MBT :: Volume #13

#1232: Who drops down first

Chapter 1232 who drops down first 第1232章谁先倒下 Wang Yuan started to regret. 王鸳开始后悔了。 Especially in a surroundings person of astonished vision, her regret cannot again the regret. 尤其在周围人惊异的目光中,她悔的不能再悔。 This fellow, his stomach is the bottomless pit. 这个家伙,他的胃是无底洞吗。 All dishes on this menu, are defer to completely, on the fourth time. 这菜单上的所有菜,已经是按照全部,上了第四次了吧。 Shit, how he eats, in tray clean. 我勒个去啊,他是怎么吃的,盘子里干干净净啊。 Fifth......” “第五份……” The service people deliver the dish time, looks that the Qin Chao look became very terrifying. 服务员來送菜的时候,看着秦朝的眼神已经变得很恐怖了。 The zhubajie is alive. 猪八戒在世啊。 One did in the hotel was so long, has not seen the big brother who such has been able to eat. 自己在饭店做了这么久,就沒见过这么能吃的大哥。 He is starved ghost re-entering the womb. 他是饿死鬼投胎么。 Said that probably a little is not quite correct. 怎么说,好像还有点不太正确。 This mister eats meal does not wolf down, instead is refined. 这位先生吃饭一点也不狼吞虎咽,反而斯斯文文。 But can eat, has eaten, probably the stomach lacked self-confidence same...... 可就是能一直吃,一直吃,好像胃沒有底一样…… Suspected really his buttocks underground sit is not the chair, but is the chamberpot...... 真怀疑他屁股地下坐着的不是椅子,而是马桶啊…… You, you are any reincarnation come......” “你,你到底是什么转世來的……” Wang Yuan is staring an attractive big eye, looks helplessly embossed vermilion-colored lacquerware hot pepper in Qin Chao tray forces in the mouth the time, must defeat thoroughly. 王鸳瞪着一双漂亮的大眼睛,眼睁睁看着秦朝把盘子里的一堆红辣椒塞进嘴里的时候,已经彻底要败了。 He has can eat. 他是有多能吃啊。 I force Heavens. 我勒个天啊 You brought to suffice money,” “你带够钱了沒有,” The Qin Chao slow dead rule asked. 秦朝慢死条例地问道。 Already...... Quick insufficient......” “已经……快不够了……” Wang Yuan swallows the saliva. 王鸳咽了咽口水。 Went out only took a bankcard, Cary quota was not many. 出门只拿了一张银行卡,那卡里额度不是很多。 Recently the company business was difficult, she learned economical. 最近公司生意困难,她学会节省了很多。 That considers as finished, eats meal stops, we drink,” “那算了吧,吃饭就到此为止吧,我们喝酒,” Qin Chao eats the clean tray to overthrow side last, then said all sigh with emotion, „, although has only eaten half full, but ate was not good to the body,” 秦朝把最后一个吃干净的盘子推倒旁边,然后无不感慨地说道,“虽然只吃了个半饱,但是吃太多了对身体不好,” Wang Yuan almost does not have one to knock on the table. 王鸳差点沒一头磕死在桌子上。 This, but also has only eaten half full. 这,还只吃了个半饱。 Such man, country eating poorly. 这样的男人,还不把国家给吃穷了。 Really fearful. 真可怕。 Looks at Wang Yuan that panic-stricken look, Qin Chao cannot bear smile. 看着王鸳那惊恐的眼神,秦朝忍不住笑起來。 This girl, does not know one are Cultivator. 这丫头,不知道自己是修真者 Initial period Cultivator, derives Yuan Qi from food. 修真者初期,都是从饭里來汲取元气的。 Just, in this grain miscellaneous grains, although contains Yuan Qi, but are extremely few. 只不过,这五谷杂粮里,虽然蕴含元气,但却极少。 More is the impurities, must be arranged. 更多的都是杂质,要被人排出去的。 The average people naturally through the digestion, drain with other ways. 普通人自然通过消化,和其他方式來排泄。 But Cultivator is not, they change to the energy this type of magazine directly, releases from each pore of body. 修真者则不是,他们把这种杂志直接化作能量,从身体的各个毛孔里释放出去。 