MBT :: Volume #4

#351: The murder does not need to help

Chapter 351 kills people does not need to help 第351章杀人不用帮忙 Knows your younger sister.” Qin Chao disdain said that I want to remain to kill you.” “识你妹啊。”秦朝不屑地说道,“我是想留下来干掉你。” Damn!” The smiling face on black wolf face stiff there, somewhat by Qin Chao has played the feeling. “操!”黑狼脸上的笑容僵在那里,有些被秦朝耍了的感觉。 Mother, a fool, installs a chicken feather!” Small gangster has picked a brick from side, to was standing Qin Chao in telephone booth lost. “妈的,一个傻逼,装个鸡毛!”一个小混混从旁边捡了块砖头,对着站在电话亭上的秦朝丢了出去。 Qin Chao saw that brick howls to fly, he at will has suspended starting. 秦朝看到那砖头呼啸着飞过来,他只是随意地摆了下手。 That brick made a turn suddenly, another pounds dumbfoundedly toward that small gangster. 那砖头忽然转了个弯,又一头向着那目瞪口呆地小混混砸去。 This small gangster may not have the Qin Chao skill, only Bang, gives extra a pitiful yell, that small gangster is covering the forehead, poured in the snowy area. 这小混混可就没有秦朝的本事了,只砰的一声,外带一声惨叫,那小混混捂着额头,倒在了雪地之中。 This brick opened the mouth on his forehead directly, the blood gave the snow incarnadine. 这砖头直接在他的额头上开了个口子,鲜血把雪都给染红了。 The surrounding person also had a scare, the brick that is it possible that heart this Qin Chao can any magic, how throwing gave changes! 周围的人也吓了一跳,心道这秦朝莫非会什么魔法,怎么把扔出去的砖头都给变回来了! Everybody copies the fellow!” Black cruel secretly is also startled, but he is an Boss, is impossible to display to be timid. Therefore, he shouted loudly one, pulled out a thin-bladed knife from the coat. “大家抄家伙!”黑狼心中也暗暗吃惊,但他是老大,不可能表现出胆怯来。因此,他高呼一声,更是从大衣之中抽出一把片刀来。 That thin-bladed knife is reflecting the moonlight during the dark night, the shining ten points infiltrate the person. 那片刀在黑夜之中映着月光,明晃晃的十分渗人。 Good!” Surroundings these small gangster, has pulled out the thin-bladed knife, it seems like they come prepared tonight. “好!”周围那些小混混们,也都抽出了片刀,看来他们今晚都是有备而来。 My hateful murder......” Qin Chao jumps, jumped down from that two meters high telephone booth, the both feet steps on the ground, since splashes pure white snowflakes, has formed the white fog, floats in his body side. “我讨厌杀人……”秦朝一纵身,从那两米多高的电话亭上跳了下来,双脚踩在地面上,溅起一片洁白的雪花,形成了白雾,在他身侧漂浮。 These small gangster, before rushing to his body, competitively. 那些小混混们,一个个争先恐后地,冲到了他的身前。 These people, all want to hack to death Qin Chao, then has turned following Long Bei'er. 这些人,无一不是想砍死秦朝,然后轮了后面的龙贝儿 But I have to kill people......” Qin Chao to shake the head, then suddenly puts out a hand. “但我又不得不杀人……”秦朝摇了摇头,然后忽然伸出手来。 These dash about wildly small gangster, suddenly the feeling body stagnates, probably the card in a wall, could not move. 那些狂奔中的小混混,忽然感觉身体一滞,好像卡在了一面墙里似的,动弹不得。 But on Qin Chao face very faint, extended another hand slowly, to shouting most ominous small gangster, a finger such slightly ball. 秦朝脸上十分的淡漠,缓缓伸出了另一只手来,对着一个嚷的最凶的小混混,手指这么微微一弹。 Ka!” “咔吧!” Strange occurred, saw only that small gangster, the head transferred 360 degrees same place, probably was hit by the sledgehammer at the same time, neck direct bone fracture. 