MBT :: Volume #13

#1243: Does not permit going abroad

Chapter 1243 does not permit going abroad 第1243章不准出国 The original airplane has passed through the cloud layer, starts stable the flight above the cloud layer. 本來飞机已经穿过了云层,开始在云层上方稳定的飞行。 Basic upward, passed the lift-off time, was very calm and steady. 基本上行來说,过了升空期,就已经很安稳了。 But why Qin Chao does not know, felt that a very unusual constriction, transmits from the airplane. 秦朝不知道为何,就感觉一股很异样的压迫感,从飞机附近传來。 He has closed the eye, releases together the Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost directly, fluttered from this aircraft cabin. 他闭上了眼睛,直接释放出一道罗刹鬼,从这飞机舱里飘飞了出去。 That Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost arrived above the sky quickly, seeks to look in all directions. 罗刹鬼很快就來到了天空之上,四处寻望。 The eyes of this Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost fluttered behind the airplane, immediately was surprised. 罗刹鬼的眼睛飘到了飞机后方,顿时惊讶了一下。 Sees only behind the airplane, a huge red queer bird, was turning toward the airplane to fly rapidly. 只见在飞机后面,一只巨大的红色怪鸟,正向着飞机这边急速飞了过來。 The body of that queer bird is very giant, Qin Chao has been estimating at heart, at least the height hundred meters, the wingspan also almost reached this figure. 那怪鸟的身体十分巨大,秦朝在心里估算了一下,起码身长百米,翼展也接近这个数字了。 So giant bird...... Is any background. 如此巨大的鸟……是什么來头。 As if had also discovered the airplane above Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost, in that giant bird mouth spouts red flame suddenly. 似乎也发现了飞机上方的罗刹鬼,那巨鸟口中突然喷出一道红色的火焰。 This red flame oncoming force is fierce, the speed is extremely fast, suddenly the smashing that the body of Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost strokes. 这红色的火焰來势凶猛,速度极快,眨眼就把罗刹鬼的身体击打的粉碎。 Golden Body nine layer strength. 金身九重的力量。 Qin Chao opens the eye from the engine room. 秦朝从机舱里张开眼睛。 It seems like that this queer bird comes to him. 看來,这怪鸟是冲着他來的了。 Paternal grandmother, was the luck was not good recently, how to trouble one after another. 奶奶的,最近是运气不好么,怎么麻烦一个接一个的。 Own present is flying to the US, cannot enter the space to move casually. 自己现在正在飞往美国,不能随便进入空间移动。 If flicker to move from the airplane, finally does not come back, that was awful. 万一自己从飞机上瞬移出去,最后回不來,那就糟糕了。 Qin Chao thinks that finally decides Divine Yuan leave the body. 秦朝想了想,最后还是决定元神出窍 Although after Divine Yuan leave the body, cannot borrow the Nine Dragon Ring strength, but relies on his Thunder Tribulation Stage strength, gets rid of a Golden Body nine layer bird should not to have any issue. 虽然元神出窍之后,就不能借用九龙环的力量了,但凭借他雷劫期的实力,搞掉一个金身九重的小鸟应该是沒什么问題。 Happen , after oneself enter the boundary of Thunder Tribulation Stage, has not used this strength. 正好,自己进入雷劫期之境之后,还沒使用过这力量呢。 Planned, after entering Thunder Tribulation Stage, first and Su Ji tries, cough cough. 本來是打算,进入雷劫期之后,先和苏姬尝试一下的,咳咳 However Su Ji goes to the US to go now, busy Terrible, possibly cannot attend to these matters. 不过苏姬现在跑到美国去了,忙糟糟的,可能也顾不得这些事情。 