MBT :: Volume #13

#1222: Counted

Chapter 1222 counted 第1222章计來了 Min Xiaoqiu wants to end, threw several coquettish looks to go to Qin Chao. 闵小秋想完,对秦朝就抛了几个媚眼去。 Oh, this should be the Small Nana scandal boyfriend, has heard so much about you, today sees finally live,” “哎呀,这一位应该就是小娜娜的绯闻男友吧,久闻大名,今天总算见到活的了,” Then, but also puts out a hand, has grasped several with Qin Chao. 说完,还伸出手來,和秦朝握了几下。 Handshake time, Qin Chao felt own palm by opposite party pinky flexure several. 握手的时候,秦朝感觉自己的掌心被对方的小拇指挠了几下。 This woman does not suit. 这女人不太对劲啊。 Also to own winking eye. 还一个劲对自己眨眼睛。 Schoolmate, you have harmed ophthalmopathy,” “同学,你害了眼病么,” He cannot bear ask. 他忍不住问道。 Volume......” “额……” The Min Xiaoqiu heart said how this man such is not tactful. 闵小秋心说,这个男人怎么这么不识趣。 However, she does not believe that in this world has does not steal the rank cat. 不过,她不相信这个世界上有不偷腥的猫。 Man living thing, unfaithful is their instinct. 男人这种生物,花心是他们的天性。 This Min Xiaoqiu guesses is very right, Qin Chao indeed is the super unfaithful male. 闵小秋猜的很对,秦朝的确是超级花心男。 However he has a maximum difference, that is the vision is too high...... 不过他有个最大的不同,那就是眼光太高…… Min Xiaoqiu is only delicate, moreover she lets Qin Chao always not too comfortable feelings. 闵小秋只算是清秀,而且她让秦朝总有一种不太舒服的感觉。 Therefore, Qin Chao is subconscious, has had a repel to her. 所以,秦朝下意识的,就对她产生了一点排斥。 But the repel turns over to the repel, the Qin Chao very much politeness to nod to Min Xiaoqiu. 但排斥归排斥,秦朝还是很礼貌地对闵小秋点点头。 This woman is drawing Qin Chao and Min Xiaoqiu, sat on the sofa. 这女人拉着秦朝闵小秋,坐到了沙发上。 Some schoolmates in room are nodding to Li Na, then continues to sing. 屋子里的一些同学对着李娜点点头,然后继续唱歌。 Li Na, I have not known name of your scandal boyfriend,” 李娜,我还不知道你绯闻男友的名字那,” Min Xiaoqiu said with a smile tenderly. 闵小秋娇笑道。 This smiling face, making Qin Chao remember Rosie. 这种笑容,让秦朝想起了罗茜 He called Qin Chao,” “他叫秦朝,” Li Na introduces immediately. 李娜立刻介绍道。 Qin Chao, good name,” 秦朝,好名字,” Min Xiaoqiu said hastily, aggressive,” 闵小秋连忙说道,“多霸气呀,” Overpraised,” “过奖了,” Qin Chao said with a smile lightly. 秦朝淡淡笑道。 How you know,” “那你们是怎么认识的呀,” Min Xiaoqiu thought that first winds ripe, well starts. 闵小秋觉得先熟络一下,才好下手。 Big brother Qin was my neighbor...... Our high school time knew,” “秦大哥是我邻居……我们高中时候就认识了,” On the Li Na face is a little small the happy appearance, as if has remembered oneself before and Qin Chao lives at next door time's these matters. 李娜脸上有点小幸福的模样,似乎想起了自己以前和秦朝住在隔壁时候的那些事。 This......” “这样啊……” Min Xiaoqiu nods, where that big brother Qin took a higher position,” 闵小秋点点头,“那秦大哥在哪里高就,” Called me Qin Chao to be good,” “叫我秦朝就好,” Was no one can call itself big brother Qin. 不是谁都能叫自己秦大哥的。 But this saying cannot say directly that has to make the opposite party call own name. 但这话又不能直接说,只好让对方叫自己的名字。 