MBT :: Volume #13

#1217: You do not have clearly

Chapter 1217 you do not have clearly 第1217章你明白沒有 Smiling of this female Devil, is not the funniness. 这女恶魔的笑,可不是什么好笑。 He thought that this Yu Lei was possibly miserable. 他觉得,这于磊可能要惨了。 Really, Rosie said afterward, „, since you want to take a look, I make you have a look......” 果然,罗茜随后说道,“既然你想看看,那我就让你看看吧……” Saying, she puts out a hand, held that Yu Lei collar. 说着,她伸出手來,一把抓住了那于磊的衣领。 Has not waited for Yu Lei to reflect that Rosie has put out a hand, his whole person from out of the window, threw the jet black nighttime sky. 还沒等于磊反映过來,罗茜已经一伸手,把他整个人从窗外,丢到了漆黑的夜空当中。 He will not have the matter......” “他不会有事吧……” ice asked in the one side hastily. ice连忙在一旁问道。 cough cough, should unable,” 咳咳,应该不会,” Qin Chao looks that Rosie also jumped from the window, scratches the cold sweat saying that this little girl should have the discretion,” 秦朝看着罗茜也从窗户中跳了出去,擦擦冷汗说道,“这妞应该有分寸,” Yu Lei has not known that what's the matter, the whole person mounts the clouds and rides the mist, was lost airborne. 于磊还不知道怎么回事,整个人就腾云驾雾似的,被丢到了空中。 Even if psychological quality perfect serviceman, now is in several hundred meters upper air, there are to accept after checking unable to bear. 就算是心理素质过硬的军人,现在身在几百米的高空中,也有点接受不了了。 „,” “啊啊啊,” The Yu Lei mouth sends out a series of calling out in alarm. 于磊嘴里发出一连串的惊叫。 The woman is the big strength, how can throw oneself to such high upper air. 那女人到底是多大的力气,怎么能把自己丢到这么高的高空当中啊。 This must fall down, could not plunge to death is the miracles. 这要掉下去,摔不死都是人间奇迹了。 Ended ended, then died...... 完了完了,这下自己死定了…… They do not like their suggestion, finally the decision silences a witness of crime directly...... 难道他们是不喜欢自己的建议,最后决定直接杀人灭口吗…… Then ended, died also died in vain. 这下完了,死了也白死啊。 Seventh Branch has the murder right of immunity, oneself were confesses. 第七科有杀人豁免权,自己算是交代了。 What a pity, with enough time has not served the motherland, has not looked for the partner...... 可惜啊,还沒來得及报效祖国,还沒找对象呢…… When he despairs, the side resounds a voice of female. 就在他绝望的时候,身旁响起一个女子的声音。 Do not be afraid, you have not died,” “别害怕,你还沒死呢,” Hears this sound, he opens eye, looks that appears in own side, follows the female police who his body is lifting off unceasingly. 听到这声音,他睁开眼睛,看着一个出现在自己身边,跟随着他的身体不断升空的女警察。 You, you here......” “你,你怎么也在这里……” Why I cannot here,” “我为什么不能在这里,” The corners of the mouth of Rosie have had a smiling face accommodate, such amusing matter, how I can not,” 罗茜的嘴角一直挂着笑容,“这么好玩的事情,我怎么能不在呢,” This, this amusing,” “这,这好玩,” Was feeling the howling night wind, the body of Yu Lei shivers unceasingly. 感觉着呼啸的夜风,于磊的身体不断颤抖。 When rises to does not know many altitude, finally will stopped. 当升到不知道多少高度的时候,终于堪堪停了下來。 But is most terrorist, body unceasing tenesmusing of Yu Lei, his heart also in unceasing tenesmusing. 但接下來是最恐怖的,于磊的身体不断的下坠,他的心也在不断的下坠。 But Rosie, still follows in his side. 罗茜,依然跟在他的旁边。 Yu Lei had thought innumerable causes of death, but has not thought must such vexed died...... 于磊曾经想过无数种死法,但从來沒想过要这么窝囊的死去…… Rescues, saves a life......” “救,救命……” Finally, he could not bear shout. 终于,他忍不住喊了出來。 I can rescue actually your,” “我倒是可以救你的,” Rosie urgently slowly did not say. 罗茜不急不慢地说道。 Saves me......” “救我……” Yu Lei does not hesitate, immediately entreats. 于磊也不犹豫,立刻哀求起來。 