MBT :: Volume #13

#1252: Flamings the angel

Chapter 1252 Blazing Angel 第1252章炽天使 Your this must not exposed to the sunlight thing,” “你这见不得阳光的东西,” Ram Wrath, his behind one group of werewolves also one by one eye covetously, confronts with Vampire. 拉姆暴怒,他身后的一群狼人也是各个虎视眈眈,和吸血鬼们对峙。 Has sufficed,” “够了,” At this time, Su Ji actually stamped the scepter, the stick tail rap of pure gold in the marble ground, the sound that made was very huge, resounds through in the cathedral. 这时候,苏姬却是一跺权杖,纯金的棍尾敲击在大理石地面上,发出的声音十分巨大,响彻大教堂之内。 You have sufficed noisily,” “你们闹够了沒有,” Your majesty......” “陛下……” Mary withdraws hastily two steps. 玛丽连忙退后两步。 This is not deliberately creating trouble, we are being responsible for the life of dark biology,” “这不是在胡闹,我们是在为黑暗生物的生命负责,” Ram actually goes forward saying that you are the Darkness Holy Church Pope, but is actually yellow skin, in you, does not have the status of our these dark living thing from the start, we in you, the slave but who can betray willfully, you make us attack Roman Church, is makes us bring death radically,” 拉姆却上前一步说道,“你身为黑暗教廷的教皇,但却偏偏是一个黄皮肤,在你心里,压根就沒我们这些黑暗生物的地位,我们在你心里,不过是可以任意出卖的奴隶罢了,你让我们去攻打罗马教会,根本就是让我们送死,” Shut up, Ram, I did not allow you to say Her Imperial Majesty,” “住口,拉姆,我不允许你这么说女皇陛下,” Mary's both eyes emit the red light, a black wing, extends from the cape. 玛丽的双眼放出红光,一对黑色的翅膀,从斗篷下面伸展出來。 The fang, is spitting sharply in her corners of the mouth, seems releasing a blood sucking desire - looks. 尖利地獠牙,也在她的嘴角吐着,似乎在释放出一种吸血的欲-望。 And meaning of threat, was very obvious. 其中威胁的意思,已经很明显。 I must say how your this does not dare to see the sunlight the thing to take me,” “我就要说,你这不敢见阳光的东西能拿我如何,” Ram actually sneers. 拉姆却冷笑一声。 You court death,” “你找死,” Mary is angry immediately, a wing racket, the cape separates. 玛丽顿时大怒,翅膀一拍,斗篷分开來。 Her personal appearance threw that Ram's front instantaneously, the sharp nail has prepared to pull apart the neck of opposite party. 她的身形瞬间扑到了那拉姆的面前,锋利地指甲准备扯断对方的脖子。 Roar,” “吼,” But Ram actually roars, the personal appearance inflates to more than two meters high, a pair of black claw also brandishes, immediately pesters with Mary together. 而拉姆却怒吼一声,身形膨胀到两米多高,一对黑色的爪子也挥舞起來,顿时和玛丽纠缠在一起。 Ram's strength, throws Mary to the ground, is dropping the saliva big mouth, bit to Mary's fair nape of the neck. 拉姆的力量更强一些,把玛丽扑到在地上,一张滴着口水的血盆大口,咬向了玛丽白皙的脖颈。 Moves away your foul-mouthed,” “拿开你的臭嘴,” But Mary is not a vegetarian, her left hand condenses one group of black light, lost in Ram's dark front. 但玛丽也不是吃素的,她左手凝聚出一团黑光,丢在了拉姆黑乎乎的胸前。 The dark magic blasts out immediately, this Ram's body was flown by layer on layer the ball, hits on nearby stone column, stone column directly hitting. 黑暗魔法顿时炸开,这拉姆的身体被重重地弹飞,撞在一旁的石柱上面,把石柱直接给撞断。 Makes war, bastards,” “开战吧,崽子们,” After Ram turns into the werewolf, the resistance of body hits the ability also considerably to strengthen. 拉姆变成狼人之后,身体的抗击打能力也大大加强。 His body falls the ground, rolled two, shook the above crushed stone. 他身体落到地上,滚了两圈,就震掉了上面的碎石。 Meanwhile, he to the subordinate, has been roaring. 同时,他对着手下,怒吼了一声。 „,” “嗷嗷,” Suddenly, all werewolves in abundance change the bodies, threw toward Vampire. 一时间,所有的狼人纷纷变身,向着吸血鬼们就扑了上去。 But the people of Vampire family naturally also refuse to admit being inferior. 吸血鬼家族的人自然也不甘示弱。 Delivers this group of sons-of-a-bitch to go to hell,” “送这群狗崽子下地狱吧,” With Mary's call, Vampire also started to condense the dark magic, the preparation and werewolves puts together to be life and death. 