MCBW :: Volume #14

#1341: At that time where he was at

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1341 1341 The Ji Family fathers and sons complexion is complex, has been silent. 姬家父子面色复杂,一直沉默。 Ye Longteng sees that thinks, said: Ye Fan, the dead is over, the so many year , made it pass by the past......” 叶龙腾见状,想了一想,道:“叶帆,死者已矣,这么多年了,过去的,就让它过去吧……” Dying is not your mother, did you say in the past on the past?” Ye Fan smiles to say. “死的不是你的母亲,你说过去就过去?”叶帆哂笑道。 The Ye Longteng complexion is ugly, thinks the own mother, isn't your biological grandmother? But he does not dare to say anything again, this time Ye Fan, has not been he can teach. 叶龙腾面色难看,心想自己的母亲,不是你的亲祖母?但他也不敢再多说什么,此时的叶帆,早已经不是他能教训。 Saw appearance that a Ye Longteng face admits defeat, a Ye Fan heart feeling, seemingly was also wrapped in a shroud of obscurity initially, background deep Dragon King, mediocre...... 看到叶龙腾一脸吃瘪的样子,叶帆心里也一阵感慨,当初看似神秘莫测,背景深厚的龙王,也不过如此…… Not long, oneself facing Dragon King and Phoenix Girl, but must deal with cautiously. 曾几何时,自己面对龙王凤凰女,还得小心翼翼应付。 But now, Ju Wangyi, do not say Dragon Soul, even if the clan, he can also look straight ahead proudly...... 而如今,俱往矣,别说龙魂,哪怕氏族,他也能傲然直视…… All these, grow stronger diligently, has the power that! 这一切,都是努力变强,才有的权力! This type won the dignity at the absolute strength, the leadership lives to kill the power the taste, obtains money compared with general, obtains beauty, sense of achievement that brings, disparity simply huge difference. 这种以绝对力量赢得尊严,主导生杀大权的滋味,比一般获得金钱,得到美女,所带来的成就感,差距简直天壤之别。 Can endure hardship painstakingly, the side is a top dog, endures the average man to be hard to endure, can receive the return that the average man cannot have. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人,忍常人所难以忍,才能获得常人不可拥有的回报。 Ye Fan to all that oneself has, satisfied, look is looking at the Ji Family fathers and sons sharply, said: If you cannot answer, I killed you...... I rather to kill wrong, did not let off!” 叶帆自己拥有的一切,心安理得,目光锋锐地望着姬家父子,道:“若你们答不出来,那我就杀了你们……我宁杀错,也绝不放过!” Ji Kangnian clenches jaws, trembles is not saying a word. 姬康年咬牙切齿,颤栗着不言语。 However Ji Yutang actually does not want to endure again, said loudly: I said! I said!!” 不过姬玉堂却是不想再忍了,大声道:“我说!我说!!” Yutang! You......” Ji Kangnian is very excited, wants to break. 玉堂!你……”姬康年很是激动,想要打断。 Father! You think that he dares to kill Pengchun Old Ancestor, does not dare to kill others!? Again does not say! Our Ji Family must not have!!” Ji Yutang shouts greatly. “爹!你以为他敢杀蓬春老祖,就不敢杀其他人吗!?再不说!我们姬家都要没了!!”姬玉堂大喊道。 Ji Kangnian was pale, retroceded tremblingly one step, a face was desolate and unwilling. 姬康年脸色发白,颤巍巍地后退了一步,一脸落寞和不甘。 The Ji Yutang sound has a vibration, clenches teeth, said: Rulan...... is my younger sister Ji Rulan, assassin that she arranges......” 姬玉堂声音带着一丝抖动,一咬牙,道:“茹兰……是我妹妹姬茹兰,她安排的杀手……” Ye Fan narrowed the eye, this answer, pours with his guess is similar. 叶帆眯了眯眼,这个答案,倒跟他的猜测差不多。 Most hates oneself and Nie Wuyue person, naturally is Ji Rulan this main room/wife madame. 最恨自己聂无月的人,自然是姬茹兰这个正房夫人 Following Nie Wuyue hears this answer, in the eye contains the anger, gripped tightened both hands. 后面的聂无月听到这个答案,眼里包含怒意,也攥紧了双手。 Your younger sister arrangement...... do your fathers and sons, how also know?” Ye Fan then asked. “你妹妹安排的……你们父子,是怎么知道的?”叶帆转而问道。 Ji Kangnian and Ji Yutang complexion is cramped, Ji Yutang was also ready for any sacrifice, said: „ You think, this matter does calculate many big secrets? 