MBT :: Volume #13

#1245: Protects Su Fei

Chapter 1245 protects Su Fei 第1245章保护苏妃 Su Ji also broke through. 苏姬也突破了。 Qin Chao somewhat is immediately surprised. 秦朝顿时有些惊讶。 Nine big Devil Puppet, in existing eight big Devil Puppet, the person of breakthrough, had Little White, Chiyoda, Shen Qing and Su Ji four people. 九大魔傀,现有的八大魔傀里,突破的人,已经有小白,千代,沈清苏姬四个人了。 Counting of half. 一半之数了。 Boy, you may probably be careful,” “小子,你可要小心了,” Luo De said hastily that past this, was collaborated to give to betray by three Devil Puppet, you four people broke through the shackles now, you may want Dogariu god are,” 罗德连忙说道,“当年本座,就是被三个魔傀联手给出卖了的,你现在有四个人突破了桎梏,你自己可要多加留神才是,” I believe them,” “我相信她们,” Qin Chao has actually blocked the Luo De mouth with a few words. 秦朝却用一句话堵住了罗德的口。 Ok, this is your matter, this place were not many says anything, you also turned a deaf ear,” “算了,这是你自己的事情,本座也不多说什么了,你也听不进去的,” Luo De no longer makes a sound. 罗德不再吱声。 Qin Chao and are different, he is not pure cultivating demon. 秦朝和自己不同,他并不是一个纯粹的修魔者。 In his heart, other strengths, about his thought. 在他心中,其他的力量,左右着他的思维。 For example Buddhist, for example Taoism. 比如佛家,比如道家。 Right, I also broke through, I and you are in the same rank, you said that the Thunder Tribulation Stage master, in the Western mainland, will have any match,” “沒错,我也突破了,我和你处于同一个级别,你说,雷劫期的高手,在西方大陆上,会有什么对手么,” Was basic saying that did not have,” “基本上來说,是沒有,” Qin Chao also slightly feels relieved. 秦朝也略微放心下來。 The Su Ji strength is higher, he was happier. 苏姬实力越高,他才越高兴。 But, Michael, if regained consciousness, to you was still a threat,” “不过,米迦勒如果苏醒了的话,对你依然是个威胁,” Michael, Archangel,” 米迦勒,大天使长,” Su Ji is the Darkness Holy Church Pope, to these matters now many understanding. 苏姬身为黑暗教廷的教皇,对这些事情现在多少了解了很多。 Um, is she,” “嗯,就是她,” Qin Chao nods, she should be about the Golden Immortal time rank master, but was understrength recently, but also is restoring, if you run into her, is a narrow escape,” 秦朝点点头,“她应该是金仙期级别左右的高手,只不过最近力量不足,还在恢复中,如果你遇到她的话,还是九死一生,” You said that she also in recovery period,” “你都说了,她还在恢复期嘛,” Su Ji said with a smile, „, therefore has not related, when I bumped into her time truly, could not hit me also to run,” 苏姬笑道,“所以沒关系的,等我真正碰到她的时候,打不过我还能跑得过的,” If you bump into her, wants, even if told me, did not permit the shield and my ophthalmological induction,” “如果你碰到她,一定要即使告诉我,还有,不准屏蔽和我的心电感应,” Qin Chao was warning own name brand girlfriend. 秦朝警告着自己的正牌女友。 Oh, knows that look at you to be wordy, with my father,” “哎呀,知道啦,看你啰嗦的,就跟我爸似的,” Su Ji mumbled one. 苏姬嘟囔了一句。 Sweat, if I your father, I must be wild with rage. 汗,我要是你爸,我得气疯。 Naturally, this saying Qin Chao does not dare to say. 当然,这话秦朝是不敢说的。 I first went back......” “那我就先回去了……” Qin Chao sighed, this country, but also cannot leave. 秦朝叹了口气,这一趟国,还真出不了了。 Um, moreover there is a matter, you must manage with a sense of urgency,” “嗯,而且有件事,你要抓紧去办,” The Su Ji expression has enforced, this matter is quite serious, cannot delay,” 苏姬的语气严肃了起來,“这件事情比较严重,千万不能耽搁,” Any matter,” “什么事,” Qin Chao is very curious. 秦朝很好奇。 Relates to my Elder Sister matter,” “是关系到我姐姐的事情,” Su Ji said that you did not look for me, I must relate your, I here, collect an information in the dark network, some people pay the high price, assassinates me and my Elder Sister......” 