MBT :: Volume #13

#1225: Wang Yuan worrying matter

Chapter 1225 Wang Yuan worrying matter 第1225章王鸳的烦心事 Qin Chao looks at Rosie very much surprisedly. 秦朝很惊讶地看着罗茜 Thanked big brother Qin, I had the matter first to walk, another day will ask you to eat meal,” “谢谢秦大哥啦,我有事就先走啦,改天请你吃饭,” Shang Luo receives the ticket, is beckoning with the hand to Qin Chao happily, then turned around to fling the ponytail to run away. 商洛把票收好,对着秦朝高兴地摆摆手,然后转身甩着马尾辫就跑掉了。 How you gave her the ticket,” “你怎么把票给她了,” Qin Chao knows that this Rosie definitely took away own ticket with any means that then has given Shang Luo. 秦朝知道这罗茜肯定是用什么办法拿走了自己的票,然后交给了商洛 This occurrence, will come sooner or later,” “该发生的,早晚都会來的,” Rosie said that „. Moreover, you did not say, was ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available,” 罗茜说道,“而且,你不是说了么,兵來将挡,水來土掩,” That is not good, their two both are ordinary humanity, if there is any danger, could not resist,” “那也不行啊,她们两个都是普普通通的人类,万一有什么危险,根本抵挡不了的,” Qin Chao worries very much, thought that Rosie these time has held the misdemeanor. 秦朝很着急,觉得罗茜这一次是办了坏事。 But she is very sad,” “可是她很伤心啊,” Rosie has touched the face of Qin Chao, the supple sound track, how can make the girl sad,” 罗茜摸了一下秦朝的脸,柔声道,“怎么可以让女孩子伤心呢,” My this also considers for their safety......” “我这也是为了她们的安危着想啊……” Qin Chao answered. 秦朝解释道。 This you did not need to worry,” “这个你就不用操心了,” Rosie is drawing the arm of Qin Chao, when the time comes also has me, you are busy your, I helped you take care of that two girls to be good,” 罗茜拉着秦朝的胳膊,“到时候还有我呢,你去忙着你的,我帮你照顾那两个丫头就好了,” Good,” “那好吧,” Qin Chao nods reluctantly, also can only like this,” 秦朝无奈地点点头,“也只能这样了,” Two people said that turned around and returned to the exhibit room. 两个人说完,转身又回了展览室。 But at this time, in Tang Family villa. 而在这时候,唐家别墅里。 Thing that your does not make every effort to succeed,” “你个不争气的东西,” Tang Zong had been hit a mouth by own father, falls down, the face swells quite high. 唐宗被自己父亲打了一个嘴巴,倒在地上,脸肿的好高。 Father, I, I really am not intentional......” “爸,我,我真不是故意的……” Tang Zong cries saying that I do not know, that Qin Chao how with,” 唐宗哭道,“我也不知道,那秦朝怎么就跟來了,” Your this young brat, but also he quibbled,” “你这小兔崽子,还他吗狡辩,” Tang Xianhe gives a son foot that oneself this have not made every effort to succeed, I, I want to kick your me,” 唐显赫又给了自己这不争气的儿子一脚,“我,我真想踢死你我,” Father, I am your biological son, you cannot like this,” “爸,我可是你亲儿子啊,你不能这样,” Tang Zong implored urgently, this matter cannot blame me completely, was Min Xiaoqiu that cheap person , he how I possibly so was miserable,” 唐宗苦苦哀求,“这件事也不能完全怪我啊,都是闵小秋那个贱人,要不是他,我怎么可能这么惨,” One then may be miserable to the extreme. 自己这下可算是惨到了极点。 His Tang Zong, completely degenerated into the joke of upper classes of society. 唐宗,完完全全沦为了上层社会的笑话。 Including Yang Family that widow, blatantly mentioned own scandal in the social occasion. 杨家那个寡妇,都在社交场合里公然说起自己的丑事。 One later, did not have the hope to attend the situation of any upper formation meeting again. 自己以后,是沒希望再出席什么上层聚会的场合了。 This person, really lost to the grandmother family|home. 这人啊,真是丢到姥姥家去了。 You within three years do not permit the main house gate,” “你三年之内不准出家门,” In Tang Xianhe closely shakes hand the drinking glass, wishes one could to be able this drinking glass pinching to explode, gives me to stay honestly at home, the family business do not think, this position, can only be your elder brother,” 唐显赫紧紧握着手里的水杯,恨不得能把这水杯给捏爆,“老老实实给我在家里呆着,家族生意你也不要想了,这个位置,只能是你哥哥的,” Yes, I knew......” “是,我知道了……” Tang Zong is a little suffering from injustice, „, but, father...... Is that military strategist good, he gives my any bodyguard, one was given to solve by others......” 