MBT :: Volume #13

#1240: The blood suck ghost is promoted

Chapter 1240 Vampire is promoted 第1240章吸血鬼晋级 This world, does not have the absolute good person unprincipled person, only then benefit,” “这个世界,沒有绝对的好人坏人,只有利益,” Qin Chao said lightly that „the bad person, he also has done good, but good person, possibly has his psychology gloomy side, we cannot take the so-called good person, the unprincipled person differentiate a person, can only look at his sense of purpose, whether compound common good,” 秦朝却淡淡地说道,“再坏的人,他也做过好事,而再好的人,也可能有他心理阴暗的一面,我们不能拿所谓的好人,坏人來区分一个人,只能看他的目的性,是否复合大众的利益,” Qin Chao said directly. 秦朝直接说道。 That moral directrix anything, how could it not be was the empty talk,” “那道德准线什么的,岂不就是空谈了么,” Yang Li closely examines in side. 杨莉在旁边追问。 Nobody dares to pledge, all matters that he does are the compound moral directrixes,” “沒有一个人敢发誓,他做的所有事都是复合道德准线的,” Qin Chao sighed, in this world, where had the absolute good person. 秦朝叹了口气,这个世界上,哪里有绝对的好人啊。 Even if there are, already died. 就算有,也早就死了。 The absolute good person, does not live in this society for a long time. 绝对的好人,在这个社会上根本就活不长久。 This is eats the society of person. 这是个吃人的社会啊。 Under law of the jungle, benevolence little was destroyed. 弱肉强食之下,善心都一点点的被摧毁了。 Qin Chao has a schoolmate, is very open good girl, afterward after entering the work place, daily accepts to mistrust each other, becomes indifferent heartless, spoke with the person has various senses of purpose basically. 秦朝有个同学,本來是挺开朗善良的一个女生,后來进入职场之后,天天接受尔虞我诈,变得冷漠无情,和人说话基本都带有各种目的性。 You can complain anything, complained this society. 你能抱怨什么呢,抱怨这个社会。 Only complained is useful, we cannot change the society, can only go to be changed by the society. 光抱怨有什么用,我们改变不了社会,就只能去被社会所改变。 Otherwise, can only be eliminated. 否则,就只能被淘汰。 Only then their Cultivator, is a group of people of being individualistic. 只有他们修真者,才是特立独行的一批人。 Because of their strengths, is the superhuman. 因为他们的力量,已经是超人。 Ultra in people, surpasses in society. 超于人,超于社会。 But was aloof the society of reality, actually could not be aloof the Cultivation society. 但超脱了现实的社会,却超脱不了修真界的社会。 In Cultivation, what is the law of the jungle. 修真界,更加的是弱肉强食。 The powerhouses bully the weak one, the weak one bully the weak one. 强者欺负弱者,弱者欺负更弱者。 If not suffices the powerful, perhaps Qin Chao already was also given the worry by these Cultivator was clean. 如果不是自己够强势的话,恐怕秦朝也早就被那些修真者给撕咬的干干净净了。 All over the world, as if no pure lands. 普天之下,似乎沒有一片净土。 You can do, only then continuously strengthens itself, making others not dare to bully you. 你能做的,就只有不断的强化自己,让别人不敢欺负你。 You are also, do not think others is good,” “你也是,别都把别人想的太好,” Qin Chao looked at Yang Li one, cannot bear sigh. 秦朝看了杨莉一眼,忍不住叹了口气。 Possibly many people thought that the small Yang Li disposition is not good. 可能很多人觉得,小杨莉的性格并不好。 Actually, this girl knows one want anything, then actively pursues. 其实,这丫头只是知道自己想要什么,然后主动去追求而已。 She is a good young miss. 她是个挺好的小姑娘。 Also never thinks others is too bad. 还从來不把别人想的太坏。 Did not have the child of society, now was in contact with the society, was nearly struck beating. 到底是还沒有出社会的孩子,现在接触了社会,险些被一击给击垮。 If not, this Yang Li was finished. 如果不是自己在的话,这一次杨莉就完蛋了。 Yang Li mother, Si Yaqian, although is a very great mother, is a very successful capable woman. 杨莉的母亲,司亚倩虽然是个挺伟大的母亲,也是个挺成功的女强人。 But she also violated a big taboo, was building the Yang Li life according to own idea. 但她也犯下了一个大忌讳,就是在按照自己的想法打造杨莉的人生。 Although she diligently is cultivating the independent consciousness of Yang Li, but in this type under premise that trains the Yang Li life, failed. 