MBT :: Volume #13

#1215: I am police

Chapter 1215 I am police 第1215章我是警察 The words that Rosie spoke, making Qin Chao swallow the saliva. 罗茜说的话,让秦朝吞了吞口水。 This female Devil, is really bold. 这女恶魔,果然是大胆的很。 Still does in the police vehicle...... Owes coming out that she thinks. 还在警车里干……亏她想的出來。 She can each time desire that oneself pull up - fire burns - body, then on without a trace of running. 每次她都是能把自己撩的欲-火焚-身,然后就跑的无影无踪。 Amitabha, Diamond Sutra Diamond Sutra. 阿弥陀佛,金刚经金刚经 One cannot on again her working as. 自己可不能再上她的当了。 Qin Chao is meditating Diamond Sutra, can throw away finally own desire - looked. 秦朝默念着金刚经,总算能甩脱掉自己的欲-望了。 You look at your eye, started to emit the flame,” “你看你的眼睛,已经开始冒出火焰了呢,” Rosie was saying, jumps to own police vehicle by, by above, bent the waist gently, that splits in the front piece of neckband, immediately reveals her front snow white. 罗茜说着,跳到自己的警车旁边,靠在上面,轻轻弯下腰來,那叉开领口的衣襟里,顿时露出她胸前的雪白。 Meanwhile, from behind pulls out a handcuff, shook shaking before the body. 同时,从身后掏出一副手铐,在身前晃了晃。 Officer Qin, how you wants to interrogate others......” “秦警官,你想怎么审问人家呢……” Rosie makes this gesture, immediately gave to break Qin Chao Diamond Sutra. 罗茜做出这副姿态,顿时把秦朝刚才的金刚经都给打破了。 Paternal grandmother, read half-day, such Bai Nian. 奶奶的,念了半天的经,就这么白念了。 Officer Qin......” “秦警官……” Eldest sister, I complied to lead you to go, do not gang up with me again good,” “大姐,我都答应带你去了,你就不要再來勾搭我了好不好,” Qin Chao must kneel begs for mercy. 秦朝要跪地求饶了。 Rosie this set, he was eats to suffice. 罗茜这一套,他算是吃够了。 „It is not good...... Where others have to gang up with you, but thought you,” “不好嘛……人家哪里有勾搭你,只是想你了嘛,” Rosie was saying, has thrown a coquettish look to Qin Chao. 罗茜说着,对秦朝抛了个媚眼。 Yes yes yes, you thought me......” 是是是,你想我了……” Qin Chao nods again and again, great-aunt, we should embark,” 秦朝连连点头,“姑奶奶,咱们该出发了,” Ok, Officer Qin, others drove to you,” “ok,秦警官,人家给你开车,” Saying, Rosie has pulled open back seat the vehicle door, Officer Qin, please board,” 说着,罗茜拉开了后座了车门,“秦警官,请上车吧,” This female assistant, is good. 这女助理,多好啊。 Attractive, will drive...... The key is, but also is competent. 漂亮,会开车……关键是,还能干。 Bah, where was competent, Qin Chao knew her several years, cannot eat this female Devil. 呸,哪里能干了,秦朝认识她几年了,也沒能吃了这女恶魔 This female Devil, seems like very profligate, is actually keeping. 这女恶魔,看似很放荡,其实保守着呢。 How has a few words to mention, under profligate semblance, what actually conceals is the conservative innermost feelings. 有一句话是怎么说來着,放荡的外表下,其实掩饰的是保守的内心。 Officer Qin, come,” “秦警官,來呀,” Saw that Qin Chao is in a daze slightly, Rosie cannot bear cover mouth smiles, said to Qin Chao. 看到秦朝微微发愣,罗茜忍不住捂嘴一笑,对秦朝道。 Came to come,” “來了來了,” Qin Chao walked, sits to the car(riage). 秦朝屁颠屁颠地走了过去,坐到车中。 Preparation, we embarked,” “准备,我们出发了哈,” Rosie also sits to the car(riage), started the vehicle. 罗茜也坐到车中,发动了车子。 Chen Jiantao, English named lucs. 陈建涛,英文名叫lucs。 Mentioned Chen Jiantao or lucs, possibly few people know that who this was. 提起陈建涛或者lucs,可能很少有人知道这是谁。 But if mentioned the night demon, perhaps the police of this Capital City city, will be surprised. 但如果说起夜魔的话,恐怕这京都市的警方,都会大吃一惊了。 The night demon, is internationally the illustrious flying apsaras thief. 夜魔,乃是国际上赫赫有名的飞天大盗。 Legend, the goods that so long as had a liking for by him, did not have one to escape from his evil clutches. 传说,只要被他看上的物品,就沒有一个能逃脱得了他的魔掌。 This time, the night demon arrives at Capital City is, with his keen sense of smell. 这一次,夜魔來到京都是,是跟着他那灵敏的嗅觉。 