MBT :: Volume #13

#1226: Wang Yuan insistence

Insistence of Chapter 1226 Wang Yuan 第1226章王鸳的坚持 Wang Yuan has put down oneself mother's telephone, starts to worry to get angry. 王鸳放下了自己母亲的电话,就开始愁得上火。 Must ask Huang Ping. 真的要去求黄平 Wang Yuan is not silly, she knows what Huang Ping wants is anything. 王鸳不傻,她知道黄平想要的是什么。 If asked that then the price must marry this man. 如果自己去求的话,那么代价一定就是要嫁给这个男人。 After this, oneself also thorough losing freedom, reduces an upper classes of society marrying sacrificial victim. 从此之后,自己也就会彻底的失去自由,沦落成一个上层社会联姻牺牲品。 She ponders, finally takes up the cell phone, telephoned to own Junior Sister. 她左思右想,最后拿起手机,给自己的学妹打了个电话。 Li Na is sitting in the Audi car(riage) that Shang Luo drives, leaves for the Capital City art center, suddenly has answered the Wang Yuan telephone, she is very strange. 李娜正坐在商洛开的奥迪车里,一路开往京都艺术馆,突然就接了个王鸳的电话,她还很奇怪。 Is Wang Yuan Senior Sister,” “是王鸳学姐,” Li Na takes the cell phone to say. 李娜拿着手机说道。 She calls to make anything you,” “她给你打电话做什么,” Does not know......” “不知道啊……” Li Na did not understand very much, although has exchanged the number, Wang Yuan Senior Sister has not made the cell phone to oneself. 李娜也很不理解,虽然交换过号码,王鸳学姐从來就沒给自己打过手机啊。 The matter that she works is so busy, how to remember to oneself telephones. 她工作的事情那么忙,怎么会想起给自己打电话呢。 Hello, Senior Sister,” “喂,学姐,” Li Na...... Excuse me, a little matter requests you,” 李娜……不好意思,有点事情要求一下你,” Wang Yuan the mood is unbearably anxious at this time, after Li Na has answered the telephone, she comes straight to the point to ask directly. 王鸳此时心情急不可耐,李娜一接了电话之后,她直接就开门见山问道。 „, Senior Sister you said that is far asks, needs me to help anything, said that” “哦,学姐你说吧,谈不上求,需要我帮什么,说就是啦,” Li Na said hastily. 李娜连忙说道。 Usually Wang Yuan little has not helped itself, if Senior Sister needs to help, how she can disregard. 平时王鸳也沒少帮过自己,如果学姐需要帮忙,她怎么能置之度外呢。 Is this, Li Na...... I want to ask, your big brother Qin, was does business,” “是这样的,李娜……我想问一下,你那秦大哥,到底是做什么生意的,” You asked him,” “你问他啊,” Matter why Li Na very curious Wang Yuan Senior Sister will care about big brother Qin, my not too well, but probably many business do,” 李娜很好奇王鸳学姐为什么会关心秦大哥的事,“我也不太清楚,不过好像很多生意都做,” Dafa Group, should be a very comprehensive enterprise. 大发集团,应该是个很综合性的企业吧。 This...... Actually I want to ask him to discuss that matter of cooperation,” “这样……其实我是想找他谈一谈合作的事情,” Cooperation,” “合作,” Um, mainly in my hand has a good project, but now the fund was somewhat tight, I could not find the person to help, has to ask that your family big brother Qin, look at him to have the interest capital,” “嗯,主要我手里有个挺好的项目,但现在资金有些紧张了,我已经是找不到人帮忙了,只好來问问你家秦大哥,看他有兴趣注资么,” „, Does not need many funds,” “唔,需要多少资金啊,” Also, is not too many, about 200 million......” “也,也不是太多,200000000左右吧……” Two, 200 million,” “两,200000000,” Li Na almost frightens the cell phone not to fall on the ground. 李娜吓得手机差点沒掉在地上。 One when KFC work, reached an agreement the concurrent job is four 50 cents one minute. 自己在肯德基打工的时候,谈好兼职是四块五毛钱一分钟。 Shit, this 200 million...... 我勒个去,这200000000…… One can not sit to put on KFC to earn...... 自己不得把肯德基坐穿了才赚得出來啊…… Um, is 200 million funds......” “嗯,就是200000000资金……” Wang Yuan is somewhat embarrassed, she also knows that the call for fund is very big. 王鸳有些不好意思,她也知道资金需求很大。 But the present is the critical moment, was turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill. 但现在是紧要关头,算是病急乱投医了。 Within two days do not handle this fund, Wang Family must announce the bankruptcy. 两天之内搞不定这资金,王家就要宣布破产。 