MBT :: Volume #13

#1246: Was dismissed

Chapter 1246 was dismissed 第1246章被开除了 With some Su Fei probably always bad karmas. 苏妃好像总是有些孽缘在的吧。 Qin Chao so will have been sigh with emotion. 秦朝一直会这么感慨。 Knows Su Fei, all because of Su Ji. 认识苏妃,全都是因为苏姬 Remembers that this female boss first time sees her impression, is very awful that. 记得这个女老板第一次看到自己的印象,还是非常糟糕的那种。 One just started with of Su Ji contact, she also intensely opposes. 自己刚开始和苏姬交往的那一段,她还激烈反对來着。 At that time in Su Fei at heart, oneself possibly is only one small gangster that type. 当时在苏妃心里,自己可能只是一个小混混那种吧。 However the time is quick, suddenly, own status has been higher than her not to know many. 不过时间算是过的很快的,眨眼之间,自己的地位已经高出她不知道多少了。 In the past thought Su who was unattainable, now, was only a common small family. 当年自己觉得遥不可及的苏家,现在來说,只是一个不起眼的小家族而已了。 However even so, oneself must see a boss of small family, is such disturbed. 不过即使如此,自己要去见一个小家族的老板,还是这么的忐忑啊。 One have such does not make every effort to succeed...... 自己有这么的不争气么…… Qin Chao stands outside the front door, deeply has attracted two tones, this has opened the front door of office. 秦朝站在大门外,深吸了两口气,这才推开了办公室的大门。 Su Fei sits before the desk, does not lift, is busy at beginning with single-hearted devotion big bunch of documents, as if has not paid attention, has a person to enter in this office. 苏妃坐在办公桌前,头也不抬,专心忙着手里的一大堆文件,似乎根本沒注意,有个人已经走进了这办公室里。 Qin Chao shook the head, approached. 秦朝摇摇头,走近了过去。 Su Fei as if heard the sound of footsteps, but still does not lift. 苏妃似乎听到了脚步声,但依然头也不抬。 Qin Ling, happen, here has a document, you help me deliver to personnel office there,” 秦玲么,正好,这里有一份文件,你帮我送到人事处那里,” Qin Chao receives looks, my goodness, unexpectedly is own removing from office command. 秦朝接过來一看,好家伙,竟然是自己的免职令。 Meanwhile, above writes the Zhang Li assignment for new Director security guard. 同时,上面写着把张力任职为新的保安主任。 Goes quickly, comes back also has other work,” “快去吧,回來的时候还有其他的工作,” Su Fei said. 苏妃说道。 Perspiration. 汗了。 Qin Chao cannot bear the start to talk. 秦朝忍不住开口。 Boss Su, you such gave me,” 苏老板,你就这么把我给开了,” Hears this saying, Su Fei does not need to guess that also knows the person who who was. 听到这话,苏妃不用猜也知道來的人是谁了。 She gained ground, looks to stand in front man. 她抬起头來,看着站在面前的这个男人。 How is you,” “怎么又是你,” Um, I looked for you,” “嗯呢,我又來找你了,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders. 秦朝耸耸肩膀。 „Do you do,” “你來干什么,” Sees his time, the Su Fei tranquil heart was also with great difficulty chaotic. 看到他的时候,苏妃好不容易平静的心又乱了。 This fellow, how always provokes himself. 这个家伙,怎么总來招惹自己。 Boss Su, do not think so me...... I was also being compelled by your younger sister......” 苏老板,不要这么看着我嘛……我也是被你妹妹逼着來的……” After he spoke this saying, Su Fei Wrath. 他说这话之后,苏妃就更加愤怒了。 What's wrong, does not have my younger sister's words, he did not look for me. 怎么,难道沒有我妹妹的话,他就不來找我了么。 I significance in his heart, can only be, my younger sister's Elder Sister. 我在他心中的意义,就只能是,我妹妹的姐姐 The concept of this headache, lets Su Fei not being feeling well. 这个头疼的概念,让苏妃十分的不爽。 Qin Chao this fellow, how always hateful such. 秦朝这家伙,怎么总是这么的讨厌 You did not use, went back me to be able with the younger sister saying that” “那你不用來了,回去我会和妹妹说的,” Su Fei bears the anger in heart, said. 苏妃忍住心中的怒气,说道。 Moreover, is any matter, but also needs you to look for me, you found Su Ji,” “而且,到底是什么事,还需要你來找我,你找到苏姬了,” Um, found her, moreover I have also brought a not good news,” “嗯,找到她了,而且我还带來了一个不太好的消息,” Qin Chao shrugs the arm. 