MBT :: Volume #13

#1244: Reminded to you

Chapter 1244 reminded to you 第1244章给你提个醒 You dare to threaten me,” “你敢威胁我,” Qin Chao hears this saying, immediately is furious. 秦朝听到这话,顿时震怒。 His whole body, a formidable imposing manner tumbles out turbulently, floods in this sky. 他全身上下,一股强大的气势汹涌滚出,充斥在这一片的天空之中。 The huge Bi Fang bird, in the face of this imposing manner, cannot help rustlinging to shiver. 就连庞大的毕方鸟,在这气势面前,都忍不住要瑟瑟颤抖。 I, I was warning you,” “我,我只是在警告你而已,” Bi Fang said. 毕方说道。 Warning,” “警告,” The Qin Chao form suddenly appears above the Bi Fang top of the head. 秦朝的身影突然出现在毕方的头顶上方。 His both hands, are binding the white gauntlet|glove. 他双手,裹着白色的拳套。 A fist like lightning, fell on the Bi Fang top of the head directly. 闪电般的一拳,直接落在了毕方的头顶。 Bang,” “轰,” In the sky was similar to crack thunder, that Bi Fang at present one black, only thought the head severe pain, the body changes to the advantage arrow instantaneously, broke through the cloud layer once more, fell. 天空中如同炸响了一个响雷似的,那毕方眼前一黑,只觉得头颅剧痛,身体瞬间化作利箭,再次冲破云层,落了下去。 But a Qin Chao body pressure, pursues Bi Fang to drop. 秦朝身体一压,追着毕方下降。 Under the bodies of two people, is a piece of spacious plain. 两个人的身下,是一片空旷的平原。 Qin Chao overtook the Bi Fang giant body, body revolving, the right leg has divided directly in the head of Bi Fang. 秦朝追上了毕方巨大的身体,身体一旋转,右腿直接又劈在了毕方的头上。 This Bi Fang, the body accelerates once more, changes to the aurora instantaneously, drops in the ground loudly. 毕方,身体再次加速,瞬间化作极光,轰然落进地面之中。 Bang,” “轰,” The earth raises the dreadful rough sea waves, that dust raises really has hundred meters high. 大地掀起滔天巨浪,那灰尘扬的竟然有百米之高。 Person who does not know, but also thinks that here has detonated an atomic bomb. 不知道的人,还以为这里引爆了一枚原子弹。 Ground unceasing shivering, the seismic wave proliferated. 地面不断的颤抖,震波扩散了出去。 But was pounded by Bi Fang the place, falls directly diameter close kilometer giant gulf. 而被毕方砸中的地方,直接陷下直径接近千米的巨大深坑。 The body of Qin Chao continues to crash. 秦朝的身体继续坠落。 In his hand grips Platinum Lotus Cut directly, fell instantaneously, jabbed into the chest cavity of that Bi Fang. 他手里直接攥起一把白金莲花斩,瞬间落下,刺进了那毕方的胸腔之内。 „,” “嗷,” Bi Fang cannot bear again, sends out frightened wail. 毕方再也忍不住,发出一声惊悚的哀号。 A surrounding area kilometer animal, was startled in all directions runs away. 方圆千米的动物,都被惊得四处逃走。 In their eye, but also thought the judgment day. 在它们眼中,还以为世界末日到了。 But Bi Fang at heart, was similar to the judgment day comes to be the same. 毕方心里,也如同世界末日來了一样。 The ache, incessantly is the body, soul. 疼痛,不止是身体,还有灵魂。 After Platinum Lotus Cut pierces, the soul hurts is shivering, in **. 白金莲花斩刺穿之后,灵魂都疼的在颤抖,在**。 Bi Fang felt own body has as if been split up, unceasing wail. 毕方感觉自己身体仿佛四分五裂了似的,不断的哀号。 You do not threaten me,” “你不是威胁我吗,” Qin Chao loosened Platinum Lotus Cut, jumped Bi Fang instantaneously in front, put out a hand, held up this queer bird giant bird head, asked that you continued to threaten, threatened listens to me,” 秦朝松开了白金莲花斩,瞬间跳到了毕方的头边,伸出手來,举起这怪鸟巨大的鸟头,问道,“你继续威胁啊,威胁给我听,” „......” “……” Pitiful Bi Fang a few words cannot say now, but is twitching straight shows the whites of the eyes. 可怜的毕方现在一句话都说不出,而是抽搐的直翻白眼。 I must have a look actually, does Hēi Qilin dare to start to my family member, if he dares to touch my family member, I kill off his side all Ominous Beast,” “我倒是要看看,黑麒麟敢不敢对我的家人下手,他若是敢碰我一下家人,我就杀光他身边所有的凶兽,” Saying, the Qin Chao imposing manner violent was walking. 说着,秦朝的气势暴走起來。 