That many are not good, I and Small Nana are schoolmates, must along with her, call your big brother Qin,” “那多不好呀,我和小娜娜是同学,要随她,叫你秦大哥嘛,” The appearance that Min Xiaoqiu that round of whining, making Qin Chao somewhat not accept slightly. 闵小秋那发嗲的模样,让秦朝微微有些接受不了。 The Rosie round whined, how to make the person eclipse the bone to be overwhelmed with emotion. 罗茜发嗲的时候,怎么就那么让人蚀骨销魂呢。 The feeling of this little girl is...... Too artificial, is a little disgusting. 这妞的感觉就是……太做作了,有点恶心。 That as you like,” “那随你吧,” Qin Chao has to say. 秦朝只好道。 Hee hee, big brother Qin, which you were at take a higher position,” “嘻嘻,秦大哥,那你在哪高就呀,” Min Xiaoqiu is pursuing asking. 闵小秋追着问道。 security guard,” 保安,” Qin Chao simple reply. 秦朝简简单单的回答。 Li Na blinks in the one side, the heart said that big brother Qin came. 李娜在一旁眨眨眼睛,心说秦大哥又來了。 „, Is security guard......” “哦,原來是保安呀……” The Min Xiaoqiu heart said that the grass your Uncle, security guard installs anything to compel, looked your long also becomes, the old lady being disinclined manages you. 闵小秋心说,草你大爷,一个保安装什么逼,要不是看你长的还成,老娘才懒得理你。 Um......” “嗯……” Qin Chao said after oneself are security guard, really Min Xiaoqiu cold were many to his manner. 秦朝说了自己是保安之后,果然闵小秋对他的态度就冷了很多了。 This status also is really easy-to-use. 得,这身份还真是好用。 Three people sat a meeting, quite a while does not have the words, only listens to others to sing. 三个人坐了一会,半天无话,只听人家唱歌。 Two girl hi skin place Divine Comedy was very disturbed, then sang very soaring. 两个女生很嗨皮地点了神曲忐忑,然后唱的非常的高昂。 Min Xiaoqiu thought that cannot such sit waiting for death. 闵小秋觉得不能这么坐以待毙。 security guard on security guard, considered itself to eat the point to owe. 保安保安吧,就当是自己吃点亏了。 She holds on the hand of Li Na saying that Small Nana, came to sing,” 她拉住李娜的手说道,“小娜娜,來了就唱首歌嘛,” Em, I cannot sing......” 额,我不太会唱啊……” Li Na somewhat declines. 李娜有些推辞。 Oh, Li Na, came to sing,” “哎呀,李娜,來了就唱嘛,” Yes, we have not listened to you to sing,” “是啊是啊,我们还沒听过你唱歌呢,” One group of students create a disturbance to say. 一群学生跟着起哄道。 Li Na looked at Qin Chao one, discovers he not unhappy appearance, therefore then said. 李娜看了秦朝一眼,发现他沒有不开心的样子,于是便说道。 Good, I sang one,” “那好吧,我唱一首,” Li Na is not good to reject. 李娜也不好拒绝。 She selects «Your that one Shared a table». 她去点了一首《同桌的你》。 Li Na sang, although not of pleasant to hear, but also assembled to listen. 李娜唱歌虽然沒有多好听,但也凑合能听。 A little runs away slightly...... 稍微有点跑掉…… The Qin Chao heart said that it seems like it is not studies, sang well...... 秦朝心说,看來并不是学习好,唱歌就好啊…… Moreover, is not Beauty sings certainly is of pleasant to hear...... 而且,并不是美女唱歌就一定好听啊…… Own Small Nana, is a living example. 自己的小娜娜,就是个活生生的例子。 However this world has words and expressions, is the Beauty effect. 不过这个世界有个词语,就是美女效应。 Although Li Na sang was not of pleasant to hear, but other people were also with great interest, gave back to warm applause that listened. 虽然李娜唱的不好听,但其他人也是听的津津有味,还给热情的鼓掌。 Li Na this little girl, actually sang hi the skin got up. 