Therefore, he eats to eat all one's food all meals of hotel, will not support. 因此,他就算把饭店的所有饭菜吃光,也不会撑到。 Supplemented at most dot Yuan Qi, stores up. 顶多补充一小点元气,储存起來而已。 Good, drinks......” “好吧,喝酒喝酒……” Wang Yuan decided that this whole life did not ask this fellow to eat meal. 王鸳决定,这辈子再也不请这家伙吃饭了。 Really is...... 真的是…… Could not invite. 请不起啊。 Does not know really that this fellow has eaten these many, but can also have the place to drink. 真不知道,这家伙吃了这么多,还能有地方喝酒么。 You leave one to spit,” “你别一会吐出來啊,” Talked nonsense, I was that person,” “瞎说,我是那种人么,” Qin Chao traces the average belly, a moment ago was only half full, was keeping the belly and you drinks......” 秦朝摸了摸平平的肚皮,“刚才只是半饱而已,留着肚子和你喝酒呢……” Wang Yuan starts somewhat to guess that is it possible that this fellow can drink very much. 王鸳开始有些猜测,莫非这家伙很能喝。 cough cough, was right, your three cups of my one cups, come,” 咳咳,对了,你三杯我一杯,來吧,” Um...... Um, wait / etc.,” “嗯……嗯,等等,” Qin Chao gained ground immediately, stares at Wang Yuan that opposite some are blushing slightly, how to turn into my three cups of your one cups, was not my two cups of your one cups,” 秦朝顿时抬起头來,盯着对面有些微微脸红的王鸳,“怎么变成我三杯你一杯了,不是我两杯你一杯的么,” Oh, what I said is your three cups of my one cups, you definitely misunderstood,” “哎呀,我说的是你三杯我一杯啦,你肯定是听错了,” Wang Yuan said hastily. 王鸳连忙说道。 This is also for safety's sake. 这也是为了保险起见啊。 Three cups trade one cup, how oneself said that was also appropriate. 三杯换一杯,自己怎么说也合适了。 This man appetite is big, the spirit gathering are many he unable to bear. 这男人就算胃口再大,酒精汇聚多了他也受不了吧。 I misunderstood,” “我听错了,” The Qin Chao heart said that oneself this hearing, but can also misunderstand. 秦朝心说,自己这听力,还能听错么。 You look, your grown man, must mean what he says, has reached an agreement your three cups of my one cups, does not permit to act shamelessly,” “你看,你一个大男人,不能说话不算数啊,说好了你三杯我一杯的,不准耍赖呀,” Wang Yuan is studying Qin Chao, was insensitive. 王鸳学着秦朝,厚脸皮了。 I cannot drink you,” “那我喝不过你啊,” „A your man, how can not drink me,” “你一个男人,怎么能喝不过我呢,” You did not say that your alcohol capacity is very good,” “你不说你酒量很好么,” That is boasts...... Actually my one cup but actually,” “那是吹牛嘛……其实我一杯倒,” Wang Yuan has coughed two. 王鸳干咳了两声。 This woman started to be invincible. 得,这女人开始开无敌了。 Considers as finished, that my three cups of your one cups, I must drink in a big way, you may have no alternative but to manage me,” “算了算了,那就我三杯你一杯吧,我要喝大了,你可不能不管我,” Qin Chao has put a smoke shell first. 秦朝先放了个烟雾弹。 Well good, this does not have the issue,” “好好好,这个沒问題,” In the Wang Yuan heart laughs in one's heart, the little guy, this time does not drink you. 王鸳心中暗笑,小样,这次不喝死你。 She carries the wine class, first has lifted, to thank you helps my this time, I do for the respect first,” 她端起酒杯,先举了起來,“为了感谢你帮我这一次,我先干为敬,” Then, she is supine neck, tosses down the liquor in cup. 说完,她仰起脖子,把杯中的酒一饮而尽。 Shouted, Yanjing beer cool was tasty,” “呼,燕京啤酒凉的就是好喝啊,” She smiles. 她嘿嘿一笑。 