Huge Platinum Lotus Cut, appears from his top of the head. 一把巨大的白金莲花斩,也从他的头顶浮现出來。 On that sword gathers the big piece white light, the twinkle is continuing. 那剑上聚拢着大片的白光,闪烁不止。 Meanwhile, in surrounding area kilometer, strong winds continue, the blown sand walks the stone. 同时,方圆千米之内,狂风不止,飞沙走石。 But when Qin Chao planned a sword cuts Bi Fang, in the sky, actually also gathers the big piece the dark clouds. 而就在秦朝打算一剑斩掉毕方的时候,天空之中,却也聚拢起大片的黑云。 Huge constriction, gathers toward Qin Chao. 巨大的压迫感,向着秦朝聚拢而來。 But Qin Chao approached crazily , to continue to gather the strength on sword. 秦朝已接近疯狂,继续聚拢着剑上的力量。 At this time, one, only then slightly the micro ice-cold palm, has placed on the shoulder of Qin Chao. 就在这个时候,一只有些微微冰冷的手掌,放在了秦朝的肩膀上面。 Stops...... Otherwise, Thunder Tribulation wanted,” “停下來吧……否则,雷劫就要下來了,” This sound, seems having a strength of limpid mind. 这声音,仿佛带着一种清澈心灵的力量。 Qin Chao is startled immediately, drew in Yuan Qi artificially. 秦朝顿时一怔,不自然地就收拢了元气 Is having revolving that Platinum Lotus Cut, stopped, slowly dissipation in airborne. 正在极具旋转的那把白金莲花斩,也停了下來,缓缓消散在空中。 That Bi Fang sees the person, startled. 毕方看到來人,更加的惊慌。 She does not give a thought to her injury, flew reluctantly, runs away distressedly. 她不顾自己的伤势,勉强飞了起來,狼狈逃走。 Qin Chao look one severe, will pursue. 秦朝眼神一厉,正要去追。 But at this time, that palm has actually held on his arm. 而这时候,那手掌却拉住了他的胳膊。 Ok, do not pursue, lets off her, she also received hoodwinking of Hēi Qilin,” “算了,不要追了,放过她吧,她也不过只是受了黑麒麟的蒙蔽罢了,” Qin Chao then turns the head, looks is standing after behind Xuanyuan Yingji. 秦朝这才转过头來,望着站在身后的轩辕樱姬 How you came,” “你怎么來了,” Qin Chao cannot bear ask. 秦朝忍不住问道。 I come to remind to you,” “我是來给你提个醒的,” Xuanyuan Yingji looks at Qin Chao, in the vision is somewhat infatuated. 轩辕樱姬看着秦朝,目光中有些痴迷。 But she is quickly quiet, stands there, not cares a whoop a pair of pure white small feet, is red is stepping in the soil. 但她很快就平静下來,站在那里,丝毫不在意自己一双洁白的小脚,赤着踩在泥土上面。 Reminder, raises anything to awake,” “提醒,提什么醒,” Qin Chao some do not understand, how these many people gave themselves to remind recently. 秦朝有些不懂,怎么最近这么多人给自己提醒。 I naturally must remind to you,” “我当然要给你提个醒,” Xuanyuan Yingji looks at Qin Chao, in the look has slightly worried. 轩辕樱姬看着秦朝,眼神里微微有一些担忧。 You do not know, your present situation dangerous,” “你都不知道,你现在的情况有多危险,” Danger, my situation when not dangerous,” “危险,我的情况什么时候不危险过,” Qin Chao smiles lightly, I was already used to it,” 秦朝淡淡一笑,“我早就习惯了,” This difference, because your match is Hēi Qilin,” “这一次不同,因为你的对手是黑麒麟,” Xuanyuan Yingji sighed, how you have not thought that clearly, you are not past Yingtian, the strength of your this, was not enough to cope with Hēi Qilin......” 轩辕樱姬叹了口气,“你怎么还想不明白呢,你已经不是当年的应天了,你这一世的力量,不足以对付黑麒麟的……” You also know that I was not Yingtian,” “你也知道我不是应天了,” Qin Chao is looking at Xuanyuan Yingji, why must help me,” 秦朝望着轩辕樱姬,“为何还要那么帮我,” You also know that you are not Yingtian,” “你也知道你自己不是应天,” Xuanyuan Yingji following the Qin Chao words , to continue saying that why must save me on that day,” 轩辕樱姬顺着秦朝的话,继续说道,“为何那天还要救我,” I, I repay a debt of gratitude,” “我,我只是报恩,” Qin Chao coughs two. 秦朝干咳两声。 