MBT :: Volume #13

#1236: Registers

Chapter 1236 registers 第1236章去挂号 Ha,” “哈,” Qin Chao has not thought that he actually gets such an answer. 秦朝沒想到,自己竟然得到这么一个答案。 Does not have the time,” “真的沒时间,” Qin Ling fears the Qin Chao misunderstanding, then said hastily that recent school is busy a liter book, one pile of matters, have let Director Su bothersomely, I do not deceive you, you bring the private affair to go, was careful that was scolded directly, I suggested that you will come several days later again,” 秦玲秦朝误会,连忙接着说道,“最近学校忙着升本,一堆事情,已经让苏董烦得要死了,我不骗你,你带着私事进去,小心被直接骂出來,我建议,你过几天再來吧,” Scolded I have also recognized,” “被骂我也认了,” Qin Chao is worried about Su Ji at heart, this little girl now, unknown whereabouts, where can also wait. 秦朝心里担心苏姬,这妞现在,生死不明的,哪里还能等的了啊。 Waits for several days, one minute he now was. 等几天,一分钟他现在都是等不了的。 He was saying, arrives at the office gate directly, puts out a hand to push the door. 他说着,直接走到办公室门边,伸手就去推门。 Qin Ling had a scare, hurries to jump stop, but already without enough time. 秦玲吓了一跳,慌忙跳起來阻拦,但已经來不及了。 Qin Chao has opened the front door of office, saw that in the document by Su Fei that buries quickly. 秦朝推开了办公室的大门,看到里面被文件快埋起來的苏妃 I, as soon as guesses that is you,” “我一猜就是你,” Su Fei does not lift, opens the mouth to say directly that I do not have the time to respond you now, after having any matter, said again that you want many day of vacations I to give you, turned head to come with me saying that again was good,” 苏妃头也不抬,直接就开口说道,“不过我现在沒时间搭理你,有什么事以后再说,你想要多少天假期我给你,回头再來和我说就行了,” Sees the Su Fei neither cold nor hot manner, how the Qin Chao possibly waiting. 看到苏妃不冷不热的态度,秦朝怎么可能等待的了。 I come to have very important matter to ask your,” “我來是有很重要的事问你的,” Qin Chao actually firmly stands in entrance, disregards pulls his Qin Ling in behind unceasingly , to continue to say. 秦朝却坚定地站在门口,无视在背后不断拉扯他的秦玲,继续说道。 Does not have the time, you had not looked that I must be busy insanely,” “沒时间,你沒看我都要忙疯了么,” Su Fei is pointing on the table that big piles the document, said breathless. 苏妃指着桌子上的那一大摞文件,气急败坏地说道。 Cannot lose your how much time, your younger sister did not have your work to be important,” “耽误不了你多少时间,难道你妹妹还沒有你的工作重要吗,” Some Qin Chao also slightly vitalities. 秦朝也微微有些生气。 This woman, in eye only then her work. 这个女人,眼睛里难道就只有她的工作了。 My younger sister,” “我妹妹,” Su Fei looks at Qin Chao very much strangely, she how,” 苏妃很奇怪地看着秦朝,“她怎么了,” Her two days have not come to go to work, I do not contact with on her, when you Elder Sister, do not think strange,” “她两天沒來上班了,我也联系不上她,难道你当姐姐的,就不觉得奇怪吗,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Laughable,” “可笑,” Su Fei has actually sneered, holds the arm, looks at Qin Chao. 苏妃却是冷笑了一声,抱起胳膊,看着秦朝 She, although is my younger sister, actually is also your girlfriend, you your girlfriends could not find, actually asks me to want, you did not think that is very laughable,” “她虽然是我的妹妹,却也是你的女朋友,你连你的女朋友都找不到,却來找我要,你不觉得,很可笑吗,” I, because has other matters in busily, cannot attend to being good,” “我因为有其他的事情在忙,顾不过來好不好,” The Qin Chao heart said one were asked by Liu Chang couple days ago, the matter of processing art exhibition, could not have attended to Su Ji. 秦朝心说自己前几天被刘畅拜托,处理画展的事情,就沒顾得上苏姬 You also know, you have matter busy time could not attend,” “你也知道,你有事情忙的时候就顾不上了,” Su Fei took up the Qin Chao words, „, your girlfriend, did not have your matters to be important,” 苏妃拿起秦朝刚才的话,“难道,你的女朋友,还沒你那些事情重要吗,” I, this......” “我,这……” Qin Chao directly by the Su Fei rhetorical question making silly. 