He cannot think that slurps the upper position angel, will have such big welfare. 他也沒能想到,吸食个上位天使,会有这么大的福利。 If oneself swallow Michael...... That boundary, must progress by leaps and bounds. 啧啧,自己若是把米迦勒吞掉……那境界,岂不是又要突飞猛进了。 May not, not be possible absolutely,” “不可,绝对不可,” At this time, the Luo De sound has made suddenly a sound, Youngster Qin, in your present body the majority is God's Strength, this reduced the danger that you progressed by leaps and bounds, you have forgotten, on the same day in Japan, you have slurped an demon person, matter that overstated directly,” 这时候,罗德的声音突然又响了起來,“秦小子,你现在身体里大部分是神之力,这才化解了你突飞猛进的危险,你难道忘了,当日在岛国,你吸食了一只魔人,直接走火入魔的事了,” Volume...... Remembers,” “额……记得,” Qin Chao nods. 秦朝点点头。 Right, you remember well,” “沒错,你记得就好,” Luo De continues saying that you must know, you through the strength that Devil Core slurps, is the Devil Path strengths, after you absorb this strength, your God's Strength will appear, redistributes these strengths calls God's Strength, provides utilizes to you, that golden hair little girl, her strength just well, happen to sufficed your present stage God's Strength to wear down, once has surpassed this quantity, the strength of your within the body once more will be confused, by that time, the consequence is dreadful,” 罗德继续说道,“你要知道,你通过魔丹來吸食的力量,都是魔道的力量,当你吸收这力量之后,你的神之力就会出现,把这些力量重新分配称神之力,提供给你运用,那个金发妞,她的力量刚刚好好,正好够你现阶段的神之力去消磨的,一旦超出了这个量,你体内的力量就会再次错乱,到那时候,后果不堪设想,” Good good...... When I do not have this idea,” “好吧好吧……当我沒有过这个想法吧,” Pours is not,” “倒也不是不可以,” Luo De was reminding Qin Chao, your strength, can make you absorb one compared with your rank low soul, was most reluctant , was your same rank, once has surpassed your rank, then, you waited to overstate,” 罗德提醒着秦朝,“你的力量,可以让你去吸收一个比你等级低一些的灵魂,最勉强,也就是和你同级别,可是一旦超出了你的级别,那么,你就等着走火入魔吧,” Good, I knew, I absorb some middle position angels, the lower position angel was good,” “好,我知道了,那我就多吸收一些中位天使,下位天使好了,” Cannot eat in a big way, was unable to eat slightly. 不能吃大的,还不能吃小的么。 Those angels come in any case, is own tonic. 反正那么些天使过來,就都是自己的补品。 Right, moreover do not forget to feed your Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost, these Luocha(Rakshasa) ghosts are also only the abilities of Golden Body initial period, regarding present you, the effect of help is obviously insufficient,” “沒错,而且别忘了多喂你的罗刹鬼,这些罗刹鬼还都只是金身初期的能力,对于现在的你來说,帮助的效果明显不够用了,” Um, knew,” “嗯,知道了,” The Qin Chao heart said that within the body is also surviving luckily an old ghost. 秦朝心说,幸好自己体内还生存着一个老鬼。 Family old, if there is a treasure. 正所谓家有一老,如有一宝。 One are only the Cultivation new person, basically anything did not understand. 自己只是个修真新人,基本上什么都不了解。 Has such an old fogy to raise ignites itself, pours is also good. 有这么个老家伙提点着自己,倒也是不错。 Although this old man from the beginning is not the good thing, but minimum now, was worth trusting. 虽然这老头一开始也不是什么好东西,但起码现在,值得信任了。 Qin Chao felt that queer bird starts to approach, he has closed the eye, releases own Yang Shen (Divine Yang). 