MBT :: Volume #13

#1237: Whose patient

Chapter 1237 whose patient 第1237章谁的病人 Uncle...... You, how you ran from my brain,” “大叔……你,你怎么从我的脑子里跑出來了,” As if because too long has not seen Qin Chao, Yang Li some do not believe that but also thinks one were was dazzled. 似乎因为太久沒看到秦朝,杨莉都有些不太相信,还以为自己是看花了眼了。 She walks, has pinched on the arm of Qin Chao. 她走过來,在秦朝的胳膊上掐了一下。 Stiff stiff, an opposite party feeling does not have. 生硬生硬的,对方一点感觉都沒有。 „It is not pain, I had certainly been dazzled......” “都不疼,我一定是看花了眼了……” Yang Li has pressed according to own head, actually thinks one saw the uncle...... Xiao Nan, you said that I was on night duty to be worth too, the sleep was a little insufficient,” 杨莉按了按自己的头,“竟然以为自己看到大叔了……肖楠啊,你说我是不是值夜班值得太多了,有点睡眠不足啊,” The young nurse in room, is staring pair of apricot, looks that feels others patient arms, while is covering the colleague of forehead. 屋子里的小护士,瞪着一对杏目,看着那个一边摸着人家患者胳膊,一边捂着自己额头的同事。 This girl basically is usually serious in speech and manner to the man, how today was, but also touched to others patient arms comes up. 这丫头平时对男人基本上都是不苟言笑的,今天是怎么了,还摸到人家患者胳膊上去了。 Remembered couple days ago, in the hospital also had a rich patient to pursue Yang Li, Yang Li flung does not fling his one eyes. 记得前几天,医院里还有个有钱的患者想要追求杨莉,杨莉甩都不甩他一眼。 Afterward because that patient has touched under the hand of Yang Li, has provoked Yang Li, actually quarrelled with the patient. 后來因为那患者摸了下杨莉的手,就惹恼了杨莉,竟然和患者吵了起來。 Leadership some of hospital this matter makes are not good to do, because that patient status is somewhat special. 这事弄的医院的领导都有些不好做,因为那患者身份有些特殊。 Finally, has to a Yang Li punishment, make that Yang Li big is unhappy. 最后,不得不给杨莉一个处分,弄得杨莉好大不开心。 The head nurse also gave Yang Li many small shoes to put on, has let her value several days of night shifts. 护士长也给了杨莉好多次小鞋穿,已经让她值了好几天的夜班了。 Hey hey hey, what you pinch is I, how you will hurt,” 喂喂喂,你掐的是我,你怎么会疼,” Qin Chao cannot bear smile, this girl, is such interesting. 秦朝忍不住笑,这丫头,还是这么有意思。 That, Uncle, you are the honorable person version,” “那,大叔,你是真人版啦,” Naturally is the honorable person version, you also want to come the Inflatable doll version,” “当然是真人版,你还想來个充气娃娃版,” Qin Chao spoke thoughtlessly to tease one. 秦朝随口调侃了一句。 Hee hee, such color, is really an uncle,” “嘻嘻,这么色,真的是大叔,” Yang Li was very happy, goes forward one to grasp Qin Chao. 杨莉很开心,上前一把就抱住了秦朝 Her front seemingly has grown a point, pushes on the Qin Chao chest. 她胸前貌似又发育了一点,挤在秦朝胸膛上。 More and more plentiful......” “越來越丰满了……” Qin Chao has lowered the sound, said near the Yang Li ear. 秦朝压低了声音,在杨莉耳边道。 Also is not the uncle moves - teaches good......” “还不是大叔调-教的好么……” Yang Li also lowered the sound to say. 杨莉也压低了声音说道。 This small spirit, where likely is a nurse. 这小妖精,哪里像是个护士。 If one have fallen ill, has her to serve in side...... 自己若是生病了,有她在旁边伺候着…… It is estimated that can get sick is more serious. 估计会病的更严重吧。 Cannot deliberately create trouble with her here, looks for Hu Ke to be important. 不能和她在这里胡闹了,找胡可要紧啊。 Lili, this,” 莉莉,这谁啊,” Nearby Nurse Xiao Nan walks, shot a look at Qin Chao to say. 一旁的肖楠护士走过來,瞥了瞥秦朝说道。 Hee hee, this is my uncle,” “嘻嘻,这位是我大叔,” Yang Li is pulling the arm of Qin Chao kindly, said. 杨莉亲切地挽着秦朝的胳膊,说道。 Uncle,” “大叔,” In the Xiao Nan heart mused that this appearance, where likely is any uncle, clearly is the sweetheart. 肖楠心中暗想,这个模样,哪里像是什么大叔,分明就是情人吧。 This Yang Li, heavy taste. 杨莉,重口味啊。 