Senior Sister, this, I gave you big brother Qin telephone, you and he discussed that...... Perhaps, he has the interest also perhaps,” 学姐,这样吧,我还是把秦大哥的电话给你,你和他谈一谈吧……或许,他有兴趣也说不定,” These much money, oneself may unable to take responsibility. 这么多钱,自己可做不了主。 If several hundred thousand anything, she can also because and Senior Sister friendship, urging big brother Qin to help. 如果是几十万啥的,她还能因为自己和学姐的情谊,劝秦大哥帮帮忙。 Now makes was a little big, Li Na decided that does not mix this matter. 现在闹得有点太大了,李娜决定还是不掺合这件事。 Also good......” “也好……” Wang Yuan also can only nod, she understood that this matter Li Na should unable to add on any strength, but must look at Qin Chao own wish. 王鸳也只能点点头,她理解,这件事情李娜应该是帮不上什么力的,还得看秦朝自己的意愿。 Quick, Li Na has issued Wang Yuan the Qin Chao telephone. 很快,李娜就把秦朝的电话发给了王鸳 Wang Yuan looks at this string of numbers, deep breath several tones, then hit to Qin Chao. 王鸳看着这串号码,深呼吸几口气,然后打给了秦朝 At this time Qin Chao is hiding in the bathroom in art center smokes, suddenly receives a strange number, has met. 此时秦朝正躲在艺术馆的卫生间里抽烟,突然接到一个陌生号码,就接了起來。 Hello,” “你好,哪位,” Is Qin Chao......” “是秦朝么……” Telephone that is girl's voice, Qin Chao stares slightly, the heart said that who this is, the sound is not quite how familiar. 电话那头是个女孩子的声音,秦朝微微一愣,心说这是谁啊,怎么声音不太熟悉。 I am, your,” “我是,您哪位,” I am Wang Yuan, Li Na Senior Sister......” “我是王鸳,李娜学姐……” My goodness, originally is this little girl. 呵,好家伙,原來是这个妞。 Sun hit the west side to come out, she telephoned to herself unexpectedly. 太阳打西边出來了,她竟然给自己打电话。 Because of the previous time matter, she was endless. 难道是因为上一次的事情,她还沒完沒了了。 This, Comrade Wang Yuan,” “这个,王鸳同志,” Qin Chao said hastily that previous time you have not frightened to suffice me, but also telephones to pursue is frightening me,” 秦朝连忙说道,“上一次你还沒吓够我是不是,还打电话追着吓我,” No, is not......” “不,不是……” Wang Yuan said hastily that I apologized to you for the previous time matter, hopes that toward do not go at heart...... On that day the weather was too late, street light also not bright, possibly I have been dazzled......” 王鸳连忙说道,“我为上一次的事情向你道歉,希望你别往心里去……那天天色太晚,路灯还沒亮,可能我看花眼了……” What is possible, you were dazzled, at that time, on me from the start nobody,” “什么叫可能,你就是看花眼了嘛,当时,我身上压根就沒人,” Qin Chao vowed solemnly that said. 秦朝信誓旦旦地说道。 Indeed is nobody, has female Devil. 的确是沒人,就是有个女恶魔 Yes yes yes, nobody, I have indeed been dazzled,” 是是是,沒有人,我的确是看花眼了,” Wang Yuan said hastily. 王鸳连忙说道。 Qin Chao started to feel strange. 秦朝就开始奇怪了。 This young girl, so is how good to speak today. 这小妞,今天怎么这么好说话了。 I said that Beauty, the safe does not ascend the Buddhist temples, you call me, have any matter, said that” “我说,美女,正所谓无事不登三宝殿,你给我打电话,有什么事,就说吧,” Strange embarrassed......” “怪不好意思的……” The Wang Yuan expression somewhat hesitates, actually, has a project, wants to discuss with you...... We hope that you can cooperate with me,” 王鸳语气有些犹豫起來,“其实,是有个项目,想和你谈一下……希望,你能和我合作,” Discussed matter that works,” “谈工作上的事,” Qin Chao has gawked. 秦朝愣了一下。 Oh, this king Beauty, you see have discuss the matter of work in telephone,” “哎呀,这王美女,你见过有在电话里谈工作的事的吗,” Does not have, no, but my this does not worry......” “沒,沒有,但我这不是着急么……” Wang Yuan said. 王鸳说道。 Worries not to be good again, this, I have the matter today, noon tomorrow we approximately a place will eat meal, has solved this matter on the dining table,” “再着急也不行啊,这样吧,今天我有事,明天中午我们约个地方吃饭吧,在饭桌上把这件事解决了,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 The Chinese like solving the matter in eating meal. 中国人都喜欢在吃饭的时候解决事情。 