姬康年姬玉堂面色局促,姬玉堂也豁出去了,道:“你以为,这件事算多大的秘密吗? Does the known person, far more than we, your father Ye Longyuan know? Does Ye Longteng know? Martial God...... he definitely knows! ” 知道的人,何止我们,你父亲叶龙渊何尝不知道?叶龙腾何尝不知道?武神……他肯定知道!” side Ye Longteng looks pale, this time had not denied. 旁边的叶龙腾面色苍白,这次却是没否认。 Ye Fan frowns, he suspected initially Ye Longteng pretends not to know the circumstances of the matter intentionally, immediately sinking sound said: You the past matter, 1510 explain. 叶帆蹙眉,他当初就怀疑叶龙腾是故意装作不知情,立马沉声道:“你把当年的事情,一五一十交待出来”。 „Very simple, the Ji Yutang deep breath one breath, said: „ In the past, Nie Wuyue, when Dragon Soul makes agent, knew Ye Longyuan, moves sentiment that should not move, they had you. “很简单”,姬玉堂深呼吸一口气,道:“当年,聂无月龙魂特工的时候,认识了叶龙渊,动了不该动的情,他们有了你。 However because she is the Doomsday Kingship spy, therefore she is impossible really to live you, that side will not accept. 不过因为她是末日王权的间谍,所以她不可能真把你生下来,那边不会接受。 Therefore she asked Ye, wants to make our Divine Dragon guarantee in her and stomach the embryo. 所以她求到叶氏,想让我们神龙氏保下她和肚中胎儿。 However Ye Longyuan has the engagement with my younger sister, she also is Doomsday Kingship agent, who dares to run risks to believe her? 但是叶龙渊已经和我妹妹有婚约,她又末日王权特工,谁敢冒风险相信她? The spy who believes Doomsday Kingship careful training, does really enter the clan wholeheartedly? Moreover is that the status does not want? 相信一个末日王权精心培养的间谍,真的是一心一意进氏族?而且是名分都不要的那种? Martial God not matter in the clan, says at that time is the oneself son does not well, he is not willing to be arbitrary, makes Elder Assembly make the decision. 武神当时已经不怎么管族里的事,说是自己儿子做得不好,他不愿意独断,就让长老会去做决定。 Elder Assembly cannot certainly accept your mother and child, but she bosom after all is the Martial God grandson, even if Martial God said that he does not meddle, who dares really in the Mount Kunlun foot on below cruel methods? 长老会当然不能接受你们母子,但她怀的毕竟是武神的孙子,就算武神说他不插手,谁敢真的昆仑山脚就下狠手? Afterward, Nie Wuyue self-abandoned cultivation base, showing the determination must be the average person, finally did not have cultivation base, the cold weather, the body condition variation, in addition in belly also you, fell ill outside. 后来,聂无月自废修为,表决心要做普通人,结果没了修为,天寒地冻,身体状态变差,加上肚子还有你,在外面生病了。 Ye sent an old servant, sends out Kunlun her, afterward fed in the news, said that she miscarried, the child did not have, the person also oneself left. 叶氏派了一个老仆人,把她送出昆仑,后来传回消息,说她流产了,孩子没了,人也自己离开了。 Since the child did not have, Nie Wuyue also did not have cultivation base, no one inquired again. 既然孩子没了,聂无月没了修为,也就没人再去过问。 However...... the paper cannot wrap up the fire, Rulan she after Ye Longyuan gets married, she found the past years to pack off the Nie Wuyue servant, asked the truth. 不过……纸是包不住火的,茹兰她跟叶龙渊成婚后,她找到了当年送走聂无月的仆人,问出了真相。 Knows, you have to be lived, Nie Wuyue hugged you to leave...... 才知道,你有被生下来,聂无月抱着你离开了…… That old servant the old seventy years of age, passed away originally shortly, but Rulan through some past traces, found in Flowersea Hu Xiaoqin with you. 那老仆人本就年老古稀,没多久就去世了,不过茹兰通过当年的一些痕迹,还是找到了在华海胡小琴跟你。 Although said that had not found Nie Wuyue, a woman but who Hu Xiaoqin once she saved, mostly is also the person who Nie Wuyue entrusts, was naturally treated as with Nie Wuyue one group. 虽然说没找到聂无月,但胡小琴是曾经她救下的一个女人,多半也是聂无月托付的人,自然被当作和聂无月一伙的。 