MBT :: Volume #13

#1233: Swallows the life

Chapter 1233 swallows the life 第1233章吞食生命 Do not bump me, hateful......” “不要碰我,讨厌……” Wang Yuan sits on the back seat, what drinks is drunken, mouth also in unceasing shouting. 王鸳坐在后座上,喝的是醉醺醺的,嘴里还在不断的嚷道。 Qin Chao specially helpless, Li Na and Shang Luo are Qin Chao look for the independent hospital ward that the person arranges luckily specially, otherwise this Wang Yuan appearance, but also can not other to laugh dead. 秦朝特别的无奈,幸好李娜商洛秦朝特意找人安排的独立病房,不然这王鸳的样子,还不得让其他人笑话死。 This little girl, drinks blurry, does not know that is thinking anything. 这妞,喝的迷迷糊糊的,不知道在想什么呢。 One drive with single-hearted devotion, who Bang she. 自己专心开车,谁砰她了。 Is it possible that she damn inadequate. 莫非她又见鬼了不成。 Em, is not right, saw Devil. 额,不对,是又见到恶魔了。 Qin Chao drives, expunges toward the hospital. 秦朝开着车,一路往医院开去。 But the weekend transportation really lets some people pain in the ass, this opened less than half, the Qin Chao vehicle is stopped up in the roads. 但周末的交通实在是让人有些蛋疼,这开了不到一半,秦朝的车子就被堵在了路中间。 Front is a long vehicle queue, cannot see the head. 前面是长长的一条车龙,都看不见头。 One group of drivers are pressing the loudspeaker unceasingly, but pressed according to removing has made people more agitated beside, did not have other effects. 一群司机不断地按着喇叭,但按來按去除了让人更烦躁之外,沒有其他的效果。 Qin Chao emits a Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost, flies to look that originally the forefront two vehicles blew in one, has occupied big street. 秦朝放出一个罗刹鬼,飞过去一看,原來最前面有两辆车子刮在了一起,把马路占去了好大一块。 Comes across this matter, no one has the means. 得,遇到这种事情,谁也沒有办法。 Qin Chao cannot jump out of the car(riage), throws two vehicles one side. 秦朝总不能跳下车,把两辆车子扔到一边去吧。 That had not been regarded superhuman. 那还不被人当成超人啊。 He sits in the car(riage) honestly, waits for the traffic police to unblock the state of roads. 他老老实实地坐在车里,等着交警疏导路况。 You, how you such can drink......” “你,你怎么这么能喝……” Wang Yuan sits in the back row, still mumbled, you intentionally, deceived me intentionally...... Then gets drunk me...... Snort, man, such bad, no, but...... Looked in you have helped in I such busy share...... I, I can make you kiss me one......” 王鸳在后排坐着,依然嘟嘟囔囔的,“你故意,故意骗我……然后灌醉我……哼,男人,都是这么的坏,不,不过……看在你帮了我这么大忙的份上……我,我可以让你亲我一下……” Qin Chao sat in the front covers forehead, the heart was saying how the woman drank so was fearful. 秦朝坐在前排捂着额头,心说女人喝多了怎么都这么可怕。 Li Xue is also, drank with changing the body. 李雪也是,喝多了就跟变身了似的。 Later, as far as possible with good that the woman drinks. 以后,还是尽量不要跟女人喝酒的好。 Generally likes with man who the woman drinks, is the intention illegal people. 一般喜欢和女人喝酒的男人,都是心怀不轨的人。 Um, cannot say the majority, but somewhat a little. 嗯,不能说大部分吧,但多多少少都有点。 The women drank, man made anything to facilitate. 女人一喝多了,男人做什么就都方便了。 Qin Chao sits in the vehicle front, subconscious pulls out a cigarette from the pocket. 