Yang Li, when you have gone to work here,” 杨莉,你什么时候在这里上班了,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 I went to work in this was very long, several times sent the short note to say to the uncle, but the uncle was too heartless, did not return to oneself short note,” “我都在这上班很久了,好几次给大叔发短信都说了呢,但大叔太无情,都不怎么回自己短信,” Sweat, sometimes this, oneself were busy at giving to forget. 汗,这个,自己有时候忙起來就给忘了。 I do not send the short note, later telephones as far as possible, if I am all right, will meet,” “我不太发短信,以后尽量打电话吧,如果我沒事,就会接,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Good good, but I did not have how much time to telephone, recently value too many night shifts,” “好哇好哇,不过我也沒多少时间打电话了,最近值了太多夜班,” Yang Li was saying, is covering the mouth with the small hand, has had a yawn. 杨莉说着,用小手捂着嘴巴,打了个哈欠。 Little has not been on night duty, had the dark pouche,” “是沒少值夜班,都有黑眼圈了,” Qin Chao somewhat loves dearly said. 秦朝有些心疼地说道。 Um, does not have the means that hospital was too busy,” “嗯,沒办法,医院太忙了,” Xiao Nan shakes the head in side, silly thing, the hospital is busy at anything, your put on small shoes do not know. 肖楠在旁边直摇头,傻丫头,医院忙什么啊,你被穿小鞋了都不知道。 Later little is on night duty, injures the body,” “以后还是少值夜班,伤身体,” Qin Chao urged. 秦朝劝道。 Has not related, I am young, but can also insist,” “沒关系,我年轻,还能坚持,” Yang Li does not have the impetuousness of common young people actually, is our nurses, where several are not on night duty, being less effective dark pouche, this called the medal of nurse,” 杨莉倒是沒有一般年轻人的浮躁,“做我们护士的,哪有几个不值夜班,不顶黑眼圈的,这叫护士的勋章,” She hee hee said with a smile. 她嘻嘻笑道。 This girl is actually optimistic. 这丫头倒是乐观啊。 Any medal, can talk nonsense,” “什么勋章,真能胡扯,” Qin Chao puts out a hand, wipes on the eye of Yang Li. 秦朝伸出手來,在杨莉的眼睛上一抹。 Immediately, a warm feeling, flows near the eye of Yang Li. 顿时,一股暖洋洋的感觉,在杨莉的眼睛附近流淌。 Quite comfortable...... 好舒服…… The uncle has wiped anything to me, such comfortable. 大叔是给我抹了什么呀,这么这么的舒服呢。 The pupil that she is in sharp contrast roves on Qin Chao, anything has not actually seen. 她黑白分明的眸子在秦朝手上转來转去,却什么都沒看到。 But nearby Xiao Nan was shocked. 而旁边的肖楠则是惊呆了。 Lili that dark pouche, a point disappears unexpectedly. 莉莉那黑眼圈,竟然一点都不见了。 This fellow...... How he achieves. 这个家伙……他是怎么做到的。 Was right, I cannot accompany you to chat today idled, there are other matters to manage,” “对了,我今天來不能陪你聊闲了,有其他事要办,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Uncle, has any matter, was the uncle falls ill, I took care of you,” “大叔,有什么事呀,是不是大叔生病了呀,那我來照顾你呀,” Yang Li hee hee smiles. 杨莉嘻嘻笑着。 This girl, is always smiling. 这丫头,总嬉皮笑脸的。 Serious, your Dr. Hu Ke,” “严肃一点,你们胡可大夫呢,” Sees the uncle, was at heart happy, how serious getting up,” “看到大叔,心里高兴,怎么严肃的起來嘛,” Yang Li continues to draw the arm of Qin Chao, Dr. Hu Ke this will have a patient to undergo the surgery, it is estimated that a short time cannot come out,” 杨莉继续拉着秦朝的胳膊,“胡可大夫这会有个病人在做手术呢,估计一时半会出不來,” This catches up, too unfortunately,” “这赶得,太不巧了,” Qin Chao kept sighing, perhaps today is really not the auspicious day. 秦朝长吁短叹,或许今天真的不是什么好日子。 Uncle, you ask Dr. Hu to make anything...... Has not related, do not look distressed, she in this, I am not accompanying you first,” “大叔,你找胡大夫做什么呀……沒关系嘛,不要愁眉苦脸的,她不在这的时候,我先陪着你呗,” Yang Li, you do not go to work,” 杨莉,你不上班啦,” Xiao Nan in side specially strange, today Yang Li how this is, sent spring. 肖楠在旁边特别的奇怪,今天杨莉怎么了这是,发春了。 This present quick winter, is not spring Heavens. 这眼下快冬天了,也不是春天啊 It is estimated that this uncle what, should be her being intimate is right. 