MBT :: Volume #13

#1231: Eats to be poor you

Chapter 1231 eats to be poor you 第1231章吃穷你 Your this project I looked, feasible,” “你这个项目我看了,可行,” Hang Zhicheng closes these documents, however boosted has pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, said to Wang Yuan, „, although will not have the too big income in a short time, but still had good prospects for development to the later period, therefore, did not have any issue, we can sign,” 杭至丞合上那些文件,然后推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,对王鸳说道,“虽然短期之内不会有太大的收益,但到了后期却依然有很好的发展前景,所以,沒什么问題,我们可以签约,” Then, pulls out two documents from own briefcase, here is the contract of signing, Miss Wang has a look, if no issue, we have signed it,” 说完,从自己的公文包里掏出两份文件來,“这里就是签约的合同,王小姐看看,如果沒问題,我们就签了它,” After Wang Yuan received the contract, looked at two, becomes very surprised. 王鸳接过合同后,看了两眼,变得十分惊讶。 This, this contract......” “这,这合同……” Has any issue,” “有什么问題么,” This contract, was favorable for us too......” “这合同,对我们太有利了吧……” Wang Yuan some did not understand that Dafa Group is willing to invest four hundred million funds, actually only requests to take 10% stocks...... You, can definitely occupy big end......” 王鸳有些不理解,“大发集团愿意投入四个亿的资金,却只要求占用10%的股份……你们,完全可以占大头的……” He He, because Mr. Qin spoke, wants us to assist Miss Wang, therefore, too many benefits, we do not dare to occupy,” “呵呵,因为秦先生发话了,要我们协助王小姐,所以,太多的利益,我们不敢占的,” Hang Zhicheng beckons with the hand to say hastily. 杭至丞连忙摆摆手说道。 This......” “这样么……” Wang Yuan is a little dumbfounded, this Qin Chao, who is...... 王鸳有点目瞪口呆,这秦朝,到底是什么人啊…… She thinks from the beginning that he is the bosses of small company. 她一开始以为,他就是个小公司的老板吧。 Has not thought that his energy, can affect Dafa Group unexpectedly. 沒想到,他的能量,竟然能影响大发集团 Wang Yuan, be not deceived,” 王鸳,你别被骗了,” Huang Ping walks to say immediately that in the world where has the space to fall the meat pie the good deed, your this fellow, the actor who which film and television school entrance from looks, develops also very looks like,” 黄平立刻走出來说道,“天底下哪有天上掉馅饼的好事,你这家伙,是从哪个影视学校门口找來的演员,演的还挺像的,” Huang Ping points at Hang Zhicheng to say. 黄平指着杭至丞说道。 „The Dafa Group general manager I have seen, surnamed Zhu, your this fellow, dares to pretend to be the Dafa Group general manager before me, the courage was too big,” 大发集团的总经理我见过,姓朱,你这家伙,竟敢在我面前冒充大发集团的总经理,胆子太大了,” This is Huang Ping Master Huang,” “这位是黄平黄少爷吧,” Hang Zhicheng was actually indifferent to personal gains and losses at this time, although Huang Ping is very competent in Capital City, but to Dafa Group, does not have the tremendous influence. 杭至丞这时候却宠辱不惊,虽然黄平京都很有实力,但对大发集团,却沒有多大的影响。 Because after Dafa Group has swallowed the enterprise of Si family|home, the influence grips in Capital City also very solid. 因为大发集团吞掉了司家的企业之后,势力在京都扎的也非常的扎实。 Moreover, Huang Family has the projects of many cooperation with Dafa Group, his elder brother Huang An, heard that also and Director Qin has some origins. 而且,黄家大发集团有很多合作的项目,他哥哥黄安,听说也和秦董有着一些渊源。 Small Huang Ping, can raise any storm. 小小的黄平,又能掀起什么风浪來。 General Manager Zhu who you said that already, because some reasons left the company, I am the newly appointed general manager, if you do not believe that can investigate me,” “您说的朱总经理,已经因为一些原因离开了公司,我是新上任的总经理,如果您不相信的话,可以去调查我,” Then, no longer responds this Huang Ping, has turned around, stands, is putting out a hand to Wang Yuan, Miss Wang, hopes that we cooperate happily,” 说完,不再搭理这黄平,转过身去,站起來,对着王鸳伸出手來,“王小姐,希望我们合作愉快,” „, Good, cooperation happy......” “哦,好,合作愉快……” Wang Yuan is a little also in a daze, this made itself anxious several days of matters...... Such, was handled. 