MBT :: Volume #13

#1239: Making a clean sweep

Chapter 1239 makes a clean sweep 第1239章扫地出门 Director Wang and chief who follows on the heels also had a scare. 跟在后面进來的王主任和院长也是吓了一跳。 This old man's case they know. 这老头的病例他们是知道的。 The lungs failure, is not basically good. 肺部衰竭,基本上不行了。 Closes right up against the maintenances of other hormones and nutrition medicines, can hang the one breath to maintain life. 靠着激素和其他营养药物的维持,才能吊着一口气保命。 But now, how this old man can also under. 可是现在,这老头怎么还能下地了。 This primal chaos fights with the fists, smoothly, where likely was being a patient. 这太极拳打的,顺溜着呢,哪里像是病人了。 Quickly will be good on the wooden patient. 还是一个快将行就木的病人。 Unmarried girl, I am a little hungry, you give me the integral point to eat,” “闺女啊,我有点饿,你去给我整点吃的,” The old man health, the stomach is also radiating the vigor now. 老头现在身体健康,胃部也焕发着活力。 Good, good, the father, my this goes, this goes,” “好,好,爸,我这就去,这就去,” Middle-aged woman happy is not good. 中年妇女高兴的不行。 Before the father sipped gruel does not want, the quick drop rice does not enter. 以前老爹连喝粥都不愿意,快滴米不进了。 Now, must eat meal unexpectedly on own initiative, good, good...... 现在,竟然要主动吃饭,太好了,太好了…… Director Wang and chief have looked at each other one, is just surprised, suddenly sees in the hospital ward also Qin Chao, understands instantaneously. 王主任和院长对视了一眼,正惊奇,忽然看到病房里还一个秦朝,瞬间就明白过來。 Oh, whom I consider, originally was the highly skilled doctor came,” “哎呀呀,我当是谁呢,原來是神医來了,” The chief runs to go forward hastily, again and again and Qin Chao handshake, highly skilled doctor, you came not to say one, I good to welcome personally,” 院长连忙跑上前,连连和秦朝握手,“神医啊,您來了怎么也不说一声,我好亲自欢迎啊,” Is insufficient......” “不至于……” Qin Chao is looking at Xiao Nan and Yang Li that surprisedly appearance, beckons with the hand slightly awkwardly, I am look for Hu Ke actually, I ask her to handle matters......” 秦朝望着肖楠杨莉那惊奇地模样,略微尴尬地摆摆手,“我其实就是來找胡可的,我找她办点事……” You look for Dr. Hu, Little Hu, goes to call quickly her,” “您找胡大夫啊,小胡呢,快去把她叫來,” Chief, Dr. Hu is in the operating room now......” “院长,胡大夫现在正在手术室……” A doctor reminded hastily. 一个医生连忙提醒道。 „, This...... You look......” “啊,这样……您看……” The chief somewhat awkwardly looked at Qin Chao one. 院长有些为难地看了秦朝一眼。 All right, I'll wait she is good,” “沒事,我等她就好,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand. 秦朝摆摆手。 That did not do right by the highly skilled doctor,” chief apologized again and again. “那太对不住神医了,”院长连连致歉。 Head nurse in side, expression with eating fly. 护士长在旁边,表情跟吃了苍蝇似的。 She has not thought that such a casual fellow, unexpectedly patient curing. 她沒想到,这么一个随随便便的家伙,竟然就把病人给治好了。 Moreover, Chair even/including to him, is respectful. 而且,连院长对他,都是恭恭敬敬的。 Is it possible that he is any highly skilled doctor is really inadequate. 莫非他真的是什么神医不成。 Before listened to some doctors to mention actually, she has not seen, but also thinks that is a hoary-headed old man. 以前倒是听一些大夫说起过,她沒见过,还以为是个白发苍苍的老头呢。 Has not thought that so is unexpectedly young. 沒想到,竟然这么年轻。 Highly skilled doctor, you must go to restroom and other,” “神医,您要不要去休息室等一下,” The chief asked cautiously. 院长小心翼翼地问道。 Does not use, I go to the Hu Ke office to be good,” “不用,我去胡可的办公室里等就好,” Qin Chao does not want to make drags in lots of people, oneself look for Hu Ke, for private affair. 秦朝不想弄的那么兴师动众的,自己找胡可,也就是为了私事。 „, This...... That anything, cannot highly skilled doctor to wait, Xiao Nan, your this will be all right, accompanies,” “哦,这样……那什么,不能让神医一个人干等着,肖楠啊,你这会沒事吧,陪一下,” The chief waves to say. 院长挥手说道。 Qin Chao blushes with shame in side. 秦朝在旁边汗颜。 Has not been able a person to wait...... 