MBT :: Volume #4

#352: Gives you to be free

Chapter 352 gives you to be free 第352章给你自由 Boards.” “上车吧。” Long Bei'er knew own many secret, therefore before her, Qin Chao does not need to cover-up, has pulled out the unfailing 28 bicycles from Ring of Xumi directly, places in the snowy area. 龙贝儿已经知道了自己的很多秘密,因此在她面前,秦朝也不用藏着掖着,直接从须弥戒中掏出了自己经久不衰的28自行车,放在雪地之中。 Bang!”, The innumerable snowflakes were splashed, flies upwards in this nighttime sky. “砰!”的一声,无数雪花被溅了起来,飞扬在这夜空之中。 Long Bei'er looked at this corpse everywhere, does not have a facial expression of fear, instead is asking Qin Chao very much indifferently. 龙贝儿看了一眼这满地的尸体,却没有一点害怕的神情,反而是很淡然地问着秦朝 „Do we go?” “我们去哪?” Looks for Chen Si, kills him directly.” “去找陈四,直接干掉他。” Qin Chao was saying, raised legs to step on the bicycle, then has patted own back seat. 秦朝说着,一抬腿跨在了自行车上,然后拍了拍自己的车后座。 Long Bei'er also gently jumps, sits behind, put out a hand closely to embrace the waist of Qin Chao, as if thought that this will be warmer. 龙贝儿也轻轻跳起来,坐到后面,伸手紧紧揽住了秦朝的腰,似乎觉得这样会温暖一些。 No, I do not want such to kill Chen Si, was this too cheap he?” “不,我不想就这么杀了陈四,这太便宜他了?” What to do can you?” Qin Chao has turned head, discovered that this young girl trembles in the cold wind. He then takes off his black windproof coat, threw over gently on her body. “那你要怎么办?”秦朝回过头去,发现这小妞在寒风中瑟瑟发抖。他便把自己的黑色风衣脱下来,轻轻披在了她的身上。 That clothes throw over on Long Bei'er, this young girl thought immediately one place oneself in a warm room probably, is roasting the stove, cold goes far away to oneself instantaneously. 那衣服披在龙贝儿身上,这小妞顿时觉得自己好像置身在一个温暖的房间中,烤着火炉,寒冷瞬间离自己远去。 A windproof coat, how such warm? 只是一件风衣而已,怎么会这么的温暖? Long Bei'er does not know, even if this coat, does not know by Qin Chao bored time, with elementary force tempered many times. 龙贝儿不知道,就算这外套,也不知道被秦朝无聊的时候,用元力淬炼了多少次。 To put it bluntly, this clothes now are the person five magic weapons, big function did not have, to take shelter from wind the cold-resistance to be a cinch actually. 说白了,这衣服现在是人器五品的法宝,大了功能没有,避风防寒倒是不在话下。 But Qin Chao are the Cultivation physique, inside only then an unpadded garment, in the night wind, does not think the least bit to be cold, the same spirit is sparkling. 秦朝自己又是修真的体质,里面只有一件单衣,在夜风之中,却也不觉得半点寒冷,一样的精神烁烁。 Long Bei'er sees the Qin Chao appearance, knows his skill, has not asked this matter. 龙贝儿看到秦朝的样子,知道他的本事,也就没有多问这件事。 Chen Si has killed my father, nothing but wants to obtain the industries and status of Long.” The Long Bei'er corners of the mouth have hung up the gloomy smiling face suddenly, „, if has killed him directly, was too cheap he, I did not want. I think that his these all succeeded in obtaining the enterprise to destroy completely, lets he turns into anything is not waste. By that time, I make him know that what is the regret!” 陈四杀了我父亲,无非就是想得到我们龙家的产业和地位。”龙贝儿嘴角忽然挂起了阴沉的笑容,“如果直接杀了他,太便宜他了,我不要。我想,把他这些所有到了手中的事业全部搞垮,让他重新变成一个什么也不是的废物。到那时候,我让他知道什么叫后悔!” „......” Saw the Long Bei'er appearance, Qin Chao frowns, has pondered. “……”看到龙贝儿的样子,秦朝皱着眉头,沉思了一下。 Ok.” Qin Chao said suddenly that has a person, perhaps he can help you.” “可以。”秦朝忽然说道,“有一个人,或许他可以帮助你。” Oh? hears this saying, Long Bei'er somewhat cannot help but joyful, real? I, can I see him? So long as can revenge, what price regardless , I am willing to pay...... Even if, body.” 哦?”听到这话,龙贝儿不由得有些欣喜,“真的吗?我,我能不能见见他?只要能报仇,无论什么样的代价,我都愿意付出……哪怕是,身体。” Qin Chao nearly falls from the vehicle. 秦朝险些从车子上摔下来。 Fuck, cannot use, my Qin Chao has color that - is sentiment crazy?” 