MBT :: Volume #13

#1219: Does not have the interest

Chapter 1219 does not have the interest 第1219章沒兴趣 Li Na today's mood is good. 李娜今天的心情还是挺不错的。 Although is a little laborious in the work of KFC, standing is also very tired. 虽然在肯德基的工作有点辛苦,站的也挺累。 However, the thing that learns are also many. 但是,学到的东西也不少。 Especially she has also made big brother Qin, must ask him to eat meal in KFC. 尤其是她还约了秦大哥,要请他在肯德基吃饭。 Um, yesterday must invite in the cafeteria, because Dong Lingyu and Wei Xiaolong two people stirring yellow. 嗯,昨天在食堂本來要请,但因为董凌宇韦晓龙两个人给搅黄了。 While oneself first day working, invited his one time again. 趁着自己第一天打工,再请他一次。 Hee hee, saw one such work hard, big brother Qin will be very definitely happy. 嘻嘻,看到自己这么努力工作,秦大哥肯定会很开心吧。 Ahem, oneself are very able, even if did not depend on this big brother Qin, can make money. 哼哼,自己可是很有能力的,就算不靠这秦大哥,也能赚钱呢。 Li Na is very diligent, is busy, orders the meal for the person who eats the thing unceasingly. 李娜很勤快,忙來忙去,不断替來吃东西的人点餐。 Li Na, or you rest a meeting,” 李娜啊,要不你休息一会吧,” Shopkeeper Han Fangwen sees Li Na, cannot bear said in side. 店长韩方文看到李娜,忍不住在旁边说道。 You have been busy at a morning, body causing to break down,” “你都忙了一上午了,别把身体给搞坏了,” His concern, annoys Envy of many sales clerks immediately. 他的关怀,顿时惹來好多店员的嫉妒 In several sales man hearts secret passage, because of others long attractiveness, you can such care about others. 几个男店员心中暗道,切,要不是因为人家长的漂亮,你能这么关心人家。 But the vendeuse looks at Li Na, in the eye despises with Envy. 而女店员看着李娜,眼睛里都是鄙夷和嫉妒 This girl has anything, is not long attractive, scratches, show fox. 这丫头有什么,不就是长的漂亮点么,擦的,骚狐狸。 The old ladies do are not exactly less than her, how not to look that the shopkeeper urged himself to rest. 老娘干的活也不比她少,怎么不看店长劝自己休息一下。 Li Na does not know one have made such impression on many people, she has wiped head perspiration, said with a smile. 李娜不知道自己已经给很多人留下了这样的印象,她擦了擦头上的汗,笑道。 All right, Shopkeeper, my operating time had not ended,” “沒事的,店长,我的工作时间还沒结束呢,” Her operating time is the weekend two days, 7 : 00 am to 2 : 00 pm. 她的工作时间是周末两天,早上七点到下午两点。 Although is specially busy, but is very at heart substantial. 虽然特别忙,但是心里挺充实的。 Everybody with the Li Na study study, has a look at this warm work,” “大家都跟李娜学学,看看她这热情的工作态度,” Han Fangwen said immediately, good that you display, works to finish today, to my lead(er) 30 bonuses,” 韩方文立刻说道,“你表现的不错,今天工作结束,到我这里领30块的奖金,” Thanks the shopkeeper,” “谢谢店长,” Li Na is very happy, but other person Envy. 李娜很开心,而其他人就更加的嫉妒了。 Works first day to have bonus. 工作第一天就有奖金。 Damn, how we do not have this treatment. 我勒个草,我们怎么就沒这待遇。 Who first day goes to work assiduously works not specially, the shopkeeper looked radically does not look at your one eyes. 谁第一天上班不特别勤奋工作啊,店长根本看都不看你一眼。 30 bonuses, our these concurrent jobs, laborious, one hour, 4 dollars of 50 cents. 30块的奖金啊,我们这些兼职的,辛辛苦苦,一个小时,才4块5毛钱。 The time grew, everybody also idled. 时间长了,大家也就懈怠了。 Gives me a a meal, thanks,” “给我一份a套餐,谢谢,” At this time, a wear very elegant man came lining up. 就在这时候,一个穿着很考究的男人过來排队。 Good, please wait a bit,” “好的,请稍等,” Li Na is this counter, puts on the elegant male mixed ready-to-cook dish for this. 李娜正好是这个柜台,替这位穿着考究的男子配餐。 But that man sees Li Na brightly, eye one. 而那男人看到李娜,眼睛一亮。 While meal time, he pulls out his name card, gives Li Na. 趁着等餐的时候,他掏出自己的一张名片,递给李娜 Young lady, I thought that your working ability is good, is interested in working to my company,” “小姐,我看你工作能力不错,有沒有兴趣到我的公司工作呢,” Li Na looked down one, on that name card has a very long row of duty. 