MBT :: Volume #13

#1250: I opened fire

Chapter 1250 I opened fire 第1250章我就开枪了 Jiang Dong was startled, he hurries to start to hit the steering wheel, turns toward the one side. 蒋东吃了一惊,他慌忙开始打着方向盘,向着一旁拐去。 But at this time, in opposite that Santana, stretched out half body suddenly. 但这时候,对面那辆桑塔纳里面,突然伸出半个身子來。 In that manpower is carrying a deafen pistol, was opening shot to the wheel of to run quickly vehicle. 那人手里拎着一把消音手枪,对着奔驰车子的车轮就开了一枪 Glass of to run quickly actually bulletproof, but the tire obviously is not. 奔驰的玻璃倒是防弹的,但轮胎显然不是。 By bullet such one dozen of opposite party, the tire of vehicle immediately was exploded. 被对方的子弹这么一打,车子的轮胎顿时爆开了。 The Jiang Dong steering wheel loses the control, the entire vehicle has turned several, finally directly horizontally in street center. 蒋东的方向盘失去控制,整辆车子扭了几圈,最后直接横在了街道中央。 On this street is remote, in the evening does not have what car(riage). 这条街上算是偏僻,晚上沒有什么车。 Therefore this to run quickly horizontally in road center, will not initiate any traffic jam. 因此这奔驰横在路中央,也不会引发什么交通堵塞。 Then, in that Santana jumps out a man of wear black leather clothing, in the hand is carrying mp5, above thinks of the damper similarly, unceasingly is opening fire to the wheel of following two land cruisers. 而后,那桑塔纳里跳出一个穿着黑色皮衣的男子,手里拎着一把mp5,上面同样装着消音器,对着后面两辆陆地巡洋舰的轮子就不断开枪。 The bullet strafe, that two suv cannot escape by luck, the tire was hit to explode, bringing the tire to rub the squeal of ground, sped along the one side, hit directly in sidewalk both sides cement stone platform. 子弹扫射,那两辆suv也不能幸免,轮胎被打爆,带着轮胎摩擦地面的尖叫声,飞驰到了一旁,直接撞在了人行道两旁的水泥石台上。 Young lady, falls face down quickly,” “大小姐,快趴下,” These two Mercedes-Benz automobile bodies are bulletproof, Jiang Dong told own young lady, has then locked the vehicle door. 这两奔驰车车身还是防弹的,蒋东吩咐自家大小姐,然后锁上了车门。 This killer was too fierce, but also is taking such fierce weapon. 这个杀手太凶猛了,还拿着这么凶猛的武器。 Now the only means that lock the young lady in the car(riage), closes right up against the ballistic-protected vehicle to protect her, until oncoming of rescue and police. 现在唯一的办法,就是把大小姐锁在车中,靠着防弹车來保护她,直到救援和警察的來临。 However behind Su Fei had not reflected to anything that Jiang Dong turns head to look, originally Su Fei in just in the vehicle slips, probably hit to faint, now is lying down on the back seat. 不过身后的苏妃并沒有给什么反映,蒋东回头一看,原來苏妃在刚在的车子打滑中,好像就撞晕了过去,现在正躺在后座上。 Bodyguards in two suv as if also hit to faint, but that black leather clothing man, in the hand was carrying mp5, walked toward the Mercedes-Benz. 两辆suv里的保镖似乎也都撞昏过去了,而那黑色皮衣男子,手里拎着mp5,向着奔驰车这边就走了过來。 Jiang Dong very anxious, he looks that killer more walks is nearer. 蒋东十分的紧张,他看着那杀手越走越近。 On the killer face is bringing the mask, has been holding up the mp5 submachine gun to Jiang Dong. 杀手脸上带着面具,对着蒋东举起了mp5冲锋枪。 The hot snake has spat, bullet falls in torrents unceasingly on the automobile body of this silver Mercedes-Benz. 