还不能一个人干等着…… Asks a young nurse to come, but also takes two people to do, waiting...... 找个小护士來,还要两个人干着,等着啊…… Even if wants, is Yang Li, how can call that any Xiao Nan. 就算要,也得是杨莉嘛,怎么能叫那个什么肖楠來。 Two people are unknown. 两个人素不相识的。 „, Good......” “啊,好……” Xiao Nan nods, she also looks, this Yang Li is intimate not general. 肖楠点点头,她也看出來,这个杨莉的相好不一般。 Must be respectful to him including the chiefs. 连院长都要对他恭恭敬敬的。 The average people, the chief responds does not respond. 一般人,院长可是连搭理都不搭理的。 Then, Yang Li, should handle your matter,” “然后,杨莉,该处理你的事了,” The chief turns the head, was saying to Yang Li severely that this time matter, you must shoulder the complete responsibility, is derelict, we will never need nurse like this,” 院长转过头來,对着杨莉严厉地说道,“这一次的事情,你要承担全部的责任,玩忽职守,我们永远不需要这样的护士,” The head nurse looks at the chief to stand in own this side, is self-satisfied, little guy, today also not entire you. 护士长看着院长站在自己这一边,又得意起來,小样,今天还不整掉你。 Chief Uncle, you determined,” “院长大爷,您确定,” Yang Li had Qin Chao to support at this time, did not fear that says with a smile. 杨莉这时候有秦朝撑腰,不怕了,笑道。 Naturally determined that I am a chief, must all patients for hospital be responsible, your this irresponsible behavior, must punish extremely,” “当然确定,我是一院之长,要为医院的所有病人负责,你这种极度不负责的行为,必须惩治,” My where is not responsible,” “我哪里不负责了,” Yang Li said immediately that I had already asked for leave for today's matter,” 杨莉立刻说道,“我早就为今天的事情请过假了,” She has drawn Xiao Nan, I make Xiao Nan invite for me, I believe Xiao Nan unable the pit I,” 她把肖楠拉了过來,“我让肖楠替我请的,我相信肖楠不会坑我的,” Right, I for the vacation that she took,” “沒错,我替她请的假,” Xiao Nan also looked, this uncle is not an average person, he definitely will be Yang Li will take responsibility, only if oneself will be a fool, otherwise must certainly stand Yang Li, will not be wrong. 肖楠也看了出來,这位大叔不是一般人,他肯定会为杨莉做主,自己除非是傻逼,否则肯定要站在杨莉这边,不会错的。 You did not need to harbor mutually,” head nurse has scolded one, said. “你们两个不用在互相包庇了,”护士长呵斥了一声,说道。 Xiao Nan has not come to look for me, has not asked for leave, you, the mutual harbor, should process severely,” 肖楠根本就沒來找过我,也沒请过假,你们两个,互相包庇,应该严肃处理,” Yes, you determined,” “是么,你确定,” Yang Li looks at the head nurse, asked. 杨莉看着护士长,问道。 Naturally, I am a head nurse, I will not harbor your, I must be responsible for the hospital,” “当然,我是护士长,我不会包庇你的,我要为医院负责,” The head nurse continues to say. 护士长继续说道。 You are responsible for the hospital,” “你为医院负责,” Qin Chao actually sneered at this time. 秦朝这时候却冷笑起來。 Hears him to speak, head nurse one tight. 听到他说话,护士长心里一紧。 This man must be over Yang Li. 难道这男人要为杨莉出头。 Even if over him, how can also, oneself state decisively, Yang Li has not asked for leave, she must be punished. 就算他出头,又能如何,自己就咬定,杨莉沒有请假,她肯定是要受到处分的。 Qin Chao continues saying that you must put in order Yang Li, Ok, this is manipulating strategically between colleagues, since the ancient times the work place is so, I did not say anything, life that but, you should not use a patient, trades the punishment of Yang Li,” 秦朝继续说道,“你要整杨莉,可以,这是同事间的勾心斗角,自古以來职场就是如此,我不说什么,可是,你不该用一个病人的生命,去换來杨莉的处分,” Saying, Qin Chao has pinched tightly fist. 说着,秦朝捏紧了拳头。 You, you talked nonsense anything,” “你,你胡说些什么,” The head nurse somewhat is immediately flustered, points at Qin Chao to shout, do not make slanderous accusations against others,” 护士长顿时有些慌张,指着秦朝嚷道,“你不要含血喷人,” I make slanderous accusations against others,” “我含血喷人,” Qin Chao he he smiles, Yang Li makes Xiao Nan ask for leave, I at the scene, because she must accompany me, lets the vacation that Xiao Nan took,” 秦朝呵呵一笑,“杨莉肖楠请假,我就在当场,因为她是要陪我,才让肖楠去请的假,” Originally is this,” “原來是这样,” The chief becomes aware immediately suddenly. 