MBT :: Volume #13

#1223: Classroom gate

Chapter 1223 classroom gate 第1223章教室门 You think that he can protect you,” “你以为他就能护得了你了么,” Qin Chao cannot bear sneer. 秦朝忍不住冷笑。 In his hand flings a white treasured sword, leapt up from that Su Jia head. 他手里甩出一把白色的宝剑,从那苏甲的头颅上就蹿了过去。 Bang,” “砰,” The head of Su armor explodes directly, only leaves behind a headless body. 苏甲的脑袋直接爆掉,只留下一具无头的身躯。 Tang Zong had a scare, thinks that Su Jia like this was finished. 唐宗吓了一跳,以为苏甲就这样完蛋了。 The military strategists did not say that this fellow is very formidable, is deceiving me. 军师不是说这家伙很强大吗,难道是在骗我。 But on this time, Su Jia moved. 但就这时候,苏甲又动了起來。 His both hands grasp a handle Saint spear|gun respectively, is throwing to Qin Chao. 他双手各抓出一柄圣枪,对着秦朝抛掷过來。 Fuck, did not have so to be aggressive,” 卧槽,沒了头还这么生猛,” Tang Zong then felt relieved. 唐宗这才放下心來。 Ping,” “砰砰,” Two Saint spear|guns blast out on the Qin Chao shield one after another. 两把圣枪接连在秦朝的盾牌上炸开。 Luckily Nine Underworld Mysterious Ox defensive power strong, in addition the Qin Chao foundation of basic skills is also deep, the shield does not have any scar. 幸亏九幽玄牛防御力超强,加上秦朝的功底也是深厚,盾牌才沒有任何伤痕。 However he is also very strange, the strength of this bird man is very strange. 不过他也很奇怪,这鸟人的力量很古怪。 The head fell, but also active. 脑袋掉了,还能动。 This does not suit. 这不太对劲啊。 In his mind flashes through a thought suddenly. 他脑海中忽然闪过一个念头。 Corpse king. 尸王。 This thing is not a bird man, but is the corpse king of Yanluo (King of Hell) Sect refinement. 这东西不是鸟人,而是阎罗门炼制的尸王啊。 Fuck, Shen Dong was not killed, how this thing also. 卧槽,沈东不是都被干掉了么,怎么这东西还在。 It seems like I must come personally, solved the problem,” “看來我要亲自來一趟,解决问題了,” That is lifting Qin Chao of shield, suddenly grasps Li Na, has overthrown the one side. 那举着盾牌的秦朝,忽然抱住李娜,推倒了一旁。 But an air fluctuation, another Qin Chao appears in front of Tang Zong. 而空气一阵波动,又一个秦朝出现在唐宗面前。 Em, Avatar technique,” 额,分身术,” Tang Zong does not know that a Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost saying, saw that two Qin Chao appear, had a scare. 唐宗不知道罗刹鬼一说,看到两个秦朝出现,吓了一跳。 Yanluo (King of Hell) Sect corpse king,” 阎罗门的尸王而已,” Qin Chao was saying, is putting out a hand to that Su Jia. 秦朝说着,对着那苏甲伸出手來。 His left hand changes to black evil clutches, pricks to that Su Jia within the body instantaneously, found to control its spirit nucleus directly, then pinches to explode. 他的左手化作黑色的魔爪,瞬间刺入到那苏甲的体内,直接找到控制它的灵核,然后捏爆。 Little White had studied Yanluo (King of Hell) Sect these corpse kings and so on. 小白曾经研究过阎罗门的这些尸王之类的。 She detected that controls these corpses, is spirit nucleus that inside plants. 她发觉,控制这些尸体的,是里面种下的灵核。 So long as ruins the spirit nucleus, corpse king also collapsed of itself. 只要毁掉灵核,尸王也就不攻自破了。 Really, this Su Jia finally softly but actually. 果然,这苏甲终于软软地倒了下去。 What's wrong, how can like this......” “怎,怎么会这样……” Tang Zong frightened the paralysis, sat moves on the sofa does not dare to move. 唐宗吓瘫了,坐在沙发上一动不敢动。 Qin Chao arrives in front of him, has carried him directly. 秦朝走到他面前,直接把他拎了起來。 