王鸳还有点发傻,这让自己焦急了好几天的事情……就这么,被搞定了。 Um, Miss Wang, later starts the fund to project on the account of your firm, if you have any issue, makes my cell phone directly, just in the contract I had to leave you, I have to write other matters to be busy, first walks one,” “嗯,王小姐,稍后启动资金就会打到贵公司的账户上,如果您还有什么问題,直接打我的手机,刚刚合同上我有留给您,我还有写其他的事情要忙,先走一步,” Then, Hang Zhicheng is bowing to Qin Chao slightly, Mr. Qin see again/goodbye,” 说完,杭至丞对着秦朝微微一鞠躬,“秦先生再见,” see again/goodbye, later has the opportunity to eat meal again together,” 再见,以后有机会再一起吃饭吧,” Qin Chao he he said with a smile. 秦朝呵呵笑道。 Good, thanked Mr. Qin,” “好的,谢谢秦先生,” In Hang Zhicheng the heart secretly rejoices, it seems like Director Qin is very satisfied. 杭至丞心中暗喜,看來秦董是很满意自己啊。 Good, then the position of general manager is preserves. 太好了,这下总经理的位置算是保住了。 He turned around to leave has tempted hot - was puzzled, but several people somewhat were also in a daze, besides Qin Chao. 他转身离开了麻辣诱-惑,而现场的几个人还有些发呆,除了秦朝之外。 Swindler, he definitely is a swindler,” “骗子,他肯定是骗子,” Huang Ping takes up the cell phone, Wang Yuan, this time your Wang Family has abandoned, I must look up his status now, making you know that you got up how big working as,” 黄平拿起手机,“王鸳,这次你们王家算是废了,我现在就要查他的身份,让你知道你上了一个多么大的当,” He is just about to telephone, that side Wang Yuan actually first received the call of assistant. 他正要打电话,那边王鸳却先接到了助理的电话。 After she hears, is very happy. 她听到之后,十分开心。 Really, money to the account, worthily is Dafa Group, is really effective, is very good, this Wang Family must rise, looks this time, but also who can harm us,” “真的,钱已经到账了,不愧是大发集团,真有效率,很好,这一次王家要重新崛起了,看这一次,还有谁能害我们,” Wang Yuan was very happy that under she receives happily extremely, puts down the cell phone, holds in the arms Qin Chao, has kissed one on his face. 王鸳很高兴,她喜不胜收之下,放下手机,就搂住秦朝,在他的脸上亲了一口。 Qin Chao, these time too thanked you,” 秦朝,这一次太感谢你了,” Completely is the happy extremely below impulsion performance. 完全是喜极之下的冲动表现。 Qin Chao feels had been kissed face, said that really also has this welfare. 秦朝摸着被亲过的脸,说竟然还有这福利呢。 Huang Ping in half dead of side air/Qi, points at Qin Chao to shout. 黄平在旁边气的半死,指着秦朝嚷道。 You, who you are,” “你,你到底是什么人,” I am an ordinary student,” “我就是个普普通通的学生呗,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, your lackey did not tell you, I was a IT Faculty student,” 秦朝耸耸肩膀,“你的狗腿子不是告诉你了么,我是一个计算机系的学生,” This silly fork, Shang Luo said one are the IT Faculty student, he really believed. 这傻叉,商洛说自己是计算机系的学生,他就真信了。 Fart, you are waiting, one day, my Huang Ping must coming to light that you look up,” “放屁,你等着,总有一天,我黄平要把你查的水落石出,” Then, he stares Ma Ruohang one that has not dared to speak, has not walked together,” 说完,他瞪了那不敢说话的马若航一眼,“还不一起走,” Yes, is......” “是,是……” The Ma Ruohang atmosphere does not dare to leave, leaves with Huang Ping dingily. 马若航大气都不敢出,灰溜溜地跟着黄平离开。 Qin Chao, this time, was really thank you,” 秦朝,这一次,真的是谢谢你了,” This fellow rolled, Wang Yuan is happy. 这家伙滚了,王鸳才开心呢。 Especially Wang Family these time brings back to life, she does not need to be the Huang Family wife, is good, is charming. 尤其是王家这一次起死回生,她也不用做黄家的媳妇,非常棒,非常帅气啊。 I have not thought, you can add on me such in a big way busy......” “我真沒想到,你能帮上我这么大的忙……” „, Gathering, you is about coming me, is thinking refuses to abandon hope,” “哦,合着,你把我约來,就是想着死马当活马医啊,” Qin Chao cannot bear want to smile. 