MBT :: Volume #13

#1220: Who shames whom

Chapter 1220 who shames who 第1220章谁羞辱谁 „,” “啪,” Qin Chao lifts the hand, has given a that woman mouth directly. 秦朝一抬手,直接给了那女人一嘴巴。 This woman was hit to stare directly. 这女人直接被打愣了。 Also from infancy to maturity, nobody has slapped her in the face. 从小到大,也沒有人打过她嘴巴。 Her father loved her not to say specially, after waiting to marry, the husband was also very honest before her, scolded her not to dare. 她爸爸特别宠爱她不说,等结婚之后,老公也是在她面前很老实,连骂她一句都不敢。 Finally, now actually by person fan mouth. 结果,现在却被人扇了嘴巴。 The ache, the shame, suddenly floods in the heart of this woman. 疼痛,羞辱,一时间充斥在这个女人的心头。 You, you dare to hit me,” “你,你敢打我,” Why I do not dare to hit you,” “我为什么不敢打你,” Qin Chao sneers, you dare to curse at people, that must be ready hit, I hit you, this is light, you annoyed to cry my Small Nana, you can also live, is a miracle,” 秦朝冷笑一声,“你敢骂人,就要做好被人打的准备,我打你,这是轻的,你把我的小娜娜惹哭了,你还能活着,已经是个奇迹了,” Your this compels poorly, why to hit me,” “你这穷逼,凭什么打我,” The woman starts to be unruly, husband, you looked that he hits your wife, you do not manage,” 那女人开始撒泼,“老公,你看,他打你老婆,你都不管吗,” How you can hit the person,” “你怎么可以打人,” That Bai Yuanzhi walked, a face looks at Qin Chao morosely. 白源治走了过來,一脸不高兴地看着秦朝 She can shame my woman, why I cannot shame your woman,” “她可以羞辱我的女人,为什么我就不可以羞辱你的女人,” Qin Chao is sneering, you do not respect others, why to make other Human Venerable heavy you,” 秦朝冷笑着,“你不尊重别人,凭什么让别人尊重你,” Your this pauper, your family show fox entices my husband, you also held true you,” “你这穷小子,你家骚狐狸勾引我老公,你还有理了你,” You owe to hit,” “你还是欠打是吧,” Qin Chao lifts the hand, frightens that woman to cover the face to withdraw several steps. 秦朝一抬手,吓得那女人捂着脸退后好几步。 Big brother Qin......” “秦大哥……” Li Na may calculate that found the pillar, is wiping tears, runs over by in the Qin Chao bosom. 李娜可算找到主心骨了,抹着眼泪,跑过來靠在秦朝怀中。 All right, has me,” “沒事的,有我在,” Qin Chao loves pats the back of Li Na. 秦朝疼爱地轻拍李娜的后背。 You said that she entices your husband, your which eye saw,” “你说她勾引你老公,你哪只眼睛看到了,” Qin Chao was asking that perfume woman. 秦朝问着那香水女人。 My which eye saw,” “我哪只眼睛都看到了,” The woman shouts immediately. 那女人立刻嚷道。 Do not think that your girlfriend is any good person, she dislikes you to be poor, entices my husband, in fact you are too poor, cannot raise the woman,” “别以为你那女友是什么好人,她嫌你穷,勾引我老公,其实说白了还是你太穷,养不起女人,” She linked Qin Chao to scold together. 她连秦朝一起骂了。 I am poor,” “我穷,” Qin Chao carries a shoulder-pole load the eyebrow, your meaning is your husband is very rich,” 秦朝挑挑眉毛,“你的意思是你老公很有钱,” Naturally, my husband, is my father, is not your this person is conceivable,” “当然,无论是我老公,还是我爹,都不是你这种人可以想象的,” Woman Pride said. 那女人傲慢地说道。 Qin Chao saw has placed the name card on counter, has sneered. 秦朝看到了放在柜台上的名片,冷笑了一声。 