诡异的一幕发生了,只见那小混混,脑袋原地转了360度,好像被一面大锤打中了似的,脖子直接骨折。 When the head in turning around, in that small gangster eye did not have the vitality, on the mouth is having also the self-satisfied smiling face, appears very fierce fearful. 当脑袋在转过来的时候,那小混混眼中已经没了生气,嘴上却还带着得意的笑容,显得十分狰狞可怕。 This, this is what! nearby person stares dumbfounded, frightens the whole body to tremble. “这,这是什么!”旁边的人都是瞠目结舌,一个个吓得浑身发抖。 What method this man has used, he only moves the finger, a person massacring? 这个男人用了什么手段,他只动了动手指,就把一个人给杀掉啦? Moreover, moreover uses such strange way! 而且,而且还是用这么诡异的方式! Was good, next.” That small gangster died, probably and Qin Chao relations do not have. He, the vision changed to the body of next person lightly. “好了,下一个。”那小混混死了,好像和秦朝一点关系都没有。他淡淡地,目光转到了下一个人的身上。 „!” Small gangster detected one were seen by Qin Chao, the body is numb immediately, almost urinated the pants. “啊!”一个小混混发觉自己被秦朝看到了,身体立刻发麻,差点尿出了裤子来。 No, do not kill me!” That small gangster cries to ask, but has not made Qin Chao tenderhearted slightly. “别,别杀我啊!”那小混混哭求道,但却丝毫没有让秦朝心软。 These people, in the Qin Chao eye, already with deceased person not different. 这些人,在秦朝眼中,已经和死人无异。 He puts out a hand, grasps palm, such grasps in void. 他伸出手来,握成掌,在虚空中这么一握。 Bang!” A resounding, the head of that small gangster, is similar to the bombed and destroyed watermelon, broken place is red and white thing. “砰!”一声脆响,那小混混的脑袋,如同被炸破的西瓜,碎的一地又红又白的东西。 The surrounding several little brothers, some have spat, some frightened to faint directly. 周围的几个小弟,有的吐了出来,有的直接吓晕了过去。 Qin Chao cold snort|hum, if not the Cultivation magic arts cannot use on the average person, he already came Shadow-Dividing Sword, person of sword handle these people feed in the hell to go. 秦朝冷哼一声,如果不是修真法术不可以用在普通人身上的话,他早就来个分影剑,一人一剑把这些人都送进地狱去。 Now, he also can only slowly killed. 现在,他也只能一个个的慢慢去杀死了。 „!” When small gangster sees Qin Chao to note itself, frightened directly collapses. The urine and excrement anything, have spurted from his pants crotch directly. “啊啊!”当一个小混混看到秦朝注意到自己的时候,直接吓得崩溃了。尿和屎什么的,直接从他的裤裆里喷了出来。 Qin Chao frowned, this person made that was too dirty, making him not be feeling well very much...... 秦朝皱起了眉头,这个人弄得太脏了,让他很不爽…… To my distant point.” Qin Chao waves the arms about, that person of form flew directly, falls in nearby snowy area. Pure white snow, was dyed the yellow. “离我远点。”秦朝一甩手,那人的身影直接飞了出去,摔在一旁的雪地之中。洁白的雪,也被染成了黄色。 Boss, asked you, asking you to put us......” “老大,求求你,求求你放了我们吧……” These small gangster, are the goods of coveting life and fearing death. Saw that Qin Chao is so aggressive, already frightened the leg to be soft. 这些小混混,一个个都是贪生怕死的货。看到秦朝这么生猛,一个个早就吓得腿都软了。 Qin Chao shook the head, said that „the present knows feared? You have not thought a moment ago can let off Long Bei'er? Since you want to make Long Bei'er die, then you must die now......” 