MBT :: Volume #13

#1229: Dares to occupy me to be cheap

Chapter 1229 dares to occupy me to be cheap 第1229章敢占我便宜 Although two Archangel simultaneously were liberated, but that Black and White Paradise has actually preserved. 虽然两个大天使长同时被解放,但那副黑白天堂却保存了下來。 Qin Chao also calculates relaxed for this reason, if this drew the issue, he does not know how should and Liu Chang confesses. 秦朝也算为此松了一口气,如果这画出了问題,他可不知道该怎么和刘畅交代了。 On Skill/KungFu that oneself smoke, had such big matter. 就自己抽根烟的功夫,就发生了这么大的事情。 It seems like that oneself should use judgment to stop smoking. 看來,自己该酌情戒烟了啊。 Shang Luo delivers, Li Na they have lain down in the hospital. 商洛送回來的时候,李娜他们已经躺在了医院里。 The picture grasped, but the matter makes is not small. 画抱住了,但事情闹得也不小。 The government does not have the means that finally has to announce to the outside that is in the art center the gas leakage, has caused the stupors of numerous person. 政府沒有办法,最后不得不对外宣布,是艺术馆内煤气泄漏,导致了众多人的昏迷。 Li Na they, has to stay in hospital for two days, had been inspected forcefully for two days, gave to put. 李娜他们,也不得不在医院多呆了两天,被强行检查了两天,才给放了出來。 Qin Chao was also worried after Li Na spirit has radiated, will have any repercussions, does not have gives to meet being out of hospital her forcefully. 秦朝也担心李娜中了精神辐射后,会有什么后遗症,也就沒强行把她给接出院。 But after he almost another matter looking at brain, until receiving the Wang Yuan call, has thought. 而他差点把另一件事给望到脑后,直到接到王鸳的电话,才想了起來。 Qin Chao, the hotel I subscribed, in Tuanjie Lake that tempted hot - was puzzled,” 秦朝,饭店我订好了,就在团结湖那的麻辣诱-惑,” Um, good, I knew,” “嗯,好,我知道了,” Qin Chao puts down the telephone, sees to lie down on the hospital bed, is winking a bright and intelligent big eye, is staring at own Li Na, smiled. 秦朝放下电话,看到躺在病床上,眨着一双水汪汪大眼睛,盯着自己的李娜,笑了笑。 Is your Wang Yuan Senior Sister......” “是你王鸳学姐……” I know that big brother Qin,” “我知道的,秦大哥,” Li Na some round of cool small hands, according to the mouth of Qin Chao, does not need to explain that with me, I believe you,” 李娜把有些发凉的小手,按在秦朝的嘴上,“不用和我解释的,我相信你,” Shang Luo that side accompanies together showed the whites of the eyes. 旁边一起陪同的商洛翻了个白眼。 You early did not know, Wang Yuan looks for Qin Chao is because the matter in business. 切,你不是早知道了,王鸳秦朝是因为生意上的事。 Li Na as if knows that Shang Luo is despising itself, another hand has pinched hastily secretly nearby Shang Luo. 李娜似乎知道商洛在鄙视自己,另一只手连忙偷偷掐了一下旁边的商洛 Oh my,” 哎呦,” The Shang Luo arm eats the pain, called one. 商洛胳膊吃痛,叫了一声。 How,” “怎么了,” Qin Chao has not noted the Li Na petty action, looks to call out in alarm Shang Luo. 秦朝沒注意到李娜的小动作,看着惊呼一声的商洛 Is it possible that after Michael takes possession, this Shang Luo has any repercussions to be inadequate. 莫非米迦勒附体之后,这商洛有什么后遗症不成。 Is all right, your small family Li Na is planning to silence a witness of crime, therefore I violent treachery,” “沒事沒事,你家小李娜正打算杀人灭口,所以我惨遭毒手了,” Shang Luo complained hastily. 商洛连忙诉苦。 