火蛇吐了出來,子弹不断地倾泻在这辆银色奔驰车的车身上。 But the ballistic performance of vehicle is quite reliable, the automobile body springs the spark unceasingly, actually cannot hit thoroughly the slightest. 但车子的防弹性能还是比较靠得住的,车身不断弹出火花,却不能打透分毫。 Jiang Dong then slightly feels relieved that luckily the vehicle ballistic performance is flamboyant, otherwise was not hangs today. 蒋东这才微微放心下來,幸亏车子防弹性能牛逼,不然今天不是挂定了么。 But that killer also saw the bullet is invalid, but his corners of the mouth, actually hung up have let Jiang Dong round of cold sneering. 而那杀手也看出子弹是无效了,但他的嘴角,却挂起了让蒋东发寒的冷笑。 Sees only that killer from a back black bag, pulls out one group of black brick the thing, on post on vehicle. 只见那杀手从背后的一个黑袋子里,掏出一团黑色的砖头似的东西,啪的一声就贴在了车子上面。 tnt. tnt。 Jiang Dong has also undergone field training, immediately understands this thing is any gadget. 蒋东也是接受过战斗训练的,顿时就明白这东西到底是什么玩意。 Has my grass his Uncle, made a mistake, gave to move unexpectedly including the tnt blasting explosive. 我草他大爷,搞沒搞错,竟然连tnt炸药都给搬出來了。 This killer, it seems like wants to link the vehicle to raise the young lady to kill together. 这个杀手,看來是想连车子带大小姐一起炸死啊。 Jiang Dong has a big shock, but that killer pulls out the blasting cap from the body and so on thing, is arranging the blasting explosive little. 蒋东大惊失色,而那杀手从身上又掏出雷管之类的东西,一点点布置着炸药。 Sits Jiang Dong in car(riage), wants to start the vehicle hastily, before the killer has not done well the blasting explosive the vehicle drives away. 坐在车里的蒋东,连忙想要发动车子,趁着杀手还沒弄好炸药前把车子开走。 But two tires probably hitting to have exploded by the killer, how whatever Jiang Dong starts the engine, the vehicle cannot run. 但有两个轮胎好像都被杀手给打爆了,任凭蒋东如何发动引擎,车子也跑不起來。 deserve death. 该死的。 Jiang Dong makes an effort a fist thump on vehicle, hating oneself to be too useless. 蒋东用力一拳捶在车子上面,恨自己太沒用。 Jiang Dong......” 蒋东……” At this time, Su Fei also spookily woke. 这时候,苏妃也幽幽地醒了过來。 She saw killer who that is placing the blasting explosive, in heart immediately one cool. 她看到那正在安置炸药的杀手,心中顿时一凉。 Young lady, you could rest assured that I will certainly save you to exit,” “大小姐,你放心,我一定会救你出去的,” Jiang Dong clenches teeth, suddenly opening vehicle door, then moved sideways to jump from the vehicle, simultaneously layer on layer hit to that killer. 蒋东一咬牙,突然开启车门,然后自己闪身从车子里跳了出去,同时重重地撞向那杀手。 Spelled. 拼了。 The killers gave up assembling the bomb, has shunted very much the attack of Jiang Dong at will, then held up mp5, must open fire to Jiang Dong. 杀手放弃了组装炸弹,很随意地就躲开了蒋东的攻击,然后举起mp5,对着蒋东就要开枪。 Jiang Dong immediately at heart one tight, heart said that then died. 蒋东顿时心里一紧,心说完了,这下死定了。 Feels sorry for the wife in countryside...... 可怜自己在乡下的媳妇啊…… The young lady, oneself this time could not have protected...... 还有大小姐,自己这次是保护不了了…… Really the cause of death of shame...... 真是耻辱的死法…… While he despairs, Su Fei calls out in alarm, the space lowers a shadow suddenly, simultaneously mp5 in that killer hand kicking crookedly. 