MBT :: Volume #13

#1224: Ticket disturbance

Chapter 1224 ticket disturbance 第1224章票的风波 Shang Luo has saved the Qin Chao telephone hastily, then impatiently has dialed. 商洛连忙把秦朝的电话存了起來,然后就迫不及待地拨了过去。 Qin Chao is powerful, the telephone rang several to meet. 秦朝还算给力,电话响了几声就接了起來。 Hello,” “喂,哪位,” Because is a strange number, therefore Qin Chao asked. 因为是个陌生号码,因此秦朝问道。 Oh, big brother Qin, you only remembers that your young sweetheart, I do not know that is,” “哎呀,秦大哥,你就只记得你的小情人,连我都不知道是谁呀,” Shang Luo hee has smiled, but Li Na white her eyes, what is the young sweetheart. 商洛嘻嘻笑了起來,而李娜白了她一眼,什么叫小情人呀。 „, Shang Luo young girl,” “啊,商洛mm啊,” Qin Chao is sitting in the office in art center is being bored, hears Shang Luo to telephone, immediately smiles, asks me to do,” 秦朝正坐在艺术馆的办公室里无聊着,听到商洛打电话,顿时笑起來,“找我干嘛,” Hee hee, big brother Qin, I suddenly discovered that actually you specially charming,” “嘻嘻,秦大哥,我突然发现,其实你特别特别的帅气,” „, Yes, this point you discovered that” “哦,是么,这一点你才发现么,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Yes, I discover is not a little prompt, but at least also calculates that discovered that” “是啊是啊,我发现的有点不及时,但起码也算发现了嘛,” The meaning that the Shang Luo expression a little acts like a spoiled brat slightly, making nearby Li Na sound to think that is a little uncomfortable. 商洛的语气略微有点撒娇的意思,让旁边的李娜听起來觉得有点不是滋味。 Good, discovered that discovered that you telephoned, not specially to say me led,” “那好吧,发现就发现了吧,你打个电话过來,不会就是专程为了说我帅的吧,” Qin Chao knows that Shang Luo does not have good intention such. 秦朝知道商洛才沒这么好心。 Hee hee, I was specially with you said you led,” “嘻嘻,我就是专程和你说你帅的啦,” Shang Luo said prettily. 商洛娇滴滴地说道。 Li Na shows the whites of the eyes to own best friend in side. 李娜在旁边给自己的闺蜜翻白眼。 This woman, was impudent and shameless for the ticket. 这个女人,为了票已经厚颜无耻了。 Various methods are using. 各种手段都在用出來。 This, I knew, thanks, I have the matter, has hung,” “这样啊,那我知道了,谢谢啊,我还有事,挂了,” Qin Chao laughs, must make telephone call. 秦朝哈哈一笑,就要挂电话。 Yeah, wait / etc., you cannot like this, this is dismantles the bridge after crossing, uncivilized behavior,” “哎,等等,你不能这样,这是过河拆桥,不文明的行为,” Shang Luo shouts in the telephone hastily. 商洛连忙在电话里嚷道。 Not to be how uncivilized,” “怎么不文明啦,” Qin Chao disguises to have doubts, you did not say that did not have other matter,” 秦朝假装疑惑,“你不说沒别的事了么,” Right right,” “对啊对啊,” Shang Luo then said that „, but, others said you are so graceful, you did not thank others,” 商洛接着说道,“可是,人家说了你这么帅,你就不感谢一下人家么,” Thank, thanked,” “感谢,怎么感谢,” You look, you were Mr. Qin Da, the common thing you affirmed that took to get rid embarrassed right,” “你看,你是秦大老板,一般的东西你肯定不好意思拿出手对吧,” „, Also is,” “哦,也是,” Qin Chao nods, that I deliver you a car(riage),” 秦朝点点头,“那我就送你一辆车吧,” „, That does not use,” “啊,啊,那不用,” Shang Luo said hastily that vehicle anything, you were not have delivered Small Nana one, I and she opened one well, she will not drive in any case, I can be the driver to her, you looked that I praised you, Small Nana was the driver to your family, many were not easy, you showed mercy, gave me the ticket......” 商洛连忙说道,“车子什么的,你不是已经送了小娜娜一台么,我和她开一个就好啦,反正她又不会开车,我可以给她当司机嘛,你看,我夸了你,又给你家小娜娜当司机,多不容易啊,你就发发慈悲,把票给我嘛……” „, This spoke words,” “得,这才把话说完是吧,” Qin Chao in that hey straight happy, you started to speak frankly were not good, kept changing directions,” 秦朝在那嘿嘿直乐,“你开始直说不就好了,东拐西拐的,” Others this is not shy,” “人家这不是害羞嘛,” Shang Luo disguises to say embarrassed that Li Na actually saw she gives herself the winking eye. 