秦朝坐在车子前排,下意识的从兜里掏出一支香烟。 He looked at this cigarette, hesitant. 他看了看这香烟,犹豫了一下。 One want to stop smoking probably. 自己好像是想戒烟來着。 Although this matter, is quite painful. 虽然这事吧,比较痛苦。 The custom of but smoking is not quite after all good. 但抽烟的习惯毕竟是不太好。 In his hand is clamping the cigarette, the thought started the brutal struggle. 他手里夹着香烟,思想开始了残酷的斗争。 At this time, lay down in back row Wang Yuan, suddenly the body searched, then lies on the leg of Qin Chao. 就在这个时候,本來躺在后排的王鸳,忽然身子探了过來,然后趴在秦朝的腿上。 hateful...... No, did not say that made you kiss...... You, you must smoke, did not make you kiss......” 讨厌……不,不是说让你亲了么……你,你要抽烟,就不让你亲了……” Qin Chao this waterfall perspiration, who must kiss you. 秦朝这个瀑布汗,谁要亲你了。 Cannot have a liking for Wang Yuan, this little girl is very attractive. 不是看不上王鸳,这妞挺漂亮的。 Cannot do again carelessly. 只是自己不能再胡乱搞下去了。 Goes back to sleep, you drank,” “回去睡觉去,你喝多了,” Qin Chao put out a hand, held Wang Yuan. 秦朝伸出手,扶了王鸳一下。 This Wang Yuan does not know the strength of suddenly which coming, leaps up suddenly, has held in the arms the neck of Qin Chao. 王鸳忽然不知道哪來的力气,突然蹿起來,一把搂住了秦朝的脖子。 Her ruddy small lip, has kissed according to the mouth of Qin Chao. 她红润的小嘴唇,照着秦朝的嘴就吻了过來。 Shit, this little girl drank in a big way must kiss. 我勒个去,这妞喝大了还要强吻啊。 Qin Chao was startled, will shunt. 秦朝吃了一惊,正要躲开。 Suddenly this Wang Yuan has hit the liquor belch, then mouth. 忽然这王鸳打了个酒嗝,然后嘴里一股。 That flash, Qin Chao knows immediately this little girl must do. 那一瞬间,秦朝顿时知道这妞要干啥。 Fuck, she feels nauseated. 卧槽,她要吐。 Do not spit in the car(riage), the smell was ill-smelling. 可别吐车里啊,气味难闻死了。 Qin Chao in the flash, the body vanishes from the driving seat, then appears in the car(riage) back row, holds on Wang Yuan, opens the vehicle door, her body innertube to outside. 秦朝在一瞬间,身体从驾驶席上消失,然后出现在车后排,拉住王鸳,推开车门,把她的身子带到了外面。 Vomits......” “呕……” Wang Yuan first one extends to car(riage) outside, immediately could not bear, drinking anything that today eats, altogether has spat. 王鸳的头一伸到车外,立刻就忍不住了,把今天吃的喝的什么,都一股脑的吐了出來。 Oh, this girl indeed was drinks in a big way. 唉,这丫头的确是喝大了。 The Qin Chao vehicle by the roadside, the surroundings does not have other vehicle owners to see luckily. 幸好秦朝的车子挨着路边,周围沒有其他车主看到。 Otherwise, such attractive Beauty handles such matter, definitely will bring in many people of distress. 否则,这么漂亮的美女做这样的事情,肯定会引來好多人的痛心。 Saw while nobody that Qin Chao loses one slightly to roll Nine Underworld Yin Flame, gave to burn down that vomitus. 趁着沒人看到,秦朝丢出一小团九幽阴火,把那呕吐物都给焚烧掉了。 But after Wang Yuan spits, is hugging Qin Chao directly, by in his bosom. 王鸳吐完之后,直接搂着秦朝,靠在他的怀中。 As if, in her subconsciousness, this place is very comfortable. 似乎,在她的下意识里,这个地方挺舒服的。 Qin Chao looks to hang in bosom Wang Yuan reluctantly, shakes the head. 秦朝无奈地看着挂在怀里的王鸳,摇摇头。 When the Qin Chao plan returns to drive seat, the look sweeps to the car(riage) outside suddenly. 