唐宗有点委屈,“不过,爸……那个军师到底行不行啊,他给我的那个什么保镖,被人家一下就给解决了啊……” That is because, your this idiot, led him to look for the trouble of Qin Chao directly,” “那是因为,你这白痴,直接带着他去找了秦朝的麻烦,” At this time, a cold sound has made a sound in the room. 就在这时候,一个冷冷的声音在屋子里响了起來。 The Tang Family father and son had a scare, hurry to look that is really that is leading the military strategist of comedian clown mask. 唐家父子两人吓了一大跳,慌忙看去,果然是那带着小丑面具的军师。 Armed forces, Sir Junshi......” “军,军师大人……” Tang Xianhe the face was entreating hastily painstakingly, Tang Zong he was young, Tong said shamelessly, but also asked Sir Junshi do not blame, the Sir did not count the villain to cross......” 唐显赫连忙苦着脸哀求,“唐宗他年纪还小,童言无忌,还请军师大人不要责怪,大人不计小人过……” How I can haggle over with an insect,” “我怎么会和一条虫子计较,” The military strategists sneer, then waves, behind him presents a blond man, calmly stands erect in his. 军师冷笑一声,接着一挥手,他背后又出现一个金发碧眼的男子,静静地屹立在他的身后。 This is Su Yi, strength and Su Jia is similar, this bodyguard, the body has the strength of angel . Moreover the non- old codger, will not have betrayed the master, compared with many that your Long San strive to excel,” “这是苏乙,实力和苏甲差不多,这种保镖,身上有着天使之力,而且不老不死,还不会背叛主人,比你们那个龙三要强的多,” He sits there, sound cold extraordinary, „, but such bodyguard, eventually is only a bodyguard, I and you have said that Qin Chao is powerful, do not annoy him directly, you made such mistake, kills the bodyguard who I have refined laboriously not saying that but must blame the responsibility in my head, he he......” 他坐在那里,声音冷的出奇,“但这样的保镖,终究只是保镖,我和你们说过,秦朝实力强大,不要直接去惹他,你们犯下了这样的错误,害死了一个我辛苦炼制出來的保镖不说,还要把责任怪在我的头上,呵呵呵……” Sir Junshi appeases anger, my son anything does not understand, is a fool, do not lower oneself to the same level with the fool,” 军师大人息怒,犬子什么都不懂,就是个傻逼,您千万别和傻逼一般见识,” Tang Xianhe for fear that this military strategist got angry extinguished oneself son, scolded the son several hastily first. 唐显赫生怕这军师一动火就灭了自己儿子,连忙先骂了儿子几句。 Ok, I kept you also to use, to kill your son, you will have two hearts to me surely,” “算了,我留着你还有用,杀了你儿子,你必定会对我生二心,” The military strategists beckon with the hand, this time like this considers as finished, but I do not hope that next time, later, then has anything to the Qin Chao trick, first told me, then moved,” 军师摆摆手,“这次就这样算了,但我希望沒有下一次,以后,再有什么对秦朝的伎俩,先告诉我,再行动,” I knew......” “我知道了……” Tang Xianhe nods again and again, does not dare to have two words. 唐显赫连连点头,不敢有二话。 Military strategist are also depressed, this mortal, wants to do unexpectedly right with Qin Chao. 军师自己也是郁闷,这种凡人,竟然还想和秦朝做对。 If not for their family had been killed by Qin Chao, will be cut off the very big source of income, he like this will not be guaranteeing Tang Xianhe. 若不是他们家族被秦朝干掉了,会断掉自己很大一笔财路的话,他才不会这样保着唐显赫 Actually if according to his strength, practices the corpse king Tang Xianhe, same can listen to itself. 其实如果按照他的实力,把唐显赫练成尸王,也一样能听自己的话。 But such words of doing, Tang Xianhe did not have own thought. 但那样做的话,唐显赫就沒有了自己的思想。 These family business anything, broke down. 那些家族生意什么的,也就垮了。 What he wants is making money machine, but is not a puppet. 他要的是个赚钱机器,而不是一个傀儡。 Therefore, Tang Xianhe this life, he must remain. 所以,唐显赫这条命,他得留着。 