Saves you to be able, but you must acknowledge, I and Officer Qin, compared with your armored vehicles and blasting explosive fierce many,” “救你可以,但你要承认,我和秦警官,比你们的装甲车和炸药厉害的多,” This is not good,” “这不行,” Who knows that Yu Lei hears this saying, actually immediately shakes the head, I rather die, cannot give my duty to crack a joke with the country,” 谁知道,于磊听到这话,却顿时摇头,“我宁愿死,也不能拿国家交给我的任务开玩笑,” „,” “哦,” Rosie hears this saying, the eye shines actually. 罗茜听到这话,眼睛倒是亮了亮。 You do not believe our strengths,” “你还是不相信我们的力量,” You indeed have special ability, but is unable compared with the armored vehicle and blasting explosive,” “你们的确有特殊的能力,但无法和装甲车和炸药相比,” Yu Lei is strengthening own idea. 于磊坚定着自己的想法。 Since this......” “既然这样的话……” Rosie put out a hand to hold the Yu Lei collar suddenly, then the body dodged, Yu Lei felt one were being torn by one vigorously, flew not to know instantaneously far. 罗茜忽然伸手抓住了于磊的衣领,然后身体一闪,于磊就感觉自己被一股大力撕扯着,瞬间飞出去不知道多远。 The surrounding scene is fast changing, can probably more than ten minutes, when the surrounding scene fixes, his disgusting almost wants to spit. 周围的场景瞬息万变,大概能过了十多分钟,当周围的场景固定下來的时候,他恶心的差点想吐出來。 Yu Lei was grasped by Rosie in the hand, is sizing up all around, discovered surprisedly that they arrived at the sky of US now. 于磊罗茜抓在手中,打量着四周,惊奇地发现,他们现在已经到了美国的上空。 Heavens, this is any speed......” 天啊,这是什么速度……” Yu Lei is dumbfounded. 于磊目瞪口呆。 Saw that Statue of Liberty,” “看到那自由女神像了吗,” Rosie opens the mouth to ask. 罗茜开口问道。 Look, saw......” “看,看到了……” Yu Lei this robust man, now with chicken young was grasped by Rosie in the hand, the body does not dare to move heedlessly. 于磊这个壮汉,现在跟小鸡仔似的被罗茜抓在手中,身体都不敢乱动一下。 Is very good, you looked carefully,” “很好,你看仔细了,” Rosie was saying, has not grabbed the palm of Yu Lei, aimed under that distant place Statue of Liberty, the palm emits to be black light suddenly. 罗茜说着,沒有抓着于磊的手掌,对准那远处下方的自由女神像,掌心忽然冒出了黑光來。 Bang,” “轰,” That fell on the Statue black light. 那黑光落在了女神像上。 Immediately, this does not know that has stood erect 114 years of US symbols, instantaneously exploded being split up, starts to collapse. 顿时,这座不知道屹立了114年的美国象征,瞬间被炸的四分五裂,开始坍塌。 Yu Lei fell silly. 于磊傻掉了。 Then understood,” “这下明白了,” Rosie asked. 罗茜问道。 Understood......” “明白了……” Yu Lei swallows the saliva, the heartbeat fast. 于磊直吞口水,心跳飞快。 This might, surpassed armored vehicle not to know many. 这种威力,超出了装甲车不知道多少啊。 Worthily is, Seventh Branch monster...... 不愧是,第七科的怪物啊…… This is only my ability,” “这只是我的能力而已,” Rosie said with a smile, „, if were Officer Qin comes, waved to destroy the entire New York,” 罗茜笑道,“如果是秦警官來,挥手间可以毁灭整个纽约,” Heavens......” 天啊……” Yu Lei first time thought that own head is insufficient. 于磊第一次觉得,自己的脑袋不够用了。 Thing that many year of institutes study, thorough was subverted. 多少年所学的东西,都彻底的被颠覆。 The strength of person can reach this level. 人的力量可以达到这种水平吗。 That wants their army to be useful. 那要他们军队还有什么用啊。 The tightness is a strength of person, can compare favorably with a nuclear weapon. 紧紧是一个人的力量,就可以媲美一颗核武器了。 Was good, sees here, compared you also to understand, should lead you to go back,” “好了,就看到这里吧,相比你也明白了,该带你回去了,” Rosie was saying, grabs that Yu Lei, consumes for more than ten minutes, has flown back to Chinese Capital City. 罗茜说着,抓着那于磊,又耗费十多分钟,飞回了中国京都 Qin Chao just and ice Skill/KungFu that smokes in the office, out of the window shadow dodges, Rosie brought trembling Yu Lei to fall. 秦朝正和ice在办公室里抽烟的功夫,窗外黑影一闪,罗茜就已经带着瑟瑟发抖的于磊落了进來。 This attractive female police lose Yu Lei to, then clapped, returned to side Qin Chao. 这漂亮的女警察把于磊丢到一边去,然后拍拍手,回到了秦朝身边。 