MCBW :: Volume #14

#1334: Difficult adversary

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1334 1334 Rise at the same time, on six wings of Sally, starts to condense the purple black energy light ball, his both hands also condense massive charms! 上升的同时,莎莉叶的六道羽翼上,都开始凝聚出紫黑色的能量光球,他的双手也凝聚出大量的魔力! When the energy balls of Sally six wings release six light beams at 1 : 00, the charm that her palm condenses also floods into! 莎莉叶六翼的能量球释放出六道光束于一点,她手心凝聚出的魔力也同时涌入其中! Seven Luminaries Demon Light!” 七曜魔光!” Purple black shock-wave that enough seven energy gatherings become, seems together the electromagnetic gun, explodes to shoot instantaneously! 足足七道能量汇聚而成的一道紫黑色冲击波,好似一道电磁炮,瞬间爆射而出! Meanwhile, happen to a Ji Pengchun dragon breath also emits! 与此同时,正好姬蓬春的一口龙息也喷吐而出! Roar!!” “吼!!” A deafening dragon recited, the golden dragon breath just like the wild air current, also seemed a threatening Gold Dragon together, collided with that purple black energy wave together! 一声震耳欲聋的龙吟,金色龙息宛如一道狂暴的气流,好似一条张牙舞爪的金龙,与那紫黑色能量波碰撞在一起! Bang!!-” “轰隆!!-” The energy from the sky surges, the release the shock-wave, explodes general just like the nuclear bomb together! 能量在空中激荡,释放出一道冲击波,宛如核弹爆炸一般 The ground raises the fierce sand dust, in the eardrum of many is grating incites sound, painful incessantly! 地面扬起剧烈的沙尘,很多人的耳膜里全是刺耳的“滋滋”声,痛苦不已 Sally was also affected by the remaining prestige of this dragon breath, is good uses six to shield with one's own body body because of her, after the midair consecutively three surges, will fly to draw back in the future. 莎莉叶也被这股龙息的余威波及,好在她用六翼护住身体,在半空连续三个翻腾后,往后飞退开去。 However, thanks to her high-level devil bloodline, gave her powerful spiritual strength, can resist dragon prestige. 不过,也多亏她的高级恶魔血统,赋予了她强大的精神力,也可以对抗龙威。 If others, the such short distance, were only suppressed by dragon prestige, definitely is unable to revolt. 若是其他人,这么近距离,光是被龙威就压制了,完全无法反抗。 In the Ji Pengchun eye flashes through wipes the suspicion, crosses the hands behind the back to stand proudly said: „ not bad......, although old man has not caused the full power, but can keep off this dragon breath, your strength should also have above Divine Revelation small accomplishment...... 姬蓬春眼中闪过一抹疑窦,傲然地负手而立道:“不错啊……虽然老夫没使全力,但能挡下这一记龙息,你的实力也应该有神启小成以上…… Valuable...... you can block dragon prestige unexpectedly......, but, stopped, relied on your strength, if old man is earnest, you at all are not an opponent! ” 可贵的……你竟然能挡住龙威……只不过,也就到此为止了,凭你的这点实力,若老夫认真起来,你根本不是对手!” Since Ye Wuya leaves, many Old Ancestor put down the heart heavy burden, mostly has promoted, Ji Pengchun naturally also has progressive. 自从叶无涯离开后,很多老祖们卸下心头重担,大多都有所提升,姬蓬春自然也有进步。 Although has not entered into Dao Developing completely, but half-step has also entered into, momentarily possibly breakthrough. 虽然还未完全迈入道衍,但也已经半步迈入,随时可能突破 In addition his Responsive Dragon bloodlines awaken realm, it may be said that unique Divine Dragon, resists general Dao Developing great accomplishment following martial practitioner not empty. 加上他的应龙血脉觉醒境界,可谓独步神龙氏,对抗一般的道衍大成以下武者都不虚。 If Sally under the condition of wild demon, naturally did not fear Ji Pengchun initially. 莎莉叶若是当初狂暴魔化的状态下,自然是不怕姬蓬春 But she is not the abyss succuba of pure blood, the utilization rate of blood is actually very after all low, she now only preservation small some strengths, if not drink the blood to be fascinated, is not the Ji Pengchun opponent. 