MBT :: Volume #13

#1234: Inspection body

Chapter 1234 inspection body 第1234章检查身体 These drivers, the pedestrian, after waking up, is blurry. 这些司机,行人,醒來之后,都是迷迷糊糊的。 How to fall asleep on the street suddenly. 怎么突然就在马路上睡着了。 After waking up, is surprised. 醒來之后,一个个更是惊讶。 How this becomes a piece in confusion, many vehicles randomly have become one group. 这怎么变得一片狼藉,好多车子都乱成了一团啊。 Fuck, my car(riage), whose he touches my car(riage),” 卧槽,我的车,谁他吗碰我车啦,” Oh, Heavens, what's all this about,” “哎呀,天啊,这是怎么回事啊,” Many vehicle coverings by the vehicle owner who the beforehand false angel treads out the pit, cannot bear shout curses. 好多车篷被之前伪天使踩出凹坑的车主,都纷纷忍不住叫骂起來。 Qin Chao sits in the car(riage), shrugs the shoulders. 秦朝坐在车里,耸耸肩膀。 This does not blame me, is that false angel stepping on. 这可不怪我,是那伪天使给踩的。 However you could rest assured that I have revenged to you, amen. 不过你们放心,我已经给你们报仇了,阿门。 These people awoke, but sits Wang Yuan after car(riage) is being blurry. 这些人是醒了,但坐在车后的王鸳还迷糊着呢。 Kisses me...... Kisses me......” “亲我……亲我……” Biological your younger sister. 亲你妹啊。 Qin Chao cannot bear want to scold, this little girl drank to drink to be in heat. 秦朝忍不住想骂,这妞喝酒喝发情了吧。 You cannot rest a meeting honestly. 你就不能老老实实地睡一会。 Also waited for two to come hour, this transportation was dredged. 又等了两个來小时,这交通才被疏通开。 At this time Wang Yuan has fallen asleep finally, lies down on the back seat obediently, but occasionally was also talking over several somniloquys. 此时王鸳终于睡着了,乖乖地躺在后座上,只是偶尔还念叨着几句梦话。 Anything, the father, I do not marry. 什么,老爸,我不嫁。 I will make Wang Family well and so on. 我会让王家变得更好之类的。 This woman, sleeps does not forget strive to excel. 这女人,睡觉都不忘好强。 Qin Chao is opening Wang Yuan the red Ferrari, goes to downstairs the hospital. 秦朝一路开着王鸳的这辆红色法拉利,來到医院楼下。 He holds the Wang Yuan soft body, lifted the foot to enter the hospital. 他抱起王鸳柔软的身体,抬脚进了医院。 Many doctor and patient hearts said that this girl was any sickness. 好多医生和病人心说,这女孩子是得了什么病了。 A young nurse could not have borne with the colleague talks over. 一个小护士还忍不住跟同事念叨。 You looked that others husbands sympathize, hug are seeing a doctor. 你看,人家老公多体贴,抱着來看病。 I must have the husband who such sympathizes, should good. 我要有个这么体贴的老公,该有多好。 Qin Chao heard this saying, shakes the head secretly, I must have such a wife...... Well, actually also good. 秦朝听到了这话,暗自摇头,我要有这么个媳妇……唔,其实也挺好的。 The Wang Yuan condition is not bad, otherwise Huang Ping cannot such scurry to please pursued is wanting. 王鸳条件也不差嘛,不然黄平也不能这么上赶着的追着要了。 Right, mentioned Huang Ping that boy, said that was the Huang Family young master, that should be the Huang An younger brother. 对了,说起黄平那小子,自称是黄家的少爷,那应该是黄安的弟弟。 Compels taste with his brother one, saw that the pretty woman cannot take a step. 和他老哥一个逼味,看到漂亮女人就迈不动步。 However, this boy, seemingly does not have his brother to be so intelligent. 不过,这小子,貌似沒他哥那么聪明。 