就在秦朝打算回到驾驶席的时候,眼神忽然扫到车外面。 On that man wears the ordinary office uniform, is lifting the right hand. 那个男子身上穿着普通的办公室制服,举着右手。 Most annoys the Qin Chao attention, is that ring on his right hand index finger. 最惹秦朝注意的,是他右手食指上的那一枚戒指。 The ring above is mounting the gem. 戒指上面镶嵌着宝石。 Reason that Qin Chao will pay attention to that ring , because he as if induced any unusual strength from the ring. 秦朝之所以会关注那戒指,是因为他从戒指上面似乎感应到了什么非同一般的力量。 The men walk slowly, the mouth muttered is talking over anything. 男子缓缓走过來,嘴里喃喃念叨着什么。 Gives to me your lives......” “把你们的寿命都献给我吧……” Saying, the gem sends out a dazzling white light. 说着,宝石发出一种耀眼的白光。 Then, on this crowd long street, all drivers, pedestrian not on own initiative lethargic sleep in the past. 接着,这条拥堵的长街上,所有司机,行人都不自觉地昏睡了过去。 Is processing the traffic police of dispute, is at present one black, falls down on the ground. 正在处理纠纷的交警,也是眼前一黑,栽倒在地上。 In the Qin Chao bosom is holding Wang Yuan, within the body as if also has any thing to carry off general. 秦朝怀中抱着的王鸳,体内似乎也有什么东西被拉走一般。 Vitality. 生命力。 Qin Chao in great surprise, these people screened out the massive vitalities immediately. 秦朝顿时大惊,这些人被抽走了大量的生命力。 But Wang Yuan vitality, under the protection of own Yuan Qi, had not screened out. 王鸳的生命力,也是在自己元气的保护下,才沒有被抽走。 Qin Chao has opened the demon eye, in his line of sight, presents in these person of bodies, one faint trace white light, like this pulled out, gathered in the ring of that man. 秦朝睁开了魔眼,在他的视线中,在场那些人身体里面,都一丝丝白光,就这样被抽了出來,汇聚到了那男子的戒指里面。 That ring has the strangeness. 那戒指有古怪。 Qin Chao puts down Wang Yuan, simultaneously makes Yin Yang Bell float, is diverting the Wang Yuan vitality, does not seize the chance suction. 秦朝放下王鸳,同时让阴阳铃漂浮出來,牵制着王鸳的生命力,不趁机被吸走。 His body walks from the vehicle, points to that to lead the man of ring, asked. 他身体从车子里走出來,直指那带着戒指的男子,问道。 Stop,” “住手,” Um,” “嗯,” The man has turned around, looks at opposite Qin Chao, the eyebrow first choice selecting. 那男子转过身來,看着对面的秦朝,眉头挑了挑。 Really also has can stand the person, it seems like, your vitality is very strong......” “竟然还有能站着的人,看來,你的生命力很强啊……” „Who you are......” “你是什么人……” Qin Chao is just about to ask that suddenly smelled a familiar aura from that man. 秦朝正要问,忽然从那男人身上嗅出了一股熟悉的气息。 „The strength of angel...... You are...... False angel......” “天使之力……你是……伪天使……” False angel,” “伪天使,” The men smile, that is any thing, I am a god, has the endless life god, your vitality is good, very abundant, makes me receive,” 男子笑起來,“那是什么东西,我是神,是拥有无尽生命的神,你的生命力不错,很盎然,就让我來接收吧,” Saying, he holds up that ring, has aimed at Qin Chao. 说着,他举起那戒指,对准了秦朝 On the ring departs the white light to come, to twine suddenly on the body of Qin Chao. 戒指上忽然飞出白光來,缠绕在秦朝的身上。 This white light as to entrain anything to come from Qin Chao within the body, but diligently, is unable to entrain a wee bit vitalities from Qin Chao in any event. 