Good...... Tomorrow I find the place, calls you......” “那好吧……明天我找好地方,给你打电话……” Hears the opposite party not to reject itself straightforwardly, Wang Yuan is relaxed first. 听到对方并沒有直截了当地拒绝自己,王鸳算是先松了一口气。 But she was worried that Qin Chao fund, whether can enough handle this matter. 但她担心,秦朝的资金,是否能足够搞定这件事情。 200 million, are not a small digit, generally the family wants unable to think. 200000000,不是个小数字,一般家庭想都不敢想的。 When she just put down the Qin Chao telephone, the telephone of office has rung. 就在她刚放下秦朝电话的时候,办公室的电话响了起來。 Wang Zong, Mr. Huang wants to see you,” “王总,黄先生想见你,” In the telephone is the voice of assistant. 电话里是助理的声音。 Told him me to have no free time,” “告诉他我沒空,” Wang Yuan said straightforwardly. 王鸳直截了当地说道。 She knows that Huang Ping is makes anything. 她知道黄平是來做什么。 She somewhat understood suddenly, why the bank refuses to give the company to provide the loan. 她忽然有些明白了,为什么银行都拒绝给公司提供贷款。 Behind this, definitely has the Huang Ping movement. 这背后,肯定有黄平的动作。 It seems like that he wants to compel itself to obey with this means obediently...... 看來,他是想用这个办法逼自己乖乖就范啊…… But possible, she is Wang Yuan, she absolutely not because this matter will become the Huang Ping wife. 可是可能么,她是王鸳,她绝对不会因为这种事情成为黄平的妻子的。 Wang Yuan, how in this crucial point, you are this temperament,” 王鸳,怎么这个节骨眼上了,你还是这个脾气啊,” When she puts down a telephone not meeting, Huang Ping opens the door of office, walked. 就在她放下电话沒一会的时候,黄平推开办公室的门,走了进來。 Wang Yuan somewhat is immediately angry, how this fellow comes. 王鸳顿时有些恼怒,这家伙怎么进來的。 You, you cannot go,” “你,你不可以进去,” But at this time, her female assistant also flushed, actually by two black clothed bodyguards drawing. 而这时候,自己的女助理也冲了过來,却被两个黑衣保镖给拉着。 Ok, 29-day lunar month, you go back to work first,” “算了,小月,你先回去工作吧,” Wang Yuan knows that this time was Huang Ping rushed, own assistant could not block. 王鸳知道这次是黄平强闯了,自己的助理也拦不住。 Huang Ping, you make anything, seems like here too does not welcome you,” 黄平,你來做什么,貌似这里不太欢迎你,” Wang Yuan said very much straightforwardly. 王鸳很直白地说道。 With this man, her sincerity anything words have not said. 和这个男人,她真心沒什么话好说。 The people of four respected families, do not have any good thing. 四大家族的人,都沒什么好东西。 Wang Yuan, do not say that later, everybody is a person on one's own side, I to my place, how can also have do not welcome a saying,” 王鸳,不要这么说嘛,以后,大家就是自己人,我到自己的地方來,怎么还能有不欢迎一说呢,” In Huang Ping supplies the cigarette especially, has pulled out one slowly. 黄平点上一颗特供香烟,缓缓抽了一口。 Wang Yuan waves to scatter the smoke, she stands up, turns round to open the following window. 王鸳挥手驱散烟味,她站起身來,回身推开后面的窗户。 Behind her has to exquisite stature, the outstanding buttocks that was bound by the long skirt, making Huang Ping swallow the saliva. 她背后玲珑有致的身材,那被长裙裹住的翘臀,让黄平吞了吞口水。 Definitely can see from her leg, this is a place. 从她的腿型完全可以看出,这还是个处。 The good woman, must become her wife. 多好的女人啊,就要成为自己的妻子了。 Huang Ping, I also in strange, is who in view of our Wang Family,” 黄平,我还在奇怪,是谁在针对我们王家,” Wang Yuan opens the window, making the smoke have a place to exit, then, she has turned around, sits on the chair, looks at opposite face Huang Ping proudly. 王鸳推开窗户,让烟味有个地方出去,然后,她转过身來,坐在椅子上,看着对面一脸傲然的黄平 Now you came, answer has also made known, Huang Ping, has not thought, to obtain me, you actually think of this mean method,” “现在你來了,答案也就揭晓了,黄平,真沒想到,为了得到我,你竟然想到这种卑鄙的方法,” Non-toxic non- husband,” “无毒不丈夫,” Huang Ping beckons with the hand, the black clothed bodyguard walks to go forward, pushes a chair, sat down by own young master. 黄平一摆手,身后的黑衣保镖走上前,推过來一张椅子,让自家少爷坐下。 