MBT :: Volume #13

#1251: Idea of Su Ji

Idea of Chapter 1251 Su Ji 第1251章苏姬的想法 Looks at Su Fei that earnest earnest appearance, Qin Chao cannot bear shrug the arm in addition. 看着苏妃那认真外加较真的模样,秦朝忍不住耸了耸肩膀。 This young lady, but also is really pursues temperament. 这个大小姐啊,还真是个追到底的脾气。 The appearance that she lifts gun is actually scary, was only a pity, if she knows that turns on the safety latch, that was scarier. 她举枪的样子倒是蛮吓人的,只可惜如果她知道把保险栓打开的话,那就更吓人了。 Quickly said your status, otherwise I opened fire,” “赶快说出你的身份,不然我就开枪啦,” Where Su Fei understands to open fire, she also wants to frighten this fellow. 苏妃哪里懂开枪啊,她也就是想吓唬吓唬这个家伙。 One are also solemn Miss Su Jia, how can be rescued, has been owing others favour. 自己也是堂堂苏家大小姐吧,怎么能一直被人救,一直欠着人家的人情。 Her Su Fei, most hateful owes debt of thanks. 苏妃,是最讨厌欠人情的。 But now, she owed many favours of two fellows. 而现在,她偏偏欠下了两个家伙的不少人情。 One is that hateful brother-in-law, Qin Chao. 一个就是那讨厌的妹夫,秦朝 One, is at present this mysterious fellow. 一个,就是眼前这个神秘的家伙。 Where he braves. 他到底是哪里冒出來的。 Formidable, mysterious, is indifferent. 强大,神秘,又冷漠。 One must know that who he is, then tries to find the solution, the favour of owing also goes back. 自己一定要知道他是谁,然后想办法,把欠下的人情都还回去。 You determine to open fire,” “你确定要开枪,” Qin Chao looks at Su Fei, asked one. 秦朝看着苏妃,问了一句。 Right, told you, do not despise me, I have also undergone the gunnery training,” “沒错,告诉你,别小看我,我也是接受过射击训练的,” Su Fei threatens to say intentionally. 苏妃故意威胁道。 Your gunnery training is the math teacher teaches certainly,” “那你的射击训练一定是数学老师教的吧,” Qin Chao has actually smiled. 秦朝却笑了起來。 He should forget to teach you, before opening fire, must turn on the safety latch,” “他应该忘记教你,开枪前要把保险栓打开,” Volume......” “额……” Su Fei has gawked, she remembers suddenly, indeed, pistol anything probably indeed has the safety latch and so on. 苏妃愣了一下,她忽然记得,的确,手枪什么的好像的确有保险栓之类的。 Who said that has not taught, I, I am fear the spear|gun to accidentally discharge, suddenly hits you,” “谁说沒教过,我,我就是怕枪走火,突然打中你,” Su Fei blushes hastily is concealing said that „, since you do not fear death, I turn on the safety latch now,” 苏妃连忙脸红着掩饰道,“既然你不怕死,那我现在就把保险栓打开,” Saying, was starting to incite on that spear|gun. 说着,就开始在那枪上鼓捣着。 Has incited for quite a while, suddenly gains ground to ask. 鼓捣了半天,突然抬头问道。 That...... Safety latch where......” “那个……保险栓在哪里……” But Qin Chao. 秦朝无奈了。 This girl. 这丫头。 „, How your gunnery training only studied certainly has played the bb ball...... Ok, chatted with you were too bored, will be latter indefinite,” “得,你的射击训练一定只学了怎么玩bb弹吧……算了,和你聊天太无聊了,后会无期吧,” Then, Qin Chao turns around to leave. 说完,秦朝转身就要离开。 Station, halts,” “站,站住,” But the Su Fei as if blind cat bumps into the dead mouse, finally traded to pull open the insurance. 苏妃似乎瞎猫碰到死耗子,终于把保险换拉开了。 She has aimed at Qin Chao the muzzle once more, you dare to move again one step, I have opened fire,” 她再次把枪口对准了秦朝,“你再敢动一步,我就开枪了,” You open fire,” “那你就开枪吧,” Qin Chao actually does not care at all, speaks thoughtlessly to say. 秦朝却满不在乎,随口说道。 Hateful, you look down on me,” “可恶,你小瞧我,” Su Fei is nipping the silver tooth, she long is so big, but also nobody dares to look down upon her. 苏妃咬着银牙,她长这么大,还沒有谁敢瞧不起她呢。 Since childhood, in oneself family|home poor, surrounding child somewhat is looking down upon himself. 从小的时候,自己家里穷,周围的孩子都有些瞧不起自己。 She told them with the academic record, her Su Fei can be a top dog. 她就用学习成绩來告诉他们,她苏妃会是人上人。 Latter in came home the condition to be good, she replaced the work of father. 