MBT :: Volume #4

#350: Cannot run away

Chapter 350 cannot run away 第350章不能逃 Qin Chao raised actually really tonight the thought that this female Devil overthrows, Rosie this young girl, enticed him is not chapter of two chapters. 秦朝倒是真的升起了今晚就把这女恶魔推倒的念头,罗茜这小妞,勾引他也不是一回两回了。 Although this female Devil possibly was not the first time, but Qin Chao has not located - female complex. Moreover Rosie truly speaking, enough attractiveness, making him have this impulsive desire - looks. 虽然这女恶魔可能不是第一次了,但秦朝并没有处-女情结。而且罗茜说实在的,也足够的漂亮,让他有这种冲动的欲-望。 Good that but he thinks, is only a pity the heaven not to this opportunity. 但他想的不错,只可惜老天没给他这个机会。 Tonight, others are your person......” Rosie paste by his ear, the sound is the small hand is touching the heart of Qin Chao likely gently, making him somewhat self-satisfied. “今晚,人家是你的人哦……”罗茜贴在他耳旁,声音像是小手轻轻抚摸着秦朝的心脏,让他有些飘飘然。 He just planned directly when this Anthony Hotel opens the room, a telephone actually forced one's way into. 他刚打算直接在这安东尼大酒店开房间的时候,一个电话却打了进来。 Master, the fellow makes the call...... Spills repeatedly......” “主人,那家伙又来电话啦……哦哦累累哦哦拉拉……” The Qin Chao cell phone ring tone is very explosive, when this type inopportune hits, making him pull out the telephone reluctantly. 秦朝的手机铃声还是很劲爆的,在这种不合时宜的时候打过来,让他无奈地掏出了电话。 What above demonstration is a strange number, but Qin Chao has not rejected, because he worried that can be Su Ji hits. 上面显示的是一个陌生号码,但秦朝并没有拒绝,因为他担心会是苏姬打过来的。 Answers the telephone, is really a girl's voice, but is actually not Su Ji. 接起电话,果然是一个女孩子的声音,但却不是苏姬 Qin...... Qin Chao, saves me......” in telephone to broadcast the sound that Long Bei'er called for help quickly, making Qin Chao be startled. “秦……秦朝,快来救救我……”电话中传来龙贝儿呼救的声音,让秦朝吃了一惊。 Long Bei'er, this ** young lady, prays for rescue from his Qin Chao unexpectedly! 龙贝儿,这个**的大小姐,竟然向他秦朝求救! What this young girl met to trouble, can look for itself to help unexpectedly? Depending on her strength, the general trouble, casual did not handle! 这小妞遇到什么麻烦了,竟然会来找自己帮忙?凭她的实力,一般的麻烦,随便不就搞定了么! In the telephone, Long Bei'er is very anxious, does not give the Qin Chao inquiry the opportunity, said directly. 电话里面,龙贝儿很急切,也不给秦朝询问的机会,直接道。 I, I in shell heart street No. 9, come quickly......” “我,我在贝克街9号,快来……” „Did young girl, what you meet to trouble?” “小妞,你遇到什么麻烦了?” Qin Chao asked hastily. 秦朝连忙问道。 I, my father......” just said that the telephone line separates, in the cell phone spreads a busy signal. “我,我父亲……”刚说了一句,电话线就断开,手机里传出一阵忙音。 Qin Chao had a scare by this busy signal, it seems like Long Bei'er indeed met to trouble. 秦朝被这忙音吓了一跳,看来龙贝儿的确遇到麻烦了。 Opposite Rosie sees the Qin Chao appearance, is still that with a laugh appearance, met to trouble?” 对面的罗茜看到秦朝的样子,依然是那笑呵呵地模样,“遇到麻烦了?” „A friend had to trouble, I saved her.” The Qin Chao some Shirdi did not look at this female Devil one, actually without hesitation went out of Anthony Hotel. “一个朋友有麻烦了,我去救她。”秦朝有些不舍地看了这个女恶魔一眼,却毫不犹豫地走出了安东尼大酒店。 