秦朝直接被苏妃的反问给弄傻了。 She has not thought that Su Fei can such ask. 她沒想到,苏妃能这么问。 Actually Qin Chao also digs one's own grave, various he day of missing behaviors, had made Su Fei very annoyed. 其实秦朝也是自掘坟墓,本來他一天各种失踪的行为,就已经让苏妃很恼火了。 Especially this time, because unexpectedly younger sister's matter and get angry, but also runs to interrogate itself. 尤其是这一次,竟然因为妹妹的事情和自己发火,还跑來质问自己。 He, how he can like this. 他,他怎么可以这样。 Su Fei at heart, specially sad. 苏妃心里,特别的难过。 Moreover, but also special grievance. 而且,还特别的委屈。 Your this fellow, irresponsible, her girlfriend does not look well that makes me manage for you,” “你这家伙,不负责任,自己的女朋友不好好看着,却让我替你管吗,” Su Fei at that moment, wants to cry very much. 苏妃那一刻,很想哭。 But she, went all out, bears. 但她,拼命,忍住了。 In any event, cannot cry before this fellow. 无论如何,也不能在这个家伙面前哭。 Cannot absolutely. 绝对不能。 Su Ji is an Sir, was not the child, although I was her Elder Sister, cannot constantly visit her, you were her boyfriend, was you must cross with her for a lifetime, but was not I, you could not understand,” 苏姬已经是大人了,不是小孩子了,我虽然是她姐姐,也不能无时无刻地看着她,你才是她的男朋友,是你要和她过一辈子,而不是我,你懂不懂,” Su Fei was still crying actually out at heart, actually, I want to cross with you for a lifetime. 苏妃其实心里还在呐喊,其实,我想和你过一辈子。 However, I impossible and younger sister snatches. 但是,我不可能和自己妹妹抢得。 But you, why must annoy me. 可你,为什么还要來惹我呢。 I am very happy. 难道我就很开心吗。 The Su Fei grievance, has hidden in her at heart. 苏妃的委屈,一直都藏在她自己的心里。 Qin Chao does not understand, has not tried to go. 秦朝不懂,也从來沒试着去懂。 Su Fei also will be sometimes uncomfortable, thought why is not Qin Chao that know first, but is the younger sister knew first. 有时候苏妃自己也会难受,觉得为什么不是自己先认识的秦朝,而是妹妹先认识。 But first knew Qin Chao, between two people likely will not have anything. 但就算自己先认识了秦朝,两个人之间可能也不会发生什么吧。 After all, Qin Chao at that time, was such let own hateful. 毕竟,秦朝当时,是那么的让自己讨厌 She has not thought that oneself will like a such person. 她也从來都沒想到过,自己会喜欢上这样的一个人。 Su Fei, your tranquil, I do not want to quarrel with you,” 苏妃,你平静一下,我不想和你吵架,” You think that I want to quarrel with you,” “你以为我就想和你吵架吗,” Su Fei one hear came air/Qi, probably I was looking for a job intentionally. 苏妃一听更來气了,好像我故意在找事似的。 Is you, when my busy badly battered, runs over to interrogate that my should not be my responsible issue,” “是你在我忙的焦头烂额的时候,跑过來质问我一个不该是我负责的问題,” Well good, I have made a mistake, I am not good, is not good,” “好好好,我错了,我不好,还不行么,” Qin Chao knows that such is pestering is not a result, Su Fei such stronger, oneself feared that must with her earnest words, that may be endless. 秦朝知道在这么纠缠下去也不是个结果,苏妃这么要强,自己怕是要跟她较真的话,那可就沒完沒了了。 Admits mistakes, so long as can make Su Fei tranquil well. 还是认个错,只要能让苏妃平静下來就好。 Snort,” “哼,” Sees Qin Chao to admit defeat, Su Fei Wrath at heart has subsided a point. 看到秦朝服软,苏妃心里的愤怒才平息了一点。 This fellow, is really mindless. 这个家伙,真的是沒心沒肺啊。 One have given him the younger sister, is right, is wrong. 自己把妹妹交给了他,到底是对,还是错呢。 That, we now are calm, calm point......” “那,我们现在都冷静一点,冷静一点……” Qin Chao has postponed the sound, slowly said that Mr. Su Da, I knows I am the village artillery, does not dare to annoy you to be angry, you told me, recently which Su Ji went, can, I not be willing to do the cow to make the horse for you, to be why good,” 秦朝放缓了声音,慢慢地说道,“苏大老板,俺知道俺就是个屯炮,也不敢惹您生气,您就告诉我,苏姬最近去哪了,可以不,俺愿意为你做牛做马,干啥都行啊,” Go away,” “滚,” Who knows, Su Fei not only had not replied, but also threw the vase on table directly. 谁知道,苏妃不但沒回答,还把桌子上的花瓶直接丢了过來。 Qin Chao moves sideways, has drawn back from the room, and closes the door. 