商洛假装不好意思地说道,李娜却看到她一个劲给自己眨眼睛。 Good good, but I do not have the time to go to you to deliver the ticket now, you come first one, which you art center in knows that told downstairs on-duty soldier to this, asks me to be good,” “好吧好吧,不过我现在沒时间去给你们送票了,你自己先过來一趟吧,艺术馆在哪你知道,到这了告诉楼下的值班士兵,找我就行,” Knows that knows, busy man,” “知道啦知道啦,大忙人,” Shang Luo puts down the telephone, was asking Li Na, how your big brother Qin rushed to the art center to go, he and government cooperation made the display,” 商洛放下电话,然后问着李娜,“你秦大哥怎么跑到艺术馆去了,他和政府合作做展览啊,” „, My not too well,” “啊,我也不太清楚,” Li Na shakes the head, heard that he is responsible for the security in art center probably,” 李娜摇摇头,“不过听说他好像在负责艺术馆的安保,” Ha,” “哈,” Shang Luo blinks, sentimental your this big brother Qin was the decathlons, was not only the Dafa Group boss, now also starts security guard to come,” 商洛眨眨眼睛,“感情你这秦大哥是十项全能啊,不仅是大发集团的老板,现在还做起保安來了,” He before was security guard,” “他以前就是保安嘛,” Li Na smiled. 李娜笑了笑。 „, Right, is, your family big brother Qin, the taste was very heavy,” “哦,对,也是,你家秦大哥,口味还挺重,” Shang Luo such as comments. 商洛如是评价道。 Em, this also called the taste to be heavy,” 额,这也叫口味重,” Naturally,” “当然,” Shang Luo nods, you think that has been possible the big boss in enemy, actually to run to make security guard to others richly, this is not the psychology is sick, this is anything,” 商洛点点头,“你想啊,一个已经富可敌国的大老板,却偏偏跑去给人家做保安,这不是心理有病,这是什么,” This......” “这个……” Li Na thought suddenly a little deep to be so. 李娜忽然觉得有点深以为然。 You, you are also,” “还有你,你也是,” Shang Luo does not let off own best friend, you is a woman of rich person, daily actually like mad goes out to work to do to hold concurrent jobs to make money, you are not the psychology are sick, you are anything,” 商洛也不放过自己的闺蜜,“你身为一个大款的女人,天天却要死要活的出去打工做兼职赚钱,你不是心理有病,你是什么,” This, this......” “这,这个……” The Li Na face somewhat is slightly red. 李娜脸微微有些红。 How also to pull to oneself on. 怎么还扯到自己身上了。 However, always felt she said probably is very reasonable. 不过,总感觉她说的好像挺有道理。 Did not say with you, quickly tidies up, looked for your big brother Qin with me,” “不和你说了,赶快收拾一下,和我去找你秦大哥,” „, Must go now,” “啊,现在就要去,” Li Na looked at next time. 李娜看了一下时间。 Yes, I worry, a long delay usually means many problems,” “是啊,我着急啊,正所谓夜长梦多,” Shang Luo answered. 商洛解释道。 „It is not good, my this class cannot skip classes,” “不行啊,我这节课不能逃课,” Li Na beckons with the hand again and again, this class old woman always mentioned by name, was caught me to absent from duty by him has abandoned, or you and others I finished class accompanied you to go,” 李娜连连摆手,“这堂课的老太太总点名,被他抓到我缺勤就废了,要不你等我下课了陪你去,” „It is not good, was too late, I'll wait is inferior,” “不行,太晚了,我等不及,” Shang Luo shakes the head immediately. 商洛立刻摇摇头。 Visits you, anxious anxious,” “看你啊,猴急猴急的,” Li Na cannot bear laugh at her. 李娜忍不住笑话她。 Anxiety anxiously was good, I want quickly to have the ticket in any case,” “猴急就猴急好了,反正我是想赶快拿到票,” Shang Luo will not yield at this matter, you attend class, I drive to look for big brother Qin now,” 商洛在这件事情上是不会让步了,“你去上课吧,我现在开车去找秦大哥,” Then, she put down the tableware that finished eating to run. 说完,她放下吃完的餐具就跑了。 Helps me receive the tableware,” “帮我收餐具,” Shang Luo loses to Li Na one. 商洛丢给李娜一句。 Knew...... This girl,” “知道了……这丫头,” Li Na shakes the head, takes up the bowl that two people finished eating, delivered the tableware. 李娜摇摇头,拿起两个人吃完的碗,就去送餐具去了。 Qin Chao indeed is to have no free time to give Shang Luo to deliver the ticket now, because he is very busy. 