Dafa Group subsidiary company divisional manager, is very flamboyant,” 大发集团的分公司部门经理,也很牛逼么,” Naturally,” “当然,” The women nod, right greatly, my father or the general manager, money of his one month of gaining, compared with many of your ten years of gaining, you are not thinking makes money well, wants to leech on moneybags, when mistress, has a dream, bah, is not concerned about face,” 女人点点头,“权利大着呢,我父亲还是总经理,他一个月赚的钱,比你十年赚的都多,你们这些人不想着好好赚钱,就想傍大款,当小三,做梦,呸,不要脸,” Your father called anything,” “你父亲叫什么,” Qin Chao lightly asked one. 秦朝只是淡淡地问了一句。 Zhu Lingzhi, I called Zhu Xiaoli, you were best to apologize, our Zhu you could not stir up,” 朱凌志,我叫朱小丽,你还是最好道歉吧,我们朱家你惹不起,” Zhu Xiaoli simply said very much. 朱小丽很干脆地说道。 Knew,” “知道了,” Qin Chao pulls out the cell phone, telephoned. 秦朝掏出手机來,打了个电话。 Director Qin, remembered me has called,” 秦董,怎么想起给我打电话了,” Yu Lu that gentle sound sound. 余露那温柔的声音响了起來。 Heard her gentle sound, that anger in Qin Chao heart fell a point. 听到她温柔的声音,秦朝心中的那种怒火降了一点。 The gentleness of Yu Lu, always like is Run rain, can melt own sadness. 余露的温柔,总像是润雨一样,能化解自己的忧愁。 He He, you guess that” “呵呵,你猜呢,” Qin Chao also embarrassed directly came up to say any matter. 秦朝也不好意思直接上來就说什么事。 Good, this time also has anything to trouble, said directly,” “好吧,这次又有什么麻烦啦,直接说吧,” Yu Lu very much understands Qin Chao, asked straightforwardly. 余露还是很了解秦朝的,直截了当地问道。 cough cough, that anything......” 咳咳,那什么……” Qin Chao coughs two, then not in hesitant, said directly that „the general manager in Dafa Group Capital City subsidiary company called Zhu Lingzhi,” 秦朝干咳两声,便也不在犹豫,直接说道,“大发集团京都分公司的总经理是不是叫朱凌志,” Um, yes, he is the person who director Chen promotes,” “嗯,是的,他是陈董事提拔起來的人,” Um, this, under him also there is the divisional managers called Bai Yuanzhi,” “嗯,这样,那他下面还有个部门经理叫白源治吧,” Has, my previous time goes to Capital City time, I who he is also responsible for receiving,” “有,我上次去京都的时候,他还负责接待的我,” Is very good, these two people dismiss, will never hire,” “很好,这两个人开除掉,永不录用,” Qin Chao simply said. 秦朝干脆地说道。 Um, knew, within one minute they will receive the notice of human resources department,” “嗯,知道了,一分钟之内他们就会收到人事部的通知,” Yu Lu had not asked including the reason that complies directly. 余露连理由都沒问,直接就答应下來。 She knows that Qin Chao will not dismiss the person with no reason at all. 她知道,秦朝是不会无缘无故开除人的。 She has made the telephone call, it is estimated that has been handling this matter. 她挂了电话,估计已经在办这件事去了。 When Qin Chao puts down the telephone, the vision that Zhu Xiaoli correct use one type despises visits him. 秦朝放下电话的时候,那朱小丽正用一种非常鄙视的目光看着他。 Whom you frighten, compels also such to install poorly unexpectedly, you think that you are the Dafa Group chairman, but must dismiss my father and my husband, is really funny,” “你吓唬谁呢,一个穷逼竟然还这么能装,你以为你是大发集团的董事长啊,还要开除我爸爸和我老公,真是好笑,” Met you to know,” “一会你就知道了,” Does a bit less this set, who knows when you must drag to go, tell you, today your woman, if did not apologize, this matter has not ended,” “少來这套,谁知道你要拖到什么时候去,告诉你,今天你的女人要是不道歉,这事就沒完,” Zhu Xiaoli arrogantly was still shouting. 