Long Bei'er somewhat annoyedly has made telephone call, these old style telephone booths, how nobody services. 龙贝儿有些恼火地挂了电话,这些老式的电话亭,怎么都没人来维修一下。 She is binding a ash-gray down clothing, squats to sit on the ground, hides in this old style telephone booth. 她裹着一件灰色的羽绒服,蹲坐在地上,躲在这老式的电话亭之中。 Under outside curtain of night, bone-chilling wind. In telephone booth, is ice-cold. 外面的夜幕下,寒风刺骨。电话亭中,也是一片冰冷。 Long Bei'er is holding own arm, trembles. 龙贝儿抱着自己的胳膊,瑟瑟发抖。 In the morning, she is the daughter young lady of Long. But overnight, actually changed appearance. 就在早上,她还是龙家的千金大小姐。而一夜之间,却变了模样。 His father, died in the hand of Chen Si. Big Sky Dragon Group, has become the industry of Chen Si. After obtaining the industry, Chen Si is dissatisfied, wants to set at itself in the deathtrap. 他的父亲,死在了陈四的手中。偌大的天龙集团,都成了陈四的产业。得到产业之后,陈四还不满足,想要置自己于死地。 If do not die, the industry in Chen Si hand takes is not safe. 如果自己不死的话,陈四手中的产业就拿的不稳妥。 Therefore, Chen Si has gotten down ** the chasing down command, all people were seeking for this once Miss Long Jia. 所以,陈四下了**追杀令,所有的人都在寻找这个曾经的龙家大小姐。 Long Bei'er also wants from the beginning with the Chen Si fight one fight, a subordinate who but when her side most trusts betrays, she despaired thoroughly. Only can not pay attention while this subordinate, ran in a panic. 龙贝儿一开始还想和陈四斗上一斗,但当她身边最信任的一个手下都背叛的时候,她彻底绝望了。只能趁着这个手下不注意,仓惶跑了出来。 Person does not have, in the pocket has not held money, goes by car to leave the Sunan City money not to gather up. At this moment, Long Bei'er has only thought a person, can give her to help. 身边一个人都没有,兜里也没有揣钱,坐车离开苏南市的钱都凑不上。此时此刻,龙贝儿只想到了一个人,可以给她帮助。 That is Qin Chao. 那就是秦朝 Own cell phone has not taken, but luckily, Qin Chao telephone number, continuously by Long Bei'er firmly in mind. Therefore, she found this old style coin telephone booth, has made such a distress call to Qin Chao. 自己的手机也没有拿,但幸好,秦朝的电话号,一直被龙贝儿牢牢地记在脑海中。于是,她才找到这个老式的投币电话亭,给秦朝打出了这么一个求救电话。 Who knows that the telephone has not fired off, that broken telephone thoroughly shattered. However what luckily is, the address said. 谁知道,电话还没打完,那破电话就彻底坏掉了。不过幸好的是,地址说了出去。 Now, matter that Long Bei'er must handle only, is hides waits, to wait for Qin Chao to arrive here. 现在,龙贝儿唯一要做的事情,就是躲在这里等,等秦朝到来。 This shell heart street very remote, usually few people take a walk. At this time, approaches the night, the surrounding resident turns off the lights to sleep, therefore a outside darkness. 这贝克街十分的偏僻,平常就很少有人走动。此时,又接近深夜,周围的居民都熄灯睡觉,因此外面一片黑暗。 Only then in the telephone booth ignites a small flare, sends out the spooky ray, illuminates snowflake that periphery fell gently gradually. 只有电话亭上点着一盏小小的照明灯,发出幽幽的光芒,照亮了周围渐渐飘落的雪花。 But Long Bei'er hopes that lamp can destroy completely. This lamp, by the position that oneself are, specially obvious. 龙贝儿多么希望,那灯能灭掉。这一盏灯,让自己所在的位置,特别的明显。 