MBT :: Volume #13

#1247: Meeting of Su Fei

Meeting of Chapter 1247 Su Fei 第1247章苏妃的聚会 Su Fei today's mood is not very beautiful. 苏妃今天的心情不是很美丽。 She, has made angrily that human affairs contract, gave Qin Chao. 她一气之下,就弄了那个人事合同,把秦朝给开了。 Actually is also because is angry for a while, had such idea of air vent. 其实也就是因为一时生气,才有了这么个出气的想法。 But, if Qin Chao walked, she did not give up. 但,如果秦朝真走了的话,她是舍不得的。 Actually, wants to make this thing to vent the mood, if Qin Ling attains, certainly very much intelligently will stop itself, then urged several possibly also to calm down. 其实,就是想弄这个么东西发泄一下情绪罢了,如果秦玲拿到的话,一定会很聪明地阻拦自己,然后劝几句自己可能也有消气了。 The women, are this are not occasionally sane. 女人,偶尔都是这样不理智的。 Especially one in fit of temper woman, that is quite is quite not sane. 尤其是一个在气头上的女人,那就是相当相当不理智的。 Su Fei has not thought that own human affairs notice, unexpectedly first by Qin Chao that fellow attaining. 苏妃也沒想到,自己的人事通知,竟然先被秦朝那个家伙给拿到了。 But, she has unable to wipe the honor, with Qin Chao said that made a mistake. 可是,她有抹不下脸面,和秦朝说一声弄错了。 Such, was not equal to that was telling Qin Chao, oneself were submitting to him. 那样,不就等于在告诉秦朝,自己在向他屈服了么。 This how. 这怎么可以。 Her Su Fei, is will not lower the head to the evil force absolutely. 苏妃,是绝对不会向恶势力低头的。 Right, right, is this. 对,沒错,就是这样。 After Su Fei walks exited, Jiang Dong is sitting in the vehicle is waiting for her. 苏妃走了出去之后,蒋东正坐在车子里等着她。 Young lady, where goes,” “大小姐,去哪里,” In silver to run quickly, after Jiang Dong has adjusted a next, car(riage) mirror, asked. 银色的奔驰里,蒋东调整了一下后车镜,问道。 „The Sollami dining room, there today has important party to participate,” “索拉米餐厅,那里今天有个很重要的party要参加,” After Su Fei seats, slightly somewhat exhaustedly by seat back cushion. 苏妃坐进來之后,略微有些疲惫地靠在了靠背上。 Young lady, your condition, I suggested that you are should better go home to rest first well, or makes spa, relaxes......” “大小姐,您的状态,我建议您还是最好先回家好好休息一下,或者去做个spa,放松一下自己……” Was good, Jiang Dong, I knew, but this meeting is very important, drives with single-hearted devotion,” “好了,蒋东,我知道了,但这个聚会很重要,专心开车,” Su Fei knows that Jiang Dong is the famous broken mouth, prevented him from continue say hastily. 苏妃知道蒋东是有名的碎嘴,连忙阻止他继续说。 I knew, Young lady,” “我知道了,大小姐,” Jiang Dong started the vehicle, „, but, you seem the complexion are very fearful, I know that the good spa hall, naturally, is not I have gone, is my friend recommends to my, but my this friend is trustworthy, I who he recommends am absolutely trustworthy, we go to there words now, 20 minutes arrived, perhaps they can also hit a 20% discount......” 蒋东发动了车子,“不过,您看上去脸色很可怕,我知道个不错的spa馆,当然,不是我去过的,是我朋友推荐给我的,但我这位朋友值得信任,他推荐的我绝对信得过,我们现在去那里的话,20分钟就到了,他们说不定还能打个八折……” Jiang Dong, shut up, goes to Sollami,” 蒋东,闭嘴,去索拉米,” Su Fei beckons with the hand reluctantly. 苏妃无奈地摆摆手。 Good good...... However young lady......” “好吧好吧……不过大小姐……” Parking, I must take taxi,” “停车,我要打车去,” Good, Young lady, I did not say that” “好吧,大小姐,我不说了,” Jiang Dong hears this saying, has closed hastily the mouth. 蒋东一听到这话,连忙就闭上了嘴巴。 The young lady must get down to take taxi. 大小姐要下去打车。 That may not be absolutely good, danger, was too dangerous. 那可绝对不行,危险,太危险了。 Young lady long is so attractive, is so rich, what to do if meets to treat people possible. 大小姐长的这么漂亮,又这么有钱,万一遇到待人可怎么办。 Although now is not very special period, but must protect the young lady to be good well. 虽然现在已经不是非常时期,但也要好好的保护大小姐才行啊。 Was right, Jiang Dong, arranges, lets family's several bodyguards many with me, recently, will not be quite possibly tranquil,” “对了,蒋东,安排一下,让家里的几个保镖多跟着我,最近,可能会不太平静,” At this time, Su Fei remembered daytime the reminder of Qin Chao suddenly, therefore said with Jiang Dong. 