MBT :: Volume #13

#1242: The father must extinguish Roman Church

Chapter 1242 father must extinguish Church 第1242章老子要灭了教会 Is......” “是……” Lilith nods, then moves sideways, she suddenly appears in the Qin Chao front. 莉莉丝点点头,然后一闪身,她突然出现在秦朝的面前。 Meanwhile, a hand braves white light, has pasted toward the Qin Chao forehead. 同时,一只手冒着白光,向着秦朝的额头贴了过來。 To burn down the soul directly. 想直接焚烧灵魂吗。 Qin Chao sneers at heart. 秦朝心里冷笑一声。 He puts out a hand, held the wrist|skill of opposite party, lets the palm of Lilith, cannot paste. 他伸出手來,抓住了对方的手腕,让莉莉丝的手掌,丝毫贴不下來。 Sorry, I do not want dead in such beautiful place,” “抱歉,我可不想死在这么优美的地方,” Here to you, is a good place,” “这里对你來说,已经是个不错的地方了,” Lilith actually both eyes shine, the palm continues to press the Qin Chao strength, has pressed. 莉莉丝却双眼放光,手掌继续压着秦朝的力量,按了下來。 Accompanies you to play very bored,” “陪你玩挺无聊的,” Who knows that Qin Chao actually washes one's hands, grabs the Lilith wrist|skill directly, then let go throwing her body. 谁知道,秦朝却是一抖手,直接抓着莉莉丝的手腕,然后脱手把她的身体给丢了出去。 Bang,” “砰,” The body of this Lilith smashed in nearby single room directly, one piece that the entire single room pounded in confusion, the chamberpot gave to break. 莉莉丝的身体直接砸进了旁边的单间之中,把整个单间砸的一片狼藉,马桶都给砸碎了。 The water in water tank braves unceasingly, has probably formed small fountain. 水箱里的水不断冒出來,好像形成了一个小喷泉似的。 Lilith sits on the ground, the body is the lime and shatter stone brick. 莉莉丝坐在地上,身上都是石灰和破碎的石砖。 She is staring a pair of golden pupil, somewhat surprisedly looks to stand there Qin Chao. 她瞪着一双金色的眸子,有些惊奇地看着站在那里的秦朝 This fellow, will really have such big strength. 这个家伙,竟然会有这么大的力气。 On Qin Chao is binding the white gauntlet|glove, stands there. 秦朝手上裹着白色的拳套,站在那里。 The opposite party is the same with oneself, is the Golden Body sevenfold strengths. 对方和自己一样,都是金身七重的力量。 Here is the airport restroom, is not suitable makes the too big noise to come, it seems like, oneself should fight a battle to force a quick decision is good. 这里又是机场厕所,不宜闹出太大的动静來,看來,自己应该速战速决才行啊。 Li Yin, Ni Chang, imaginary, Hai Tang...... Becoming my strength......” 离音,霓裳,幻,海棠……成为我的力量吧……” Qin Chao shouted one lowly, four armor appeared on his body. 秦朝低呼一声,四件铠甲出现在他的身上。 Your indeed a little strength,” “你的确有点实力,” The body of Lilith in confusion fluttered from single room, looks at Qin Chao, said that „, but, stopped,” 莉莉丝的身体从狼藉的单间里飘了起來,看着秦朝,说道,“不过,也就到此为止了,” Saying, in her hand are many a golden light sword, jumped instantaneously, that light sword cuts to the head of Qin Chao. 说着,她手里多出一把金色的光剑,瞬间就跳了过來,那光剑斩向秦朝的头颅。 Qin Chao one dodges toward the left subconsciously, that light sword immediately is similar to cuts in the bean curd, cuts in half the Qin Chao back washing the hands pond. 秦朝下意识地往左边一闪,那光剑顿时如同切进豆腐里似的,把秦朝背后的洗手池切成了两半。 This sword actually very sharp,” “这剑倒是挺锋利的,” Qin Chao stands in the one side, the clarity that looks, could not bear on to praise. 秦朝站在一旁,看的真切,忍不住就赞了一句。 