秦朝耸了耸肩膀。 Any news,” “什么消息,” Now online were also many your assassination command, I am protect your...... However, has not thought that I one, first received a resignation letter......” “现在网上又多了你的刺杀令,我是來保护你的……不过,沒想到我一來,就先接到了一份辞呈……” Assassinates the command,” “又是刺杀令,” The Su Fei expression has gawked, but is quickly tranquil, said that that does not need you to protect me, I naturally can hire the specialized bodyguard, your Mr. Qin Da was the Dafa Group chairman, how can put in great inconvenience in the security office of my this elementary school, your this big god, I could not use,” 苏妃表情愣了一下,但很快平静下來,说道,“那也不用你保护我,我自然会雇佣专业的保镖的,你秦大老板是大发集团的董事长,怎么能在我这小学校的保卫处里委屈着,你这尊大神,我用不起,” You are mad my total running away class,” “你是不是在生我总逃班的气,” Qin Chao has roared this Boss Su hastily, I am also because has the matter...... Do not mind that I apologized to you am not good, in the evening had the time, I asked you to eat meal,” 秦朝连忙哄了哄这位苏老板,“我也是因为有事嘛……你就不要太介意啦,我给你赔罪还不行,晚上有沒有时间,我请你吃个饭,” Does not have the time,” “沒时间,” Su Fei said straightforwardly that you had the matter to be busy at your matter being good, did not need to worry for the matter of school again, I thought that Zhang Li very good replaced your position,” 苏妃直截了当地说道,“你有事情就去忙你的事情好了,不用再为学校的事情操心,我觉得,张力会很好的接替你的位置的,” Hey hey hey, Boss Su, is insufficient such unfeeling, how to say again that you are also my sister-in-law......” 喂喂喂,苏老板,不至于这么绝情吧,再怎么说,你也是我大姨子啊……” Sister-in-law,” “大姨子,” Speaking of this status, was Su Fei at heart forever wound. 提起这个身份,就是苏妃心里永远的伤。 I am your big maternal aunt, get lost,” “我还是你大姨妈呢,滚出去,” Saying, carries near a table inkslab, lost. 说着,拎起桌边的一个砚台,就丢了过來。 Qin Chao shunts hastily, the inkslab is linking the ink, right in the face nearby gate pounding pitch-black. 秦朝连忙躲开,砚台连着墨水,劈头盖脸地把旁边的门给砸的乌黑。 My goodness, Boss Su was insane. 好家伙,苏老板疯了啊。 How she always likes losing the thing. 她怎么总喜欢丢东西啊。 Wrath bird. 愤怒的小鸟啊。 Boss Su, had the words to say well,” 苏老板,有话好好说啊,” Qin Chao tries to urge. 秦朝试图劝道。 Exits,” “出去,” Su Fei seeks to be on the table to throw the thrower the goods. 苏妃在桌子上寻找可以作为抛掷物的物品。 Qin Chao does not dare to provoke this little girl, withdrew from the office hastily, guards a door while convenient closing. 秦朝不敢招惹这妞了,连忙退出了办公室,顺便把门给关上。 Works as,” “当,” In the gate transmits the bang, does not know that was any thing hits above. 门上传來巨响,不知道是什么东西撞到上面了。 Qin Chao touches the nose. 秦朝摸了摸鼻子。 He starts to carry on the ophthalmological induction, relates Su Ji. 他开始进行心电感应,联系苏姬 Does, me is very busy, always do not harass me......” “干嘛,我这边还挺忙呢,别总來扰我嘛……” Quick, Su Ji that charmingly angry sound has made a sound. 很快,苏姬那娇嗔的声音就响了起來。 I do not harass intentionally your......” “我不是故意扰你的啊……” Qin Chao also reluctantly said that your good Elder Sister, my sister-in-law, went crazy,” 秦朝也无奈地说道,“你的好姐姐,我的大姨子,发疯了,” Elder Sister, how she went crazy,” 姐姐,她怎么发疯了,” Su Ji is very strange. 苏姬很奇怪。 Your Elder Sister gave to dismiss me, has not made me protect her, bewildered, flushed me to have a fit of temper...... You said that what to do I should......” “你姐姐把我给开除了,还不让我保护她,莫名其妙的,就冲我发脾气……你说,我该咋办……” „, This, all right, you in secret protect her to be good, this matter, you also asked me, your fool,” “哦,这样啊,沒事,那你就暗中保护她好啦,这种事情,你也來问我,你个笨蛋,” The Su Ji heart said that this fool, Elder Sister to her cordiality, has not looked unexpectedly. 苏姬心说,这个笨蛋,姐姐对她的情意,竟然一点都沒看出來。 He is not very unfaithful. 