李娜这妞,竟然唱的嗨皮起來了。 What she sang was with total concentration, was very happy. 她唱的是聚精会神,十分开心。 She studies the pressure to be big, eye also a little nearsightedness, because cannot see clearly the lyrics, has stood, arrived front went to sing. 她学习压力大,眼睛也有点近视,因为看不清歌词,就站了起來,走到了前面去跟着唱。 But while this time, Min Xiaoqiu said to Qin Chao suddenly. 而趁着这时候,闵小秋忽然对秦朝说。 Big brother Qin, on your mouth has moistened the thing,” “秦大哥,你嘴巴上沾了东西呢,” Um,” “嗯,” Qin Chao is a little puzzled. 秦朝有点不解。 But the body of Min Xiaoqiu has collected, said that has not related, I helped big brother Qin pick off was good,” 闵小秋的身体凑了上去,说道,“沒关系,我帮秦大哥拿掉就好了,” Saying, her mouth was kissing the mouth of Qin Chao suddenly. 说着,她的嘴忽然吻住了秦朝的嘴。 Volume. 额。 The father was kissed. 老子又被强吻了。 But father to this little girl not anything interest. 可是老子对这妞沒什么兴趣啊。 This must make small Li Na see, how to result. 这要让小李娜看到了,怎么得了。 But kisses Qin Chao that moment in Min Xiaoqiu, she places behind hand, has been cancelling the check to own little sisters. 而就在闵小秋吻住秦朝的那一刻,她放在身后的手,对着自己的小姐妹勾了勾。 Nearby girl is understanding immediately, a tabloid in the hand, threw in one cup of Sprite. 旁边一个女生顿时会意,把手里一枚小药片,丢到了一杯雪碧里面。 Meanwhile, Qin Chao shoves open the body of Min Xiaoqiu. 与此同时,秦朝闵小秋的身体一把推开。 You make anything,” “你做什么,” He frowns to look at front the woman of that moistening one's lips with the tongue. 他皱着眉头看着面前那个舔舔嘴唇的女人。 „Side hee hee, others help you make to argue the thing, big brother Qin do not misunderstand,” “嘻嘻,人家帮你弄掉嘴边的东西嘛,秦大哥不要误会呀,” Min Xiaoqiu actually smiled. 闵小秋却笑了笑。 Qin Chao was not feeling well. 秦朝更不爽了。 This woman, is any meaning. 这女人,到底是什么意思。 However, possibly she was attracted by her Yang spirit. 不过,可能她是被自己的阳气所吸引吧。 Therefore, Qin Chao does not have cares, but left the Min Xiaoqiu position to move far a point slightly. 因此,秦朝也沒太放在心上,只是微微离闵小秋的位置挪远了一点。 Min Xiaoqiu is not feeling well. 闵小秋十分不爽。 Your younger sister, the great-aunt kisses you, you have also suffered a loss. 你妹的,姑奶奶亲你,你还吃亏了是吧。 Installs any chastity. 装什么纯洁。 Scratches, waits a while your girlfriend to be played, is crisp you, brings a green hat to you. 擦,等一会你女朋友被人玩,爽死你,给你带个绿帽子。 Min Xiaoqiu is not trying to get close, but after is other Li Na came back, gives her one cup of Sprite. 闵小秋也不在套近乎,而是等李娜回來之后,递给她一杯雪碧 Small Nana, the throat sang mutely, Run Run throat,” 小娜娜,嗓子都唱哑了吧,润润嗓子吧,” Thanks,” “谢谢,” Li Na does not want him, moreover Qin Chao here, she very much has the security sense. 李娜也沒想有他,而且秦朝在这里,她就很有安全感。 She received that cup of Sprite, has drunk one, then places on the table. 她接过那杯雪碧,喝了一口,然后放在桌子上。 Min Xiaoqiu starts to intertwine, this drinks words, can become effective. 闵小秋开始纠结,这喝一口的话,能生效么。 However the words of multi- urging, should be suspected again, she also has calmly to start to wait. 不过再多劝的话,就该被怀疑了,她也只好静静地开始等待。 Before long, Li Na somewhat is really dizzy. 