但她毕竟不是纯血的深渊魔女,血液的利用率其实很低,她如今只保存下了一小部分力量,若不饮血入魔,绝非姬蓬春的对手。 This point, Sally oneself is also clear, but her by no means dreads, cold sound said: I know, should not let on you island, dares to cause trouble...... you to pay the price in Purgatory Island!” 这一点,莎莉叶自己也清楚,不过她并不畏惧,寒声道:“我就知道,不该让你们上岛,敢在炼狱岛生事……你们必须付出代价!” „......” Ji Pengchun sneered, „ under this day, where has the place that our Divine Dragon cannot go, such a very tiny area, this Old Ancestor wants to come to come, wants to walk walks! “呵……”姬蓬春冷笑了一声,“这天下,哪有我们神龙氏不能去的地方,这么一弹丸之地,本老祖想来就来,想走就走! Has not called that Ye Fan to come out quickly, where has the junior to let me and other principles of elder waiting for a long time!? Does not come out, this Old Ancestor next move levels off this rural fair!! ” 还不快叫那叶帆出来,哪有小辈让我等长者久等之理!?再不出来,本老祖下一招就夷平这集市!!” Sally complexion more comes is colder severely, lowers the head to the following numerous wicked Demonic Path: You disperse the personnel, here I cope. 莎莉叶脸色越来越冷厉,低头对下面的众恶魔道:“你们疏散人员,这里我来对付”。 finished speaking, Sally does not allow Ji Pengchun to attack again, initiates an attack! 言罢,莎莉叶不容姬蓬春再度进攻,就主动出击! Her six wings inspire, quick such as startled great wild goose, has grazed in front of Ji Pengchun, both hands condense two demon flame long swords, uses the sword speedily! 她六翼一振,快如惊鸿,已经飞掠到姬蓬春面前,双手凝聚出两把魔焰长剑,疾速出剑! Ji Pengchun cold snort/hum, the both arms brandish, fends off this demon flame long sword standard by True Yuan forcefully, simultaneously golden color are in charge make loudly! 姬蓬春冷哼一声,双臂挥舞,以真元强行把这魔焰长剑格挡开,同时一道道金色掌印轰然打出! The clashing bombing of energy, lingering on faintly! 能量的对撞轰炸声,不绝于耳! During two people entered the intense storm to defend all of a sudden! 两人一下子就进入了激烈的强攻强守之中! Ye Longteng wait/etc. are anxiously, originally Ye Chunhua also wants to prevent, this little while hits to hit, if involves, is not careful possibly becomes the tangled warfare! 叶龙腾等则是急得不行,本来叶春华还想阻止一下,这会儿打都打起来,若是去介入,一个不小心可能就成混战! Azazel and others let the well-trained personnel, evacuates these aristocrat businessmen, but they remain same place, look is staring at Ye Longteng several people bad. 阿撒兹勒等几人让训练有素的人员,将那些贵族商贾都撤离,但他们本人则留在原地,目光不善地盯着叶龙腾几人。 The two sides refuse to compromise there, is the nerve ties tight. 两边僵持在那里,都是神经紧绷。 In midair, consecutively more than ten moves after spelling, the Sally cultivation base weak trend, appears finally. 半空中,连续十几招对拼后,莎莉叶修为弱势,终于显现。 Her demon sword was crushed by dragon claw together, after body was hit by a palm flies upside down more than ten meters, the corners of the mouth seep a blood threads...... 她的魔剑被一道龙爪击碎,身体被一掌打得倒飞出十几米后,嘴角沁出一丝血丝…… However, the Sally body quality is excellent, this slightly injures actually not to be a problem. 不过,莎莉叶身体素质极好,这点小伤倒不成问题。 Snort, told you, you are not the Old Ancestor opponent...... that Ye Fan, feared this Old Ancestor is inadequate? “哼,跟你说了,你不是本老祖对手……那叶帆,是怕了本老祖不成? Let your young doll such injured, hasn't he come? ” Ji Pengchun teased. 让你一个小女娃这样受伤,他还不现身?”姬蓬春戏谑道。 my King is closing up the cultivation, if you in custom according to island, I, in addition will go to convey a message for you, but...... do not want to see him now, Sally has set firm resolve, at the worst drinks the blood of intruder, must prevent Ji Pengchun. 