MBT :: Volume #13

#1216: The women are not the weak ones

Chapter 1216 woman is not a weak one 第1216章女人不是弱者 Qin Chao has not expected, he has been denied entrance second. 秦朝也沒料到,他吃了第二个闭门羹。 Good, it seems like nobody needs me, I walk,” “那好吧,看來沒人需要我,那我还是走吧,” Qin Chao shrugs the arm, said. 秦朝耸了耸肩膀,说道。 Wait / Etc.,” “等等,” ice with being responsible for another senior official of this security, on the shoulder is going against the serviceman quarrel of major military rank. ice本來正在和负责这次安保的另一个长官,肩膀上顶着少校军衔的军人争吵。 Serviceman named Yu Lei, is the representative of military. 那军人名叫于磊,是军方的代表。 He is a crabby, moreover before going out , was the immediate superior has issued the written pledge to fulfill a military order. 他是个暴脾气,而且出门前,也是和顶头上司下了军令状。 Has his Yu Lei, this time security duty absolutely does not have the issue, if except for the issue, strikes off the military rolls him. 有他于磊在,这一次的安保任务就绝对沒问題,要是除了问題,就把他开除军籍。 His crabby, in army must for this reason a famous nickname, the torpedo. 他这暴脾气,为此在军队还得了个有名的外号,鱼雷。 He insisted that makes the military additionally appoint the armored vehicle, encircles around the art center. 他坚持让军方加派装甲车,围在艺术馆四周。 And, puts the moving type bomb on each channel place and ensure each channel cannot some people enter. 并且,在每一个通道处都放上触碰式炸弹,确保每个通道不会有人进入。 But ice thought this extremely. 但ice觉得这样太过了。 This valuable picture ships , a bigger significance displays to the people. 这一次宝画运來,更大的意义是给国人展出。 Moreover, makes with going to war, will definitely let the foreign media joke. 而且,弄的跟打仗似的,肯定会让外国媒体笑话。 Two people have own views, fry like a raging fire, the head of ice was big. 两个人各持己见,炒得如火如荼,ice的头都要大了。 But hears the voice of person, this ice immediately one startled, then on the face shows the joyful look, immediately has stood. 而听到门外人的声音,这ice顿时一惊,接着脸上露出欣喜的神色,立刻站了起來。 Mr. Qin, please enter quickly please enter quickly, oh, my this blurts out, do not mind,” “秦先生吧,快请进快请进,哎呀,我这破嘴,您别介意,” Yu Lei was also startled, this ice is the famous desolateness. 于磊也吃了一惊,这ice是有名的冷淡。 Even if the higher authority inspects, he is also this manner, cold, probably others have owed him 30,000 RMB. 就算是上级來检查,他也是这态度,冷冷的,好像别人欠了他30000块人民币似的。 Who this was came, can let him, as soon as changed the habit, so warmly welcome. 这是谁來了,能让他一改常态,如此热情地欢迎。 I also think that your ice does not welcome me,” “我还以为你ice不欢迎我呢,” Qin Chao stands in the entrance, the corners of the mouth is hanging the smiling face. 秦朝站在门口,嘴角挂着笑容。 How can...... Has you here, I happily without enough time...... However, you are anything dress up,” “怎么会呢……有你在这里,我高兴都來不及……不过,你这是什么打扮,” ice looks at Qin Chao police uniform. ice看着秦朝身上的警服。 I now am a maintenance public security People's Police,” “我现在是一个维护治安的人民警察,” Qin Chao straightened up the police hat of top of the head, said seriously that this piece, is my management scale,” 秦朝扶正了头顶的警帽,严肃地说道,“这一片,就是我的管理范围,” So that's how it is,” “原來如此,” ice understands that this is above gives the Qin Chao status. ice明白过來,这是上面给秦朝的身份。 After all, the Seventh Branch reputation was too big, where arrives at too high-sounding talk. 毕竟,第七科的名头太大了,到哪里都太高调。 Moreover this place, only then some talented people of government know that goes into action is not very convenient. 而且这个地方只有政府的一些人才知道,行动起來不是很方便。 The words of police, were better. 警察的话,就好了很多。 Who you are,” “你是谁,” Yu Lei asked in side. 于磊在旁边问道。 „, Was right, said that” “哦,对了,介绍一下,” ice said hastily that this is Yu Lei, the deputy company commander of Capital City military region Hong Jian brigade, military representative who these time moves,” ice连忙说道,“这位是于磊,京都军区红箭大队的副连长,这一次行动的军方代表,” Then, pointed at Qin Chao to say. 