苏姬说道,“本來你不來找我,我也要联系你的,我在这边,在黑暗网络上收集到一个信息,有人出高价,刺杀我和我姐姐……” „Before this matter, does not have,” “这件事以前不就有么,” The Qin Chao strange [say / way], Skeleton has not met this, but Skeleton subordinates in your Organization now,” 秦朝奇怪道,“骷髅不是把这个接了下來,但骷髅现在隶属于你的组织了,” Yes, after original Skeleton following, this matter subsided, now but why does not know, this assassination made to issue . Moreover, posted a reward the amount high astonishment, unexpectedly was 200 million dollars,” “是的,本來骷髅接下來之后,这件事情就平息了的,但现在不知道为什么,这个刺杀令又发布了出來,而且,悬赏金额高的惊人,竟然是200000000美金,” Such high......” “这么高……” Qin Chao was startled, linked me to want you to grasp to receive the monetary reward,” 秦朝吃了一惊,“连我都想把你抓去领赏金了,” Goes your, old lady on value 200 million dollars,” “去你的,老娘就值200000000美金么,” Su Ji charmingly angry [say / way]. 苏姬娇嗔道。 Naturally continues, you are the priceless treasure...... But now can exchange cash,” “当然不止,你是无价之宝啊……但现在能兑换现钱了,” „, Now the killers seemingly were crazy, similar that if I estimate, the Luocha(Rakshasa) that side should also quickly know the news, therefore, I to your request am, you must 24 hours a day, protect my Elder Sister personal,” “边去,现在杀手们貌似已经疯狂了,如果我估计的差不多,罗刹那边应该也快知道消息了,所以,我对你的要求是,你要全天24小时,贴身保护我姐姐,” Em, this......” 额,这个……” On the Qin Chao forehead drips the cold sweat, his heart said that Su Ji, you do not know your Elder Sister now, with female lunatic. 秦朝额头上淌下冷汗,他心说,苏姬啊,你是不知道你姐姐现在啊,跟个女疯子似的。 This Uncle, where dares to approach her surrounding area hundred meters, must protect unexpectedly personal. 大爷,哪里敢接近她方圆百米啊,竟然还要贴身保护。 You,” “那你呢,” I am Thunder Tribulation Stage, I fear anything, coming one to kill one, coming two to kill one pair . Moreover, now three big blood sucking families revere me for the empress, is adopted by us, my manpower are under many, who dares to annoy me,” “我是雷劫期,我怕什么,來一个杀一个,來两个杀一双,而且,现在三大吸血家族都尊我为女皇,为我所用,我手下人手多着呢,谁敢來惹我啊,” Good, you were now flamboyant, Comrade, you are developed time, do not forget to support the brothers my,” “好吧,你现在牛逼了,同志,你发达的时候,千万别忘了扶持兄弟我一把啊,” Chamfering,” “去边去,” Su Ji estimates is showing the whites of the eyes, you few are not proper, this is on Organization gives your duty, must complete well, my here is all right, you are responsible for my Elder Sister, she must have any matter, snort|hum, I may know that you now were Thunder Tribulation Stage, we can that anything, my Elder Sister, if fell a fine body hair, the old lady did not make you go to bed,” 苏姬估计在翻白眼,“你少不正经了,这是组织上交给你的任务,必须好好完成,我这边沒啥事,你就负责好我姐姐吧,她要有什么事,哼,我可知道你现在是雷劫期了,咱俩能那啥了,我姐姐要是掉了一根寒毛,老娘就不让你上床,” Then, Su Ji left the ophthalmological induction. 说完,苏姬就离开了心电感应。 Qin Chao blinks the eye. 秦朝眨巴眨巴眼睛。 Good, this little girl is really ruthless. 好嘛,这妞真狠。 Qin Chao does not have idea, has to disguise to set out the bathroom, after bathroom, he has made a Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost, replaces itself, in the meantime, oneself twinkling moves, returned to long-separated several hours of Sunan City. 秦朝沒辙,只好假装起身去了卫生间,到了卫生间后,他制造了一个罗刹鬼,來代替自己,同时,自己瞬息移动,又回到了阔别了几个小时的苏南市 These hours, seem like Sunan City do not have what change. 这几个小时,貌似苏南市沒有什么变化啊。 Qin Chao stands before the Guangyuan School front door, is looking at the administrative building in distant place, somewhat is with trepidation. 秦朝站在广元学校的大门前,望着远处的行政楼,就有些提心吊胆。 Su Fei may in inside...... 苏妃可就在里面啊…… In the morning two people just loudly quarrelled, in the evening must in the same place. 早上两个人刚刚大吵了一架,晚上就要在一起了么。 Bad karma...... 孽缘啊…… Felt one and Su Fei, always a bad karma pinch in the same place. 感觉自己和苏妃,总是有一种孽缘捏在一起。 Qin Chao does not have the means that shakes the head, walks toward the Su Fei office. 