MBT :: Volume #13

#1235: Which Su Ji

Which Chapter 1235 Su Ji 第1235章苏姬哪去了 No longer kept two days, big brother Qin,” “不再留两天了呀,秦大哥,” Shang Luo also said in side. 商洛在旁边也跟着说道。 Why does not know, this Li Na sentiment elder brother saying must walk, she a little does not give up unexpectedly. 不知道为啥,这李娜的情哥哥一说要走,她竟然也有点舍不得起來。 Your family Small Nana, but will think very much your yo...... You keep two days again, perhaps her sentiment must already, gave itself you that......” “你家小娜娜,可是会很想你的呦……你再留两天,说不定她情非得已,就把自己给你了那……” You die,” “你去死,” Li Na threw a pillow to come, was met by Shang Luo in the bosom. 李娜丢了个枕头过來,被商洛接在怀里。 I also will frequently definitely come to see your,” “我肯定还会经常來看你的,” Qin Chao blows the nose of Li Na. 秦朝刮了刮李娜的鼻子。 This time, Li Na has not shoved open. 这一次,李娜沒推开。 Li Na does not dare to say words that anything detains, she knows that big brother Qin was not own. 李娜也不敢说什么强留的话,她知道,秦大哥不是属于自己一个人的。 Moreover, the words that detains, will definitely make big brother Qin feel embarrassed. 而且,强留的话,肯定会让秦大哥为难。 He thinks own time, certainly will come back to look own. 他想自己的时候,一定会回來看自己的。 Um, big brother Qin, you went back, did not need too to be worried about me, I can take care of me,” “嗯,秦大哥,你回去吧,不用太担心我,我能照顾好我自己的,” Li Na said. 李娜说道。 Um, good......” “嗯,好……” Qin Chao was saying, has given Li Na a black jade pendant, you this putting on, if there is any danger, it can rescue for your big brother Qin your,” 秦朝说着,把一块黑色的玉佩递给了李娜,“你把这个戴上,如果有什么危险,它能替你秦大哥救你的,” Um......” “嗯……” Although Li Na too did not understand, but cautiously received the jade pendant. 李娜虽然不太理解,但还是小心翼翼地收起了玉佩。 This is big brother Qin gave his, above also had the big brother Qin temperature...... 这可是秦大哥送给自己的呢,上面还有秦大哥的温度…… Is unfair, big brother Qin,” “不公平呀,秦大哥,” Shang Luo shouts in side hastily, you cannot favor one and discriminate against the other yo, I here,” 商洛在旁边连忙嚷道,“你不能厚此薄彼呦,我在这里呢,” Well, delivers you same place,” “好好,也送你一块,” Qin Chao is helpless. 秦朝无奈。 This is with the jade pendant that the Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost transforms. 这是用罗刹鬼幻化成的玉佩。 At crucial moment, this Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost will come to the savior. 关键时候,这罗刹鬼就会现身救主。 Has not thought that Shang Luo also runs to join in the fun, but does not have the means that who lets her is Li Na best friend. 沒想到商洛也跑出來凑热闹,但沒办法,谁让她是李娜闺蜜呢。 Words of direct rejection, are not quite a little good. 直接拒绝的话,有点不太好。 Qin Chao has to put out a black jade pendant, has given Shang Luo. 秦朝只好又拿出一枚黑色玉佩,递给了商洛 Unexpectedly is the black jade, quite strange...... Big brother Qin, which you were at get so far as,” “竟然是黑玉,好奇怪……秦大哥,你在哪弄到的呢,” I naturally have the method,” “我自然有方法啦,” Qin Chao many explanations, you do not recuperate well, have any matter to call me, my today's airplane, were not many accompanies you,” 秦朝也不好多解释,“你们好好养病,有什么事就给我打电话吧,我今天的飞机,就不多陪你们了,” Qin Chao said that on long-separated two young misses, left the hospital ward. 秦朝说完,就阔别了两个小姑娘,出了病房。 Oh, oneself are also the hard under heart leaves. 唉,自己也是硬下心來离开的。 Side Li Na, Qin Chao also thought one are very warm. 李娜身边,秦朝也觉得自己很温暖。 Red light district, heroic tomb. 正所谓,温柔乡,英雄冢。 But own red light district was really too many. 但自己的温柔乡实在是太多了。 Qin Chao considered that later must buy an island, with all women, lives on the island. 秦朝考虑,以后自己要不要买个小岛,和自己所有的女人,在岛上生活呢。 This actually good idea. 这倒是个不错的主意。 Although cannot marry all women, but can actually live with all women. 虽然不能和所有的女人都结婚,但却可以和所有的女人一起生活。 This, actually a good choice. 这,也倒是一种不错的选择。 The premise is, they will not oppose. 