秦朝感觉那怪鸟开始逼近,他又闭上了眼睛,释放出自己的阳神來。 After entering Thunder Tribulation Stage, expressed that Cultivator Yang Shen (Divine Yang) accomplishment, thoroughly has become by Divine Yin tempered to the positive god. 进入雷劫期之后,就表示修真者阳神大成,彻底由阴神淬炼成了至阳之神。 Qin Chao Yang Shen (Divine Yang) departed the engine room, arrives at outside upper air. 秦朝阳神飞出了机舱,來到外面的高空。 Immediately, above the sky, a more terrorist constriction, arrived at the body of Qin Chao. 顿时,天空之上,一种更加恐怖的压迫感,就降临到了秦朝的身上。 What's all this about...... 这是怎么回事…… Flustered that very long has not presented that in Qin Chao at heart multiplying slowly. 很久沒出现的慌张,在秦朝心里慢慢的滋生。 Boy, you now were Thunder Tribulation Stage,” “小子,你现在是雷劫期了,” Luo De hurries to remind, particularly your Yang Shen (Divine Yang) leave the body, by leaving the sky is been so near, you are attracting Thunder Tribulation of space, you must pay attention, fight a battle to force a quick decision, otherwise, a thunder and lightning gets down, your Yang Shen (Divine Yang) does not have the mortal body to protect, must prepare to be killed by weapons Loose Immortal you,” 罗德赶忙提醒道,“尤其是你阳神出窍,由离天空这么近,你吸引着天上的雷劫啊,你要注意,速战速决,否则,一个雷电下來,你的阳神沒有肉身保护,就要准备兵解成散仙吧你,” Is killed by weapons Loose Immortal. 兵解成散仙 The way of that satisfying thirst by drinking poison, Qin Chao will not do. 那种饮鸩止渴的方式,秦朝才不会做。 Clearly loses money the business. 分明就是亏本买卖啊。 Knew, I will end the fight rapidly,” “知道了,我会迅速解决战斗的,” Qin Chao has turned the head, but at this time, that red big bird, has flown Qin Chao about thousand. 秦朝转过头去,而这时候,那只红色的大鸟,已经飞到了秦朝的近千。 This big bird body float above airplane, a pair of golden red eyeball, stares in Qin Chao that small body. 这大鸟身体悬浮在飞机上方,一对金红色的眼珠子,盯在秦朝那小小的身躯上。 Just liked the dark clouds obstructs the date to be ordinary, Qin Chao looked up that giant bird, has sighed with emotion, this bird, big of real his mother. 犹如黑云遮日一般,秦朝抬头看着那巨鸟,感慨了下,这鸟,真他娘的大。 Qin Chao, I finally found you,” 秦朝,我终于找到你了,” That big bird personal appearance shakes, flame ascends. 那大鸟身形一抖,火焰升腾。 In surrounding of flame, her personal appearance reduces suddenly, finally changes to one to throw over the female of red long dress, is red the both feet, steps in the engine room of airplane. 在火焰的包围中,她身形急剧缩小,最后化作一个披着红色长衣的女子,赤着双脚,踩在飞机的机舱上面。 You are Ominous Beast,” “你是凶兽,” Qin Chao regarding this type of aura, but also is quite familiar. 秦朝对于这种气息,还算是比较熟悉的。 „, I am Sir Hēi Qilin under the place obstruct hugely, Bi Fang,” “正是,我乃是黑麒麟大人座下遮天大将,毕方,” Originally is the Bi Fang bird. 原來是毕方鸟。 Paternal grandmother, is the god beast rank. 奶奶的,又是神兽级别的么。 However is the god beast, her strength is also only Golden Body nine layer. 不过就算是神兽,她的实力也还只是金身九重而已。 One want to surrender her, is not the too difficult matter. 自己想要降服她,并不是太难的事情。 It seems like Comrade Little Hēi, is still incorrigibly wicked,” “看來小黑同志,依然贼心不死啊,” Qin Chao has sneered. 秦朝冷笑了一声。 Meanwhile, his body entered the Nine Underworld Ghost King taking possession condition. 