Next time cut open is your body,” “下一次被切开的就是你的身体,” Lilith turns round rapidly, a sword sweeps away to the body of Qin Chao. 莉莉丝迅速回身,一剑横扫向秦朝的身体。 Qin Chao moves aside, extends right hand, tries to block the treasured sword. 秦朝躲闪不及,就把右手伸出來,试图挡住宝剑。 The Lilith corners of the mouth hang up to sneer. 莉莉丝嘴角挂起冷笑。 The Saint sword that this destroys the hardest defenses, can directly cuts in half the palm and body of this man. 这无坚不摧的圣剑,能直接把这男人的手掌和身体切成两半。 But right hand palm that Qin Chao that only stretches out, seized Jianfeng of that treasured sword unexpectedly. 秦朝那只伸出的右手手掌,当的一声,竟然就掐住了那一枚宝剑的剑锋。 Anything,” “什么,” Lilith is dumbfounded. 莉莉丝目瞪口呆。 Saint sword that this destroys the hardest defenses, how such easily kept off. 这无坚不摧的圣剑,怎么这么轻易的就被挡了下來。 How possible. 怎么可能。 Has any thing to be able to block the Saint sword. 有什么东西是能挡得住圣剑的。 Was too bored,” “太无聊了,” Qin Chao stretches out a finger, has shot on that Lilith forehead. 秦朝伸出一根手指,在那莉莉丝的额头上弹了一下。 Immediately, the body of Lilith flew, breaks the side long washing the hands pond directly directly completely. 顿时,莉莉丝的身体就飞了出去,直接把旁边长长的洗手池直接全部砸碎。 The one side looks at all these Argus through the magic, the eyeball has almost not flown. 一旁通过魔法看着这一切的阿格斯,眼珠子差点沒飞出來。 How possible. 怎么可能。 This is the upper position angel. 这可是上位天使啊。 The formidable upper position angel, with the dog that an Asian man hits is been unexpectedly same. 强大的上位天使,竟然被一个亚洲男子打的跟狗一样。 One, vertigo. 自己,眼花了吗。 cough cough, you, who you are......” 咳咳,你,你到底是什么人……” Lilith crawled, the mouth drips the silver blood. 莉莉丝爬了起來,嘴里淌出银色的血液。 I am your grandfather,” “我是你爷爷,” Qin Chao flies a foot, is similar to the advantage axe same chops, chops directly on the body of that Lilith. 秦朝飞起一脚,如同利斧一样劈下,直接劈在那莉莉丝的身上。 Bang,” “砰,” The ground in this airport shivered. 这机场的地面跟着颤动了一下。 The people in airport have scared, but also thinks that is the earthquake. 机场里的人都吓坏了,还以为是地震呢。 But has shaken luckily only, quick and tranquil, these talented people calculate that has settled the heart. 但幸好只震了一下,很快又平静下來,这些人才算安了心。 Sunan City also meets the earthquake unexpectedly, was too strange. 苏南市竟然也会地震,太稀奇了。 Obviously not on earthquake belt. 明明沒有处在地震带上。 Paternal grandmother, the pit father's earthquake authority, how has the earthquake not to report obviously. 奶奶的,坑爹的地震局,明明有地震怎么不报。 No one knows that this seismic origin, came from an airport small bathroom. 谁都不知道,这地震源,來自于机场一个小小的卫生间。 Therefore, earthquake authority carried one time to be unjustly discredited for Qin Chao. 为此,地震局替秦朝背了一次黑锅。 But at this time, the Lilith whole body twitches, was stepped on by a Qin Chao foot in the gulf. 而此时,莉莉丝全身抽搐,被秦朝一脚踩在深坑之中。 Around her, is the shatter marble grounds. 她周围,都是破碎的大理石地面。 These crushed stones, almost must her body burying. 这些碎石,几乎要把她的身体给埋了起來。 On a little strength, how you to affirm that will die,” “就这么一点实力,你们怎么就肯定去会死呢,” Qin Chao looks down that Lilith, said that actually you are bring about own destruction,” 秦朝低头看着那莉莉丝,“还是说,其实你是來自寻死路的,” But, hateful......” “可,可恶……” Lilith puts out several to have the character of blood thread reluctantly. 