秦朝忍不住想笑。 Hey, this, is really embarrassed......” “嘿嘿,这个,实在是不好意思啦……” Wang Yuan spits the tongue, said with a smile, after all was 200 million funds, the average person who can take......” 王鸳吐了吐舌头,笑道,“毕竟是200000000资金啊,一般人谁能拿得出來嘛……” Um, this matter such passed, hopes that do not disappoint me to your expectation,” “嗯,这件事就这么过去了,希望你不要辜负我对你的期望啊,” Qin Chao is blinking to Wang Yuan. 秦朝对着王鸳眨眨眼睛。 This saying said...... However, thanked you to help I such big busy today,” “这话说的……不过,还是感谢你今天帮了我这么大的忙,” Does not use, my this is the exchange of gifts between friends, is you helps first my,” “不用,我这是投桃报李,是你先帮我的,” When Em, I have helped you,” 额,我什么时候帮过你,” You guess that guessed right I to tell you,” “你猜,猜对了我就告诉你,” Headache, which on this guesses that considers as finished, did not think this,” “头痛,这上哪猜去,算了算了,不想这个了,” Wang Yuan shouted loudly one, service person, gave me to come to ten bottles of Yanjing,” 王鸳高呼一声,“服务员,给我來十瓶燕京,” I go, you must do,” “我去,你要干嘛,” Qin Chao one hear wants these many beer, had a scare. 秦朝一听要这么多啤酒,吓了一跳。 Celebration,” “庆祝啊,” On the Wang Yuan face is the happy expression, such big celebration, how can not celebrate, Qin Chao, does not permit to walk Kazakh, accompanies me to drink,” 王鸳脸上全是笑意,“这么大的喜事,怎么能不庆祝呢,秦朝,不准走哈,陪我喝酒,” This, this......” “这,这个……” Qin Chao most is afraid, was accompanies the woman to drink. 秦朝最害怕的,就是陪女人喝酒了。 secure, my alcohol capacity is very good,” “安啦,我酒量很好的,” Wang Yuan smiles, you, if drank, I will be responsible for driving you to send back,” 王鸳笑起來,“你要是喝多了,我会负责开车把你送回去的,” Stops,” “打住,” Qin Chao said hastily, „after the liquor, cannot drive,” 秦朝连忙说道,“酒后不能开车,” Oh, this liquor does not have the issue,” “哎呀,这点酒沒问題的,” That is not good, your this is not own matter,” “那也不行,你这可不是自己的事,” Drank driving, was the extremely irresponsible performance. 喝多了开车,是极度不负责任的表现。 Especially Wang Yuan, is different from, she is not Cultivator, can melt the potency of alcohol. 尤其王鸳,和自己不同,她又不是修真者,能化解酒力。 Good good, drank me nearby to look for a guesthouse, lost to consider as finished you,” “好吧好吧,喝多了我就就近找个宾馆,把你丢进去算了,” You, you must make anything......” “你,你要做什么……” Qin Chao both hands grasp the shoulder, I, I am not the casual person,” 秦朝双手抱住肩膀,“我,我可不是什么随便的人,” Goes your, I am the casual person,” “去你的,那我就是随便的人吗,” This was difficult to say...... Looked that your two eyes shine, who knows what you think is any evil matter......” “这个难说……看你两眼放光,谁知道你心里想的是不是什么邪恶的事情……” Excuse me,” “拜托,” Wang Yuan must simply by this fellow shameless irritating, my both eyes shine, happily is good for the matter of business, your this fellow, was too hateful, was white a moment ago quart you, is not good, I must fill many you am willingly,” 王鸳简直要被这家伙的无耻给气死了,“我双眼放光,是为了生意的事高兴好不好,你这家伙,太可恶了,刚才白夸你了,不行,我要把你灌多才甘心,” You, you must make anything to me......” “你,你还是要对我做什么……” Qin Chao hugs was tighter. 秦朝抱的更紧了点。 You die, you said that drank was unable to drive,” “你去死,你自己说的,喝多了不能开车的,” That cannot take taxi......” “那不是能打车么……” Finished eating, on afternoon, that meeting, was not quite good to take taxi, is really not good, taking a seat subway line,” “等吃完了,就下午了,那会,不太好打车,实在不行,就坐地铁行了吧,” But Wang Yuan. 王鸳都无奈了。 Oh, this almost, I have also felt relieved,” “嗯嗯,这还差不多,那我就放心了,” The Qin Chao words were too exasperating, probably want to make anything to resemble to him. 秦朝的话实在太气人了,好像自己真想对他做什么似的。 This fellow, how Li Na can bear his. 这家伙,李娜是怎么受得了他的。 Where she knows that usually Qin Chao to Li Na is not this. 