Master, that «Black and White Paradise», will be transported to the art center really displays,” “师父,那副《黑白天堂》,真的会被运到艺术馆展览吗,” In Chen Jiantao side, with an age approximately 16,7 -year-old young boy. 陈建涛的旁边,跟着一个年纪约16,7岁大的小男孩。 This boy called Xiao Xin, did not have other names, was the orphan of Chen Jiantao adoption, and apprentice. 这个男孩叫小鑫,沒有其他的名字,是陈建涛收养的孤儿,兼徒弟。 Is an international thief, always has that day of old washing the hands. 身为一个国际大盗,总有年迈洗手的那一天。 But this skill cannot discard, must inherit. 而这身本事不能丢掉,总要传承下去。 Xiao Xin, is disciple that Chen Jiantao regards as important. 小鑫,就是陈建涛看重的弟子 He is intelligent, the skeleton is unusual, is a promising young talent. 他聪明伶俐,骨骼奇特,是个可造之才。 Right, I have many news ways,” “沒错,我有很多消息途径,” Chen Jiantao nods, walked before the window, since carries own notebook, opens to look to own apprentice. 陈建涛点点头,从窗口前走了回來,拎起自己的笔记本电脑,打开來给自己的徒弟看。 This picture, it may be said that is priceless, your master planned to make this, went straight, when the time comes, bought a villa to Canada, took care of the natural lifespan, then taught you this skill with single-hearted devotion,” “这一幅画,可谓是价值连城,你师父打算做了这一笔,就洗手不干了,到时候,到加拿大买个别墅,颐养天年,然后把这本本事专心教你,” Master was so young must retire,” “师父这么年轻就要退休了啊,” Xiao Xin cannot bear the feeling, that has been a pity, night demon name must forget,” 小鑫忍不住感慨,“那太可惜了,夜魔这个名字要被人遗忘了呢,” Cannot,” “不会的,” Chen Jiantao shakes the head, I had retired, is inherited this name by you,” 陈建涛摇摇头,“等我退休了,就由你來继承这个名字,” Real,” “真的么,” Xiao Xin is somewhat excited, I, I will certainly try hard, will not disappoint master,” 小鑫有些激动,“我,我一定会努力的,不会辜负师父的期望,” He is happy, because he knows that night demon name, means anything. 他非常开心,因为他知道,夜魔这个名字,意味着什么。 Many police, hear these two characters, having a big shock that can frighten. 多少警察,听到这两个字,都会吓的大惊失色。 The night demon, does not have the shade not to have the trace, is the nighttime devil. 夜魔,來无影去无踪,是黑夜里的魔鬼。 By artware that he steals, countless. 被他盗走的艺术品,不计其数。 Regarding their these international thieves, night demon name, is not only a symbol, plants the glory. 对于他们这些国际大盗來说,夜魔这个名字,不仅仅是个象征,还是种荣耀。 But, this time possibly is in my entire life, the most difficult duty,” “不过,这一次可能是我生平中,最难的一次任务,” Chen Jiantao was saying, arrives at window, to the powerful telescope, is looking at the opposite that art center. 陈建涛说着,又走到窗户边,对着高倍望远镜,望着对面的那座艺术馆。 This time valuable picture, is directly related with the unfriendliness of during technique, therefore, the Chinese government definitely will defend this art center is the same with the iron bucket,” “这一次的宝画,直接关系到中法的友好,所以,中国政府肯定会把这艺术馆守的跟铁桶一样,” He said that while is pointing at behind notebook. 他一边说,一边指着身后的笔记本。 On that is reappearing the dissection chart of art center. 那上面,正浮现着艺术馆的一幅解剖图。 You look above, has mark that I mark, the red point position, is the monitoring equipment of art center,” “你看上面,有我标记的符号,红点的位置,就是艺术馆的监控设备,” I go, many,” “我去,好多啊,” Xiao Xin looks at that construction dissection chart, cannot bear be flabbergasted. 小鑫看着那建筑解剖图,忍不住咋舌。 