MBT :: Volume #13

#1228: Also my Shangluo

Chapter 1228 also my Shang Luo 第1228章还我商洛 Shang Luo was saying, that silver Saint spear|gun, lost. 商洛说着,那银色的圣枪,就丢了出去。 This Saint spear|gun might is extremely ruthless, penetrated the black smog directly, arrived at the Lucifer front. 这圣枪威力极狠,直接穿透了黑色的烟雾,來到了路西法的面前。 But Lucifer puts out a hand, the back opens a pair of black giant wing. 路西法一伸手,背后张开一对黑色的巨大羽翼。 Meanwhile, black smoke winding on that Saint spear|gun, has prevented castration of that spear|gun actually, making the Saint spear|gun stop in front of oneself. 同时,黑烟缠绕在那圣枪上面,硬是阻止了那枪的去势,让圣枪停在自己面前。 Between you and me, cannot decide any victory and defeat,” “你跟我之间,是分不出什么胜负的,” Lucifer said with a smile lightly, was inferior to us to collaborate, has destroyed this world, when the time comes, the love of father god, will give us,” 路西法淡淡地笑道,“不如我们联手,毁了这世界,到时候,父神的宠爱,就会给我们了,” Ruins humanity, I will definitely do,” “毁掉人类,我肯定是会做的,” Shang Luo sound still ice-cold, „, but practices acquiring a skill with your this ugly Devil, is absolutely impossible,” 商洛声音依然冰冷,“但和你这种丑陋的恶魔练手,是绝对不可能,” Saying, in her hand was increasing the strength, that Saint spear|gun revolves suddenly, stirred to break to pieces the surrounding black smoke, then howled to clash once more. 说着,她手上加大了力量,那圣枪忽然旋转起來,搅碎了周围的黑烟,然后呼啸着再次冲了出去。 Lucifer one side head, has shunted this Saint spear|gun. 路西法一侧头,躲开了这圣枪。 Bang,” “轰,” On desert that Saint spear|gun lags behind. 那圣枪落在后面的沙漠上。 Immediately, the huge strength has raised. 顿时,庞大的力量掀了起來。 Was similar to has detonated atomic bomb in the desert, the giant mushroom cloud shot up to the sky. 如同在沙漠里引爆了一枚原子弹似的,巨大的蘑菇云冲天而起。 The black craziness kills to sweep across, strokes in three people about. 黑色的狂杀席卷过來,击打在三个人的左右。 Has the strength to protect the body, this sand cannot approach their bodies. 都有力量护体,这沙子根本接近不了他们的身体。 What Qin Chao looks in side is the dripping cold sweat. 秦朝在旁边看的是淌冷汗。 My goodness, this strength is really flagitious. 好家伙,这力量真凶残。 Worthily is the strength of Immortal Flesh rank, moreover Immortal Flesh accomplishment, almost close Loose Immortal time. 不愧是肉仙级别的实力,而且还是肉仙大成,几乎接近散仙期。 The long-time seal, making two person strengths regress fierce. 长久的封印,让两个人力量退步的厉害啊。 Then the blasted desert, falls directly a giant gulf. 那被炸掉的沙漠,直接陷出一个巨大的深坑。 Diameter hundred meters, deeply not obvious. 直径百米之多,深不可见。 The sand dust is still dancing in the air. 沙尘还在飞舞。 The Lucifer corners of the mouth are still hanging that noble smiling face. 路西法嘴角依然挂着那高贵的笑容。 Has a look at you, makes this surroundings is so dirty,” “看看你,把这周围弄的这么脏,” He was saying, puts out a hand a pressure. 他说着,伸手一压。 The dust storm that the surroundings raise is peaceful immediately, changes to the tranquil sand. 周围掀起的沙暴顿时安静下來,重新化作平静的沙地。 Between our two, can only live next,” “我们两个之间,只能活下一个,” The Shang Luo palm white light sparkles, this is the price that you degenerate,” 商洛掌心白光闪闪,“这就是你堕落的代价,” My chooses nobody to be able about,” “我的选择沒人可以左右,” Lucifer said lightly, „, if you are determined to hit, I can accompany you, but we hit were too long, I was somewhat chatty, the present world does not know that what turned into, I to their interests, have surpassed your this senseless angel,” 路西法淡淡地说道,“如果你执意要打,我可以陪着你,不过我们打了太久了,我有些腻歪了而已,现在的世界不知道变成了什么样,我对它们的兴趣,超过了你这个无趣的天使,” You did not have the opportunity,” “你沒机会了,” Shang Luo cold said that waits till your, only then died,” 商洛冷冷说道,“等到你的,只有死亡,” Saying, she lifts up high both hands. 说着,她高举双手。 One group of silver rays have braved. 一团银色的光芒冒了出來。 