李娜低头看了一眼,那名片上有着很长的一排职务。 Any Dafa Group Capital City branch manager, Bai Yuanzhi. 什么大发集团京都分公司经理,白源治 Sorry, present is operating time, we do not allow personal to chat,” “抱歉,现在是工作时间,我们不允许私人聊天,” The Li Na actually very much politeness smiles. 李娜却很礼貌地笑笑。 Dafa Group, that was not the big brother Qin company. 大发集团,那不是秦大哥的公司么。 I must go to there to go to work, but also needs you to pick. 我要去那里上班,还需要你相中么。 This is tries to get close to climb friendship obviously, the bubble little girl way of hackneyed stuff. 这明显就是套近乎攀交情的,很老套的泡妞方式了。 However this bubble little girl way, to many girl is actually very easy-to-use. 不过这种泡妞方式,对很多女生却是很好用的。 After is Dafa Group, enterprise that China is listed first. 毕竟是大发集团啊,中国排名第一的企业。 Moreover the opposite party is a manager, obviously property anything's many. 而且对方又是个经理,显然资产什么的不少。 Young lady, you considered that I lack a secretary, I can give you very high wage treatment,” “小姐,你还是考虑考虑吧,我缺一个秘书,我可以给你很高的薪水待遇,” That Bai Yuanzhi does not plan to give up obviously like this , to continue to pester said. 白源治显然不打算这样放弃,继续纠缠道。 If you agree, can go to work immediately, the wage treatment I give you one month 8000, the bonus calculate in addition that on five dangers, how you do look?” “如果你同意的话,可以立刻來上班,薪水待遇我给你一个月8000块,奖金另算,上五险,你看如何?” But their dialogs, bring in many vendeuses envies Envy to hate. 而他们的对话,引來好多女店员的羡慕嫉妒恨。 The secretary in Dafa Group subsidiary company. 大发集团分公司的秘书啊。 Moreover one month 8000, are not the bonuses, in addition bonus anything, can not one month more than 10,000. 而且一个月8000啊,还不算奖金,加上奖金什么的,不得一个月10000多块。 Immediately, many red eyes, stared on Li Na. 顿时,好多双红红的眼睛,都盯在了李娜身上。 But Li Na some are not then comfortable. 李娜便有些不自在。 This what youngest daughter secretary, is obviously same as mistress. 这什么女秘书,明显跟小三一样吧。 Own at all not rare such work, does not want to do. 自己根本不稀罕这样的工作,也不想去做。 Sorry, does not have the interest, Sir, please wait a bit, your meal immediately good,” “抱歉,沒兴趣,先生,请您稍等,您的套餐马上就好,” Li Na is still indifferent to personal gains and losses, said lightly. 李娜依然宠辱不惊,淡淡地说道。 But over and over rejection of Li Na, making that Bai Yuanzhi be interested. 李娜的再三拒绝,让那白源治更加感兴趣了。 Is such woman, showed that her body is cleaner. 越是这样的女人,证明她身子越干净。 Young lady, you leave anxiously the rejection first, salary anything, we can keep the contact method, slowly discussed that” “小姐,你先别急着拒绝,薪资什么的,我们可以留个联系方式,慢慢谈,” Bai Yuanzhi does not believe that this woman can not move. 白源治不相信这女人会不动心。 Each woman, has her price. 每个女人,都有她的价钱。 Perhaps several thousand do not move, but increasing price slowly, the price that would one making her move. 或许几千块不动心,但再慢慢的加价,总会有一个让她动心的价格。 Li Na is very agitated. 李娜很烦躁。 She wants to hurry to make the meal of this person, then makes him leave. 她想赶紧把这个人的套餐弄起,然后让他离开。 But fries actually slow, the following person does not know that is intentionally, quite a while does not take newly. 但其中一个薯条却慢的可以,后面的人也不知道是不是故意的,半天也不拿新的來。 Husband, you are making anything,” “老公,你在做什么呢,” At this time, the woman who on put on the marten skin, was carrying the lv package, stepped on the high-heeled shoes to walk. 就在这时候,一个身上穿着貂皮的女人,拎着个lv的包,踩着高跟鞋就走了过來。 This woman long not much, but beautifully makes up, can look reluctantly. 这女人长的不怎么样,但浓妆艳抹的,勉强能看。 As soon as she collects, immediately a very intense perfume flavor, making the surrounding guest press firmly between the fingers the nose. 她一凑过來,顿时一股很强烈的香水味道,让周围的客人捏住了鼻子。 This woman, the perfume made too thickly. 