不一会,李娜果然有些头晕起來。 Small Nana, you how,” 小娜娜,你怎么了,” Does not know, a little dizziness,” “不知道,有点头晕,” Li Na smiles to Qin Chao reluctantly. 李娜秦朝勉强笑笑。 Oh, possibly is here smoke smokes to you,” “哎呀,可能是这里烟给你熏的吧,” Min Xiaoqiu eye one bright, holds on Li Na saying that that group of male students, are the smokers,” 闵小秋眼睛一亮,拉住李娜说道,“那帮男生,都是大烟鬼,” Um, possibly is......” “嗯,可能是……” Li Na nods. 李娜点点头。 I lead you to exit thoroughly tone, I also a little am happen to stuffy,” “我带你出去透口气吧,正好我也有点闷,” Min Xiaoqiu draws Li Na to say. 闵小秋拉着李娜说道。 Um, good,” “嗯,那好吧,” Li Na also thought that here was too fishy, big brother Qin, your little darling sat waits for me here, do not wander about aimlessly,” 李娜也觉得这里太乌烟瘴气了,“秦大哥,你乖乖坐在这里等我,不要乱走哦,” Li Na said. 李娜说道。 Um, knew, early goes morning to return,” “嗯,知道了,早去早回,” Qin Chao nods. 秦朝点点头。 Min Xiaoqiu happily smiled, bringing Li Na to leave reserving a room. 闵小秋得意地一笑,带着李娜出了包房。 But Qin Chao were many mind, he always thought that this Min Xiaoqiu a little does not suit. 秦朝多了个心眼,他总觉得这闵小秋有点不太对劲。 He sits there, immediately has released a Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost, pursued two bodies of people to fly. 他坐在那里,立刻释放了一个罗刹鬼,追着两个人的身体飞了出去。 I, I quite faint......” “我,我好晕……” Li Na was being held by Min Xiaoqiu, consciousness starts to be blurry, she starts to hold clothes suddenly, is dizzy and hot, good uncomfortable......” 李娜闵小秋扶着,意识开始迷糊起來,她忽然开始拽着身上的衣服,“又晕又热,好难受……” The Li Na appearance, looked by Min Xiaoqiu in the eye, cannot bear say with a smile. 李娜的模样,被闵小秋看在眼中,忍不住笑道。 Heat, I lead you to go to one cool,” “热啊,那我带你去凉快一下吧,” She was saying, is leading Li Na, has arrived around 205 reserving a room inside. 她说着,领着李娜,走到了旁边的205包房里面。 But in reserving a room, sits Tang Zong impressively, with a blond big man. 而包房之中,赫然坐着唐宗,和一个金发碧眼的高大男子。 Tang Shao, the person I may bring to you yo,” “唐少,人我可给你带來了呦,” Min Xiaoqiu was saying, is drawing that corona Li Na. 闵小秋说着,拉着那晕乎乎的李娜 Hey, is very good, good, comes quickly,” “嘿嘿,很好,不错,快过來,” Tang Zong is unbearably anxious, finally this little girl levelling. 唐宗急不可耐,终于把这妞给摆平了。 This time, he must visit on this woman each, making her install aloof from worldly affairs with the father. 这一次,他要玩遍这女人身上的每一处,让她跟老子装清高。 mother's fucking cunt. 马勒戈壁的。 The woman who this young master wants to dally with, has not to play. 本少爷想玩的女人,有玩不到的吗。 This Tang Zong excited is not good, the lower part started to rise. 唐宗兴奋的不行,下半身已经开始崛起了。 But in this time, was void suddenly the form that went out of a man. 而就在这时候,虚空里忽然走出一个男子的身影。 Tang Zong, it seems like you were really exactly enough,” 唐宗,看來你是真活够了,” This sudden sound, making the people in room be startled. 这突然出现的声音,让屋子里的人都吃了一惊。 