MBT :: Volume #13

#1241: Preparation revelation

Chapter 1241 preparation revelation 第1241章准备天启 Looks in that cup red blood, the Yang Li surprised close mouth. 看着那杯中红色的血液,杨莉吃惊的合不上嘴巴。 Waits for that Hu Ke to hold up the cup, has drunk a time slowly, she fainted quickly. 等那胡可举起杯子,缓缓喝了一口的时候,她更是快晕过去了。 She, she......” “她,她……” She is pointing at Hu Ke, surprised and anxious could not speak. 她指着胡可,惊讶和紧张的说不出话來。 You did not say she knows very many,” “你不说她知道的挺多的么,” Hu Ke looked at Qin Chao one very much strangely. 胡可很奇怪地看了秦朝一眼。 Only does not know this,” “唯独不知道这个,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders. 秦朝耸耸肩膀。 Good, I can introduce oneself,” “好吧,我可以自我介绍,” Hu Ke nods, then turns the head, looks at Yang Li, actually, I am female Zombie,” 胡可点点头,然后转过头來,看着杨莉,“其实,我是一个女僵尸,” Saying, she opens mouth slightly, reveals an inside pair of fang, I most like, is slurps in the hospital the blood of young nurses...... Really, very delightful......” 说着,她微微张开嘴巴,露出里面的一对獠牙,“我最喜欢的,就是吸食医院里小护士们的血液……真的,挺甜美的……” Then, but also proceeded to hand over handing over the cup, you must taste,” 说完,还把杯子往前递了递,“你要不要尝尝,” This was too exciting, Yang Li cannot bear finally, at present one black, fainted. 这个太刺激了,杨莉终于忍不住,眼前一黑,昏了过去。 Looks to faint Yang Li on sofa, Qin Chao looks at Hu Ke surprisedly. 看着晕倒在沙发上的杨莉,秦朝惊讶地看着胡可 Your this, frightened the person,” “你这,也太吓唬人了吧,” This has not saved lots of troubles,” “这样不是省了很多麻烦么,” Hu Ke takes back the cup, oneself have drunk one. 胡可收回杯子,自己喝了一口。 Province p,” “省个p,” Qin Chao looks that Hu Ke is having the unique drink in that is somewhat angry, who makes you provide the plasma to Su Ji,” 秦朝看着胡可在那喝着独特的饮料,有些恼怒,“谁让你给苏姬提供血源的,” You are not Vampire, is not Zombie,” “你不是吸血鬼,也不是僵尸,” Hu Ke facing the Qin Chao anger, complexion is invariable , to continue to say lightly that you are not clear, blood importance to us, you think that this thing, can break is cut off,” 胡可面对秦朝的怒火,脸色不变,继续淡淡地说道,“你不明白,鲜血对我们來说的重要性,你以为,这东西,是能断就断掉的么,” Therefore must swear off slowly,” “所以要慢慢戒掉啊,” If you are an average person, you will stop the breathe air,” “如果你是一个普通人的话,你会停下來呼吸空气么,” Hu Ke asked suddenly. 胡可突然问道。 This is how possible, the average person must depend on the oxygen survival, otherwise the blood did not have the energy,” “这怎么可能,普通人要靠氧气生存,否则血液就沒有了能量,” You looked that this is not obvious,” “你看,这不是显而易见么,” Hu Ke shrugs the shoulders, blood to us, does not have what difference with the oxygen, you only know that makes Su Ji swear off blood sucking, actually does not know that she endures suffering of this painful time,” 胡可耸耸肩膀,“鲜血对我们來说,和氧气沒有什么区别,你只知道让苏姬戒掉吸血,却不知道她忍受这种痛苦时候的折磨,” This......” “这……” Qin Chao touches the nose. 秦朝摸了摸鼻子。 Is before very long, she had found me, at that time being miserable beyond description of her pain, but you not in side, let alone, she does not want to tell you this point, therefore, is similar, I can achieve, found food to her,” “很久之前,她找到了我,当时她痛苦的苦不堪言,而你又不在身边,何况,她并不想告诉你这一点,所以,身为同类,我能做到的,就是给她找到食物而已,” Hu Ke was saying, lifts the cup in oneself hand. 胡可说着,举了举自己手里的杯子。 Qin Chao was silent, he also thinks that is Cultivator, can reduce to the blood sucking demand. 秦朝沉默了,他还以为,身为修真者,能对吸血的需求降低很多。 Has not thought that unexpectedly is such serious. 沒想到,竟然是这么严重。 Like this has continued some time, because your girlfriend himself is the descendant of empress, therefore, finally the day before yesterday, her rank broke through, was in the stage of genuine empress,” “就这样持续了一段时间,因为你的女朋友本身就是女皇的后裔,所以,终于在前天的时候,她的等级突破了,进入到了真正女皇的阶段,” The Qin Chao heart said that the stage of genuine empress, strongly which does not have to goes, not by goods of oneself second of killing. 