这时候,苏妃突然想起白天秦朝的提醒,于是和蒋东说了一下。 She does not have places at heart, in this position, does not know that has encountered many such matters. 她也沒太放在心里,在她这个位置上,不知道遭遇过多少次这样的事情了。 Therefore, in the family|home will be raising that many bodyguards. 所以,家里才会养着那么多的保镖。 „, Young lady, how you early did not say that I manage immediately,” “啊,大小姐,您怎么不早说,我立刻就去办,” Jiang Dong was startled, he puts out telephone hastily, dialed a telephone to exit. 蒋东吃了一惊,他连忙拿出电话,拨了个电话出去。 Acheng, is bringing first, the second squad, with us, our positions is Heping Road No. 36, is turning toward Sollami to go,” “阿城,带着第一,第二小队,跟着我们,我们的位置是和平路36号,正向着索拉米而去,” Receives,” “收到,” That side has hung up the telephone, then the big mouth of Jiang Dong started. 那边挂断了电话,然后蒋东的大嘴巴又开始了。 Young lady, has handled, but, how you know that recently was not peaceful,” “大小姐,已经办好了,不过,您怎么知道最近不太平的,” Jiang Dong cannot bear curiously. 蒋东还是忍不住好奇。 Qin Chao said that” 秦朝说的,” Su Fei by the seat back cushion, exhaustedly, answered own fight steward one specially languidly. 苏妃靠在靠背上,特别的疲惫,懒洋洋地答了自家的战斗管家一句。 Anything, Qin Chao said that” “什么,秦朝说的,” Jiang Dong immediately in great surprise, „, Young lady, that this matter is not the minor matter, is not good, I thought that we make Qin Chao protect your security personally, only then he, young lady's personal safety has the safeguard,” 蒋东顿时大惊,“哎呀,大小姐,那这事可不是小事啊,不行,我看咱们还是让秦朝亲自來保护您的安全吧,只有他在,大小姐的人身安全才有保障啊,” Without him, the person of Su can only wait for death,” “沒有他,苏家的人就只能等死吗,” Su Fei hears this saying, was a little immediately annoyed. 苏妃听到这话,顿时就有点恼火了。 Jiang Dong felt that the temperature in car(riage) reduces suddenly, cannot bear the whole body send coldly. 蒋东感觉车里的温度骤然降低,忍不住浑身发寒。 He realized suddenly, oneself said ten points should not words. 他忽然意识到,自己说了一句十分不应该的话。 Bad, was not young lady and Qin Chao that fellow the cold war. 糟了,不会是大小姐和秦朝那家伙又冷战了吧。 These two people, how cannot maintain the good harmonious relations. 这两个人,怎么就不能一直保持良好和谐的关系呢。 Definitely is Qin Chao that fellow first provokes the young lady. 肯定又是秦朝那家伙先招惹大小姐的。 One use the buttocks to want to obtain. 自己用屁股都能想得到。 Hateful, cannot hit him, certainly wants the violent to punch his. 可恶,要不是自己打不过他,肯定要暴揍他一顿。 If anything depends on him, I also make anything with you, the bodyguard of Su also with making anything, leaves to me, gets the hell out, I come,” “如果什么都靠他,那我还用你做什么,苏家的保镖还用做什么,都给我走人,滚蛋,我自己一个人來,” The appearance that Su Fei gets angry makes Jiang Dong fearful and apprehensive. 苏妃发怒的样子让蒋东心惊肉跳。 He knows that Su these many years, the important matter minor matter is supporting by the young lady basically, she actually, should be very exhausted, these many anger, if the disposable eruption, is very definitely fearful. 他知道,苏家这么多年,大事小事基本都是靠大小姐在撑着,她其实,应该已经很疲惫了吧,这么多火气,如果一次性的爆发出來,肯定很可怕。 Su does not have Qin Chao, did not go on living, my Su Fei did not have Qin Chao, was doomed to be finished, Jiang Dong, why you ate, you cannot protect me,” “难道苏家沒有秦朝,就活不下去了吗,难道我苏妃沒有秦朝,就注定完蛋了吗,蒋东,你是干什么吃的,你就不能保护我了吗,” I can, I be able, the young lady to appease anger, my speaking incorrectly words......” “我能,我能,大小姐息怒,我说错话了……” Jiang Dong drives gingerly. 蒋东战战兢兢地开车。 Is this blurts out, suffices to hold the egg. 都是自己这张破嘴啊,真够操蛋的了。 Really loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points. 真是哪壶不开提哪壶啊。 Looks at young lady temperament, what obviously and Qin Chao is noisy is very serious. 看大小姐这脾气,显然和秦朝吵的是挺严重的。 One do not mention this name again, otherwise the consequence is very definitely miserable. 