后來家里条件好了,她就接替父亲的工作。 At that time many people think one are girl, definitely could not complete these work of Su. 当时很多人认为自己是个女生,肯定做不好苏家的这些工作。 But she finally, to the huge profit that Su brings, made these people close the mouth directly. 但她最后,给苏家带來的巨大利润,直接让那些人闭上了嘴巴。 She is Su Fei. 她是苏妃 Su Fei that does not concede. 不服输的苏妃 I indeed look down on you, see again/goodbye,” “我的确是小瞧你,再见,” Qin Chao said that turns around to leave toward distant place. 秦朝说完,转身向着远处离开。 deserve death,” 该死,” Su Fei must explode with rage. 苏妃要气炸了。 Although has rescued several times, but this fellow was also too extremely arrogant. 虽然救过自己几次,但这家伙也太狂妄了吧。 The hand that but she raises, actually shivers is not being able to aim at that deserve death fellow. 但她举起來的手,却颤抖着无法对准那个该死的家伙。 Finally Su Fei clenches teeth, has put down the pistol. 最后苏妃一咬牙,还是放下了手枪。 It is not good, not being able to get down hand. 不行,怎么也下不去手啊。 deserve death, oneself were also too useless. 该死,自己也太沒用了。 Su Fei sits on the ice-cold ground, the pistol falls on the one side. 苏妃坐在冰冷的地上,手枪落在一旁。 Young lady, you have not been injured,” “大小姐,您沒受伤吧,” Jiang Dong then dares to walk, asked. 蒋东这才敢走了过來,问道。 I am all right...... Delivers me to return to the school......” “我沒事……送我回学校吧……” The Su Fei sound becomes somewhat exhausted. 苏妃声音变得有些疲惫。 Jiang Dong is stunned, at this time, but must return to the school. 蒋东愕然,得,都这时候了,还要回学校呢。 Own young lady, was really stronger. 自家大小姐,真是太要强了。 Who however that mysterious man is. 不过那个神秘男人到底是谁啊。 Intrepid one jiao. 强悍的一毛。 He, is really humanity. 他,真的是人类么。 But at this time, Qin Chao is standing in nearby roof, is looking at following Su Fei they. 而此时,秦朝正站在一旁的楼顶上,望着下面的苏妃他们。 It seems like recently several naive cannot have anything to neglect, if Su Fei has anything to damage, Su Ji that girl will be will definitely not forgive her. 看來最近几天真的是不能有什么疏忽,万一苏妃有什么损伤,苏姬那丫头是肯定不会饶了自己的。 Right, Su Ji this girl this will be making anything. 对了,苏姬这丫头这会在做什么呢。 Other side of Earth, now or daytime...... 地球的另一面,现在还是白天吧…… We hope that she can also is well. 希望,她也能平安无事。 Holiness the Pope,” “教皇陛下,” Wigny kneels on the ground, to is sitting beautiful Dongfang (Eastern) face a female on throne respectfully said that „the attack of Roman Church had been repelled by us temporarily, but seems like they in the storing up next wave of attack,” 维尼跪在地上,恭恭敬敬地对着坐在宝座上的一个美丽东方面孔的女子说道,“罗马教会的攻击已经暂时被我们打退了,不过貌似他们在蓄积下一波的攻击,” Knew, making everybody rest temporarily a meeting, sending the people of Dracula Family to stand sentry, is staring at Holy See that side sound,” “知道了,让大家暂时休息一会吧,派德古拉家族的人去放哨,盯着点教廷那边的动静,” Su Ji sits on the throne, in raises hand to symbolize the scepter of Pope, said. 苏姬坐在宝座上面,举着手里的一枚象征教皇的权杖,说道。 Knew, Holiness the Pope,” “知道了,教皇陛下,” Wigny nods, the body changes to the shadow, submerges in the ground. 维尼点点头,身体化作黑影,沒入地面之中。 „The head of the clan who John, you let three respected families sees me,” “约翰,你去让三大家族的族长來见我,” Yes, Holiness the Pope,” “是,教皇陛下,” The Taurus asterism nods, steps on is bewitched Array to leave in this cathedral. 金牛星点点头,踩着魔法阵离开这大教堂里。 Big church, but also remaining j, the Asidy two people are accompanying Su Ji. 偌大个教堂,还剩下j,艾思迪两个人陪着苏姬 But Su Ji by the chairback of throne, has closed the somewhat exhausted eye slightly. 苏姬靠在宝座的椅背上,微微闭上了有些疲惫的眼睛。 Came after oneself, had not rested. 从自己來了之后,就一直都沒有休息过。 Roman Church with the convulsion, unceasingly turned toward Darkness Holy Church to launch the attack. 