朱小丽还在趾高气扬地嚷着。 Qin Chao is really lazy pays attention to her, this woman, completely by family|home in spoiling. 秦朝真的是懒的理会她,这种女人,完全就是被家里给宠坏了。 While she when that shouted, her nearby Bai Yuanzhi has answered a telephone suddenly. 正当她在那嚷的时候,她旁边的白源治忽然接了个电话。 This telephone meets, the Bai Yuanzhi complexion changed. 这个电话接完,白源治的脸色都变了。 Old, wife...... You do not quarrel......” “老,老婆……你,你别吵了……” He holds on Zhu Xiaoli, said flustered. 他拉住朱小丽,慌张地说道。 „Do you do,” “你干什么,” Zhu Xiaoli has pushed oneself husband, is quite agile and fierce, old lady is also unable to cope that young seductress, you have loved dearly,” 朱小丽推了自己老公一把,颇为剽悍,“老娘还沒治完那个小狐狸精呢,你心疼了,” No, is not,” “不,不是,” Bai Yuanzhi cold sweat, I just received the call that the human resources department makes...... They said that I was dismissed, making me return to the company to pack the thing to get the hell out immediately......” 白源治一头的冷汗,“我刚接到人事部打來的电话……他们说我被开除了,让我立刻回公司收拾东西滚蛋……” Anything,” “什么,” Zhu Xiaoli sound high eight degrees, she frowns immediately a vertical stroke, „that group of fellows of human resources department were insane, I call my father, I must ask why these fellows of human resources department dismiss you,” 朱小丽的声音高了八度,她顿时横眉一竖,“人事部的那群家伙疯了,我给我爸爸打个电话,我要问问,人事部的那些家伙凭什么开除你,” Saying, she pulls out the cell phone, father Zhu Lingzhi has dialed a telephone to oneself in the past. 说着,她掏出手机,给自己父亲朱凌志拨了个电话过去。 Zhu Lingzhi sad unbearable, receives oneself daughter's call at this time, instantaneously changed the complexion. 朱凌志此时正难过的够呛,接到自己女儿的电话,瞬间又变了脸色。 Xiaoli, you said anything, the source governed is also dismissed,” “小丽,你说什么,源治也被开除了,” Right, were the people of human resources department insane, the father, you must ask for a truth for your son-in-law,” “对啊,人事部的人是不是疯了,爸,你要为你女婿讨回个道理啊,” Could not ask for......” “讨不回來了……” The face of Zhu Lingzhi is old, your father...... Also was just dismissed......” 朱凌志的脸苍老起來,“你老爸……也刚刚被开除了……” Anything,” “什么,” The Zhu Xiaoli complexion finally changed, that arrogant vanishes thoroughly does not see, but with look, looks at opposite Qin Chao a panic-stricken. 朱小丽的脸色终于变了,那趾高气扬彻底消失不见,而是用一种惊恐地眼神,看着对面的秦朝 What's wrong, how can like this......” “怎,怎么会这样……” Bai Yuanzhi is not a fool, knows one annoyed should not the person of annoying. 白源治也不是傻瓜,知道自己惹了不该惹的人了。 You, who you are......” “您,您到底是什么人……” He asked cautiously. 他小心翼翼地问道。 „Who I am unimportant, more importantly you have bullied my woman,” “我是什么人不重要,重要的是你们欺负了我的女人,” Qin Chao is patting the shoulder of Li Na, said slowly that this is you brings upon oneself, do not blame me being heartless,” 秦朝拍着李娜的肩膀,缓缓地说道,“这都是你们自找的,别怪我无情,” I and you have spelled,” “我和你拼了,” Suddenly, from the heaven tumbling hell, that Zhu Xiaoli has to accept after checking unable to bear this attack obviously, she threw suddenly, both hands grasp toward the face of Qin Chao. 一时间,从天堂跌倒地狱,那朱小丽明显有点接受不了这种打击,她突然扑了上來,双手向着秦朝的脸抓去。 