MBT :: Volume #13

#1248: The assassins visit

Chapter 1248 assassin visits 第1248章刺客上门 Slow, Miss Su, our old friends meets, is insufficient such quickly to distinguish, you such do, is a little does not give me the face,” “慢着,苏大小姐,咱们老朋友见面,不至于这么快就分别吧,你这么做,是不是有点不太给我面子啊,” Li Qiang is swaying the red wine in cup. 李强摇晃着杯里的红酒。 Sorry, I really do not know that your Young Master Li Da face has anything to be important,” “抱歉,我实在不知道你李大公子的面子有什么重要的,” The Su Fei sarcastic comments, to this person, do not need to give him any good complexion. 苏妃冷言冷语,对这种人,沒必要给他什么好脸色。 Miss Su, this saying a little offended somebody,” “苏大小姐,这话有点太伤人了吧,” On the Li Qiang face is somewhat ugly, he has patted the buttocks of bosom school girl, „side you go to wait for me first,” 李强脸上有些难看,他拍了拍怀里女学生的屁股,“你先去旁边等着我,” Good, good......” “好,好的……” That school girl as if also thought that some do not suit, particularly looks at Su Fei behind three professional bodyguards time, some whole bodies send slightly coldly. 那女学生似乎也觉得有些不太对劲,尤其是看着苏妃身后三个职业保镖的时候,略微有些浑身发寒。 She is just an ordinary school girl, Li Qiang pursued her one day, under money offensive she complies. 她只不过是个普通女学生而已,李强追求她一天,金钱攻势下她就答应了。 She has also thought good, even if the opposite party goes to bed for. 她也想过的好一点嘛,哪怕对方只是为了和自己上床。 The opposite party needs her body, she needs the money of opposite party. 对方需要她的身体,她需要对方的钱。 Both accord to his need, do not have anything. 两者各取所需,沒有什么的。 But she does not think, because these matters lose their life. 但她可不想因为这些事搭上自己的命。 The opposite party is big Beauty, but looked that has background big Beauty. 对方是个大美女,但一看就是个有背景的大美女 She shunts. 她还是躲开好。 Therefore, the Li Qiang words, nothing but make her relax, Ma Liuduo to the distant place. 因此,李强的话,无非让她松了口气,麻溜躲到远处去了。 Among us also has any friendship to be inadequate,” “我们之间难道还有什么交情不成,” Su Fei curls the lip, Young Master Li Da, I do not have the time to accompany you, I have the matter to be busy,” 苏妃撇撇嘴,“李大公子,恕我沒时间陪你,我还有事要忙,” Miss Su,” “苏大小姐,” The Li Qiang sound is colder, how to say again, your majority of industries of Su, in Sunan City, you did not fear that makes any unnecessary trouble,” 李强声音更冷,“再怎么说,你们苏家的大部分产业,也都在苏南市吧,难道,你们就不怕惹上什么不必要的麻烦,” Young Master Li Da this saying, is the meaning of threat,” “李大公子这话,是威胁的意思么,” Su Fei asked straightforwardly. 苏妃直截了当地问。 She really does not have the thoughts today and others carries on the struggle of any argument. 她今天实在是沒心思和人家进行什么口舌之争。 Jiang Dong proceeded one step, two bodyguards also went forward one step. 蒋东往前走了一步,身后的两个保镖也同时上前一步。 Li Qiang looked that immediately was happy. 李强一看,顿时乐了。 Hey, Miss Su, you want the threat in force,” “嘿,苏大小姐,你这是要武力威胁喽,” He looked at Jiang Dong one, in the eye somewhat disdains, present, but the society under the rule, is it possible that your Miss Su Jia, must instigate the bodyguard to hit the person to be inadequate, that is also good, the tomorrow's southern Jiangsu morning paper, will have a good headline,” 他看了蒋东一眼,眼中有些不屑,“现在可是法治社会,莫非你苏家大小姐,要唆使保镖打人不成,那也挺好,明天的苏南早报,就会有个不错的头条了,” Jiang Dong, to behind,” 蒋东,到后面去,” Su Fei has scolded one. 苏妃呵斥了一声。 But the young lady, the present is very special period......” “可是大小姐,现在是非常时期……” Jiang Dong said hastily. 蒋东连忙说道。 He He, Jiang Dong, you too saw Young Master Li Da high,” “呵呵,蒋东,你太高看李大公子了,” Su Fei actually smiles, I borrow him two courage, he does not dare to handle any matter to me,” 苏妃却笑起來,“我就算借他两个胆子,他也不敢对我做什么事情,” The meaning in Su Fei this saying despising, clearly. 苏妃这话中鄙视的意思,很明显。 But Li Qiang cannot say anything. 李强偏偏又不能说什么。 