这女人,香水弄得太浓了吧。 Hears the words of this woman, Bai Yuanzhi was somewhat awkward. 听到这女人的话,白源治有些尴尬了。 How you came, does not make you wait a while in that” “你怎么过來了,不是让你在那等一会么,” I thought that you quite a while have not come back, has a look,” “我看你半天沒回來,过來看看,” The perfume woman saw in own husband hand is taking the name card, understood anything immediately. 香水女人看到自己老公手里拿着的名片,顿时明白了什么。 Your this show fox, you entices my husband,” “你这个骚狐狸,你勾引我老公,” The woman stared Li Na one, points at her nose to scold. 那女人瞪了李娜一眼,指着她的鼻子骂道。 Who enticed your husband, do not talk nonsense,” “谁勾引你老公了,你别瞎说,” Li Na does not cheer up immediately, this anything with anything, when I enticed him, expelled him without enough time. 李娜顿时不高兴起來,这什么跟什么啊,我什么时候勾引他了,撵他都來不及。 Little gives the old lady the attire,” “少给老娘装,” The perfume woman crack scolded, old lady has not known your this show foxes, picture with spirit, knows enticed others husbands, you had the skill you to look for one to go, knows, when mistress, wanted to compel the face you,” 香水女人破口骂道,“老娘还不知道你们这种骚狐狸,画的跟妖精似的,就知道勾引人家的老公,你有本事你自己找一个去啊,就知道当小三,要不要个逼脸了你,” You spoke the limelight,” “你说话注意点,” Li Na brow straight wrinkle, oneself move who annoys. 李娜眉头直皱,自己招谁惹谁了。 Facing this impolite woman, she will not scold. 面对这无礼女人,她也不会骂回去。 One will not curse at people since childhood. 一从小就不会骂人。 You in this, I reported to the police,” “你们在这样,我就报警了,” I, your small show fox, but also reported to the police, you reported that you ganged up with others husbands, you also held true you,” “我呸,你个小骚狐狸,还报警,你报啊,你勾搭人家老公,你还有理了你,” The perfume woman shouts, obviously was endless. 香水女人嚷道,显然是沒完沒了了。 Li Na is specially suffering from injustice, anxious wants to cry. 李娜特别委屈,急的想哭。 But she does not know how should argue, only thought does not talk clearly rational. 但她又不知道该怎么辩解,只觉得有理说不清。 Sorry, this matter is our mistakes, please two return to the place, I will process,” “对不起对不起,这件事是我们的错,请两位回座吧,我会处理的,” Han Fangwen has stood hastily, plans to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved. 韩方文连忙站了出來,打算息事宁人。 Who you are, which onion,” “你是谁啊,哪根葱,” The woman is slanting the eye to look at Han Fangwen. 那女人斜着眼睛看着韩方文 I am the shopkeeper in this shop, I will process her,” “我是这家店的店长,我会处理她的,” Han Fangwen said immediately. 韩方文立刻道。 Ok, you dismiss to me this show fox immediately,” “行,你立刻把这个骚狐狸给我开除,” This woman shouts. 这女人嚷道。 But beforehand Bai Yuanzhi was honest is standing in the one side, a few words does not dare to say. 而之前的白源治老老实实在站在一旁,一句话都不敢说。 Because of the father of this woman, is his father-in-law, is the general manager in Dafa Group subsidiary company, is managing itself directly. 因为这女人的父亲,就是他的岳父,便是大发集团分公司的总经理,直接管着自己呢。 If not for one he, is impossible to sit to this position. 自己若不是他的话,也不可能坐到这个位置上。 This honest honest, was only a pity this pretty woman. 该老实就老实吧,只可惜这个漂亮女人了。 One have not done, by wife stirring yellow. 自己还沒搞到手,就被老婆给搅黄了。 You do not dismiss her, today this matter has not ended,” “你不开除她,今天这事就沒完,” This woman such one noisy, other sales clerks take pleasure in others'misfortunes. 这女人这么一闹,其他店员都是幸灾乐祸。 Let you sell the show, then had bad luck, this. 让你卖骚,这下倒霉了吧,该。 Li Na is suffering from injustice awfully, why to dismiss me, I have not made mistakes,” 李娜则是委屈的要命,“凭什么开除我,我又沒犯错,” Your this show fox, but also held true you,” “你这骚狐狸,还有理了你,” The women point at the nose of Li Na to shout, I have not known that your this inexpensive women, I do not have the skill, does not have money, runs to gang up with others husband, is really inexpensive, despicable, shameless,” 女人指着李娜的鼻子嚷道,“我还不知道你们这种贱女人,自己沒本事,沒钱,就跑來勾搭别人老公,真是贱,下贱,无耻,” You, you, you did not speak the truth......” “你,你,你不讲道理……” The Li Na eye was red immediately. 