莉莉丝勉强吐出几个带着血丝的字來。 In her eyes blows out golden light suddenly. 她眼中突然爆出金光 Golden Saint light, attacks, dashes on the body of Qin Chao. 金色的圣光,冲击出來,冲撞在秦朝的身上。 But Diamond Sutra had also emitted golden light at this time, has counter-balanced the Lilith Saint light. 金刚经这时候也冒出了金光,抵消了莉莉丝的圣光。 Saint light...... Also invalid,” “圣光……也无效吗,” Lilith is startled stares dumbfounded. 莉莉丝惊得瞠目结舌。 Is you brings death,” “是你自己來送死的,” Qin Chao was saying, lifts a foot, wants to come an earthquake once more. 秦朝说着,抬起一脚,又想再次來一次地震。 But at this time, the Lilith back, sprang a giant wing suddenly, was two dialog feathers. 而这时候,莉莉丝的背后,突然弹出一对巨大的翅膀,是两对白羽。 As soon as she pats this wing, wants to fly away. 她一拍这翅膀,就想飞走。 „To run,” “想跑,” Qin Chao actually extends a hand, holds the ankle of Lilith, from airborne pulls down her directly, then falls once more on the ground. 秦朝却伸出一只手來,抓住莉莉丝的脚腕,直接把她从空中拉下來,然后再次摔在地上。 Bang,” “砰,” Lilith felt own whole body the bone fell disperses. 莉莉丝感觉自己浑身的骨头都摔散了。 She twitches to continue, does not have the strength to crawl again. 她抽搐不止,却再沒力气爬起來。 A Qin Chao foot steps on carrying on the back of Lilith, grabs the above wing, in the Lilith wail sound, this wing one only pulling. 秦朝一只脚踩在莉莉丝的背上,抓着上面的翅膀,在莉莉丝的哀号声中,把这羽翼一只只的给扯了下來。 The silver blood, sprinkles in this bathroom immediately. 银色的血液,顿时洒满这卫生间里。 I, my God......” “我,我的上帝……” What Argus looks in side is whole body feels cold. 阿格斯在旁边看的是浑身发冷。 What's wrong, how to have such terrifying Asian man. 怎,怎么会有这么恐怖的亚洲男人。 After Qin Chao tears off the wing of Lilith, fainted past Lilith to grasp completely, delivers to front of Argus. 秦朝扯掉莉莉丝的翅膀之后,把已经完全昏死过去的莉莉丝抓了起來,送到阿格斯面前。 Sees not to have, this is the fate of bringing about own destruction,” “看到沒有,这就是自寻死路的下场,” Saying, his palm was changing to the black evil clutches, pricked Lilith within the body directly. 说着,他的手掌化作了黑色的魔爪,直接刺入到了莉莉丝的体内。 The Devil Core crazy revolution, this Lilith is the Golden Body sevenfold master, the nutrition of soul makes Devil Core start to shiver. 魔丹疯狂的运转起來,这莉莉丝身为金身七重的高手,灵魂的营养让魔丹开始颤抖。 In a flash, Qin Chao only thought the strength that one slurp, inflates in within the body unceasingly. 转瞬之间,秦朝只觉得自己吸食的力量,不断在体内膨胀。 The Golden Body sevenfold boundary breaks through, suddenly, toward eight heavy, nine layer makes great strides forward. 金身七重的境界随之突破,眨眼之间,向着八重,九重迈进。 Meanwhile, on his body, golden light, black light, the white light, three rays flutter, unceasing winding. 与此同时,在他的身上,金光,黑光,白光,三种光芒飘飞出來,不断的缠绕。 Finally, the Qin Chao boundary, will stopped in Thunder Tribulation Stage. 最后,秦朝的境界,堪堪在雷劫期停了下來。 He was stunned. 他自己都错愕了。 Has slurped a upper position angel, oneself entered Thunder Tribulation Stage unexpectedly. 吸食了一个上位天使,自己竟然进入了雷劫期 But pitiful upper position angel, has not displayed own invincible might with enough time, turned into the ghost of hell. 而可怜的这位上位天使,还沒來得及发挥出自己的神威,就已经变成了地狱的亡魂。 