My younger sister as the Ye mistress, the status is sensitive, every action and every movement will be paid attention, naturally is impossible to begin personally, therefore looked for me and father...... ” 妹妹身为叶氏主母,身份敏感,一举一动都会被人关注,当然不可能亲自动手,所以来找了我和父亲……” At this point, Ji Yutang is emboldening, face imposing said: „ Ye Fan, I am open about the facts you, in the past truly was I sent assassin, under went to the poison...... 说到这里,姬玉堂壮着胆子,一脸凛然地道:“叶帆,我不瞒你,当年确实是我派了一个杀手,去下的毒…… As the elder brother, I do this matter for younger sister, I did not regret! Because is Ye Longyuan and Nie Wuyue is unfair to my younger sister! 身为兄长,我为妹妹做这事,我不后悔!因为是叶龙渊聂无月对不起我妹妹 Why I do not know, that assassin cannot succeed finally, only killed by poison Hu Xiaoqin...... 只是,我也不知道为何,那杀手没能最后成功,只毒死了胡小琴…… Moreover that assassin, cannot come back to report after carrying out orders, I think at that time, is Martial God protects in secret, therefore does not dare to send people to begin again. 而且那个杀手,没能回来复命,我当时以为,是武神暗中保护,所以没敢再派人动手。 In addition afterward, after you entered the welfare home, also was taken away the overseas by Old Ones, we did not have your news...... ” 加上后来,你进福利院后,旧日支配者带去了海外,我们也就没了你的消息……” Ye Fan stands same place for a long time, knows these truth, his without is too surprised, but fulfilled most him to guess. 叶帆站立原地许久,得知这些真相,他并没有太惊讶,只是应验了大部分他原本的猜测。 Compares in angry, the hatred, are more, is a dispute that lets his pain, with Hu Xiaoqin this foster mother guilty...... 相比于愤怒,仇恨,更多的,是一种让他痛苦的纠葛,和对胡小琴这个养母的愧疚…… Then...... Ye Longyuan, which he asked in...... Ye Fan at that time. “那么……叶龙渊,他当时在哪……”叶帆问道。 Did not wait for Ji Yutang to say anything, following Nie Wuyue said with a smile grieved: „ Which he can also , the turtle, the Damn Ye entrance kneel was striving for two months, he does not even dare to see one side me...... 不等姬玉堂说什么,后面的聂无月惨然一笑道:“他还能在哪,缩头乌龟,我去叶氏门口跪着求了两个多月,他甚至都不敢见我一面…… Matter that my whole life most regrets, was the undeserved kindness such a coward! ” 我这辈子最后悔的事,就是错爱了那么一个懦夫!” My big brother is not a coward! Your this seductress! If not for you are the spy, misleads my big brother, where will have this bad karma!?” Ye Longteng angry say/way. “我大哥不是懦夫!你这个妖女!若不是你做间谍,蛊惑我大哥,哪会有这段孽缘!?”叶龙腾愤然道。 I was adopted by the Dharma king since childhood, I for the Doomsday Kingship potency, is my mistake!? Do I mislead him?......” Nie Wuyue sneers: „ If really all are my mistake, why that Ye Longyuan shrinks at home, does not dare to stand to accuse me!? “我从小被法王收养,我为末日王权效力,也是我的错!?我蛊惑他?呵……”聂无月冷笑:“若真的一切都是我的错,那叶龙渊为什么缩在家里,不敢站出来指责我!? Because he himself is afraid!! His mouthful lie deceives me, also abandons us! He is spiritless, his does not have acting!! ” 因为他自己心虚!!他满嘴谎言地把我骗去,将我们母子抛弃!他懦弱无能,他没有担当!!” The Ye Longteng complexion is red, this is your statement of only one of the parties! You......” 叶龙腾脸色通红,“这都是你的一面之词!你……” Sufficed!!” “够了!!” Ye Fan interrupted two people argument directly, his form flashes, has arrived at the Ji Yutang front. 叶帆直接打断了两人的争论,他身影一闪,已经来到姬玉堂的面前。 Ji Yutang looks at unemotional Ye Fan, felt that the heart stops beating quickly. 姬玉堂看着面无表情的叶帆,感到心脏都快停止跳动。 You...... you must kill me to be able, I recognized......, but I told you truth, please let off my son...... also, do not vent anger in Wanqing......” in the Ji Yutang eye exudes a color resolutely. “你……你要杀我可以,我认了……但我把真相告诉你了,请你放过我的儿子……还有,别迁怒于晚晴……”姬玉堂眼里泛起一丝毅然决然之色。
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