院长顿时恍悟。 No, is not,” “不,不是,” The head nurse has flustered, looked at Xiao Nan one, immediately said that Xiao Nan, that is you, why you do not ask for leave from me, Xiao Nan, you said that you are strategic point Yang Li, does this,” 护士长慌了,看了肖楠一眼,立刻说,“肖楠,那就是你,你为什么不向我请假,肖楠,你说,你是不是要害杨莉,才这样做的,” I, I do not have......” “我,我沒有……” Xiao Nan the eye was immediately red, I have asked for leave with you, head nurse......” 肖楠顿时眼睛就红了,“我跟你请过假的,护士长……” She has not thought that the head nurse will set on fire unexpectedly on her body. 她沒想到,护士长竟然会放把火在她的身上。 Was good, have not been acting in a play,” “行了,别在演戏了,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, this matter I, although does not have any evidence, but I only hope that you can understand, the human life only then one time, you have killed a person today, your sin has also violated, if you cannot awaken promptly, then after you, will not have the good result, today is I just in time here, the next time, does not know that who can be died because of you,” 秦朝摆摆手,“这件事我虽然沒什么证据,但我只希望你能明白,人命只有一次,你今天已经杀了一个人,你的罪孽也已经犯下,如果你不能及时醒悟,那么你以后,就不会有好结果,今天是我正巧在这里,下一次,就不知道,会是谁因为你而死掉了,” Right that highly skilled doctor said that” “神医说的对,” The chief nods, Bai Xin, goes to financial that to calculate your this month wages, you had been dismissed by the hospital,” 院长点点头,“白欣,去财务那核算一下你这个月的工资,你被医院开除了,” Chief, you, you cannot like this,” “院长,你,你不能这样啊,” The head nurse has scared, entreated hastily. 护士长吓坏了,连忙哀求。 I, I right, they have not asked for leave,” “我,我沒错啊,他们真的沒请假,” I, no matter you are wrong right,” “我不管你错沒错,” Categorical that the chief replied, „, the medicine parents heart, the highly skilled doctor has the superb medical skill, I also believe that he has with the medical ethics that it matched, his words, I believe that therefore, Bai Xin, this hospital could not accommodate you,” 院长回答的斩钉截铁,“正所谓,医者父母心,神医有着出神入化的医术,我也相信他有着与之匹配的医德,他的话,我相信,所以,白欣,这家医院容不下你,” Then, hand signal that the chief has made invitation. 说完,院长做了个请的手势。 Bai Xin is not willingly. 白欣不甘心。 This big hospital, many nurses like mad wants to come. 这种大医院,多少护士拼死拼活的想进來。 Especially the position of this head nurse. 尤其自己这个护士长的位置。 Her Bai Xin and has the skill. 白欣并不是沒有本事。 The present big hospital, is different from the private hospital. 现在的大医院,和私家医院不同。 Possibly also many people believe that so long as is the hospital, the nurse must majority of by the unspoken rule. 可能还有很多人认为,只要是医院,那护士大部分都要被潜规则的。 Actually this is only part. 其实这只是其中的一部分而已。 The atmosphere in big hospital was better, more nurses has the good and outstanding vocational skill and personal integrity. 大医院的风气已经好了很多,更多的护士都是有着良好和优秀的职业技能和操守的。 Especially head nurse, high of request. 尤其是护士长,要求的更高。 In their city hospital, every morning early meeting, oneself make the report in English. 在他们市医院,每天早上的早会,自己都是用英语來做报告的。 Bai Xin has this level, otherwise she rested several to think with Director Wang, impossible to be held the head nurse. 白欣有着这个水平,否则就算她跟王主任睡了几觉,也不可能被扶成护士长。 If she disagrees Director Wang to rest, then in this position, likely is another is now similar to her ability, is more compatible nurse. 如果她不和王主任睡,那么现在在这个位置上的,很可能就是另一个和她能力差不多,却更亲和一些的护士。 Since has become the head nurse, Bai Xin may start at heart detachably. 自从当上了护士长,白欣心里可就开始活络了。 Especially knew Chen Duo, that had sexually harassed the Yang Li patient. 尤其认识了陈铎,那个曾经调戏过杨莉的患者。 He crosses is the life of rich man. 他过的才是有钱人的生活。 One is a nurse, but she does not want to be the nurse for a lifetime. 自己是个护士,但她不想一辈子做护士。 To put it bluntly, this is serves living of person. 