我靠,用不上,我秦朝有那么色-情狂吗?” You indeed have......” Long Bei'er closely by in carrying on the back of Qin Chao, you have forgotten our first meeting time...... In my gay bar, you dare to speak to sexually harass Beauty......” “你的确有哦……”龙贝儿紧紧靠在秦朝的背上,“你忘了我们第一次见面的时候么……在我的同性恋酒吧里,你都敢出言调戏美女呢……” „, Is this is true quality good.” “靠,这是英雄本色好不好。” Um, is very color......” “嗯,是挺色的……” Qin Chao touches own nose, pedals the car(riage) awkwardly. Has a plan for the present, only then brought Long Bei'er to see that person. Regarding ** on these minor matters, he should be the slight effort. 秦朝摸了摸自己的鼻子,尴尬地蹬起车来。为今之计,也只有带着龙贝儿去见那个人了。对于**上这些小事,他应该是举手之劳吧。 You such late look for me, for this matter?” Li Baishan sits on his sofa, in the hand is grasping one can of Sprite, was slanting the eye to look at Qin Chao one. But Long Bei'er, this attractive Baihe/Lily young miss, Li Baishan is actually looks has not looked, appointed she is sizing up all in this room in one side secretly. “你这么晚来找我,就是为了这件事情?”李百山坐在他的沙发椅上,手里握着一罐雪碧,斜着眼睛看了秦朝一眼。而龙贝儿,这个漂亮的百合小姑娘,李百山却是瞧都没有瞧,任她在一旁偷偷打量着这屋子里的一切。 Long Bei'er is very strange, depends on the man of this storehouse in restroom? What can he help oneself? 龙贝儿很奇怪,就凭这个藏在厕所里的男人?他能帮助自己什么? Right.” Qin Chao nods, said that I am the Seventh Branch member, should be entitled to enjoy a welfare. You as my only colleague and leader, get rid to help me should also to be in the reason.” “没错。”秦朝点点头,说道,“我是第七科的成员,应该有资格来享受一点福利吧。你作为我唯一的同事和领导,出手帮帮我应该也是情理之中的吧。” Qin Chao especially likes bargaining back and forth with this Li Baishan now, in any case big Seventh Branch, enforcement agents only then they. After your Li Baishan, must use me, did not have me, you are also only the polished rod commander. 秦朝现在特别喜欢和这李百山讨价还价,反正偌大个第七科,执行人员就只有他们两个。你李百山以后还要用到我的,没了我,你也只是个光杆司令而已。 „The matter that good, you said is not difficult.” Li Baishan shook the green jar in hand, spoke thoughtlessly saying that ** the influence was strong, compared with the state apparatus, collapsed at the first blow. If I want to support Long Bei'er, one month, she can destroy Chen Si in Sunan City thoroughly.” “好吧,你说的事情并不难。”李百山晃了晃手里的青色罐子,随口说道,“**的势力再强,和国家机器比起来,也是不堪一击。我若是想扶持龙贝儿,不出一个月,她就可以在苏南市陈四彻底搞垮。” Hears this saying, Long Bei'er is startled at heart. 听到这话,龙贝儿心里一惊。 The good exaggeration that this man said that also to transfer the state apparatus unexpectedly? Who is he? Why sees, likely is a dreadful male appearance? 这男人说的好夸张,竟然还能调动国家机器?他到底是什么人?为什么怎么看,都像是一个猥琐男的样子? You thought that I am likely dreadful male?” Li Baishan has drunk Sprite, then looked at Long Bei'er one strangely. “你觉得我像猥琐男?”李百山喝了一口雪碧,然后古怪地看了龙贝儿一眼。 „!” Long Bei'er lowered the head immediately, the heart said how he sees through my concern! “啊!”龙贝儿立刻低下头去,心道他怎么看穿我心事的! Qin Chao has not spoken, he knows that Li Baishan is some can read out the skill of others thought. Meanwhile he is not silly, listening to the Li Baishan words to have the words. 秦朝没有说话,他知道李百山是有些能读出别人思想的本事的。同时他也不傻,听出李百山话里有话。 Said that you have any condition.” “说吧,你有什么条件。” Good good.” Li Baishan has patted clapping gently, said that I like speaking with the smart person. Actually, you do not look for me, I must look your. Here, the good duties, the monetary reward is very happen to high, moreover can the government expense go abroad to travel.” “不错不错。”李百山轻轻拍了拍手,道,“我就喜欢和聪明人说话。其实呢,你不来找我,我也是要去找你的。我这里呢,正好有一个不错的任务,赏金很高,而且还能公费出国旅游哦。” Yes?” Qin Chao has selected the eyebrow, you give my duty, probably never has any good deed.” “是么?”