估计这大叔神马的,应该是她的相好才对。 No wonder pursue of Yang Li to others patients ignores, originally had good-looking being intimate. 难怪杨莉对人家患者的追求不理不睬,原來是已经有了个俊俏的相好。 Not on,” “不上了,” Yang Li said indifferently that helps me ask for leave with the joyful elder sister,” 杨莉无所谓地说道,“帮我跟欣姐请个假吧,” This vacation, is not good to invite......” “这个假,不好请啊……” Xiao Nan shook the head. 肖楠摇了摇头。 Oh, my value several days of night shift, please a afternoon vacation not anything,” “哎呀,我都值了好几天夜班了,请一下午的假沒什么的吧,” Yang Li walks, holds on the arm of Xiao Nan saying that good Elder Sister, you to help...... You look at me, is going against two dark pouches, is pitiful,” 杨莉走过來,拉住肖楠的胳膊说道,“好姐姐,你就帮帮忙嘛……你看我,顶着两个黑眼圈,多可怜啊,” Xiao Nan looked at her one eyes, the heart said that your two dark pouches early did not have. 肖楠看了她一眼,心说你这俩黑眼圈早沒了。 How however saying that is the colleagues, but also graduates from a school, Xiao Nan is tenderhearted. 不过怎么说都是同事,还都是从一个学校毕业的,肖楠心软下來。 Well good, I helped you say to the head nurse, but can approve, I do not know that” “好好好,我去帮你向护士长说,但能不能批下來,我就不知道了,” Thanks Xiao Nan Beauty, I know that you were best,” “谢谢肖楠美女,我就知道你最好了,” Yang Li has smiled. 杨莉笑了起來。 Xiao Nan sighed at heart, I was quite useful, the essential head nurse good to be good. 肖楠心里叹气,我好有什么用啊,关键护士长好才行啊。 She said good-bye Yang Li, looked at Qin Chao two, this leaves. 她辞别了杨莉,又多看了秦朝两眼,这才离开。 Hee hee, Uncle, rests advanced,” “嘻嘻,大叔,先进來休息休息吧,” Saw Xiao Nan to walk, Yang Li was holding the hand of Qin Chao, entered in the Hu Ke office. 看到肖楠走了,杨莉拉着秦朝的手,走进胡可的办公室里。 Dr. Hu 12 hours has not come back, her place I first borrow, hee hee......” “胡大夫沒个12小时回不來,她的地方我就先借用一下吧,嘻嘻……” Person who goes to work, but also such does not have a conformation,” “都上班的人了,还这么沒个正形,” Qin Chao said with a smile. 秦朝笑道。 Oh, this not in uncle's front,” “哎呀,这不是在大叔的面前嘛,” Yang Li pursed the lips Palestine, before bystander, I am an earnest responsible young nurse,” 杨莉撅了撅嘴巴,“在外人面前,我可是个认真负责的小护士呢,” Yes yes yes, you is a good young nurse,” 是是是,你是个好小护士,” Qin Chao puts out a hand, has grasped in the Yang Li front, where was small,” 秦朝伸出手來,在杨莉胸前抓了一把,“不过哪里小了,” Uncle your hateful,” “大叔你讨厌,” Yang Li pats the hand of Qin Chao, suddenly grasps, according to own front. 杨莉拍掉秦朝的手,忽然又抓起來,按在自己胸前。 Really big,” “真的大了么,” Really...... Should be two growth,” “真的……应该是二次发育,” Qin Chao is blinking to Yang Li. 秦朝对着杨莉眨眨眼睛。 „, Good hateful, too big very not to be convenient,” “唔,好讨厌,太大了很不方便,” Yang Li as if not like the big chest. 杨莉似乎不怎么喜欢大胸。 All right, we were immediately good,” “沒事,我方便就行了,” Uncle......” “大叔……” Well good, does not make, you are accompanying I'll wait Hu Ke,” “好好好,不闹了,你陪着我等胡可吧,” Qin Chao does not have too many thoughts and Yang Li is noisy, what he is more is worried about Su Ji. 秦朝也沒太多的心思和杨莉闹,他更多的是担心苏姬 How Su Ji that little girl was, Hu Ke and she what happened. 苏姬那妞到底是咋了,胡可和她发生了什么事情。 This girl becomes so is not reasonable, later must make the Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost to follow daily side her. 这丫头怎么也变得这么不靠谱了,以后是不是也要弄个罗刹鬼天天跟在她身边。 Two people sat a meeting in the office, Yang Li as if saw the anxiety of Qin Chao, calmly was accompanying in the one side, not noisy was not noisy. 两个人在办公室里坐了一会,杨莉似乎看出了秦朝的焦急,就静静地在一旁陪着,不吵不闹。 Suddenly, the gate of hospital ward was beaten open, that Xiao Nan hot sharp fire singed to run. 突然,病房的门被人敲开,那肖楠火急火燎地跑了回來。 Yang Li, is not good, 3 hospital wards, your responsible that patient has been taken bad,” 杨莉,不好了,3病房,你负责的那位病人发病了,” Anything,” “什么,” Yang Li has a big shock, immediately has stood. 