自己还是不要再提这个名字了,否则后果肯定很惨。 Jiang Dong has to place driving above the complete mind, Su Fei also mumbled several, it is estimated that was too tired, said that two said motionless, continued by to rest on the chairback. 蒋东只好把全部心神放在开车上面,苏妃又嘟囔了几句,估计是太累了,说两句就说不动了,继续靠在椅背上休息。 At this time, two land cruisers have depended from behind, Jiang Dong looked, was the bodyguard. 这时候,两辆陆地巡洋舰从后面靠了过來,蒋东一看,是自家保镖。 The bodyguard of Su is divided into the squad, squad four people, behind is two squads, eight people, protecting the young lady should not have what issue. 苏家的保镖分为小队,一个小队四个人,后面是两个小队,八个人,保护大小姐应该是沒有什么问題。 Young lady, they with,” “大小姐,他们跟上來了,” Knew, a bit faster opens,” “知道了,快点开,” Su Fei beckons with the hand. 苏妃摆摆手。 Good, Young lady,” “好的,大小姐,” Jiang Dong does not dare to say anything, drives to continue toward the dining room to walk. 蒋东不敢多说什么,开着车继续往餐厅走去。 Sollami is a Sunan City very famous dining room, becomes famous by the seafood food. 索拉米是苏南市很有名气的一家餐厅,以海鲜食品出名。 Quick, Jiang Dong stopped the vehicle in the entrance of dining room, Su Fei in the car(riage), was reorganizing to the mirror slightly own correct manners discipline, then went down the car(riage). 很快,蒋东就把车子停在了餐厅的门口,苏妃在车里面,对着镜子稍微整理了一下自己的仪容,然后便走下车來。 The pretty woman, is sending out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray to where. 漂亮的女人,到哪里都是散发着万丈光芒的。 Here, Su Fei is also so. 在这里,苏妃也是如此。 She gets out, immediately brings in the eye salute of surrounding person. 她一下车,立刻引來周围人的注目礼。 „, Beauty,” “哇,美女啊,” This Beauty is really rich, sits to run quickly,” “这美女真有钱,坐奔驰來的,” Um, moreover absolutely is not the mistress, you look, the exclusive driver, possibly is the young lady of which family|home,” “嗯,而且绝对不是二奶,你看,还有专属司机呢,可能是谁家的大小姐,” The surrounding person whoops. 周围的人议论纷纷。 But many pedestrians of communication, see Su Fei, threw the eye salute. 而來往的很多行人,看到苏妃,都抛去了注目礼。 The diner who is just about also to stop, almost kissed the vehicle on the buttocks of previous land cruiser. 一个正要也要停车的食客,差点把车子亲在了前一辆陆地巡洋舰的屁股上。 Young lady, you should wait for us to get out first,” “大小姐,您应该等我们先下车啊,” Jiang Dong ran from the car(riage) flustered, arrives at Su Fei side, now is not very special period,” 蒋东慌慌张张地从车里跑了出來,來到苏妃的旁边,“现在不是非常时期么,” Extreme nervousness that does not want to make,” “不想弄的草木皆兵似的,” Su Fei beckons with the hand, but the vehicle doors of that behind two land cruisers also open, eight black clothed bodyguards go out in turn, stand in Su Fei both sides. 苏妃摆摆手,而那身后的两辆陆地巡洋舰的车门也打开,八个黑衣保镖依次走出,站在苏妃的两旁。 This battle formation may surrounding more shocking. 这阵势可让周围的人更加震惊了。 My goodness, it seems like that the lady of Upright Sect prominent family. 好家伙,看來还是名门望族的大家闺秀啊。 These many bodyguards. 这么多保镖。 However the waiters of hotel entrance were actually common, after all Sollami is also the hotel that Sunan City ranks among the best, like this leads the guest who many bodyguards are accompanying, are many. 不过酒店门口的侍者们倒是屡见不鲜了,毕竟索拉米也是苏南市数一数二的大酒店,这样带着很多保镖随从的客人,也不少。 Other people wait outside, Jiang Dong goes upstairs with me,” “其他人就在外面等候吧,蒋东跟我上楼,” Su Fei told one. 苏妃吩咐了一句。 Yes, Young lady, only then I was too few,” “是,大小姐,不过只有我一个人还是太少了,” Jiang Dong nods hastily, then said to other people that Acheng, you are defending in the entrance, small south, the cannon, goes upstairs with me,” 蒋东连忙点点头,然后对其他人说,“阿城,你们在门口守着,小南,大炮,跟我上楼,” Then, two stature most vigorous and healthiest bodyguards, walk up. 说完,两个身材最健壮的保镖,走上前來。 Su Fei looked, has not said anything. 苏妃看了看,也沒说什么。 Very special period, matter that also does not have means. 