That ray unceasing inflation, inflation, inflates again. 那光芒不断的膨胀,膨胀,再膨胀。 Suddenly, turns into diameter hundred meters big giant photosphere. 眨眼之间,就变成一个直径百米大的巨大光球。 Damn, what Qin Chao looks in side is feels dizzy. 我勒个草,秦朝在旁边看的是直发晕。 This Shang Luo is so long as makes to small Sun comes out. 商洛是只要制造给小太阳出來么。 With this world, destroys together,” “和这世界,一起毁灭吧,” She was saying, that giant photosphere starts to reduce suddenly, compression. 她说着,那巨大的光球忽然又开始缩小,压缩。 Finally, turned into a basketball to be so big unexpectedly. 最后,竟然又变成了一个篮球那么大。 But at this time, this light rolls actually to send out the shining ray. 但此时,这光团却发出金灿灿的光芒來。 Qin Chao can feel that the might of that light group, how astonishing. 秦朝可以感觉到,那光团的威力,是多么的惊人。 This light group gets down, it is estimated that the entire desert must vanish. 这一枚光团下去,估计整个沙漠都要消失了。 Do not think that this is the good deed, certainly must be infertile. 别以为这就是好事,肯定是要寸草不生的。 Such being the case, good,” “既然如此,那好吧,” Lucifer also extends the hand front. 路西法也把手伸到前面。 His desert unceasing was blown to fly, has revealed the black surface quickly. 他脚下的沙漠不断的被吹飞,很快露出了黑色的地表。 Then, the ground splits, red rock magma billowing. 接着,地面裂开來,红色的岩浆滚滚而出。 That group of rock magma flow to his hand, forms a red long gun|spear quickly. 那一团岩浆流淌到他的手中,很快形成一把红色的长枪。 Meanwhile, Lucifer within the body flows the black gas, gathers in that spear|gun. 同时,路西法体内流淌出黑色的气体,也汇聚到那枪中。 Can with the strength that photosphere compares favorably with, has braved. 一股能和那光球媲美的力量,冒了出來。 Qin Chao knows that he cannot in hesitate. 秦朝知道,他不能在犹豫了。 You, stop to me,” “你们两个,都给我住手,” He uses the Hai Tang temperament, is binding own sound, blasts out in this desert rapidly. 他用海棠的音律,裹着自己的声音,迅速在这沙漠之中炸开。 Two angel bodies simultaneously shivered, then turns the head to look at Qin Chao. 两个天使身体同时颤抖了一下,然后转头看着秦朝 You are sharply are dying,” “你这人是急着去死么,” Shang Luo opens the mouth saying that we are disinclined to pay attention to you, you also here wait for death,” 商洛开口道,“我们懒得理会你,你还在这里等死,” Your this stupid angel, hurries to roll out from the body of Shang Luo,” “你这傻逼天使,赶紧从商洛的身体里滚出去,” Qin Chao stares to say. 秦朝瞪着眼睛说道。 It seems like is an ignorant person,” “看來是一个无知的人,” Shang Luo sighed. 商洛叹了口气。 I have said that humanity is stupid and arrogant,” “我就说过,人类是愚蠢而自大的,” Lucifer said with a smile in side, why did not know, God was actually partial to them, but now, is I should recapture this love the time,” 路西法在旁边笑道,“不知道为何,上帝却那么偏爱他们,不过现在,是我该夺回这种宠爱的时候了,” Ok, killed him to be good, avoid there is a fly in annoyingly,” “算了,杀了他好了,省得有苍蝇在烦人,” Shang Luo was saying, extends another hand, grasps a Saint spear|gun, to Qin Chao, whiz is throwing. 商洛说着,伸出另一只手來,抓出一把圣枪,对着秦朝,嗖的一声抛掷过來。 Endures compared with the Saint spear|gun of missile. 堪比导弹的一枚圣枪。 It seems like seal long of too, making your head shows tease,” “看來封印的太久,让你们脑袋都秀逗了,” Qin Chao sneers. 秦朝冷笑一声。 He puts out a hand, before placing the body. 他伸出手來,放在身前。 Time of that Saint bayonet in front to him, automatically stopped unexpectedly. 那圣枪刺到他面前的时候,竟然就自动停了下來。 Looks at the honest Saint spear|gun, two angels both were startled. 看着老老实实的圣枪,两个天使都吃了一惊。 Anything,” “什么,” You kept the hand,” “你是不是留手了,” No,” “沒有,” Shang Luo frowns, has not been controlling the hand of golden light group, is proceeding to push to Qin Chao. 商洛皱着眉头,沒有控制着金色光团的手,对着秦朝往前一推。 She wants to advance in the chest of Qin Chao the Saint spear|gun. 她是想把圣枪推进秦朝的胸口里面。 But how regardless of she makes an effort, Saint spear|gun honestly, float there. 但无论她如何用力,圣枪都老老实实地,悬浮在那里。 