nie Wuyue!?” Ye Longteng shouted, the eyeball stares quickly, you how in this!?” 聂无月!?”叶龙腾大喊,眼珠子都快瞪出来,“你怎么在这!?” Came the person, indeed death Nie Wuyue and Kuroki, the master and servant two people. 来人,正是死亡聂无月黑姬,主仆二人。 Nie Wuyue swept Ye Longteng and the others, the corners of the mouth exuded to wipe to sneer, should ask that this saying, was I was right...... despicable lowly one of your Divine Dragon, why to come to here?” 聂无月扫了一眼叶龙腾等人,嘴角泛起一抹冷笑,“该问这话的,是我才对吧……你们这些神龙氏的卑鄙小人,凭什么来这里?” Sally fell at this time, she can feel, Nie Wuyue body has the strong charm, decayed, degenerates, gloomy, has the aura of death. 莎莉叶这时落了下去,她能感觉到,聂无月身上有着强大的魔力,腐朽,堕落,阴森,带着死亡的气息。 Although conceals is very deep, but Sally likes about this kind of energy, therefore even more keenly sensation...... 虽然藏的很深,但莎莉叶对这类能量非常喜欢,所以更加敏锐地感知地到…… Kuroki, is this woman any person?” Sally is knows that Kuroki will come, she was also quick authorized, has not mentioned with Ye Fan. 黑姬,这位女士是什么人?”莎莉叶是知道黑姬会过来的,她也很快就批准了,也没跟叶帆说起。 After all Kuroki and Black Sovereign, are the Ye Fan benefactors, is own person, naturally will not inquire about them to do. 毕竟黑姬黑皇,是叶帆的恩人,是自己人,当然也不会多过问他们来干嘛。 What hadn't thought is, Kuroki brought one unexpectedly, seems like very serious woman...... 没想到的是,黑姬竟然带来了一个,看起来很不得了的女人…… Kuroki very humbly introduced: This...... was the Doomsday Kingship sixth rank, the Doomsday Dharma King adopted daughter, death Excellency...... is also the lord who I and my master served.” 黑姬很是谦卑地介绍道:“这位……是末日王权第六排位,末日法王的义女,死亡阁下……也是我和我师傅所侍奉的主子。” What?!” “什么?!” The following Inferno people were shocked, Sally is also in-situ. 后面的INFERNO众人都惊呆了,莎莉叶也是愣在原地。 Doomsday Kingship first eight also on that's all, but the key is the Dharma king adopted daughter, this truly shocks very much. 末日王权前八也就罢了,可关键是法王义女,这确实很震撼。 Nie Wuyue actually smiled, appreciates very much looks at Sally, said: You called me Nie Wuyue good on...... me, although was the Doomsday Kingship person, but...... I was the Ye Fan birth mother. 聂无月却是微微笑了下,很是欣赏地看着莎莉叶,道:“你们叫我聂无月就行了……我虽然是末日王权的人,但……我更是叶帆的生母”。 Such remarks, the scene even more was peaceful immediately, except for the sea breeze of ear bank, almost does not have the least bit sound...... 此话一出,场面顿时更加安静了,除了耳畔的海风,几乎没半点声响…… The Inferno person, understands finally several people of such of Divine Dragon were why excited. INFERNO的人,终于明白为何神龙氏的几人这么激动了。 But Ning Zimo, Feng Yueying and other woman anxiously complexions some flood red, looks at Nie Wuyue, is a little helpless. 宁紫陌冯月盈等女人则是紧张地都脸色有些泛红,看着聂无月,有点手足无措。 After all, this Mother-in-law appeared was also too sudden! 毕竟,这“婆婆”出现了也太突然了! In those present, to the Ye Fan mother, has finding, there does not know that but no matter what, sees Nie Wuyue oneself, is the feeling is sudden. 在场的人里,对叶帆的亲生母亲,有了解的,也有不知道的,可不管怎样,见到聂无月本人,都是感觉非常突然。 Ye Chunhua and Ji Pengchun, after knowing the Nie Wuyue status, understands. 叶春华姬蓬春,得知聂无月身份后,也都明白过来。 Good...... is the Doomsday Kingship seductress, ahem, but also wants to abduct Doomsday Kingship to be inadequate the descendants of our Divine Dragon? “好啊……原来是末日王权的妖女,哼哼,还想把我们神龙氏的子孙拐骗去末日王权不成? Today comes just right, this Old Ancestor cuts to kill you, frustrates Doomsday Dharma King sharp qi!! ” Ji Pengchun eyes reveal ominous light. 今日来得正好,本老祖就把你斩杀,挫挫末日法王锐气!!”姬蓬春目露凶光。 In fact, Ye Chunhua and the others look is also sharp, even has murderous aura faintly, they know, the appearance of Nie Wuyue, means anything! 事实上,叶春华等人也都眼神锐利起来,甚至隐隐有杀气,他们都知道,聂无月的出现,意味着什么! Doomsday Kingship...... also wants to win over Ye Fan! This is unable to tolerate absolutely! 末日王权……也想拉拢叶帆!这绝对是无法容忍的! With its waits for Ye Fan to make the choice, they rather first remove Nie Wuyue, always feels better to look at Ye Fan to join Doomsday Kingship! 与其等着叶帆做选择,他们宁可先把聂无月除掉,总好过看着叶帆加入末日王权 Nie Wuyue sees these past faces, is look cold severe incomparable, anger extreme instead smiles said: „ Really was the guilty party sues first...... I compromised for the general interest in the past, you are not willing to let off...... 聂无月看到这些当年的面孔,更是目光冷厉无比,怒极反笑道:“真是恶人先告状……当年我委曲求全,你们都不肯放过…… Harms us to meet misfortune separately, making me wait with hardship for more than 20 years, is unable to see the own child...... 害得我们母子落难失散,让我苦苦等了二十多年,无法看到自己的孩子…… Now also wants my only son, to haul in the reign of terror, was used by your group of waste?! 如今还想把我唯一的儿子,拉进腥风血雨之中,被你们这帮废物所利用?! The person of Divine Dragon clan, I calculate the new hatreds on top of old with you today, making you know that...... my Nie Wuyue early was not in the past that woman who no matter what you humiliated!! ” 神龙氏族的人,今日我就跟你们算算新仇旧恨,让你们知道……我聂无月早不是当年那个,任你们欺凌的女人!!” Finishes barely the words, the Nie Wuyue whole body leaps one to rush the incomparable gloomy decayed charm, the entire rural fair as if fell into pandemonium general, lets one was afraid!! 话音未落,聂无月浑身就腾起一股澎湃无比的灰暗腐朽魔力,整个集市仿佛都陷入了鬼域一般,令人不寒而栗!!
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