Was right,” “对了,” The military strategists are knocking the finger on the table slowly, then said that you do know, recently at Capital City art center display the matter of that «Black and White Paradise»,” 军师缓缓在桌子上敲着手指,然后说道,“你知不知道,最近在京都艺术馆展出的那副《黑白天堂》的事情,” Knows that this matter very causes a stir,” “知道知道,这件事挺轰动的,” Tang Xianhe said hastily that this time relates to Sino-French establishing diplomatic relations, above attaches great importance, couple days ago had an international thief, night demon, because this matter has been caught, including his apprentice, was given to grasp present in nearby sewer,” 唐显赫连忙说道,“此时关系到中法建交,上面非常重视,前几天有个国际大盗,夜魔,就因为这件事落网了,连他的徒弟,都在旁边的下水道里被人给抓了个现行,” Um...... I want you to attend this time art exhibition,” “嗯……我要你去参加这一次的画展,” The military strategists told, when the time comes, Su Yi will follow in your side,” 军师吩咐道,“到时候,苏乙会跟在你的身边,” Attends the art exhibition......” “参加画展……” Tang Xianhe somewhat is slightly awkward, oneself presently at home the matter make such publicity, prospect such situation, is not on hurries to again to others laughs. 唐显赫微微有些为难,自己现在家里事情闹得这么人尽皆知,再出息这样的场合,不是上赶着去给人家笑话么。 What's wrong, awkward,” “怎么,为难,” „It is not awkward, is not awkward,” “不为难,不为难,” Tang Xianhe beckons with the hand immediately. 唐显赫立刻摆摆手。 Mother class, even if were laughed , the ratio has annoyed this fellow. 娘类,就算被笑话,也比惹了这个家伙强啊。 Own present position, but also is really in a dilemma. 自己现在的位置,还真是进退两难啊。 Paternal grandmother, is this youngest son, to trouble that he makes. 奶奶的,都是自己这小儿子,给他惹來的麻烦。 Cannot think that his Tang Xianhe magnificent for a lifetime, actually wanted finally, because the son mixes is so pitiful. 想不到,他唐显赫辉煌了一辈子,最后却要因为儿子混的这么凄惨。 Behaves badly. 作孽啊。 Only hopes own eldest son can make every effort to succeed, the youngest son does not count on. 只希望自己大儿子能争口气,小儿子是不指望了。 Is very good,” “很好,” The military strategists nod satisfied, do not disappoint me again, if has any mistake again, I did not mind that practices my puppet you...... It looks like these bodyguards is the same,” 军师满意地点点头,“不要让我再失望了,如果再有什么差池,我不介意把你练成我的一个傀儡……就像是这些保镖一样,” Saw that these ice-cold are similar to the corpse same bodyguards, Tang Xianhe shivered with fright. 看到那些冰冷如同尸体一样的保镖,唐显赫打了个冷战。 Although the live aggrievedness, may at least also live...... 虽然活的憋屈,可起码还活着…… I will handle this matter well, Sir Junshi feels relieved......” “我会好好办这件事的,军师大人放心……” First gets so far as two tickets, oh, is terrible business. 先弄到两张票吧,唉,又是个麻烦事啊。 You dislike troublesome,” “你嫌麻烦,” Military strategist eyes looked through the Tang Xianhe thoughts. 军师一眼就看破了唐显赫的心思。 No, is not......” “不,不是……” The Tang Xianhe complexion big change, beckons with the hand again and again. 唐显赫脸色大变,连连摆手。 You are always strengthening me to practice the puppet you thoughts,” “你总在坚定我把你练成傀儡的心思,” Military strategist voice ice-cold. 军师声音更加的冰冷。 He beckons with the hand suddenly, that sat in nearby Tang Zong, suddenly faints on the sofa. 他忽然一摆手,那本來坐在旁边的唐宗,忽然昏倒在沙发上。 Small lot,” “小宗,” Tang Xianhe was startled, puts out a hand to hold hastily. 唐显赫吃了一惊,连忙伸手去扶。 He discovered that own son also has breath, does not know that has rested why. 他发现自己儿子还有呼吸,就是不知道为何又睡了过去。 This is only to your small penalty,” “这只是对你的小小惩罚,” The military strategists said in side lightly that he will rest past one month, this month no one could awaken him, if next time you dare to have anything to disrespect to me again, your son, can forever the deep sleep,” 军师在旁边淡淡地说道,“他会睡过去一个月,这一个月谁也唤醒不了他,如果下一次你再敢对我有什么不敬的话,你的儿子,将会永远沉睡,” I, I have made a mistake, Sir Junshi forgives......” “我,我错了,军师大人恕罪……” Tang Xianhe face whiten. 唐显赫脸色苍白。 One think that anything cannot hide the truth from the opposite terrifying man, not annoy him to well. 自己想什么根本瞒不住对面的这个恐怖男人,还是不要惹他为好。 You want to be right,” “你这么想就对了,” The military strategists said slowly that you have annoyed Qin Chao, he also will possibly keep your life, but you, if has annoyed me, must die without doubt,” 军师缓缓说道,“你惹了秦朝,他可能还会留你一命,但你如果惹了我,必死无疑,” Then, his form dissipates instantaneously, disappears in the Tang Family living room. 