秦朝摇了摇头,道,“现在知道怕了?刚才你们怎么就没想过要放过龙贝儿呢?既然你们想让龙贝儿死,那么现在你们就得死……” Saying, Qin Chao such pinches the palm. 说着,秦朝就这么一捏手掌。 Bang bang bang!” One after another explosive sound, the heads of these small gangster, blast out, then all poured in the pool of blood. “砰砰砰!”接二连三的爆炸声,那些小混混的头颅,一个个炸开,接着全都倒在了血泊之中。 This stretch of snowy area, directly has become the blood river. 这一片雪地,直接成了血河。 The black wolf whole person was silly, he has not thought that this is called the Qin Chao man, unexpectedly like this fearful! 黑狼整个人都傻了,他没有想到,这个叫做秦朝的男人,竟然这样的可怕! He does not know that with any method, has been away from that far distance, gave to pinch to explode the heads of small gangster! 他不知道用了什么手段,隔着那么远的距离,把一个个小混混的脑袋都给捏爆了! Saw that last little brother's head blasted out, urination that he also almost frightens. 看到最后一个小弟的脑袋被炸开,他自己也差点吓的尿了出来。 But he after is the person who sees oversized world, horizontal is caressing own mood unceasingly. 但他毕竟是见过大世面的人,不断地平抚着自己的心情。 Was good, small fish small shrimp attended to cleanly, now this piece de resistance.” “好了,小鱼小虾都料理干净了,现在该主菜了。” Qin Chao kills these people, does not wink eye, turned the head to look at the black wolf, cold has smiled. 秦朝干掉这些人,连眼睛都不眨一下,转头看着黑狼,冷冷地笑了起来。 The black wolf whole body shivers, this smiling face was too fearful, making him have the impulsion that one type must commit suicide immediately. 黑狼浑身一颤抖,这笑容太可怕了,让他有一种立刻就要自杀的冲动。 But he has borne, shouted to clear the way loudly. 但他忍住了,大声喝道。 Damn! Do not think that you use these monster techniques, can daunt me!” “操!别以为你用这些妖术,就,就能吓住我!” The black wolf was saying, put out a hand to draw out a pitch-dark pistol to come out from the waist. 黑狼说着,伸手从腰间拔出了一把黑漆漆的手枪出来。 The Qin Chao eye narrows the eyes, this spear|gun was too familiar, Hualong makes. 秦朝眼睛一眯,这枪太熟悉了,化隆造嘛。 Mother, you are flamboyant, you are rampant!” In that black wolf shakes hand the fellow, has stabilized at heart, is pointing at the head of Qin Chao, shouts loudly. “妈的,你再牛逼啊,你再嚣张啊!”那黑狼握着手里的家伙,心里也安定了很多,指着秦朝的脑袋,大声嚷道。 Damn, in front of father's muzzle, all monster techniques damn is the floating clouds! You give me honestly, otherwise father shot collapsed your head!” “操,在老子的枪口面前,一切妖术都他妈的是浮云!你给我老实点,否则老子一枪崩了你的脑袋!” This black wolf swallowed a saliva, although he stabilizes, but shouted the words that also blustered. Some spear|guns in hand, but the marksmanship of this black wolf may be not much. 这黑狼吞了口口水,他心里虽然安定,但喊出来的话也只是虚张声势而已。有枪在手,但这黑狼的枪法可就不怎么样了。 Especially in this dark night, black wolf is a nearsightedness, looked that Qin Chao somewhat is fuzzy. If shot does not hit the opposite party, making him run has been possible to be bad. 尤其在这黑夜里面,黑狼自己又是个近视眼,看秦朝都有些模糊的。若是一枪打不中对方,让他跑了可就糟了。 Might as well frightens, then finds the opportunity to kill him! 还不如吓唬一下,然后找机会干掉他! Long Bei'er, you give me to come!” A black wolf crooked muzzle, is pointing at Long Bei'er, shouts, hurries, otherwise shot kills you!” 