MBT :: Volume #13

#1218: Picture might

Chapter 1218 picture might 第1218章画的威力 Chen Jiantao is confident, oneself this time washing the hands duty, certainly very perfect completes it. 陈建涛信心满满,自己这一次的洗手任务,一定会非常完美的完成它。 On him wears a very advanced glide clothes, makes according to the shape imitation of flying squirrel. 他身上穿着一件非常先进的滑翔衣,是根据飞鼠的形态模仿制成。 His whole person slides in the nighttime sky, is close in the direction of art center. 他整个人在夜空中滑行,向着艺术馆的方向接近。 The title of night demon, at this evening, must put greatly honored. 夜魔的称号,在这一晚,就要大放光彩了。 He is silent, fell in the art center roof gently, then took off flight suit, put in backpack in along, Chen Jiantao put out a hand flexible, has reversed in the art center top layer softly, but after going, his cold sweat got down. 他无声无息,轻轻落在了艺术馆的楼顶,然后脱下身上的飞行衣,放入随身的背包里面,陈建涛伸手灵活,轻手轻脚地翻倒了艺术馆顶层中,而进去之后,他的冷汗就下來了。 Damn, in this is a serviceman. 我勒个草,这里面都是军人啊。 Three post five sentry posts, in the art center are. 三步一岗五步一哨的,在艺术馆里都是。 Then may end, so long as walk several steps, will be discovered. 这下可完了,自己只要走几步,就会被发现。 However Chen Jiantao after is the international thief, tonight prepares is also very full. 不过陈建涛毕竟是国际大盗,今晚准备的也很充分。 Since entered this place, cannot very walk the hole. 既然已经入了此地,就不能贼走空穴。 He pulls out a fan smoke ball from the package, then lost. 他从包里掏出一枚迷烟弹,然后丢了出去。 Suddenly, the white fan smoke floods in the entire art center. 一时间,白色的迷烟充斥在整个艺术馆之内。 These soldiers have not guarded, the inspiration smog, all fell into the stupor. 那些士兵沒有防备,一个个吸入烟雾,全都陷入了昏迷之中。 Good has solved,” “太好解决了,” Chen Jiantao smiled, takes the gas mask, starts race against time to walk toward the laying aside treasure picture exhibition hall. 陈建涛笑了笑,带上防毒面具,开始争分夺秒地向着放置宝画的展厅走去。 All the way, is soldiers of fainting. 一路上,都是昏倒的士兵。 Chen Jiantao looked that does not look at one, before arriving at the gate of exhibition hall, without consulting anybody. 陈建涛看都不看一眼,径自走到展厅的门前。 This front door tightens, because has not been the time of official display. 这大门紧锁,因为还沒到正式展览的时间。 In the exhibition hall does not have the window, is feared that some people enter from the window steal the valuable picture. 展厅里也沒有窗户,就是怕有人从窗户进入盗走宝画。 In the gate of this exhibition hall is very advanced password security lock. 这展厅的门上是个很先进的密码防盗锁。 But this cannot baffle Chen Jiantao, he pulls out on a small palm from the backpack the computer, joins that combination lock, starts to connect the intelligence to explain. 但这也难不倒陈建涛,他从背包中掏出一个小型的掌上电脑,接上那密码锁,开始连线智能破解。 Quick, 13 passwords 11 untied. 很快,13位的密码就被11解开。 He happily smiled, receives computer, then has opened the front door of exhibition hall. 他得意地笑了笑,把电脑收起來,然后推开了展厅的大门。 In the exhibition hall center, that was describing the valuable pictures of two angel battles, calmly was placing in the middle of the glass booth. 在展厅中央,那一副描绘着两个天使争斗的宝画,正静静地放在玻璃展台当中。 Chen Jiantao stands before that glass booth, looks black white two angels that marks, could not bear in the look reveal being enchanted by. 陈建涛站在那玻璃展台前,望着那画上的一黑一白两个天使,忍不住眼神中就流露出了一种迷醉。 This picture has one strength probably, can take in own mind is the same. 这幅画好像带有一种力量,能把自己的心神都摄入到其中一样。 Really is the priceless valuable picture. 果然是价值连城的宝画啊。 Chen Jiantao puts out a hand, puts out the tool, starts to cut the margin on that glass. 陈建涛伸出手來,拿出工具,开始在那玻璃上切出切口。 The glass was cut open a window quickly, but inside picture somewhat troubled. 玻璃很快就被切开一个窗口來,而里面的画就有些麻烦了。 Because under is weight induction booth, if no object to press above, will report to the police. 因为下面是个重量感应展台,如果沒有物体压在上面的话,就会报警。 But this cannot baffle experienced Chen Jiantao, he pulls out an image of Buddha from the package, first pressed on the booth. 