Surroundings that many Sunan City celebrities are also looking that oneself must maintain the gentleman...... 周围还那么多苏南市名流在看着呢,自己要保持绅士才可以…… Moreover listened to the Su Fei bodyguard to say...... The reality is her very special period...... 而且听苏妃的保镖说……现实是她的非常时期…… That must be careful, if this Su Fei had any matter, is calculating that in the head of my Li Qiang, dead undeserved. 那更要小心了,万一这苏妃出了点什么事,在算在我李强的头上,岂不是冤枉死了。 Miss Su, I come to want with you to discuss that pen business, you make such battle formation, to destroy us to discuss the mood of business,” “苏大小姐,我來是想和你谈笔生意的,你弄这样的阵势,岂不是破坏了我们谈生意的心情,” I and Young Master Li Da has any business to talk about,” “我和李大公子有什么生意好谈,” Su Fei stands there, the imposing manner of capable woman is specially strong, was really sorry that any business, I do not have any interest,” 苏妃站在那里,女强人的气势特别浓烈,“实在抱歉,无论是什么生意,我都沒什么兴趣,” „,” “哦,” Li Qiang actually carries a shoulder-pole load the eyebrow , to continue to shake the wine class, hunter that facial expression, as if a waiting game swallows the bait. 李强却挑挑眉毛,继续晃着酒杯,那神情,就仿佛一个等待猎物上钩的猎人似的。 It seems like, that land of Xueyuan Road, Miss Su did not have any interest, I left, having a joke backfire of province,” “看來,学院路的那块土地,苏大小姐是沒什么兴趣了,也罢,那我还是离开好了,省的自讨沒趣,” Wait / Etc.,” “等等,” Su Fei stared in a big way both eyes, looks at Li Qiang. 苏妃瞪大了双眼,看着李强 That land of Xueyuan Road...... To Su Fei, indeed is very important. 学院路的那块土地……对苏妃來说,的确是很重要。 Own school wants to promote, does not expand the site, is incorrect. 自己学校想要升级,不扩大校址,是不行的。 If wants to expand the site, only then that land for building of Xueyuan Road is also emptying. 而如果想扩大校址,就只有学院路的那块地皮还空着。 It in the east side of Guangyuan Institute, at present is the place of without owner. 它在广元学院的东边,目前算是无主之地。 If can do it, the matter of promotion also completed most. 如果能把它搞下來,升级的事情也就算完成大半了。 To suffice the land, procedural anything special is tedious, moreover matter specially many. 只是,想够得土地,手续什么的特别繁琐,而且事情特别的多。 It is said that land for building some people have been bidding at present, who Su Fei did not know is, therefore is anxious. 据说那块地皮目前已经有人在竞买,苏妃一直不知道是谁,所以才揪心。 Now looks like...... Own match, is Li. 现在看來……自己的对手,原來是李家么。 Su like Li, Su is not closes right up against the family that the trade rises completely, money has, but does not have any background. 苏家不像李家,苏家完全是靠着商业崛起的家族,钱是有,但却沒什么背景。 But Li is different, the Li Qiang father is the deputy director in Sunan City police station, heard that also soon deducted a percentage the bureau. 而李家不同,李强的父亲是苏南市公安局的副局长,听说还快要提成正局了。 Such government background is very useful, Sunan City any department, has to sell to a Li face. 这样的官场背景是非常有用的,苏南市任何一个部门,都不得不卖给李家一点面子。 Such looks like, that land for building, oneself want to strive, the difficulty is not small. 这么看來,那地皮,自己想要争取,难度可是不小了。 Young Master Li Da, what do you mean,” “李大公子,你是什么意思,” I am any meaning,” “我是什么意思,” Li Qiang he he smiles, I can have any meaning, but wants to discuss the business well, but I do not like here atmosphere, might as well another day approximately a time, only then I and Miss Su two people, find a secluded place, discussed well,” 李强呵呵一笑,“我能有什么意思呢,只是想好好谈生意而已嘛,不过我不喜欢这里的气氛,不如改天约个时间,只有我和苏大小姐两个人,找个僻静的地方,好好谈一谈,” Su Fei understood this Li Qiang thoughts immediately. 苏妃顿时明白了这李强的心思。 Jiang Dong also understands that this bastard, but also is having young lady's idea. 蒋东也明白过來,这个王八蛋,还在打大小姐的主意啊。 