MBT :: Volume #13

#1227: Angel Resurrection date

Chapter 1227 angel Resurrection date 第1227章天使复活 No matter many disturbances, many are crisis-ridden, the artware show of this Capital City art center, like a raging fire is launching. 不管多少风波,多少危机四伏,这京都艺术馆的艺术品展,还是如火如荼的展开着。 Today in art center display most special a day. 今天是在艺术馆展出中最特殊的一天。 Because of this day, is the day of that «Black and White Paradise» display. 因为这一天,是那副《黑白天堂》展出的日子。 This illustrious picture, brings in the appreciation of many person. 这幅赫赫有名的画,引來不少人的欣赏。 Was only a pity that can enter two building exhibition halls, is actually few several people. 只可惜,能进入二楼展厅的,却是寥寥数人。 Ticket of foreign release are specially few, is the daughter is it may be said that difficult to ask. 对外发行的票特别少,可谓是千金难求。 However has not gotten so far as the ticket, can appreciate the picture in the hall the picture. 不过沒弄到票的,可以在大厅中欣赏画的照片。 Shang Luo is very happy, because she can the short distance appreciate this Black and White Paradise. 商洛很开心,因为她能近距离欣赏这一幅黑白天堂 Nana, you looked that this picture is appealing......” “娜娜,你看,这画多吸引人啊……” Shang Luo is very near to the glass cabinet, the short distance is appreciating that Black and White Paradise, was too beautiful...... I simply, must go crazy for this picture......” 商洛离玻璃柜很近,近距离欣赏着那一幅黑白天堂,“太美了……我简直,都要为这幅画发狂了……” Li Na stands in the one side, shakes the head. 李娜站在一旁,摇摇头。 How she does not think this picture appealing. 她怎么就不觉得这画有多吸引人呢。 It is not two angels, might as well watches the cartoon. 不就是两个天使么,还不如看漫画呢。 Rosie follows in two small Beauty sides, said with a smile. 罗茜跟在两个小美女的身旁,笑道。 If I am your picture, I will not leave it to be so near,” “如果我是你的画,我就不会离它这么近,” She said that because of legend marking, has the curse of Devil,” 她说道,“因为传说这幅画上,有恶魔的诅咒,” Oh, that is legend,” “哎呀,那都是传说啦,” Shang Luo beckons with the hand, how possibly to have the curse of any Devil, in this world, how possibly to have Devil,” 商洛摆摆手,“怎么可能有什么恶魔的诅咒呢,这个世界上,怎么可能有恶魔嘛,” This may perhaps,” “这可说不定,” Rosie smiles tenderly, actually I am female Devil,” 罗茜娇笑起來,“其实我就是个女恶魔呢,” How Elder Sister can be female Devil,” 姐姐怎么会是女恶魔呢,” Shang Luo smiles, Elder Sister is so attractive the gentle person, if yes, should be the angel is right,” 商洛笑起來,“姐姐这么漂亮温柔的人,如果是,也应该是天使才对,” I am the angel,” “我是天使,” Rosie looks at Shang Luo very much surprisedly. 罗茜很惊讶地看着商洛 Yes,” “是呀是呀,” Shang Luo nods, how possibly is female Devil, Elder Sister will crack a joke, only then the unprincipled person, can be Devil,” 商洛点点头,“怎么可能会是女恶魔嘛,姐姐真会开玩笑,只有坏人,才会是恶魔嘛,” I am the good person......” “我算是好人么……” Rosie is somewhat mournful. 罗茜有些凄凄然。 One, can be a good person. 自己,能是个好人么。 She does not know that tempts - has been puzzled many people, then took away their soul. 她不知道诱-惑了多少人,然后拿走了他们的灵魂。 Own such person, how can be called is a good person. 自己这样的人,怎么能称得上是好人呢。 From the beginning, oneself also want to take away the Qin Chao soul. 一开始,自己也是想拿走秦朝的灵魂的吧。 Was only a pity that the plan cannot catch up changes quickly, thinks one will give the captive the Qin Chao soul, but now looks like, probably is just opposite. 只可惜啊,计划赶不上变化快,本來以为自己会把秦朝的灵魂给俘虏,可是现在看來,好像是刚好相反。 Qin Chao, captured own soul. 秦朝,把自己的灵魂俘虏了。 Luo Elder Sister, you also understand the picture,” “罗姐姐,你也懂画么,” Shang Luo asked in side. 商洛在旁边问道。 Understands little, but definitely is inferior your,” “懂一点点吧,但肯定是不如你的,” Rosie said is very modest. 罗茜说的很谦虚。 As female Devil, she can say to these thing understanding unusual is proper. 