秦朝一闪身,从房间里退了出來,并关上房门。 Bang, that vase hits on the door, smashing that explodes. 砰的一声,那花瓶撞在房门上,炸的粉碎。 Shit, how such big temperament,” 我勒个去,怎么这么大的脾气,” Qin Chao scratches the cold sweat on forehead. 秦朝擦擦额头上的冷汗。 I already told you Director Su the temperament not to be good over the two days, you have not believed that must provoke others,” “我早就告诉你苏董这两天脾气不好,你还不信,偏偏要去挑衅人家,” Qin Ling sighed in behind, as if before complaining Qin Chao did not listen to own words. 秦玲在后面直叹气,似乎在埋怨秦朝之前不听自己的话。 My this also worries,” “我这也是着急啊,” Qin Chao has no alternative said that I couple of days ago in Sunan City, relation on Su Ji, now did not come back, asked her unable to find everywhere, the Director Su temperament so was also big, I can have any means that even if she has eaten me, I also asked that” 秦朝无可奈何地说道,“我前两天不在苏南市,一直联系不上苏姬,现在回來了,更是到处找她都找不到,苏董的脾气又这么大,我能有啥办法,就算她吃了我,我也得去问啊,” He said that must open the door. 他说完,又要去开门。 You are insane,” “你疯啦,” Qin Ling holds on him hastily, recently live was chatty, a little could not look on the bright side of thing you,” 秦玲连忙拉住他,“是不是最近活的腻歪了,有点想不开了你,” This Uncle live is happy,” “本大爷活的开心着呢,” Qin Chao said hastily. 秦朝连忙说道。 Which I must ask Su Ji, otherwise I am in suspense,” “我必须问出苏姬在哪,不然我放心不下,” Miss Su two days has not come to the school, you asked also uselessly,” “苏小姐两天沒來学校了,你问也沒用,” Qin Ling told Qin Chao. 秦玲告诉秦朝 Two days have not come to the school...... Which this daughter young lady ran up to went,” “两天沒來学校……这位千金大小姐到底跑到哪去了,” The Qin Chao expression is somewhat anxious. 秦朝表情有些焦急。 Qin Ling thinks that suddenly said. 秦玲想了想,忽然说道。 Was right, I thought...... Probably when Su young lady has not left, a Dr. Hu Ke in city institute, had looked for her,” “对了,我想起來了……好像在苏小姐沒离开的时候,市一院的胡可大夫,曾经來找过她,” Anything,” “什么,” Qin Chao is startled immediately. 秦朝顿时一惊。 Hu Ke has looked for Su Ji, will have any matter. 胡可找过苏姬,会有什么事情。 Two little girls, one is millennium female Zombie, one is Vampire. 两个妞,一个是千年女僵尸,一个是吸血鬼 You continue to look after Director Su here, careful have not been eaten by her, I go to a city institute,” “你继续在这里照顾苏董,小心别被她吃了,我去市一院,” Qin Chao greeted one, walks toward the classroom building outside. 秦朝招呼了一声,就往教学楼外走去。 Looks form that his hot sharp fire singes, Qin Ling cannot bear shake the head. 看着他火急火燎的身影,秦玲忍不住摇摇头。 This man, does not know really he to Su young lady, is earnest or is not earnest. 这个男人,真不知道他对苏小姐,到底是认真还是不认真。 If earnest, how to run is several days, a shadow cannot catch. 如果认真,怎么一跑就是好几天,连个影子都抓不到。 Did not say earnestly, look that on his face that worries about, does not install. 说不认真,他脸上那担忧的神色,也不是装出來的。 But Qin Chao with Qin Ling will not explain that this issue, he arrives under the classroom building, about nobody, direct Nine Underworld Tarantula takes possession to start, arrives at downstairs in city institute instantaneously. 秦朝也不会和秦玲去解释这种问題,他走到教学楼下,左右无人,直接九幽毒蛛附体发动,瞬间來到市一院的楼下。 He enters this hospital, inside patient is still unceasing, crowded. 他走进这件医院,里面依然患者不断,人來人往。 Qin Chao knows that the Hu Ke office, walks toward the building in intently. 秦朝知道胡可的办公室,直愣愣向着楼上走去。 This comrade, you look for,” “这位同志,你找哪位,” Qin Chao opens the door of Hu Ke office, inside has not sat that millennium female Zombie form, instead has a young nurse, is opening a pair of bright and intelligent eye surprisedly, looks at itself. 秦朝推开胡可办公室的门,里面并沒有坐着那千年女僵尸的身影,反而是有个小护士,惊讶地睁着一对水汪汪的眼睛,看着自己。 A city institute worthily is the Sunan City famous big hospital, this young head nurses is very attractive. 