前提是,她们都不会反对。 Um, can only convince. 嗯,只能一个个去说服了。 First through the checkpoint, feared that is Su Ji that pass/test. 最先通过的关卡,怕就是苏姬那一关吧。 Said Su Ji, she was making anything. 说道苏姬,她在做什么呢。 Qin Chao Nine Underworld Tarantula takes possession, arrives in the bathroom in nearby hospital. 秦朝九幽毒蛛附体,走到旁边医院的卫生间里。 In this bathroom the person are many, is mainly altogether on four single rooms, other three are also servicing, Qin Chao has arranged a meeting, entered only the remaining that single rooms. 这卫生间里人还不少,主要是一共就四个单间,其他三个还都在维修中,秦朝排了一会,走进了仅剩下的那个单间。 He draws in the gate of single room, then passes through the space rapidly, returned to Sunan City. 他拉上单间的门,然后迅速穿越空间,回到了苏南市 A patient stands in one-roomed entrance, waited for quite a while, the person who also does not see comes out. 一个病人站在单间门口,等了半天,也不见进去的人出來。 He thinks the small cramp, is really excrement intent is hard to endure. 他觉得小腹绞痛,实在是屎意难忍。 Goes in that buddy, is doing, shoots the airplane, such quite a while has not come out. 进去那哥们,在干嘛,打飞机么,这么半天还不出來。 Ding ding ding,” 当当当,” He puts out a hand, is enduring abdominal pain, knocked on a door, buddy, you a bit faster,” 他伸出手來,忍着腹痛,敲了敲门,“哥们,你快点,” I must unable to hold. 我要憋不住了。 This saying loses face too, did not say that but the meaning was very obvious. 这话太丢人,就不说了,但意思已经很明显了吧。 Inside nobody manages him. 里面沒人理他。 Hey, my this crabby. 嘿,我这暴脾气。 The patient is angry immediately, you wrested away the restroom, made a sound to me, the father must have diarrhea. 那病人顿时大怒,你霸占厕所就算了,给我吱个声啊,老子要拉肚子了。 Buddy, can you a bit faster, be good you,” “哥们,你快点,能不能好了啊你,” Nobody responds. 还是沒人搭理。 Shit, does anything. 我勒个去,搞什么。 This patient waited for quite a while, really could not endure. 这病人又等了半天,实在是忍不了了。 Fuck, I let you in inside dozen of airplanes, my he frightens your sexual impotence. 卧槽,我让你在里面打飞机,我他吗吓得你阳痿。 He deeply attracts two tones, backs up several steps, then proceeds to accelerate, makes an effort to hit the gate. 他深吸两口气,倒退几步,然后往前加速,使劲一撞门。 Bang,” “砰,” The gate of this single room was hit, inside Kong Kong/ Vacant such as. 这单间的门被撞开,里面空空如也。 The patients were silly. 病人傻了。 Fuck, a big live person, how such did not have. 卧槽啊,一个大活人,怎么这么就沒了。 Was washed away by the chamberpot. 难道,难道被马桶冲走了。 How possible, big chamberpot. 怎么可能,多大个马桶啊。 Said...... In the legend, passes through. 还是说……传说中的,穿越。 The patient is a little excited, passes through, he looks at many to pass through the small exposing Shaoxing opera, hopes specially one can also have such mysterious opportunity. 那病人有点激动,穿越啊,他看过好多穿越小说穿越剧,特别希望自己也能有这么神奇的机会。 Definitely passed through, how otherwise he did not have, this also did not have window anything. 肯定是穿越了,不然他怎么就沒了呢,这又沒窗户什么的。 This position definitely is the valuable land with a good geomantic omen in legend, right. 这个位置肯定是传说中的风水宝地,沒错。 The father must pass through. 老子也要穿越。 He gives to close one-roomed door hastily cautiously, then defers to many posts to teach, a finger day, finger place, shouts one. 他连忙小心翼翼地把单间门给关上,然后按照好多帖子教的,一手指天,一手指地,大喊一声。 Passes through,” “穿越,” ......” “噗……” Bad...... 糟了…… The excreta passed through...... 排泄物穿越了…… Qin Chao does not know that oneself behavior accidentally, caused certain people to draw the pitiful condition of pants unexpectedly. 秦朝不知道,自己无意中的行为,竟然造成了某些人拉裤子的惨状。 At this time, he is standing in Guangyuan School, walks toward the Su Ji office. 此时,他正站在广元学校之中,向着苏姬的办公室走去。 One gave Su Ji to make two phone calls, reminded in oneself opposite party close-down. 自己给苏姬打了两个电话,都提醒自己对方关机中。 Really, this little girl is up to mischief. 真是的,这妞在搞什么鬼。 