Qin Chao also smiles, that is you have not drunk the Harbin beer, I quite like beer, particularly ices pure and 1990,” 秦朝也笑起來,“那是你沒喝过哈尔滨啤酒,我个人还是比较喜欢哈啤,尤其是冰纯和1990,” Oh, these I have not drunk, when I have the opportunity to go to Sunan City, tastes,” “哎呀,那些我沒喝过,等我有机会去苏南市,尝一尝吧,” Um, good......” “嗯,好……” Good your younger sister, to have drunk to you,” “好你妹,到你喝了,” Wang Yuan white Qin Chao. 王鸳白了秦朝一眼。 Qin Chao smiles bitterly, holds up front wine class, one after another, has drunk up three cups. 秦朝苦笑一下,举起面前的酒杯,一杯接一杯,算是喝完了三杯。 You were too ruthless, or my two cups, your one cup,” “你太狠了,要不还是我两杯,你一杯吧,” Qin Chao pretends some extremely potency of alcohol, said. 秦朝装作有些不胜酒力,说道。 How that can be good, the man real man, the speech must turn out as said that” “那怎么能行呢,男子汉大丈夫,说话要算话,” Wang Yuan cracks into a chuckle, takes up the wine class, comes, drinks up this cup, the second cup,” 王鸳嘻嘻一笑,又拿起酒杯來,“來來來,喝完这杯,还有第二杯,” I go, when you you are 500 sing. 我去,你当你是500唱歌呢。 But does not have the means that who makes this girl bring death. 但沒办法,谁让这丫头來送死呢。 Qin Chao one after another accompanies her to drink. 秦朝就接二连三地陪她喝下去。 Wang Yuan is confident, must the drink to death that Qin Chao drinks in the past, after then the liquor, spits the true words. 王鸳本來是信心满满,要把秦朝喝的醉死过去,然后酒后吐真言。 Has not thought that Qin Chao drank does not know had many bottles, the spirit was still sparkling. 可沒想到,秦朝喝了都不知道有多少瓶了,依然精神烁烁的。 This fellow to spirit also immunity. 难道,这家伙对酒精也免疫吗。 Is impossible, that is absolutely impossible. 不可能,那绝对不可能。 How in the world possibly to have this person, only if he is not humanity. 世界上怎么可能有这种人呢,除非他不是人类。 Wang Yuan some above, she has drunk at least also more than 78 bottles. 王鸳已经有些上头了,她喝了起码也不下78瓶了吧。 On the tables of two people, has chocked up the beverage bottle. 两个人的桌子上,已经摆满了酒瓶。 This service person also removed many bottles. 这服务员还撤下去了好多瓶呢。 The service people in hotel were shocked for these two customers. 饭店里的服务员都为这两个顾客惊呆了。 Can eat did not say, but also such can drink. 能吃不说,还这么能喝。 That man, his is any stomach. 那个男人,他那是什么胃。 Is it possible that in his stomach is also connecting the different dimension. 莫非他的胃里还连接着异次元吗。 These people think that does not understand. 这些人是想不明白了。 Wang Yuan is not clear, she somewhat feels dizzy, but is still continue support is pouring liquor down the throat to Qin Chao. 王鸳也不明白,她有些发晕,但还在继续强挺着给秦朝灌酒。 Is, for we can become the good friends, cheers,” “为,为了我们能成为好朋友,干杯,” Saying, has held up wine class. 说着,又举起了酒杯。 Good, cheers,” “好,干杯干杯,” Qin Chao has also held up the wine class. 秦朝也举起了酒杯。 Two people to bumping, Qin Chao have killed. 两个人对碰了一下,秦朝一口干掉。 Meanwhile, fills to the brim two cups, drinks up in turn. 同时,又倒满两杯,依次喝掉。 Wang Yuan is staring Qin Chao. 王鸳瞪着秦朝 This male servant, this is drinking water. 这厮,他这是在喝水。 „It is not good, I a little drank motionless,” “不行了,我有点喝不动了,” Qin Chao puts down the cup, shakes the head, said that we drink this,” 秦朝放下杯子,摇摇头,说道,“咱就喝到这吧,” He is not good. 他不行了。 Wang Yuan somewhat is suddenly excited. 王鸳忽然有些激动。 He is not finally good. 他终于不行了。 Must drink to be many he, took advantage now. 要喝多他,就趁现在了。 „It is not good, how the man can say not the good these two characters,” “不行不行,男人怎么能说不行这两个字呢,” Wang Yuan said hastily that must drink drinks happily,” 王鸳连忙跟着说道,“要喝就喝个痛快嘛,” What to do drank motionless......” “喝不动了怎么办……” Qin Chao disguises to be dizzy, feels the forehead saying that looked you a little are dizzy......” 秦朝假装头晕,摸着额头说道,“看你都有点晕乎乎的了……” You think that showed you have not drunk many,” “你这么想,就证明你还沒喝多,” Wang Yuan holds up the wine class immediately, comes, my girl, has not said good, you said first, loses face you,” 王鸳立刻举起酒杯,“來,我一个女孩子,还沒说不行,你先说了,丢人不丢人啊你,” „, We then drink,” “得得得,那咱们接着喝,” Qin Chao has to hold up the wine class. 秦朝只好又举起酒杯。 He is feared actually this little girl drank in a big way, oneself must give to send back her. 他其实是怕这妞喝大了,自己还得把她给送回去。 But Wang Yuan not this consciousness, one after another, but also tries filling Qin Chao but actually. 王鸳沒这个觉悟,一杯一杯的,还试图把秦朝给灌倒。 This is from the start impossible. 这压根就不可能吧。 Wang Yuan does not know that has drunk many, two both somewhat become dark. 王鸳都不知道喝了多少了,两眼都有些发黑。 But she thought that Qin Chao should not be good, after all the opposite party drank these many, should drop down. 但她觉得秦朝应该也不行了,毕竟对方都喝得这么多了,该倒下了吧。 Come, again, comes one cup again......” “來,再,再來一杯……” Wang Yuan holds up one glass of liquor, wine class shakes, drank, has drunk it, was, to congratulate us, we......” 王鸳举起一杯酒,酒杯直晃,“喝,喝了它,为,为了祝贺我们,我们……” She was saying, the wine class lets go, falls on the table, the liquor has sprinkled one table. 她说着,酒杯脱手而出,摔在桌子上,酒洒了一桌。 Nearby service person, had a scare. 旁边的服务员,吓了一跳。 This they do not drink stupid, nobody feet the bill. 这俩人可别喝傻逼了,沒人掏钱付账啊。 Their this eats...... Tens of thousands. 他们这吃的……好几万了都。 Pitiful little girl, said is not good, you also drink,” “可怜妞,都说了不行了,你还喝,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, then waves to look for the service person. 秦朝耸耸肩膀,然后挥手找來服务员。 The service people looked that this big stomach exceeds others in ability also soberly, hastily walks. 服务员一看这大胃超人还清醒,连忙走过來。 Pays up,” “结账,” Qin Chao has handed over a bankcard in the past. 秦朝递了一张银行卡过去。 Good, the mister waits a bit,” “好,先生稍等,” The service people held card to leave hastily. 服务员连忙屁颠屁颠的捧着卡离开了。 Tied the account, Qin Chao has somewhat worried looks at Wang Yuan. 结完了账,秦朝有些发愁地看着王鸳 Losing consciousness that this little girl drinks, which getting so far as goes. 这妞喝的不省人事,给弄到哪去啊。 Ponders over, to hospital that delivering to Li Na stays , can also sober up to that moreover Li Na they also know this little girl, can look. 琢磨琢磨,给送到李娜住的医院去吧,到那还能醒醒酒,而且李娜她们也都认识这妞,也能照顾一下。 Cannot be looked after by oneself big masters, should have the misunderstanding. 总不能让自己一个大老爷们照顾吧,该闹出误会的。 Qin Chao does not have the means that hugged this little girl directly around the middle. 秦朝沒办法,直接拦腰抱起了这妞。 No, do not hug me...... You, you must make anything to me......” “别,别抱我……你,你要对我做什么……” Wang Yuan has pushed Qin Chao several, but drinks is similar to mud same she, a strength cannot cause. 王鸳推了秦朝几把,但喝的如同烂泥一样的她,一点力气都使不上。 