秦朝挑了挑眉毛,“你给我的任务,好像从来没有什么好事。” This time, you will be interested.” Li Baishan was saying, beckons. But has looked like bright that the puppet stands, suddenly moved, puts out one pack of documents from nearby drawer, turned the extremely slender waist to put to give Qin Chao. “这次的,你会感兴趣的。”李百山说着,招招手。而一直像木偶般站在旁边的熙,忽然动了起来,从一旁的抽屉中拿出一叠文件,扭着水蛇腰放递给了秦朝 Qin Chao looked at bright one, discovered that her present vision pollution, obviously is at the standby condition, cannot help but thinks somewhat sorrowfully. 秦朝看了熙一眼,发现她现在目光浑浊,显然是处于待机的状态,不由得觉得有些悲哀。 Li Baishan Li Baishan, how you actually think. 李百山李百山,你到底是怎么想的呢。 Even if not like bright, you can let go her, gives her a freedom? 就算不喜欢熙,你可不可以放走她,给她一个自由呢? Thinks that Li Baishan once said that must give itself bright, Qin Chao cannot help but had the thoughts. 想到李百山曾经说要把熙送给自己,秦朝不由得动起了心思。 But now is also not the time. He received the document, has swept several above. 但现在还不是时候。他接过了文件,在上面扫了几眼。 Japan?” Qin Chao cannot help but calls out in alarm, can go to here unexpectedly?” 岛国?”秦朝不由得惊呼,“竟然要去这里?” Right!” Li Baishan hit a sound to refer, Ginza Ginza! I want to go to there to have a look very much long time ago.” “对啊!”李百山打了个响指,“银座啊银座!我很早就想去那里看看了。” „...... That why you do not go to......” Qin Chao to curl the lip. “……那为什么你不自己去……”秦朝撇撇嘴。 Naturally is not good, I am the proper person, this good assignment naturally to give you to come.” Li Baishan was saying, put in order has put in order his shirt neckband, then said seriously that recently had the news to transmit, Japan was doing a very secret experiment, studied the biological gene modification. If were done successfully by them, to internationally, is a catastrophe. Therefore, I give your duty am, destroys their bases, brings back to their research data.” “当然不行了,我是正经人,这种好差事自然还是交给你来吧。”李百山说着,整了整他的衬衫领口,然后一本正经地说道,“最近有消息传来,岛国正在做一项很秘密的实验,研究生物基因改造。如果被他们搞成功的话,对国际上来说,就将是一场大灾难。所以,我给你的任务就是,摧毁他们的基地,带回他们的研究资料。” Destroys the base, why can also come back the material belt?” Qin Chao pursues asks. “摧毁基地也就罢了,为什么还要把资料带回来?”秦朝追问道。 This is the thing that Chinese researchers of treason take away, naturally must bring to come back.” Li Baishan smiled lightly, on that also has some of our Taoism residual magic arts, naturally does not go the energy flow to Japan.” “这本来就是一个叛国的中国研究人员带去的东西,自然要带回来。”李百山淡淡地笑了笑,“那上面还有我们道家残留的一些法术,自然不能流到岛国去。” Originally is this......” Qin Chao nods, what is that duty reward?” “原来是这样……”秦朝点点头,“那任务奖励是什么?” 1 million dollars.” Li Baishan raises up a finger, said an attractive digit. “1000000美金。”李百山竖起一根手指,说出了一个诱人的数字。 1 million dollars! Qin Chao was indeed excited, this sum of money, enough completed the agreement of him and Su Xianqin that old fogy. 1000000美金!秦朝的确心动了,这笔钱,足够完成他和苏显秦那老家伙的约定了。 Sur- Long Bei'er matter.” “外加龙贝儿的事情。” Li Baishan was saying, discarded the spatial jar in hand, makes bright pull out one bottle of Sprite to come from the refrigerator, opens to drink slowly, you have a look, I am a how good leader, buys one and gets one free this is, which on looks for this good deed to go.” 李百山说着,丢掉了手中的空罐子,又让熙从冰箱里掏出一瓶雪碧来,重新打开缓缓喝起来,“你看看,我是多么好的一个领导啊,买一送一啊这是,上哪找这好事去。” Ok, but you must accept my request.” Qin Chao looks at bright one that has stood, suddenly said. “可以,但你还得答应我一个要求。”秦朝看了那站在旁边的熙一眼,忽然说道。 You said.” In Li Baishan stares to begin that can of Sprite, said languidly. “你说。”李百山盯着手里的那罐雪碧,懒洋洋地说道。 Gives me bright.” “把熙送给我。” This saying said that even if bright in readiness for action, the body also shivered probably. 这话说出来,就算是在待机状态中的熙,好像身体也颤抖了一下。 