杨莉大惊失色,顿时站了起來。 How he is taken bad, condition did not stabilize,” “他怎么发病的,病情不是都稳定了么,” Before that injection nobody gave him to inject, causing the condition to recur,” “之前那一针药沒人给他注射,导致病情复发,” The Xiao Nan complexion is also pale one piece. 肖楠脸色也是苍白一片。 I, I did not ask you to help to ask for leave...... How nobody manages him......” “我,我不是拜托你帮忙请假了么……怎么沒人管他呀……” The Yang Li speech somewhat shivers slightly. 杨莉说话微微有些颤抖。 I do not know that I and head nurse have said......” “我也不知道啊,我和护士长说过了呀……” Xiao Nan also again and again shakes the head, the facial expression is somewhat scared. 肖楠也连连摇头,神情有些恐慌。 If had an accident, therefore, that but was finished. 若是出了什么事故,那,可就完蛋了。 Cannot do well, Yang Li must be dismissed directly, but oneself must be punished. 搞不好,杨莉直接要被开除,而自己也要被处罚的。 First, has a look first,” “先,先去看看,” Yang Li is sober, holds the hand of Xiao Nan to say. 杨莉还算清醒,拉着肖楠的手说道。 Xiao Nan nods, at this time, what to do she a little did not know should. 肖楠点点头,这时候,她有点不知道该怎么办了。 But Yang Li has seen the person of magnificent scene with Qin Chao after all, many are calmer. 杨莉毕竟是跟着秦朝见过大场面的人,多少镇定很多。 I have a look together,” “我跟着一起去看看,” Qin Chao follows on the heels, turns toward four building No. 3 hospital wards to walk together. 秦朝跟在后面,一起向着四楼三号病房走去。 To the hospital ward, loudly hears inside some people to quarrel immediately loudly shouts. 到了病房,立刻听到里面有人在大吵大嚷。 My father, if had an accident, you must be responsible,” “我爸要是出了什么事,你们就都得负责,” Right, I go to your hospital,” “对,我去告你们医院,” Do not worry first, we will try to find the solution,” “您先别着急,我们会想办法的,” The voice of doctor has also made a sound. 大夫的声音也响了起來。 Qin Chao looked at one toward inside, originally is a middle-aged couple is quarrelling with doctor nurse. 秦朝往里面看了一眼,原來是一对中年夫妇在和医生护士吵架。 But an old man lies down on hospital bed, the face whiten, on the mouth is harnessing the life-support machine, gasps for breath is very seemingly difficult. 而一个老头躺在病床上,脸色苍白,嘴上驾着呼吸机,喘气貌似十分困难。 Is the respiratory disease patient,” “是个呼吸疾病患者,” Qin Chao looked. 秦朝一眼就看了出來。 The renal failure of this person was similar, can say that can live is being is maintaining basically. 这个人的肾衰竭的差不多了,可以说,能活着基本就是在维持。 No wonder, has not gripped becomes this. 难怪,一针沒扎上就成这样了。 I am a head nurse, this matter, I will be thoroughly responsible, is the negligence that who works, I will surely give you a confession,” “我是护士长,这件事情,我会负责到底的,到底是谁工作上的疏忽,我一定会给你们个交代,” About a 30 female opens the mouth to say in side. 一个30左右的女子在旁边开口道。 Yang Li hears this saying, the both legs trembles. 杨莉听到这话,双腿一颤。 But she walked. 但她还是走了进去。 Head nurse , he he is my responsible patient......” “护士长,他,他是我负责的病人……” The head nurse turned the head, looked at Yang Li one. 那护士长转过头來,看了杨莉一眼。 At that moment, Qin Chao from her eye, saw happily. 那一刻,秦朝从她的眼中,看到了得意。 Yang Li, since is your patient, why does not inject the medicament on time, do you know that your being derelict, must make the human life,” 杨莉,既然是你的病人,为什么不按时注射药剂,你知不知道,你的玩忽职守,已经要闹出人命了,” The head nurse scolds to say severely. 护士长严厉地呵斥道。 But side that to the middle-aged couple, shouted directly. 而旁边那对中年夫妇,更是直接嚷了起來。 Murderer, murderer, if my father died, you must pay with a life,” “凶手,凶手,如果我爸死了,你就要偿命,” Right, pays with a life,” “沒错,偿命,” This sang a duet to the husband and wife, was actually tacit, 这对夫妻一唱一和,倒是默契,
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