这白光似乎想从秦朝体内拽出什么來,但无论如何努力,都无法从秦朝身上拽出一丁点的生命力。 This, how possible......” “这,怎么可能……” The men frowned slightly, why I, could not plunder your vitality......” 男子微微皱起眉头,“我为什么,掠夺不了你的生命力……” Is a false angel of having a swelled head,” “又是一个妄自尊大的伪天使,” Qin Chao stands in that is holding the arm, looks at the opposite that person, sneers, you radically are not the god, you are only a pig of angel raising,” 秦朝站在那,抱着胳膊,看着对面的那个人,冷笑,“你根本就不是什么神,你只是天使饲养的一头猪罢了,” The angel uses such method, collects human soul. 天使利用这样的方法,來收集人类的灵魂。 This man, is equal to the angel in the pig of raising. 这个男人,等于天使在饲养的猪。 Pig fat time, killed has eaten the meat. 猪肥的时候,也就杀了吃肉了。 Hateful, I have the endless life, I am the Spiritual God of non- old codger,” “可恶,我拥有无尽的寿命,我就是不老不死的神灵,” The male complexion is fierce, makes me tear your body, entrains your vitality directly,” 那男子脸色狰狞起來,“就让我撕裂你的身体,直接拽走你的生命力吧,” Then, he jumped, is stepping on the front automobile, threw toward Qin Chao. 说完,他跳了起來,踩着前面的汽车,向着秦朝就扑了过來。 On this fellow has the strength of angel, the ability far supernormal person. 这家伙身上有天使之力,能力远超常人。 He steps in the automobile, can tread out a pit the automobile ceiling. 他踩在汽车上面,能把汽车顶棚踩出一个凹坑。 Meanwhile, his back springs a white wing , to promote his body, from the sky carries on the fast movement. 同时,他背后弹出一只白色的翅膀來,推动他的身体,在空中进行快速的运动。 Get lost,” “滚回去,” But Qin Chao extends the right hand, pushes toward that man who airborne throws. 秦朝伸出右手,往空中扑來的那男子一推。 The Mind strength starts, Qin Chao cultivation base is extremely deep, the Mind strength is also quite astonishing. 意念力发动,秦朝修为极深,意念的力量也是相当惊人。 The man throws half, body was shot instantaneously, was similar to the kite of line, one pounded on the following vehicle. 那男子扑到一半,身体瞬间被弹了回去,如同断了线的风筝,一下砸在后面的车子上。 Bang,” “砰,” That vehicle was dislodged very far, hits with the front vehicle in the same place. 那车子被撞出很远,和前面的车子撞在一起。 But the man distressedly crawled, somewhat startled looks that front this hits itself the person who flies conveniently. 而男子则狼狈地爬了起來,有些惊慌地看着面前这个把自己随手打飞的人。 You, who you are,” “你,你到底是谁,” Since you like saying are the gods, I am slaughter god,” “既然你们都喜欢自称是神,那我就是屠神者,” The Qin Chao heart said that who blows to be flamboyant unable. 秦朝心说,吹牛逼谁不会啊。 Hateful...... The god who I do not die, how will lose to your this fellow,” “可恶……我是不死的神,怎么会败给你这个家伙,” Saying, him is flapping the wings, floats. 说着,他拍着翅膀,漂浮起來。 Meanwhile, in the hand is gripping a Saint spear|gun, is throwing to Qin Chao. 同时,手里攥着一把圣枪,对着秦朝就抛掷过來。 This false angel, started to master the skill of angel. 这个伪天使,已经开始掌握了天使的技能了么。 Qin Chao cannot the to ignore Saint spear|gun explode, his left hand is grasping Platinum Lotus Cut, has cut open that Saint spear|gun in a flash. 秦朝不能放任圣枪爆炸,他左手握着白金莲花斩,一瞬间切开了那圣枪。 Detected the own long-distance attack is also invalid, man anxious. 