说白了,这就是个伺候人的活。 But now, when the chief must sweep she goes out, she is actually afraid. 可是现在,当院长要扫她出门的时候,她却害怕了。 Now, serves the work of person unable to make continually. 现在,连伺候人的工作都做不成。 Especially are dismissed, in the resume must be wiped black one. 尤其自己是被开除的,简历上要被抹下黑色的一笔。 By that time, the big hospital was impossible to hire itself again. 到那时候,大医院是不可能再录用自己了。 But small hospital...... 而小医院…… One are unable to imagine. 自己根本无法想象。 There, perhaps really must accompany the director daily and so on sleeping. 那里,恐怕真的要天天陪主任之类的睡觉了。 Director Wang, Director Wang you saves me......” “王主任,王主任你救救我……” She does not have the means that has to seek help Director Wang. 她沒有办法,只好求助王主任。 cough cough, that anything, I have a patient, I must hurry to have a look,” 咳咳,那什么,我还有个病人,我得赶紧去看看,” Director Wang looks at this situation, hurries to sneak off. 王主任一看这情况,赶忙要开溜。 Wang Tiande, your does not have conscience,” “王天德,你个沒良心的,” Looks at this man, no matter did not ask that Bai Xin shouted abuse immediately, you rested the old lady time, how you said that how now all changed,” 一看这男人不管不问,白欣顿时破口大骂,“你睡老娘的时候,你是怎么说的,现在怎么全都变了,” Bai Xin, do not make slanderous accusations against others,” 白欣,你不要含血喷人,” Director Wang said immediately that I am one have the person of good medical ethics, the highly skilled doctor is my example, I supported you to be the head nurse in the past , because believes that you have the good professional accomplishment, but I discovered now that I have made a mistake, you is a vixen,” 王主任顿时说道,“我是一个有着良好医德的人,神医就是我的榜样,我当年支持你做护士长,是因为相信你有着良好的职业素养,可是现在我发现,我错了,你就是个泼妇,” You, you......” “你,你……” Bai Xin knows now that pointed at the nose to treat unjustly is anything feels. 白欣现在知道,被人指着鼻子冤枉是什么感觉了。 30 years, the geomancy transfers in turn. 正所谓30年,风水轮流转。 But her Bai Xin has not thought that so is unexpectedly quick, the retribution fell returned to her body. 可是她白欣沒想到,竟然这么快,报应就落回到了她的身上。 This matter you process, I was busy at my going,” “这事你们自己处理,我忙我的去了,” Qin Chao lifted the foot to leave hospital ward. 秦朝抬脚就出了病房。 I am accompanying him,” “我陪着他,” Yang Li follows on the heels speedily, Xiao Nan saw Yang Li to go, again has not come up to make the electric lamp bulb. 杨莉一溜烟跟在后面,肖楠看到杨莉去了,就沒再上去做电灯泡。 Uncle, today has you, I was finished,” “大叔,今天要不是有你,我就完蛋啦,” She is hugging the arm of Qin Chao, hee hee said with a smile. 她搂着秦朝的胳膊,嘻嘻笑道。 The pedestrian of communication, sees this, cannot bear envy. 來往的行人,看到这一幕,都忍不住羡慕。 This is also a patient, lucky in love great, the side has such attractive young nurse, but also is so affectionate. 这个也是病人吧,艳福不浅啊,身边有这么漂亮的小护士,还这么亲昵。 Is unfair is unfair, oneself are also a patient, how not to have such good treatment. 不公平啊不公平,自己也是患者,怎么就沒有这么好的待遇。 It is not good, must sue. 不行,要去投诉。 One must enjoy such treatment. 自己也要享受这样的待遇。 Qin Chao does not know that he gives the hospital to bring such trouble, at this time, he just and Yang Li speech. 秦朝不知道,他又给医院带來这样的麻烦,此时,他正和杨莉说话呢。 Also becomes, in any case I am the bad luck life, where arrives at to trouble unceasingly, you, later worked the time long mind, left by the person pit,” “还成吧,反正我这个人就是倒霉命,到哪里都麻烦不断,还有你,以后工作的时候长点心眼,别在被人坑了,” Oh, Uncle, you are quite wordy,” “哎呀,大叔,你好啰嗦,” Yang Li digs the mouth, others do not know the head nurse, originally is so bad......” 杨莉撅起嘴巴,“人家也不知道护士长,原來这么坏嘛……” ================================================== ================================================== Everybody do not send the robber to paste the website in my Old Yang book review area...... 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