然后,又指着秦朝说。 This was Qin Chao, Officer Qin, was our public security head,” “这位是秦朝,秦警官,是我们这里的治安负责人,” Here does not need the police,” “这里不需要警察,” Yu Lei cold said that has my soldier here, even if a fly, cannot fly, Officer Qin, you can get off work to go home to drink tea,” 于磊冷冷地说道,“有我的士兵在这里,就算是一只苍蝇,都飞不进來,秦警官,你可以下班回家喝茶了,” „......” “……” Qin Chao looked at that Yu Lei one, has not thought that he has given himself for ice the denying entrance. 秦朝看了那于磊一眼,沒想到他替ice给了自己闭门羹了。 Yo, this soldier elder brother is very overbearing,” “呦,这位兵哥哥很霸道嘛,” At this time, stood in Qin Chao behind Rosie, suddenly walked, appeared in the front of three men, particularly pointed to the door, really has been full of the male spirit,” 这时候,站在秦朝身后的罗茜,突然走了出來,出现在三个男人的面前,“尤其是下逐客令的时候,真是充满了男子气概呢,” Who you are,” “你是谁,” Yu Lei saw the appearance that Rosie this monster flatters, cannot bear frowned. 于磊看到罗茜这妖媚的模样,忍不住就皱起了眉头。 The police not to be unclean, few good people. 都说警察队伍里不干净,果然,沒几个好人。 Some Qin Chao also headaches, early know that should not make Rosie act the police, comrade discredits to the police simply. 秦朝也有些头疼起來,早知道不该让罗茜扮演警察的,简直是给警察同志抹黑啊。 This is my assistant, Rosie, Officer Luo,” “这是我的助理,罗茜,罗警员,” Qin Chao said hastily. 秦朝连忙说道。 You, but also wants to protect this art center,” “就你们两个,还想保护这座艺术馆么,” Yu Lei cannot bear the satire say that catches your thieves, here does not need you,” 于磊忍不住讽刺道,“还是去抓你们的小偷吧,这里不需要你们,” Words cannot say that” “话不能这么说吧,” Rosie said that I know your soldier elder brothers are fierce, but should not look down upon us, how you know that we are not good,” 罗茜却说道,“我知道你们兵哥哥是厉害,但也不应该看不起我们吧,你怎么就知道,我们就不行呢,” I know certainly,” “我当然知道,” Yu Lei has taken a look at her and Qin Chao several eyes up and down, on your this physiques, let alone has defended, I can take down your 78,” 于磊上下打量了她和秦朝几眼,“就你们这体格,别说保卫了,我一个人能放倒你们78个,” the ice look one becomes very strange, why it is estimated that he is knows, but had not said. ice的眼神一下变得很怪异,估计他是知道为啥,但却沒说。 Qin Chao is the Seventh Branch person, in the past in the desert, fought with one group of monsters, was safe and sound, but also hit that group of monsters like mad. 秦朝第七科的人,当年在沙漠的时候,和一群妖怪打起來,都安然无恙,还把那群妖怪打的要死要活的。 Really,” “真的,” Rosie actually tenderly smiles, covers mouth, too beautiful to behold. 罗茜却娇笑起來,捂着嘴,美不胜收。 At that moment, the Yu Lei look also somewhat straightens, but quick drew. 那一刻,于磊的眼神也有些发直,但很快就收拢了回來。 „To use the badger game,” “想用美人计,” The Yu Lei heart said one do not eat this set. 于磊心说自己不吃这一套。 You did not have this qualifications,” “你还沒有这个资格,” Rosie has actually smiled one, I suspected actually, your I can hit, is an issue,” 罗茜却笑了一声,“我倒是怀疑,你连我能不能打的过,都是个问題,” Ha Ha,” “哈哈,” Yu Lei laughs, this is my this whole life, has listened to funniest laughing,” 于磊哈哈大笑,“这是我这辈子,听过最好笑的笑话了,” He looked at Qin Chao, this has not thought that Officer Qin, your female assistant so was humorous,” 他看了看秦朝,“这沒想到,秦警官,你的女助手还这么幽默,” I also think very humorous,” “我也觉得很幽默,” Qin Chao nods, then turns the head to look at Rosie, you determined that you must bully him,” 秦朝点点头,然后转头看着罗茜,“你确定你要欺负他,” Em, 额, Yu Lei received the smiling face, looks that does not know why said this saying Qin Chao. 于磊收住了笑容,看着不知道为什么说这话的秦朝 This male police officer, the head was also kicked by the donkey. 这个男警官,脑袋也被驴踢了。 The police have studied Skill/KungFu, but can compare with the regular soldier. 