In addition security guard system, if you, where you will choose enter,” “加上警卫系统,如果是你的话,你会选择从哪里进入,” Well......” “唔……” Xiao Xin looked, is pointing at an above position, said that I from the underground water pipe, close art center, will then enter a building hall, from the fire protection channel to two buildings, takes away the valuable picture,” 小鑫看了看,然后指着上面的一个位置,说道,“我会从地下水管,接近艺术馆,然后进入一楼大厅,从防火通道上到二楼,拿走宝画,” Idea is very good, but was a pity that will be defeated,” “主意是很不错,但可惜还是会失败,” Chen Jiantao has smiled, looks own that somewhat depressed apprentice, „, if I have not expected wrong, here each launching channel, will be monitored strictly, after all, this valuable picture will only display for day, in surrounding for these days, will definitely strengthen all monitoring, the tunnel, naturally will not let off,” 陈建涛笑了起來,看着自己那有些沮丧的徒弟,“如果我沒料错的话,这里的每一条下水通道,都会被严格监控起來,毕竟,这一副宝画只会展览一天,在周围这几天,肯定会加强所有的监控,地道的话,自然也不会被放过,” What to do that should, Master,” “那该怎么办呢,师父,” I will choose from airborne enter,” “我会选择从空中进入,” Chen Jiantao smiles, the telescope looks at the place above of art center, in that tonight, I begins from there,” 陈建涛笑起來,望远镜看着艺术馆的上方,“就在那,今天夜里,我就从那里动手,” „, From airborne...... Can be too conspicuous,” “啊,从空中……会不会太显眼了,” Xiao Xin is looking at the art center in out of the window, around there has the searchlight to take a fast look around. 小鑫望着窗外的艺术馆,那里四周都有探照灯在扫视。 I observed the rule of that searchlight inspection,” “我已经观察出了那探照灯巡视的规律,” Chen Jiantao actually smiles, has a route, within five minutes, will not have the light to sweep, in these five minutes, enough I fell to the opposite went,” 陈建涛却笑起來,“有一个路线,在五分钟之内,不会有灯光扫过,这五分钟里,就足够我落到对面去了,” „It was good, worthily is the master,” “太棒了,不愧是师父,” Um, meets you here to defend, after I enter the art center, you enter to that side well shutter, when I steal the valuable picture, will throw it to the well shutter, you meet below on the line,” “嗯,一会你就在这里守着,等我进入艺术馆之后,你就进入到那边的井盖下面,等我偷完宝画,就会把它丢到井盖里,你在下面接好就行,” Knows that” “知道啦,” Good, we start to get ready,” “好,我们开始准备,” After Chen Jiantao told, two people started the tonight's preparation motion immediately. 陈建涛吩咐之后,两个人立刻开始了今晚的准备行动。 Now the Tianbao picture ships, should be a day that the defense relaxes. 今天宝画运來,应该是防卫最松弛的一天。 To steal the picture, only then this opportunity. 想要偷画,就只有这个机会了。 But at this moment, Qin Chao police vehicle, has arrived at downstairs the art center. 而此时此刻,秦朝的警车,也开到了艺术馆楼下。 Parking,” “停车,” Has not waited for the car(riage) to open, a row of fully-armed soldier, has blocked in front of the police vehicle. 沒等车开进去,一排荷枪实弹的士兵,已经拦在了警车面前。 And a soldier of senior official appearance puts out a hand, has been wielding wielding to the car(riage) in person. 其中一个长官模样的士兵伸出手來,对着车里的人挥了挥。 Please get out to accept the inspection,” “请下车接受检查,” Defense is very tight,” “防卫还挺紧的,” Qin Chao clothes changed had already made the police uniform, he walked from the car(riage), was saying to that soldier that I was Officer Qin, was ordered to keep here peace,” 秦朝身上的衣服早就变做了警服,他从车里走了出來,对着那士兵说道,“我是秦警官,受命來维持这里的治安的,” The soldier looks that a man of wear police uniform comes out from the car(riage), first respected a ritual. 那士兵看着一个穿着警服的男人从车里出來,先是敬了一个礼。 Please show your credential,” “请出示您的证件,” Has the Seventh Branch credential, but the present is the status of police. 只有第七科的证件,但自己现在是警察的身份。 Credential goes out sharply, forgot to bring, you informed your heads, he knew me,” “证件出门急,忘带了,你去通知一下你们的负责人,他认识我,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Sorry, does not have the credential, cannot enter,” “对不起,沒有证件,不能进入,” The soldiers said strictly. 士兵却严格地说道。 The typical authentication does not recognize people. 典型的认证不认人。 This......” “这……” Qin Chao is somewhat awkward, the heart said that must telephone to Liu Chang. 秦朝有些为难,心说要不要给刘畅打个电话。 But at this time, wore the police uniform, Rosie of heroic spirit actually went down the car(riage), said. 