秦朝心说,真正女皇的阶段,也沒强到哪去,不还是被自己秒杀的货。 „After becoming the Vampire empress, all dark living thing, induced the birth of empress in that moment,” “成为吸血鬼女皇之后,所有的黑暗生物,在那一刻都感应到了女皇的诞生,” Hu Ke continues saying that „, but is the Darkness Holy Church Pope, this time Su Ji, received the message of her subordinate,” 胡可继续说道,“而身为黑暗教廷的教皇,此时的苏姬,也收到了她属下的消息,” Any news,” “什么消息,” Qin Chao asked hastily. 秦朝连忙问道。 Darkness Holy Church was attacked, this has stood erect millenniums Church, in imminent danger,” 黑暗教廷被攻击,这个屹立了千年的教会,岌岌可危,” „......” “难道说……” Qin Chao is anxious immediately, Su Ji she went to the US to go,” 秦朝顿时紧张起來,“苏姬她跑到美国去了,” Is so,” “正是如此,” Hu Ke nods. 胡可点点头。 Fuck, there was too for her dangerous, is not good, I must take her to come back,” 卧槽,那里对她來说太危险了,不行,我要去接她回來,” Qin Chao was saying, revolves on the Nine Underworld Tarantula strength. 秦朝说着,运转起就九幽毒蛛的力量。 He must carry on the space transmission, directly to the Su Ji side. 他要进行空间传送,直接到苏姬身边去。 However, those who let his accident is, arrives at the space transmission of US, expired unexpectedly. 但是,让他意外的是,到美国的空间传送,竟然失效了。 mother's fucking cunt, definitely is the matter that crowd of Roman Church do. 马勒戈壁啊,肯定又是那群罗马教会搞的事。 I must fly to the US immediately,” “我要立刻飞往美国,” Qin Chao cannot sit waiting for death, he sets out to walk toward out of the door. 秦朝不能坐以待毙,他起身就往门外走去。 Takes plane, imperial sword flies, you do not know the route,” “坐飞机去吧,御剑飞行,你可不知道航线,” Hu Ke behind was reminding. 胡可在身后提醒道。 Knew,” “知道了,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, went out gives Liu Chuan to telephone, making him subscribe one to fly to the airplane ticket of US to oneself. 秦朝摆摆手,出了门就给刘川打了个电话,让他给自己订一张飞往美国的机票。 Liu Chuan has managed hastily, Qin Chao cannot wait, first went to the airport. 刘川连忙去办了,秦朝等不及,就先去了机场等。 Arrives at the space of airport not to be blocked actually, Qin Chao flickered to transfer to the airport entrance directly. 到机场的空间倒是沒有被封锁,秦朝直接瞬移到了机场门口。 In this airport crowded, everyone is busy with own journey, no one will note, Qin Chao that anxious mood. 这机场里人來人往,每个人都在忙于自己的旅途,谁都不会注意到,秦朝那焦虑的心情。 Boss, has handled, in the afternoon 2.5 ten airplanes, when the time comes the Boss direct the service desk used the ID card written receipt to be good,” “老大,办好了,下午2.5十的飞机,到时候老大直接去服务台用身份证领票就行了,” Liu Chuan returned a call to Qin Chao. 刘川秦朝回了个电话。 Knew,” “知道了,” Qin Chao nods, looked at a watch. 秦朝点点头,看了一眼手表。 The present is 1 : 30, one hour must wait. 现在是一点半,还有一个多小时要等。 This mister, you need anything to help,” “这位先生,请问您需要什么帮助吗,” At this time, an enthusiasm natural golden hair female stewardess, moved toward Qin Chao. 就在这时候,一个热情大方的金发女空姐,走向了秦朝 Although is the foreign stewardess, but unexpectedly a fluent Chinese. 虽然是个外国空姐,但竟然一口流利的中文。 Thanks, but does not have any need temporarily,” “谢谢,不过暂时沒什么需要,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand. 秦朝摆摆手。 If usually runs into the beautiful girl, certainly must tease two. 要是平时遇到漂亮女孩子,肯定要调侃两句。 However now, where has any mood. 但是现在,哪里有什么心情。 Su Ji in the US, is still uncertain of one's fate. 苏姬还在美国,生死未卜呢。 I thought that you very need,” “我觉得您挺需要呢,” Who knows that golden hair female stewardess actually continues saying that „, because, I must return to the darkness you,” 谁知道,那金发女空姐却继续说道,“因为,我要把你送回黑暗,” Qin Chao smelled a familiar aura suddenly. 秦朝突然闻到了一股熟悉的气息。 He gained ground, carefully looks at that golden hair female stewardess. 他抬起头來,仔细看着那金发女空姐。 