It is not right, her ghost has not stayed behind, completely by Qin Chao killing. 不对,她连亡魂都沒留下,全部被秦朝给干掉了。 You, you have killed a upper position angel unexpectedly......” “你,你竟然杀了一个上位天使……” Argus looks that Lilith vanishes in the white flame thoroughly, the whole person complexion big change, the body shivers unceasingly. 阿格斯看着莉莉丝彻底消失在白色的火焰之中,整个人脸色大变,身体不断颤抖。 Has difficultly any,” “有什么难的吗,” Qin Chao claps, says with a smile, slight effort,” 秦朝拍拍手,笑道,“举手之劳而已,” God...... God meets Wrath,” “上帝……上帝会愤怒的,” Argus Wrath is having the fear, shouts together, you will be punished by God,” 阿格斯愤怒带着恐惧,一起嚷道,“你会受到上帝的惩罚,” Casual,” “随便,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, grandmother empress I dares to annoy, let alone is God,” 秦朝耸耸肩膀,“王母娘娘我都敢惹,何况是上帝,” Argus does not know that who so-called grandmother empress is, his heart said that this old woman is it possible that with a God rank. 阿格斯不知道所谓的王母娘娘是谁,他心道,这老太太莫非和上帝一个级别。 How possible, how to have compared with God also formidable existence. 怎么可能,怎么会有比上帝还强大的存在。 I thought when you can happily arrive,” “我看你能得意到什么时候,” Argus clenches teeth saying that „, when Sir Michael a recovery, your heathens must die,” 阿格斯咬着牙说道,“等到米迦勒大人一复苏,你们这些异教徒就统统都要死,” If she wakes up, I again deliver her to sleep,” “如果她醒來,我就再一次送她去睡觉,” Qin Chao pinches the double fist, cold was saying. 秦朝捏着双拳,冷冷地说道。 Argus, your this likes the old man who drills from the chamberpot, you remember, Lilith, is your Rome Church fate, dares to annoy my Qin Chao, you, my will not let off, now, I destroy completely your Rome Church,” 阿格斯,你这喜欢从马桶钻出來的老头,你记住,莉莉丝,就是你们罗马教会的下场,敢惹我秦朝,你们这些人,我一个都不会放过,现在,我就去灭掉你们罗马教会,” Then, a foot kicks to break to pieces the chamberpot that Argus has braved, then turned around to leave the restroom. 说完,一脚踢碎了阿格斯冒出來的马桶,然后转身离开了厕所。 At this time, Argus stands in new palace, station, but chestnut. 此时,阿格斯站在新宫殿之中,站站而栗。 Too fearful, this man was too fearful. 太可怕了,这个男人太可怕了。 He must destroy Roman Church. 他真的要來毁灭罗马教会 He has turned around, is looking at behind that form of storehouse in white light, prayed. 他转过身去,望着身后那藏在一道白光中的身影,祈祷道。 Sir Michael, you must soon regain consciousness, otherwise Roman Church will possibly have the big danger......” 米迦勒大人,您一定要早日苏醒,不然罗马教会很可能就会有大危险啊……” Relax, nobody can destroy the subjects of god,” “放心吧,沒人能毁了神的子民,” At this time, on put on the man of golden helmet and armor to walk, spokesman who comforted this god, „, although he can kill Lilith, actually did not represent him to have the strength to ruin Church, if he dares to come, my Fuvley, personally will kill his,” 这时候,一个身上穿着金色盔甲的男子走了过來,安慰这个神的代言人,“虽然他能杀死莉莉丝,却不代表他能有力量毁掉教会,如果他敢來,我福利列,就会亲手干掉他的,” Saying, this Fuvley back, was emitting three pairs of wings suddenly, in airborne was whipping slowly. 说着,这福利列的背后,突然冒出三对羽翼來,在空中缓缓拍打着。 Yes, Church also has Blazing Angel, we will not fear any darkness,” “是啊,教会还有炽天使,我们不会惧怕任何黑暗,” Saw this Blazing Angel strength tranquilly, Argus at heart slightly a point. 