而这时候,穿着警服,一身英气的罗茜却走下车來,说道。 Officer Qin, your credential has placed here,” “秦警官,你的证件放在了我这里,” Saying, she pulls out two police officers to prove, gives the opposite soldier. 说着,她掏出两枚警官证,递给对面的士兵。 This is our credentials,” “这是我们的证件,” The soldier has checked the credential, nods, does not have the issue, please enter,” 那士兵检查了证件,点点头,“沒有问題,请进,” Qin Chao somewhat surprisedly looked at Rosie one. 秦朝有些惊讶地看了罗茜一眼。 Rosie returned to a Qin Chao charming look. 罗茜回了秦朝一个妩媚的眼神。 Na Ying was mad vigorous female police officer a moment ago, in the Qin Chao eye, became the uniform has tempted immediately - was puzzled. 刚才那英气勃勃的女警官,在秦朝眼中,顿时又成了制服诱-惑。 Rosie that look meaning is very obvious, she seemed saying. 罗茜那眼神意思很明显,她仿佛在说。 Look, I am effective. 看,我还是很管用的吧。 Passed the first pass/test, Qin Chao and Rosie two people, raises legs to walk toward the art center. 过了第一关,秦朝罗茜两个人,抬腿向着艺术馆走去。 Later does not need to check any credential again, the soldier of art center entrance has not blocked Qin Chao, but looked at his police uniform, then no longer says a word. 之后就不需要再检查什么证件了,艺术馆门口的士兵也沒有拦下秦朝,只是看了一眼他身上的警服,便不再做声。 Two people entered art center, inside is dispersing the security guard. 两个人一路进了艺术馆,里面都分散着警卫。 „, Here head ice where,” “请问一下,这里的负责人ice在哪里,” Qin Chao holds on a security guard, asked. 秦朝拉住一个警卫,问道。 Three buildings, on staircase Zuo Guai, 301 are,” “三楼,上楼梯左拐,301就是,” The security guard said. 那警卫说道。 Thanks,” “谢谢,” Qin Chao under gaze of one group of security guards, on the three buildings in art center. 秦朝在一群警卫的注视下,上了艺术馆的三楼。 Here made, but also is really a three post. 这里弄得,还真是三步一岗啊。 It seems like that this time, Skill/KungFu under government is enough big. 看來,这一次,政府下的功夫可是够大的。 „, The person are really many,” “啧啧,人真多,” Rosie is also in a low voice said near the Qin Chao ear that such strict defense, I estimated that even if I want to start, must spend Skill/KungFu,” 罗茜也是低声在秦朝耳边道,“这么严密的防卫,我估计,就算我想下手,也得费一番的功夫啊,” You can start,” “你能下手,” Qin Chao smiles, I here, who can start,” 秦朝嘿嘿一笑,“我在这里,有谁能下手,” Ahem, brandishes fights, I possibly am not your match,” “哼哼,抡起打架,我可能不是你的对手,” Rosie is not convinced said that „, but mentioned makes the words of misdemeanor...... You can compare with me,” 罗茜不服气地说道,“但说起做坏事的话……你能和我比么,” You have done any misdemeanor,” “你都做过什么坏事啊,” Qin Chao is very curious. 秦朝很好奇。 Did not say that said that your this police kaoliang should catch others,” “不说,说了,你这个警察蜀黍该把人家抓起來了,” Rosie shakes the head, then said prettily that when the time comes, you should get up others handcuffs, handle some badly bad matter......” 罗茜摇摇头,然后娇滴滴地说道,“到时候,你该把人家铐起來,做一些坏坏的事情了……” I go, you said was too a little evil,” “我去,你说的有点太邪恶了,” Because we from the start are the evil people,” “因为我们压根就都是邪恶的人嘛,” Rosie smiles tenderly again and again, „, therefore, does not need to conceal,” 罗茜娇笑连连,“所以,不需要掩饰,” Good......” “好吧……” Qin Chao announced that he defeated by Rosie. 秦朝宣布,他被罗茜打败了。 A row of soldier is dumbfounded, these two people, have a fun time, where likely is the People's Police. 一排士兵目瞪口呆,这两个人,笑笑闹闹的,哪里像是人民警察啊。 Naturally, they are not the police. 当然,他俩本來就不是警察。 Arrives at 301 entrances time, the gate of room unlatched. 來到301门口的时候,房间的门是虚掩的。 The Qin Chao very much politeness knocked on a door. 秦朝还是很礼貌地敲了敲门。 Exits, I do not have the time to see anybody,” “出去,我沒时间见任何人,” In the room, actually broadcasts the ice that cold sound, 屋子里,却传來ice那冷冷的声音,
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