罗马教会就跟抽风了似的,不断向着黑暗教廷展开进攻。 If after is not become the Vampire empress, the Vampire three respected families have hired oneself oneself, oneself must resist Roman Church, but also is somewhat difficult. 如果不是自己成为吸血鬼女皇之后,吸血鬼三大家族都投靠了自己的话,自己要抵挡罗马教会,还真有点难。 Although are Thunder Tribulation Stage Cultivator, but after all is also only a person, must cope with tens of thousands of angel and false angel followers, some pressures. 虽然自己已经是雷劫期修真者了,但毕竟还只是一个人,要对付成千上万的天使和伪天使信徒们,有些压力。 Holiness the Pope, you whether needs to rest,” “教皇陛下,您是否需要休息一下,” Asidy saw exhausted of Su Ji, cannot bear go forward to say. 艾思迪看出了苏姬的疲惫,忍不住走上前说道。 Now she, j, John and Wigny, are side under the Pope four big hands, is the Seven Virtues knight of Pope, naturally must share all for the Pope, including sad. 现在她,j,约翰和维尼,是教皇身边的四大手下,身为教皇的七美德骑士,自然要为教皇分担一切,包括忧愁。 Has not related, I not am quite tired,” “沒关系,我还不太累,” Su Ji beckons with the hand with a smile. 苏姬笑着摆摆手。 If Qin Chao, certainly will scold Su Ji at this time here, with her Elder Sister appearance, stronger. 如果秦朝此时在这里的话,一定会数落苏姬,和她姐姐一个模样,都是那么要强。 Although two sisters, a fire, water, but in the bone, the disposition has the similarity actually. 虽然两姐妹,一个似火,一个似水,但其实骨子里,性格都有着相同点。 Is such does not concede, stubborn. 都是那么的不服输,倔强。 Holiness the Pope, you do not need to be so laborious,” “教皇陛下,您不必这么辛苦的,” j also walks up, is shaking a silver good helmet and armor, said that here also has us, the elder head of the clan of three respected families, you can rest, you quick four days have not slept,” j也走上前來,晃着一身银色的善良盔甲,说道,“这里还有我们,还有三大家族的长老族长们,你可以休息一下的,已经您已经快四天沒睡过觉了,” For these days the attack of Roman Church day and night, the Su Ji effort, j they watched. 这几天罗马教会的攻击不分昼夜,苏姬的努力,j他们都看在眼里。 Does not need to be worried about me,” “不用担心我,” Su Ji said that all people are trying hard, I cannot loaf . Moreover, I not am tired, when has repelled Roman Church thoroughly, when I and everybody rest together well,” 苏姬却说道,“所有的人都在努力,我也不能偷闲,而且,我也不怎么累,什么时候把罗马教会彻底打退了,什么时候我和大家一起休息就好,” Really worthily is our empresses, my Mary? Boulay has overcome,” “果然不愧是我们的女皇,我玛丽?布莱克服了,” At this time, several wore the form of black cape to walk from the front door of church. 这时候,几个身披黑色斗篷的身影从教堂的大门里走了过來。 Is the female of head, is the elder of Blake Family, Mary? Blake. 为首的女子,正是布莱克家族的一位长老,玛丽?布莱克。 You came......” “你们來了……” Su Ji looked at these Vampire. 苏姬看了看这几位吸血鬼 In her beforehand impression, Vampire is some only knows blood sucking, does not care about the mortal life the dark biology. 在她以前的印象里,吸血鬼都是一些只知道吸血,不顾及凡人性命的黑暗生物。 Until oneself became the genuine empress, leads three respected families time is clear. 直到自己成为了真正的女皇,率领三大家族的时候才明白。 Originally, true Vampire is very low-key, before the person did not reveal easily own status, as well as the offending somebody life, blood sucking, offending somebody Vampire, is some small families comes out generally carelessly, does not understand the custom. 原來,真正的吸血鬼都是很低调的,绝不轻易在人前显露自己的身份,以及伤人性命,一般胡乱吸血,伤人的吸血鬼,都是些小家族出來的,不懂规矩而已。 In three respected families, they think one are the arrogant aristocrat. 在三大家族中,他们都认为自己是高傲的贵族。 These have the matter that loses the status, they will not do. 那些有失身份的事情,他们才不会去做。 Vampire is the arrogant aristocrat, should not be the mouse of street. 吸血鬼是高傲的贵族,不该是过街的老鼠。 But own appearance, will restrain them, so as to avoid they make the wound average person life the matter. 而自己的出现,更加会约束他们,免得他们做出有伤普通人性命的事情。 