Repays a debt of gratitude, you are very clear,” “是不是报恩,你自己心里很明白,” Xuanyuan Yingji is not the silly miss, her corners of the mouth are hanging happy expression slightly, „, although I for your this saying will be Wrath, but is not now, I have said that I, am give you to remind today, if you do not think that person will have any danger, you should better do not leave mainland lands,” 轩辕樱姬并不是傻姑娘,她嘴角挂着微微的笑意,“虽然我会为你这话为愤怒,但不是现在,我说过了,我今天來,是给你提醒的,如果你不想身边的人有什么危险,你最好还是不要离开大陆这片土地了,” Why, Hēi Qilin should not I, not start to my person,” “为什么,黑麒麟不是应过我,不对我身边的人下手的吗,” Qin Chao has pinched tightly the fist, this son-of-bitch does not mean what he says,” 秦朝捏紧了拳头,“这狗娘养的说话不算数,” No, he naturally will not start,” “不,他自然是不会下手,” Xuanyuan Yingji also sighed, followed in these Ominous Beast of his side, will do this,” 轩辕樱姬又叹气道,“可是跟在他身边的那些凶兽们,会这样做的,” This bastard,” “这王八蛋,” Qin Chao has pinched tightly the fist, why restricts father's freedom, father goes abroad and he has jiao relations,” 秦朝捏紧了拳头,“为什么限制老子的自由,老子出国和他有毛关系,” You do not know that Hēi Qilin is the tribulation fire from living, only then on Kitakyushu this land, he is strongest, leaves here, his strength, will fall to draw back large scale,” “你不知道,黑麒麟乃是劫火从生出來,只有在九州这块土地上,他才是最强的,离开这里,他的力量,会大幅度跌退,” Originally is this......” “原來是这样……” Qin Chao is suddenly enlighted, this fellow is in the mouse shouldering a rifle nest horizontal,” 秦朝恍然大悟,“这家伙原來是耗子扛枪窝里横啊,” Therefore, listens my, you should better do not leave here,” “所以,听我的,你最好还是不要离开这里了,” This is not good,” “这不行,” Qin Chao still shakes the head. 秦朝依然摇头。 Why, you cannot understand my words the meaning,” “为什么,难道你听不懂我话的意思,” I can understand, but, I have a person to rescue, if I do not go, she will have the danger,” “我听得懂,可是,我有一个人要去救,如果我不去,她就会有危险,” Qin Chao said firmly. 秦朝坚定地说道。 Xuanyuan Yingji is looking at the eyes of this beloved man, suddenly understood anything. 轩辕樱姬望着这个心爱男人的眼睛,忽然明白了什么。 I knew, she, is the person who your this most loves,” “我知道了,她,是你这一世最爱的人吧,” Yes,” “是的,” Qin Chao did not deny. 秦朝丝毫不否认。 The body of Xuanyuan Yingji shivered two, white and tender both feet, cannot bear withdraw two steps. 轩辕樱姬的身体颤抖了两下,白嫩的双脚,也忍不住退后两步。 I, I understand...... Good, all as you like......” “我,我明白的……那好吧,一切随你……” Xuanyuan Yingji...... Do not walk first, my also matter requests you,” 轩辕樱姬……你先别走,我还有一件事要求你,” Qin Chao said suddenly. 秦朝突然说道。 What,” “何事,” Xuanyuan Yingji stops, looks at Qin Chao dull. 轩辕樱姬停下來,呆呆地看着秦朝 Your strength recovered,” “你的力量恢复了沒有,” 80%,” “八成吧,” That, if Hēi Qilin starts to my family member, you can help me divert......” “那,如果黑麒麟对我的亲人下手,你能不能帮我牵制一下……” I said that he will not get rid,” “我说了,他本人是不会出手的,” Xuanyuan Yingji shook the head, I, cannot stare at that many people, this is your matter, you look at the office,” 轩辕樱姬摇了摇头,“我一个人,也盯不过來那么多人,这是你自己的事,你自己看着办吧,” Then, the Xuanyuan Yingji form, changes to the flame to disappear impressively together. 说完,轩辕樱姬的身影,赫然化作一道火焰消失。 I go, this little girl, was too arbitrary. 我去,这妞,太蛮横了吧。 Qin Chao is helpless, he shakes the head, heart said that first returned to the airplane to say again. 秦朝无奈,他摇摇头,心说先回到飞机上再说吧。 Turns over to the hole in his Yang Shen (Divine Yang) that flash, he received the mind reading of Su Ji suddenly. 就在他阳神归窍的那一刹那,他忽然收到了苏姬的心灵感应。 This makes Qin Chao be wild with joy. 这让秦朝欣喜若狂。 Paternal grandmother, this girl knows finally related itself one. 奶奶的,这丫头终于知道联系自己一下了。 Qin Chao...... You on airplane,” 秦朝……你在飞机上么,” Su Ji, you contacted with me finally,” 苏姬,你终于联系我了,” The Qin Chao innermost feelings are wild with joy. 秦朝内心狂喜。 This girl, is all right well. 这丫头,沒事就好。 You are waiting for me in the US, I save you immediately,” “你在美国等着我,我立刻就來救你,” Does not use, you listened to me to say first......” “不用,你先听我说……” In the Su Ji sound, reveals one type to be firm and resolute. 