随着玛丽的呼声,吸血鬼们也都开始凝聚着黑暗魔法,准备和狼人们拼个你死我活了。 Su Ji in side, saw this, the brow cannot bear wrinkle. 苏姬在旁边,看到这一幕,眉头忍不住皱了起來。 Stop,” “住手,” Her cold has scolded one. 冷冷地呵斥了一声。 Hears Her Imperial Majesty far more, Mary hesitant. 听到女皇陛下的何止,玛丽犹豫了一下。 But at this time the werewolf started to attack crazily, she has to fight, has to condense a black magic shock-wave, hitting to fly a front werewolf. 但这时候狼人已经开始疯狂的进攻了,她不得不战,只好凝聚出一个黑魔法冲击波,把面前的一个狼人给打飞。 Stops,” “都住手,” Asidy and j also flushed, plans separating two groups of people. 艾思迪和j也冲了过來,打算把两拨人给分开。 But the strength of their Seven Virtues knight is not very strong, perhaps independent combat any issue, but faces quantity many werewolves and Vampire, is obvious anything to affect. 但他们七美德骑士的力量并不是很强,或许单打独斗沒什么问題,但面对数量不少的狼人和吸血鬼们,明显起不到什么作用。 Especially, could not kill them directly. 尤其,还不能直接杀了他们。 A werewolf has eaten a Asidy arrow with the shoulder hardly, then throws before her body, claw flexure on the chest of Asidy. 一个狼人用肩膀硬吃了艾思迪一箭,然后扑到她身前,一爪子挠在艾思迪的胸上。 Luckily has the silver helmet and armor to protect body, otherwise the body of Asidy must be torn several pieces. 幸亏有银色的盔甲护体,否则艾思迪的身体要被撕扯成好几片。 The bonus is so, in golden Sparks, the body of Asidy has also flown upside down. 饶是如此,在金色的火星中,艾思迪的身体也倒飞了出去。 j rescues hastily, by mistake a Vampire magic, the whole person also had actually been exploded quite far. j连忙去救,却误中了一个吸血鬼的魔法,整个人也被炸出好远。 In the entire hall, has made into one group. 整个大厅之内,打成了一团。 The blood, the black magic dances in the air everywhere. 鲜血,黑魔法到处飞舞。 I said that making you stop,” “我说了,让你们住手,” Su Ji was very agitated, at this time was not feeling well. 苏姬本來就很烦躁,这时候就更加不爽了。 The great-aunt is a Pope, your this group of fellows have not paid attention to this miss. 姑奶奶怎么也是教皇,你们这群家伙还真不把本姑娘放在眼里了啊。 She remembers usually the Qin Chao handling matters way, has imitated. 她想起平时秦朝的处事方式來,就模仿了一下。 Yuan Qi that the Su Ji whole body walks randomly, flowed above the right hand. 苏姬全身游走的元气,都流淌到了右手之上。 Meanwhile, with the aid of right hand, gathers that pure gold in the scepter. 同时,借助右手,又汇聚到那纯金的权杖之中。 This scepter instantaneous golden light sparkles, is similar to dazzling small Sun resembles. 这权杖瞬间金光闪闪,如同耀眼的小太阳似的。 Then, in Su Ji makes that flash of scepter final part rap in ground, Yuan Qi proliferate from the scepter, enters in this marble ground. 接着,在苏姬让权杖末段敲击在地面上的那一刹那,元气又从权杖扩散出去,进入这大理石地面之中。 At once, boundless Yuan Qi following the marble ground unceasing proliferation, assumes a circular, affects. 一时之间,磅礴的元气顺着大理石地面不断的扩散,呈一个圆形,波及开來。 This Yuan Qi is overbearing, not only there is an demon air/Qi to exist, has Buddha Power that Su Ji itself cultivates. 元气霸道无比,不只是有魔气存在,更有着苏姬本身修炼的佛力 Vampire and werewolf on the scene, simultaneously felt that the whole body shakes, body attacked flew, hits on the ceiling, then falls returns to the ground. 在场的吸血鬼和狼人,同时感觉浑身一震,身体被冲击的飞了起來,撞击在天花板上,然后又摔回地面。 They tremble, probably irresistible terrors, break to their hearts. 他们都瑟瑟发抖,好像有一种不可阻挡的恐怖,冲入到他们的心中。 Your-Your Majesty......” 陛,陛下……” The Mary corners of the mouth were shaken blood, lies on the ground, somewhat dreads looks at that to stand in the throne front woman. 玛丽嘴角被震出了鲜血,趴在地上,有些畏惧地看着那站在宝座前面的女人。 The empresses got angry...... 女皇发怒了…… Werewolf Ram is also frightens atmosphere not to dare to leave. 狼人拉姆也是吓得大气都不敢出。 