但这也难不倒经验十足的陈建涛,他从包里掏出一枚佛像,先压在了展台上。 This called, clever. 这就叫,偷天换日。 Chen Jiantao is very satisfied, will put out a hand to take up that picture time, the side resounds a sound suddenly. 陈建涛很满意,正要伸手拿起那画的时候,身旁忽然响起一个声音來。 If I am you, will not be interested in this picture,” “如果我是你,就不会对这幅画感兴趣,” Chen Jiantao in great surprise, in the hand takes up electric baton immediately rapidly, then turns around rapidly, toward behind pokes electric baton. 陈建涛顿时大惊,手里迅速拿起一个电棍,然后飞速转身,把电棍向着身后戳去。 According to his judgment, this sound behind is resounding, then the person definitely will be poked the dizziness by own electric baton. 按照他的判断,这声音在身后响起,那么人肯定就会被自己的电棍戳到眩晕。 But he judged to make a mistake, the person did not have. 但他判断失误了,身后一个人沒有。 Front Kong Kong/ Vacant such as, electric baton poked in the vacancy. 面前空空如也,电棍戳在了空处。 Next time please poke,” “下次请戳的准一点,” The voice of man, has made a sound. 那男人的声音,又响了起來。 On the Chen Jiantao forehead is cold sweat. 陈建涛的额头上都是冷汗。 He has turned the head slowly, sees near the left hand, on puts on the man of police uniform, stands there. 他缓缓转过头,看到左手边,一个身上穿着警服的男子,站在那里。 Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost Avatar. 罗刹分身 Naturally, Chen Jiantao does not know this magic arts, but also thinks that this is really police. 当然,陈建涛是不知道这种法术的,还以为这真是个警察。 Has not thought that my night demon has been thief for a lifetime, the first time can fall to the hand of police,” “沒想到,我夜魔做了一辈子的贼,第一次能落到警察的手里,” „Some few words said good,” “有一句话说的好啊,” Qin Chao stands in the one side, in shakes to begin the handcuff, often walks in the riverside, where has not the wet shoes, the thief comrade, is I beats to you, you come,” 秦朝站在一旁,晃着手里的手铐,“常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋,小偷同志,是我给你拷上呢,还是你自己來呢,” Leaves you to use,” “还是留给你自己用吧,” Chen Jiantao pulls out a fan smoke ball, lost. 陈建涛又掏出一枚迷烟弹,丢了出去。 The white smog covers in this exhibition hall quickly. 白色的烟雾很快笼罩在这展厅里面。 Chen Jiantao are bringing the mask, the natural trifling thing does not have. 陈建涛自己带着面具,自然屁事沒有。 But he anticipates, the police pour at the scene of ground, has not appeared. 但他期待中的,那警察倒在地上的情景,也沒出现。 He with a laugh stands in that looks at itself. 他还是笑呵呵地站在那,看着自己。 Good, now you were also many a charge, resists arrest,” “好吧,现在你又多了一项罪名,拒捕,” Qin Chao opens the mouth to say. 秦朝开口说道。 What's wrong, how possible......” “怎,怎么可能……” Chen Jiantao only thinks inconceivable. 陈建涛只觉得不可思议。 This fan smoke is disposes carefully, can take down including an elephant. 这迷烟是自己精心配置的,连一头大象都能放倒。 How his matter does not have. 怎么他就一点事都沒有。 Felt strange. 奇了怪了啊。 How you will be all right,” “你怎么会沒事的,” People's Police who because I do not fear wind and rain,” “因为我是不惧风雨的人民警察,” Qin Chao has hit, looks like you did not plan one acknowledged guilt, I have to help your one,” 秦朝打了个哈哈,“看來你是不打算自己认罪了,那我只好帮你一把了,” Saying, him was proceeding two steps, the handcuff has swayed. 说着,他往前走了两步,手铐晃來晃去。 Although Chen Jiantao does not know why this police do not dread confuse the smoke, but he will not sit waiting for death. 陈建涛虽然不知道这个警察为什么不畏惧迷烟,但他也不会坐以待毙。 electric baton in his hand, hits toward the chest of Qin Chao. 他手里的电棍,向着秦朝的胸膛打去。 If this electric baton really holds, puts him not to have any issue absolutely. 电棍如果捅实的话,放到他绝对沒什么问題。 But made he stunned one appear again, saw only that electric baton to hold on the chest of opposite party, an effect has not appeared. 但让他再次错愕的一幕出现了,只见那电棍捅在对方的胸口上,却一点效果都沒出现。 He with a laugh, handcuff beats, in oneself are taking in electric baton that wrist|skill. 他还是笑呵呵地,把手铐拷在自己拿着电棍的那只手腕上。 