But besides this telephone booth, the surroundings is spacious, has no place to hide. Moreover outside is still snowing, if the dull time is too long, she very possible not to have waited for Chen Si to begin, first has frozen to death. 而除了这电话亭,周围又是一片空旷,无处可躲。而且外面还在下着雪,如果呆的时间太长的话,她很可能没等陈四动手,就已经先冻死。 Long Bei'er has such a custom, goes out always the bold money, is her little brother pays a bill. Therefore, to the present, she lived in the money of hotel not to have. 龙贝儿就有这么个习惯,出门从来不揣钱,都是她小弟来付账。因此,到了现在,她连住旅馆的钱都没有。 This telephone booth, is her only dependence. 这个电话亭,是她唯一的依靠。 Outside snowflake, has spread out Bai Mian ground gradually. When Long Bei'er has some have been stranded intent, outside suddenly resounds a noisy sound of footsteps. 外面的雪花,渐渐把地面铺上了一层白棉。就在龙贝儿有了些困意的时候,外面忽然响起一阵嘈杂的脚步声。 These footsteps step on the snowy area, sends out sound that creaks. 那些脚步踩在雪地上,发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。 Long Bei'er got rid of the breath, this sound of footsteps could not withstand disorderly, obviously many people walked. 龙贝儿摒住了呼吸,这脚步声杂乱不堪,显然有很多人走来。 She somewhat desperately looks toward the distant place , the rays of several flashlights, sweep in all directions, is seeking for anything obviously. 她有些绝望地往远处望去,果然,好几把手电的光芒,四处扫动,明显在寻找着什么。 Mother, which that young woman can run up to goes!” “妈的,那小娘们能跑到哪去!” Snort, middle of the night made the father quite look, has frozen to death!” “哼,大半夜让老子好找,冻死了都!” „, If had found him, father must taste foods newly in season may not! Miss Dragon, light psychosexuality, can before today finally on she!” “啧啧,如果找到了他,老子非要尝尝鲜不可!龙大小姐啊,以前光意淫,今天终于可以上她了!” Some obscene word foul languages had fed in the ear of Long Bei'er by the cold wind, lets her that pretty face paleness. 一些淫言秽语被寒风送进了龙贝儿的耳朵中,让她那娇俏的脸一片惨白。 Looks quickly, she in that!” “快看,她在那!” But a flashlight ray swept on her body, these sounds of footsteps approach immediately. 而一个手电光芒扫在了她的身上,那些脚步声立刻接近过来。 Along with their gradual approach, Long Bei'er also saw clearly these shadows appearances. 随着他们渐渐接近,龙贝儿也看清了这些黑影的长相。 Takes the lead, clearly before is , a subordinate who father takes care of very much, is called the black wolf the man. 领头的,分明是以前父亲很照顾的一个手下,叫做黑狼的男人。 This black wolf young time, offended a Sunan City Boss, by suffering extreme distress that Boss hits, but also has chopped a blade, almost died. The father has saved him luckily, moreover draws cash to treat the wound to him, finally received in the side. 这黑狼年轻的时候,得罪了苏南市的一个老大,被那老大打的死去活来,还砍了一刀,差点死去。幸好自己父亲救了他,而且给他拿钱治伤,最后收在了身边。 On the face of that black wolf, a long scar of knife wound. 在那黑狼的脸上,还有一条长长的刀疤。 Lady Long.” The black wolf saw this to hide Long Bei'er in the middle of telephone booth, the corners of the mouth floated off the smiling face. This smiling face, making that scar of knife wound appear specially fierce, you are come out, makes me ask you to come out?” 龙小姐。”黑狼看到这躲在电话亭当中的龙贝儿,嘴角浮起了笑容。这笑容,让那刀疤显得特别的狰狞,“你是自己出来呢,还是让我请你出来?” Black wolf.” Long Bei'er looks that on this face leads the man of scar of knife wound, cold saying that my father waited you not to be thin in the past, why do you want to betray him?” “黑狼。”