MCBW :: Volume #14

#1333: Treason and heresy

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1333 1333 Many people hurried to withdraw from the tavern, nearby resident also facial expression alert, maintained the distance. 不少人赶紧都撤出了酒馆,附近的居民也都神情戒备,保持距离。 The people on island look at Ji Pengchun several people, revealed the hostility. 岛上的人看着姬蓬春几人,都露出了敌意。 Although since Xie Linyuan, has closed right up against the maintaining mental tranquility iris compounded drug that Ye Fan gives these days, cultivates diligently, entered into the Congealing Divinity boundary. 虽然谢临渊这段时间以来,靠着叶帆给的养神芝丹药,努力修炼,迈入了凝神境。 However, facing this dragon prestige, feels is uncomfortable, is pale. 但是,面对这股龙威,也感觉非常难受,脸色发白。 However Xie Linyuan without flinches, look gloomy say/way: You dare to cause trouble in Purgatory Island...... look like, you are not see Boss, is courts death?” 不过谢临渊并没有退缩,目光阴沉道:“你们敢在炼狱岛生事……看来,你们不是来见老大,是来找死的?” haha! Blustered, this Old Ancestor did not believe that Ye Fan dared the treason and heresy!” Ji Pengchun said: To the person of oneself ancestor disrespecting, must suffer the scourge!” 哈哈!口出狂言,本老祖就不信,叶帆敢大逆不道!”姬蓬春道:“对自己祖宗不敬之人,必遭天谴!” Xie Linyuan laughs, looks like your, is to ancestor's treason and heresy, lost completely the clan ins and outs. 谢临渊嗤笑,“像你们这种老贼,才是对祖宗的大逆不道吧,把氏族老底都丢光了”。 Full mouth nonsense! Looks to hit!” Ji Pengchun one hear, must hold to hit. “满口胡言乱语!找打!”姬蓬春一听,就要一掌打过去。 But side Ye Chunhua hurries to intend to hold, shouts: Pengchun! no matter what may not! We do not come with Ye Fan for the enemy!!” 旁边的叶春华赶紧出手一把抓住,喊道:“蓬春千万不可啊!我们不是来跟叶帆为敌的!!” Ji Pengchun clenches jaws, the eye reveal ominous light, that boy so shames me and others, but also with discussing other!?” 姬蓬春咬牙切齿,眼露凶光,“那小子如此羞辱我等,还用谈别的吗!?” Shame?” Xie Linyuan smiles, „, if Boss must shame you, you think that has the opportunity to sit here? “羞辱?”谢临渊哂笑,“若老大要羞辱你们,你们以为有机会坐在这儿? Depending on your Ji Family to these schemes and tricks that Boss caused, Boss let on you initially the island, is very magnanimous. 就凭你们姬家当初对老大使的那些阴谋诡计,老大让你们上岛,就已经大度得很了。 Since old times had farmer and snake view, it seems like to people like you, again how tolerant magnanimous, is the does not have significances...... pitiful lamentable. ” 自古有‘农夫与蛇’的说法,看来对你们这种人,再怎么宽容大度,都是没有意义的……可悲可叹啊。” Saying, Xie Linyuan also has the profound meaning to look at Ji Yutang. 说着,谢临渊还别有深意地看了看姬玉堂 Ji Yutang complexion cloudy clear uncertain, to designed Ye Fan something obviously initially, he is quite on nettles. 姬玉堂脸色阴晴不定,显然对当初设计叶帆的一些事,他还颇为忐忑不安。 However this time, he does not dare to be extremely extremely arrogant, although heart is discontented, actually does not dare to reveal. 不过这一次,他是不敢太过狂妄的,虽然心里不满,却不敢太表露。 While at this time, the tavern sound sound, attracted others on island. 正当这时,酒馆这边的动静声,吸引来了岛上的其他人。 Azazel, Asmodeus and Leviathan and the others, come out from the house of oneself cultivation in abundance, closes up fast. 阿撒兹勒阿斯蒙蒂斯利维坦等人,纷纷从自己修炼的房子里出来,快速靠拢。 Ning Zimo and Shi Lanyu and other females, caught up rapidly, thinks that has the war to happen. 宁紫陌时蓝雨等女,也都飞速赶了过来,以为有战事要发生。 When sees the situation in tavern, the people mostly understood anything. 当看到酒馆里的情况时,众人大多都明白了什么。 „The person of Divine Dragon clan? How can here?” Asmodeus frowns to say. “神龙氏族的人?怎么会在这里?”阿斯蒙蒂斯蹙眉道。 Also can, Boss be why optimistic, Xie Linyuan shrugs. “还能为什么,老大心宽呗”,谢临渊耸肩。 