秦朝沒有办法,摇摇头,向着苏妃的办公室走去。 But at the same time, in a Capital City villa. 而与此同时,在京都的一栋别墅中。 Father, this lawyer's letter, you did not plan to change,” “爸,这封律师函,您真的不打算改一下了,” Su Yao sits on the sofa, in looks to begin a lawyer's letter, the look on face is very ugly. 苏耀坐在沙发上,看着手里的一封律师函,脸上的神色十分难看。 Is this, above is my idea, will not change again,” “就是这样,上面就是我的想法,不会再改了,” The Su Xianqin sound, passed from another of telephone. 苏显秦的声音,从电话的另一头传了过來。 Su Yao has pinched tightly the fist. 苏耀捏紧了拳头。 Father, you must consider again, am I am your son also good,” “爸,你要不要再考虑一下,我也是你儿子好不好,” I know certainly that you is a my son,” “我当然知道你是我儿子,” Su Xianqin appears somewhat indifferent, „, therefore, I kept 20 million to you,” 苏显秦显得有些冷漠,“所以,我才留了20000000给你,” 20 million...... Has to make a mistake, 20 million suffice to do,” “20000000……有沒有搞错,20000000够干什么的,” Su Yao clenches jaws. 苏耀咬牙切齿。 „Am I you one's own,” “我到底是不是你亲生的,” You naturally are I one's own, answered you while convenient another issue, 20 million, if you were saving the flower, enough you rambled for a lifetime, perhaps but if in the gambling establishment, insufficiently you spent freely several times,” “你当然是我亲生的,顺便回答你另一个问題,20000000,如果你省着花,足够你逍遥的过一辈子,但如果在赌场上,恐怕不够你挥霍几次的,” Su Xianqin does not have the means that oneself son loses bets like the life. 苏显秦也是沒办法,自己儿子输赌如命。 If gives him the company, fears is a few days, this Su, must defeat. 如果把公司交给他的话,怕是沒几天,这苏家,就要败了。 Was good, I knew, since this is your decision, I hope that do not regret,” “好了,我知道了,既然这是你的决定,那我希望你不要后悔,” Su Yao has hung up the telephone. 苏耀挂断了电话。 Meanwhile, his corners of the mouth, appear a smiling face of haze. 同时,他的嘴角,浮现起一丝阴霾的笑容。 Left Su Fei, even if you leave my 1-2 companies, I cannot such Wrath...... Oh, is really strange, in my eyes, the industry of Su has been nothing to speak of obviously, why may, I also such sad......” “都留给了苏妃是么,哪怕你留给我一两家公司,我也不会如此的愤怒……唉,真是奇怪,明明在我眼中,苏家的产业已经不值一提,可为什么,我还会这么的难过呢……” He was saying, is covering own chest. 他说着,捂着自己的胸口。 Sir, Su to you, indeed is nothing to speak, you do not use such sadly,” “大人,苏家对您來说,的确不值一提的,您不用这么难过,” Stands by him, a beautiful female, urged in a soft voice. 站在他旁边,一个美丽的女子,轻声劝道。 If Li Fanfan they here, will certainly point at this girl to call out in alarm one. 如果李凡凡他们在这里,一定会指着这个女孩惊叫一声。 Mu Wanqiu. 穆晚秋 This is Yanluo (King of Hell) Sect odd|surplus Nie. 这是阎罗门的余孽。 Although Su Jia is nothing to speak, but at least is also my father's industry,” “虽然苏家不值一提,但起码也是我父亲的产业,” Su Yao selects a cigar, old man believes that his daughter can be bigger, but I who the family enterprise does only meet the ruined family, he he......” 苏耀点起一颗雪茄來,“老头子相信他女儿能把家族事业搞的更大,而我只会败家,呵呵……” He smiles, in the look is glittering the fierce haze. 他笑着,眼神中闪烁着剧烈的阴霾。 Such being the case, I bet a gambling with him, who is, can attain all of Su finally,” “既然如此,那我就和他赌一赌,到底,是谁,才能最后拿到苏家的一切,” Sir so is why dedicated, consumes your strength with young Su, is a little not worthwhile,” “大人何必这么执着呢,和小小的苏家消耗您的力气,有点犯不上呢,” Mu Wanqiu also said in side. 穆晚秋在旁边又道。 He He, has not related, in any case my some are the time,” “呵呵,沒关系,反正我有的是时间,” Su Yao is smoking the cigar, I must let the old man, lifelong regretted that his decision, was right, lets matter that you handle, manages how,” 苏耀抽着雪茄,“我要让老头子,终身后悔他的决定,对了,让你办的事情,办的如何了,” Assassination made to send, many killers following,” “刺杀令已经发出去了,很多杀手都想接下來,” Is very good,” “很好,” Su Yao nods, makes up one, anyone, so long as can kill Su Fei, can attain the monetary reward, the duty does not limit the population, making them manage,” 苏耀点点头,“补上一句,无论是谁,只要能杀死苏妃,就能拿到赏金,任务不限人数,让他们去办吧,” Knew, Sir,” “知道了,大人,” Mu Wanqiu nods, then turns around in network to issue the information. 