That Huang An, now is also Luocha(Rakshasa) Sect outer disciple. 黄安,现在也是罗刹门外门弟子 One, is not good to start to his younger brother directly. 自己,也不好直接对他弟弟下手。 Another day will warn he, making him manage oneself younger brother to result. 改天警告一下他,让他管管自己弟弟就得了。 Otherwise, which day of Huang Ping, if makes the unforgiving mistake...... When the time comes, even if his elder brother acts, cannot save him. 不然,哪天黄平若是犯下自己不能原谅的错误……到时候,就算他哥哥出面,也不能救他了。 Qin Chao is holding Wang Yuan, went to Li Na directly their hospital ward. 秦朝抱着王鸳,直接去了李娜她们的病房。 Gets to the hospital ward entrance, on hearing inside two girls at merriment. 走到病房门口,就听到里面两个丫头在笑闹。 Oh, Small Nana, I had not discovered before, today after having traced, I detected...... Your chest, beforehand was bigger than......” “哎呀,小娜娜,我以前沒发现,今天摸了之后,我才发觉……你的胸,比之前大了很多嘛……” This is the voice of Shang Luo that girl. 这是商洛那丫头的声音。 Goes your, gropes blindly anything, you have, touch your going,” “去你的,瞎摸什么,你自己又不是沒有,摸自己的去,” This is the charm in anger of Li Na. 这是李娜的娇嗔。 Hee hee, my this, has your in a big way......” “嘻嘻,我这个,不是沒有你那个大嘛……” Shang Luo keeps laughing, was too strange, we before obviously almost big, how now, you were older than me these many......” 商洛笑个不停,“太奇怪了,咱俩以前明明差不多大的嘛,怎么现在,你比我大了这么多呀……” I, how I know that I grew,” “我,我怎么知道,我发育了呗,” How possibly growth such quick......” “怎么可能发育的这么快……” Shang Luo shouts immediately, has violated the development law of thing completely, ahem, I may hear...... I may hear......” 商洛顿时嚷道,“根本违背了事物的发展规律,哼哼,我可听说……我可听说……” You hear anything,” “你听说什么啊,” I heard that after the woman man has favored, that place two growth quick yo......” “我听说,女人被男人宠幸了之后,那个地方就会二次发育的很快呦……” You, you talked nonsense anything,” “你,你瞎说什么,” If Qin Chao has not guessed that wrong, Li Na certainly is the face is now red. 如果秦朝沒猜错的话,李娜现在一定是脸通红。 Own small Li Na, but said very much shy. 自己的小李娜,可是很害羞地说。 Especially said her concern time, she is easiest shy, hey. 尤其是说中她心事的时候,她是最容易害羞的,嘿嘿嘿。 Qin Chao hears this, does not have is going to disturb two people anxiously, but is holding Wang Yuan peacefully, stands in the entrance. 秦朝听到这,也就沒急着进去打扰两个人,而是安静地抱着王鸳,站在门口。 Um, he did not acknowledge absolutely that he is listening secretly. 嗯,他绝对不承认,他是在偷听。 I talked nonsense, how I thought I said real,” “我瞎说了吗,我怎么觉得我说的都是真的啊,” Shang Luo actually firmly approves of own idea. 商洛却坚定地赞同自己的想法。 Anything, you know to indulge in flights of fancy,” “什么真的,你就知道胡思乱想,” Li Na did not acknowledge firmly. 李娜却坚决地不承认。 Good, it seems like you will not acknowledge,” “好吧,看來你是不会承认的了,” Did not have, I acknowledged any vigor,” “本來就沒有,我承认个什么劲,” Good, we come to see, is I am deliberately creating trouble, you are lying,” “那好吧,我们就來看看,到底是我在胡闹,还是你在撒谎吧,” What's wrong, sees,” “怎,怎么看啊,” The Li Na sound is a little curious. 李娜的声音有点好奇。 I extend to have a look at the finger, knew, hee hee......” “我把手指伸进去看看,就知道了,嘻嘻……” The Shang Luo sound becomes somewhat evil. 