他不是很花心的么。 In secret protection...... Also can only so,” “暗中保护……也只能如此了,” Qin Chao sighed, „before your Elder Sister, was a female lunatic,” 秦朝叹了口气,“你姐姐以前就是个女疯子么,” „, Your Elder Sister is the female lunatic, this, plays the small temperament actually,” “边去,你姐姐才是女疯子,她这,其实就是耍耍小脾气而已,” Shit, this also called the small temperament,” 我勒个去,这还叫小脾气,” Qin Chao is flabbergasted, that big inkslab, loses toward my head on,” 秦朝咋舌,“那么大的砚台啊,就往我脑袋上丢,” Loses loses, you also pound in any case do not go bad,” “丢就丢呗,反正你也砸不坏,” You, are you my wife,” “你,你到底是不是我老婆,” I from the angle speech of fact,” “我只是从事实的角度说话,” Su Ji has stopped up the Qin Chao remaining words. 苏姬堵住了秦朝剩下的话。 This little girl after the Pope, was getting more and more fierce. 这妞当了教皇之后,就越來越厉害了。 In brief, your duty protects my Elder Sister for me, the husband, I have not asked your anything matter, this matter, even if I asked you to be good......” “总之,你的任务就是替我保护好我姐姐,老公,我可沒拜托过你什么事哦,这件事,就算我求你了好不好……” The Su Ji expression, a little acts like a spoiled brat unexpectedly. 苏姬的语气,竟然有点撒娇。 Qin Chao hears this saying, soft, any temperament did not have. 秦朝听到这话,也就软了下來,什么脾气都沒有了。 Good good, I knew,” “好吧好吧,我知道了,” Qin Chao nods, the Su Fei security, is should the issue of worrying. 秦朝点点头,苏妃的安全,本來就是自己该操心的问題。 Even if Su Ji did not say anything, he cannot put is not managing. 就算苏姬不说什么,他也不能放着不管。 Just, a little cannot bear the Su Fei mental illness same young lady temperament. 只不过,是有点受不了苏妃神经病一样的大小姐脾气。 How this little girl was...... 这妞到底是怎么了嘛…… Qin Chao shrugged the shoulders, left administrative building, turned the head to walk toward the security office. 秦朝耸耸肩膀,离开了行政楼,转头向着保卫处走去。 He comes, several security guard of security office are very excited. 他一现身,保卫处的几个保安都很兴奋。 Brother Qin, you come back finally,” 秦哥,您终于回來啦,” Brother Qin, this time must stay several Heavens,” 秦哥,这次要呆几天啊,” Brother several were laborious, waits for everybody to have free time another day, I ask you to drink,” “哥几个辛苦了,等改天大家有空,我请你们喝酒,” Qin Chao greeted conveniently, then entered the security office. 秦朝随手打了个招呼,然后进了保卫处。 Zhang Li is all right at this time, just and two security guard sit in that fight of landlords. 张力此时沒事,正和两个保安坐在那斗地主。 Zhang Li, you go to the office, packs my thing,” 张力,你去办公室,把我的东西收拾一下,” Qin Chao told one. 秦朝吩咐了一句。 Yeah, knew, Brother Qin......” “哎,知道了,秦哥……” Zhang Li has been used to mysteriously appearing and disappearing of Qin Chao, he is just about to set out, suddenly stares. 张力习惯了秦朝的神出鬼沒,他正要起身,突然一愣。 „It is not right, Brother Qin, you are all right to pack the thing to do,” “不对,秦哥,您沒事收拾东西干什么,” Qin Chao smiled, holds up the human affairs notice in hand, I am not Director security guard, present Director security guard was you,” 秦朝笑了笑,举起手里的人事通知,“我已经不是保安主任啦,现在的保安主任是你了,” Anything,” “什么,” The person in security office hears this saying, was shocked. 保卫处的人听到这话,都愣住了。 This, is any meaning. 这,是什么意思。 Brother Qin, this is how good,” 秦哥,这怎么行,” Zhang Li anxious, I am not the director, Brother Qin, you forever are our heads, is not good, I went to and Boss Su say that this position was your, I did not do,” 张力更加的焦急,“我才不做主任,秦哥,你永远都是我们的头啊,不行,我去和苏老板说说,这个位置是你的,我不做,” Good, Director Su also believes you, makes you do,” “好了好了,苏董也是相信你,才让你來做的,” Qin Chao has patted the shoulder of Zhang Li, comforts saying that I also believe you, you must do well, don't let me down,” 秦朝拍了拍张力的肩膀,安慰道,“我也相信你,你要好好做,别让我失望,” No, Brother Qin, I do not