Ok.” Li Baishan beckons with the hand very much at will, „after you came back, leads person on line.” “行。”李百山很随意地摆摆手,“等你回来之后,来领人就行了。” You listened clearly, I wanted you to give to me bright!” Qin Chao was startled, this Li Baishan how indifferent appearance. “你听清楚了,我是要你把熙送给我!”秦朝吃了一惊,这李百山怎么一副无所谓的样子。 I heard certainly clearly, although I lived over 100 years old, but I was not experienced the deaf person.” Li Baishan is drinking Sprite, showed the whites of the eyes, is not bright, I complied, after the matter becomes, you can take away.” “我当然听清了,我虽然活了100多岁了,但我又不是老成了聋子。”李百山喝着雪碧,翻了个白眼,“不就是熙么,我答应了,事成之后你可以领走。” „Do you, you such give up really?” Qin Chao a little cannot believe, although beforehand Li Baishan always said that delivers itself to deliver itself, but he also when only this mental illness taoist priest is cracking a joke. “你,你真这么舍得?”秦朝真的有点不敢相信,虽然以前李百山总说送自己送自己,但他也只当这神经病道士在开玩笑。 Has anything not to give up, a toy.” “有什么不舍得的,一个玩具而已。” She, she is not your wife, among you doesn't have the sentiment?” “她,她不是你妻子吗,你们之间难道没有感情?” Heard this saying, Long Bei'er has also been startled. She just started to think that this is leading the woman of mask, is only the Li Baishan sweetheart. Has not thought that can be wife unexpectedly. 听到这话,龙贝儿也惊了一下。她刚开始以为这带着面具的女人,只是李百山的情人。没想到,竟然会是妻子。 Qin Chao also is really excessive, how can manage others to want the wife! Is it possible that he has any bad hobby! 秦朝也真是过分,怎么能管人家要妻子呢!莫非,他有什么不良嗜好! With a puppet, will have any sentiment.” Li Baishan very reluctantly appearance, you if not want, does not want that me not to deliver.” “跟一个玩偶,会有什么感情。”李百山很无奈地样子,“你到底要是不要,不愿意的话那我就不送了。” I want!” Qin Chao has strengthened suddenly, he wants to help bright seek for the freedom, you cannot renege on a promise.” “我要!”秦朝忽然坚定了下来,他本来就是想帮着熙寻找自由,“你可不能反悔。” Ha, my Li Baishan spoke, when has reneged on a promise.” Li Baishan curls the lip, said that Corpse Concubine, I can practice several thousand several hundred. If you like, I can make harem 3000 beautiful woman groups to you.” “哈,我李百山说话,什么时候反悔过。”李百山撇撇嘴,道,“一个尸姬而已,我可以练几千几百个。你若是喜欢,我可以给你造一个后宫3000佳丽团。” Considers as finished......” thinks the own harem 3000 beautiful women are only the deceased person, Qin Chao on cold sweat. I wanted bright one to be enough.” “算了……”一想到自己后宫3000佳丽都只是死人,秦朝就一阵冷汗。“我要熙一个就足够了。” Ok, such settled, tomorrow I will arrange you to go to Japan, you live in my this tonight. Long Bei'er also here, making bright accompany you first.” “行,就这么说定了,明天我就安排你去岛国,你今晚就在我这住吧。龙贝儿也在这里,让熙先陪着你。” Li Baishan was saying, turns around to walk toward own bedroom. Walked two steps, suddenly turned head, has exhorted one. 李百山说着,转身向自己的卧室里走去。走了两步,忽然回过头来,嘱咐了一句。 Was right, although gives to you, but you, do not spoil her.” “对了,虽然送给你,但你,也不要把她弄坏了。” Then, entered in own bedroom. 说完,进了自己的卧室里。 Qin Chao looked at the gate of that bedroom very much complex, in the gate is also pasting a yellow color spell. 秦朝很复杂地看了那卧室的门,门上还贴着一张黄色的符咒。 Although he on the mouth said that does not have sentiment not to have the sentiment, but actually in heart of hearts, cares about bright...... 他虽然口上说没感情没感情,但其实在内心深处,还是关心熙的啊…… One wanted bright, gives back to her to be free. By doing so, is right? 自己把熙要了来,还给她自由。这样做,到底对不对? Qin Chao is somewhat confused...... But he sees the bright that slightly opacitas eye, said to oneself. 秦朝有些迷茫起来……但他看到熙那略微浑浊的眼睛,又对自己说道。 Whatever, oneself such do, will not regret. 无论怎么样,自己这么做,都不会后悔。
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