Min Xiaoqiu turns head to look that immediately calls out in alarm, Qin Chao,” 闵小秋回头一看,顿时惊呼,“秦朝,” Your this woman frames Li Na, deserve death,” “你这女人陷害李娜,该死,” Qin Chao waves, the body of this Min Xiaoqiu flew instantaneously, then hangs on nearby wall, neck suffocates, seemed seized, has not gasped for breath. 秦朝一挥手,这闵小秋的身体瞬间飞了起來,然后挂在旁边的墙壁上,脖子一阵窒息,仿佛被人掐住,喘不过气來。 What's wrong, how you also in......” “怎,怎么你也在……” Tang Zong frightens, immediately on sexual impotence. 唐宗吓得,立刻就阳痿了。 Qin Chao is holding the corona Li Na, puts out a hand to press, gave to remove the property of Li Na within the body. 秦朝扶着晕乎乎的李娜,伸手一按,把李娜体内的药性就给去掉了。 Meanwhile, Li Na has rested. 同时,李娜睡了过去。 Qin Chao does not want to make Li Na see any bloody scene. 秦朝可不想让李娜看到什么血腥的场面。 I naturally, because I am the Li Na patron god,” “我自然会在,因为我是李娜的守护神,” Qin Chao was saying, just wants to kill this Tang Zong. 秦朝说着,正想弄死这唐宗 Just right that Qin Chao, you come,” 秦朝,你來的正好,” Sees Su Jia who the side sits, Tang Zong suddenly also had the energy, this time, I want you dead,” 看到身旁坐着的苏甲,唐宗忽然又有了底气,“这一次,我要你死,” „,” “哦,” Qin Chao carries a shoulder-pole load the eyebrow, how you became such flamboyant, you think that you killed me,” 秦朝挑挑眉毛,“你怎么变得这么牛逼了,你认为你杀得了我,” I am not good, but he can,” “我不行,但是他可以,” Tang Zong sneers two. 唐宗冷笑两声。 At this time, has sat in nearby golden hair man silently stands suddenly. 这时候,一直默默坐在旁边的金发男子突然站起來了。 He looks at Qin Chao, in the eye is flashing through the red light. 他望着秦朝,眼中闪过红光。 Su armor jumped, a fist pounds to the chest of Qin Chao. 苏甲跳了过來,一拳捣向秦朝的胸口。 Qin Chao stands there, has not cared this bodyguard. 秦朝站在那里,沒把这保镖放在心上。 Because he does not have the feeling to leave this person to have the fluctuation of Cultivation. 因为他沒感觉出这人有修真的波动。 But that fist falls on the front, Qin Chao knows that he felt made a mistake. 但那拳头落在胸前的时候,秦朝知道他感觉错了。 One backed up two steps that this fought with the fists. 自己被这一拳打的倒退了两步。 Good powerful strength. 好强悍的力量。 A Su armor fist compels to draw back Qin Chao, then holds up the palm, is releasing together the shock-wave to Qin Chao. 苏甲一拳逼退秦朝,然后举起手掌,对着秦朝释放出一道冲击波。 Qin Chao in the eye flashes through bright light immediately. 秦朝顿时眼中闪过精光 Bird men. 鸟人。 His arms are also holding Li Na, cannot make Li Na be injured. 他怀里还抱着李娜,不能让李娜受伤。 Therefore, the Nine Underworld Mysterious Ox strength adheres to stick cohere on the body. 因此,九幽玄牛的力量附着在身体上。 His left arm emits at the same time giant shield, keeps off before the body. 他左臂冒出一面巨大的盾牌,挡在身前。 Bang,” “砰,” On the shield emits Sparks to come, it seems like by heavy that the strength of shock-wave hits. 盾牌上冒出火星來,看來被冲击波的力量撞的不轻。 You asked the bird man to work as the bodyguard unexpectedly,” “你竟然找了鸟人当保镖,” Qin Chao scolds to say. 秦朝呵斥道。 Ha Ha, has not thought that you die today,” “哈哈,沒想到吧,你今天死定了,” Although Tang Zong does not know that the bird man is anything, but saw that Qin Chao admits defeat again and again, fall about, 唐宗虽然不知道鸟人是啥,但看到秦朝连连吃瘪,忍不住大笑起來,
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