He sits in that is curling upwards one leg on the other , to continue to look at Wang Yuan, then said that I must tell you, you cannot escape my Huang Ping palm,” 他坐在那,翘着二郎腿,继续看着王鸳,然后说道,“我只是要借此告诉你,你逃不脱我黄平的手掌心,” This you have been completely mistaken,” “这你就大错特错了,” Wang Yuan refuses to admit being inferior retaliates saying that my Wang Yuan has not feared anyone, even if you, I will not fear,” 王鸳不甘示弱地回敬道,“我王鸳从來就沒怕过谁,就算是你,我也不会怕,” You fear should not be I, but is our Huang Family,” “你怕的不该是我,而是我们黄家,” Huang Ping has shot the cigarette ash , to continue saying that in Capital City, who dares to speak the last words with our Huang Family,” 黄平弹了弹烟灰,继续说道,“在京都,谁敢和我们黄家叫板么,” You think that you have handled eye to be exceedingly high,” “你以为你们已经手眼通天了,” Wang Yuan curls the lip, you seal up all my ways, I will also bring Wang Family to rush,” 王鸳撇撇嘴,“就算你封住我所有的去路,我也会带着王家闯出去的,” You are the grandson monkey, cannot escape from my this palm of Tathagata buddha,” “你就算是孙猴子,也逃不出我这如來佛的手掌心啊,” Huang Ping still calm said. 黄平依然淡定地说道。 He thinks that he is grasping all. 他认为自己掌握着一切。 Small Wang Family, is not casually pinches, matter that pinches casually. 一个小小的王家,还不是自己随便捏,随便掐的事么。 You too overestimated you,” “你太高估你自己了,” Wang Yuan said immodestly that I am not the grandson monkey, you are not the Tathagata Buddha, you, are only Huang Ping, Huang Family, although is fierce, actually cannot decide all, our Wang Family life and death, was decided by me,” 王鸳不客气地说,“我不是孙猴子,你也不是什么如來佛祖,你,只是黄平,黄家虽然厉害,却不能决定一切,我们王家的生死,由我自己來决定,” It seems like you have not seen clearly situation,” “看來你还沒有看清形势啊,” Huang Ping looks at Wang Yuan, sneers, you continue to tough it out like this, I see two days later, can you also be so strong, when the time comes, you will cry to ask my,” 黄平看着王鸳,冷笑一声,“你就继续这样硬挺下去吧,我看到两天之后,你还能不能这么强硬下去,到时候,你会哭着來求我的,” That is you in the dream,” “那是你在梦里吧,” Wang Yuan pointed to the door, „the present asks you to leave, this company or Wang Family, do not welcome you,” 王鸳下了逐客令,“现在还是请你离开吧,这公司还是王家的,不欢迎你,” Sooner or later, here, you, can be my,” “早晚,这里,还有你,都会是我的,” Huang Ping cold said that then turns the head to leave. 黄平冷冷地说了一句,然后转头离开。 I forever, am my,” “我永远,都是我自己的,” Wang Yuan gazes after this Master Huang Family to leave. 王鸳目送这位黄家少爷离开。 After Huang Ping exits, sits in car(riage), cannot bear fly into a rage. 黄平出去之后,坐在车里,忍不住大发雷霆。 Grass he, this Wang Family young girl, he digs really greatly,” “草他吗,这王家的小妞,真他吗巨撅,” Huang Shao,” “黄少,” Ma Ruohang has sat in the car(riage), sees Huang Shao this, obviously knows that he was denied entrance to come back. 马若航一直坐在车里,看到黄少这样,显然知道他吃了闭门羹回來。 That Wang Yuan is so strong, has taken advantage,” “那王鸳这么强硬,是不是有所依仗啊,” He somewhat worried that said. 他有些担心地说道。 Is impossible,” “不可能,” Huang Ping shakes the head to say immediately that in Capital City, the person who our Huang Family must make, whose daresay she, the Yang Family widow and she does not have any friendship, Tang Family protects oneself now is the issue, Si the family|home has abandoned, but also anyone, she will be in the face will unable to pull, when two days later, I will let her, will kneel in front of my Huang Ping, will cry to ask me,” 黄平顿时摇头道,“在京都,我们黄家要弄的人,谁敢保着她,杨家的寡妇和她沒什么交情,唐家现在自保都是问題,司家已经废了,还会有谁,她就是面子上扯不开,等两天后,我让她,跪在我黄平面前,哭着求我,” =================================== =================================== The original over 4 crowds dismiss, the simultaneous photoresponse many bibliophile friends' requests, establish the vip group specially, enters the group to send to read the vip chapter the screenshot, 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