同时,他身体进入到了九幽鬼将的附体状态。 A black sickle, appears in his hand. 一把黑色的镰刀,出现在他的手上。 Also body, were many black long dress. 身上,也多了件黑色的长衣。 Meanwhile, half ugly face mask, obstructs on the face. 同时,半张鬼脸面具,遮在脸上。 For the first time looked, but also thinks that on airplane is standing a god of death. 乍一看,还以为飞机上面站着个死神。 Sir Hēi Qilin realized that you must flee from here, therefore, ordering me to catch you to go back,” 黑麒麟大人察觉你要逃离这里,所以,勒令我抓你回去,” The Bi Fang bird said very much straightforwardly. 毕方鸟很直白地说道。 Sorry, this Uncle must go abroad the management sentiment, do not obstruct the road,” “抱歉,本大爷要出国办点事情,你还是别挡道,” This was a little difficult to manage, Sir Hēi Qilin has confessed that you were his game, since were the game, must have the consciousness of game, how can run around,” “这个有点难办了,黑麒麟大人交代过,你是他的猎物,既然是猎物,就要有猎物的觉悟,怎么能到处乱跑呢,” I am his game,” “我是他的猎物,” The Qin Chao knitting the brows head, he did not fear that the wind dodged the tongue greatly,” 秦朝皱皱眉头,“他也不怕风大闪了舌头,” Not doing shames our family|home Sir,” “休要羞辱我们家大人,” Bi Fang expression Wrath gets up, her both hands grasp several groups of red flame, was losing to Qin Chao. 毕方表情愤怒起來,她双手抓出几团红色的火焰,对着秦朝就丢了过來。 Qin Chao does not dare the shunt, because the under foot is an engine room. 秦朝可不敢闪开,因为脚下就是机舱。 If this flame falls to the engine room, perhaps with was hit anything not to distinguish by the missile. 要是这火焰落到机舱上,恐怕跟被导弹击中沒什么区别。 Therefore, in his hand is carrying the sickle, about has waved several, instantaneously these flame slivering several pieces. 于是,他手里拎着镰刀,左右舞动了几下,瞬间就把那些火焰给切成了好几片。 After being cut open, this flame did not have the might, changes to the tiny flame, vanishes in slowly airborne. 被切开后,这火焰就沒了威力,化作细小火苗,缓缓消失在空中。 You die,” “你去死,” But at this time, before Qin Chao body, suddenly burnt the column of flame, the Bi Fang form walked from the column of flame together. 而就在这时候,秦朝身前突然燃烧起一道火柱,毕方的身影从火柱里走了出來。 Her right hand, becomes the scarlet-red piece, appears the claw shape, pulled out to the chest of Qin Chao. 她的右手,变得赤红一片,呈爪状,掏向了秦朝的胸口。 Works as,” “当,” This red claw, has stressed. 这红爪,抓了个正着。 But Qin Chao talent Diamond Sutra, even if Yang Shen (Divine Yang) is also indestructible. 秦朝天赋金刚经,即使是阳神也是坚不可摧。 Opposite party claw, has not scratched and torn his chest, actually directly hit to fly the body of Qin Chao. 对方这一爪,沒有抓破他的胸口,却把秦朝的身体给直接撞飞了出去。 Suddenly, Qin Chao flew such as the upper air. 眨眼之间,秦朝就飞如了高空。 With elevation of body, the pressure of space, is more terrifying. 随着身体的升高,天上的威压,更加恐怖。 Qin Chao hurries revolution Yuan Qi, the under foot is stepping on Great Yin-Yang Evil King Sword, has reduced the altitude. 秦朝慌忙运转元气,脚下踩着大阴阳邪王剑,压低了高度。 The pressure of that terror, was pale a point. 那恐怖的威压,才算淡了一点。 „A claw has not caught you unexpectedly,” “竟然一爪沒有抓死你,” Bi Fang stands on the airplane, is looking at Qin Chao in sky, said. 毕方站在飞机上,望着天空中的秦朝,说道。 You can come a claw again,” “那你可以再來一爪嘛,” Qin Chao flies in airborne, has been cancelling the finger to Bi Fang. 