You, you must make anything...... Do not kill me......” “你,你要做什么……不要杀我……” Relax, today I do not kill you, I give you to select the exciting game to play,” “放心,今天我不杀你,我给你点刺激的游戏玩玩,” Qin Chao was saying, has upturned in this Tang Zong body. 秦朝说着,在这唐宗身上翻了起來。 Really, he turns to one box of pill. 果然,他翻到一盒药片。 This above writes a row of English, showed that this is a philtre piece. 这上面写着一排英文,证明这是一种催情药片。 He without demur, pours half, one big has forced in the mouth of this Tang Zong the pill. 他二话不说,倒出一半,把一大把药片都塞进了这唐宗的嘴里。 Hum......” “呜呜……” Tang Zong sobs two, was taken actually one in a big way the philtre that own high price buys. 唐宗呜咽两声,硬是被吃了一大把自己高价买來的催情药。 Then, Qin Chao follows a set pattern, separated to grasp Min Xiaoqiu spatially, filled the remaining pills to go in her mouth. 接着,秦朝如法炮制,把闵小秋也隔空抓了过來,在她口中灌了剩下的药片进去。 Good play must start,” “好戏要开始了,” Qin Chao said that hand, works on two collar of people. 秦朝说完,一只手一个,抓起两个人的衣领。 He has been drinking one to the top of the head, the strength eruption. 他对着头顶喝了一声,力量爆发。 This ktv ceiling blasts out immediately, reveals a giant hole. 这ktv的天花板顿时炸开,露出一个巨大的窟窿。 Qin Chao following that hole, flew instantaneously. 秦朝顺着那窟窿,瞬间飞了出去。 Tang Zong and Min Xiaoqiu frighten again and again call out pitifully. 唐宗闵小秋吓得连连惨叫。 No matter Qin Chao they, the personal appearance is similar to the lightning, suddenly vanishes in airborne. 秦朝才不管他们,身形如同闪电,眨眼间消失在空中。 Quick, he has flown in the Capital City university, then looked for a nobody's classroom, fell from the window. 很快,他飞到了京都大学里面,然后找了一间沒人的教室,从窗户落了进去。 You enjoy in this slowly,” “你们慢慢在这享受吧,” Qin Chao throws the people of two start dizziness on the table of classroom, then turns around to depart. 秦朝把两个开始眩晕的人丢在教室的桌子上,然后转身离去。 Two have eaten the person of massive philtre, at this time started unconscious, is holding the opposite party the clothes of tearing opposite party starts to go all out. 两个吃了大量催情药物的人,这时候已经开始神志不清了,抱着对方就开始拼命的撕扯对方的衣服。 Sentiment - desire, has destroyed reason. 情-欲,摧毁了理智。 After Qin Chao leaves the classroom, holds on a nearby student directly. 秦朝离开教室之后,直接拉住附近的一个学生。 Schoolmate, you looked quickly that in that classroom has two people to do crazily,” “同学,你快看,那个教室里有两个人在狂搞,” „,” “啊,” The student is very surprised, looks at Qin Chao, you have not cracked a joke,” 那学生十分惊讶,看着秦朝,“你沒开玩笑吧,” „, Does not believe you to look,” “沒有沒有,不信你自己去看,” A Qin Chao finger of beforehand classroom. 秦朝一指之前的教室。 The student was doubtful, walked, lay the glass in gate looks. 那学生半信半疑,走了过去,趴在门上的玻璃一看。 Fuck, inside two people did one group , the clothes ripped everywhere was. 卧槽,真的,里面两个人搞成了一团,衣服撕的到处都是。 Flash news, meat play. 大新闻啊,肉戏啊。 Capital City classroom gate. 京都教室门啊。 This student pulls out own cell phone hastily, shouted the brothers in bedroom secretly. 这学生连忙掏出自己的手机來,偷偷喊寝室的兄弟。 Brother several, come to No. 3 building quickly, 403 classrooms, some people make do in the classroom, Fuck, I lie dead family, hurries, the honorable person performs,” “哥几个,快來三号楼,403教室,这有人在教室乱搞,卧槽,我撒谎死全家的,赶紧來,真人表演啊,” This male student said that turns on the cell phone camera, starts the honorable person **. 