His appearance Ram is miserable, now lies on the ground, bleeds profusely from the head. 他的模样比拉姆还惨,现在是趴在地上,七窍流血。 Looks at Su Ji, is glowing red, because in the eye is the blood blisters. 看着苏姬,都是红彤彤的,因为眼睛里都是血泡。 Heavens, this woman, how such terror. 天啊,这个女人,怎么如此的恐怖。 She has shaken scepter, has such might. 她只是震了一下权杖,就有这样的威力吗。 He also thinks that the strength of this woman is also high on Mary...... 他还以为,这女人的力量也就比玛丽高一点而已…… Has not thought that has surpassed these many unexpectedly. 沒想到,竟然超出了这么多。 Is it possible that is the strength of scepter. 莫非,是权杖的力量么。 Should be...... 应该是的吧…… This handle scepter, said that is also the treasure that the dark Pope inherited for generations. 这柄权杖,怎么说也是黑暗教皇世世代代传承的宝贝。 If have gotten so far as the scepter...... Can he also be able to obtain such strength. 如果自己弄到了权杖的话……他会不会也能得到这样的力量。 Right, his Ram should be the genuine dark Pope. 沒错,他拉姆才应该是真正的黑暗教皇。 This Asian woman, which should get lost get lost which goes. 这个亚洲女人,该滚哪就滚哪去吧。 However now...... China does not have an old saying, is called the dog dog not to eat at present the excrement, to maintain life, clamped tail to be good temporarily first. 不过现在……中国不是有句古话么,叫做好狗狗不吃眼前屎,为了保命,还是暂时先夹着尾巴好了。 When steal in the scepter hand, kills this woman, oneself become the new Pope. 等自己把权杖偷到手里,就干掉这个女人,自己成为新的教皇。 Bears patiently, must bear patiently...... 隐忍,要隐忍啊…… It seems like you do not know that my fierce, therefore my words do not want to listen, yes,” “看來你们是不知道我的厉害,所以我的话都不想听,是吧,” In Su Ji is grasping the scepter, stands there, in beautiful big eye, look ice-cold. 苏姬手里握着权杖,站在那里,美丽的大眼睛里,眼神冰冷。 No, Her Imperial Majesty, is our mistakes, please punish......” “沒有,女皇陛下,是我们的错,请您责罚……” Mary lies on the ground gingerly, admits mistakes, does not dare to look at Su Ji one. 玛丽战战兢兢趴在地上,低头认错,都不敢看苏姬一眼。 But Ram did not speak, rolls up on the ground, the body trembles slightly. 而拉姆也不说话,蜷缩在地上,身体微微发抖。 That Yuan Qi remaining prestige, but also makes him fearful and apprehensive. 元气的余威,还让他心惊胆战。 Punishes you,” “责罚你们,” Su Ji sighed, in this critical moment, whom I should punish, each of you, was the Darkness Holy Church precious battle efficiency, any was injured, or was the death, was the loss of Darkness Holy Church, you said that I should punish anyone,” 苏姬叹了口气,“在这个紧要关头,我该责罚谁呢,你们每一个人,都是黑暗教廷宝贵的战斗力,任何一个受伤,或者是死亡,都是黑暗教廷的损失,你说,我该责罚谁,” The interrogation of Su Ji, making Mary be dumbfounded. 苏姬的质问,让玛丽哑口无言。 Your majesty, was Mary has made a mistake, should not they have the dispute with Ram......” “陛下,是玛丽错了,不该和拉姆他们起争执……” These time, whom I have not wanted to discuss to be wrong to whom,” “这一次就算了,我不想论谁对谁错,” Su Ji decided that Policy, a policy of sweet jujube displays, now, our enemies are Roman Church, is bird man who these are winged, I do not hope that you fight in this moment, if makes me discover again who likes provoking, even if must ruin a family, ruins the most precious battle efficiency, I absolutely will not be lenient,” 苏姬决定把一手大棒,一手甜枣的政策发挥下去,“现在,我们的敌人是罗马教会,是那些长着翅膀的鸟人,我不希望你们在这个关头内斗,如果让我再发现谁喜欢挑衅的话,就算要毁掉一个家族,毁掉最宝贵的战斗力,我也绝对不会手软,” Saying, has shaken the scepter. 说着,又震了一下权杖。 Yuan Qi spreads once more, but this might has adjusted slightly, has not injured to the bodies of these werewolf Vampire, has actually shocked their mind. 元气再次扩散出去,不过这一次威力稍微调整了一下,沒有伤害到那些狼人吸血鬼的身体,却震撼了他们的心神。 Scepter scepter...... I must attain the scepter...... 权杖啊权杖……我一定要拿到权杖…… The Ram's crazy call in heart. 