非常时期,也是沒办法的事。 High-sounding talk that such although do not want to make, but at present is not this low-key time. 虽然自己不想弄的这么高调,但眼下也不是该低调的时候。 She has to sigh at heart, turns around to go upstairs. 她只好在心里叹了口气,转身上楼。 If there is Qin Chao because to be good, only had his one, could go against the bodyguards of eight squads. 如果有秦朝在的话就好了,只带他一个,顶得上八个小队的保镖。 deserve death, how oneself thought of him. 该死,自己怎么又想到他了。 Did not set firm resolve to forget this fellow. 不是下定决心忘了这个家伙么。 Hateful, Su Fei, can you point of contention air/Qi. 可恶,苏妃,你能不能争点气啊。 Su Fei has been criticizing oneself one at heart. 苏妃在心里暗骂了自己一句。 Oh my, this is not the young lady of Su,” 哎呦,这不是苏家的大小姐么,” When she goes upstairs, a not too harmonious sound fluttered. 就在她上楼的时候,一个不太和谐的声音飘了过來。 Su Fei turns the head to look, originally is Li Qiang. 苏妃转头一看,原來是李强 This man, unexpectedly also in Sunan City. 这个男人,竟然还在苏南市 Remembers a while ago, because Li Qiang has probably provoked anyone, has to leave Sunan City. 记得前一阵,李强好像因为招惹了谁,不得不离开了苏南市 One also think that Li so was quiet in Sunan City, has not thought that this fellow jumps now. 自己还以为李家在苏南市就这么消停了,沒想到,这家伙现在又跳出來了么。 Yo, Miss Su, today side how not with your big bodyguard,” “呦,苏大小姐,今天身边怎么沒跟着你那位大保镖啊,” The Li Qiang bosom hugs a female of student younger sister appearance, the mouth is having the sound of satire, was saying to Su Fei. 李强怀里搂着一个学生妹模样的女子,嘴里带着点讽刺的声音,对着苏妃说道。 My Su Fei only then such bodyguard,” “我苏妃难道就只有那么一个保镖么,” Su Fei sneers, you, Young Master Li Da, did not clamp tail to run from Sunan City actually a while ago, how to come back,” 苏妃冷笑一声,“倒是你,李大公子,前一阵不是夹着尾巴苏南市跑了么,怎么又回來了,” Snort,” “哼,” Heard Su Fei saying that Li Qiang on the face somewhat could not hang immediately. 听到苏妃这么说,李强顿时脸上有些挂不住。 One travel from Sunan City, is not father's reason. 自己从苏南市跑路,还不是自己老爸的原因。 His father scolded him maliciously, said that he annoyed should not the person of annoying, then gave to deliver to outside area to lie low until something blows over him. 他老爸把他狠狠地骂了一顿,说他惹了不该惹的人,然后就把他给送到外地去避风头去了。 Cracks a joke, oneself annoyed anything should not the person of annoying. 开玩笑,自己惹了什么不该惹的人了。 Side Su Fei that bodyguard Qin Chao. 苏妃身边的那个保镖秦朝 Funny, he is not a young bodyguard. 笑死人了,他不就是个小小的保镖么。 If he has any background, can only be a young bodyguard behind the Su buttocks. 要是他真有什么背景,能只在苏家屁股后面做个小保镖。 Younger brother who that has not made every effort to succeed, how also did not know, feared Qin Chao feared must die. 还有自己那不争气的弟弟,也不知道怎么了,怕秦朝怕的要死。 Why asked him, did not say other, only said that Qin Chao was very fearful. 问他为啥,也不说别的,只说秦朝很可怕。 Paternal grandmother, fearful wool. 奶奶的,可怕个毛。 He must dare to provoke itself again, oneself find behind the person to knock his staggering blow, pats him. 他要再敢來招惹自己,自己就找人背后敲他闷棍,拍死他。 How can select Skill/KungFu, Bruce Lee also died. 会点功夫又怎么了,李小龙还死了呢。 If one fear him, oneself did not call Li Qiang. 自己若是怕他,自己就不叫李强了。 My previous went to outside area to discuss a business,” “我前一段只是去外地谈了笔生意而已,” „, Is this, but I am not interested, Young Master Li Da, see again/goodbye,” “哦,原來是这样么,不过我并不感兴趣呢,李大公子,再见,” Su Fei said neatly that must leave from Li Qiang. 苏妃干净利落说完,从李强身边就要离开。 ================================================== ================================================== Sorry, Beijing that everybody, just arrived in yesterday evening, the hasty whistling rests late at night ~ is a little dizzy to present, was really old, stayed up late to be finished ~ 抱歉,大家,昨天晚上刚到的北京,忙忙呼呼的后半夜才睡~到现在头还有点晕乎乎的,真是老了,熬夜就完蛋~
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