这男生说完,把手机摄像头打开,就开始真人**。 Before long, this news passes on ten, ten pass on hundred, quick, these 403 classroom entrances, encircled completely the person, big pile of cell phones kept taking. 不一会,这消息一传十,十传百,很快,这403教室门口,就围满了人,一大堆手机拍个不停。 But in two people are unconscious, what is dry is like a raging fire. 但里面的两个人还不自觉,干的是如火如荼。 This buddy is aggressive, has done for two hours,” “这哥们生猛啊,干了两个小时了吧,” Fuck, the little girl estimated that wanted to be crisp,” 卧槽,那妞估计要爽死了,” Outside person various excitements. 外面的人各种兴奋。 But this news the person including school alarmed finally. 而这消息最后连学校的人都惊动了。 Any director, Teacher, leading ran over, the schoolmate who starts to disperse to surround. 什么主任,老师,导员都跑了过來,开始驱散围观的同学。 Makes, making,” “都让一让,让一让,” A 40-year-old female director holds the eyeglasses, Wrath was saying that looks at anything to look,” 一个40多岁的女主任扶着眼镜,愤怒地说道,“都看什么看,” The students looked that the directors in school came, falls back on side reluctant to part, the goalkeeper has let. 学生们一看学校的主任都來了,一个个恋恋不舍地退到旁边,把门让了出來。 That female director bursts, goes in the meat insect that looks at two entanglements, the instantaneous complexion big change, the body trembles, the anger said. 那女主任破门而入,进去一看两个纠缠的肉虫,瞬间脸色大变,身体发颤,怒道。 Highly improper, highly improper,” “成何体统,成何体统,” She points at two people to shout, wears the clothes to me,” 她指着两个人嚷道,“都给我穿上衣服,” The clothes have torn into shreds, puts on. 衣服都撕碎了,怎么穿。 But two people continue to sit on the classroom table the fierce battle in spite of heavy wounds, does not pay attention to this director. 而两个人继续坐在教室桌子上盘肠大战,根本不理会这主任。 The female director heart said that Damn, you also do absorbed. 女主任心说,我勒个草,你们还干的忘我了是吧。 She walks immediately, tries to separate two people. 她顿时走过去,试图分开两个人。 Tang Zong did not have the reason, saw that some women walk, comes up to put on her, then one smothers with greedy kisses. 唐宗已经沒了理智,看到又有女人走过來,上去就扑在她身上,然后一顿乱吻。 The female director has been scared, oneself more than 40, will have experienced how this matter. 女主任吓傻了,自己都40多了,怎么还会遇到这事。 Outside student calls out in alarm, is taking the cell phone crazy racket. 外面的学生一个个惊呼,拿着手机狂拍。 This buddy, heavy taste. 这哥们,重口味啊。 Other teachership personnel looked to be scared, ran hastily, separated two people. 其他的教职人员一看吓傻了,连忙跑过去,把两个人分开。 That Tang Zong took a drug, the strength big astonishment, several throw away to grab his male teacher. 唐宗吃了药,力气大的惊人,几下甩脱抓着他的男老师。 Then, he turns toward female director to throw. 然后,他又向着女主任扑过去。 Help,” “救命啊,” The female director frightens again and again calls out pitifully. 女主任吓得连连惨叫。 Several male staff members walk immediately together, three fist two feet take down this Tang Zong on the ground. 几个男职员顿时一起走过去,三拳两脚把这唐宗放倒在地上。 But Min Xiaoqiu lies down in the one side, did not have Tang Zong, immediately starts void. 闵小秋躺在一旁,沒了唐宗,立刻开始空虚。 Aggravates to be hard to take. 惹火难耐。 She crawled, grasps a male teacher, kisses unceasingly. 