警察是学过一点功夫,但能和正规的士兵比么。 Moreover oneself are the Hong Jian brigade family background, a skill that studies, is used to kill people. 而且自己是红箭大队出身,学的一身本事,是用來杀人的。 Copes with several police, is not the easy matter. 对付几个警察,不是轻而易举的事情么。 You are cracking a joke,” “你们在开什么玩笑,” The Yu Lei complexion is not quite attractive, this is the serious matter, you at that time at entertainment,” 于磊脸色不太好看,“这是严肃的事情,你们难道当时在娱乐嘛,” If here has stolen and so on matter, is the public security case,” “如果这里发生失窃之类的事情,那么就是治安案件,” Qin Chao a hat of top of the head, said that „, since is the public security case, is my responsibility . Moreover, I believe that you are not the match of my female assistant,” 秦朝正了一下头顶的帽子,说道,“既然是治安案件,那么就是我的责任,而且,我认为,你不是我女助手的对手,” Nonsense,” “胡扯,” Yu Lei thinks really a fist wipes out the Qin Chao hat, has to plant you and I hits, making a woman come, is any skill, you are shaming me,” 于磊真想一拳把秦朝的帽子打掉,“有种你和我打一场,让一个女人來,算什么本事,你在羞辱我吗,” I told the facts, you must fight with me, first fought with her, because, I compared with her,” “我只是实话实说而已,你要和我打,就得和她先打,因为,我比她强,” You naturally compared with her, because you is a man,” “你当然比她强,因为你是个男人,” The Yu Lei anger said. 于磊怒道。 You are looking down upon our women,” “你这是瞧不起我们女人么,” The eye of Rosie, has narrowed the eyes suddenly, looks at opposite Yu Lei. 罗茜的眼睛,忽然眯了起來,看着对面的于磊 I said is also fact,” “我说的也是事实,” Yu Lei supports the chest saying that man inborn is a soldier,” 于磊挺着胸膛说道,“男人天生就是战士,” Good, such being the case, that tries,” “好吧,既然如此,那就试试吧,” Rosie has been cancelling the finger to Yu Lei, I will make you know that our two, who is the genuine soldier,” 罗茜对着于磊勾了勾手指,“我会让你知道,咱们两个,谁才是真正的战士,” I do not begin with the woman,” “我不和女人动手,” Yu Lei actually shakes the head to say. 于磊却摇头道。 Has not related, I and you began to be good,” “沒关系,我和你动手就行了,” Rosie smiled one tenderly, personal appearance has pasted suddenly. 罗茜娇笑一声,身形忽然贴了上去。 Meanwhile, her fist has gripped, strikes maliciously to the rib of that Yu Lei. 同时,她拳头攥了起來,狠狠击向那于磊的肋骨。 This is you brings upon oneself,” “这是你自找的,” Yu Lei facial color one cold, prepares making the dislocation the arm of this woman, gives her to select the color to have a look. 于磊面色一寒,准备把这女人的胳膊给弄脱臼,给她点颜色看看。 Saying, his footsteps was proceeding one wrong, then a hand lightning same held the Rosie wrist|skill, another hand held her arm, then took advantage of opportunity turns. 说着,他脚步往前一错,接着一只手闪电一样抓住了罗茜的手腕,另一只手抓住她的胳膊,然后顺势一扭。 This turns, can the bone making the dislocation absolutely. 这一扭,绝对能把骨头给弄错位。 But the arm of that female police, is similar to the steel and iron is the same, makes Yu Lei not break off actually. 但那女警察的手臂,却如同钢铁一样,硬是让于磊沒掰动。 But her fist, has actually pounded, hits on own chest. 而她的拳头,却还是捣了过來,撞在自己的胸口上。 Bang,” “砰,” The heart has contracted fiercely. 心脏剧烈地收缩了一下。 The pupil of Yu Lei enlarges instantaneously. 于磊的瞳孔瞬间放大。 That flash, his heart stopped the beat. 那一瞬间,他的心脏停止了跳动。 Yu Lei experienced death flavor. 于磊体验到了死亡的味道。 This flavor, does not feel better absolutely. 这味道,绝对不好受。 He as if has walked randomly a fist in underground spring Hell, faints is very long on the ground, has opened the eye. 他仿佛在黄泉地府游走了一拳,晕倒在地上很久,才睁开了眼睛。 But at this time, he was looking at the Rosie look, became terror. 而这时候,他在看罗茜的眼神,已经变得十分的恐怖。 This woman...... Cannot annoy. 这个女人……不能惹。 I have said that you are not her match,” “我说过了,你不是她的对手的,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders in the one side, you do not believe that” 秦朝在一旁耸耸肩膀,“偏偏你不信,” How possible......” “怎么可能……” On the face of Yu Lei is cold sweat, I, how I will defeat by a woman......” 