秦朝现在的确是沒空给商洛送票,因为他很忙。 He and Rosie two people, stand were not having in the open valuable picture exhibition hall, is staring at that «Black and white Hell» in glass cabinet is lost in thought. 他和罗茜两个人,站在还沒开放的宝画展厅里,盯着玻璃柜里的那一副《黑白地狱》出神。 This marks recent fluctuation so to be how intense, wanted intense many compared with couple of days ago,” “这幅画上最近的波动怎么这么强烈,比前两天还要强烈的多,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Um, because of recently for these days, was the broken seal best day,” “嗯,因为最近这几天,是破封印最好的日子,” Rosie said that „, moreover is within several thousand years the broken seal best day, but is very unfortunate, making you give to catch up,” 罗茜说道,“而且是几千年之内破封印最好的日子,不过很不幸,让你们给赶上了,” This matter suffices to hold egg,” “这种事够操蛋的,” Qin Chao cannot bear curl the lip. 秦朝忍不住撇嘴。 This fluctuation, will attract the angels to come continually, for these days, you have killed more than more than 20 angels,” “这种波动,会持续吸引天使们过來,这几天,你已经干掉了不下20多个天使了吧,” Um, I have not thought that nearby angel meets these many, but is some ordinary angels, kills with cutting the dish is the same,” “嗯,我也沒想到,附近的天使会这么多,不过都是些普通天使,杀起來就跟切菜一样,” Qin Chao expressed stress-free. 秦朝表示无压力。 But this fluctuation is getting more and more intense, will have more angels to be attracted,” “可是这波动越來越强烈,会有更多的天使被吸引的,” Rosie reminded Qin Chao, I have estimated that that day of official display, was fluctuated most intense one day, when the time comes, could be attracted to come including Archangel,” 罗茜提醒秦朝,“我估算了一下,正式展览的那一天,就是波动最强烈的一天,到时候,可能连大天使长都要被吸引而來,” „, That will not be troublesome,” “不会吧,那岂不是很麻烦,” Qin Chao has immediately, especially thinks that Li Na of that day they will also come to see the display, has a headache. 秦朝顿时感到头疼,尤其想到那一天李娜她们还会來看展出,就更加头疼。 In any case is your work, I am come the front to watch the fun,” “反正都是你的工作,我就是來前排看热闹的,” Rosie said in side meanly. 罗茜在旁边幸灾乐祸地说道。 You take pleasure in others'misfortunes any vigor,” “你幸灾乐祸个什么劲,” Qin Chao white her eyes, „, if Lucifer comes out, you will not be miserable,” 秦朝白了她一眼,“要是路西法出來的话,你也会很惨不是么,” If he comes out...... I will be very indeed miserable......” “如果他出來的话……我的确会很惨……” Rosie does not know that has thought of anything, the look somewhat is slightly low-spirited. 罗茜不知道想到了什么,神色微微有些黯然。 How,” “怎么了,” All right, all right, continued our,” “沒事,沒事,继续说我们的,” Rosie waves, indicated own condition is very good, somewhat lost concentration a moment ago,” 罗茜挥挥手,表示自己状态很好,“只是刚才有些分神了,” In brief, is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available,” “总之,兵來将挡,水來土掩,” Qin Chao said that has me here, will not make any thing of winged bump into this picture,” 秦朝说道,“有我在这里,就不会让任何长翅膀的东西碰到这幅画,” Um...... I believe you,” “嗯……我相信你,” Two people were discussing how to process this marks the fluctuation the time, out of the door suddenly has a soldier to come to report. 两个人正在商量如何处理一下这幅画上波动的时候,门外忽然有个士兵进來汇报。 Two police comrades, below had a young miss saying that looks for Officer Qin,” “两位警察同志,下面有个小姑娘说是找秦警官,” The soldier said. 那士兵说道。 Called Shang Luo, making her come up,” “叫商洛是吧,让她上來吧,” Qin Chao was big immediately. 秦朝顿时头大了。 Bad, oneself, get any ticket well. 糟了,自己好好的,弄什么票嘛。 Then two little girls both, if had any danger, oneself should not be bigger. 这下两个妞都在,如果出了什么危险,自己头不是要更大。 Must find the way to make up is good. 要想办法弥补才行啊。 Was thinking the idea, Shang Luo has been pedalling the step on step on to go into two buildings. 