Anything silences a witness of crime,” “什么杀人灭口,” Li Na stared Shang Luo several, do not talk nonsense,” 李娜瞪了商洛好几眼,“你可别瞎说,” One do not want to make any abdomen black impression on big brother Qin. 自己可不想给秦大哥留下什么腹黑的印象啊。 She in big brother Qin Chao, is an obedient female. 她在秦朝大哥心里,可是个乖乖女。 Um, must become big brother Qin obedient female for a lifetime. 嗯,要当秦大哥一辈子的乖乖女嘛。 Good good, when my anything has not said that” “好吧好吧,当我什么都沒说过,” Shang Luo shakes the head hastily, starts to play the fool. 商洛连忙摇摇头,开始装傻。 She may know the Li Na temperament, if got angry, oneself may have bad luck. 她可知道李娜的脾气,要是真发火了,自己可都倒霉了。 She can near her ear, talk incessantly one all day. 她能在自己耳朵边上,唠叨个一整天。 When the time comes, not bothersome dead ear also long cocoon. 到时候,不烦死耳朵也长茧了。 Snort,” “哼,” Li Na has turned head, does not look in own boudoir the close friend. 李娜扭过头去,不看自己的闺中密友。 Good, do not quarrel, Small Nana is still recuperating, Shang Luo do not annoy her,” “好了好了,你们两个不要吵了嘛,小娜娜还在养病,商洛你就不要惹她了嘛,” Is unfair, big brother Qin, is unfair,” “不公平啊,秦大哥,太不公平了,” Shang Luo shouts hastily, I am not the body am uncomfortable, you cannot such be partial,” 商洛连忙嚷道,“我不也是身体不舒服嘛,你不能这么偏向的呀,” Shang Luo took possession first day later , the stupor, has otherwise not been able to stay with Li Na in the hospital. 商洛被附体第一天之后,也昏迷了一阵,要不然不能和李娜一起呆在医院里。 cough cough, that anything, I walked first, you chatted slowly,” 咳咳,那什么,我先走了,你俩慢慢聊,” Qin Chao coughs hastily two, sets out to walk. 秦朝连忙干咳两声,起身就要走。 Snort, your couple forms a partnership to bully me,” “哼,你们两口子合伙欺负我,” Shang Luo groans two, Li Na starts to roar oneself best friend to be happy in side. 商洛哼哼两声,李娜在旁边开始哄自己闺蜜开心。 Qin Chao does not like and others, he said good-bye Li Na and Shang Luo, goes downstairs, prepares to go to Tuanjie Lake to look on invitation. 秦朝不喜欢让人等,他辞别了李娜商洛,就下楼开着,准备去团结湖找应约。 But going out, Qin Chao is cold sweat. 但出了门之后,秦朝就是一头冷汗。 Outside traffic flow magnitude was too big. 外面的车流量太大了。 Qin Chao then remembers, today is in the weekend, the Capital City private car starts outside to run, the traffic condition is not very good. 秦朝这才想起,今天是周末,京都的私家车都开始外跑,交通状况不是很好。 He thinks, the decision takes subway. 他想了想,还是决定坐地铁。 Although subway person were many, but at least does not traffic jams. 地铁虽然人多了点,但起码不堵车嘛。 What is luckiest, does not need to sit Line 1. 最幸运的是,不用坐一号线。 Pushing subway time, Qin Chao received the Wang Yuan call. 挤地铁的时候,秦朝又接到了王鸳的电话。 The ting of his village brings in the attention of many person, when sees Qin Chao pulls out a village cell phone, the vision of various despising, fly to Qin Chao. 他那山寨的铃声引來很多人的注意,当看到秦朝掏出一山寨手机的时候,各种鄙视的目光,飞向了秦朝 Qin Chao also saw, these are the buddy of subway, in the hand is not iphone is ipad, but he does not care, I like with the village. 秦朝也看到了,这些做地铁的哥们,手里不是iphone就是ipad,但他不在乎,我就是喜欢用山寨。 Especially couple days ago a news, sold the kidney to buy iphone that buddy is third-level is disabled. 