do,” “不,秦哥,我不做,” Head swinging of Zhang Li is similar to rattle-drum is the same, „our security guard teams, if initially did not have you, was in a state of disunity, one crowd of gangster, were Brother Qin, made us be reborn, if Brother Qin were not, we were equal to not having the pillar,” 张力的头摇的如同拨浪鼓一样,“我们这个保安队,当初如果沒有你的话,就是一盘散沙,一群混混,是秦哥,才让我们脱胎换骨的,如果秦哥不在,我们就等于沒了主心骨,” Spoke that mourning angry words only,” “净说那丧气话,” Qin Chao has patted Zhang Li first, big masters, how can depend upon others, I am not your woman, how can become your pillar,” 秦朝拍了张力的头一下,“大老爷们,怎么能依靠别人,我又不是你女人,怎么能成为你的主心骨,” „In Em, Brother Qin, you also feared,” 额,秦哥,您也太惧内了吧,” Zhang Li hear the meaning in Qin Chao words. 张力听出了秦朝话里的意思。 cough cough, that anything, in any case now you were here head,” 咳咳,那啥,反正现在你是这里的头了,” Brother Qin, I really not good......” 秦哥,我真不行……” How man can not say good,” “男人怎么能说不行,” Qin Chao has given immediately a Zhang Li fist, Zhang Li that hits looked fierce, backed up several steps. 秦朝顿时又给了张力一拳,打的张力龇牙咧嘴,倒退了几步。 „, Brother Qin, you do not knock out the fist to be quite ruthless,” “唔,秦哥,你出拳好狠啊,” My this teaches your, making you know that the man cannot say not the good two characters absolutely,” “我这是教训你一下,让你知道男人绝对不能说不行两个字,” Qin Chao stared Zhang Li one, in brief, here gave you, don't let me down,” 秦朝瞪了张力一眼,“总之,这里就交给你了,别让我失望,” That Brother Qin...... You, which you must go,” “那秦哥……你,你要去哪啊,” I,” “我,” Qin Chao looks at girl that out of the window these have walked back and forth, at this time approached the winter, the girls put on were many, cotton clothing/taking trousers, happy gave to wrap. 秦朝看了看窗外那些走來走去的女生,此时已经接近冬天,女孩子们穿的都不少了,棉服长裤,把身上的美好都给包裹了起來。 However, some these many girl can look how they can give up such good work. 不过,有这么多女生可以看,自己怎么能放弃这么好的工作呢。 Zhang Li, security office needed the manpower recently,” 张力呀,最近保卫处又需要人手了吧,” Um, yes, Brother Qin, how,” “嗯,是啊,秦哥,怎么了,” Zhang Li is very curious, does not know that this Brother Qin is thinking anything. 张力很好奇,不知道这秦哥又在想什么呢。 That anything, No. several recruitment,” “那什么,几号招聘,” On tomorrow, the notice sent for several days,” “就明天,通知都发出去好几天了,” Zhang Li said that these matters were Brother Qin not in these days lane. 张力说道,这些事都是秦哥不在这几天弄的。 Is very good, I knew,” “很好,我知道了,” Qin Chao nods, the corners of the mouth hang up a mysterious smiling face. 秦朝点点头,嘴角挂起一个神秘的笑容。 Em, Brother Qin, you are actually thinking any that” 额,秦哥,您到底在想什么那,” Said that was unspeakable, to be unspeakable,” “佛曰,不可说,不可说,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, was good, you help me tidy up the office, then you moved were good, do not complain Su Fei, she had her difficulty,” 秦朝摆摆手,“好了,你去帮我收拾一下办公室吧,然后你搬进去就行了,不要埋怨苏妃,她有她的难处,” Knew, Brother Qin...... But brother several do not give up you...... Or we exit to drink tonight, is not drunk does not turn over,” “知道了,秦哥……可哥几个舍不得你啊……要不今晚咱出去喝酒吧,不醉不归,” „It is not good, tonight also has the matter, cannot accompany you to drink, later, our also some are the time,” “不行,今晚还有事,不能陪你们喝酒了,以后,咱们还有的是时间,” Em, 额, Zhang Li was getting more and more muddled. 张力越來越糊涂了。 But Qin Chao is sighing with emotion, Chen Yingyang is not at luckily, otherwise took howling of nasal mucus tears. 秦朝在感慨,幸好陈鹰扬不在,不然又要一把鼻涕一把泪的嚎啕大哭了。 When Qin Chao comforts several security guard, the Su Fei form, walked from the administrative building, 就在秦朝安抚几个保安的时候,苏妃的身影,从行政楼走了出來,
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