她哪里知道,平时秦朝李娜可不是这样的。 Li Na Qin Chao was the obedient female, Qin Chao said radically anything listened. 李娜秦朝这边根本就是乖乖女,秦朝说什么都听。 Therefore, Qin Chao also always disagreement Li Na bickers and so on. 因此,秦朝也就从來不和李娜斗嘴之类的。 In comparison, Qin Chao likes bickering with Shang Luo. 相比之下,秦朝更喜欢和商洛斗嘴。 The service people brought the beer quickly, saw that attractive girl rushes to open the liquor, cannot bear creepy feeling. 服务员很快拿來了啤酒,看到一个漂亮女生抢着就开酒,忍不住头皮发麻。 My goodness, this Beauty this is must drink oneself how. 好家伙,这个美女这是要把自己喝多么。 The Wang Yuan business made, was happy, disagreement Qin Chao haggled over generally. 王鸳生意弄完了,心情很好,不和秦朝一般计较。 How to say again is also misery that this man helps himself get out, now she more looked that Qin Chao is more pleasing to the eyes. 再怎么说也是这个男人帮自己脱离的苦海,现在她是越看秦朝越顺眼。 Li Na has skill boyfriend like this, is good. 李娜有这样有本事的男朋友,也挺好的。 However, like this has skill man, can have many women. 不过,这样有本事的男人,会不会有很多女人。 Since the ancient times does not have words. 自古以來不就有句话么。 The men go bad richly. 男人有钱就变坏。 It is not good, since oneself are the Li Na good friend, is the Qin Chao good friend, cannot the to ignore they separate because of anything finally. 不行,自己既然是李娜的好朋友,又是秦朝的好朋友,就不能放任他们两个最后因为什么而分开。 Oh, oneself have to supervise the Qin Chao responsibility. 嗯嗯,自己有监督秦朝的责任在啊。 Right, after the liquor, spits the true words. 对了,正所谓,酒后吐真言。 One this fellow filling many, then listens to him besides Li Na, but also there are other girl. 自己把这家伙给灌多,然后听听他除了李娜之外,还有沒有其他的女生 Right, this. 对,就这样。 Wang Yuan Wang Yuan, you were really too intelligent. 王鸳王鸳,你真的是太聪明了。 Worthily is the Wang Family daughter. 不愧是王家的女儿呀。 Qin Chao, we put together the bar,” 秦朝,咱俩拼酒吧,” Wang Yuan thinks of this, proposed, I was girl, you must let my point,” 王鸳想到这,提议道,“我是女生,你要让着我一点,” Lets,” “怎么让,” You drink two cups, I drink one cup, what kind,” “你喝两杯,我喝一杯,怎么样,” Wang Yuan said that does not feel embarrassed you,” 王鸳说道,“不为难你吧,” „, One person of one cup is why fair,” “为什么呀,一人一杯才公平嘛,” Qin Chao somewhat shy said that I am a weak man, will not drink...... If drank, what to do you played a dirty trick to others......” 秦朝有些害羞地说道,“我是个弱男子,都不怎么会喝酒的……万一喝多了,你对人家使坏怎么办……” You, you die,” “你,你去死,” Wang Yuan wants to throw the wine class on the head of Qin Chao. 王鸳想把酒杯丢在秦朝的脑袋上。 This fellow, facial skin sincere invincible degree. 这家伙,脸皮厚道了无敌的程度啊。 „Are you also a man, your two cups of my one cups, such have decided that” “你还是不是个爷们,你两杯我一杯,就这么定了,” That, good......” “那,那好吧……” Qin Chao disguises to say timidly, that I, if drank, what to do......” 秦朝假装怯怯地说道,“那我要是喝多了,怎么办……” I am responsible for sending back you...... Takes the subway,” “我负责把你送回去……坐地铁,” Wang Yuan said hastily. 王鸳连忙说道。 Good......” “那好吧……” Qin Chao looked at a wine class, first that you and other, I finished eating the bean curd with crab roe......” 秦朝看了一眼酒杯,“那你等一下,我先把蟹黄豆腐吃完的……” You such like eating, I called one again and that's the end...... However, you have the belly to install the liquor,” “你这么爱吃,我再叫一份就是了……不过,你还有肚子装酒吗,” Relax, insufficient, you called five again......” “放心吧,一份不够,你再叫五份吧……” Shit, you are the pig,” 我勒个去,你是猪吗,” Words that you spoke, I eat to be poor today you,” “你这么说的话,我今天就吃穷你,” Fears you, come,” “怕你啊,來啊,” Wang Yuan does not believe that is tempting hot - is puzzled to eat meal, but can also eat poor. 王鸳不相信,在麻辣诱-惑吃饭,还能吃穷自己。 First stated that does not permit waste,” “首先声明,不准浪费,”
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