她虽然在努力培养杨莉的自主意识,但在她这种培养杨莉人生的前提下,已经是非常失败了。 Her idea, can only control and affect Yang Li, thus keeps Yang Li from having the self- independent consciousness. 她的想法,只能左右和影响杨莉,从而让杨莉无法拥有自我的独立意识。 Then attempt makes her independent, such behavior just like spoils by trying to be too helpful. 然后又试图让她自主起來,这样的行为俨然就是拔苗助长。 The final result, is Yang Li injured being scarred. 最后的结果,就是杨莉被伤害的伤痕累累。 Trains the child is very actually difficult, needs very good method. 培养孩子其实很难,需要很好的方法。 If you want to make his self- independent from the beginning, should not go to control his thought that even plans the future for him. 如果你一开始就想让他自我独立,就不该去左右他的思想,甚至为他规划未來。 Everyone has the future of everyone, if the parents plan themselves the good future forcefully, fills on the child, then the result is usually deeply grieved. 每个人都有每个人的未來,如果父母强行把自己规划好的未來,强塞到孩子身上的话,那么结果通常都是惨痛的。 Probably in the past what Qin Chao forgot him most to do was anything, probably was...... Singers. 秦朝好像忘了当年他最想做的是什么,好像是……歌手。 That illusory ideal, has encountered rebuttal of parents in any case. 反正那个虚无缥缈的理想,遭到了父母的驳斥。 They to duty that Qin Chao subscribes, studies, the study, studies again. 他们给秦朝订下的任务,就是学习,学习,再学习。 Chinese educational mode of failure, making Qin Chao only enter into the third-class school finally. 失败的中国教育方式,让秦朝最后只迈入了三流学府。 After the graduation, he who comes out, accomplishes nothing. 毕业后出來的他,也是一事无成。 But Qin Chao does not know that should blame anyone, the past study, was the big situation compels. 秦朝不知道该怪谁,当年的学习,都是大形势所迫。 You need to take all that your this stage is learning, thing that the receiving in exchange next stage can learn. 你需要拿着你这阶段学到的一切,去换取下一阶段才能学到的东西。 If your this stage has not learned, then you of next stage cannot go to school. 如果你这一阶段沒有学好,那么下一阶段的你就学不到。 Thing that even if, you studied before, to the next stage, could not use completely. 即使,你之前学的东西,到了下一阶段,完全用不上。 This is a strange circle. 这已经是一个怪圈。 Why, I think at the beginning of person, the nature was friendly,” “为什么呀,我觉得人之初,性本善啊,” Yang Li was saying own idea, she is hugging the arm of Qin Chao, said that is not everyone lives is an unprincipled person, good, does not have the explicit good person unprincipled person...... The uncle, you thought that I am the good person or the unprincipled person,” 杨莉说着自己的想法,她搂着秦朝的胳膊,道,“并不是每一个人都生下來就是坏人的吧,唔,好吧,沒有明确的好人坏人……那大叔,你觉得我是好人还是坏人啊,” Looks at Yang Li that grinning elegant face, Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, you first are not a humanity,” 看着杨莉那笑嘻嘻的俏脸,秦朝耸耸肩膀,“你首先就不是一个人类,” You died, bad uncle, hateful,” “你去死好了,坏大叔,可恶,” The frowning angry look of Yang Li air/Qi. 杨莉气的横眉竖眼的。 Actually, no matter you thought that you are a good person, is the unprincipled person, at least, handling the matter must do right by own conscience,” “其实,不管你觉得自己是好人,还是坏人,起码,做事情要对得起自己的良心,” Qin Chao said that „, if for a oneself selfish desire, but infringes other person of benefits, then this person, definitely is not the good person,” 秦朝说道,“如果为了一己私欲,而去损害其他人利益的话,那么这个人,肯定不是什么好人,” „The uncle you, you are the good person unprincipled person,” “那大叔你呢,你是好人坏人,” Yang Li also asked. 杨莉又问。 This issue, is worth considering,” “这个问題,值得考虑,” Qin Chao he he smiles, „, but, I never have to think one are any good person, but I, will not injure others with no reason at all and that's the end,” 秦朝呵呵一笑,“不过,我从來沒觉得自己是什么好人,但我也不会,无缘无故去伤害别人就是了,” This saying is not right yo,” “这话不对呦,” Yang Li and Qin Chao sat in the Hu Ke office, she was blinking to Qin Chao, uncle, you had stolen also the thing,” 杨莉秦朝已经坐在了胡可的办公室里,她对着秦朝眨了眨眼睛,“大叔,你曾经还偷过东西吧,” „,” “啊,” Qin Chao somewhat is in a daze. 