作为一个女恶魔,她可以说对这些东西了解的非常到位。 Good, that and I appreciated together, my this except for studying anything, will unable to appreciate to go with me together,” “太好了,那和我一起欣赏吧,我这位除了学习啥也不会,跟我欣赏不到一起去,” Li Na that the Shang Luo finger side looks around in all directions said. 商洛指指旁边四处张望的李娜说道。 Urges to go faster, I who you said am the high score retarded child am probably same,” “去去,你说的我好像是高分低能儿一样,” Li Na white Shang Luo. 李娜白了商洛一眼。 You in looking for anything, in this room not such a showpiece,” “你在找什么呢,这屋子里不就这么一副展出品么,” Shang Luo cannot bear asks curiously. 商洛忍不住好奇地问道。 I am thinking how big brother Qin has not come,” “我是在想,秦大哥怎么沒來呢,” Li Na said subconsciously. 李娜下意识地就说道。 He is busy at other matters,” “他在忙其他的事情,” Rosie spoke. 罗茜说到。 Oh, Small Nana, you look at your this color little girl, could not meet with your big brother Qin, wants to become this,” “哎呀,小娜娜,你看你这色妞,一会见不到你秦大哥,就想成这样了啊,” Shang Luo cannot bear tease own best friend. 商洛忍不住调侃自己的闺蜜 Goes your, I am curious,” “去你的,我就是好奇而已,” Li Na blushes, white own best friend. 李娜红着脸,白了自己的闺蜜一眼。 This young miss, you also understands this picture,” “这位小姑娘,你也懂这幅画么,” At this time, makings seemed very noble middle-aged man walked, by him, but also with a foreign man of golden hair. 就在这时候,一个气质看上去很高贵的中年男子走了过來,在他旁边,还跟着一个金发的外国男子。 Um, I study the fine arts,” “嗯,我是学美术的,” Shang Luo nods, who very curious this is. 商洛点点头,很好奇这个是什么人。 He He, heard that on this work has the curse of Devil, you did not fear that to too nearly will be cursed,” “呵呵,听说这幅作品上有着恶魔的诅咒,你不怕离得太近会被诅咒到么,” That middle-aged man said with a smile lightly. 那中年男子淡淡地笑道。 Shang Luo wants to smile very much, this man, said is the same with Luo Elder Sister. 商洛很想笑,这男人,怎么说的和罗姐姐一样。 How can, the art be the art, how to have these at sixes and sevens things,” “怎么会呢,艺术就是艺术,怎么会有那些乱七八糟的东西,” But Rosie at this time, thought that some do not suit. 罗茜这时候,却觉得有些不太对劲。 She on the body of that golden hair man, realized aura that does not suit. 她在那个金发男子的身上,察觉到一点不对劲的气息。 However, where could also not say is strange. 但是,又说不出古怪在哪里。 Qin Chao, you come back quickly, I thought that here some do not suit,” 秦朝,你快回來吧,我觉得这里有些不对劲,” Rosie own sound, transmits near through the magic the ear of Qin Chao. 罗茜把自己的声音,通过魔法传递到秦朝的耳边。 Knew,” “知道了,” Qin Chao throws the ground the cigarette butt that in the hand has not pulled out, then turns around to leave the restroom, the exhibition halls toward two buildings walks. 秦朝把手里沒抽完的烟头丢到地上,然后转身离开厕所,向着二楼的展厅走去。 Today as if no what sound. 今天似乎沒有什么动静。 These angels, does not know that can start to this picture. 那些天使,也不知道到底会不会对这幅画下手。 Is because Guevara died, making other angels somewhat vigilant, therefore has not begun. 难道是因为格瓦拉死掉了,让其他天使有些警觉,所以沒有动手么。 Because could not feel that has the angel aura, Qin Chao felt relieved hid the restroom to smoke a smoke. 因为感觉不到有天使的气息,秦朝才放心地躲到厕所抽了个烟。 When he gets to the art exhibition entrance, suddenly sees astonishing one. 当他走到画展门口的时候,忽然看到惊人的一幕。 A golden hair man, is extending the left hand, has broken that valuable picture glass cabinet. 一个金发男子,正伸出左手,啪嚓一声,砸碎了那宝画的玻璃柜。 Stop,” “住手,” The security guard in room, berated one immediately, threw. 屋子里的警卫,顿时喝斥一声,就扑了上去。 Hehe Jie......” 桀桀桀……” But at the same time, the man actually has smiled. 而与此同时,那男子却笑了起來。 He has not paid attention to these security guards, but has placed on the hand Black and White Paradise. 他根本沒理会那些警卫,而是把手放在了黑白天堂上面。 In an instant, together the black and white ray, interwove to clash. 