秦朝飞在空中,对着毕方勾了勾手指。 He must lead away from the airplane this god beast. 他要把这神兽从飞机上引开。 In that place, oneself heart has the scruples, cannot unshackle. 在那个地方,自己心有顾忌,放不开手脚。 This time, is your time of death,” “这一次,就是你的死期,” The Bi Fang body changes to the flame, vanishes in front of Qin Chao. 毕方身体化作火焰,消失在秦朝面前。 Afterward, a constriction, transmits from the Qin Chao back. 随后,一股压迫感,从秦朝的背后传來。 Qin Chao turns around rapidly, to column of flame that is braving, flings the sickle. 秦朝迅速转身,对着那冒出來的火柱,甩出镰刀。 Black brilliance has swept, that column of flame succeeds in giving up two instantaneously. 黑色的光华扫过,那火柱瞬间断成两节。 The body of Bi Fang presently, left arm above had the wound for the first time, the red blood has sprinkled. 毕方的身体乍现,左臂上面出现了伤口,红色的鲜血洒了出來。 Qin Chao without hesitation, flies once more a foot, kicks directly on the body of that Bi Fang. 秦朝毫不犹豫,再次飞起一脚,直接踢在那毕方的身体上。 Bang,” “砰,” Airborne blasts out fluctuates together. 空中炸开一道波动。 The body of that Bi Fang, changed to a shell directly, has worn out the cloud layer, has crashed to the tread. 毕方的身体,直接化作了一枚炮弹,穿破了云层,向着地面就坠落了过去。 Time that while the Qin Chao plan pursues, the body of that Bi Fang expands instantaneously, suddenly and melted the red giant bird, flaps the wings, from the sky revolved several, has confused the cloud layer, flew once more. 正当秦朝打算追上去的时候,那毕方的身体瞬间扩大,眨眼又化回了红色的巨鸟,拍着翅膀,在空中旋转了几圈,搅乱了云层,又再次飞了上來。 This bird personal appearance is very attractive, only pitifully has a foot. 这鸟身形很好看,只可惜只有一只脚。 Is very good, you are very good,” “很好,你很好,” In the Bi Fang bird beak is spitting criticism, said that your strength is very indeed strong, but compares with Sir Hēi Qilin, but also difference are too many,” 毕方鸟喙里吐着人言,道,“你的力量的确很强,但和黑麒麟大人比起來,还差的太多,” Damn, you make your family Little Hēi also reincarnation re-entering the womb several times try,” “操,你让你家小黑转世投胎几次试试,” Qin Chao disdaining, this Hēi Qilin, dares while own not to restore the strength now, ran to bully him. 秦朝十分的不屑,这黑麒麟,也就敢趁着自己现在沒恢复实力,跑來欺负欺负他了。 Once awaken Nine Dragon Armor completely, when the time comes makes him taste own fierce. 一旦自己把九龙铠完全觉醒,到时候让他尝尝自己的厉害。 mother's fucking cunt, but also was used to him. 马勒戈壁的,还惯着他了。 Little said that these useless, in brief, I will not put you to leave here today,” “少说那些沒用的,总之,今天我是不会放你离开这里的,” Bi Fang is staring a pair of nyctalopia, said. 毕方瞪着一对鸟眼,说道。 I did not believe this matter,” “我就不信这个事了,” Qin Chao both hands wield, in the sky drifts immediately Platinum Lotus Cut piece by piece. 秦朝双手一挥,天空之中顿时飘浮出一片片的白金莲花斩來。 Sees these Platinum Lotus Cut, as if knows that their might, that Bi Fang body shivered. 看到这些白金莲花斩,似乎知道它们威力似的,那毕方的身躯颤抖了一下。 I know you compared with me, but I will not spell with you hardly, if you leave, the airplane that you take, will explode . Moreover, your family member, will have the danger,” “我知道你比我强一点,但我不会和你硬拼,如果你离开的话,你乘坐的飞机,就会爆炸,而且,你的家人,也会有危险,”
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