市一院不愧是苏南市有名的大医院,这一个个小护士长的都很漂亮。 At present this, the appearance is also not bad. 眼前这个,模样也是不差。 Sees her, Qin Chao cannot bear remember Yang Li. 看到她,秦朝忍不住想起杨莉來。 Although will receive the Yang Li short note frequently, but seemingly also one died in battle with this girl has communicated. 虽然经常会收到杨莉的短信,但貌似也有一阵沒和这个丫头來往过了。 I look for Hu Ke Dr. Hu,” “我找胡可胡大夫,” Qin Chao said directly. 秦朝直接说道。 Registered,” “挂号了么,” The young nurse has treated as patient Qin Chao , to continue not to lift starts the dispensing on a work table. 小护士把秦朝当作了患者,继续头也不抬地开始在一个工作台上配药。 That movement is clean, looked that frequently makes this. 那动作干净利索,一看就是经常做这个。 No...... I am her friend, asks her to have the matter......” “沒有……我是她朋友,找她有事……” First registers,” “先挂号,” The young nurse continues not to lift, Dr. Hu is very busy, your such patient I have seen, each said one are the friend of Dr. Hu...... Friend friend, if with each patient is the friends, Dr. Hu must look after does not come......” 小护士继续头也不抬,“胡大夫很忙,你这样的患者我见过很多,各个都说自己是胡大夫的朋友……朋友朋友,要是和每个患者都是朋友,那胡大夫岂不是要照顾不过來了……” This girl, the mouth is actually very broken. 这丫头,嘴巴倒是很碎。 Qin Chao does not have the means that has to pull out cell phone, plans to give Hu Ke to telephone first. 秦朝沒有办法,只好掏出手机,打算先给胡可打个电话。 Finally, prompt sound that in the telephone close down transmits the user who you dial. 结果,电话里传來您拨打的用户已关机的提示音。 Qin Chao this helplessness. 秦朝这个无奈。 Paternal grandmother, today is not an auspicious day. 奶奶的,今天不是个好日子啊。 Registers quickly, perhaps can also catch up today receives a medical examination, late, does not know which day again must arrange to went,” “快去挂号吧,说不定还能赶在今天就诊,再晚一点,不知道要排到哪天去了,” Young nurse dispensing, while continues to talk over. 小护士一边配药,一边继续念叨。 „The Hu Ke person, I makes her cell phone not to meet,” Qin Chao does not have the means that can only then ask. 胡可人呢,我打她手机也不接,”秦朝沒有办法,只能接着问道。 You are really, I do not make you register,” “你这人真是,我不是让你去挂号吗,” The young nurse turned head, a face is not feeling well looks at Qin Chao, told you registration can see a doctor, you cannot understand the custom,” 小护士回过头來,一脸不爽地看着秦朝,“都跟你说了挂号才能看病了,你懂不懂规矩啊,” I have not gotten sick......” “我沒病……” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, I am look for Hu Ke to have the matter,” 秦朝耸耸肩膀,“我是找胡可有事的,” You have not gotten sick, I think you to get sick heavily,” “你沒病,我看你病得不轻,” The young nurse frowns saying that has not understood what is heard including the words, said again here is a hospital, you do not see a doctor you to ask the doctor to make anything, Dr. Hu at the surgery, is busy now very much, you go downstairs the honest registration, what goes through the motions anything is invalid,” 小护士皱着眉头说,“连话都听不明白了,再说这里是医院,你不看病你找大夫做什么,胡大夫现在在手术,忙得很,你还是下楼老老实实的挂号,走后门什么的是行不通的,” Sweat, who must go through the motions. 汗,谁要走后门了。 Qin Chao is very helpless, was made by this little girl insanely. 秦朝很无奈,被这妞弄疯了。 Xiao Nan, the medicine matched, the people in 3 hospital wards were still waiting,” 肖楠,药配好了么,3病房的人还在等着呢,” At this time, a familiar sound sound. 就在这时候,一个熟悉的声音响了起來。 Qin Chao turns head to look that sees only behind to walk a slender beautiful figure. 秦朝回头一看,只见身后走过來一个窈窕的倩影。 Sees her, Qin Chao smiled. 看到她,秦朝笑了。 Really thinks that who comes. 真是想谁就來谁啊。 Lili, has not thought really will meet here,” 莉莉,真沒想到会在这里见面啊,” „, Big brother Qin,” “啊,秦大哥,” The opposite pretty young nurse, blinks, looks at the opposite this long-awaited person, 对面的娇俏小护士,眨着眼睛,看着对面这个朝思暮想的人,
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