You......” “你……” If the mister does not want to cause anything to trouble, had better be able come with us,” “如果先生不想引起什么麻烦的话,最好能和我们來一下呢,” The golden hair stewardess was blinking to Qin Chao. 金发空姐对着秦朝眨了眨眼睛。 He He, really cannot think that you have been haunted by the ghost actually,” “呵呵,真是想不到,你们倒是阴魂不散了,” Yuan Qi of Qin Chao within the body starts to escape. 秦朝体内的元气开始流走。 Indeed cannot begin here. 的确不能在这里动手。 The surroundings are the innocent passenger, injures may not be good to them. 周围都是无辜的旅客,伤害到他们可就不好了。 He He, I liked you saying that we never said die,” “呵呵,我更喜欢你说我们是锲而不舍,” The golden hair stewardess puts out a hand to invite, invited, this mister,” 金发空姐伸手一请,“请吧,这位先生,” The surrounding many passengers, look that this man and foreign Beauty ride to leave spatially, immediately various envying looks. 周围好多旅客,看着这个男人和一个外国美女空乘离开,顿时各种羡慕的眼神。 This man is fierce, has treated a meeting at airport, spatially rides to Beauty. 这男人厉害啊,在机场待了一会,就把到一个美女空乘。 Foreign goods. 还是外国货。 Ox Cha. 牛叉。 When saw two people enter the male bathroom together, these people were the surprised mouth grow up. 当看到两个人一起走进男卫生间的时候,这些人更是惊讶的嘴巴都长大了。 My goodness, they must make anything in inside. 好家伙,他们要在里面做什么。 Really is the bold foreign woman. 果然是奔放的外国女人啊。 Suddenly, various types the vision that envies Envy to hate, flew. 一时间,各种羡慕嫉妒恨的目光,飞了过去。 A male passenger of not being able to sit still, but also has stood, moved toward the bathroom. 一个坐不住的男乘客,还站了起來,跟着走向了卫生间。 He must listen to the scene version, the opposite party is the demand intense foreign country little girl, my dear friend the man do not lose face to Asia. 他要听听现场版,对方是需求强烈的外国妞啊,那仁兄可不要给亚洲男人丢脸。 Really is not good, oneself can take over...... 实在不行,自己可以接手的嘛…… Who knows, as soon as he draws door knob, the front door of this bathroom was actually similar to cages was the same, entrained also entrains motionless. 谁知道,他一拉门把手,这卫生间的大门却如同上锁了一样,怎么拽也拽不动。 Damn, this activity gate has caged how possibly. 见鬼了,这种活动门怎么可能上锁的。 The Don't complementer shattered. 莫非门坏掉了。 The passenger leaves resentfully. 那乘客悻悻地离开。 But he does not know, in this bathroom, at this time actually very lively. 而他不知道,在这卫生间里,此时却是非常的热闹。 Qin Chao walked, from a flush toilet, appears immediately the Argus empty shade. 秦朝走了进去,从一个抽水马桶之中,顿时浮现出阿格斯的虚影來。 I go, this goods will find actually the place. 我去,这货倒是挺会找地方的。 Place some that although comes out are not quite elegant. 虽然出來的地方有些不太文雅。 Dear Qin Chao, we met,” “亲爱的秦朝,我们又见面了,” In Argus lifts that to symbolize the scepter of Pope, is sneering to say to Qin Chao. 阿格斯手里举着那象征着教皇的权杖,对着秦朝冷笑道。 If can choose, does not want the place that fills to be eternally grateful to meet in this,” “如果可以选择,真的不想在这个充满气感的地方见面,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders. 秦朝耸耸肩膀。 The restroom, this place geomancy was good. 厕所,这地方风水太好了。 Your no choice, waits for your, only then endless hell,” “你沒的选择,等待你的,只有无尽的地狱,” Argus still that proud. 阿格斯依然是那么的自傲。 „, Here we go again,” “得,又來了,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, where is very curious your this type self-confidently to come, how you know that you can certainly kill me, depending on her,” 秦朝摆摆手,“很好奇你这种自信是哪里來的,你怎么就知道你一定能干掉我,凭她,” He puts out a hand a finger of female stewardess. 他伸手一指身旁的女空姐。 Perhaps you have not known her status,” “恐怕你还不知道她的身份吧,” Argus actually smiles, „before she was not these ordinary angels, she was a true upper position angel, grasps tyrannical strength that you are unable to resist,” 阿格斯却笑起來,“她可不是以前的那些普通天使了,她是一位真正的上位天使,掌握着你无法抵挡的强横力量,” I am Base Angel Lilith, my duty, delivers you returns to the darkness,” “我是座天使莉莉丝,我的任务,送把你送回黑暗之中,” The golden hair female stewardess said. 