正当他绝望,苏妃惊叫的时候,天上突然降下一道黑影,同时把那杀手手里的mp5给踢歪。 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat......” “突突突突……” The bullet has projected on one side, arouses the big piece in the ground the dust. 子弹打到了一边去,在地面上激起大片的尘土。 Killers one startled, looks up, seeing is only on a face is binding the man of black scale mask, wears a black windproof coat, stands in oneself opposite. 杀手一惊,抬头一看,只见是个脸上裹着黑鳞面具的男子,穿着一身黑风衣,站在自己对面。 Jiang Dong gasps for breath in the side big mouth. 蒋东在旁边大口喘气。 Good was too good, oneself were rescued...... 太好了太好了,自己被救了…… This person appears also is really prompt...... 这人出现的还真是及时啊…… Looking devil who where comes,” “又是哪里來的找死鬼,” The killer saw one again and again was blocked, is somewhat annoyed. 那杀手看到自己一而再,再而三的被阻,有些恼火起來。 He lifts gun, has changed the cartridge clip rapidly, then has aimed at front black clothed man. 他重新举着枪,非常迅速地换了弹夹,然后对准了面前的黑衣男子。 But at the same time, in the hand of man, are many a white long sword. 而与此同时,那男子的手中,却多出一把白色的长剑來。 The killers cannot bear want to smile. 杀手忍不住想笑。 With sword. 用剑。 Ha, this is the fool who which comes. 哈哈哈,这是哪來的傻逼啊。 Now but hot weapon time, to become a well-trained killer, must be skilled in various types of hot weapons. 现在可是热兵器时代,要想成为一名训练有素的杀手,就要精通各种热兵器。 Fierce swordsman, cannot resist a might of bullet. 再厉害的剑客,也抵不住一枚子弹的威力。 Dies,” “去死吧,” The killers have deducted the trigger. 杀手扣下了扳机。 the mp5 rate of fire is extremely quick, bullet falls in torrents crazily. mp5的射速极快,子弹疯狂地倾泻出來。 The red hot snake, appears in nighttime specially dazzling. 红色的火蛇,在黑夜里显得特别的耀眼。 Su Fei somewhat was also scared, in such hail of bullets, that person again powerful, could not live. 苏妃也有些傻眼了,在这样的枪林弹雨中,那个人就算再强悍,也活不下來了吧。 But the matter as if always likes beyond expectation. 但事情似乎总喜欢出乎意料。 Sees only that black scale mask man, stands in same place, does not move aside, instead wields the white long sword in hand. 只见那黑鳞面具男子,站在原地,也不躲闪,反而是挥起了手中的白色长剑。 That long sword delimits the white circular arc unceasingly, actually in the Ding dang ding dang sound, brings the spark that is splashing, gave to hit to fly bullets. 那长剑不断划出白色的圆弧,竟然在叮叮当当的声中,带着溅起的火花,把一枚枚子弹都给打飞了出去。 This, this is how possible,” “这,这怎么可能,” Killer both feet one soft, has not nearly sat falls down. 杀手双脚一软,险些沒坐倒在地上。 His walk rivers and lakes these many years, first time comes across such condition. 他行走江湖这么多年,还是第一次碰到这样的状况。 Is it possible that this person, is different functions in legend. 莫非这个人,是传说中的异能者。 But, a first body heard that different functions uses the sword. 可是,头一体听说异能者用剑。 He clenches teeth, has pulled out a hand grenade from the bosom, then captures the security hitch, estimates the good time, was losing to that black scale mask man. 他一咬牙,从怀里掏出了一枚手榴弹,然后拔掉安全栓,估算好时间,对着那黑鳞面具男子就丢了过去。 According to time that he estimates, this bomb flies that person of side time, will explode. 