商洛的声音变得有些邪恶。 You die, how you have not died,” “你去死,你怎么还不去死,” Li Na naturally has a big shock, as if also put out a hand to hit Shang Luo several. 李娜自然是大惊失色,似乎还伸手打了商洛好几下。 Naturally, multiple that two young girls can hit, in noisy. 当然,两个小妞能打的多重,都是在闹而已。 Hee hee, you have been afraid,” “嘻嘻,你是不是害怕了,” Shang Luo actually does not want such to give up, the accent said with a smile. 商洛却不想这么放弃,调笑道。 I fear anything, I did not fear,” “我怕什么,我才不怕,” Li Na said hastily. 李娜连忙说。 You did not fear how you do not dare to try......” “你不怕你怎么不敢试呀……” You, how you can think topic that such feels ashamed......” “你,你怎么能想到这么羞人的话題……” Where I have felt ashamed, we are the girls, moreover best friend, including together takes a bath, is removes completely up, I do not know that your small Li Na anything, you make me try, this is not very normal,” “我哪里羞人了,咱们都是女孩子,而且还是闺蜜,连一起洗澡的时候,都是脱光光的,我不知道你小李娜什么呀,你让我试试,这不是很正常的嘛,” Shang Luo said plausibly, „, only if, before your there already, was different, therefore, you do not dare to make me try,” 商洛却振振有词地说道,“除非,你那里已经和以前不同了,所以,你才不敢让我试的,” You, you die......” “你,你去死啦……” Does not dare to say does not dare, but must scold me,” “不敢就说不敢,还要骂我,” This matter how trial......” “这种事情怎么试啊……” Has anything unable to try...... You were broke, snort|hum, was known by me,” “有什么不能试的……你就是已经破掉了,哼,被我知道了吧,” You, do not indulge in flights of fancy......” “你,你不要胡思乱想……” I have not indulged in flights of fancy...... Hee hee, I know that you were OK shy, I held down you, I must know, today,” “我可沒胡思乱想……嘻嘻,我知道你是害羞可以了吧,那我按住你,我一定要知道,今天,” Saying, is the sound that Li Na struggles. 说着,就是李娜挣扎的声音。 hateful, your dodge opens, otherwise I hit you,” 讨厌,你快闪开,不然我打你啦,” You hit me, I may know your weakness,” “你打我,我可知道你的弱点,” Shang Luo as if started to grasp Li Na itchy, the whole body that quick Li Na smiled becomes tender. 商洛似乎开始抓李娜的痒痒,很快李娜就笑的全身发软了。 You, your hand, moves away quickly......” “你,你的手,快拿开……” Is the girls, fears anything...... Well, Small Nana, under your this...... So to be how wet......” “都是女孩子,怕什么……咦,小娜娜,你这下面……怎么这么湿啊……” You, your bastard, dead Shang Luo, do not make, I had feared you were not good,” “你,你混蛋,死商洛,不要闹了,我怕了你了还不行么,” Two girls such deliberately create trouble, what Qin Chao actually listens is the whole body gives off heat. 两个女孩这么胡闹,秦朝却听的是浑身发热。 My goodness, is two girls, can make to so the situation. 好家伙,到底是俩女孩子,能闹到如此地步。 Hateful Shang Luo, dares to inspect my small family Li Na unexpectedly, next time, this Uncle also inspects your. 可恶的商洛,竟然敢检查我家小李娜,下次,本大爷也检查检查你的。 Qin Chao just wants to make the Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost go to peep, but bosom Wang Yuan, screamed at this time suddenly. 秦朝正想让罗刹鬼进去偷看一下,而怀里的王鸳,这时候却突然大声嚷了起來。 Puts, lets loose me, bastard......” “放,放开我,混蛋……” Damn, has almost forgotten a bosom also little girl. 我勒个草,差点忘了怀里还一妞了。 