MBT :: Volume #13

#1221: Min Xiaoqiu strategy

Chapter 1221 Min Xiaoqiu strategy 第1221章闵小秋的计策 Is very good, good that you make,” “很好,你做的不错,” Tang Zong speaks, the hand is dishonest, touches on the thigh of this Min Xiaoqiu that wear black silk stockings, and other matters ended, the remaining money will arrive in your account,” 唐宗说着话,手也不老实,在这闵小秋那穿着黑丝袜的大腿上摸來摸去,“等事情结束,剩下的钱就会到你的账户上,” Oh, Tang Shao......” “哎呀,唐少……” Min Xiaoqiu sends to whine suddenly, by in the bosom of Tang Zong, the girl who others do not like money...... Others liked working for Tang Shao actually,” 闵小秋忽然发嗲,靠在唐宗的怀中,“人家又不是那么喜欢钱的女孩子……人家其实是喜欢替唐少做事了,” She was saying, a hand presses gently in the Tang Zong crotch unit. 她说着,一只手轻轻按在唐宗的裆部。 This woman, too show. 这女人,太骚了。 Tang Zong heart Chuunin does not live in the secret passage. 唐宗中忍不住暗道。 That any Su Jia but who if behind is not, he certainly here ** person overthrowing. 但如果不是身后做的那个什么苏甲的话,他一定就在这里把**人给推倒了。 That anything, you go to 203 to reserve a room quickly, hurries to prepare,” “那个什么,你快去203包房吧,赶紧准备准备,” Tang Zong coughs two, remembers proper business. 唐宗干咳两声,想起正事。 He pulls out a pill from the bosom, gives Min Xiaoqiu. 他从怀里掏出一枚药片,递给闵小秋 Takes down in the Li Na drink this pill, you understood,” “把这枚药片放倒李娜的饮料里,你懂得,” Others know that” “人家知道啦,” Min Xiaoqiu smiles, and other matters have become, others must serve Master Tang together yo,” 闵小秋抿嘴一笑,“等事情成了,人家要一起伺候唐少爷呦,” Saying, has been throwing a coquettish look to Tang Zong. 说着,给唐宗抛了个媚眼。 My goodness, three batch. 好家伙,三批。 Good, this young master likes. 好,本少爷喜欢。 Although this Min Xiaoqiu long not attractive, but at least is also delicate, understood that flatters the man. 虽然这闵小秋长的沒有多漂亮,但起码也是清秀,又懂得讨好男人。 To the bed on, definitely also very much could let loose. 到了床上,肯定也很放得开吧。 Is very good, you go,” “很好,你去吧,” Tang Zong waved, puts Min Xiaoqiu to return to 302 to reserve a room. 唐宗挥挥手,放闵小秋回到了302包房去。 Li Na, this time, I will not be letting escape you,” 李娜,这一次,我不会在放跑你了,” In Tang Zong pinches to begin a wine class, cold said. 唐宗捏着手里的一个酒杯,冷冷地说道。 The previous time shame, this time, must ask for entirely. 上一次的耻辱,这一次,要统统的讨回來。 But at this time, Li Na does not know one are approaching a trap, she is sitting in the police vehicle and Qin Chao chats. 而此时,李娜并不知道自己正在接近一个陷阱,她正坐在警车里和秦朝聊天。 Big brother Qin, I understands the will of the people that finally you said was dangerous,” “秦大哥,我终于明白你说的人心险恶了,” She has a lingering fear said that obviously is not my mistake, that woman can also distort the facts unexpectedly,” 她心有余悸地说道,“明明不是我的错,那个女人竟然还能颠倒黑白,” Um, in her eyes, they are the aristocrats of keeping aloof,” “嗯,在她眼里,他们是高高在上的贵族,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Yes, most makes me indignant, is I am so suffering from injustice, my colleague and shopkeeper, a few words do not help me unexpectedly, the one who is most hateful is the shopkeeper, even makes me apologize to that woman,” “是啊,最让我气愤的,是我那么委屈,我的同事和店长,竟然一句话都不帮我,最可恨的是店长,甚至让我对那女人道歉,” He considered for the interests in shop,” “他是为了店里的利益考虑,” Qin Chao said with a smile, you apologized, the opposite party can settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved,” 秦朝笑道,“你道歉了,对方才能息事宁人,” Why,” “凭什么啊,” Li Na pinches the small fist, Wrath was saying that why for his business, I must discard own dignity,” 李娜捏着小拳头,愤怒地说道,“凭什么为了他的生意,我就要丢掉自己的尊严啊,” Sometimes, to make money, dignity can lose one side,” “有些时候,为了赚钱,尊严可以丢到一边的,” Qin Chao is very sigh with emotion. 秦朝很感慨。 