Qin Chao does not like hitting the woman, but does not mean that the woman can ride in his head results in the Chinese zither. 秦朝不喜欢打女人,但也不意味着女人可以骑在他的头上得瑟。 He brandishes a palm of the hand, direct fan on the Zhu Xiaoli face. 他抡起一巴掌,直接扇在朱小丽脸上。 This Zhu Xiaoli body turned instantaneously several, then falls in the one side, the entire face swells is the same with pig. 朱小丽身体瞬间翻了好几圈,然后摔在一旁,整个脸都肿的跟猪头一样。 Rescues, help...... He hits the person......” “救,救命啊……他打人……” This Zhu Xiaoli was hoodwinked by the fan, but also shouted to shout in that. 朱小丽被扇蒙了,还在那嚷嚷道。 „, Waited......” “等,等等……” Bai Yuanzhi more looked that more thought the Qin Chao face is ripe, he suddenly pulls out his cell phone, found a picture from inside, has contrasted several with Qin Chao. 白源治越看越觉得秦朝脸熟,他突然掏出自己的手机,从里面找到一张照片,和秦朝对比了好几下。 Finally, he sat on the ground. 最后,他一屁股坐在了地上。 Qin, Director Qin......” “秦,秦董……” Such remarks, people who in the shop watches the fun are surprised. 此话一出,店里面看热闹的人都是惊讶起來。 He called this man Director Qin. 他叫这个男人秦董 Originally this is the Dafa Group chairman. 原來这是大发集团的董事长吗。 My goodness, this time they had bad luck, no wonder others telephone gave to dismiss the people of two manager ranks. 好家伙,这次他们可是倒了霉啊,难怪人家一个电话就把两个经理级别的人都给开除了。 But these sales clerks of KFC are also dumbfounded. 而肯德基的这些店员们也都是目瞪口呆。 Does Damn, have to make a mistake. 我勒个草,有沒有搞错。 The girlfriend of solemn Chairman Dafa Group, runs up to KFC to work unexpectedly. 堂堂大发集团董事长的女朋友,竟然跑到肯德基來打工。 Your you so are obviously rich, but also runs to snatch 30 day of bonuses with us. 你丫的你明明这么有钱,还跑來和我们抢30块一天的奖金。 Or the important person lived you. 要不要人活了啊你。 Director Qin, I have made a mistake, you give me again an opportunity......” 秦董,我错了,您再给我一次机会吧……” The Bai Yuanzhi entreaty said. 白源治哀求道。 Dafa Group is the home best enterprise, oneself withstood the how big pain, has had the how long soft food, crawled to this position, such did not have. 大发集团是国内最好的企业,自己是忍了多么大的痛苦,吃了多么久的软饭,才爬到这个位置的啊,难道,就这么沒了。 Is the mistake of that woman, I have not thought harms this young lady,” “都是那个女人的错,我沒想过害这位小姐啊,” Really,” “真的,” Qin Chao carries a shoulder-pole load the eyebrow. 秦朝挑挑眉毛。 He indeed does not want to harm me,” “他的确沒想害我,” Li Na in the Qin Chao bosom, spoke the sentence just words, „, but, he wants to ask me to be his female secretary, one month opens 8000 basic salaries to me, the bonus calculates in addition......” 李娜秦朝怀中,说了句公道话,“不过,他想找我做他的女秘书,一个月给我开8000底薪,奖金另算……” „,” “哦,” The Qin Chao corners of the mouth cannot bear appear the smiling face, Bai Yuanzhi, you can,” 秦朝嘴角忍不住浮现起笑容,“白源治,你可以啊,” He looks at already the surface such as that man of dying embers, said that „the Dafa Group treatment so was when good, you are looking for the female secretary, no wonder your tigress wife looks for the trouble of my family Small Nana,” 他看着已经面如死灰的那个男人,说道,“大发集团的待遇什么时候这么好了,你在找女秘书,难怪你那母老虎老婆找我家小娜娜的麻烦,” Director Qin, Director Qin I made a mistake really...... You again give me an opportunity,” 秦董,秦董我真错了……您就再给我一次机会吧,” Bai Yuanzhi went forward to grasp the thigh of Qin Chao. 