看到这位炽天使的力量,阿格斯心里微微平静了一点。 Right, has Blazing Angel, how oneself will fear a man in Asia. 沒错,有炽天使在,自己怎么会怕一个亚洲的男人。 Said that these are the sick men of east, even if that man powerful, but can compare with Blazing Angel. 都说这些是东亚病夫,那个男人即使强悍一点,但能和炽天使比吗。 Blazing Angel, but is next to existence of Archangel. 炽天使,可是仅次于大天使长的存在啊。 Fuvley, Church gave you to protect, hope you and light in,” 福利列,教会就交给你來保护了,愿你与光明同在,” Wraps on me, father empathize witnesses my glory,” “包在我身上,父神会见证我的荣耀,” Fuvley said proudly. 福利列傲然地说道。 deserve death Darkness Holy Church, for a long time cannot capture unexpectedly, it seems like I need to increase the strength,” 该死黑暗教廷,竟然久攻不下,看來我需要加大力量了,” Although the Church safety did not have issue, but Darkness Holy Church, actually likely is one grips in the Argus heart thorn. 教会的安危虽然沒了问題,但黑暗教廷,却像是一根扎在阿格斯心头的刺。 Other Blazing Angel also soon from the heaven to be near, by that time, formidable angel army, will destroy thoroughly Darkness Holy Church,” “其他的炽天使也快要从天堂为临,到那时候,强大的天使大军,会彻底摧毁黑暗教廷,” Fuvley said that „. Moreover, when Sir Michael regains consciousness, the entire world must be washed by the revelation, by that time, all over the world, is the subjects of god, only then believes my god, can survive,” 福利列说道,“而且,等到米迦勒大人一苏醒,整个世界也都要遭受天启的洗涤,到那时候,普天之下,全是神的子民,只有信吾神者,方能存活,” Right, the brilliance of god, will perfuse the world each corner,” “沒错,神的光辉,将会洒遍世界的每一个角落,” Argus was on the face has also filled excitedly. 阿格斯也是脸上充满了兴奋。 When they were surmising conquers the world the fond dream, Qin Chao also smooth on airplane. 而在他们怀揣着征服世界的美梦的时候,秦朝也顺利的上了飞机。 The attractive female stewardess on airplane are many, Qin Chao has prospected carefully, these time did not have what angel to disturb finally. 飞机上的漂亮女空姐不少,秦朝仔细勘察了一下,这一次终于沒有什么天使來捣乱了。 The recent day, is less peaceful. 最近的日子,是越來越不安生了。 Qin Chao seated the first-class cabin, the eye has shut, the preparation rested slightly a meeting. 秦朝坐进了头等舱,眼睛一闭,准备稍微休息一会。 But at this time, his Ring of Xumi suddenly shivered. 可就在这个时候,他的须弥戒突然颤抖了一下。 Probably is inside Soul Illuminating Lamp, shivering of Piaomiao Seal. 好像是里面的照魂灯,飘渺印的颤抖。 These two fellows, how such do not stop suddenly. 这两个家伙,怎么突然这么不消停了。 Qin Chao strange time, two magic weapons are also peaceful. 秦朝正奇怪的时候,两件法宝又安静下來。 Is it possible that was Ethereal Treasure House is about born. 莫非是飘渺宝库快出世了。 I go, too should not be born anxiously, oneself on matter were too on hand many. 我去,千万不要太急着出世啊,自己手头上的事情太多了。 As if dark in who heard the Qin Chao call, after two magic weapons stop, again does not have the sound. 似乎冥冥之中有谁听到了秦朝的呼声,两件法宝消停之后,就再也沒动静。 Qin Chao then An Xin gets down, starts along with this airplane, has flown the upper air together. 秦朝这才安心下來,开始随着这架飞机,一起飞上了高空。 While Qin Chao thinks all have been all right time, in the sky, has transmitted a depressing feeling suddenly, 正当秦朝认为一切都沒事了的时候,天空之中,忽然传來了一种压抑的感觉,
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