How can...... That tastes this,” “怎么会……那尝尝这个吧,” The Shang Luo backhand threw that golden light group directly. 商洛反手直接丢出了那金色的光团。 Joins in the fun together,” “一起凑凑热闹吧,” Lucifer also lost his lava black spear. 路西法也丢出了他的熔岩黑枪 This above strength is very strong, Mind Technique function failure of Qin Chao. 这上面的力量很强,秦朝意念术作用失败。 Two types detonate on him directly. 两种直接在他身上引爆。 Bang,” “轰,” The giant mushroom cloud, rolled the sky. 巨大的蘑菇云,滚上了天空。 The entire desert, has raised the fierce dust storm. 整个沙漠,都掀起了剧烈的沙暴。 Black red lava, escapes in all directions, probably volcanic eruption same might. 黑红色的熔岩,也四处流走,好像火山爆发一样的威力。 Suddenly, in this desert, just like hell. 一时间,这沙漠里,宛如地狱。 Stupid humanity,” “愚蠢的人类,” Shang Luo stands in the desert, cold said that dares to provoke two Archangel dignity,” 商洛站在沙漠里,冷冷地说道,“竟敢挑衅两个大天使长的威严,” „If not stupid, was not humanity,” “如果不愚蠢的话,也就不是人类了,” Lucifer said with a smile in side, was good, the fly of being an eyesore has solved, our two this earlier had also ended,” 路西法在旁边笑道,“好了,碍眼的苍蝇解决了,咱们两个也该早点结束了,” Come,” “來吧,” Shang Luo continues to unite the strength, the preparation and a Lucifer minute of height. 商洛继续凝聚力量,准备和路西法分个高低。 Made you stop, has not heard,” “都让你们住手了,沒听到么,” But at this time, Qin Chao sound, has made a sound. 而这时候,秦朝的声音,又响了起來。 Two angels immediately one startled, looks inconceivable the man who walks slowly from the black smoke. 两个天使顿时一惊,不可思议地看着一个从黑烟中缓缓走出來的男人。 On him is reappearing golden light, a wound does not have. 他身上浮现着一层金光,一点伤都沒有。 This, is how possible. 这,怎么可能。 How can some people be able to resist two Great Angel big moves. 怎么能有人能抵抗得住两大天使的大招。 Is it possible that he is the father god is inadequate. 莫非他是父神不成。 Is we regresses too how......” “是我们退步的太多么……” Some Shang Luo complexion delay. 商洛脸色有些呆滞。 Perhaps interesting humanity, I should praise your,” “有趣的人类,或许我该夸奖你一下,” The Lucifer racket flaps the wings, said that „, but, was just only I 50% strengths, since you were so interesting, I came to solve you to be good fully,” 路西法拍拍翅膀,说道,“只不过,刚刚只是我一半的实力而已,既然你这么有趣,那我來全力解决你好了,” Saying, his body was shaking. 说着,他身体一震。 That back wing, turned into eight wings immediately. 那背后的翅膀,顿时变成了八翼。 Four black wings, are bringing the body of Lucifer, flew to airborne. 四对黑色的翅膀,带着路西法的身体,飞向了空中。 Meanwhile, in his hand is grasping a black dragon spear|gun, under the lead of wing and body, one punctured toward Qin Chao. 同时,他手中握着一杆黑色的龙枪,在翅膀和身体的带动下,向着秦朝一把刺了过來。 Immortal Flesh time accomplishment complete strength. 肉仙期大成全部的力量。 That shot, tears directly the space, leaves behind the black slit, floats in airborne. 一枪,直接把空间都撕裂开來,留下黑色的缝隙,漂浮在空中。 Your strengths are very indeed strong,” “你们两个人的力量的确很强,” But Qin Chao actually stretches out the right hand palm, keeps off before the body. 秦朝却伸出右手手掌來,挡在身前。 The Vajra Palm defensive power, has blocked this powerful shot directly. 金刚掌的防御力,直接挡住了这强悍的一枪 Works as,” “当,” The clear impact noise, reverberates in this desert. 清脆的撞击声,在这沙漠中回响。 Lucifer looks own shot was blocked, is a little dumbfounded. 路西法看着自己一枪被挡住,有点目瞪口呆。 How can...... Who you are,” “怎么会……你到底是什么人,” I am only small Dongfang (Eastern) Cultivator,” “我只是个小小的东方修真者,” Qin Chao smiles, then the right hand grips that black spear, the round trip entrains. 秦朝笑起來,然后右手握住那黑枪,往回一拽。 The body of Lucifer from airborne had been entrained by him immediately, flaps the wings arrived front. 路西法的身体顿时被他从空中拽了下來,拍着翅膀就到了面前。 Meanwhile, the Qin Chao left hand makes a fist, the Nine Underworld Colossal Elephant ability starts, a fist struck on the lower abdomen of this Lucifer. 