Ning Zimo is cold the face saying: Initially some difficult time person's shadows could not see, now Martial God walks, such looked unexpectedly, was really shameless. 宁紫陌冷着脸道:“当初有难的时候一个人影都见不到,如今武神一走,竟然这么远都找来了,真是恬不知耻”。 Such remarks, lets Ye Longteng and Ye Chunhua feels awkwardly, does not know ashamed said anything. 此话一出,更让叶龙腾叶春华感到尴尬,惭愧地不知道说什么。 Ji Pengchun is great anger said: „ One group of motley crew, dares to discuss our Divine Dragon absurdly? Really thinks that we are ask that boy? 姬蓬春则是大怒道:“一群乌合之众,也敢妄论我们神龙氏?真以为我们是来求那小子的? Today even if that brat is not willing to find roots, this Old Ancestor must teach one your crowd of unrealistic little things! 今日就算那臭小子不肯认祖归宗,本老祖也要教训一番你们这群不自量力的小东西! Let you know that anything is the old and young high and low! What is the noble bloodline!! ” 让你们知道什么是长幼尊卑!什么是高贵血统!!” finished speaking, Ji Pengchun lays out golden being in charge suddenly, sweeps across intense air current, crushed the furniture in way directly! 言罢,姬蓬春霍然就拍出一记金色的掌印,席卷起一股强烈气流,直接粉碎了路径上的桌椅! This is in charge has the strength of dragon prestige, has the intense deterrent force, makes be in charge coverage Xie Linyuan, is hard to move aside very much! 这掌印中带着龙威之力,带着强烈的威慑力,让所处掌印覆盖面的谢临渊,很是难以躲闪! After all realm missed two, Xie Linyuan this little while withstand/top dragon prestige is very tired, wanted him to block and avoid this palm, difficult such as to ascend to heaven! 毕竟境界差两层,谢临渊这会儿顶着龙威都很累了,要他挡住和避开这一掌,难如登天! At this moment, the purple black energy appears in front of Xie Linyuan together! 就在这时,一道紫黑色的能量在谢临渊面前出现! The purple black energy changes to together the rectangular shield instantaneously, inside is flowing the silk threads red halo. 紫黑色的能量瞬间化作一道矩形盾牌,里面流动着丝丝缕缕的红色光晕。 Bang!!” “轰!!” The golden color is in charge with this rectangular shield collides, the shield is defeated and dispersed, but was in charge also lost the might. 金色掌印与这矩形盾牌碰撞,盾牌溃散,但掌印也失去了威力。 Sally!?” 莎莉叶!?” Sally did Young Lady come?!” 莎莉叶小姐来了?!” The people then discovered when does not know, Sally has appeared outside the tavern. 众人这才发现,不知道何时,莎莉叶已经出现在酒馆外面。 These fall back on outside king Qin noble descent, the powerful official businessman, looks at Sally incomparably to admire and respect, but also has some fears. 那些退到外面的王亲贵胄,权贵商贾,望着莎莉叶都是无比仰慕和尊敬,还带有一些畏惧。 In the Sally cold as ice and frost facial features, look brings to wipe killing intent, in her hand lingers the devil and Blood Clan that purple reddish black tricolor energy she is in sole possession, just indeed she displayed Blood Art instantaneously, blocked this. 莎莉叶冷若冰霜的面容上,眼神带着一抹杀意,她手上萦绕着她独有的恶魔与血族的紫红黑三色能量,刚刚正是她瞬间施展血术,挡住了这一下。 ......” Xie Linyuan to relax, smiled bitterly awkwardly, turned head said: Disgraced, also was rescued by my younger sister......” “呼……”谢临渊松了口气,尴尬地苦笑,回头道:“丢人啊,被咱家妹子救了……” The people made way a road, making Sally enter the tavern. 众人让开了一条路,让莎莉叶走进酒馆。 Ye Longteng and Ji Yutang have heard Sally, they also know, the Western city murder case, is Sally creates. 叶龙腾姬玉堂早就听说过莎莉叶,他们也知道,墨西城血案,是莎莉叶造成的。 However really sees oneself, they exclaim in surprise in the Sally appearance and makings. 不过真的见到本人,他们还是惊叹于莎莉叶的容颜和气质。 Ji Pengchun several points are astonished look at Sally, interesting, this young doll, the body aura is very unusual......” 姬蓬春几分讶异地看着莎莉叶,“有意思,这个小女娃,身上的气息很不寻常啊……” Sally said indifferently: Tumbles out Purgatory Island, here does not welcome you. 莎莉叶漠然道:“滚出炼狱岛,这里不欢迎你们”。 