根据他估算的时间,这炸弹飞到那人身边的时候,就会爆炸。 Even if his sword in quick, cannot block the explosion the might. 就算他的剑在快,也挡不住爆炸的威力。 But black scale mask man time, is actually extends another hand, the palm aims at the hand grenade that flew. 但黑鳞面具男子这一次,却是伸出另一只手來,手掌对准了飞过來的手榴弹。 As if had been prevented by the invisible wall, that bomb stopped impressively in the halfway. 仿佛被无形的墙壁阻挡了似的,那炸弹赫然停在了半路。 The eyeball of killer has almost not flown. 杀手的眼珠子差点沒飞出來。 Has not waited for him to respond that the male palm pushes, the hand grenade old route flies back. 还沒等他反应过來,那男子手掌一推,手榴弹原路飞回。 Bang,” “轰,” The time with is really same, was only a pity, killed is not the black scale mask man who this killer estimates, but is that killer. 时间果然和这杀手估算的一样,只可惜,炸死的不是黑鳞面具男子,而是那个杀手。 When the flame dissipates, in ground a complete corpse has not remained. 当火焰消散的时候,地面上连个完整的尸体都沒留下來。 Black scale mask man, is Qin Chao, looks to vanish the killer in flame, cannot bear shake the head. 黑鳞面具男子,也就是秦朝,看着消失在火焰中的杀手,忍不住摇了摇头。 These people, were more and more ferocious. 这些人,是越來越穷凶极恶了。 On the big street, dares to start to Su Fei. 在大马路上,就敢对苏妃下手。 Does not know really that they later also will make any crazy matter. 真不知道,他们以后还会做出什么疯狂的事來。 He pats dust, the plan leaves. 他拍掉身上的尘土,就打算离开。 But when he must leave, the vehicle door that the silver runs quickly suddenly was actually opened. 但就在他要走掉的时候,身后银色奔驰的车门却突然被打开了。 Su Fei walked from inside, asked loudly. 苏妃从里面走了出來,大声问道。 Please do not walk, who please tell me you are,” “请不要走,请告诉我你到底是谁,” The Su Fei curiosity rose the extreme. 苏妃的好奇心已经上升到了极点。 She wants to know really very much that which this mysterious man is. 她真的很想知道,这个神秘的男子到底是哪一位。 The Qin Chao body stagnated slightly, but has still not turned the head, but stepped the footsteps. 秦朝身子微微停滞了一下,但依然沒转头,而是又迈动了脚步。 Please wait,” “请你等一等,” Su Fei shouts hastily, you certainly are my acquaintance is right,” 苏妃连忙喊道,“你一定是我的熟人对不对,” She is making her judgment, „, otherwise, why you will save me again and again,” 她做出着自己的判断,“否则,为什么你会一而再,再而三的救我,” You want to be many,” “你想多了,” Qin Chao changes own sound with Yuan Qi, cold was saying that I and you are not ripe, reason that saves you, but was held,” 秦朝元气改变着自己的声音,冷冷地说道,“我和你并不熟,之所以救你,不过是受人所托罢了,” „It is not right, your back is very familiar,” “不对,你的背影很熟悉,” Su Fei this time was to close right up against the sixth sense of woman has judged, I know that you certainly were my acquaintance...... I, where definitely have seen you,” 苏妃这一次是靠着女人的第六感來判断了,“我知道,你一定是我的熟人……我,肯定在哪里见到过你,” Bored,” “无聊,” Qin Chao throws down one lightly. 秦朝淡淡地丢下一句。 You could deceive me, but you cannot deceive you,” “你或许可以骗得了我,但你不能骗你自己,” Su Fei has as if firmed up own judgment, you certainly are my acquaintance, who you are,” 苏妃似乎更加坚定了自己的判断,“你一定是我的熟人,你到底是谁,” Qin Chao shook the head, oneself this sister-in-law, but also really likes breaking the earthen pot to ask the bottom. 