秦朝有些发愣。 Said secretly the thing...... 说道偷过东西…… One go to the elementary school time, seemingly really has also been suitable for the comic book of bookstore...... 自己上小学的时候,貌似还真顺过书店的漫画书…… However at that time was small, less sophisticated. 不过那时候还小,少不更事。 Afterward went to that to buy book frequently, heard that sold the book is the sudden and huge profits, hopes that can make up. 后來自己经常去那买书,听说卖书是暴利,希望能弥补回來一些。 This matter, how Yang Li knows. 这事,杨莉怎么知道的。 This little girl will not be teasing father to play. 这妞不会在调侃老子玩吧。 I have stolen any thing,” “我偷过什么东西了,” Therefore, he asked. 于是,他问道。 Uncle has stolen others hearts,” “大叔偷了人家的心呀,” Yang Li is holding own chest, said very much earnestly that then again has not come back,” 杨莉捧着自己的胸口,很认真地说道,“然后就再也沒还回來过呢,” Shit, but also thinks that this girl knew anything, originally is this matter. 我勒个去,还以为这丫头知道了什么,原來是这个事。 I give back to you, you hurry to take away,” “那我还给你,你赶紧拿走吧,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand. 秦朝摆摆手。 How that can be good,” “那怎么能行,” Yang Li expressed immediately very indignantly, we did not bring the returned goods, this product, did not have three packages,” 杨莉顿时表示很气愤,“咱不带退货的,本公司产品,一律沒有三包,” Really is the bandits'inn......” “真是黑店啊……” Qin Chao is very sigh with emotion. 秦朝很感慨。 This miss was black you, how,” “本姑娘就黑你了,怎么着吧,” Yang Li shouts. 杨莉嚷道。 How can, but can also overthrow you in this office. 能怎么着,还能在这办公室里推倒你啊。 If Hu Ke pushes the door to enter suddenly. 万一胡可突然推门而进呢。 Uncle, you recently, but has not come to look for others......” “大叔,你最近,可是沒有來找过人家了……” Yang Li speaks, suddenly has depended, the chest pressed on the arm of Qin Chao, others thought you very much......” 杨莉说着话,忽然靠了过來,胸都压在了秦朝的胳膊上,“人家很想你呢……” In this little girl eye, is sending out the thick traces of spring. 小丫头眼睛里,散发着浓浓的春意。 This girl felt. 得,这丫头來感觉了。 cough cough, that anything......” Qin Chao does not have the thoughts to do these matters now, was worried Su Ji worry is not good, have not made, if makes Hu Ke bump into is not good,” 咳咳,那个啥……”秦朝现在也沒心思做这些事,担心苏姬担心的不行了,“别闹了,万一让胡可撞见就不好了,” Dr. Hu in the surgery, a short time cannot come out......” “胡大夫手术中呢,一时半会出不來的……” Yang Li was saying, the entire body crawled on Qin Chao. 杨莉说着,整个身子爬到了秦朝身上。 At this time, the gate of office was shoved open. 就在这时候,办公室的门被人推开來。 A Hu Ke white coat, stands in the entrance, looks the two people on own sofa are in a daze. 胡可一身白大褂,站在门口,看着自己沙发上的两个人发呆。 This they...... Too dissolute. 这俩人……太放肆了吧。 I have disturbed......” “我是不是打扰了……” Hu Ke said that I think I first inspected the hospital ward to be good,” 胡可说道,“我想我还是先去巡视一下病房好了,” Wait / Etc., I ask you to have the urgent matter,” “等等,我找你有急事,” Qin Chao has shoved open Yang Li hastily, jumped from the sofa. 秦朝连忙推开了杨莉,从沙发上跳了起來。 I thought that your this matter is also very anxious, got through asked me not to be late again,” “我觉得你这件事也挺急的,办完了再來找我也不迟啊,” Hu Ke teased one. 胡可调侃了一句。 cough cough, you have misunderstood, both of us talked about old days,” 咳咳,你误会了,我俩就是叙叙旧,” Way that this talked about old days was very special,” “哦,这叙旧的方式还挺特别,” Hu Ke smiles, is the talking about old days sentiment, returned to the warm next past temperature,” 胡可笑起來,“是叙叙旧情么,回温一下往日的温度,” Dr. Hu, you do not tease me,” “胡大夫,您就别调侃我了,” Qin Chao this depression. 秦朝这个郁闷。 