Sally! Misunderstanding! Slightly misunderstands!” 莎莉叶!误会!只是一点小误会!” Ye Longteng hurries to mediate with a smile, said: I am the Ye Fan uncle, Ye Longteng...... we want to see one side Ye Fan, can you arrange? Our oneself looks for the Ye Fan also line......” 叶龙腾赶紧笑着打圆场,道:“我是叶帆的叔叔,叶龙腾……我们只是想见叶帆一面,你能安排一下吗?或者我们自己去找叶帆也行……” Sally remains unmoved radically, „, if not for looks in the Ji Wanqing face, I have refused you to land on the island. 莎莉叶根本不为所动,“若不是看在姬晚晴的面子上,我早就拒绝你们登岛。 my King is benevolent, gives you qualifications of normal visitor...... you actually not to know to satisfy, but also causes trouble here? 吾王仁慈,给你们一个正常访客的资格……你们竟然不知满足,还在这里闹事? I request you in ten minutes to leave Purgatory Island, otherwise...... you will be regarded as the intruder! ” 我要求你们十分钟内离开炼狱岛,不然……你们将被视作入侵者!” Sally is proficient in various countries' language, naturally said also makes both Old Ancestor be able to understand. 莎莉叶精通各国语言,自然说的也都让两个老祖都听得懂。 This little miss, I am Ye Family Old Ancestor, Ye Chunhua, our Ye,...... Ye Chunhua is busy at saying to Ye Fan does not have any evil intention. “这个小姑娘,我是叶家老祖,叶春华,我们叶氏,对叶帆没有任何恶意啊……”叶春华忙说道。 Yes? Why that your family member to the my King sees somebody in danger and does nothing? In the past can also abandon him?” Sally interrogated. “是么?那为何你们对吾王的家人见死不救?当年要将他抛弃?”莎莉叶质问。 This......” Ye Chunhua forced smile: That is also cannots help doing that......” “这……”叶春华苦笑:“那也是情非得已……” Ji Pengchun cold -ly snorted and said: What with them rubbish? Really thinks that our big Divine Dragon clans, do fear their these infant children? Ye Fan does not come out, that Old Ancestor makes he himself come!” 姬蓬春冷哼道:“跟他们废话什么?真以为我们偌大的神龙氏族,怕他们这些小毛头孩子?叶帆不出来,那本老祖就让他自己现身!” Suddenly, a Ji Pengchun foot steps on fiercely on the ground, the plank of ground is torn to pieces the disruption! 突然,姬蓬春一脚猛地踩在地上,地面的木板全都寸断碎裂! Bang!” “轰隆!” The Ji Pengchun form shoots up to the sky, governing wind float in sky! 姬蓬春身影冲天而起,御风悬浮于天空之中! Around ruined tavern, the people see in the air Ji Pengchun, feels a powerful spiritual oppression! 被毁掉的酒馆四周,众人看到空中的姬蓬春,都感到一股强大的精神压迫! One crowd does not know that the so-called barbarian barbarian, making you experience prestige of the China Divine Dragon!” “一群不知所谓的番邦蛮夷,让你们见识一番夏国神龙之威!” Ji Pengchun belittles however smiles, deeply inspires, the air current opens toward the Ji Pengchun gathering, in the ground starts to blow the intense ascendant current crazily! 姬蓬春蔑然一笑,深吸一口气,气流开是疯狂地朝着姬蓬春汇聚,地面上都开始刮起强烈的上升气流! This indeed his Responsive Dragon bloodlines have core art that dragon breath! 正是应龙血脉才有的绝学,龙息! Everyone is shocked, is inconceivable, a person breathes can be so wild! 所有人都为之震动,难以想象,一个人呼吸都能如此狂暴! The True Yuan strength, dragon prestige, the air current, condenses fast, in the Ji Pengchun mouth exudes the golden light faintly! 真元力,龙威,气流,快速地凝聚,姬蓬春口中隐隐泛起金光! Sally sees that knows this dragon breath, if spurts, it is estimated that below rural fair must meet with a disaster. 莎莉叶见状,知道这一口龙息若喷出来,估计下面集市要遭殃。 Although here people the strength have promoted, but can withstand this strike might are not many! 这里的众人虽然实力都有所提升,但能承受这一击威力的可不多! Entire dispersing!!” “全散开!!” Sally orders, she instantaneous behind condenses three pairs of purplish black demon flame wings, changes to together the Lightning general glimpse, the direct impact on! 莎莉叶一声令下,她瞬间背后凝聚出三对紫黑魔焰羽翼,化作一道闪电般的掠影,直冲而上!
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