正在想着主意,商洛已经蹬蹬蹬跑到了二楼。 Big brother Qin, I came to see you to come,” “秦大哥,我來看望你來啦,” This little girl, has not passed through the gate, the sound flew. 这妞,还沒进门,声音已经飞了进來。 Qin Chao this depression. 秦朝这个郁闷。 Comes to see my. 來看我的。 Comes to see the ticket. 是來看票的吧。 First exits, at this time cannot make the bystander see the picture,” “先出去吧,这个时候不能让外人看到画,” The Rosie reminder said. 罗茜提醒道。 Um,” “嗯,” Two people walk from the exhibition hall, and locked the combination lock. 两个人从展厅走出來,并锁好了密码锁。 But Shang Luo happen to two buildings, saw Qin Chao, hee hee said with a smile. 商洛正好到了二楼,看到秦朝,嘻嘻笑道。 Yo, this is not small Shang Luo,” “呦,这不是小商洛么,” A Qin Chao eye revolution, he he smiles, how today to have free time to come to see your big brother Qin,” 秦朝眼睛一转,呵呵一笑,“今天怎么有空來看你秦大哥啊,” Because others thought you,” “因为人家想你了嘛,” Shang Luo thinks that Qin Chao is teasing itself intentionally, therefore coordinates to say very much that who made big brother Qin so graceful,” 商洛以为秦朝在故意逗自己,于是很配合地说道,“谁让秦大哥这么帅呢,” Um, that is natural,” “嗯,那是当然,” Qin Chao nods, that looked, went back quickly, I was busy,” 秦朝点点头,“那看完了,快回去吧,我还要忙,” „,” “啊,” Shang Luo is staring an animated eye, looks at Qin Chao. 商洛瞪着一双俏生生地眼睛,看着秦朝 You think so me to do,” “你这么看着我干嘛,” Qin Chao touches own face, is it possible that I have led to keep you from moving out of the way the situation of eye,” 秦朝摸摸自己的脸,“莫非我已经帅到已经让你无法挪开眼睛的地步了,” Yes,” “是啊是啊,” The Shang Luo heart said that big brother Qin sufficed narcissism, but for ticket, even if were contrary to convictions, this flattering flattered. 商洛心说秦大哥够自恋的,不过为了票,即使违心一点,该讨好的就讨好吧。 Big brother Qin, you looked that I such flattered you, this gave me the thing,” “秦大哥,你看我都这么讨好你了,该把东西给我了吧,” Shang Luo stretches out the white and tender palm, is spreading out to Qin Chao. 商洛伸出白嫩的掌心,对着秦朝摊开。 Em, anything thing,” 额,什么东西,” Qin Chao blinks, plays the fool intentionally. 秦朝眨眨眼睛,故意装傻。 Ticket,” “票呀,” Ticket, any ticket,” “票,什么票啊,” Qin Chao touches the nose, movie ticket, you want to make me ask you to watch the movie,” 秦朝摸摸鼻子,“电影票,你想让我请你看电影呀,” Stamping the feet of Shang Luo air/Qi, „did big brother Qin, you do, I sufficed to flatter you, how you played the fool with me,” 商洛气的跺跺脚,“秦大哥,你干嘛,我都够讨好你啦,你怎么跟我装傻,” Em, anything plays the fool......” 额,什么装傻……” Qin Chao decided to play the fool. 秦朝决定装傻到底了。 Although will be hated by Shang Luo, but also considers for their securities. 虽然会被商洛怨恨,但也是为她们的安全着想嘛。 Was good, big brother Qin, do not make,” “好了,秦大哥,不要闹了嘛,” Shang Luo worries saying that others also the class, must hurry to attend class in the afternoon, otherwise mentioned by name was awful,” 商洛着急地说道,“人家下午还有一堂课呢,得赶紧回去上课,不然点名就糟糕了,” That goes back, wants me to find the person to deliver you to go back,” “那就回去吧,要不要我找人送你回去,” Hateful, you are intentionally,” “可恶,你是故意的,” Shang Luo is unhappy, big brother Qin, you played intentionally my was right,” 商洛不开心了,“秦大哥,你故意耍我的对不对,” My where has, I am......” “我哪有,我就是……” Qin Chao is very awkward. 秦朝很为难。 Good, your big brother Qin was teasing you to play,” “好啦,你秦大哥是在逗你玩呢,” Rosie said with a smile in the one side tenderly, she put out a hand, revealed that two tickets came, this was your big brother Qin makes me give you,” 罗茜却在一旁娇笑道,她一伸手,亮出两张票來,“这是你秦大哥让我给你的,” Good,” “太好了,” Shang Luo snatched the ticket to come, to look at two, then pinched the ticket to kiss, knows that big brother Qin was best,” 商洛一把抢过票來,看了两眼,然后捏着票亲了亲,“就知道秦大哥最好了,”
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