Yang Li is also suppressing smiling in side, as if looked own uncle admits defeat, very happy appearance. 杨莉在旁边也憋着笑,似乎看自己大叔吃瘪,很开心的样子。 This girl, really does not have loyalty. 这丫头,果然是沒义气。 My this asks you to have the proper matter,” “我这找你有正经事,” „,” “哦,” The Hu Ke eyebrow has raised, matter that is it possible that you did a moment ago, is not proper,” 胡可眉毛扬了扬,“莫非你刚才做的事,就不正经喽,” This, can you leave the hazy concept,” “这,你能不能别模糊概念,” Before Qin Chao arrives at the Hu Ke body, hauls in her the room, then has closed the door of office. 秦朝走到胡可身前,把她拉进屋子里,然后关上了办公室的门。 „Do you do, a person accompanies you to be insufficient, you must come the dual flight,” “你干什么,一个人陪你不够,你还要來双飞,” Hu Ke asked frankly, almost made Qin Chao lie in the gate. 胡可直言不讳地问道,差点让秦朝趴在门上。 Dr. Hu, your this language was too sharp, we are not and you quarrel,” “胡大夫,你这语言太犀利了,咱不是和你來吵架的好不,” Qin Chao candidly admits defeat. 秦朝甘拜下风。 Good, said that you ask me to have any matter,” “好吧,说吧,你來找我有什么事,” Hu Ke casts off own pair of white gloves, then before arriving at the washing the hands pond in office, washes the hands. 胡可摘掉自己的一对白手套,然后走到办公室里的洗手池前洗手。 Qin Chao had suspected actually very much, female Zombie, the blood when for the patient surgery, flows out facing the patient, is not interested...... 秦朝其实一直很怀疑,一个女僵尸,在替病人手术的时候,面对病人流出的鲜血,难道就不感兴趣么…… In his mind appears suddenly a scene. 他脑海中忽然浮现出一个场景。 Hu Ke with the scalpel incision wound, the blood rolled. 胡可用手术刀切开伤口,鲜血滚了出來。 She under the gazes of all doctor nurses, stretches out the tongue, has licked one in the wound. 她在所有医生护士的注视下,伸出舌头,在伤口上舔了一口。 Shit, heavy taste. 我勒个去,重口味啊。 Couple days ago, was Su Ji has looked for you,” “前几天,苏姬是不是來找过你,” Qin Chao asked directly beyond the shadow. 秦朝直接开门见山地问道。 Yang Li has supported the ear in the one side. 杨莉在一旁支起了耳朵。 She knows that this Su Ji is the Qin Chao name brand girlfriend, therefore, more is interested in their topics. 她知道这苏姬秦朝的正牌女友,因此,对他们的话題倍加感兴趣。 Hu Ke the reply, had not been looking at that Yang Li one anxiously first. 胡可沒急着回答,先看了那杨莉一眼。 Qin Chao knows that her meaning, beckons with the hand saying that is all right, she knows are very many,” 秦朝知道她的意思,摆摆手道,“沒事,她知道的挺多的,” Um, has looked for me,” “嗯,是來找过我,” Hu Ke nods, you are her boyfriend, actually does not know that your this Miss Su, the rank of Vampire has been promoted,” 胡可点点头,“你身为她的男朋友,竟然都不知道么,你这位苏大小姐,吸血鬼的等级晋级了,” Anything,” “什么,” Qin Chao is surprised immediately, how possible, I do not let her blood sucking, her how possible Vampire to be promoted, hateful, is it possible that she slurps the person blood in the evening everywhere,” 秦朝顿时大吃一惊,“怎么可能,我不让她吸血的,她怎么可能吸血鬼晋级,可恶,她莫非晚上到处去吸食人血,” Qin Chao cannot bear think that Su Ji can big evening go out, selects the young handsome fellow to start specially. 秦朝忍不住想苏姬会不会大晚上出门,专挑小帅哥下手。 That is how possible, your girlfriend will do this matter,” “那怎么可能呢,你女朋友会干这种事么,” That cannot but actually...... Plasma where but she comes...... Is it possible that is pig blood that in the supermarket sells,” “那倒不会……可她哪里來的血源啊……莫非是超市里卖的猪血,” Your imagination can be rich,” “你的想象力可以再丰富一点,” Hu Ke said lightly. 胡可淡淡地说道。 Qin Chao remembers anything suddenly, looks at Hu Ke, is it possible that is it possible that is......” 秦朝突然想起什么,看着胡可,“莫非,莫非是……” „, Your imagination is not not bad,” “唔,你的想象力还不算太糟,” Hu Ke was saying, from nearby refrigerator, puts out one bag of blood plasmas suddenly, then in that Yang Li stares in big both eyes, poured into, in cup 胡可说着,从一旁的冰柜中,突然拿出一袋血浆,然后在那杨莉瞪大的双眼中,倒入了杯里,
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