她爬了过來,抱住一个男老师,不断亲吻。 That male teacher was also startled, hurries to push Min Xiaoqiu. 那男老师也吃了一惊,慌忙推着闵小秋 However said pushes, rather seizes the chance to flirt on Min Xiaoqiu. 不过说是推,不如说是趁机在闵小秋身上吃豆腐。 Also several teachers come, Min Xiaoqiu trigging. 又几个老师过來,把闵小秋给制住。 Although wants to look at several, but is a teacher by worthy example after all. 虽说想多看几眼,但毕竟是为人师表的。 A male teacher takes off the clothes, covers the body of Min Xiaoqiu. 一个男老师脱下衣服,把闵小秋的身体盖住。 Absurd, was too absurd,” “荒唐,太荒唐了,” The female director crawls with great difficulty, is in a towering rage. 女主任好不容易爬起來,怒气冲天。 This matter must process severely, gives me to bring them to the school administration office,” “这件事情一定要严肃处理,给我把他俩带到教务处去,” She turns the head, sees these students of outside crazy racket, was angry. 她一转头,看到外面狂拍的那些学生,更加生气了。 You go back to me, does not permit the racket, does not permit the dissemination video,” “你们都给我回去,不准拍,不准散播视频,” These students looked not to have the good play, immediately scatters in a panic. 那些学生一看沒好戏了,立刻作鸟兽散。 An evening walk meeting, could not do well the female director to delete their mobile videos again. 再晚走一会,搞不好女主任就要删他们的手机视频了。 How that can be good, this is their collections, Ha Ha. 那怎么能行呢,这可是他们的珍藏啊,哈哈。 Then, the Capital City university was also hot. 这下,京都大学又要火了。 Especially in this network developed age, the news circulation is very rapid. 尤其在这个网络发达的年代,消息流通是非常迅速的。 Quick, the classroom gate of Capital City university makes in the mainland bustling. 很快,京都大学的教室门就在大陆闹得热火朝天。 Suddenly, micro blog, everybody net, on many portals, this hit rate suddenly to increase of video. 一时间,微博,人人网,还有很多门户网站上,这视频的点击量暴增。 Although above earliest possible time forces out, but video remained. 虽然上面第一时间封杀,但视频还是留了出去。 Many people start to ask the seed, looks for the resources. 很多人开始求种子,找资源。 First cannot sit is still the Tang Family person. 首先坐不住的就是唐家的人。 Because of the actor of this classroom gate, is Tang Zong. 因为这教室门的男主角,就是唐宗 This, the face of Tang Family, was loses completely thoroughly. 这一下,唐家的脸,算是彻底丢光了。 Especially when Tang Zong is the same with the wild animal, gives that moment of the deans throwing. 尤其是当唐宗跟野兽一样,把教务主任都给扑到的那一刻。 Many people of message replies. 好多人留言跟帖。 Front surrounds,” “前排围观,” Animal same person,” “禽兽一样的人啊,” At present the flesh, the actor is Capital City Tang Family second young master Tang Zong, the leading lady is Capital City freshman class Math Faculty Min Xiaoqiu,” “目前已经人肉,男主角是京都唐家的二少爷唐宗,女主角是京都大学一年级数学系闵小秋,” This Master Tang Family heavy taste, lets in the I'll wait wind disorderly,” “这唐家少爷重口味啊,让我等风中凌乱,” „, The rich man will play,” “啧啧,有钱人就是会玩,” Suddenly, has wide divided opinions. 一时间,众说纷纭。 But in any event, Tang Family is the thorough face countenance sweeps the floor, goes down in the world in four respected families does not have two. 但无论如何,唐家已经是彻底颜面扫地,在四大家族之中落魄无两。 This, similarly becomes the scandal in upper-level family. 这,也同样成为上层家族中的丑闻。 Tang Xianhe wild with rage time, has to make the punishment to own son. 唐显赫狂怒的时候,也不得不对自己的儿子做出了处罚。 