Moreover she has the strength, cannot struggle Qin Chao. 而且就算她有力气,也根本争不过秦朝 Hateful...... I know, you, your men, do not have a good person......” “可恶……我就知道,你,你们男人,沒一个好人……” Wang Yuan cannot push Qin Chao, soft, if the body of characterless has turned turning in the Qin Chao bosom, then said that you fill intentionally, get drunk me...... Then, then......” 王鸳推不过秦朝,柔软如若无骨的身子在秦朝怀里扭了扭,然后说道,“你故意灌,灌醉我……然后,然后……” Asked......” “拜托……” Qin Chao does not know whether to laugh or cry, is you are filling me to be good obviously, my alcohol capacity is good, was already filled to fall face down by you......” 秦朝哭笑不得,“明明是你在灌我好不好,要不是我酒量好,早就被你灌趴下了……” Snort...... Bad, bastard......” “哼……坏,坏蛋……” Wang Yuan is blurry, although did not have the strength, but is also retaining a consciousness, said with Qin Chao noisyly. 王鸳迷迷糊糊的,虽然沒了力气,但还保留着一点意识,和秦朝吵道。 Wants, to know you have to betray Li Na...... I, how I will drink, drink these many liquor,” “要,要不是为了,为了知道你有沒有背叛过李娜……我,我怎么会喝,喝这么多酒,” Sweat, originally must fill me for this,” “汗,原來是为了这个要灌我啊,” Qin Chao cold sweat. 秦朝一头冷汗。 Betrays Li Na...... 背叛李娜…… It seems like, oneself do this matter, more than several hundred times...... 貌似,自己做这种事,不下几百次了吧…… Li Na is also knows that but is whole-heartedly with oneself. 李娜也是知道的,但还是死心塌地地跟着自己。 Own these women, which is not so. 自己这些女人,哪个不是如此呢。 Ok, thinks these to do, hurries packing off this little girl. 算了,想这些干嘛,还是赶紧把这妞给送走吧。 Took the subway to draw, have not drunk many in any case. 坐地铁还是拉到了,反正自己也沒喝多少。 You drive,” “你开车來的么,” Um...... You, you must do, play, play the car(riage) to shake...... No, is not good, I, I am the Chrysanthemum eldest daughter......” “嗯……你,你要干什么,玩,玩车震么……不,不行,我,我还是个黄花大闺女……” Wang Yuan shouts. 王鸳嚷道。 Anything with anything. 什么跟什么呀。 Qin Chao is disinclined to respond the nonsense of this little girl, is hugging her, left the hotel. 秦朝懒得搭理这妞的胡言乱语,抱着她,离开了饭店。 =============================================== =============================================== Thank the friend to my support, you made me very frustrated to my maintenance, really ~ 感谢好都朋友对我的支持,你们对我的维护让我很窝心,真的~ User who looks at pirating, is the user of legal copy, so long as is the sincerity likes Old Yang book, I thanked, everybody was in one's power, Old Yang understood. 无论是看盗版的用户,还是正版的用户,只要是真心喜欢老羊书的,我都感谢,大家都是力所能及而已,老羊理解。 The hope do not spurt Old Yang, I am also a person, is the person has the temperament. 只是希望不要來喷老羊,我也是人,是人就有脾气。 Many in maintaining my wools, Old Yang thanks you, does not know how should report back, several days later will be the annual meeting, will be quite busy for these days, after waiting for the annual meeting to end, slightly explodes, thanked everybody, extracted for day, at least also met ten, hopes that everybody can continue to support Old Yang, the time, probably was more than 20 about ~ Old Yang will tell you ahead of time ~~ 好多在维护我的羊毛们,老羊感激你们,不知道该怎么回报,过几天就是的年会了,这几天会比较忙,等年会结束之后,小爆一下,感谢一下大家,抽出一天,起码也会十更,希望大家能继续支持老羊,时间,大概是20多号左右吧~老羊会提前告诉你们的~~
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