拉姆在心中疯狂的呐喊。 But on the face displays, is actually respectful, a few words do not dare to say. 但脸上表现出來的,却是恭恭敬敬,一句话都不敢说。 Yes, is......” “是,是……” Mary also fearful and apprehensive said. 玛丽也胆战心惊地说道。 Again has understood the Su Ji strength, she does not dare hurriedly. 再一次了解了苏姬的实力,她是不敢造次了。 Is very good, gets down to prepare, two days later, we launch the attack to Roman Church,” “很好,都下去准备准备吧,两天之后,我们就对罗马教会发动攻击,” Su Ji said. 苏姬说道。 Is......” “是……” Sound that these time has not opposed again. 这一次再也沒有反对的声音了。 In the Su Ji heart laughs in one's heart. 苏姬心中暗笑。 Really, friendliness constantly does not have the use. 果然,一味的友善是沒有用处的。 One are in this position, must suppress, can achieve the proper effect. 自己身在这个位置上,必须要狠一点,才能达到应有的效果。 The especially thoses werewolf, hearts are very wild, if the non- military force suppression, which day feared that wanted to explode the temple. 尤其是那些狼人,一个个心很野,如果不武力压制的话,哪天就怕要起來炸庙了。 But, your majesty, we, can attack Roman Church really......” “可是,陛下,我们这些人,真的可以进攻罗马教会么……” A werewolf voice shiver asked. 一个狼人声音颤抖地问道。 I will go personally,” “我会亲自去的,” Su Ji opens the mouth saying that I am a Pope, like somebody will not say absolutely, making you bring death, my goal, to let Darkness Holy Church continues to exist,” 苏姬开口说道,“我身为教皇,绝对不会像某人说的,让你们去送死,我的目的,是为了让黑暗教廷继续存在下去,” Really,” “真的,” Mary heard that Su Ji will go, is very immediately pleasantly surprised, „, if Her Imperial Majesty kisses, then Roman Church has also been nothing to speak,” 玛丽一听说苏姬会去,顿时十分惊喜,“如果女皇陛下亲去,那么罗马教会也就不值一提了,” Empress long live,” “女皇万岁,” Roman Church end arrived,” “罗马教会的末日到了,” „The day that Darkness Holy Church rises came,” 黑暗教廷崛起的日子來了,” One crowd of dark biology immediately very excited. 一群黑暗生物顿时都十分的兴奋。 Has not thought that in Darkness Holy Church, raises one crowd to save the idiot unexpectedly,” “沒想到,黑暗教廷里,竟然养着一群存蠢货,” At this time, a sound has made a sound in the Darkness Holy Church hall. 就在这时候,一个声音在黑暗教廷的大厅里响了起來。 All people simultaneously one startled, then at present is attracted by a white light. 所有的人同时一惊,接着眼前被一道白光吸引。 From that business hall, a white ray glitters unceasingly, but, as if the person's shadow, slowly is appearing. 从那大厅中央,一道白色的光芒不断闪烁,而里面,仿佛有一个人影,正在缓缓出现。 In an instant, in hall, a huge pressure, everywhere proliferation. 刹那间,大厅之内,一股庞大的压力,到处扩散。 Many dark living thing must not can be on the rise by this pressure forcing, again kneels down on the ground. 好多黑暗生物都被这压力压得抬不起头來,再一次跪倒在地上。 Before long, the entire field energy is standing the person, has Su Ji. 不一会,全场能站着的人,只有苏姬 Who is,” “是谁,” Su Ji was looking at that day airborne white light, asked. 苏姬望着那天空中的白光,问道。 He He, do not eliminate our Rome Church, actually I am everyone did not know,” “呵呵呵,你们不是要來消灭我们罗马教会么,竟然连我是谁都不认识,” The ray diverges gradually, changes to together corona, floats in that person of top of the head. 光芒渐渐散去,化作一道光环,漂浮在那人的头顶。 Meanwhile, three pairs of white giant wings, slowly is whipping. 同时,三对白色的巨大羽翼,缓缓的拍打着。 This is a man, floats in airborne. 这是一个男子,漂浮在空中。 Blazing Angel,” 炽天使,” Su Ji has also crammed ferociously angel knowledge, saw that this man appears, immediately the beautiful eyebrow black, wrinkled slightly. 苏姬也恶补过天使的知识,看到这个男人出现,顿时美丽的眉黛,微微皱了起來。 Right, I am Blazing Angel Fuvley, comes to claim your life,” “沒错,我是炽天使福利列,前來夺走你的性命的,” On that day caused, said slowly, 那天使,缓缓地说道,
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