刹那之间,一道黑色和白色的光芒,交织着冲了出來。 Suddenly, the person in this art center, maliciously had been attacked by that huge Mental Power quantity, then fainted. 一时间,这艺术馆里的人,都被那庞大的精神力量狠狠地冲击了一下,然后昏了过去。 The great powers of two angels, are very intrepid, the spirit of person cannot withstand. 两股天使的强大力量,十分强悍,人的精神根本承受不住。 Only also maintains the standing posture, has several people. 唯一还保持站立姿势的,只有几个人。 Rosie, that golden hair man, Qin Chao,...... Shang Luo. 罗茜,那金发男子,秦朝,还有……商洛 Two rays interweave is getting more and more fierce, finally actually suddenly blows out one group of grey rays, then disperses. 两道光芒交织的越來越厉害,最后却突然爆出一团灰色的光芒,然后分散开來。 That black light, enters to in within the body of golden hair man. 那黑光,进入到金发男子的体内。 But the white light, has actually crashed in the chest of Shang Luo. 而白光,却冲进了商洛的胸口之中。 Shang Luo,” 商洛,” Qin Chao has called out in alarm one. 秦朝惊呼了一声。 But at this time, the Shang Luo whole body has sent out the white ray, the opposite golden hair man, the body has sent out similarly black light. 而就在这时候,商洛全身发出了白色的光芒,对面的金发男子,身上同样发出了黑光。 Has not thought really...... Let me to find one unexpectedly not to have the body of soul, was really strange very......” “真沒想到……竟然让我能找到一具沒有灵魂的身体,真是奇怪的很啊……” The golden hair man opens the eye, the smiling face that the corners of the mouth hang up ghosts and demons, my luck, it seems like from now on must start,” 金发男子睁开眼睛,嘴角挂起一种鬼魅的笑容,“我的幸运,看來从现在起就要开始了呢,” His hair, shed the black slowly. 他的头发,缓缓褪成了黑色。 Your luck,” “你的幸运,” But opposite Shang Luo, the eye also opens. 而对面的商洛,眼睛也睁开來。 Her pair of attractive black eye, unexpectedly turned into the golden pupil now. 她的一对漂亮的黑眼睛,现在竟然变成了金色的瞳。 Her soul, changed. 她的灵魂,变了。 Has me here, how possibly is your luck,” “有我在这里,怎么可能是你的幸运,” Rosie,” 罗茜,” Before Qin Chao looked at one, female Devil that angry vows solemnly, how you do,” 秦朝恼怒地看了一眼之前信誓旦旦的女恶魔,“你是怎么搞的,” I, I do not know......” “我,我也不知道……” Rosie somewhat is also stunned, he, he has broken suddenly the glass......” 罗茜也有些愕然,“他,他突然就砸碎了玻璃……” Rosie points at that the man who turns into black hair to say. 罗茜指着那已经变成黑发的男子说道。 Yo, I said how can also some people stand,” “呦,我说怎么还能有人站着,” The black hair man looked at Rosie, originally is attractive small Devil...... It is not right, is you......” 黑发男子看了一眼罗茜,“原來是一个漂亮的小恶魔……不对,是你……” The look of this man, suddenly changed. 这男人的眼神,忽然变了。 Rosie turns head to say to Qin Chao. 罗茜回头对秦朝说道。 I walked first,” “我先走了,” Then, her personal appearance dodges, changes to the black smoke to vanish directly. 说完,她身形一闪,直接化作黑烟消失。 Qin Chao this depression, his, irresponsible. 秦朝这个郁闷,这丫的,不负责任啊。 You cannot escape,” “你逃不掉的,” The black hair man smiled, we are the old debt, from now on will calculate again well,” 黑发男人笑了笑,“我们是旧账,过后再算就好,” Old debt has,” “旧账有很多,” Shang Luo cold said that among us the account , to continue to calculate,” 商洛冷冷地说道,“我们之间的帐,继续來算吧,” Is very good, my Lucifer has not moved for a long time, finally has the opportunity, continued the remaining fights,” “很好,我路西法好久沒活动一下了,终于有机会,继续剩下的战斗了,” I will make you very happy,” “我会让你很爽的,” Shang Luo was saying, the palm has emitted the white light. 商洛说着,掌心冒出了白光。 Wait / Etc.,” “等等,” Qin Chao puts out a hand suddenly, he stops to me,” 秦朝突然伸出手來,“都他吗给我住手,” You are,” “你是哪位,” These two angels, turn the head to look at Qin Chao. 