This little girl, you early did not call late not to call, at this time called a fruit. 这妞啊,你早不叫晚不叫,这时候叫个蛋蛋啊。 Wang Yuan such shouted that inside two girls heard immediately. 王鸳这么一喊,里面的两个女孩顿时都听见了。 Qin Chao does not have the means that has to knock knocks on a door, however the boosting gate enters. 秦朝沒办法,只好敲敲门,然后推门而进。 Qin, big brother Qin......” “秦,秦大哥……” Looks that his big brother Qin was holding Wang Yuan Senior Sister, walked from outside, Li Na the elegant face was red immediately. 看着自己的秦大哥抱着王鸳学姐,从外面走了进來,李娜顿时俏脸通红。 She draws in the quilt, keeps off on oneself. 她拉上被子,挡在自己身上。 Then the quilt fluctuates slightly, should be this little girl is putting on by the pants that Shang Luo makes. 然后被子微微起伏,应该是这妞在穿被商洛弄掉的裤子吧。 Shang Luo is very evil, but actually embarrassed looks at Qin Chao that smiles in side. 商洛在旁边笑的很邪恶,但却不好意思看秦朝 You, you have not heard anything......” “你,你沒听到什么吧……” Li Na a little does not dare to look own big brother Qin. 李娜都有点不敢看自己秦大哥了。 Although two people have been opposite honestly, but such was stirred to gather by Shang Luo, was really too embarrassed...... 虽然两个人坦诚相对过,但被商洛这么一搅合,实在是太不好意思了…… „, Hears anything,” “啊,听到什么,” Qin Chao said hastily that I just now, just came, does not know absolutely you were making anything a moment ago, volume......” 秦朝连忙说道,“我才刚到,刚进來,绝对不知道你俩刚才在做什么呢,额……” Qin Chao detected suddenly one said inadvertently. 秦朝忽然发觉自己说漏嘴了。 deserve death, oneself will make such mistake. 该死,自己怎么也会犯下这样的错误。 „......” “啊……” Li Na shamed, directly quilt, the whole person hides in the quilt. 李娜羞得不行,直接把把被子一拉,整个人都躲到被子里去了。 Ended ended, then big brother Qin should treat as the bad girl oneself...... 完了完了,这下秦大哥该把自己当作坏女孩了…… Hum, Shang Luo, is hateful Shang Luo. 呜呜呜,商洛,都是讨厌商洛 cough cough, big brother Qin, you came back,” 咳咳,秦大哥,你回來了呀,” Shang Luo started to be self-poise at this time, just right that you come back, Small Nana was uncomfortable a moment ago, I am best friend, is giving her to get the physical exam,” 商洛这时候开始镇定自若起來,“你回來的正好,刚才小娜娜不舒服,我身为闺蜜,正在给她检查身体,” Yes...... Originally is this,” “是啊是啊……原來是这样,” Qin Chao nods, the heart said that I also want to get the physical exam to you. 秦朝点点头,心说我也想给你检查检查身体。 This romantic inspection way, was really too happy. 这种香艳的检查方式,实在是太痛快了。 „, I forgot to ask a moment ago how big brother Qin you held Wang Yuan Senior Sister to come,” “啊勒,我刚才都忘了问,秦大哥你怎么抱着王鸳学姐就进來了,” Drank a moment ago, this little girl drank in a big way, I did not have the place to deliver, delivered you this to come,” “刚才喝酒,这妞喝大了,我沒地方送,就送你们这來了,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, said. 秦朝耸耸肩膀,说道。 Bastard...... No, do not bump me......” “混蛋……不,不要碰我……” At this time, Wang Yuan shouted suddenly drunkenly. 这时候,王鸳突然醉醺醺地嚷了一句。 Shang Luo blinked. 商洛眨了眨眼睛。 Then, looks at Qin Chao very much evilly. 