Qin Chao wants to seek for Su Ji through the mind reading, actually discovery bed sheet shielded. 秦朝想通过心灵感应寻找苏姬,却发现被单方面屏蔽了。 Hateful. 可恶。 Was found her by oneself, must spank her not to be possible maliciously. 让自己找到她,非要狠狠地打她的屁股不可。 However can shield itself, expressed that is this little girl subjective consciousness does, explained that she does not have the matter. 不过能屏蔽自己,就表示是这妞自己主观意识做的,说明她沒有事。 Qin Chao directly went to the Su Ji office, in this office, is some sports teacher anything. 秦朝一路直接去了苏姬的办公室,在这个办公室里的,都是些体育老师什么的。 Several female sports teachers very well look, particularly personal appearance, specially attractive. 有几个女体育老师还是挺好看的,尤其是身形,特别的诱人。 But Qin Chao to them is immunity, because is attractive , the impossible ratio to have resulted in own Su Ji. 秦朝对她们已经是免疫了,因为再好看,也不可能比得过自己的苏姬 Saw that Director security guard entered the office, these teachers are very novel. 看到保安主任进了办公室,这些老师们都很新奇。 security guard in this legend, was interested in coming to their offices. 这位传说中的保安,怎么有兴趣來他们的办公室了。 In this office, is piling up many basketballs, the soccer, volleyball anything, other side also sports equipment. 这办公室里,堆放着很多篮球,足球,排球什么的,旁边还有些其他的体育器材。 A male teacher still lifts barbell his barbell in room, that barbell seemingly very sinks, his muscle roused. 一个男老师还在屋子里举他的杠铃,那杠铃貌似挺沉,他身上的肌肉都鼓了起來。 Sees not to have, our muscle, the second kills all,” “看到沒有,咱这肌肉,秒杀一切啊,” That male teacher lifts barbell barbell, while suppresses to blush, puts out several characters from the mouth. 那个男老师一边举杠铃,一边憋红着脸,从嘴里吐出几个字來。 Xie Chun, you stop, came the guest,” “谢淳,你停一下,來客人了,” A female teacher horizontal Xie Chun eyes, said. 一个女老师横了谢淳一眼,道。 Em, anything guest,” 额,啥客人,” Xie Chun turned the head, saw Qin Chao. 那谢淳转过头來,看到了秦朝 Oh my, this was not Director Qin,” 哎呦,这不是秦主任么,” Xie Chun hollow laugh two, have put that barbell. 谢淳干笑两声,把那杠铃放了下來。 Hello, excuse me, Teacher Su Ji over the two days attend class,” “您好,请问,苏姬老师这两天來上课了么,” Is a teacher in school, the Qin Chao very much politeness asks. 都是一个学校的老师,秦朝很礼貌地问道。 Teacher Su Ji, two days had not come to go to work,” 苏姬老师,已经两天沒來上班了,” A female teacher looked at Qin Chao one, starts to say at heart secretly. 一个女老师看了秦朝一眼,心里偷偷开始说道。 Oh, is really the big handsome fellow. 哎呀,果然是大帅哥嘛。 If the boyfriend were good, heard that Director Qin Skill/KungFu was also good, in very much had together certainly the security sense with him. 要是自己男朋友就好了,听说秦主任功夫也不错,跟他在一起一定很有安全感吧。 Moreover the size is also a director, is authorized, the wages are not low. 而且大小也是个主任,有权,工资也不低。 However, oneself may compared with Teacher Su Ji. 不过,自己可比不了苏姬老师。 Others are big Beauty, is the daughter young lady. 人家是大美女,还是千金大小姐。 Oh, what a pity, was a pity. 唉,可惜啊,太可惜了。 This, that has disturbed,” “这样啊,那打扰了,” Qin Chao turns around to leave. 秦朝转身就要离开。 The Su Ji two days have not come to attend class. 苏姬两天沒來上课。 Really strange, has fallen ill at home. 真是奇怪,难道生病了在家。 But they are Cultivator, how to fall ill. 可他们是修真者,怎么会生病呢。 Qin Chao has doubts very much, planned that Su Fei there asks. 秦朝很疑惑,打算去苏妃那里问问。 But at this time, Xie Chun suddenly blocked in front of Qin Chao. 而这时候,那谢淳突然拦在了秦朝面前。 Hello, you, I must compare with you,” “喂,你,我要和你比一比,” Anything,” “啥,” Qin Chao looked at this muscle male. 秦朝看了一眼这个肌肉男。 Xie Chun is the sports teacher in school, but also had the fitness class specially, heard that receives the welcome of male students very much. 谢淳是学校的体育老师,还专门开了健身课,听说很受男生们的欢迎。 One and he may not have what contact, he looks for himself to compare anything with no reason at all. 自己和他可沒有啥接触,他无缘无故找自己比什么。 