Her Imperial Majesty, we have been fighting with Roman Church that group of apologists for these days, although some damages, but these apologists, should be frightened by us, I look, your majesty you while this opportunity, rest to be also good,” “女皇陛下,这几天我们一直在和罗马教会的那群卫道士们战斗,虽然有些损伤,但那些卫道士们,应该被我们打怕了,我看,陛下您趁着这个机会,休息一下也是好的,” Mary in these three respected families, seems like the status is loftiest. 玛丽在这三大家族之中,貌似地位最为崇高。 Before Su Ji appears, she is three respected family strongest one, person who is known as closest empress. 早在苏姬出现之前,她便是三大家族最强的一个,号称最接近女皇的人。 Just, after Su Ji appears, several moves have levelled her, then made her be sincerely convinced. 只不过,苏姬出现之后,几招摆平了她,便让她心服口服了。 Does not use, Roman Church Pope Argus, seemingly has resulted was insane insanely,” “不用了,罗马教会的教皇阿格斯,貌似是已经得了失心疯了,” Su Ji is lifting the scepter, said that does not hit the pain words them, they will not give up, and other days, when they start to carry, I prepare to counter-attack to Roman Church, gives to smash their old haunt,” 苏姬举着权杖,说道,“不把他们打疼的话,他们是不会善罢甘休的,在等几天,当他们开始携带的时候,我就准备反攻向罗马教会,把他们老窝给捣毁,” The Su Ji heart said that if oneself have destroyed the Holy See of Vatican City, then historically, oneself should also leave a good name. 苏姬心说,自己若是毁了梵蒂冈的大教廷的话,那么历史上,自己也就该留名了。 Counter-attacks,” “反攻,” The elders on the scene, all look at each other in blank diamay. 在场的长老们,全都面面相觑。 I did not agree,” “我不同意,” At this time, there is a new person to walk. 这时候,又有新的人走了进來。 Recently came these, body has not been throwing over the cape, but the wear was bringing the leather clothing of mildew. 新进來这几个,身上沒有披着斗篷,而是都穿着带着白毛的皮衣。 They are the representatives of werewolf family. 他们是狼人家族的代表。 What speech is in the werewolf most has a prestigious elder, named Ram? model|pattern Xindi. 说话的是狼人中最有声望的一个长老,名叫拉姆?范新迪。 This werewolf has liked speaking the last words with Su Ji, after all Su Ji only Vampire empress, but is not their werewolf chiefs. 这个狼人一直都喜欢和苏姬叫板,毕竟苏姬吸血鬼女皇,而不是他们的狼人酋长。 The vision of all people fell that werewolf old man's body. 所有人的目光都落到了那狼人老头的身上。 Present knows, now before Roman Church is not, that inside has filled was growing the bird men of white wing, although these bird men are much longer, is actually our difficult adversaries, they throw, we close right up against the terrain, closes right up against the person to be many, naturally can hit they...... But if kills...... Facing the dense and numerous bird men, courts death simply,” “在座的都知道,现在罗马教会已经不是以前了,那里面充满了长着白色翅膀的鸟人们,这些鸟人虽然长得丑,却都是咱们的克星,他们扑过來,咱们靠着地形,靠着人多,自然是能打的过他们……但要是杀过去……面对密密麻麻的鸟人,简直就是找死,” Ram, your courage was too rather small,” “拉姆,你的胆子未免太小了点,” Mary interrupted in side, in look was glittering disdaining, was the vulgar timid Canidae animal, you did not match for the dark biology, matching did not stand in this cathedral, if you were afraid, although clamped tail to escape and that's the end,” 玛丽在旁边插嘴道,眼神中闪烁着不屑,“到底是粗俗胆小的犬科动物,你们不配成为黑暗生物,更不配站在这个大教堂里面,如果你们害怕,尽管夹着尾巴逃跑就是了,” Fart,” “放屁,” Ram was shamed by Mary, immediately is angry, on the face grows many black wools instantaneously, explode stands, had to plant you to say one time again,” 拉姆被玛丽羞辱一番,顿时大怒,脸上瞬间长出不少黑毛,根根炸立,“有种你再说一次,” Oh my feeds,” 哎呦喂,” Mary actually contemptuously smiled, this dog is this, ominous that called, the rapidness of running, you planted, you asked the bird man to go all out,” 玛丽却是轻蔑地笑了笑,“这狗就是这样,叫的凶,跑的快,你有种,你就去找鸟人拼命啊,”
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