尤其前几天一个新闻,卖肾买iphone那哥们已经是三级伤残了。 The people are living, although must attach great importance to face-saving, but is not the entire job in the face. 人活着,虽然是得要面子,但也不是全活在面子上。 Qin Chao, you to,” 秦朝,你到哪啦,” Wang Yuan should worry very much, the sound in telephone also appears specially anxious. 王鸳应该是很着急,电话里的声音也显得特别的急切。 I on subway, but also one will arrive,” “我在地铁上呢,还一会就到了,” Ok, the subway exit / to speak is a hotel, I go downstairs to meet you,” “行,地铁出口就是饭店,我下楼去接你,” Wang Yuan looks like very worries. 王鸳看起來真的是挺着急的。 Um, ok,” “嗯,行,” Qin Chao had not opposed that after all others worry, in the hotel feared that could not sit still. 秦朝也沒反对,毕竟人家着急,在饭店里怕是坐不住了吧。 Ok, this, I'll wait you,” “ok,就这样,我等你,” Wang Yuan said that has hung up telephone. 王鸳说完,挂断了电话。 Qin Chao looked at the subway above prompt, was not far from Tuanjie Lake, he also receives the cell phone, has pushed outward pushing. 秦朝看了看地铁上面的提示,离团结湖已经不远了,他也收起手机,往外挤了挤。 „Do you do,” “你干什么,” At this time, an incisive female voice shouted. 就在这时候,一个尖锐的女声嚷了起來。 Qin Chao turns the head to look, in picture a woman of beautifully making up, carries to begin the handbag, has hit right in the face toward Qin Chao. 秦朝转头一看,一个画的浓妆艳抹的女人,拎着手里的皮包,劈头盖脸地向着秦朝就打了过來。 If others, so are it is estimated that sudden, certainly must be hit the head. 若是别人的话,估计这么突然一下,肯定要被打中脑袋。 But Qin Chao puts out a hand, blocks the handbag that has pounded. 秦朝只是一伸手,就挡住了那个砸下來的皮包。 In the package also has cell phone cosmetics anything probably, stiff stiff, if pounds on the person head, perhaps is heavy. 包里好像还有手机化妆品什么的,生硬生硬的,要是砸人脑袋上,恐怕不轻。 You hit me to make anything,” “你打我做什么,” Qin Chao is a little bewildered, was asking woman who that beautifully makes up. 秦朝有点莫名其妙,问着那浓妆艳抹的女人。 A moment ago looked was not careful, now carefully looks. 刚才看的不仔细,现在仔细一看。 My goodness, this makeup, was too a little thick. 好家伙,这妆,有点太浓了。 The powder on this face hits was also too thick...... 这脸上的粉打的也太厚了吧…… I go, this walks to shake. 我去,这走路能不能晃掉啊。 Qin Chao this is various worries. 秦朝这是各种担心啊。 That eye...... How to draw two dark pouches this...... 还有那眼睛……怎么画俩黑眼圈啊这…… Too exaggerated. 太夸张了吧。 What the lip also spreads was too a little red, felt with eating the child...... 嘴唇也涂的是不是有点太红了啊,怎么感觉跟吃小孩了似的…… You take the advantage of old lady, does not hit you to hit anyone, your smelly hoodlum,” “你占老娘的便宜,不打你打谁,你个臭流氓,” The woman brings the eye of black circle to stare Qin Chao. 那女人带着黑圈的眼睛瞪着秦朝 Em, 额, Qin Chao somewhat is in a daze, it is estimated that is pushed a moment ago outward, carefully has not bumped into this woman. 秦朝有些发愣,估计是自己刚才往外挤的时候,不小心碰到了这个女人吧。 Place that such pushes, some body contacts are unavoidable. 这么挤的地方,有些身体接触是难免的吧。 Sorry, I am not intentionally, please forgive,” “对不起,我不是故意的,请原谅,” Since were bumps into others, that at least should apologize. 既然是自己碰到人家了,那起码应该道个歉。 This politeness, Qin Chao has. 这点礼貌,秦朝还是有的。 