秦朝摇了摇头,自己这大姨子,还真是喜欢打破沙锅问到底啊。 Also bumps into I such good person, was bullied by her. 也就是碰到我这么善良的人吧,被她欺负惯了。 If trades to be other people, hey, the crabby has not taught her. 要是换做其他人,嘿,暴脾气还不教训她一顿。 However, oneself do not dare to teach their sister-in-law. 不过,自己可不敢教训自己的大姨子。 Jiang Dong, you block him quickly, do not ask him to leave,” 蒋东,你快拦住他,别让他走了,” Su Fei for fear that this man again disappears, oneself today must expose his true colors. 苏妃生怕这个男人再消失,自己今天一定要揭开他的真面目。 Jiang Dong listened to this saying, whole body to tremble. 蒋东听了这话,浑身一哆嗦。 I force a biological mother yeah. 我勒个亲娘哎。 Let me block this man, the young lady does not make me bring death. 让我去挡住这个男人,大小姐不是让我去送死么。 However is the steward of Su, where Jiang Dong is the young lady aims, where person he must fire into. 不过身为苏家的管家,蒋东是大小姐指向哪里,他就得冲向哪里的人。 Therefore, this male servant clenches teeth, was throwing to Qin Chao. 于是,这厮一咬牙,对着秦朝就扑了过來。 Qin Chao is at heart funny, Jiang Dong this fellow was also too heartfelt. 秦朝心里好笑,蒋东这家伙也太衷心了。 How however the opposite party said that is also the friend, Qin Chao cannot with coping with one set of killer copes with him. 不过对方怎么说也是自己朋友,秦朝不能拿对付杀手的一套对付他。 Therefore, he receives the long sword, aims at Jiang Dong to fly a foot. 因此,他收起长剑,对准蒋东就飞起一脚。 But Jiang Dong after is the successor of Eight Diagrams palm, his body turns, the under foot is stepping on the step of Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, has shunted unexpectedly Qin Chao this foot light. 蒋东毕竟是八卦掌的传人,他身子一扭,脚下踩着阴阳八卦的步伐,竟然轻飘飘地就躲开了秦朝这一脚。 Meanwhile, Jiang Dong left palm, tangential Qin Chao nape of the neck. 同时,蒋东左掌,切向了秦朝的脖颈。 He wants to stun himself. 他是想把自己打昏。 Qin Chao smiled, stretches out a finger, has shot on the Jiang Dong forehead gently. 秦朝笑了笑,伸出一根手指,在蒋东的额头上轻轻弹了一下。 Bang,” “砰,” This Jiang Dong felt that vigorously, is bringing his body, threw instantaneously to very far place. 蒋东就感觉一股大力,带着他的身体,瞬间抛向了很远的地方。 Finally, hits directly on a following land cruiser, will stopped the body. 最后,直接撞在后面的一辆陆地巡洋舰上,才堪堪停下了身子。 The whole body that Jiang Dong hits is painful, but the opposite party kept the hand probably, although this strength was tyrannical, has not actually injured to the physique. 蒋东撞的全身生疼,但对方好像留手了,这股力量虽然强横,却并沒有伤到筋骨。 Qin Chao has levelled Jiang Dong, turns around to leave. 秦朝摆平了蒋东,转身就要离开。 Halts,” “站住,” But at this time, Su Fei, actually suddenly carried the beforehand killer to leave behind in the pistol of ground, the muzzle has aimed at Qin Chao. 而这时候,身后的苏妃,却突然拎着之前杀手遗留在地上的一把手枪,枪口对准了秦朝 Immediately says your status, otherwise, otherwise......” “立刻说出你的身份,否则,否则……” Otherwise you are what kind,” “否则你就怎么样,” Qin Chao looks at Su Fei that raises pistol. 秦朝看着举着手枪的苏妃 Own this beautiful sister-in-law, the hand of lifting gun is trembling. 自己这美丽的大姨子,举枪的手都在发抖。 Otherwise, I have opened fire,” “否则,我就开枪了,”
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