Chen Jiantao is very surprised, is it possible that electric baton forgot to charge. 陈建涛很惊讶,莫非电棍忘记充电了。 How possible, this matter is Xiao Xin is done, the exercise, this boy is so negligent, gave to forget including this matter, oneself went back, wanted fan his mouth. 怎么可能呢,这种事情都是小鑫做的,操的,这小子难道这么大意,连这种事情都给忘了,自己回去,一定要扇他的嘴巴。 He surprised, brings back electric baton, has tried on oneself. 他惊奇中,拿回电棍,在自己身上试了一下。 This tries, immediately he of electricity wants - immortal desire - death. 这一试,顿时电的他欲-仙欲-死。 The body of Chen Jiantao flies upside down, then falls on the ground. 陈建涛的身子倒飞出去,然后摔在地上。 The unceasing random walk of electric current on him, the electricity his whole body becomes tender. 电流在他身上不断的游走,电的他浑身发软。 What's wrong, what's wrong, how can, be able like this......” “怎,怎,怎么会,会这样……” His words a little have not talked clearly, the body twitches to continue. 他连话都有点说不清楚了,身体抽搐不止。 Cannot look, you have from the oppressive tendency,” “真看不出來,你这人还有自虐的倾向,” Qin Chao puts out a hand, has beaten toward Chen Jiantao another handcuff. 秦朝伸出手來,把另一枚手铐向着陈建涛拷了上去。 But at this time, Chen Jiantao suddenly put together the whole body strength, the violent jumps, hit on Qin Chao. 但就在这时候,陈建涛忽然拼起全身力气,暴跳起來,撞在秦朝身上。 Qin Chao has not drawn back, that Chen Jiantao actually backs up two steps, hits on nearby booth. 秦朝一步未退,那陈建涛却倒退两步,撞到一旁的展台上面。 His hand, happen to penetrates glass, according to that Black and White Paradise canvas. 他的手,正好透过玻璃,按在了那黑白天堂的画布上。 Immediately, black white two rays, following his palm, the arm, spread to his heart. 顿时,一黑一白两道光芒,顺着他的手掌,手臂,蔓延向他的心脏。 Qin Chao in great surprise, Nine Underworld Devil Palm, has broken the arm of that Chen Jiantao immediately directly. 秦朝顿时大惊,一记九幽魔掌,直接打断了那陈建涛的手臂。 The black and white two rays stopped transportation, abates, that canvas, returned to normal. 黑白两道光芒停止了输送,消退下去,那画布,重新恢复了平静。 This Chen Jiantao falls down, body unceasing twitching. 陈建涛倒在地上,身体不断的抽搐。 Is fighting Qin Chao and Rosie of landlord in the office has actually looked at each other one. 正在办公室里斗地主的秦朝罗茜却对视了一眼。 „It is not good, the strength has divulged,” “不好,力量泄漏了,” Qin Chao has stood, said that Rosie, you defend here,” 秦朝站了起來,说道,“罗茜,你守在这里,” Then, his personal appearance dodges, appears in the exhibition hall. 说完,他身形一闪,出现在展厅里面。 Then, a hand works on Chen Jiantao, uses the Nine Underworld Tarantula ability, passed through the space instantaneously, appears in the desert. 然后,一只手抓起陈建涛,利用九幽毒蛛的能力,瞬间穿越了空间,出现在沙漠之中。 „,” “嗷,” At this time, that Chen Jiantao suddenly exuded one to roar, an arm that only remained, hit in the Qin Chao chest, backs up several steps that Qin Chao hit. 就在这时候,那陈建涛忽然发出一声怒吼,仅剩的一只手臂,打在秦朝胸口,把秦朝打的倒退几步。 Golden Body six heavy strengths. 金身六重的力量。 The Qin Chao eye narrows the eyes slightly, he has not thought that has absorbed the remaining strength merely, this Chen Jiantao can enter to the Golden Body six heavy boundaries. 秦朝眼睛微微眯起,他沒想到,仅仅是吸收了一点残余的力量,这陈建涛就能进入到金身六重的境界之中。 That Chen Jiantao opens the eye, pupil one black one white, is very strange. 陈建涛睁开眼睛,瞳孔一黑一白,好不诡异。 Meanwhile, his back, opens a wing. 同时,他的背后,张开一对翅膀。 Similarly is also one black one white, with black and white variable synthesis. 同样也是一黑一白,跟黑白无常合体似的。 Roar,” “吼,” He roars, the left hand of being cut off, grew a black arm. 他怒吼一声,断掉的左手,长出了一条黑色的手臂來。 Although this male servant had the strength, but has as if burnt out the brain. 这厮虽然有了力量,但仿佛烧坏了脑子。 His that black arm to Qin Chao, is trying to choke to death this police with the Mind strength. 他那黑色的手臂对着秦朝,试图用意念的力量掐死这个警察。 But, how regardless of him diligently, Mind as if not to have function, Qin Chao still well stands in that. 