苏姬的声音里,流露出一种坚毅來。 „, I did not plan told you this matter, because of your trouble, has sufficed many, I do not want to put to trouble to you, but Hu Ke told me, you know that I after the matter of US, immediately is catching up, therefore, I opened to your relation......” “本來,我是不打算把这件事告诉你的,因为你的麻烦,就已经够多了,我不想给你添麻烦,但胡可告诉我,你知道我在美国的事情之后,就在立刻赶來,所以,我才把对你的联系打开……” Hu Ke, how she relates your,” 胡可,她是怎么联系你的,” Qin Chao is very astonished. 秦朝很惊异。 One cannot relate Su Ji. 自己都联系不上苏姬啊。 Our two...... Has special contact way......” “我们两个……有很特别的联络方式……” In Su Ji sound some apologies. 苏姬声音里有些歉意。 Qin Chao eats the Hu Ke flying vinegar suddenly, although he knows that these two little girls have the unique contact method, can guide within the body Vampire strength for Su Ji well. 秦朝忽然吃起胡可的飞醋來,虽然他知道,这俩妞有独特的联系方式,也是为了苏姬能够更好地引导体内吸血鬼力量。 Qin Chao, you do not use, here has me, I am the Darkness Holy Church Pope,” 秦朝,你不用过來的,这里有我,我才是黑暗教廷的教皇,” How that can be good, I do not go, what to do you have the danger,” “那怎么能行,我不去,你有危险怎么办,” Qin Chao said hastily. 秦朝连忙说道。 Fool, you are not clear,” “笨蛋,你还不明白么,” Su Ji is somewhat discontented, told Qin Chao very much directly, Comrade Qin Chao, the husband Sir, you must know that our sisters several, were your Devil Puppet, particularly I, I was Devil Emperor Puppet, I was the Darkness Holy Church Pope, if I own Holy See could not preserve, I can also make anything, the husband, I do not think that any matter troubled you, does not think that anything depended upon you, please, believe that my strength was good,” 苏姬有些不满起來,很直接地告诉秦朝,“秦朝同志,老公大人,你要知道,我们姐妹几个,都是你的魔傀,尤其是我,我是天皇魔傀,我还是黑暗教廷的教皇,如果我连自己的教廷都保不住,那我还能做什么,老公,我不想什么事情都麻烦你,不想什么都依靠你,请你,相信我的力量好么,” But...... But......” “可是……可是……” Qin Chao is not willingly. 秦朝不甘心。 I know that I am your woman, you will be worried about me,” “我知道,我是你的女人,你会担心我,” The Su Ji comfort said that „, but I am not the common woman, if I and your Small Nana such, is only an ordinary girl, you protected also to protect, but I was Cultivator, I was the dark Pope, please, letting me save Darkness Holy Church independently, was good, calculates that I asked you, husband......” 苏姬安慰道,“但我又不是一般的女人,如果我和你的小娜娜那样,只是个普普通通的女孩子,你保护一下也就保护了吧,但我是修真者,我是黑暗教皇,请你,让我自己独立來拯救黑暗教廷吧,好不好,算我求你了么,老公……” „......” “……” Qin Chao hesitates. 秦朝在犹豫。 The Su Ji words, he can also understand. 苏姬的话,他也能理解。 But he, will be in suspense. 但他,还是会放心不下。 He has believed that war matter, should be their men. 他一直认为,战争这种事情,应该属于他们男人。 But Su Ji, Zhao Jingjing, Ai Xiaoxue these girls, is special striving to excel. 可是苏姬,赵晶晶,艾晓雪这些女孩子,又是特别的要强。 They do not want to depend upon itself to survive. 她们都不想依靠自己而生存。 Wants the institute is most obvious, must be Su Ji. 要所其中最为明显的,就要属苏姬了。 But......” “可是……” Husband, does not have, but, you must believe me,” “老公,沒有可是,你必须相信我,” Su Ji also said hastily, „. Moreover, you just the strength broke through, reason that because I Vampire am promoted, with you became the same rank existed, I now, was Thunder Tribulation Stage, you said that on Western this land, my Su Ji, whom will also fear,” 苏姬连忙又说道,“而且,你刚刚力量突破了吧,我因为吸血鬼晋级的原因,已经和你成为同级别的存在了,我现在,也是雷劫期,你说,在西方这块土地上,我苏姬,还会怕谁呢,” ========================================= ========================================= Congratulated oneself, the Beauty broken 400 w character, 恭喜自己一下,美女破400w字了,
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