You have touched the buttocks of old lady, sorry ended,” “你摸了老娘的屁股,一声对不起就完了,” The woman actually does not plan such to let off Qin Chao, old lady look at you are intentionally, your this public vehicle pervert,” 那女人却不打算这么就放过秦朝,“老娘看你就是故意的,你这个公车色狼,” Qin Chao was depressed. 秦朝就郁闷了。 The own multiple tastes, can carry on the behavior of crazy Han to this woman. 自己多重的口味啊,才能对这个女人进行痴汉的行为。 You want to be many,” “你想多了,” Qin Chao is disinclined to respond this woman, he gets to the entrance, is waiting for landing. 秦朝才懒得搭理这女人,他走到门口,等着下车。 Which you toward walk, today cannot walk,” “你往哪走,今天不许走,” The women are actually drawing the arm of Qin Chao, shouts. 女人却拉着秦朝的胳膊,嚷道。 Does not walk, you also planned that makes me remain to accompany you,” “不走,你还打算让我留下來陪你,” The Qin Chao faint smile looks at that woman. 秦朝似笑非笑地看着那个女人。 Bah, your this hoodlum, the old lady accompanies with you, today you must go the local police station with me, your this hoodlum, sentences your ten years eight years,” “呸,你这流氓,老娘用你陪,今天你必须跟我去派出所,你这流氓,判你个十年八年的,” Bumps into a legally illiterate. 得,碰上一法盲。 Qin Chao shakes the head, does not want to respond this woman again. 秦朝摇摇头,不想再搭理这女人了。 But the person on nearby vehicle whoops. 而旁边车上的人则议论纷纷。 „, Unexpectedly is public vehicle pervert,” “啧啧,竟然是公车色狼,” This man also too hunger and thirst, any person below going hand,” “这爷们也太饥渴了,什么人都下的去手,” Has to like the heavy taste......” “就有喜欢重口味的……” Qin Chao this waterfall perspiration, he is really not the heavy taste. 秦朝这个瀑布汗啊,他真的不是重口味啊。 But at this time Tuanjie Lake Station also arrived, Qin Chao must get out. 而这时候团结湖站也到了,秦朝就要下车。 The woman is drawing the arm of Qin Chao, hoodlum, where you toward run, everybody catches the hoodlum,” 那女人死活拉着秦朝的胳膊,“流氓,你往哪里跑,大家來抓流氓啊,” Other people interesting look at this woman, nobody goes forward to help. 其他人都是饶有兴趣地看着这个女人,沒人上前帮忙。 In their opinion, this woman is actually same in the discourteous that man. 在他们看來,倒是这个女人在非礼那个男人一样。 You have sufficed,” “你够了,” Qin Chao turned head to stare her one eyes: Has not ended,” 秦朝回头瞪了她一眼:“还有完沒完,” Your smelly hoodlum, you touched my you also to hold true you,” “你个臭流氓,你摸我你还有理了你,” The woman of beautifully making up grabs the Qin Chao arm to say. 浓妆艳抹的女人抓着秦朝胳膊道。 Good, since you like grabbing, that together gets out,” “好,既然你喜欢抓着,那就一起下车吧,” Qin Chao pulls out the arm, woman feels the body to soar immediately, was being brought by the Qin Chao arm, has entrained from the subway together. 秦朝一抽胳膊,那女人顿时感觉身体腾空而起,接着被秦朝胳膊带着,一起从地铁里拽了出來。 Then, Qin Chao shakes the arm, woman body instantaneously hit has drawn back two steps toward side, hits on nearby stone column. 接着,秦朝一抖胳膊,那女人身体瞬间被撞的往旁边退了两步,撞在一旁的石柱上。 Qin Chao has used the skillful strength, throws away this woman, has not made this fellow be injured. 秦朝只是用了巧力,甩脱这女人而已,并沒让这家伙受伤。 Oh, hit the person,” “哎呀,打人了,” The woman, by shouted to shout on the stone column endlessly. 那女人沒完沒了地,靠在石柱上扯着嗓子就嚷了起來。 