In the past he responded to work time, where could also give a thought to the dignity, begged help from all quarters, nobody hired him. 当年他应聘工作的时候,哪里还顾得上尊严,求爷爷告奶奶的,也沒人录用他。 The society is very senseless, sometimes always likes the life and dignity puts before you, making you choose. 社会是很无趣的,有时候总喜欢把生活和尊严摆在你面前,让你去选择。 You have chosen the life, gave up the dignity. 你选择了生活,就放弃了尊严。 You have chosen the dignity, did not have the life. 你选择了尊严,就沒有了生活。 This is holds the choice question of egg very much. 这是个很操蛋的选择題。 Therefore, you are honest first finishes attending the university,” “所以,你还是老老实实的先上完大学吧,” Qin Chao said that „, moreover you do not need to exit to spell, did not have your big brother Qin I,” 秦朝说道,“而且你不需要出去那么拼,不是有你秦大哥我呢么,” I do not make the rice insect,” “我才不要做米虫,” Li Na still insisted that my viewpoint, I have the hand to have the foot, why to want big brother Qin to raise,” 李娜依然坚持自己的观点,“我有手有脚,干嘛要秦大哥养,” She left from the body of Qin Chao, sits straight the body, continued saying that „, moreover I believe that was not all person this, other people can also work to go to work, my Li Na was not why good,” 她从秦朝的身上离开,坐直了身体,继续说道,“而且我相信不是所有人都这样的,其他人也可以打工上班,为什么我李娜不行呢,” young miss, this you do not understand,” “小姑娘,这你就不懂了吧,” In Rosie that the front drives, after having forgotten, car(riage) mirror, then uses her pretty sound, the digression to say. 在前排开车的罗茜,忘了后车镜一眼,然后用她那娇滴滴的声音,插话道。 This woman, survives was being more difficult than the man, particularly, you is a pretty woman, this man, sees your first, thinks is not other, definitely is the bed,” “这女人啊,生存着本來就比男人要难,尤其是,你还是个漂亮女人,这男人啊,看到你的第一眼,想到的就不是别的,肯定就是床,” This......” “这个……” Li Na could not bear looked at Rosie two, Elder Sister was also very attractive......” 李娜忍不住多看了罗茜两眼,“姐姐也很漂亮啊……” Yes, but I and younger sister you are different,” “是啊,但我和妹妹你不同,” Rosie said that I my beauty, treat as a useful weapon, this man, on little darling listened your to manipulate,” 罗茜说道,“我是把自己的美丽,当作一种有用的武器,这男人啊,就乖乖的听你的摆弄了,” Rosie, do not teach people bad things my family Small Nana,” 罗茜,你可别教坏了我家小娜娜,” Qin Chao said hastily. 秦朝连忙说道。 That is female Devil, can teach anything to be good. 那可是女恶魔啊,能教出什么好來。 Hee hee, look at you to be anxious, I was such saying,” “嘻嘻,看你紧张的,我就是那么一说,” Rosie cannot bear smile. 罗茜忍不住笑起來。 I thought Elder Sister said reasonable,” “我觉得姐姐说的蛮有道理的,” Li Na is not the silly little girl, she can hear the meaning in Rosie words, „a girl as beautiful point, is very indeed difficult,” 李娜也不是傻妞,她听得出罗茜话里的意思,“作为一个漂亮点的女孩子,的确挺难的,” You, know well,” “你呀,知道就好,” Rosie nods , to continue saying that „the resources that moreover you should take advantage of must use, your big brother Qin such good resources, why did not use, you made him give you to arrange, practice time arrived at his company to work, how can also, he arrange you to go, to inside, you must depend on your ability work, is right,” 罗茜点点头,继续说道,“而且你该利用的资源就要利用,你秦大哥这么好的资源,干嘛不利用呢,你就让他给你安排,实习的时候到他公司工作,又能如何,他只是安排你进去嘛,到了里面,你还是要凭你的能力工作,对不对,” This but actually is also......” “这倒也是……” Li Na nods. 李娜点点头。 Qin Chao has to admire female Devil, Rosie of this deep understanding will of the people, knows that should use any method, disintegrates a psychological defense line of person, making her approve own viewpoint. 秦朝不得不佩服女恶魔,这个深深了解人心的罗茜,知道该用什么方法,瓦解一个人的心理防线,让她认同自己的观点。 „The present person, lives in the society, has not selected interpersonal relationship that is incorrect,” “现在的人,活在社会上,沒有点人际关系那是不行的,” Rosie continues saying that „, therefore, you do not need any psychological burden . Moreover, you must think of your big brother Qin, you endure hardship to exhaust oneself outside every day, feel alarmed and anxious, he can bear, this cultivates the behavior, cannot in selfish, stronger......” 罗茜继续说道,“所以,你也不用有什么心理负担,而且,你也要为你秦大哥着想,你每天在外面吃苦受累,担惊受怕,他能受得了么,这个做人呀,不能在自私,太要强……” Um......” “嗯……” Li Na nods. 李娜又点点头。 Qin Chao thought, must negotiate anything, takes Rosie, definitely does not have the issue. 秦朝觉得以后自己要谈判什么的,带上罗茜,肯定沒问題。 This little girl can say. 这妞太会说了。 This attractive Elder Sister, big brother Qin, I understood,” “这位漂亮姐姐,还有秦大哥,我明白了,” Li Na opens the mouth saying that „, but, I did not plan that big brother Qin company there went to work, I planned that with big brother Qin to my sum of money, invested the undertakings or some small scale, I want to make money with my skill, big brother Qin, even if were my first major stockholder, hee hee......” 李娜开口说道,“不过,我不打算去秦大哥的公司那里上班,我打算用秦大哥给我的那笔钱,进行一些小规模的创业或者投资,我想用自己的本事赚钱,秦大哥,就算是我的第一大股东吧,嘻嘻……” Li Na has her small idea. 李娜还是有她的小主意。 But can start an undertaking with own money, Qin Chao thought that was very gratified. 但能用自己的钱去创业,秦朝已经觉得很欣慰了。 Um, good, you were my young secretary,” “嗯,好,那你就是我的小秘书了,” Qin Chao was saying, has traced on the face of Li Na. 秦朝说着,在李娜的脸上摸了一下。 Urges to go faster, who is young secretary, I should be general manager anything, or ceo,” “去去,谁是小秘书,我应该是总经理什么的,或者ceo,” Li Na shoves open the Qin Chao evil clutches, said. 李娜推开秦朝的魔爪,说道。 Well, then on Manager Li, good,” “好好,那就李经理,好了吧,” Qin Chao smiles. 秦朝嘿嘿一笑。 This also almost,” “这还差不多,” Li Na nods. 李娜点点头。 Was right, big brother Qin, one will sing ktv, you remember that accompanies me to go together,” “对了,秦大哥,一会去唱ktv,你记得陪我一起去,” I am accompanying, this does not hinder your human relations circle,” “我陪着,这不妨碍你的交际圈么,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Hinders anything, I do not like going to ktv that place, if with Shang Luo , is some not too ripe schoolmate,” “妨碍什么呀,我又不喜欢去ktv那种地方,要是和商洛也就算了,偏偏是和一些不太熟的同学,” Li Na complained, „, but I have no alternative but to go, is the schoolmates, cannot a activity not participate,” 李娜抱怨了一下,“但我又不能不去,都是同学,总不能一点活动都不参加吧,” Good, I am accompanying you and that's the end,” “好吧,我陪着你就是了,” It is not the peak, on the Capital City road does not have now luckily stops up. 幸好现在不是高峰期,京都的路上沒那么堵。 Quick, before the vehicle has arrived at the night of demon ktv gate. 很快,车子就开到了夜魅ktv的门前。 The person who this guards the threshing floor had a scare, heart said how the police ran. 这看场的人吓了一跳,心说警察怎么跑來了。 This month money Jiaoguo. 这个月的钱交过了啊。 They such will not keep one's word. 他们不会这么不讲信用吧。 Qin Chao draws Li Na to get out, Rosie in car(riage) beckons with the hand saying that you go, I wait for you here,” 秦朝拉着李娜下了车,车里的罗茜摆摆手说道,“你们进去吧,我在这里等你们,” „It is not good, Elder Sister plays together,” “不好吧,姐姐一起去玩吧,” Li Na said hastily. 李娜连忙说道。 „, My most hateful these chaotic Terrible places,” “不了,我最讨厌那些乱糟糟的地方了,” Rosie cracks into a chuckle, traces own police hat, I am police,” 罗茜嘻嘻一笑,摸了摸自己的警帽,“我是警察嘛,” Um, is......” “嗯,也是……” Li Na then no longer urged, to return to side Qin Chao. 李娜这才不再劝,回到了秦朝身边。 In Qin Chao heart secret passage. 秦朝心中暗道。 Perhaps your this female Devil, most likes here is right. 你这女恶魔,恐怕最喜欢这里才对吧。 It is estimated that is Li Na on the scene, she makes anything embarrassed. 估计是李娜在场,她不好意思做什么吧。 