接着,很邪恶地看着秦朝 I pledged, between both of us does not have anything,” “我发誓,我俩之间沒什么,” Qin Chao argued hastily that not so, I delivered to the guesthouse to go her, but also delivered you this to make anything,” 秦朝连忙辩解,“不然,我就把她送到宾馆去了,还送你们这來做什么,” I have not said anything,” “我也沒说什么呀,” Shang Luo hee smiles, big brother Qin, you so were how anxious...... Puts on Senior Sister my bed quickly, look at her to be drunk,......” 商洛嘻嘻笑起來,“秦大哥啊,你怎么这么紧张啊……快把学姐放到我床上吧,看她醉的,啧啧……” Qin Chao is just about to put Wang Yuan, at this time Shang Luo has supplemented a few words, almost makes his foot one soft, this little girl directly throwing the ground. 秦朝正要把王鸳放上去,这时候商洛补充了一句话,差点让他脚一软,把这妞直接给丢到地上。 Drinks this, it is estimated that others have made anything to her, she does not know...... You said right, big brother Qin,” “喝成这样,估计别人对她做过什么,她都不知道了……你说对吧,秦大哥,” Right, to......” “对,对……” Qin Chao must by this girl being defeated. 秦朝要被这个丫头给打败了。 Hateful, early knows that in the past she Michael took possession, should not she. 可恶,早知道当年她被米迦勒附体的时候,就不该就她。 Rescues small Devil this is. 救回來一个小恶魔啊这是。 Qin, big brother Qin...... How Senior Sister drinks these many......” “秦,秦大哥……学姐怎么喝这么多啊……” Li Na from was sprung a capitellum by in finally, asked. 李娜终于从被里弹出一个小头,问道。 Business discussed that happy,” “生意谈成了,高兴的,” Qin Chao smiles to own Small Nana, she woke up, you asked again she was good, I have gotten through at Capital City here matter, almost also this returned to southern Jiangsu to go,” 秦朝对自己的小娜娜笑笑,“等她醒來,你们再问她就好了,我在京都这边的事情办完了,差不多也该回苏南去了,” This must walk......” “这就要走啊……” Li Na is somewhat low-spirited. 李娜有些黯然。 After big brother Qin came, oneself have given probably only lots of troubles to him. 秦大哥來了之后,自己好像只给他添了很多麻烦。 That matter that Shang Luo said that she did not have the opportunity and brothers Qin tries several times again...... 商洛说的那种事,她都沒机会和秦大哥再尝试几次呢…… Oh, oneself are really not a competent girlfriend. 唉,自己真不是一个称职的女朋友啊。 Um, Sunan City also has my work after all,” “嗯呢,毕竟苏南市还有我的工作呢,” Qin Chao said that „, moreover your Su Ji Elder Sister their day gives me eight telephones, urging me to go back,” 秦朝说道,“而且你苏姬姐姐她们一天给我八个电话,催我回去,” Said this, Qin Chao somewhat felt strange suddenly. 说道这,秦朝忽然有些奇怪起來。 Couple days ago a Su Ji day eight telephones looked for themselves, but recent two days, has not telephoned unexpectedly. 前几天苏姬一天八个电话找自己,而最近两天,竟然沒打电话。 This makes him somewhat puzzled, Su Ji, experienced any matter. 这让他有些不解,苏姬,遇到什么事了么。 ========================================== ========================================== Zhang Tui small sun-dried shelled shrimp profound imaginary work «of Swallows Vault of heaven» @~, if you like unreliably imaginary, if you are very evil, do not miss the Book cough cough of sun-dried shelled shrimp, because the author is very evil, lead with evil, ka ka ~ 章推一下小虾米的玄幻之作《吞噬苍穹》@~如果你喜欢玄幻,如果你很邪恶,一定不要错过虾米的这本书~咳咳,因为作者很邪恶,主角同邪恶,哇咔咔~
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