Young Master Li Da had a mind,” “李大公子真是有心了,” Su Fei has pinched the fist secretly, said that I will close right up against my effort, takes that land for building,” 苏妃暗暗捏了捏拳头,说道,“我会靠着自己的努力,拿下那块地皮的,” Miss Su really very much has breadth of spirit,” “苏大小姐果然很有气魄啊,” Li Qiang laughs, that I should wish Miss Su to achieve immediate success, if, you have this ability, Ha Ha,” 李强哈哈一笑,“那我应该祝愿苏大小姐马到成功了,如果,你有这个能力的话,哈哈,” The meaning of Li Qiang is the satire of red fruits and looks down upon. 李强的意思已经是红果果的讽刺和看不起了。 But Su Fei actually bites the lip. 苏妃却只是咬了咬嘴唇。 Young lady, must teach him one...... At the worst I take the rap,” “大小姐,要不要教训他一下……大不了我來背黑锅,” Jiang Dong has collected, said in the Su Fei ear in a low voice. 蒋东凑了过來,低声在苏妃耳边说道。 He really could not look at eye, this fellow was also too rampant. 他实在是看不下眼了,这家伙也太嚣张了点。 One want to punch his, even if carries on the back the lawsuit for this reason, was shamed compared with the young lady here. 自己真想揍他一顿,就算为此背上官司,也比大小姐在这里被羞辱强。 He is the steward of Su, naturally must fight for the honor of Su. 他是苏家的管家,自然要为苏家的荣誉而战。 Does not use, goes along with him,” “不用了,随他去吧,” Su Fei actually shakes the head, „that side Jiang Dong, we go,” 苏妃却摇摇头,“蒋东,我们去那边吧,” Su Fei said that turns around to walk toward one side. 苏妃说完,转身向着一旁走去。 There has many Sunan City celebrities, but also official anything of some governments, oneself, although exhausted, but also has to support the smiling face, goes to the human relations with them. 那里有很多苏南市名流,还有些政府的公务员什么的,自己虽然疲惫,但也不得不强撑着笑脸,和他们去交际。 Jiang Dong leaves, looked at Li Qiang one bad. 蒋东离开的时候,不善地看了李强一眼。 He seemed telling Li Qiang, if you dare to annoy our family|home young lady, you died. 他似乎在告诉李强,你若是敢惹我们家大小姐,你就死定了。 But Li Qiang actually indifferently shrugs the shoulders, but also has held up the wine class to Jiang Dong. 李强却无所谓地耸耸肩膀,还对蒋东举起了酒杯。 Meaning of provocation, clearly. 挑衅的意思,很明显。 But he also calculated, Jiang Dong does not dare to make anything to him. 但他也算准了,蒋东不敢对他做什么。 Jiang Dong this air/Qi, a paternal grandmother bear, the young lady is blocking, oneself hit his spring scenery bright zhubajie. 蒋东这个气啊,奶奶个熊的,要不是大小姐拦着,自己非打他个春光灿烂猪八戒。 Su Fei is worried, arrives at the one side, with several celebrities, the official exchanged greetings. 苏妃心事重重,走到一旁,和几个名流,官员寒暄。 But at this time, a service person in hotel walked, in the hand is carrying several glasses of liquor. 而就在这个时候,一个酒店的服务员走了过來,手里端着几杯酒。 Young lady, you want to drink anything,” “小姐,请问您想喝点什么,” The service person walked very much respectfully, hands in front of several glasses of liquor Su Fei. 那服务员很恭敬地走了过來,把几杯酒递到苏妃面前。 Does not use, thanks,” “不用了,谢谢,” Su Fei actually beckons with the hand, oneself anything liquor does not want to drink. 苏妃却摆摆手,自己什么酒也不想喝。 I thought that the young lady drinks two cups is wonderful,” “我觉得小姐还是喝上两杯为妙,” The service people have actually smiled, that smiling face looks like in Su Fei, some are not wonderful. 服务员却笑了起來,那笑容在苏妃看起來,却有些不妙。 Thanks, I said that does not use,” “谢谢,我说不用了,” Su Fei frowned. 苏妃皱起了眉头。 If you drink two cups, dying, did not have anything to be painful,” “如果您喝上两杯,死掉的话,就沒什么痛苦了,” Saying, the service person from the tray, extracts a black pistol suddenly, has aimed at Su Fei. 说着,那服务员忽然从托盘底部,抽出一把黑色的手枪,对准了苏妃 Those present, were all shocked. 在场的人,全都惊呆了。 But Jiang Dong responded extremely quickly, he blocked rapidly in front of Su Fei, simultaneously snatched the racket to the wrist|skill of that service person. 蒋东反应极快,他迅速拦在苏妃面前,同时劈手拍向了那服务员的手腕。 Protects the young lady,” “保护大小姐,” Su Fei has also been shocked, really really has the killer to assassinate itself. 苏妃也惊呆了一下,竟然真的有杀手來刺杀自己。 Qin Chao just told her today, how to come so is quick. 