Qin Chao this annoyance, he turns the head to walk toward the subway outside. 秦朝这个心烦,他转头向着地铁外面走去。 The women looked that Qin Chao must run, pursued hastily. 女人一看秦朝要跑,连忙追了上去。 Cannot in vain cheap this hoodlum, an error money from him does not come out, does right by the touched buttocks. 不能白白便宜了这个流氓,不从他身上讹点钱出來,怎么对得起自己被摸的屁股。 Qin Chao with the aid of the crowded crowd, is far away from that woman. 秦朝借助拥挤的人群,远离着那个女人。 But that woman also really has patience, is unforgiving pursues in behind. 但那女人还真是有耐心,不依不饶地追在后面。 Qin Chao is helpless, he has the matter to manage, does not have the time and that woman pesters. 秦朝无奈,他有事要办,沒时间和那个女人纠缠下去。 Quick, he left underground station, saw that stands Wang Yuan outside stopping place. 很快,他出了地铁站,就看到了那站在站口外面的王鸳 This little girl now is an anxiety of face, sees Qin Chao, saw the meat like hungry many days of shepherds, two eye brushes brush to brave up. 这妞现在是一脸的焦急,看到秦朝,就像饿了好多天的狼狗看到了肉一样,两眼刷刷冒光。 Qin Chao, this,” 秦朝,这呢这呢,” She beckons to Qin Chao again and again, then thought that this is not powerful, but also ran over personally, has held on the arm of Qin Chao, laborious Mr. Qin Da, we went upstairs quickly,” 她连连对秦朝招手,然后觉得这样不给力,还亲自跑了过來,拉住了秦朝的胳膊,“辛苦秦大老板了,我们快上楼吧,” Em, is good,” 额,好,” Qin Chao nods. 秦朝点点头。 But follows behind Qin Chao, huffs and puffs the woman who runs from the subway to see Wang Yuan, immediately ran dingily. 而跟在秦朝后面,呼哧带喘从地铁里跑出來的女人看到王鸳,顿时灰溜溜地就又跑了回去。 Others have such Beauty, but can also take own advantage...... 人家有这样的美女,还能占自己的便宜…… Which to has not managed, sneaks off. 到哪自己也沒理了,还是溜走吧。 Qin Chao saw that woman walked, does not have cares. 秦朝看到那女人走了,也沒太在意。 Wang Yuan imperceptibly has also helped oneself. 王鸳也算是无形中帮了自己一把。 But at the same time, Huang Ping sits in dining room, saw by the glass walks Qin Chao that from the subway. 而与此同时,黄平坐在餐厅里面,透过玻璃看到了从地铁里走出來的秦朝 Originally is he,” “原來是他,” Huang Shao, this is not the Li Na scandal boyfriend,” “黄少,这不是李娜的绯闻男友么,” Ma Ruohang sits in the one side, has recognized. 马若航坐在一旁,也认了出來。 Hey, I also think that this Wang Yuan can find any person, looks for him, can be useful, this time, Wang Family must be finished,” “嘿,我还以为这王鸳能找什么人,找他,能有什么用,这一次,王家真的要完蛋了,” Huang Ping smokes, cannot bear happily smile. 黄平抽着烟,忍不住得意地笑了起來。 But Wang Yuan does not know that Huang Ping has sentenced the death penalty to her family|home, is leading Qin Chao warmly, entered the hotel. 王鸳不知道黄平已经对她家判了死刑,正热情地领着秦朝,进了饭店。 ==================================== ==================================== Prays for the wife Sir, hopes the score on the test that she comes out today is good. 为老婆大人祈福,希望她今天出來的考试成绩非常好。 Confesses the refresh time while convenient: Usually, refresh time is from 9 to 5, if in the weekend in addition, the time is late eight points ~ thanks everybody to support ~ 顺便交代一下更新时间:平时,更新时间是朝九晚五,周末若是加更,时间是晚八点~谢谢大家支持~
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