吾王在闭关修炼,若你们按岛上规矩来,我尚且会去替你们传话,但现在……你们就别想见他了”,莎莉叶已经下定决心,大不了饮下入侵者的血,也要阻挡姬蓬春 Thinks Ye Fan in the difficulty that in the lava exercises martial arts, she wants to share for the man, rather than has the enemy, prays for rescue. 一想到叶帆在熔岩中练功的艰苦,她就更想为男人分担一些,而不是一有敌人,就去求救。 However, sees this fight in not far away Chu Yunyao, is actually eyes reveal one worried. 不过,在不远处看到这场战斗的楚云瑶,却是目露一丝担忧。 She saw that Sally does not seem to tell Ye Fan, then turns around to plan to walk. 她见到莎莉叶似乎不打算告诉叶帆,便转身打算走。 Yunyao, do you go? Now is very dangerous!” Ning Zimo saw, couldn't bear asked the sentence, feared that Chu Yunyao wanders about aimlessly to be in danger. 云瑶,你去哪?现在很危险!”宁紫陌看到,不由问了句,怕楚云瑶乱走遇险。 Chu Yunyao compared to keep silent hand gesture, referred to the laboratory direction. 楚云瑶比了个噤声的手势,指了指实验室方向。 After Ning Zimo sees, understands, urged that she hurries. 宁紫陌看到后,心领神会,催促她赶紧去。 This little while can find as soon as possible, and informs Ye Fan, was only Chu Yunyao technical method. 这会儿能尽快找到,并且通知到叶帆的,也只有楚云瑶的科技手段了。 But at this moment, in the air Sally has started to use Blood Ignition! 而就在这时,空中的莎莉叶已经开始动用燃血 The double pupil of Sally exuded the color of Scarlet, body energy pressure strengthened immediately, upgrades a higher level! 莎莉叶的双眸泛起了猩红之色,身上的能量威压顿时加强,提升到了一个更高的层次! Oh? This is not Western these Blood Clan magic arts, your is could it be Blood Clan?” Ji Pengchun plays the flavor, is unhurried. ?这不是西方那些血族的法术么,你难道血族?”姬蓬春玩味道,却是根本不慌。 The Sally double arm rest starts, huge reddish black purple tricolor law appears in the midair, dense and numerous numerous and diverse runic writing, rapid rotation! 莎莉叶双臂撑开,一道巨大的红黑紫三色法阵浮现于半空,密密麻麻繁杂的符文,快速旋转! Blood Art, Scarlet Meteor!” 血术,赤色流星!” Suddenly, the red black meteor shower howls, changes to light beams, puts on to shoot to go toward Ji Pengchun! 骤然间,红黑色的流星雨呼啸而出,化作一道道光束,朝姬蓬春穿射而去! Divine Dragon Golden Ray Burst!” 神龙金光决!” The Ji Pengchun whole body ignites flaming golden flame general True Yuan, these Scarlet Meteor bump into his body, was extinguished beyond in Jinyan unexpectedly! Actually does not have the least bit effect!? 姬蓬春浑身燃起熊熊金色火焰般的真元,这些赤色流星碰到他身体,竟然被消弭于金焰之外!竟然没半点效果!? haha...... little girl, your could it be does not know, our Divine Dragon bloodlines are to the Yang strength, copes with your gloomy and evil magic arts specially? You in this Old Ancestor subordinate, fundamental does not have any odds of success!!” 哈哈……小丫头,你难道不知道,我们神龙血脉乃是至阳之力,专门对付你们这些阴邪法术?你在本老祖手下,根本没有任何胜算!!” Sally pretty face one white, she also realized this point, the devil and Blood Clan of her within the body bloodline, was restrained unexpectedly!? 莎莉叶俏脸一白,她也意识到了这一点,她体内的恶魔和血族的血统,竟然都是被克制的!? Ji Pengchun sees Ye Fan never to come, more than one can bear , great anger had said: It seems like...... does not select the lesson to you, that brat must work as the turtle......” 姬蓬春叶帆始终不来,已经忍无可忍,大怒道:“看来……不给你们点教训,那臭小子是要一直当缩头乌龟了……” finished speaking, the Ji Pengchun whole body condenses massive True Yuan, seemed a golden Sun, he used the side quick speed of governing wind, pulled closer and Sally distance instantaneously! 言罢,姬蓬春浑身凝聚出大量的真元,好似成了一枚金色的太阳,他利用御风的极快速度,瞬间拉近了和莎莉叶的距离! Meanwhile, a Ji Pengchun fist makes toward Sally, True Yuan seems together the golden turbulent current, wants to embezzle Sally! 同时,姬蓬春一拳头朝着莎莉叶打出,真元好似一道金色激流,直欲把莎莉叶吞没!
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