但,无论他如何努力,意念仿佛沒了作用似的,秦朝依然好好地站在那。 Roar roar,” “吼吼,” Is stems from an instinct completely, Chen Jiantao roars two, the body appears in front of Qin Chao instantaneously. 完全是出自一种本能,陈建涛怒吼两声,身体瞬间出现在秦朝面前。 Meanwhile, the right hand emits the white shock-wave, attacks directly in the Qin Chao front. 同时,右手放出白色的冲击波,直接冲击在秦朝的胸前。 Works as,” “当,” Clear impact noise. 清脆的撞击声。 Qin Chao Diamond Sutra is indestructible, he still stands in that. 秦朝金刚经坚不可摧,他依然站在那。 Meanwhile, Qin Chao extends a hand, is binding the white gauntlet|glove, according to the head of that Chen Jiantao. 同时,秦朝伸出一只手來,裹着白色的拳套,按在那陈建涛的头上。 One are Golden Body sevenfold, even if not use Nine Dragon Armor, same can solve this to eat the angel strength person. 自己是金身七重,就算不用九龙铠,一样能解决这个误食了天使力量的人。 Explodes to me,” “给我爆,” Qin Chao another hand grasps the fist, strokes maliciously in the chest of Chen Jiantao. 秦朝另一只手掌握起拳头,狠狠击打在陈建涛的胸口。 Bang,” “砰,” The lower part of this Chen Jiantao, was rumbled directly the hashed meat. 陈建涛的下半身,直接被轰成了碎肉。 The Nine Underworld Colossal Elephant strength, is extremely huge. 九幽巨象的力量,太过庞大。 He got down the upper part solitarily, on face was having the pain, looks at opposite Qin Chao. 他只身下了上半身,脸上带着痛苦,看着对面的秦朝 Rescues, saves me......” “救,救救我……” His consciousness as if restored, is having the endless pain, was saying to the Qin Chao entreaty. 他的意识仿佛恢复了一些,带着无尽的痛苦,对着秦朝哀求道。 I could not save you,” “我已经救不了你了,” Qin Chao actually shakes the head, this is the evil that you make,” 秦朝却摇摇头,“这都是你自己做下的孽,” Saying, the palm of Qin Chao, becomes golden light sparkles. 说着,秦朝的手掌,变得金光闪闪。 This, making me be aloof you,” “这一世,让我超脱了你吧,” Saying, Vajra Palm was starting. 说着,金刚掌发动。 Huge Buddha Power, floods in that Chen Jiantao within the body. 庞大的佛力,充斥在那陈建涛的体内。 His soul, was given to surpass by Buddha Power directly, got rid of the entanglements of strength of two angel, vanishes from the statures of that only remaining halves instantaneously. 他的灵魂,直接被佛力给超度,摆脱了两股天使之力的纠缠,瞬间从那仅剩下半截的身躯里消失。 But after the strength of these two angels do not have the soul has lodged, actually follows the palm of Qin Chao, leaps up into to his within the body. 而这两股天使之力沒了灵魂寄宿之后,却顺着秦朝的手掌,蹿入到他的体内。 Showed that two angels, run up to the body of Qin Chao to disturb to be the same. 就显示两个天使,跑到秦朝的身体里捣乱一样。 Strength of the small angel, dares to contend with my God's Strength,” “小小的天使之力,也敢和我的神之力抗衡,” Qin Chao actually sneers, within the body God's Strength starts immediately, has disintegrated the strength of these two angels rapidly. 秦朝却冷笑一声,体内神之力立刻发动,迅速瓦解了这两股天使之力。 The remaining strength that then, disintegrating, the absorption uses again. 接着,把瓦解掉的残余力量,吸收再利用。 This is the great strength of God's Strength. 这就是神之力的强大。 Event all strengths, can dispel then hold. 事件一切力量,都可以消解然后容纳。 Because God's Strength itself mixes the initial strength, is the initial shapes of time all strengths. 因为神之力本身就是混初始的力量,是时间一切力量的最初形态。 Qin Chao, various strength return initial shapes, then becomes own strength. 秦朝,就是把各种力量回归最初形态,然后成为自己的力量。 This universe the strength of source, naturally stronger compared with the strength of so-called immortal more than ten million times. 这种宇宙的本源之力,自然就比所谓的仙之力要强上千万倍。 Has handled,” “搞定了,” He returns to the office time, ice and Rosie asked. 他回到办公室的时候,ice和罗茜问道。 Um, but, you wanted the battlefield cleanup,” “嗯,不过,你要去打扫战场了,” Qin Chao nods. 秦朝点点头。 He looked at Rosie, remembers that picture the remaining prestige, cannot bear shake the head. 他看了看罗茜,想起那画的余威,忍不住摇头。 It seems like that this time art exhibition, will not be absolutely tranquil, 看來,这一次的画展,绝对不会平静了,
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