白源治上前抱住了秦朝的大腿。 Go away,” “滚,” Qin Chao thinks very disgusting, kicked this person one side. 秦朝觉得很恶心,把这人踢到了一边去。 We let us not stay in this, goes back with me,” “我们别在这呆了,跟我回去吧,” Qin Chao excellent mood by these two people mixing. 秦朝本來大好的心情都被这两个人给搅和了。 Um......” “嗯……” Li Na nods, follows honestly side Qin Chao, left this front door of KFC. 李娜点点头,老老实实地跟在秦朝身边,出了这肯德基的大门。 Out of the door, a police vehicle is stopping there. 门外,一辆警车正停在那里。 Li Na had a scare, how the police vehicle came. 李娜吓了一跳,怎么警车都來了。 Officer Qin, this youngest sister, please board,” “秦警官,还有这位小妹妹,请上车吧,” Rosie wears a police uniform, sits on the driving seat, said to two people. 罗茜穿着一身警服,坐在驾驶席上,对两个人说道。 Officer Qin,” “秦警官,” Li Na surprised looks at Qin Chao. 李娜一脸惊讶地看着秦朝 He He, was a guest performer the police recently, that anything, boards,” “呵呵,最近在客串警察,那啥,上车吧,” Qin Chao is not good to explain that is the plan ate meal walks, no one has thought that can have this matter. 秦朝也不好解释,本來是打算來吃个饭就走的,谁也沒想到能出这档子事。 He comes small Li Na to board, Li Na makes a sound suddenly another matter. 他來着小李娜上了车,李娜忽然响起來另一件事。 Oh, was right, Min Xiaoqiu they must look for me, I call them, asks that which they are,” “哎呀,对了,闵小秋他们还要找我呢,我给他们打个电话,问问他们在哪,” She looked at Qin Chao, explained that they make me to go out to play,” 她看了秦朝,解释了一下,“他们约我出去玩啦,” Um, good, you hit,” “嗯,好,你打吧,” Qin Chao did not oppose that Li Na has activity, will be the person will have the human relations circle, he will not be the narrow-mindedness. 秦朝并不反对李娜有活动,是人就会有交际圈,他又不是什么小心眼。 Li Na nods, telephoned. 李娜点点头,打了电话。 She told Min Xiaoqiu already not in KFC, inquired where went to look for them. 她告诉闵小秋自己已经不在肯德基了,询问去哪里找他们。 This, you come night demon ktv to look for us, we in 203 reserve a room,” “这样啊,那你來夜魅ktv找我们吧,我们在203包房,” Min Xiaoqiu told Li Na own address. 闵小秋告诉了李娜自己的地址。 Then, she puts down the telephone, a face smiles tenderly looks at Tang Zong. 然后,她放下电话,一脸娇笑地看着身旁的唐宗 Tang Shao, I may help you call directly the person yo,” “唐少,我可直接把人帮你叫过來了呦,” ============================================ ============================================ Over the two days moved has the activity to explode, 300 monthly tickets added one...... There monthly ticket is quite inexpensive, 1 money, but everyone has a free monthly ticket every month ~ 这两天移动有活动爆更,300月票加一更……唔,那里月票好贵,1块钱一张,不过每个人每个月有一张免费的月票~ The edition made the call a moment ago, said that two sides are best impartial, therefore midnight crawled to make up 6 ~ 编辑刚才來电话,说两边最好持平一下,所以半夜爬起來补上了6更~ The blurry upload, possibility of inspection is not quite thin, if there is an erroneous character, hopes that everybody is broad-minded ~ 迷迷糊糊的上传,检查的可能不太细,如果有错别字的话,希望大家多海涵哈~
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