Has handled,” “搞定了,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Naturally, who you do not have a look at me are,” “当然,你也不看看我是谁,” Rosie has been throwing a meaningful coquettish look to Qin Chao, I am you most can doing female assistant,” 罗茜对着秦朝抛了一个意味深长的媚眼,“我可是你最能‘干’的女助手啊,” Officer Qin, I took,” “秦警官,我服了,” Really, Yu Lei in one side, deep breath two tones, as if in tranquil own mood. 果然,于磊在一旁,深呼吸两口气,似乎在平静自己的情绪。 Then looks at the Qin Chao look, has profound respect. 然后看着秦朝的眼神,肃然起敬。 Has you, I can feel relieved completely, I believe that even if were God came, cannot take away that valuable picture from here,” “有你们在,我就可以完全放心了,我相信,就算是上帝來了,也不能从这里拿走那副宝画,” This saying to a little crosses, the strength of God definitely exceeds the Golden Immortal time, must cope with him to be somewhat troublesome. 这话到是有点过,上帝的实力肯定超过金仙期,要对付他可有些麻烦。 Moreover, this picture is his personally seal, he should not have what problem, the seal good thing again gives to put. 而且,这幅画是他老人家亲自封印的,他应该沒有什么毛病,自己封印好的东西又再给放出來吧。 I said from the beginning did not have issue, you also suspected that this suspected that” “我一开始就说沒问題了,你还怀疑这怀疑那的,” ice cannot bear in side said that „the present believed that” ice忍不住在旁边说道,“现在相信了吧,” Has believed has believed......” “相信了相信了……” Yu Lei is somewhat still shaken. 于磊还是有些惊魂未定。 Tonight is too a little scary. 今晚有点太吓人了。 That well prepares, several days later will be the art exhibition, cannot have something go wrong absolutely,” “那就好好准备一下吧,过几天就是画展了,绝对不能出岔子,” ice said. ice说道。 Good,” “好,” Yu Lei nods, then hurries to slip out from the office. 于磊点点头,然后从办公室里赶忙溜了出去。 It is estimated that Rosie was too deep to the terrifying impression that he made, he really could not stay. 估计,罗茜给他留下的恐怖印象太深了,他实在是呆不下去了。 How you level his, looked that frightens him,” “你怎么摆平他的,看把他吓得,” Qin Chao is a little curious. 秦朝有点好奇。 Secret,” “秘密,” Rosie raises up a finger, swung swinging gently, „, moreover others virtuous young woman, how will frighten the person very much, Officer Qin,” 罗茜竖起一根手指头,轻轻摇了摇,“而且人家很淑女呢,怎么会吓唬人呢,秦警官,” Your female Devil returned the virtuous young woman. 得,你个女恶魔还淑女了。 My non- gentleman died. 那我不绅士死了。 In the Qin Chao heart has sneered. 秦朝心中冷笑了一声。 ice after Qin Chao came, relaxed at heart very much. ice在秦朝來了之后,心里已经很放松了。 At this time, he looked at two people, could not bear say one. 此时,他看了看两个人,忍不住说了一句。 Also is in any case bored in the evening, or our three three countries kill,” “反正晚上也无聊,要不咱们三个三国杀,” You want to play the three countries to kill are insane,” “你想玩三国杀想疯了吧,” Qin Chao white his eyes, how three people play, fight the landlord also almost,” 秦朝白了他一眼,“三个人怎么玩,斗地主还差不多,” That fights the landlord,” “那就斗地主,” ice was saying, turns around to put out playing cards from drawer. ice说着,转身从抽屉里拿出一副扑克來。 That Yu Lei is a blockhead, a meaning does not have,” “那于磊就是一木头,一点意思都沒有,” The Qin Chao heart said that you not. 秦朝心说,你就不是啊。 You did not fear that fight of landlords hold up the work,” “你不怕斗地主耽误工作,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 „, This will not have you,” “不会,这不是有你俩在呢么,” ice smiles, I am also worried about anything,” ice嘿嘿一笑,“我还担心什么,” This but actually is also,” “这倒也是,” Rosie has also opened the mouth, „, but, the young handsome fellow, plays the words of fight of landlords, must win anything, Bai Wan the words, I do not have the interest,” 罗茜也开口了,“不过,小帅哥,玩斗地主的话,是不是要赢点什么呢,白玩的话,我可是沒兴趣哦,” That one point 100 dollars,” “那就一分100块钱的吧,” ice looks like very cold, but is usually all right in online, has not played fight of landlords, might be considered as a master. ice看起來很冷,但平时自己沒事在网上,也沒玩斗地主,堪称是个高手。 