穆晚秋点点头,然后转身去网络上发布信息。 Hears Su Yao after behind sneering, Mu Wanqiu cannot bear at heart a little slightly shivers. 听到苏耀在身后的冷笑,穆晚秋心里忍不住有点微微颤抖。 The Sir is really enough ruthless. 大人果然是够狠。 Including own one's own younger sister, can under such ruthless hand. 连自己的亲生妹妹,都能下这么狠的手。 Must be the person of important matter worthily. 不愧是要做大事的人。 Since old times had not said that became important matter, not bothered about trifles. 自古不是说过么,成大事者,不拘小节。 Heard that in the past Liu Bang Xiang Yu chased down, rides the carriage, shut out to run slowly, several times kicked from the vehicle pair of children. 听说当年刘邦被项羽追杀的时候,坐着马车,嫌弃跑得慢,几次把一对儿女从车上踢下來。 Can get rid including own own flesh and blood, this was afterward Han. 连自己的亲生骨肉都能抛弃,这就是后來的汉高祖。 Own Sir, is such person. 自家大人,也是这样的人吧。 You came,” “你又來了,” Qin Ling sees to enter gate Qin Chao, immediately in great surprise, stands hastily, blocks him. 秦玲看到走进门的秦朝,顿时大惊,连忙站起來,一把拦住他。 You are insane, but also dares to come,” “你疯啦,还敢來,” Actually I am look your,” “其实我是來找你的,” The Qin Chao heart said that really Qin Ling is first pass/test boss. 秦朝心说,果然秦玲是第一关的boss。 Looks for me,” “找我,” Qin Ling is very strange, looks at Director security guard in school. 秦玲很奇怪,看着学校的保安主任。 He looks for himself, can have any matter. 他找自己,能有什么事呢。 Right, looks for you,” “对,找你,” Qin Chao nods, then extends a hand, has placed on the shoulder of Qin Ling gently, approaches the position of ear. 秦朝点点头,然后伸出一只手,轻轻放在了秦玲的肩膀上,靠近耳朵的位置。 You, you must do,” “你,你要干什么,” Such affectionate movement, making Qin Ling have a scare. 这么亲昵的动作,让秦玲吓了一跳。 Her face is rapidly red, heartbeat also starts to speed up. 她脸迅速红起來,心跳也开始加快。 Qin Chao this sex maniac, this is must do. 秦朝这色鬼,这是要干嘛。 But extraordinary, she actually this moving away. 但出奇的,她却沒有把这手给拿开。 Had the person to say with you, your eye was a little special,” “有沒有人曾经和你说过,你的眼睛有点特别,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Specially, has,” “特别,有么,” Qin Ling is very strange, has anything special. 秦玲很奇怪,有什么特别的啊。 No, you think carefully that definitely some people have said that” “沒有么,你仔细想想,肯定有人说过的,” Oh, have not made, where has, you gave up any idea of ** I, my will is very firm,” “哎呀,你别闹了,哪里有啊,你休想**我,我的意志可是很坚定的,” Qin Ling felt that Qin Chao more collects is nearer, starts to be anxious. 秦玲感觉秦朝越凑越近,开始紧张起來。 Will is firm, did you think that was a little sleepy,” “意志坚定,那你觉不觉得,有点困了呢,” Qin Chao was saying, in the eye starts to send out the imaginary strength. 秦朝说着,眼睛里开始散发出幻的力量來。 Sleepy, I am sobering, just had drunk one cup of...... fei......” “困,我清醒着呢,刚喝了一杯咖……啡……” Qin Ling thought suddenly huge sleepiness raids the heart. 秦玲忽然觉得一阵庞大的睡意袭上心头。 She realizes one softly, the body falls down naturally downward. 她意识一软,身体自然而然地向下栽倒。 Qin Chao puts out a hand to support Qin Ling, holds on the chair to rest her. 秦朝伸手扶住秦玲,把她扶到椅子上休息。 Imaginary really formidable, like Qin Ling this small boss, handles with ease. 幻果然强大,像秦玲这种小boss,轻松搞定。 Just for forcefully the hypnosis, the injury brain, Qin Chao did not start to disperse the thought of Qin Ling. 只不过为了不强行催眠,伤害大脑,秦朝才开始分散了一下秦玲的思维。 He thinks big boss that own future must face, deeply inspires, pushes the door to enter, 他想到自己未來要面对的大boss,深吸一口气,推门而进,
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