说完,他的身影瞬间消散,消失在唐家的客厅中。 Tang Xianhe looks own lethargic sleep past son, for a very long time is speechless. 唐显赫看着自己昏睡过去的儿子,久久无言。 Wang Yuan special getting angry, wishes one could to die today. 王鸳今天特别的上火,恨不得想去死。 Her today's condition, looks like the ant on hot pot is the same, anxious is not good. 她今天的状态,就像是热锅上的蚂蚁一样,急的不行。 The project of company, the preliminary money invested, later but why does not know, each bank halted the loan to company. 公司的一项项目,前期的钱都已经投入进去了,但后期不知道为何,每个银行都停止了对公司的贷款。 Originally and several presidents reached an agreement, so long as applied, the money sum hit immediately. 本來和几个行长都谈好了,只要自己去申请,款额马上就打过來。 But gives her words now is, the bank fund was quite recently tight, temporarily does not have the spare cash. 可现在给她的话都是,最近银行资金比较紧张,暂时沒有闲钱。 Paternal grandmother, what is a spare cash. 奶奶的,什么叫闲钱。 These presidents do not know that took the wrong any medicine, with making. 这些行长也不知道吃错什么药了,都跟约好了似的。 Is behind, who is putting in order their Wang Family. 是不是背后,有谁在整他们王家 Who regardless of that puts in order their is, first said this time crisis. 姑且不论那个整他们的到底是谁,先说这一次的危机。 If within two days in do not hit the spare money, then this project immediately freezes. 如果两天之内在不把余款打过去,那么这笔项目就会立刻冻结。 When the time comes, the preliminary investment is also equal to throwing away carelessly. 到时候,前期的投入也等于打了水漂。 Their Wang Family, must therefore carry on the back the large amount debt, declares bankruptcy. 他们王家,也要因此背上巨额的债务,宣告破产。 Who is putting in order them, is not getting so far as 200 million start funds, their Wang Family was finished. 无论是谁在整他们,在弄不到200000000的启动资金,他们王家就完蛋了。 Wang Yuan thinks it over, does not know that whom should ask to reach an agreement. 王鸳想來想去,都不知道该找谁谈好。 200 million, are not a small number. 200000000啊,可不是一个小数目。 Around one, but also who likely is a rich man. 自己周围,还有谁像是有钱人。 Why Wang Yuan does not know, in the mind appears suddenly a person. 王鸳不知道为何,脑海里忽然浮现出一个人來。 Qin Chao. 秦朝 How one thought of him, he can help itself. 自己怎么想到他了,难道他能帮自己么。 200 million. 200000000啊。 It is not 2 million. 不是2000000。 She thinks that really does not know who should seek help to be good. 她想了想,实在是不知道该求助谁好了。 At this time, the Wang Yuan telephone has made a sound. 就在这时候,王鸳的电话响了起來。 She meets, is phone call that mother makes. 她接起來,是母亲打來的电话。 Little Yuan, you try to find the solution quickly,” 小鸳啊,你快想想办法吧,” Mother, you how,” “妈,你怎么了,” Wang Yuan thought that is it possible that Mother because also the matter of company is getting angry. 王鸳心想,莫非自己老妈也因为公司的事在上火么。 Is your father,” “是你爸爸,” The Wang Yuan mother cries saying that he could not look on the bright side of thing a moment ago, wants to hang oneself at home the suicide, was discovered by steward Old Huang luckily promptly, rescuing...... Sins, how family|home said that is not good is not good......” 王鸳的母亲哭道,“他刚才想不开,在家里想上吊自杀,幸好被管家老黄及时发现,给救了下來……造孽啊,怎么家里说不行就不行了呢……” Mother, you watches father quickly, do not let him unable to look on the bright side of thing,” “妈,你快看住爸爸,别让他想不开,” Heavy that Wang Yuan frightens, said hastily that „the matter of company I will try to find the solution, you make the father not be worried,” 王鸳吓的不轻,连忙说道,“公司的事我会想办法,你让爸爸别担心,” Little Yuan, is not really good you to ask Huang Ping, their Huang Family, can definitely be able to help,” 小鸳啊,实在不行你就求求黄平吧,他们黄家,肯定能帮上忙的,” The request of Mother, making Wang Yuan sadder. 老妈的请求,让王鸳更加的难过了。 Asked Huang Ping, perhaps, must ask with own body...... 黄平,恐怕,要用自己的身体去求吧……
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