龙贝儿看着这个脸上带着刀疤的男子,冷冷地说道,“我父亲当年待你不薄,你为何要背叛他?” Right, Dragon Ye indeed is very good to me.” On black wolf face slightly not ashamed, instead said with a laugh, „, but, Master Si gives to me are more. Makes our line, will have does not have tomorrow today, who has not thought better?” “没错,龙爷对我的确很好。”黑狼脸上丝毫没有惭愧,反而笑呵呵地说道,“但是,四爷给我给的更多。做我们这一行的,有今天没明天,谁不想过的更好一点呢?” You......” Long Bei'er by the words of black wolf having food stuck in the throat. “你……”龙贝儿被黑狼的话给噎住了。 I said right, Lady Long.” The black wolf has smiled, „. Moreover, this Master Si has gotten down ** chasing down command, who can hold your Lady Long, regardless of the life, can become the total head in west district. Before my black wolf , can only the small place that is responsible for a shell heart street such bird not defecating. If can be responsible for the entire west district, after my black wolf, can walk sideways in Sunan City.” “我说的没错吧,龙小姐。”黑狼又笑了起来,“而且,这四爷下了**追杀令了,谁能抓住你龙小姐,无论死活,都能成为西区的总负责人。啧啧,我黑狼以前只能负责贝克街这么个鸟不拉屎的小地方。如果能负责整个西区,那我黑狼以后就能在苏南市横着走了。” You want to result in beautiful.” Long Bei'er has sneered, betrayed the dog of master, forever will not entrust with heavy responsibility by the new master.” “你想得美。”龙贝儿冷笑了起来,“一条背叛了主人的狗,永远也不会被新的主人重用。” Damn, mother being concerned about face!” The black wolf hears this saying, complexion sinks immediately. “操,妈的给脸不要脸!”黑狼听到这话,脸色顿时一沉。 mother's fucking cunt, you think that you are Miss Long Jia that!” A little brother is carrying baseball stick, walked, the mouth shouts crassly, you now prostitute - females were inferior, but also dares damn the lesson wolf brother, hurries get lost!” 马勒戈壁的,你以为你还是龙家大小姐那!”一个小弟拎着棒球棍,走了过来,嘴里骂骂咧咧地嚷道,“你现在连个妓-女都不如,还敢他妈的教训狼哥,赶紧滚出来!” Saying, puts out a hand to entrain the front door of that telephone booth. 说着,伸手去拽那电话亭的大门。 But Long Bei'er already the gate of telephone booth deadlocking, how whatever that small gangster entrains, cannot entrain. 龙贝儿早就把电话亭的门给锁死了,任凭那小混混怎么拽,也拽不开。 Damn, you think that locking a door father of did take you not to have the means?” That small gangster spat a saliva, the anger said that waited a while to make you, dug up up you in the snowy area directly, making the wolf brother cheerful!” “操,你以为锁了门老子就拿你没办法了?”那小混混吐了口口水,怒道,“等一会把你弄出来,直接在雪地里扒光你,让狼哥乐呵乐呵!” Hears this saying, the Long Bei'er complexion somewhat is also pale. But other gangster, then obscene - has smiled evilly. 听到这话,龙贝儿脸色又有些苍白。而其他的混混们,则都淫-邪地笑了起来。 Today also laborious brothers.” The black wolf smiles, I had finished up, naturally also makes the brothers cheerful. This Miss Long Jia is the homosexuality, is young. Tonight, everybody had plays.” “今天也辛苦兄弟们了。”黑狼嘿嘿一笑,“等我完事了,自然也让兄弟们乐呵乐呵。这龙家大小姐是同性恋,还是个雏呢。今晚,大家伙有得玩了。” On the face of Long Bei'er did not have the scarlet thoroughly, she somewhat no use by telephone. 龙贝儿的脸上彻底没了血色,她有些无助地靠在了电话上。 