秦朝今天刚告诉她,怎么來的就这么快。 Bang,” “砰,” Killer shot hit on ceiling, frightened those present in all directions to flee and become separated. 那杀手一枪打在了天花板上,吓得在场的人四处逃散。 Jiang Dong plunged the killer. 蒋东扑向了杀手。 But that killer is very as if experienced, cannot hit, immediately body one low, the shoulder layer on layer hit on the lower abdomen of Jiang Dong. 但那杀手似乎十分老练,一击不中,立刻身子一低,肩膀重重撞在了蒋东的小腹上。 This collision seemingly heavy, Jiang Dong bent the waist instantaneously, squats on the ground, the big mouth gasps for breath, just like lost the ability to act. 这一下撞的貌似不轻,蒋东瞬间弯下腰去,蹲在地上,大口喘气,俨然已经失去了行动能力。 Other two bodyguards act are not slow, but that killer is quicker, person of shot, gives to take down on the ground. 其他两个保镖动作也不慢,但那杀手更快,一人一枪,都给放倒在地上。 The killer continues to approach toward Su Fei. 那杀手继续向着苏妃逼近。 Li Qiang has killed, Fuck that looks in side, how such quickly to have the killer to come. 李强在旁边看的都杀了,卧槽,怎么这么快就有杀手來了。 Shit, the father just had the friction with her today, this came the killer...... 我勒个去,老子今天刚跟她有摩擦,这就來了杀手…… If this Miss Su Jia has hung, oneself must take the rap. 这苏家大小姐若是挂了,自己岂不是也要背黑锅。 But if makes him save Miss Su Jia...... 但若是让他去救苏家大小姐…… Considers as finished...... 还是算了…… Hugs girlfriend who are trembling, hides in the table honestly underground considers as finished. 搂着自己瑟瑟发抖的女友,老老实实躲在桌子地下算了。 200 million dollars, were my,” “200000000美金,是我的了,” The killer was saying, has aimed at Su Fei muzzle. 那杀手说着,把枪口对准了苏妃 Su Fei somewhat desperately has closed eye. 苏妃有些绝望地闭上了眼睛。 Really, does not have Qin Chao, is not good...... 果然,沒有秦朝,还是不行么…… But at this time, Su Fei behind window suddenly blasted open. 但就在这个时候,苏妃身后的窗户突然炸裂开來。 Then, a white light flashes through, the pistol in killer hand falls immediately on the ground. 接着,一道白光闪过,那杀手手里的手枪顿时掉在地上。 Meanwhile, killer pain roaring of again and again, in his wrist|skill, is gripping white chopsticks. 同时,杀手疼的怒吼连连,他的手腕上,正扎着一根白色的筷子。 Su Fei was startled, turns the head to look that on a face is binding the black scale, the tall man jumped from the window of second floor, stands before his body. 苏妃吃了一惊,转头一看,一个脸上裹着黑鳞,身材高大的男子从二楼的窗口跳了进來,站在他身前。 Is that mysterious man. 是那个神奇的男人。 Su Fei somewhat is at heart flurried immediately. 苏妃心里顿时有些慌乱。 He, he appeared unexpectedly. 他,他竟然又出现了。 Probably, oneself have any danger each time time, he will appear...... 好像,自己每次有什么危险的时候,他都会出现…… Is it possible that he is his patron god. 莫非,他是自己的守护神吗。 Su Fei never believed a Ghost God saying, but she now, actually somewhat believes. 苏妃从來不相信鬼神一说,但她现在,竟然有些相信了。 Who you are,” “你是谁,” The killer right hand wrist was put on, shivers unceasingly, looks at the broken window to enter, robs he 200 million dollars the man. 杀手右手腕被穿,不断颤抖,望着破窗而入,抢走他200000000美金的这个男人。 Kills your person,” “來杀你的人,” The black clothed man lightly replied. 黑衣男子只是淡淡地回答道。 He arrives at two to lie down before the bodyguard in pool of blood, extends both hands, has traced on two people. 他走到两个躺在血泊里的保镖面前,伸出双手,在两个人身上摸了一下。 The bodyguard who then, two original died quickly, has stood unexpectedly safe and sound. 接着,两个本來已经快死掉的保镖,竟然安然无恙地站了起來。 The killer killed directly. 那杀手直接就杀了。 This, is how possible, oneself have opened fire to hit their hearts obviously. 这,怎么可能,自己明明已经开枪打中了他们的心脏啊。 Hateful,” “可恶,” But he after is a well-trained killer, fully realizes cannot hit, far escaping thousand li(500 km) principle. 但他毕竟是个训练有素的杀手,深知一击不中,远遁千里的原则。 Therefore, his another hand pulls out a smoke shell, lost to the tread, 于是,他另一只手掏出一枚烟雾弹,对着地面就丢了出去,
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