发觉自己远程攻击也无效,男人急了起來。 Good, such being the case, I make you taste the terror of god,” “好吧,既然如此,我就让你尝尝神的恐怖,” Saying, he lifts up high his ring. 说着,他高举起自己的戒指來。 That ring erupts dazzling white light, white light unceasing flowing, gathered in the body of man. 那戒指爆发出耀眼的白光,白光不断的流淌而下,汇聚到了男人的身体里面。 At this moment, Qin Chao feels that the strength of man starts the unceasing enhancement. 这一刻,秦朝感觉到,那男人的力量开始不断的增强。 He is the vitality that absorbs these to collect crazily. 他是在疯狂吸收这些收集來的生命力吗。 I am a god, I am the Spiritual God of non- old codger,” “我是神,我是不老不死的神灵,” He as if absorbed the pinnacle, the body trembled, the white bracing cold regarding his whole body, formed tornado, blew the upper air. 他似乎吸收到了极致,身体一颤,白色的气劲围绕着他全身,形成一道旋风,吹上了高空。 Surrounding vehicle, by this tornado curling both sides. 周围的车子,都被这旋风给卷到了两旁。 But in the Qin Chao astonished vision, the back of that false angel, grew a white wing unexpectedly. 而在秦朝惊异的目光中,那伪天使的背后,竟然又长出了一只白色的翅膀來。 Closes right up against these vitalities, he broke through unexpectedly. 靠着这些生命力,他竟然突破了。 Saw, I was a god,” “看到了吧,我就是神,” Broke through is also only the Golden Body single layer, but also dares to claim without justification the Spiritual God,” “突破了不过也只是金身一重罢了,还敢妄称神灵,” The Qin Chao form, appears in that false angel front suddenly. 秦朝的身影,忽然出现在那伪天使的面前。 Meanwhile, his left hand, pasted on that false angel forehead. 同时,他的左手,贴在了那伪天使的额头上面。 These white cyclones, as if cannot injure Qin Chao to be the same. 那些白色的气旋,似乎根本伤害不到秦朝一样。 How you, you come in......” “你,你怎么进來的……” This false angel is a little silly. 这伪天使有点傻。 I said that I am slaughter god,” “我说了,我是屠神者,” Qin Chao cold said that you for a oneself selfish desire, plundering slurp others' vitality, such sin, is unforgivable, therefore, is having the dream of your become a God, goes to hell,” 秦朝冷冷道,“你为了一己私欲,掠夺吸食别人的生命力,这样的罪孽,不可饶恕,所以,带着你成神的梦想,下地狱吧,” Then, Qin Chao Nine Underworld Yin Flame plunged into the body of this man. 说完,秦朝九幽阴火跳入了这男子的身体里面。 Including the soul, he will not stay behind. 连灵魂,他都不会留下。 „,...... I, I will not die, I am a god, is the non- old codger......” “啊,啊……我,我不会死啊,我是神,是不老不死的……” Has not waited for this man saying that his body changed to the flying ash. 沒等这男子说完,他的身体已经化作了飞灰。 But that gem ring, actually fell, was used Platinum Lotus Cut by Qin Chao, punctures instantaneously. 而那宝石戒指,却落了下來,被秦朝白金莲花斩,瞬间刺破。 Suddenly, the strength of innumerable life, circle in flight, returns to presenting in within the body of all people. 一时间,无数生命之力,飞旋出去,归还到在场所有人的体内。 =========================================== =========================================== Is sorry that yesterday evening stayed up late to think a book, in the morning crawled late...... Really is unfair to everybody...... 抱歉抱歉,昨天晚上熬夜在想一个本子,早上爬起來晚了……实在对不起大家……
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