同时,秦朝左手握拳,九幽巨象的能力发动,一拳头击在了这路西法的小腹上面。 Bang,” “砰,” The white bracing cold braves from the Lucifer back, but also has carried over the massive flesh and blood. 白色的气劲从路西法的背后冒出來,还带出了大量的血肉。 ,” “噗,” This just also noble Lucifer, in the mouth also had spouted a big blood, then falls slowly from the fist of Qin Chao, kneels down before his body. 这刚刚还高贵的路西法,口中也喷出了一大口鲜血,然后缓缓从秦朝的拳头上滑落下來,跪倒在他身前。 The Lucifer look delay, a little does not believe all these that obviously one meet. 路西法眼神呆滞,显然有点不相信自己遇到的这一切。 I, I am Lucifer, how I will defeat by a humanity......” “我,我是路西法,我怎么会被一个人类打败……” He looks at Qin Chao, suddenly understood anything, in the look flashes through sharp. 他看着秦朝,忽然明白了什么,眼神中闪过一种犀利。 I knew, certainly is my strength has not restored...... Humanity, is waiting for me, I will come back to ask you to revenge,” “我知道了,一定是我实力还沒有恢复……人类,等着我,我会回來找你报仇的,” Then, this Lucifer changes black light, then rapidly submerges to the place in together. 说完,这路西法就化作一道黑光,然后迅速沒入到地里面。 He ran away the hell. 他逃去了地狱。 Qin Chao is also disinclined to pay attention to this Lucifer, what he wants recaptures the body of Shang Luo. 秦朝也懒得理会这个路西法,他要的是夺回商洛的身体。 Shang Luo that then took possession by Michael, but also is looking at Qin Chao. 那被米迦勒附体的商洛,还在愣愣地看着秦朝 You are Dongfang (Eastern) Cultivator......” “你是东方修真者……” She muttered said that was your this crowd of Cultivator......” 她喃喃说道,“又是你们这群修真者……” Before early, is they, crushes plan that the angels made an expedition to the east. 很早之前,就是他们,粉碎了天使们东征的计划。 Has not thought that now, these Cultivator are so aggressive. 沒想到,现在,这些修真者还是如此的生猛。 I restored the strength, is your times of death,” “等我恢复了力量,就是你们的死期,” Saying, behind her was also springing four pairs of giant Bai Wing, planned to sneak off. 说着,她背后也弹出四对巨大的白翼,打算溜走。 Where runs,” “哪里跑,” Qin Chao flung Soul Binding Lock immediately, the black chains in all directions, flew, twined on the body of Shang Luo. 秦朝顿时甩出了囚魂锁,黑色的锁链四面八方,飞了出來,缠绕在商洛的身上。 Hateful,” “可恶,” In the hand of Shang Luo presents a white light sword, cuts open to entangle unceasingly in chains. 商洛的手中出现一把白色的光剑,不断切开缠在身上的一根根锁链。 Seal well you are not staying, must run to bring death,” “好好的封印你不呆着,偏偏要跑出來送死,” Qin Chao has flown the Shang Luo front, in the meantime, left palm pasted on her forehead, made me destroy the soul of your angel,” 秦朝已经飞到了商洛的面前,同时,左掌贴在了她的额头上,“就让我毁灭你的天使之魂吧,” Saying, must send in Shang Luo within the body own God's Strength. 说着,就要把自己的神之力送入到商洛体内。 But Michael as if felt that the danger is common, Shang Luo that she takes possession, has opened the mouth suddenly. 米迦勒似乎感觉到危险一般,她附体的商洛,突然张开了嘴巴。 Then, in the eye, in the mouth, emits the fierce white light. 接着,眼中,口中,冒出剧烈的白光。 This white light breaks in the upper air directly, then vanishes in the cloud layer. 这白光直接冲入到高空,然后消失在云层里面。 Ran,” “跑了,” Qin Chao is looking at the sky. 秦朝望着天空。 But Shang Luo body one soft, lost the consciousness. 商洛身体一软,失去了意识。 Qin Chao has held the Shang Luo soft body, is looking airborne. 秦朝商洛柔软的身体抱了起來,望着空中。 Although she took possession by the angel, all that but Michael makes, she definitely also saw. 虽然她被天使附体,但米迦勒做的一切,她肯定也都看到了。 Qin Chao shook the head, making Luo De wash off the beforehand memory for Shang Luo. 秦朝摇摇头,让罗德商洛洗掉了之前的记忆。 These not good matter, makes his Qin Chao undertake. 这些不好的事情,还是让他秦朝來承担吧。 Meanwhile, some of his also worries. 同时,他也有些担心。 Michael and Lucifer simultaneously Resurrection, revelation, must come, 米迦勒路西法同时复活,天启,就要來了么,
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