龙贝儿,你给我过来!”黑狼一歪枪口,又指着龙贝儿,嚷道,“赶紧的,不然一枪打死你!” Long Bei'er looked at Qin Chao one, but the latter has given her a An Xin look. 龙贝儿看了秦朝一眼,而后者给了她一个安心的眼神。 Therefore, Long Bei'er smiles lightly, said. 于是,龙贝儿淡淡一笑,说道。 Black wolf, you have not known that repents?” “黑狼,你还不知悔改么?” Mother, father repents Nyima to compel!” The black wolf shouted abuse, hurried to give me to come, otherwise I opened fire!” “妈的,老子悔改尼玛逼啊!”黑狼破口大骂,“赶紧给我过来,不然我开枪了!” You open fire.” One side of the Long Bei'er body, hid Qin Chao unexpectedly. “那你开枪吧。”龙贝儿身体一侧,竟然就躲到了秦朝的身后。 This black wolf one startled, immediately the muzzle to Qin Chao, mother, you are up to mischief, hurrying makes Long Bei'er come! In the father hand takes, but spear|gun, were you blind?” 这黑狼一惊,立刻又把枪口对着秦朝,“妈的,你们两个搞什么鬼,赶紧让龙贝儿过来!老子手里拿的可是枪,你瞎了吗?” Was you are blind.” Qin Chao said lightly that you think that thing is easy-to-use to me?” “是你瞎了吧。”秦朝淡淡地说道,“你认为那东西对我好使么?” Saying, the hand of Qin Chao slightly was lifting. 说着,秦朝的手就微微抬了一下。 Do not move!” The Black Dragon body trembles, immediately shouts to clear the way loudly, puts down to me your hand! The mother, you dares to lift, the father kills you!” “别动!”黑龙身体一颤,立刻大声喝道,“把你的手给我放下!妈的,你敢抬一下,老子就打死你!” Qin Chao thinks little, you fear anything, I smoke.” 秦朝不以为意,“你怕什么,我只是抽根烟罢了。” Saying, two hands have pulled out lighter and smoke, must take the ignition. 说着,两只手掏出了火机和烟,就要拿起来点燃。 Damn, making you put down you unable to hear?” The black wolf has gotten angry, he thought that Qin Chao intentionally taking advantage of taking the opportunity of smoke, wants to kill itself. “操,让你放下你听不见吗?”黑狼怒了,他觉得秦朝是故意借着拿烟的机会,想干掉自己。 Actually he misunderstood Qin Chao, depending on the Qin Chao skill, wants to kill him, basic did not need to lift the hand. 其实他是误会秦朝了,凭秦朝的本事,想干掉他,根本连手都不用抬。 A spear|gun, Qin Chao did not fear the bazooka, let alone bullet. 一把枪而已,秦朝连火箭筒都不怕,何况子弹。 Courting death of mother!” But the black wolf like this does not think that his to the Qin Chao direction, was taking away the trigger. “妈的找死!”但黑狼可不这样想,他对着秦朝的方向,扣动了扳机。 Ding! a resounding, the black wolf stared in a big way the eye. 当!”一声脆响,黑狼瞪大了眼睛。 Although he nearsightedness, but he is not blind. 他虽然近视,但他不瞎。 He clearly sees, under taking care of that light, Qin Chao places in the smoke the mouth, then extends the right hand, two fingers gripped a golden warhead. 他分明看到,在那灯光的照应下,秦朝把烟放在口中,然后伸出右手,两根手指头夹住了一枚金色的弹头。 Grips the bullet with the hand, to present Qin Chao, was too simply simple. 用手夹住子弹,对现在的秦朝来说,简直太简单了。 This, this is impossible!” “这,这不可能!” The black wolf was insane, first successive took away several trigger. 黑狼疯了,一连扣动了好几次扳机。 In the spear|gun has only put five bullets, all howls to fly toward Qin Chao. 枪里面只装了五枚子弹,全都呼啸着向着秦朝飞去。 Qin Chao has not stressed the thoughts of bullet, he beckons with the hand, that five bullets stop immediately before his body, then Ding dang ding dang fell the ground. 