Right, I must compare with you,” “沒错,我就要和你比一下,” Xie Chun strikes one's chest saying that I must make Teacher Su Ji know, I may have the security sense more than your this fellow,” 谢淳拍着胸脯说道,“我要让苏姬老师知道,我可比你这家伙有安全感多了,” It seems like is the Su Ji pursuer. 得,看來是苏姬的追求者。 Sorry, I do not have the interest, see again/goodbye,” “抱歉,我沒兴趣,再见,” Qin Chao is disinclined to compare anything with this fellow, he walks toward out of the door. 秦朝才懒得和这家伙比什么,他往门外走去。 Does not permit, you feared,” “不准走,你怕了吗,” Is sick,” “有病,” Qin Chao keeps thinking about the Su Ji safety at heart, does not want to pester with this fellow. 秦朝心里惦记苏姬的安危,不想和这家伙纠缠。 Is the man compares,” “是男人就比一比,” Xie Chunshen sturdy arm, is still working as the Qin Chao way. 谢淳伸着粗壮的胳膊,依然当着秦朝的去路。 Qin Chao has gotten angry, proceeded to step one step, an arm hit on thanking the pure chest. 秦朝怒了,往前跨了一步,一只手臂撞在谢淳的胸膛上。 This Xie Chun thought immediately one probably by an automobile in hitting, the body fell down immediately, falls directly on the ground. 这谢淳顿时觉得自己好像被一辆汽车给撞中了,身体顿时栽倒,直接摔在地上。 Qin Chao looked that has not looked at his one eyes, left the gate of office directly. 秦朝看都沒看他一眼,直接就出了办公室的门。 Xie Chun is a little in a daze, painful that the buttocks fall, lies down there quite a while has not returned to be durable. 谢淳有点发傻,屁股摔的生疼,躺在那里半天沒回过劲來。 This fellow...... How such big strength. 这家伙……怎么这么大的力气。 One, the front muscle also very much solid said. 自己,胸前的肌肉也很结实地说。 May a moment ago, that strength, not be can block. 可刚才,那力量,根本就不是自己能挡得住的啊。 I force a day, this fellow was too aggressive. 我勒个天,这个家伙太生猛了吧。 One also unrealistically must compare with him...... 自己还不自量力地要和他比一比…… Luckily under he does not have the cruel methods, half dead that otherwise cannot be hit. 幸亏他沒下狠手,否则自己还不得被打的半死。 Xie Chun is not silly, immediately knows one and Qin Chao disparity, crawled from the ground dingily, in did not lift barbell his any barbell. 谢淳也不傻,立刻知道自己和秦朝的差距,灰溜溜地从地上爬了起來,也不在去举他的什么杠铃了。 Finally, cannot bear in the office the vision of these female teachers, slipped out taking advantage of the reason of attending class directly. 最后,受不了办公室里那些女老师们的目光,直接借着上课的由子溜了出去。 But no matter how Qin Chao this fellow were despised, he is worried about Su Ji, therefore after leaving the sports building, turns toward the administrative building to walk directly. 秦朝才不管这个家伙如何被鄙视,他心里担心苏姬,因此出了体育楼之后,直接向着行政楼走去。 At this time what Su Fei is busy is the green butts rotten Em, recent school is busy promoting. 苏妃此时忙的是焦头烂额,最近学校忙着升级。 If successful, the school had the Er Biao qualifications, later, was not only a third-class school. 如果成功的话,学校就有二表的资历了,以后,就不仅仅是个三流学校。 The matter that however must handle related were too many, particularly government that document, cannot approve. 不过相关要处理的事情太多了,尤其是政府那面的文件,迟迟不能批下來。 Under above also wants fact-finding team, attended a lecture the inspection to the school and so on. 上面还要下个调查团的,到学校里來听课检查之类的。 The matter were too many, did not say her, added Qin Ling does not know class that many days, the whole person somewhat was thin and pale. 事情太多了,不说她,连秦玲都加了不知道多少天的班,整个人都有些憔悴。 Yo, Secretary Qin, how you were,” “呦,秦秘书,你这是怎么了,” Qin Chao stands in the entrance of principal office, looks on the elegant face top Qin Ling of two dark pouches, cannot bear ask. 秦朝站在校长办公室的门口,看着俏脸上顶着两个黑眼圈的秦玲,忍不住问道。 Too was recently busy, you look for Director Su to have any matter,” “最近太忙,你找苏董有啥事,” What Qin Ling is busy does not lift, hearing the sound to know that who came, asked directly. 秦玲忙的是头也不抬,听声音就知道谁來了,直接问道。 Um, a little personal matter, must ask her,” “嗯,有点私人的事,要问问她,” She does not have the time,” “那她沒时间,”
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