He is the plan, tonight wins a money. 他是打算,今晚赢点钱。 Can win the Seventh Branch money, hey, said that was also honorable. 能赢第七科的钱,嘿嘿,说出去也光荣死了。 100 dollars......” “100块钱啊……” Rosie looked at ice one, actually, I want to win, is your soul......” 罗茜看了ice一眼,“其实,我更想赢得,是你的灵魂呢……” Em, 额, ice blinks, does not know that this female police are any meaning. ice眨眨眼睛,不知道这女警察是什么意思。 Qin Chao is very helpless. 秦朝十分无奈。 This female Devil, when is really cannot forget this. 这女恶魔,真是什么时候都忘不了这茬。 She is cracking a joke, we start,” “她在开玩笑,我们开始吧,” Playing yes, but there is a premise,” “玩是可以,不过有个前提,” ice said hastily first that everybody does not permit to attempt to pervert on the sign with own ability, normally plays cards, ok,” ice连忙先说道,“大家都不准用自己的能力在牌上做手脚,就是正常打牌,ok,” He knows the Qin Chao method, if he finds out thousand old, oneself die does not know how dead. 他知道秦朝的手段,要是他想出老千,自己死都不知道怎么死。 Ok,” “ok,” Qin Chao nods, when purely kills time. 秦朝点点头,纯粹当打发时间。 Good, suits me,” “好啊,正合我意,” Rosie still tenderly smiles again and again. 罗茜依然娇笑连连。 Three people sit down to start to play cards, quick, a moment ago also for own idea self-satisfied ice, this meeting is the full head cold sweat. 三个人坐下开始打牌,很快,刚才还为自己主意洋洋自得的ice,这会已经是满头的冷汗。 Has played these many, he has not won. 玩了这么多把,他就沒赢过。 Said accurately that Qin Chao has not won, is that female police is winning the sign. 准确的说,秦朝也沒赢过,都是那女警察一个劲的在赢牌。 How possible......” “怎么可能……” His complexion blanch, muttered, did not say, cannot use the ability......” 他脸色发白,喃喃自语,“不是说,不能动用能力的么……” I have not used the ability,” “我沒有动用能力啊,” Rosie blinks, you look, the signs of our three people in the hand, Xiang Huan are also impossible,” 罗茜眨眨眼睛,“你看,咱们三个人的牌都在手里,想换牌也是不可能的吧,” This but actually is also......” “这倒也是……” Precisely, I have not attempted to pervert on the sign yo,” “就是嘛,我可沒在牌上做过手脚呦,” Rosie smiles very happy. 罗茜笑的很欢。 Only then Qin Chao understands that this little girl indeed has not attempted to pervert on the sign. 只有秦朝明白,这妞的确沒在牌上做手脚。 She can completely understand the will of the people directly, at heart the one who knows ice to think is anything. 她直接就能看透人心,知道ice心里想的是什么。 Thinks at heart, naturally is the eye sees. 心里想的,自然就是眼睛看到的。 Xiang Ying, is not the easy matter. 想赢牌,还不是轻而易举的事情么。 Finally, lost could have tens of thousands, ice starts unable to sit still. 终于,输了能有几万块,ice开始坐不住了。 This may be he laboriously pays the hard-earned money that the duty makes. 这可都是他辛苦出任务赚來的血汗钱啊。 But he also embarrassed said does not play, after is raises. 但他又不好意思说不玩,毕竟是自己提起來的。 Fights any landlord with the Seventh Branch person...... 第七科的人斗什么地主啊…… This ice, really wants now maliciously fan own face. 这ice,现在真想狠狠地扇自己的脸。 Rosie has smiled suddenly. 罗茜忽然笑了起來。 She said that this, I can help yo. 她心里说道,这个,我可以帮忙呦。 When ice was worried own deposit enough, the Rosie brow selects suddenly, said to Qin Chao. 就在ice担心自己的存款够不够的时候,罗茜忽然眉头一挑,对秦朝说道。 Officer Qin, had a mousie to come,” “秦警官,有只小老鼠來了呢,” Um, I know,” “嗯,我知道,” Qin Chao makes j, then said that I have emitted the Luocha(Rakshasa) ghost about, we continue,” 秦朝打出一个j,然后道,“我已经放出罗刹鬼在左右了,咱们继续,” Good,” “那好吧,” Rosie continues to play a card, on k tube Qin Chao j. 罗茜继续出牌,k管上了秦朝的j。 ice also wants to ask, but listens to the expressions of two people, has put down the heart. ice本來还想问,但听两个人的语气,也就跟着放下了心來。 It seems like that some people stared at that treasure to draw, 看來,已经有人盯上了那宝画了,
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