李娜眼睛顿时红了。 Li Na, or you apologized,” 李娜,要不你道个歉吧,” Han Fangwen said to Li Na. 韩方文李娜说道。 Why I must apologize, I have not made the mistake,” “我为什么要道歉,我又沒做错,” Li Na said immediately that must apologize is also they with I apologize, their this is insulting me,” 李娜立刻说道,“要道歉也是他们跟我道歉,他们这是在侮辱我,” You admit mistakes, do not have anything......” “你就认个错,沒什么的……” Han Fangwen urged in a low voice, can have anything, do not care about the honor...... Otherwise they will be endless, the business in shop could not do,” 韩方文低声劝道,“能有什么,别太在意脸面了……不然他们会沒完沒了的,店里的生意也做不了了,” „It is not good, I did not apologize absolutely,” “不行,我绝对不道歉,” The Li Na manner is very firm. 李娜态度十分坚定。 She has believed the big brother Qin words now. 她现在算是相信了秦大哥的话。 The will of the people separates the belly, the work does not have is actually so easy to do. 人心隔肚皮,工作其实沒那么容易做的。 Your small show fox, you also held true you,” “你个小骚狐狸,你还有理了你,” The woman scolded. 那女人骂道。 Your this inexpensive woman, lets you apologized are light, did not apologize, today this matter has not ended,” “你这种贱女人,让你道歉算是轻的了,不道歉,今天这事就沒完,” Li Na especially wants to turn head to leave this shop. 李娜特别想一扭头就离开这家店。 But she knows that by doing so, will only make that woman more favorite. 但她知道,这样做,只会让那女人更得意。 One had not ganged up with others, became ganged up. 自己本來沒勾搭人家,也成了勾搭了。 I told you, I have not ganged up with your husband, I had the boyfriend, I loved my boyfriend,” “我告诉你,我沒勾搭你老公,我有男朋友,我爱我的男朋友,” Li Na every single word or phrase said. 李娜一字一句地说道。 Oh my feeds,” 哎呦喂,” The smiling face on the perfume female face revealing the satire, who knows that which your boyfriend is compels the ghost poorly, you see my husband to be rich, have the status, wants to gang up with him, goes to Fucker, you match to look to compel poorly,” 香水女人脸上露出讽刺的笑容,“谁知道你男朋友是哪个穷逼鬼,你看到我老公有钱,有地位,就想來勾搭他,去尼玛的吧,你就配找个穷逼,” You, you......” “你,你……” Li Na quarrelled completely is not the match of this vixen. 李娜吵架完全不是这泼妇的对手。 You apologized,” “你就道歉吧,” Han Fangwen said. 韩方文说道。 Right, apology, quick apology,” “对啊,道歉吧,快道歉啊,” One group of sales clerks also create a disturbance. 一群店员也跟着起哄。 You, you......” “你们,你们……” The Li Na tears could not stop downward fall. 李娜眼泪已经止不住地往下掉了。 Apology, quick apology,” “道歉,快道歉,” These people shout together. 这些人一起嚷道。 When Li Na cannot withstand quickly, saves a life the same sound, resounds in side. 就在李娜快承受不住的时候,一个救命一样的声音,在旁边响起。 Apology, apologized,” “道歉,道什么歉,” The people turn the head to look, a man of wear black windproof coat, walked from the shop. 众人转头一看,一个穿着黑风衣的男子,从店外走了进來。 Qin Chao saw that the Li Na corner of the eye is hanging tear stains, immediately in the heart the anger comes up in great numbers and from all sides. 秦朝看到李娜眼角挂着泪痕,顿时心中怒火横生。 Who makes my family Small Nana apologize,” “谁让我家小娜娜道歉,” I let,” “我让的,” The perfume woman horizontal Qin Chao, the heart said that but actually is also a young handsome fellow, but was a pity that is compels poorly. 香水女人横了秦朝一眼,心说倒也是个小帅哥,不过可惜是个穷逼。 Why you make her apologize,” “你凭什么让她道歉,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Your family show fox entices my husband, I make her apologize, is light,” “你家骚狐狸勾引我老公,我让她道歉,算是轻的,” The woman shouts, 那女人嚷道,
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