Three years do not obtain the main house gate. 三年不得出家门。 Also does not permit to relate with outside anybody. 也不准跟外界任何人联系。 Small Nana, you do not know, you are the present, but had become famous,” 小娜娜,你知道不,你们系现在可是出了名了,” In eating meal, Shang Luo is taking own fried rice, sits in Li Na side, hee hee said with a smile to her. 在吃饭的时候,商洛拿着自己的炒饭,坐在李娜的旁边,对她嘻嘻笑道。 Um, I heard......” “嗯,我听说了……” Li Na rubs the temples, mentioned also strangely, on that day I remember that we exited to sing k to come, finally in the half-way I reserved a room the smoking to be blurry probably, first was delivered by big brother Qin, afterward matter, I do not know that heard Min Xiaoqiu and that any Tang Zong have put together,” 李娜揉揉太阳穴,“说來也奇怪,那天我记得我们出去唱k來着,结果半道我好像被包房里的烟熏迷糊了,就被秦大哥先送回來了,后來的事,我也不知道,就听说闵小秋和那个什么唐宗搞在一起了,” The Li Na heart said that Tang Zong is really not the good thing. 李娜心说,那唐宗果然不是什么好东西。 If the previous time were not big brother Qin, oneself ended. 上次如果不是秦大哥,自己就完了。 Hee hee, Capital City university time may be also hot, the leader in school is busy putting out a fire,” “嘻嘻,京都大学这次可又火了,学校的领导忙着救火呢,” Shang Luo also very takes pleasure in others'misfortunes probably, was right, how your big brother Qin did not have the sound recently, has not come to see you,” 商洛好像还挺幸灾乐祸的,“对了,你的秦大哥最近怎么沒动静了,沒來看你呀,” Does not have, he was very recently busy, was right, he said that he carried out the display for you admission ticket,” “沒,他最近挺忙的,对了,他说他替你搞到展览的门票了,” Li Na said. 李娜说道。 Admission ticket that anything displays,” “什么展览的门票,” Shang Luo was startled. 商洛吃了一惊。 Is the display of that picture you said that” “就是你说的那幅画的展览啊,” Li Na smiles, how, you forget,” 李娜笑起來,“怎么,你自己都忘啦,” „,” “啊,” Shang Luo has called out in alarm one, had a scare the people in cafeteria. 商洛惊叫了一声,把食堂里的人都吓了一跳。 This is Beauty, should think that she was the mental illness. 要不是这是美女,都该以为她是神经病了。 Got so far as the ticket, Heavens, was good, where was at to be at where,” “弄到票了,天啊,太棒了,在哪呢在哪呢,” Saying, searches high and low on Li Na. 说着,在李娜身上四处寻找起來。 Oh, at the same time, was itchy,” “哎呀,一边去,痒死了,” Li Na shoves open Shang Luo with a smile, ticket also in big brother Qin that you, if wants, oneself ask him to want,” 李娜笑着推开商洛,“票还在秦大哥那呢,你要是要,就自己找他要吧,” How I look for him,” “我怎么找他啊,” Shang Luo is actually very anxious. 商洛倒是很急。 I give you telephone, you telephone,” “我给你电话,你自己打电话吧,” Saying, Li Na the Qin Chao telephone, has given own best friend. 说着,李娜秦朝的电话,就给了自己的闺蜜 ========================================== ========================================== The pirating website renewed my chapter, the management of my each reader group, your limelight affected ok, opened the group not for various dissemination pirating, you waited for me to be held responsible by the website, if knows that which group passed on toward the group space in again, I can only dismiss this crowd, 盗版网站更新我的章节就算了,我各个读者群的管理,你们注意点影响ok,开群不是为了各种传播盗版的,你们等着我被网站追究责任呢,如果知道哪个群再往群空间里传的话,那我只能解散该群,
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