秦朝也没抓子弹的心思了,他一摆手,那五枚子弹立刻停在他身前,然后叮叮当当地落到了地上。 The black wolf is thorough. 黑狼彻底傻眼。 Front man , he is he really humanity? 面前的这个男人,他,他真的是人类吗? Let alone was, even if were Master Si, radically was not his match! 别说是自己了,就算是四爷,也根本就不是他的对手啊! Heavens, this time, Master Si annoyed any person! 天啊,这一次,四爷到底惹上了一个什么人啊! No, do not kill me......” black wolf tears nasal mucus place, throws down the pistol, then kneels down in the snowy area, is crying to ask to Qin Chao, I, I am also compel to have no other choice!” “别,别杀我……”黑狼一把眼泪一把鼻涕地,丢下手枪,然后跪倒在雪地里,对着秦朝哭求,“我,我也是逼不得已啊!” He is crying, then to Long Bei'er that the head searches, goes all out to kowtow. 他哭着,然后对着把脑袋探出来的龙贝儿,拼命磕头。 Lady Long, Lady Long you forgive me! I, I was also compelled by Chen Si that bastard! He, he has caught my family member, threatens me not to kill your words, must kill them!” 龙小姐,龙小姐你原谅我吧!我,我也是被陈四那个王八蛋逼的啊!他,他抓了我的家人,威胁我不干掉你的话,就要杀了他们啊!” Black wolf, you when really my Long Bei'er is an idiot?” Long Bei'er saw not to have the danger, walked from Qin Chao behind, the small boots stepped on the snowy area, pinched the waist, cold was saying to front this man. “黑狼,你真当我龙贝儿是白痴么?”龙贝儿看到没了危险,也就从秦朝的后面走出来,小靴子踩在雪地之中,掐着腰,冷冷地对着面前这个男人说道。 Does not kill me, can be the heads in west district? The black wolf, your ambition is not small, is corrupt enough. Now, is you should pay price time.” “不是干掉我,就可以做西区的负责人么?黑狼,你野心不小,也够贪。现在,是你该付出代价的时候了。” Lady Long, Lady Long, leaves this, do not kill me!” The head of black wolf knocks to bleed in the snowy area , to continue to cry to ask, I am willing to make your dog, a heartfelt dog! I, I can help you kill Chen Si that bastard, I also use, do not kill me!” 龙小姐,龙小姐,别这样啊,不要杀我!”黑狼的脑袋在雪地里都磕出了血来,继续哭求道,“我愿意做您的一条狗啊,一条衷心的狗!我,我可以帮您干掉陈四那王八蛋,我还有用,您千万别杀我啊!” Really?” Hears to kill Chen Si, Long Bei'er also hesitated. “真的?”听到能干掉陈四,龙贝儿也犹豫了。 Chen Si lives in seclusion now, wants to find an opportunity to kill him, but also is not really easy. There is nothing like, is keeping a black wolf life first, then directs Chen Si? 陈四现在深居简出,想找个机会杀死他,还真不容易。莫不如,先留着黑狼一条命,然后把陈四引出来? Although Chen Si is the elder brother by adoption, but homicide father. 陈四虽然是自己干哥哥,但他杀了父亲。 Vengefulness for father's murder, absolutely irreconcilable! 杀父之仇,不共戴天! Right, right! I am willing to be Lady Long work for!” This black wolf looks possible, immediately is very happy. “没错,没错!我愿意为龙小姐效劳啊!”这黑狼一看有戏,立刻喜上眉梢。 Fucker, when father runs away, was finding Master Si, spends please a killer, kills your this pair of people! 尼玛的,等老子逃出去,在找到四爷,花钱请个杀手,干掉你们这对狗男女! Bang!” Has not waited for him to end, Qin Chao has pinched to explode his head. “砰!”还没等他想完,秦朝就已经捏爆了他的脑袋。 Em? Long Bei'er blinks, does not know why Qin Chao has killed this man. 额?龙贝儿眨眨眼睛,不知道为什么秦朝干掉了这个男人。 „To kill Chen Si, having no need for him helping.” Qin Chao lightly replied. “想杀陈四,用不着他来帮。”秦朝只是淡淡地回答道。
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