Any I am embarrassed, I must be responsible for looking at the sound of art center,” “什么我不好意思,我还得负责看着艺术馆的动静呢,” Rosie sound in Qin Chao makes a sound at heart, in ktv is noisy, how others people see......” 罗茜的声音在秦朝的心里响起來,“ktv里闹哄哄的,人家人怎么看着嘛……” Right, this forgetting. 对了,把这茬给忘了。 That was laborious you,” “那辛苦你了,” Qin Chao is binding the sound with Yuan Qi, said to Rosie. 秦朝元气裹着声音,对罗茜说道。 Hee hee, knows to forgive others, others have satisfied, leads your young sweetheart to play quickly,” “嘻嘻,知道体谅人家,人家就满足了,快去带你的小情人玩去吧,” Rosie waved, swings glass. 罗茜挥挥手,摇上了车窗。 Saw that this female police have not looked for trouble, but sees somebody off, the entrance looked that the person in gathering place relaxed immediately. 看到这女警察沒找麻烦,只是送人,门口看场子的人顿时松了一口气。 Meanwhile, to vehicle on the men and women, respectful. 同时,对车上下來的这一对男女,恭敬的很。 Two please enter, I give two to look for good point reserving a room,” “两位请进,我给两位找一个好点的包房,” Does not use,” “不用了,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, we find the person,” 秦朝摆摆手,“我们來找人的,” Um, 203 reserve a room,” “嗯,203包房,” Li Na said in the one side. 李娜在一旁说道。 This, Xiao Yu/ Light rain, sends two guests to 203 quickly,” “这样,小雨,快送两位客人去203,” That looked gathering place immediately shouted to shout one. 那看场子的顿时扯嗓子喊了一声。 Knew,” “知道了,” A waitress walked, was directing on Qin Chao and Li Na two buildings. 一个女服务员走了过來,引着秦朝李娜上了二楼。 Two, here is,” “两位,这里就是,” Before 203, immediately had several people on hearing in the wind song, «Dies Wanted Love». 到203门前,顿时就听到里面有几个人在飙歌,《死了都要爱》。 Qin Chao cannot bear fondly remember, oneself university the colleague with broadcasting station exited to sing at that time frequently, sang some songs of letter orchestra, gave to shout the throat mutely. 秦朝忍不住怀念,自己大学那时候经常和广播站的同事出去唱歌,就唱信乐团的一些歌,把嗓子都给喊哑了。 Oh, is quite noisy,” “哎呀,好闹,” Li Na cannot bear say. 李娜忍不住说道。 You, or likes us going back,” “你要不喜欢我们就回去吧,” Qin Chao loves Li Na. 秦朝是非常宠爱李娜的。 That is not good, everybody should complain about me,” “那不行,大家该埋怨我了,” Li Na beckons with the hand, walks, big brother Qin, we went in together,” 李娜摆摆手,“走吧,秦大哥,我们一起进去,” Saying, Li Na has opened the door of passenger compartment, walked. 说着,李娜推开了包间的门,走了进去。 Men who inside these sang, saw Li Na to come, immediately gawked, afterward on the face reappeared the happy expression. 里面那些唱歌的男男女女,看到李娜进來了,顿时一愣,随后脸上浮现出喜色。 Especially Min Xiaoqiu, is happy. 尤其是闵小秋,更是开心。 This was God of Wealth comes. 这是财神爷來了。 Yo, Small Nana, you came finally, sits by me quickly,” “呦,小娜娜,你终于來了,快坐我旁边來,” She walks warmly, holds the hand of Li Na to say. 她热情地走过來,拉着李娜的手说道。 Um, I lead the friend to come together,” “嗯,我带朋友一起來的,” Li Na nods. 李娜点点头。 Friend,” “朋友,” Min Xiaoqiu blinks. 闵小秋眨眨眼睛。 Afterward, she saw enters gate Qin Chao. 随后,她看到了跟着走进门的秦朝 Yo, is a handsome fellow. 呦,还是个帅哥。 Right, is it possible that this was in the school yesterday made noisily, Li Na scandal boyfriend. 对了,莫非这就是学校里昨天闹得沸沸扬扬的,李娜的绯闻男友。 Oh, is not then easy to do...... 哎呀,这下不好办了啊…… Min Xiaoqiu in that flash, in the mind flashes through the innumerable thoughts. 闵小秋在那一瞬间,脑海中闪过无数念头。 Finally, she has determined a plan. 最后,她确定了一个计划。 **. **。 One have to level this fellow first, then gave small Li Na to prescribe medicine. 自己只好先摆平这个家伙,然后再给小李娜下药了。 Right, Min Xiaoqiu, for money, you sacrificed appearance not anything...... 对,闵小秋,为了钱,你牺牲点色相沒啥…… Let alone, the opposite party is a handsome fellow, hey, this time was gains, 何况,对方还是个帅哥,嘿嘿,这次算是赚到了,
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