金发女空姐说道。 Base Angel,” 座天使,” Qin Chao still remembers at that time Father Malero had said angel rank. 秦朝还记得当时马洛格神父说过的天使级别。 Passed over gently and swiftly unexpectedly directly Main Angel, sending a upper position angel to come,” “竟然直接掠过了主天使,派了一个上位天使來么,” Since you can kill Strength Angel, then showed that your rank possible to be similar to Main Angel,” “既然你能杀死力天使,那么证明你的级别可能和主天使差不多,” Argus said that „, therefore, I have sent the formidable upper position angel directly, solves your this heathen, he he, the heathen, can die in the upper position angel hand, is counted is your being honored,” 阿格斯说道,“所以,我直接派了强大的上位天使,解决你这个异教徒,呵呵,异教徒,能死在上位天使的手里,也算作是你的荣幸,” How you can guarantee that certainly is I dies,” “你怎么就能保证一定是我死呢,” Qin Chao has dug out the ear, could not do well is she hangs,” 秦朝抠了抠耳朵,“搞不好是她挂了呢,” Humanity is really stupid,” “人类果然都是愚蠢至极,” Lilith said that „the great strength of upper position angel, how is your conceivable,” 莉莉丝说道,“上位天使的强大,怎么是你们可以想象的了的,” Indeed, the upper position angel, starts from Base Angel, is the Golden Body sevenfold strength. 的确,上位天使,从座天使开始,就是金身七重的实力。 Golden Body sevenfold strength, with Golden Body six heavy, is no comparison between them by far. 金身七重的实力,和金身六重,远远不可同日而语。 Then before killing me, can make me inquire a matter,” “那在杀我之前,能不能让我打听一点事情呢,” Qin Chao puts down the hand, looks at Argus to ask. 秦朝放下手,望着阿格斯问道。 Ok, I Lord am the Patience benevolence, before satisfying you dead the curiosity, why not,” “可以,我主是宽容仁爱的,满足你死前的好奇心,有何不可,” You must start to Darkness Holy Church,” “你们要对黑暗教廷下手么,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Naturally,” “当然,” Argus nods, what makes me be startled, the dark Pope, unexpectedly and Base Angel has the similar rank, perhaps it seems like, behind them, has the support of Devil God, but is unimportant, quick, I will send a more formidable angel, that day when Sir Michael regains consciousness completely, is the end of entire Earth, ha,” 阿格斯点点头,“让我吃惊的是,黑暗教皇,竟然和座天使拥有同样的级别,看來,他们背后,说不定也有魔神的支持,不过不要紧,很快,我就会派去更强大的天使,等到米迦勒大人完全苏醒的那一天,就是整个地球的末日,哈哈哈,” This Argus laughs wildly. 阿格斯狂笑起來。 Michael,” 米迦勒,” Heard Su Ji to be all right, Qin Chao is relaxes. 本來听到苏姬沒事,秦朝算是松口气。 But hears this name, he could not bear anxiously. 但听到这个名字,他又忍不住紧张了起來。 Right, is Sir Michael,” “沒错,正是米迦勒大人,” A nearby Lilith also face worship said that Sir Michael releases after the seal, now fully is restoring her strength, when her strength restores to the complete stage, is the day of revelation arrival, by that time, any does not believe the heathen, must go to hell,” 旁边的莉莉丝也一脸崇拜地说道,“米迦勒大人从封印里释放出來后,现在正在全力的恢复她的实力,等她实力恢复到完整阶段,就是天启到來的日子,到那时候,凡是不信仰我们的异教徒,都要下地狱,” So that's how it is......” “原來如此……” Qin Chao has pinched tightly the fist. 秦朝捏紧了拳头。 This group of angels, really suffice bastard. 这帮天使,果然够王八蛋的。 Also wants to carry on revelation to humanity unexpectedly. 竟然还想对人类进行天启。 Good, should say said that should deliver you to start off,” “好了好了,该说的都说完了,该送你上路了,” Argus has referred to Qin Chao with the scepter, Lilith, has killed him,” 阿格斯用权杖指了指秦朝,“莉莉丝,杀了他,” =========================================== =========================================== The Mother's Day arrived, hopes mother who world, is the same with Old Yang mother, can happy peace and good health ~ gives the mothers of all wool and non- wool the blessing ~ 母亲节到了,希望天下的妈妈,都和老羊的妈妈一样,能够幸福安康~把祝福送给所有羊毛和非羊毛的妈妈们~
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