Mother, has not come out!” That carries small gangster of baseball stick to hear oneself Boss' words, some colors are anxious. That he shouted danced the stick, Bang layer on layer pounded on the glass wall of that telephone booth. “妈的,还不出来!”那拎着棒球棍的小混混听到自己老大的话,也有些色急起来。他呼的一声舞起棍子,砰的一声重重砸在那电话亭的玻璃墙上。 Crash-bang!” Does not have the suspense, around this glass simultaneously was broken, inside exudes the Long Bei'er startled squeal. “哗啦啦!”毫无悬念的,这四面玻璃同时被震碎,里面发出龙贝儿惊慌的尖叫声。 Ha, comes to the father!” In that small gangster eye is dodging the obscene light, puts out a hand to grasp Long Bei'er. “哈哈哈,给老子过来吧!”那小混混眼中闪着淫光,伸手去抓龙贝儿 Get lost to me.” At this time, an ice-cold sound sound. That small gangster look twists suddenly, his body was held by an invisible big hand directly, one loses more than ten meters far, then Bang falls in the snowy area. “给我滚。”就在这时候,一个冰冷的声音响了起来。那小混混的眼神忽然扭曲,他的身体直接被一只无形的大手抓住了似的,一把丢出十米多远,然后砰的一声摔进雪地里面。 But a form of man, falls on the above of telephone booth suddenly. 而一个男人的身影,忽然落在电话亭的上面。 His cold is gazing at following these gangster, then the hand enters in the bosom, pulls out the smoke and lighter, slowly the ignition pays on the mouth. 冷冷地注视着下面的这些混混,然后手伸入怀中,掏出烟和火机,慢慢点燃一支放在嘴上。 The flame illuminated his face, Long Bei'er shouted pleasantly surprised. 火光照亮了他的面孔,龙贝儿惊喜地喊了出来。 Qin Chao! You came finally!” 秦朝!你终于来了!” Sorry, has snowed, route not too well, flying slow.” Qin Chao looks that under freezes Long Bei'er that trembles, some apologies said. “抱歉,下雪了,航线不太清楚,飞的慢了点。”秦朝看着下面冻得瑟瑟发抖的龙贝儿,有些歉意地说道。 Flying slow? Long Bei'er also when only Qin Chao is cracking a joke, has not thought toward the deep place. 飞的慢了点?龙贝儿也只当秦朝在开玩笑,没往深处去想。 Is all right, you can come to be good, we run away quickly.” “没事没事,你能来就好,我们快逃吧。” Runs away, which do you want toward to run away?” Qin Chao that although black wolf suddenly come had a scare, but when he saw one behind are standing more than 20 brothers, in the heart stabilizes. “逃,你们想往哪逃?”黑狼虽然被突然来的秦朝吓了一跳,但当他看到自己身后站着的20多个兄弟的时候,心中又安定下来。 He also knows that Qin Chao is not affable, otherwise Liu Ye of Dong Street cannot make into that to compel the type. 他也知道秦朝不好惹,不然东街的刘爷也不能被打成那个逼样。 But does not have words, in the riches and honor danger asked. Does not do but actually this Qin Chao, he could not grasp Long Bei'er. Without Long Bei'er, his black wolf cannot take a seat the head in west district! 但不是有句话么,富贵险中求。不干倒这个秦朝,他就抓不了龙贝儿。没有龙贝儿,他黑狼就坐不上西区的负责人! For this head, black wolf anything can give up! 为了这个负责人,黑狼什么都能舍得出去! Right, right that you said.” Qin Chao nodded, we indeed cannot run away.” “对,你说的对。”秦朝点了点头,“我们的确是不能逃。” Hears the Qin Chao words, Long Bei'er is somewhat surprised. 听到秦朝的话,龙贝儿有些吃惊。 That black wolf is actually laughs. 那黑狼却是哈哈大笑起来。 Ha, good!” He has patted the palm, Qin Chao Qin Chao, you are really the one who understands the times are outstanding!” “哈哈哈,好!”他拍了拍手掌,“秦朝秦朝,你果然是识时务者为俊杰!”
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