于磊的脸上都是冷汗,“我,我怎么会被一个女人打败……” Woman, there is side that you cannot think,” “女人,也有你想不到的一面,” Rosie looks at Yu Lei exhaltedly, this deputy company commander, has not restored the ability to act now. 罗茜居高临下地看着于磊,这个副连长,现在还沒恢复行动能力。 Indeed, he is a very formidable special troop, but is actually to the average person. 的确,他是个很强大的特种兵,但却是对普通人而言。 But Rosie is female Devil, is not humanity, naturally is not the special troop can cope. 罗茜是女恶魔,已经不是人类,自然不是特种兵可以对付的了的。 But possibly is hitting in these fellows of black and white hell idea, has is not the person of humanity. 而可能打着黑白地狱主意的那些家伙里,也有着很多不是人类的人。 These people, are not Yu Lei and his soldier, can cope. 这些人,不是于磊和他手下的士兵,可以对付的了的。 Good, I feel to be sorry for my beforehand prejudice,” “好吧,我为我之前的偏见而感到抱歉,” Although Yu Lei a little Pride, but is actually a very happy person. 于磊虽然有点傲慢,但却是个很痛快的人。 Knows one are inferior to the person, immediately starts to be respectful to Qin Chao and Rosie two people. 知道自己不如人,顿时对秦朝罗茜两个人开始恭敬起來。 My senior official has told me, outside the person has the person, one should always strive for better, today, I calculate that knew thoroughly, perhaps putting out a hand of this Officer Qin, is not very ordinary,” “我的长官一直告诉我,人外有人,天外有天,今天,我算彻底知道了,恐怕这位秦警官的伸手,也很不一般吧,” Actually our two both are not the police,” “其实我们两个都不是警察,” The opposite party is polite, Qin Chao is also polite, he smiled, said that I am the Seventh Branch person, she is not an average person,” 对方客气,秦朝也就客气,他笑了笑,说道,“我是第七科的人,她也不是一般人,” Seventh Branch,” 第七科,” Yu Lei has profound respect instantaneously. 于磊瞬间肃然起敬。 I go, I must early know that you are the Seventh Branch people, did not handle the matter of this bringing contempt upon oneself,” “我去,我要早知道你们是第七科的人,就不做这种自取其辱的事情了,” He said that you grasped the special strength person, is not our average people can compare favorably,” 他说道,“你们都是掌握了特别力量的人,不是我们普通人可以媲美的,” Indeed, therefore a little bullied you a moment ago,” “的确,所以刚才有点欺负你了,” Is all right, does not hit is not acquainted,” “沒事沒事,不打不相识,” Yu Lei shakes the head, „, if not this, I cannot understand your abilities,” 于磊摇摇头,“如果不是这样的话,我也不能了解你们的能力,” Then has them, you should also feel relieved,” “这下有他俩,你也该放心了吧,” ice said in side that does not need to make any armored vehicle, coming of blasting explosive, such too has exaggerated, who also catches up to come to see the display,” ice在旁边说道,“就不用弄什么装甲车,又炸药的进來了吧,那样太夸张了,谁还赶來看展览啊,” „It is not good,” “不行,” Yu Lei actually still shakes the head, I acknowledged that they strive to excel compared with the average person on many, but I do not believe that they can compared with resulting in the armored vehicle and blasting explosive,” 于磊却依然摇摇头,“我承认他们两个比普通人要强上很多,但我不认为,他们能比得过装甲车和炸药,” I and you pledged, their functions, compared with the armored vehicles and blasting explosive strong hundred times,” “我和你发誓,他们的作用,要比装甲车和炸药强百倍,” I only believe my eye, own general knowledge,” “我只相信自己的眼睛,还有自己的常识,” Yu Lei in this regard, specially tenacious. 于磊在这一点上,特别的固执。 That is what kind, you can believe that” “那要怎么样,你才能相信呢,” Rosie asked suddenly. 罗茜忽然问道。 At least makes me see that I can believe that” “起码让我看到,我才能相信,” You determined,” “你确定,” I determined,” “我确定,” Such being the case...... Good,” “既然如此……那好吧,” Rosie has smiled suddenly, that smiling face Qin Chao watches, immediately thinks the whole body to feel cold, 罗茜忽然笑了起來,那笑容秦朝看在眼里,立刻觉得浑身发冷,
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