这两个天使,转头看着秦朝 I am police,” “我是警察,” Qin Chao straightened up the hat of top of the head, said that begins under the big crowd of people, you did not fear that affects other innocent people,” 秦朝扶正了一下头顶的帽子,说道,“在大庭广众之下动手,你们就不怕波及到其他无辜人,” These two fellow strengths are quite terrorist, the casual sound is equal to missile. 这两个家伙力量相当恐怖,随随便便的动静就等于导弹似的。 Li Na they here, oneself have not been able the to ignore they to attack brutally here. 李娜他们还在这里,自己不能放任他们在这里大打出手。 Police, anything is police,” “警察,什么是警察,” Before two are very early, by the angel of seal, is not known this occupation does do. 两个很早之前就被封印的天使,根本就不知道这个职业是干啥的。 Police, is catches you to go to hell,” “警察,就是抓你们下地狱的,” Qin Chao was saying, the form appears in two angels sides suddenly. 秦朝说着,身影忽然出现在两个天使的身边。 Meanwhile, his body enters the Nine Dragon Armor condition. 同时,他身体进入九龙铠状态。 Li Yin, Ni Chang, imaginary, Hai Tang, four dragon female strengths appear in his within the body. 离音,霓裳,幻,海棠,四个龙女的力量出现在他的体内。 His boundary, entered the Loose Immortal rank instantaneously. 他的境界,也瞬间进入到了散仙级别。 Nine Underworld Tarantula,” 九幽毒蛛,” In a flash, the Nine Underworld Tarantula strength erupts. 一瞬间,九幽毒蛛的力量爆发出來。 Qin Chao is clutching the shoulders of two people, passes through the space directly, has delivered to them the desert. 秦朝揪着两个人的肩膀,直接穿越空间,把他们送到了沙漠之中。 Really has to pass through the space strength,” “竟然有穿越空间的力量,” Lucifer looked at surrounding endless yellow sand, on the face by turned into being interested astonishedly, looked like your also a little ability,” 路西法看了一眼周围漫漫黄沙,脸上由惊异变成了感兴趣,“看來你也有一点能力啊,” This is among us fight, does not know that the so-called person, get lost to me,” “这是我们之间的战斗,不知所谓的人,给我滚,” Shang Luo that Michael takes possession, stretches out palm, aims at Qin Chao. 米迦勒附体的商洛,伸出手掌來,对准秦朝 Angel shock-wave. 天使的冲击波。 Moreover is a shock-wave of Loose Immortal rank. 而且是一个散仙级别的冲击波。 This strength direct hit on the body of Qin Chao, raising to fly his body. 这力量直接撞击在秦朝的身上,把他的身体给掀飞了出去。 Fuck, Loose Immortal rank. 卧槽,散仙级别。 Properly speaking, two people should be the Golden Immortal times. 按道理说,两个人应该是金仙期。 It seems like that all the year round seal, making the strengths of two people somewhat regress. 看來,长年的封印,让两个人的力量有些退步了。 My strength, somewhat was weaken,” “我的力量,有些减弱了,” Really, Shang Luo stretches out the palm, has grasped the fist, stares at own palm to say. 果然,商洛伸出掌心,握了握拳头,盯着自己的手掌说道。 Then the long seal, somewhat somewhat idles,” “那么久的封印,多多少少都有些懈怠,” Lucifer stretched oneself, millet, has not thought that you can also adhere to stick cohere on a body of Beauty, is this my luck,” 路西法伸了个懒腰,“小米啊,沒想到你还能附着在一个美女的身上,这算不算是我的幸运呢,” This is your time of death,” “这是你的死期,” Shang Luo was saying, stretches out the palm, has aimed at Lucifer. 商洛说着,伸出手掌,对准了路西法 Her palm, releases together the shock-wave once more. 她的掌心,再次释放出一道冲击波。 That white shock-wave, raises a giant dust storm front desert, covered right in the face to opposite Lucifer. 那白色的冲击波,把面前的沙漠掀起一道巨大的沙暴,劈头盖脸地就笼罩向了对面的路西法 But Lucifer beckons with the hand, before the body, emits the black smoke. 路西法一摆手,身前冒出黑烟。 This black smoke forms a wall barrier, has blocked the dust storm and attack of shock-wave. 这黑烟形成一道壁障,挡住了沙暴和冲击波的侵袭。 Oh, such long does not see, is that the crabby, does not know really how I can with you such hot tempered person, close in the same place am so long,” “哎呀哎呀,这么久不见,还是那么暴脾气呢,真不知道,我怎么会和你这么暴躁的人,关在一起那么久的,” Dies,” “去死吧,” The Shang Luo words forever are that brief. 商洛的话永远都是那么简短。 Her another hand, grasps a silver light spear|gun, 她另一只手,握出一把银色的光枪,
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